Magma mixing in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ - Springer Link

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to the south and the Grand Canyon to the north. Volcanic activity in the SFVF ... as those of Yellowstone and Long Valley (Hildreth 1981). Although small in size ...
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology

Contrib Mineral Petrol (1989) 102: 429-453

9 Springer-Verlag 1989

Magma mixing in the San Francisco Volcanic Field, AZ Petrogenesis of the O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater Volcanics Anne L. Bloomfield and Richard J. Arcuhs

Department of Geological Sciences, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109, USA

Abstract. A wide variety of rock types are present in the

O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater volcanics of the Pliocene to Recent San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF), AZ. The O'Leary Peak flows range from andesite to rhyolite (56-72 wt % SiO2) and the Strawberry Crater flows range from basalt to dacite (4%64 wt % SiO2). Our interpretation of the chemical data is that both magma mixing and crustal melting are important in the genesis of the intermediate composition lavas of both suites. Observed chemical variations in major and trace elements can be modeled as binary mixtures between a crustal melt similar to the O'Leary dome rhyolite and two different marie end-members. The mafic end-member of the Strawberry suite may be a primary mantle-derived melt. Similar basalts have also been erupted from many other vents in the SFVF. In the O'Leary Peak suite, the mafic end-member is an evolved (low Mg/(Mg + Fe)) basalt that is chemically distinct from the Strawberry Crater and other vent basalts as it is richer in total Fe, TiO2, A1203, MnO, Na20, K20, and Zr and poorer in MgO, CaO, P2Os, Ni, Sc, Cr, and V. The derivative basalt probably results from fractional crystallization of the more primitive, vent basalt type of magma. This evolved basalt occurs as xenolithic (but originally magmatic) inclusions in the O'Leary domes and andesite porphyry flow. The most mafic xenolith may represent melt that mixed with the O'Leary dome rhyolite resulting in andesite preserved as other xenoliths, a pyroclastic unit (Qoap), porphyry flow (Qoaf) and dacite (Darton Dome) magmas. Thermal constraints on the capacity of a melt to assimilate (and melt) a volume of solid material require that melt mixing and not assimilation has produced the observed intermediate lavas at both Strawberry Crater and O'Leary Peak. Textures, petrography, and mineral chemistry support the magma mixing model. Some of the inclusions have quenched rims where in contact with the host. The intermediate rocks, including the andesite xenoliths, contain xenocrysts of quartz, olivine and oligoclase, together with reversely zoned plagioclase and pyroxene phenocrysts. The abundance of intermediate volcanic rocks in the SFVF, as observed in detail at O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater, is due in part to crustal recycling, the result of basalt-driven crustal melting and the subsequent mixing of the silicic melts with basalts and derivative magmas.


The San Francisco Volcanic Field (SFVF) is located on the southwestern edge of the Colorado Plateau close to the transition zone between the Colorado Plateau and the Basin and Range Province (Fig. I). The volcanic rocks cap Mesozoic to PreCambrian sedimentary and metamorphic sequences which are exposed in the Oak Creek Canyon to the south and the Grand Canyon to the north. Volcanic activity in the SFVF began about 5 Ma ago (Damon et al. 1974) with the most recent eruption in 1064 AD (Smiley 1958). The SFVF extends over an area of roughly 5000 km a and is composed of six large silicic centers, which rise to a height of 3800 m, or about 1800 m above the general elevation of the Colorado Plateau in the region, and over 500 smaller basaltic and andesitic vents. Previous studies have shown that the SFVF contains an unusual volumetric abundance of calc-alkalic, intermediate composition lavas compared with Basin and Range Province magmatism of similar age (Robinson 1913; Wenrich-Verbeek 1979; Moore et al. 1974) and is in contrast with the primarily bimodal basalt and rhyolite magmatism typical of other post Oligocene volcanism in the southwestern U.S. (Christiansen and Lipman 1972). The relative abundance of intermediate, calc-alkalic lavas cannot be explained by contemporaneous subduction I/ N3~ "" S~N FRANCISCO





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Fig. 1. Sketch map of the location of the San Francisco Volcani Offprint requests to ." A.L. Bloomfield

Field in Arizona, with the main silicic centers shown in the stippled areas

430 of lithosphere beneath the Colorado Plateau. Projections of the evolution of the East Pacific Rise-San Andreas transform system (Dickinson and Snyder 1979) show that the last r e m n a n t s of the subducted F a r a l l o n plate should have passed beneath the S F V F at least 10 M a ago, 5 M a prior to the onset of volcanism. A review by Gill (1981) of the time gap between cessation of subduction and associated magmatism suggests that these events are esssentially simultaneous, and are not generally charaterized by the inception a n d c o n t i n u a t i o n of magmatism after a time interval of 5-10 Ma. The a b u n d a n c e of anorogenic intermediate lavas in the S F V F has implications for our u n d e r s t a n d i n g of basaltcontinental crust interactions and the chemical evolution of pre-existing crust by mobilization of low-melting point components. M a n y of the relative trace element a b u n d a n c e s of the intermediate and silicic volcanics of the S F V F are similar to those of subduction-related magmas, yet appear to be inherited from crustal melting processes (Gust and Arculus 1986; Arculus 1987). Basalt-driven crustal melting appears to be the primary process involved in the genesis of large silicic centers such as those of Yellowstone and Long Valley (Hildreth 1981). Although small in size relative to these centers, the S F V F is of particular interest because most, if n o t all, of the potential petrogenetic end-member components are exposed at the surface. These consist of mantle-derived basalts, mafic

and ultramafic cumulate xenoliths (Stoeser 1974), lower crustal granulite xenoliths displaying partial melt features (Pushkar and Stoeser 1987), and rhyolitic and andesitic volcanic rocks. M a n y of the processes which can be readily sampled and deciphered in the SFVF may be representative of those which occur at much larger silicic systems.

Previous studies A n u m b e r of previous petrologic and isotopic studies of the SFVF have concentrated on the field as a whole and not on individual suites of cogenetic lavas. Even with these broad-based approaches, some features appear to be at odds with the geochemical trends expected as a result of magmatic evolution dominated by fractional crystallization. F o r example, rocks from the SFVF straddle the alkalicsubalkalic divisors of Irvine and Baragar (1971), M a c D o n ald and K a t s u r a (1964) and Le Bas et al. (1986). Trace element data for basaltic rocks also project in fields that transgress tectonic discriminant boundaries (Arculus 1987). Previous workers have attributed the chemical variations in the SFVF to a variety of processes including fractional crystallization, melting of heterogeneous mantle and assimilation. Moore et al. (1974) studied the eastern and northern parts of the S F V F and recognized the gradational nature of the volcanics that span the gap between the Hawaiian alkalic trend of M a c D o n a l d (1968) and the Cascade

Table 1a. Chemical analyses of samples from O'Leary Peak Sample

Xenoliths 72201A











SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Fe203 MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P2Os

49.76 2.58 17.18 12.02 0.22 4.57 6.96 3.94 2.22 0.57

50.42 2.45 16.96 11.60 0.17 4.26 7.19 4.41 1.62 0.53

53.47 2.18 16.80 10.74 0.18 3.58 6.14 4.59 1.88 0.57

55.97 t.87 16.28 9.97 0.17 3.18 5.67 4.35 2.04 0.53

53.18 2.29 17.07 10.93 0.18 3.40 5.55 4.45 2.24 0.55

53.45 2.17 17.43 10.84 0.18 3.38 5.32 4.28 2.29 0.52

54.74 2.00 17.27 10.19 0.18 3.08 5.26 4.74 2.34 0.46

53.38 2.18 17.10 10.86 0.19 3.37 5.38 4.52 2.36 0.60

57.56 1.92 15.85 9.49 0.16 3.13 5.70 4.18 1.50 0.55

55.52 1.91 16.39 10.27 0.18 3.14 5.68 4.36 1.81 0.62

54.53 2.00 16.89 10.72 0.17 3.16 5.47 4.83 2.01 0.55













39 309 26 692 1.7 4.9 18 79 5 43.8

32 249 28 909 5.4 19 68

34 314 29 748 2.4 5.7 17 69

36 299 33 757 0.8 8.8 18 130 5


38 316 32 716 3.2 17.0 18 143 9 2 33.7

38 299 30 708 3.1 10.5 19 139 8

3 14.3

32 311 27 610 1.6 7.0 18 80 3 5 1 20.2

38 327 32 756 3.2 10.3 20 139 4 1 1 34.6

34 278 31 734 2.3 5.8 16 63 2 16.0

33 336 28 664 0.8 4.5 19 76 2

33 348 29 664 3.2 4.6 19 78 1 1 22.3





Nb Zr Y Sr Th Pb Ga Zn Cu Ni U Rb Cr

Ce Sc Nd Ba V La

73 12 30 644 142 38

73 17 21 629 112 41


76 14 25 707 81 35

75 12 31 681 71 25

30.7 76 16 26 727 76 42






78 14 40 780 68 56

80 16 33 792 54 50

84 13 27 692 58 38

72 11 33 692 72 36

17.2 75 13 38 726 75 35

74 10 33 698 74 37

431 Range trend of Carmichael (1964). The authors stressed that the history of the generation a n d evolution of the rock types is complex, and recognized no simple pattern of systematic magmatic evolution through time. Low 87Sr/86Sr ratios suggested to these authors that the lavas had experienced little (upper) crustal contamination. Evidence for fractional crystallization was presented in a study of mafic and ultramafic xenoliths from the SFVF by Stoeser (1974), who concluded that the xenoliths are cumulates resulting from differentiation of alkali olivine basalt intrusions emplaced in the crust at depths of up to 42 km (14 kbar). Wenrich-Verbeek (1979) studied a suite from H u m p h r e y ' s Peak (one of the group forming San Francisco Mountain), and concluded that fractional crystallization had resulted in the formation of intermediate volcanics. O n the basis of distinctive Pb isotopic characteristics, Everson (1979) suggested that the generation of the different rock types (basalt through rhyolite) of the SFVF resulted from separate melting events of geochemically heterogeneous upper mantle source regions, established concurrently with the last major crustal formation event at about 1.6 G a ago. Rapakivi feldspars in the O'Leary Peak rhyolite were studied by Bladh (1980), who concluded that these feldspars were the result o f " basification" of the dome by the partial assimilation of xenolithic material. T a n a k a et al. (1986) proposed that the magmatism in this anorogenic setring results from shear heating at the base of the lithosphere,

and that the overall eastward drift of magmatism has resuited from absolute westward m o t i o n of the North American plate.

Purpose of study It became apparent from a regional petrologic study (Arculus et al. in prep.), conducted as part of field-wide geologic investigations led by the United States Geological Survey, that unraveling of the petrogenetic processes would require detailed examination of individual eruptive centers. F o r example, a plot of MgO vs SiO2 for samples from the SFVF analyzed by the U.S.G.S. (Moore and Wolfe 1987; Newhall et al. 1987; Ulrich and Bailey 1987; Wolfe et al. 1987a, b) illustrates the wide compositional variation within the SFVF as a whole (Fig. 2). It is difficult to ascribe observed chemical variations to particular petrogenetic processes with any confidence because there is no clear way to determine which samples are petrogenetically related. Consequently, two centers were chosen for detailed study: O'Leary Peak, which is one of the six large silicic centers, and Strawberry Crater, a small differentiated vent. These two centers differ in total volume and general chemistry of erupted lavas. Strawberry Crater is considerably smaller than O'Leary Peak and is dominated by basalts and basaltic andesites whereas O'Leary Peak is dominated by dacites and rhyolites. These physical and geochemical

Qord: northern dome

Qord: Darton Dome




72201C a









52.92 1.98 17.03 10.99 0.17 3.43 6.13 4.21 1.91 0.57

50.49 2.47 17.12 11.85 0.18 4.10 7.33 4.13 1.46 0.57

56.40 1.76 16.86 9.09 0.16 2.98 5.39 4.73 2.12 0.53

44.51 4.02 16.97 14.79 0.15 6.91 10.04 3.27 0.73 0.25

54.42 2.20 16.70 10.55 0.17 3.54 6.13 4.41 1.49 0.53

70.84 0.31 14.82 3.42 0.10 0.04 1.40 4.95 4.01 0.12

71.10 0.31 15.17 3.21 0.09 0.36 1.51 5.06 3.78 0.12

70.74 0.27 15.02 2.98 0.09 0.00 1.49 4.93 3.79 0.09

70.71 0.29 15.12 3.05 0.09 0.03 1.55 4.90 3.83 0.13

70.59 0.29 15.04 3.10 0.09 0.01 1.54 4.96 3.77 0.12

66.86 0.59 16.20 4.57 0.11 0.92 2.40 4.97 3.58 0.18

65.93 0.73 15.96 5.06 0.12 1.00 2.78 4.40 3.67 0.26













32 351 25 657

33 295 30 863 0.6 5.4 19 66 1

37 312 30 732 6.0 6.2 18 61

20 146 24 885 1.7 19 59 3 5 . 5.2

34 293 30 761 0.8 4.6 16 72 . .

42 263 23 242 15.6 17.2 16 49

38 234 23 279 13.8 14.6 19 39

37 238 20 273 12.4 11.5 18 39 . . 1 58.3

35 229 22 283 13.6 14.0 19 42

37 244 21 275 13.0 13.7 17 37

40 298 25 381 12.5 14.6 18 50

39 291 26 422 9.8 11.5 18 54

t 3 59.3

3 49.6

2 46.3

31 32 20 252 261 2

82 14 30 674 84 34

5.7 20 86 4 3 . 16.1 71 12 24 710 72 36



15.8 71 14 29 587 107 33

. 26.2 87 14 38 825 53 48


. .

. 6 65.6 80 3 19 1111 1 56

. 4 59.0 86 2 18 1180 7 57

71 1 12 1171 2 48

. 4 58.8 97 3 22 1136 7 63

79 1 24 1058 1 43

85 4 23 1164 11 58

81 4 19 1113 19 60

432 Table 1 a (continued) Sample

Qord: Darton Dome 72903







65.70 0.74 15.97 5.10 0.11 1.22 3.13 4.78 3.38 0.23

66.36 0.75 15.57 5.03 0.11 1.19 2.63 4.98 3.43 0.19

67.00 0.66 15.95 4.72 0.11 1.00 2.44 4.74 3.48 0.23

61.22 1.25 16.20 7.10 0.14 2.13 4.16 4.65 2.81 0.39

62.98 1.08 16.16 6.48 0.13 1.76 3.56 4.91 2.90 0.32

64.87 0.93 15.87 5.83 0.12 1.48 3.32 4.97 3.04 0.27






39 304 26 422 12.4 11.2 18 51 . 2 49.0

37 285 24 394 11.6 11.8 16 50 . 1 50.2

38 290 26 368 12.0 12.8 18 53

38 317 27 559 6.8 9.7 17 57 . 1 1 39.0

38 307 27 501 10.5 8.5 17 58 .

SiO2 TiOa A12Oa Fe2Oa MnO MgO Ca 9 Na20 KaO P20s Total Nb Zr Y Sr Th Pb Ga Zn Cu Ni U Rb C r



Ce Sc Nd Ba V La














-.': 9 . . 9 : .







. . . .





" .. 9




56.51 1.79 16.80 9.16 0.16 2.92 5.57 4.94 1.98 0.53

58.63 1.56 16.39 8.27 0.15 2.51 4.99 4.78 2.31 0.48

71.56 0.12 14.73 2.57 0.10 0.09 1.01 5.26 4.17 0.03

66.77 0.45 16.43 4.68 0.15 0.35 2.40 5.63 2.93 0.17

66.95 0.47 16.25 4.62 0.14 0.39 2.46 5.28 2.88 0.17







38 292 25 462 7.7 11.1 17 53

38 321 30 690 5.0 5.8 17 64

38 318 29 621 4.8 4.9 18 65 .

41 269 29 143 11.6 22.4 18 82 . 1 2 68.4

34 444 26 486 5.3 12.5 19 76

34 404 26 489 5.9 11.7 18 73


1 45.8




1 46.2 .

78 4 22 991 18 42

1 33.7

26.6 .


85 14 26 766 70 42


87 11 29 807 50 42

108 2 27 1506 1 65

93 4 21 1304

92 7 26 1264




Bulk chemistry


. .

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Analytical techniques




9 9 .~:Y_-'.I~,C, i-'...~3t, ." . - . ~ - I I - I ~ - ~ : 9 ..


Qov and Qorv

study of these two centers provides insight into the processes i n v o l v e d i n t h e e v o l u t i o n o f t h e s e s y s t e m s a n d m a y h e l p u s to u n d e r s t a n d t h e genesis o f o t h e r S F V F suites and more generally, the formation of calc-alkaline andesites in a n i n t r a c o n t i n e n t a l , n o n - s u b d u c t i o n z o n e setting.








.. o ~ ~3[-l .~].~ e'l~~ 951~4 9'1.4 9, .

9 9




e e l



9 9 %

9 9,.'.r~t~ I ~



87 7 23 975 33 43


99. ~ '9.



9 O






9 e 9


87 10 27 924 35 50


t 9 9 9









89 3 28 1149 19 50



12 9

. 1 1 46.9

78 5 14 1113 22 50


9 "



89 7 26 1074 21 55













SiO 2

Fig. 2. MgO wt % v s S i O 2 wt % for samples collected throughout the SFVF by the USGS, data from Moore and Wolfe (1987), Newhall et al. (1987), Ulrich and Bailey (1987), Wolfe et al. (1987a), Wolfe et al. (1987b) d i f f e r e n c e s m a y reflect d i f f e r e n t p r o c e s s e s i n v o l v e d i n t h e evolution of the volcanic centers. However, the Strawberry and O'Leary centers may be fundamentally similar systems a t d i f f e r e n t stages o f e v o l u t i o n . A d e t a i l e d g e o c h e m i c a l

Whole rock bulk analyses were obtained using the University of Michigan Philips PW1400 Automated X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer equipped with a R h target X-ray tube. Major element chemistry was measured on fused disks prepared from a mixture of whole rock powder and Li-tetraborate flux (Spectroflux 105), using methods similar to those of Norrish and H u t t o n (1969) and Harvey et al. (1973). Concentrations of 19 trace elements (Nb, Zr, Y, Sr, Th, Pb, Ga, Zn, Cu, Ni, U, Rb, Cr, Ce, Sc, Nd, Ba, V, La) were measured on pressed powder pellets using modifications of methods outlined by Norrish and Chappell (1967). Relative precision reported is generally + 2 % for Rb and Sr; ___3% for Nb, Y, Pb, Sc, Ga, Zn and V; -t-5% for Ba, Zr, Ni, Cr and Cu; and • 10% for La, Ce, Nd, Th and U. Where possible, fragments of xenolithic material, which are readily distinguished from host rocks on the basis of color, were hand picked and removed from the rock fragments to be analyzed. Major and trace element chemistry for the samples analyzed are displayed in Table I and CIPW normative mineralogies are presented in Table 2.


Qoo and Qoov














67.84 0.41 16.02 4.72 0.14 0.27 2.15 5.40 2.91 0.23

66.46 0.44 16.09 4.63 0.14 0.64 2.74 5.34 2.95 0.33

67.36 0.35 15.78 4.48 0.15 0.69 2.48 5.51 3.04 0.14

67.14 0.43 16.33 4.67 0.14 0.60 2.37 5.53 2.90 0.16

69.38 0.23 15.42 3.53 0.11 0.40 1.91 5.46 3.51 0.16

71.58 0.16 14.95 2.83 0.10 0.30 1.55 4.97 4.14 0.05

67.35 0.35 16.27 4.61 0.16 0.51 2.18 5.76 3.06 0.13

68.79 0.26 15.65 3.82 0.12 0.49 1.83 5.49 3.48 0.11

67.68 0.32 16.17 4.37 0.14 0.46 2.04 5.33 3.29 0.15

67.96 0.32 15.89 4.40 0.14 0.56 2.15 5.74 3.06 0.15

67.65 0.34 15.81 4.42 0.14 0.88 2.16 5.60 2.98 0.12

66.92 0.44 16.07 4.46 0.13 0.67 2.34 5.46 2.96 0.18













34 533 25 441 7.0 9.1 20 81

33 450 26 485 4.7 12.9 18 79

34 559 26 426 6.4 12.1 18 75

34 467 27 479 7.1 14.0 19 76

37 420 27 289 10.0 11.9 19 64

40 309 29 185 10.3 15.4 18 75

35 582 27 420 7.0 9.4 18 69

35 473 29 324 7.3 12.7 18 105

35 547 30 403 4.1 12.7 19 75

35 546 26 394 7.5 13.8 19 74

33 553 28 418 4.1 11.6 19 75

34 389 26 467 8.7 13.1 18 69



2 54.1

1 63.7

4 3 42.3

3 1 55.9

1 1 46.4


3 46.4

1 46.6

44.7 92 3 27 1351 2 52


43.8 83 3 22 1323 . 51

. 1 45.7 92 3 26 1384


. 50

. 44.8 96 3 25 1317 . 60


98 0 21 1510

102 0 26 1493



Mineral chemistry Mineral chemistry was determined using the University of Michigan Cameca Camebax electron microprobe, using 15 kV accelerating voltage and 10 n A beam current. Peaks and backgrounds were counted for 30 s. For feldspar analyses, the electron beam was rastered over a six micron area to reduce N a volatilization. Representative mineral analyses are presented in Tables 3-7. Feldspar and pyroxene compositions are plotted in Figs. 3 and 4.

103 5 32 1468 I 61

99 1 23 1551 5 57

101 3 23 1449 1 57

95 2 23 1463 56

92 3 24 1339 5 47

90 3 25 1227 52

pyroclastic deposit (Qoap) that occurs on the flanks of the domes (Moore et al. 1974). Strawberry Crater is located just east of the D e a d m a n Mesa lava flow of O'Leary Peak and about 6 km northeast of O'Leary Peak dome (Fig. 5). Strawberry Crater is a differentiated vent composed of a series of pyroclastic deposits that form a cinder cone (Qmac), a small andesitic plug (Qmr), and a lava flow (Qma) that extends for about 4 km to the northeast. The units have been constrained with K - - A r methods to the last 100 ka (46_+46 ka) (Dam o n et al. 1974).

O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater - General description Classification and petrography The O'Leary Peak suite, as mapped by Moore and Wolfe (1976), is composed of seven major volcanic units extending over an area of approximately 50 km 2 (Fig. 5). The highly silicic units form thick flows and topographically prominent domes. Numerous Pleistocene to Recent basaltic cinder cones and basalt flows are located in the vicinity of O'Leary Peak. The rhyolitic dome rises to 2725 m, some 700 m above the surronding plateau. The dome has been dated by K - A r methods as 233_+37 ka (Damon et al. 1974). F r o m oldest to youngest, the eruptive sequence determined from stratigraphic relationships by Moore et al. (1974) includes an andesite porphyry flow (Qoaf), the rhyolite porphyry domes of O'Leary Peak (Qord), a rhyodacite obsidian flow (Qoo), and the rhyodacite flow of Deadman Mesa (Qor). Other units, whose relative ages are less well constrained, include a poorly exposed dacite flow (Qod) that underlies Qoo; the rhyodacite dome of Robinson Crater (Qorr) that overlies Qoaf and Qord; and an andesite

O'Leary Peak The O'Leary lavas vary between 56 and 72 wt % SiO2 (Table 1). There are also xenoliths with 49-58 wt % SiO2 entrained in the O'Leary rhyolite domes and andesite porphyry flow. According to the classification proposed by Le Bas et al. (1986), the O'Leary Peak suite is generally alkaline, spanning the range from hawaiite (the most marie xenoliths) through mugearite and benmoreite to trachyte and alkali rhyolite (Fig. 6). However, the modal and normative mineralogies of the samples are more typical of a subalkaline suite. All O'Leary samples are silica-saturated (with the exception of one xenolith with minor normative nepheline) and have normative hypersthene. In addition, most samples contain normative quartz and many contain normative corundum. This is consistent with the observed modal mineralogy: groundmass hypersthene is common, as is quartz in the more silicic samples. Furthermore,


Table 1 b. Chemical analyses of Samples from Strawberry Crater and other basaltic vents Sample


Strawberry Crater








Qmac 80302G

Qmac 80302A

TiO2 A12Oa Fe203 MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P2Os

49.91 1.33 14.81 10.02 0.16 8.25 10.31 2.98 1.13 0.61

48.33 1.42 17.18 10.81 0.18 6.73 9.89 3.18 0.84 0.86

49.68 1.34 14.76 10.13 0.17 8.30 10.50 2.90 1.09 0.62

49.37 1.21 15.54 10.28 0.17 8.26 10.36 2.81 0.91 0.74

47.12 1.41 12.69 10.68 0.17 12.89 10.82 2.18 0.72 0.60

47.06 1.40 12.59 10.70 0.18 12.96 10.87 2.17 0.67 0.57

47.29 1.62 15.23 11.95 0.17 8.79 10.14 3.12 0.82 0.51

49.15 1.33 15.41 10.72 0.17 8.14 10.27 2.90 0.95 0.64

55.63 1.04 15.27 8.17 0.14 5.40 7.73 3.70 2.08 0.47











42 216 20 774 14.5 5.2 17 67 85 85 11.4 246 142 30 38 1083 214 82

42 219 24 954 15.6 1.6 21 71 30 35 6.6 32 148 31 45 1290 211 93

41 205 20 774 13.8 4.7 18 67 110 91 2 10.6 237 132 30 38 1049 205 75

40 202 21 779 15.4 3.1 17 68 58 77 1 9.8 121 140 29 46 1094 220 89

34 173 18 668 8.3 3.2 15 66 51 265 . 5.8 967 83 34 30 794 217 42

35 169 18 674 8.3 0.5 16 63 51 261

27 179 24 605 1.7 1.1 18 78 80 152 . 12.1 397 69 33 30 515 214 25

42 205 21 785 11.5 6.9 19 75 16 83

35 266 18 619 14.8 3.8 17 59 46 45 1 17.8 106 122 21 35 1113 159 78

SiO 2

Nb Zr Y Sr Th Pb Ga Zn Cu Ni U Rb Cr Ce Sc Nd Ba V La


. 6.6 995 81 34 32 804 222 46

10.8 241 143 30 42 1023 215 85

Table 2a. CIPW normative mineralogy of samples from O'Leary Peak a Xenoliths 72201A Q








Or Ab An Ne Di Hy Ol Mt I1 Ap

12.95 32.59 22.27 0.17 6.79 14.93 2.58 4.84 1.25

9.38 36.65 21.35 . 8.66 0.23 12.87 2.49 4.58 1.16




72201F 4.49



11.94 41.60 21.10


6.38 7.78 1.75 2.51 4.45 1.33

5.13 8.35 2.32 3.82 1.26

14.16 40.27 21.37 . 3.54 8.03 1.98 2.55 4.67 1.30








0.31 .

12.91 39.35 20.21





14.74 39.40 23.52 . 1.31 10.08 2.57 4.50 1.24

14.87 43.25 20.39 . 3.78 8.49 0.18 2.39 4.10 1.08









9.50 37.80 21.43

11.55 39.81 21.31

12.86 44.41 20.04

2.97 7.54 2.83 2.52 4.42 1.41

4.15 8.21 2.21 3.91 1.30

3.96 8.79 2.41 3.92 1.46

4.57 8.91 2.54 4.13 1.32







14,84 40.70 20.64 .



a Weight based norms using FeO/(FeO + FeaO3) = 0.85

in terms o f the normative-type discriminants of Irvine and Baragar (1971), the O'Leary suite projects almost entirely within subalkaline fields (and specifically calc-alkaline) (Fig. 7). A number o f voluminous silicic ash flows, which appear to be subalkaline magmas on the basis of mineralogical characteris-

tics, contain comparable but relatively high combined alkali contents (e.g., Carpenter Ridge (--~1500 km 3) with 8.1-9.2 ( N a z O + K20) wt % for lavas in the range of 66%-73% SiOz (Lipman 1975) and Rainier Mesa (-~ 1000 km 3) with 9.4-8.6 (NazO + KzO) wt % in the range 69%-77% SiO2 (Quilivan and Byers 1977).


Strawberry Crater Qmac 72206c

Qmac 80302E

Qmac 80302C

Qmac 72206A

Qma 80403

Qma 80402

Qma 80401

Qmr 80303

Qmr 80304

55.80 1.03 15.43 8.15 0.14 5.34 7.51 3.74 2.08 0.47

49.83 1.36 15.21 10.33 0.17 7.57 11.99 2.89 1.05 0.64

49.05 1.29 14.80 10.14 0.17 7.92 12.65 2.60 0.88 0.64

57.11 0.96 15.42 7.68 0.14 4.72 6.85 3.83 2.30 0.43

59.35 0.92 15.56 7.07 0.13 4.04 5.98 3.98 2.56 0.41

59.49 0.87 15.34 6.85 0.12 4.02 6.25 4.01 2.65 0.40

54.12 1.11 15.09 8.88 0.15 6.63 8.14 3.41 1.77 0.50

63.98 0.64 15.40 5.33 0.11 2.69 4.24 4.33 3.37 0.27

59.69 0.83 15.17 6.89 0.12 4.44 6.10 4.07 2.69 0.40










35 266 19 618 15.4 6.6 18 59 48 50

40 215 21 816 13.5 4.3 18 70 49 69

38 202 20 791 14.0 2.9 17 69 33 72

34 286 18 600 12.9 6.9 16 54 27 39

34 306 18 565 11.8 7.1 17 57 28 28

33 308 17 529 12.5 8.0 16 54 25 31

36 249 18 642 13.7 4.9 17 61 22 79

28 326 17 428 14.0 9.0 16 45 9 22

33 296 17 527 13.9 7.1 17 53 18 40



18.5 115 124 18 37 1100 149 75


9.0 155 133 30 44 1029 236 75

8.4 203 127 29 35 976 286 74



21.6 93 117 13 37 1181 113 74


23.0 37 114 14 35 1207 109 75


24.5 63 122 15 31 1223 109 72


16.8 127 115 24 37 1093 159 81

Qord: northern dome 73110B



2.60 4.09 1.36

. 8.98 36.26 24.75 . 7.67 4.16 8.03 2.68 4.88 1.30



12.22 38.57 23.81 . 4.29 9.59




3.43 . 13.40 42.80 19.85 . 4.28 7.82 2.12 3.58 1.24 98.54


23.6 126 118 16 32 1195 103 79

Qord: Darton Dome








22.50 0.57 22.81 43.77 6.88

23.46 0.65 22.77 42.39 6.93 . . 1.36

23.25 0.85 22.92 41.93 6.90

23.03 0.60 22.55 42.53 6.97

16.26 0.45 21.56 42.91 10.94

17.49 0.64 22.20 38.13 12.38




2.49 4.52 1.25

4.21 18.25 28.76 4.74 15.60 17.68 3.15 7.48 0.53

22.65 0.15 24.27 42.87 6.31 . . 1.64 . 0.76 0.61 0.27





72201C b


30.6 66 107 10 23 1240 66 75


. 9.53 40.33 23.t2 5.07 9.18


. .

. 2.06 .


. . 1.43




0.71 0.59 0.27

0.66 0.53 0.21

0.67 0.55 0.29

0.68 0.55 0.26

1.02 t.15 0.41

1.13 1.42 0.58







b cumulate

Clearly, classification based solely on alkali versus silica content can be somewhat inconsistent with mineralogical characteristics. In this account, units are referred to by their mapped name (subalkaline nomenclature), but the alkalic terms are also used in discussion of the geochemical variations observed.

Rhyolite domes (Qord). The rhyolite dome has been mapped as one unit, but there are actually two different domes with somewhat different chemistries: the northern dome and Darton Dome. The northern dome is an alkali rhyolite with 70.5%-71.1 wt % 8i02, while Darton Dome is a quartz trachyte with 65.7-66.9 wt % SiO2.


Table 2 a (continued) Sample

Qord: Darton Dome 72903





Q C Or Ab An Ne Di Hy O1 Mt I1 Ap

15.35 20.46 41.40 12.41 . 1.59 3.80 . 1.14 1.45 0.52

15.87 20.94 43.61 10.36

18.18 1.03 21.07 41.19 10.87 . 3.69

10.30 . 17.54 41.52 15.86 . 2.70 5.93





. 1.51 3.77

73102 11.92 . 17.96 43.50 14.16 .

1.06 1.29 0.53

1.63 2.51 0.90








Qor and Qorv



72802 17.98 0.76 17.61 46.20 11.51




12.58 44.91 19.10

14.56 43.15 17.53

24.44 44.14 4.23

15.61 0.08 17.84 49.09 11.14

5.69 7.40

4.66 6.58

0.43 1.27





1.13 1.47 0.44



14,12 . 18.73 43.79 12.51


1.81 5.26 . 1.48 2.15 0.73




2.36 4.38 . 1.32 1.85 0.61 99.68





2.14 3.67 1.26

1.92 6.17 1.12

0.55 0.23 0.06

1.05 0.89 0.38

1.04 0.92 0.38






Table 2b. CIPW normative mineralogy of Strawberry Crater and other basaltic vents" Sample


Strawberry Crater












Or Ab An Ne Di Hy O1 Mt I1 Ap

6.64 25.00 23.45 . 20.05 3.53 13.36 2.16 2.51 1.33




Strawberry Crater




Or Ab An Ne Di Hy O1 Mt 11 Ap Total



. .

6.41 24.52 23.97

. .

5.00 27.18 30.47

80405 .


. .

2.65 .

17.07 5.83 12.25 2.29 2.35 1.67

22.25 1.74 25.53 2.21 2.55 1.26

22.71 1.65 25.68 2.22 2.53 1.20









Qmac 72206A

Qmac 80302A

Qma 80403

Qma 80402

Qma 80401

Qmr 80303

Qmr 80304




11.35 31.37 22.50

20.69 38.03 13.12

16.76 36.33 16.01

Qmac 80302C


4.80 .


6.04 23.73 24.72 . 24.88 0.26 14.47 2.19 2.52 1.37

5.03 21.38 25.39 . 27.09 0.66 13.80 2.15 2.39 1.37



2.42 .

7.77 .

14.55 34.76 19.38 .

3.75 17.47 21.49


11.47 3.26 14.31 2.38 2.73 1.90


4.05 17.49 21.60

Qmac 72206C

20.57 3.63 13.40 2.20 2.55 1.37


5.50 24.28 27.75

Qmac 80302G


4.62 22.21 24.01 1.63 17.91 20.96 2.49 2.94 1.06


Qmac 80302E Q


12.99 33.03 19.98 .

7.43 .

13.14 33.84 20.46

17.67 3.83 14.39 2.34 2.55 1.42

13.70 9.50 1.90 2.10 1.10


16.06 35.70 18.03 .

5.65 24.63 26.28

16.56 35.90 16.97 .



11.97 8.71 . 1.79 1.97 1.01

14.75 9.18 . 1.88 2.08 1.09

9.03 7.85 . 1.63 1.85 0.95

11.12 7.19 . 1.58 1.75 0.93

15.35 11.96 . 2.11 2.31 1.20

5.83 5.45

11.28 7.88

1.21 1.27 0.62

1.59 1.68 0.92








a Weight based norms using FeO/(FeO + F e 2 0 3 ) = 0 . 8 5


Qoo and Qoov 72801





18.70 1.30 17.46 46.38 9.29

16.24 17.86 46.31 11.56

16.03 18.30 47.52 9.56

16.48 0.35 17.79 48.62 11.13

18.70 . 21.23 47.31 7.35


0.14 3.17

1.68 2.85


1.01 2.10

1.05 0.79 0.51

1.03 0.85 0.75

1.00 0.68 0.32

1.06 0.85 0.36















18.64 50.27 9.80

20.96 47.41 7.97

17.27 0.99 19.70 45.70 9.23

16.13 18.58 79.90 8.81

16.37 18.26 49.16 9.51

16.60 0.12 18.18 47.96 10.87

0.90 1.60

0.42 2.95

0.48 5.52


0.92 2.81

0.63 3.46


0.79 0.46 0.37

0.61 0.30 0.11

1.04 0.69 0.29

0.85 0.51 0.24

0.97 0.62 0.34

0.98 0.62 0.34

1.00 0.66 0.28

1.01 0.87 0.40










21.61 . 24.24 41.66 6.19


The domes contain abundant large phenocrysts of plagioclase (up to 1.5 cm), quartz, sanidine (commonly mantled by plagioclase) and partially altered amphibole, in a light gray to brown groundmass composed of similar minerals and hematite (probably a subsolidus oxidation product). The feldspars display a range of compositions, including partially melted andesine feldspars that appear to be in disequilibrium with the bulk rock compositions (Figs. 3 and 811 and reversely zoned feldspar phenocrysts with An~5 cores, An23 midway between the core and rim, and An~ v rims. The domes contain abundant basaltic and andesitic xenoliths that are described below.

Andesite porphyry flow (Qoaf). Samples of the andesite porphyry flow exhibit a wide range of compositions, from 61-67 wt % SiO2 (benmoreite to trachyte). Samples contain phenocrysts of plagioclase, altered amphibole, clinopyroxene and orthopyroxene (commonly reversely zoned), and biotite in a, fine grained groundmass with similar mineralogy. Numerous disequilibrium textures are evident in thin section, including olivine xenocrysts with pyroxene reaction rims; quartz xenocrysts with pyroxene and glass reaction rims; corroded Mg-rich, clinopyroxene phenocrysts with compositions that are not in equilibrium with orthopyroxene phenocrysts (cf., Huebner and Turnock 1980; Fig. 4); abundant feldspars with corroded "sieve" textures (Fig. 8e, f) and large (0.5 cm) sanidine phenocrysts (xenocrysts?) with plagioclase mantles. Sample 73106 contains orthopyroxene with reverse zoning from Mg No. = 100 Mg/[Mg + Fe 2 +] = 40 in the core to 59 in the rim. Clinopyroxene in the sample is less prominently zoned with Mg No. =40 in the core to 42 in the rim. Xenoliths identical to those found in Qord are also found in Qoaf. Many samples contain small xenoliths (1 cm in diameter) and small xenocrystic aggregates of minerals such as Ca-rich plagioclase, olivine, amphibole and clinopyroxene. In some of the samples, such clusters comprise several (1-3) modal percent.

Xenoliths. Both the porphyry flow (Qoaf) and the domes (Qord) contain abundant xenoliths which range in size from about 25 cm to less than one cm. Xenolith compositions range from 49.8 to 57.6 wt % SiO2 with no systematic relationship apparent between the compositions of the xenoliths and the host lavas. The andesite porphyry flow and the domes contain similar, and in some cases identical, xenoliths. Xenolith 72201D, which was found in the northern dome, is chemically and texturally the same as 73103C which was found in the porphyry flow (Table 1 and Fig. 8). The xenoliths are generally alkali rich with the most mafic samples classifiable as hawaiites (49-51 wt % 8i02) (Fig. 6). A large proportion of them are strictly mugearites and a few are

bemnoreites. However, all are silica-saturated, hypersthene-normative with the exception of 72201A, which contains minor normative nepheline, and an amphibole cumulate (72201C) entrained in the O'Leary rhyolite dome. With the exception of the amphibole cumulate, the xenoliths are rounded, fine grained and dominated by intergrown acicular amphibole and plagioclase laths with varying amounts of orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene, titaniferous magnetite and ilmenite, with scattered aggregates of olivine, clinopyroxene and Ca-rich plagioclase. In some samples, interstitial glass is present. Similar observations were made by Moore et al. (1974). Several xenoliths (73103C and 72201D) have quenched (finer grained) rinds where they contact the host lava (Fig. 8). The amphibole cumulate (72201C) contains large oikocrystic amphiboles enclosing euhedral olivine, clinopyroxene, plagioclase and F e - Ti oxides. The compositions of the phases in the xenoliths (particularly amphibole and pyroxene) are not constant between xenoliths and do not generally match the compositions of the phenocrysts or the disequilibrium textured xenocrysts in the host lavas (Tables 4, 5). Disequilibrium features are also present in some xenoliths, such as quartz xenocrysts with glass and pyroxene reaction rims, sievetextured feldspars, and reversely zoned pyroxene and feldspar. For example, 72201D has clinopyroxene with 1 0 0 M g / [ M g + C a + Fe z+] =46 at the core to 49 at the rim as well as plagioclase with An5~ in the core, An61 midway, and Anso at the rim (Tables 3 and 4, Figs 3 and 4). The xenoliths, again with the exception of 72201C, are interpreted to be quenched magmas rather than cumulates. Their textures are consistent with moderately rapid cooling to produce the acicular, fine grained fabric together with glass in a few samples. However, glass (sometimes devitrified) could also be indicative of partial melting upon entrainment in the host magma if the xenoliths were completely crystalline at the time of entrainment.

Feldspar xenocrysts. The O'Leary eruptive units and their xenoliths contain abundant sieve-textured, partially melted feldspar xenocrysts that appear to be in disequilibrium with the host rock. There are two types of corroded feldspars with compositions that fall outside the range defined by the euhedral, uncorroded feldspar phenocrysts and the matrix feldspars. Firstly, there are oligoclase feldspars with corroded sieve-textured rims containing (intact) core compositions of An12 is (Figs. 3 and 8e, Table 3). Secondly, andesine feldspars occur with corroded or sieve-textured cores that are in the ranges of An3o 4s or An59_61. Intact and more albitic rims (An19) typically mantle these cores (Table 3, Figs. 3 and 811. Analyses of the sieve-textured rim of the oligoclase crystals indicate glass-dominated compositions, i.e., microprobe totals (obtained

438 Table 3. Representative feldspar analyses Sample

72902-xenolith Sieve-cored


72201D-xenolith Subhedral core





Subhedral core


Na20 CaO K20 A1203 FezO~ SiO2

6.81 7.56 0.40 26.16 0.10 58.21

7.07 7.12 0.68 25.13 0.32 58.96

5.32 10.47 0.25 27.71 0.49 54.05

7.24 5.94 0.62 24.51 0.29 60.78

8.90 2.72 1.15 22.34 0.07 65.69

4.36 12.44 0.18 29.94 0.51 52.18

6.61 7.74 0.51 25.91 0.71 58.56

5.09 10.94 0.22 28.78 0.47 53.93

4.26 12.36 0.16 30.11 0.51 51.79

Total An Ab

99.24 37 61

99.28 34 62

98.29 51 47

99.38 30 66

100.87 14 80

99.61 61 38

100.04 38 59

99.43 54 45

99.19 61 38




Sieve-cored core



NazO CaO K20 A1203 FezO3 SiOz

7.24 6.65 0.58 25.28 0.23 59.55

8.45 3.87 1.18 22.64 0.14 62.98

Total An Ab

99.53 33 64

99.26 19 74













Na20 CaO K20 A1203 Fe203 SiO2

6.97 7.76 0.37 26.24 0.30 57.74

4.34 12.32 0.13 30.31 0.13 52.52

5.56 8.66 1.37 26.93 0.27 57.15

6.81 6.38 1.52 24.59 0.44 60.25

3.33 13.90 0.17 30.91 0.55 50.10

7.90 4.06 1.94 22.56 0.21 62.54

4.48 11.98 0.25 29.25 0.50 52.30

4.37 12.29 0.23 29.47 0.63 52.02

7.18 6.18 1.09 24.60 0.28 60.71

Total An Ab

99.38 37 61


99.94 43 49

99.99 31 60

98.96 69 30

99.31 20 69

98.76 59 40

99.00 60 39

100.04 30 63

61 39

Euhedral core






8.93 2.99 1.29 21.87 0.14 64.63

8.75 3.11 1.18 22.05 0.13 64.93

8.23 4.64 0.84 23.12 0.12 61.41

8.63 3.46 1.28 22.21 0.06 63.38

3.55 0.11 11.67 18.89 0.15 64.50

8.15 4.95 0.88 23.82 0.07 61.58

6.79 7.55 0.76 26.14 0.24 58.43

99.85 14 78

100.15 15 78

98.36 23 73

99.02 17 76

98.85 Or6s 32

99.45 24 71

99.91 36 60


with standards appropriate for feldspar analyses) are low (96-97%) and silica contents are unusually high for feldspar (74 wt %). Several of the rhyolites and dacites (Qord, Qoaf, Qod) contain rapakivi feldspars which have been described by Bladh (1980) and consist of an alkali-feldspar core (Or6oAb33-Or65Ab34) surrounded by a glassy zone and an outer mantle of plagioclase feldspar (Anx4 - 1s) (Fig. 3).

Andesite pyroelastie deposit (Qoap). The andesite pyroclastic deposit, which occurs on the flanks of the northern dome, ranges from 56.5 to 58.6 wt % SiOz and can be classified as a benmoreite. The deposit is composed of crudely bedded red scoria with abundant xenolithic fragments of the rhyolite dome and the porphyry flow. Samples contain scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase, amphi-


bole and clinopyroxene as well as quartz xenocrysts with pyroxene reaction rims in a glassy red-brown groundmass.

Other O'Leary units. The other O'Leary units, which overlie the Qord and Qoaf flows, contain between 66.4 and 71.6 wt % SiO2 and are trachytes, alkali rhyolites, and rhyolites. The Deadman Mesa flow (Qor) contains plagioclase and hypersthene microphenocrysts scattered in a microcrystalline to cryptocrystalline orthop y r o x e n e + f e l d s p a r + F e - T i oxide groundmass. There are rare corroded clinopyroxene and reversely zoned orthopyroxene. The rhyodacite obsidian flow (Qoo) contains small phenocrysts of plagioclase and fayalitic olivine in a groundmass of quartz, fayalitic olivine, minor altered amphibole, apatite and zircon. The dacite flow (Qod) contains reversely zoned orthopyroxene, clinopyroxene,



72201A-xenolith Euhedral



Matrix core



Euhedral core





5,51 10,12 0,28 27.63 0.65 55.34

4.45 11.95 0.23 29.64 0.56 51.69

4.54 11.50 0.23 29.28 0.43 52.11

6.63 7.63 0.62 26.13 0.35 56.95

9.07 2.85 0.99 22.24 0.12 65.61

6.48 8.48 0.41 26.71 0.41 57.03

5.98 9.29 0.37 27.62 0.41 56.05

6.55 7.97 0.45 26.17 0.51 57.74

6.27 8.41 0.38 26.96 0.47 57.37

5.56 10.26 0.32 28.27 0.54 54.76

99.53 50 49

98.52 59 40

98.09 58 40

98.31 37 59

100.88 14 80

99.52 41 57

99.72 45 53

99.39 39 58

99.86 42 56

99.71 50 49




Sieve-cored Euhedral core

Rapakivi core

Sieve-cored Sieve-cored Matrix





6.31 8.73 0.62 26.75 0.34 57.01

5.21 10.84 0.26 28.38 0.49 54.07

6.14 9.03 0.45 27.19 0.45 56.76

3.78 0.17 11.05 18.89 0.11 65.12

9.07 3.14 1.16 22.31 0.07 64.27

8.49 4.30 0.90 23.18 0.07 62.97

6.42 8.47 0.41 26.58 0.31 57.51

6.52 7.01 0.51 25.62 0.36 58.73

5.92 9,27 0.33 27.22 0.29 55.81

7.03 7.20 0.59 25.67 0.66 58.22

99.76 42 54

99.25 53 46

100.02 44 54


100.02 15 78

99.91 21 74

99.70 41 57

98.75 36 61

98.84 46 53

99.37 35 62


Sieve rimmed

Subhedral core



7.07 7.13 0.71 25.81 0.22 59.19

6.55 7.97 0.62 26.42 0.31 58.08

4.44 11.91 0.37 28.88 0.88 52.89

99.95 39 58

99.37 58 39


Or65 34




7.86 3.93 1.48 22.84 0.17 64.38 100.66 20 72





4.54 12.08 0.28 29.67 0.60 52.12

7.79 3.81 1.53 23.03 0.21 64.35

5.23 10.73 0.34 28.37 0.60 54.65

4.26 12.22 0.28 29.28 0.82 51.99

7.07 6.68 1.01 25.08 0.24 59.98

7.26 22.97 2.00 22.97 0.20 63.54

6.51 8.06 0.62 26.34 0.29 58.76

99.29 59 40

100.72 19 71

99.92 52 46

98.85 60 38

100.06 32 62

100.14 21 67

100.58 39 57

plagioclase and rapakivi K-feldspar. The Robinson Crater dome (Qorr) consists of obsidian and cryptocrystalline to microcrystalline rhyolite with scattered phenocrysts of plagioclase, biotite, and fayalitic olivine.

Strawberry Crater A wide spectrum of lava compositions has been erupted at Strawberry Crater ranging from 49 to 64 wt % Si02. The Strawberry Crater units cross the IUGS alkaline-subalkaline divisor (Fig. 6). The more mafic samples are basalts and basaltic andesites and the more silicic samples are mugearites and benmoreites. All samples are hypersthene-normative. The basalts contain scattered olivine phenocrysts and micro-


100.13 34 62

phenocrysts in a microcrystalline groundmass of plagioclase + clinopyroxene + Fe-- Ti oxides +__olivine. The andesites and dacites contain orthopyroxene + clinopyroxene + plagioclase phenocrysts and relatively a b u n d a n t sieve-textured (both sieve-cored and sieverimmed) plagioclase xenocrysts in a microcrystalline groundmass of plagioclase + orthopyroxene + Fe -- Ti oxides. Disequilibrium relationships exist between feldspars and pyroxenes in the Strawberry Crater units (Figs. 3 and 4). Some of the Strawberry Crater andesites contain clinopyroxenes with very high Mg content that may be relict from a more primitive basaltic magma. M a n y phenocrysts in Strawberry Crater samples are characterized by reverse zoning patterns (Table 4, Fig. 4). Sample 80303 (dacite) has orthopyroxene with Mg No. = 57 in the core and 83 in the rim. 72206A (andesite) contains corroded orthopyroxene


Table 4, Representative pyroxene analyses Sample

SiOe TiO2 A1203 Cr20 3 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 Total M g / M g + Fe 2 + M g / M g + C a + Fe 2+



72201 F-Xenolith

Cpx Jacket on qtz

Cpx Jacket on qtz

Opx Jacket on qtz

Opx Jacket on qtz

Opx Matrix

Cpx Matrix

Opx Matrix

Cpx Subhedral

Opx Rounded

Opx Rounded

50.37 0.12 0.20 0.00 3.61 18.98 1.11 12.56 13.30 0.22

50.93 0.17 0.30 0.00 3.47 13.50 0.67 12.15 18.61 0.32

50.96 0.23 0.67 0.00 2.68 23.85 1.05 19.22 1.55 0.05

50.17 0.16 0.27 0.00 1.87 27.94 1.26 14.95 3.38 0.06

51.06 0.20 1.18 0.00 1.99 24.83 1.00 19.00 1.30 0.04

49.81 0.28 0.56 0.02 2.06 22.14 1.07 12.78 10.39 0.16

49.86 0.25 0.48 0.00 1.55 28.79 1.33 14.35 3.33 0.05

48.50 0.99 4.85 0.00 5.54 7.25 0.27 13.61 18.50 0.73

49.66 0.29 2.61 0.00 2.93 24.58 0.71 18.42 1.23 0.05

49.69 0.22 1.85 0.13 3.04 26.68 0.80 17.26 1.14 0.05











0.55 0.39

0.62 0.37

0.59 0.57

0.49 0.46

0.58 0.57

0.52 0.39

0.48 0.44

0.77 0.44

0.58 0.56

0.54 0.53

80305Qoaf Opx Reaction rim on olivine

72802-Qor Opx Euhedral core


SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Cr203 FezOa FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20

52.48 0.27 1.05 0.03 0.57 23.27 0.89 20.92 1.40 -

50.41 0.13 0.89 0.01 1.75 29.02 1.53 15.93 1.34 0.02

50.78 0.21 1.49 0.00 2.52 23.10 1.04 19.69 1.38 0.03

50.57 0.23 1.21 0.02 3.18 22.35 1.18 19.46 1.99 0.03

51.45 0.18 0.62 0.02 4.42 6.79 0.69 15.34 19.82 0.32






0.62 0.60

0.50 0.48

0.61 0.59

0.61 0.59

M g / M g + Fe e + M g / M g + Ca + Fe 2 +

73001-Qod Opx Matrix

Cpx Corroded

Opx Euhedral

Opx Euhedral core

Cpx Subhedra mid-way


50.49 0.16 1.27 0.00 3.49 22.29 1.01 19.97 1.26 0.05

49.59 0.18 0.96 0.00 2.83 30.26 1.50 14.74 1.20 0.05

49.20 0.09 0.62 0.00 2.11 32.36 1.81 13.14 1.18 0.04

51.41 0.24 1.11 0.02 2.58 23.60 1.23 19.44 i. 84 0.03

51.19 0.13 0.29 0.02 3.99 15.74 1.11 13.57 14.92 0.28







0.80 0.46

0.62 0.60

0.47 0.46

0.42 0.41

0.60 0.58

0.61 0.41

Fe 2 +/Fe 3+ calculated from charge balance, based on normalization to 6 cations

with M g No. = 41 in the core and 78 in the rim. All of the Strawberry Crater samples studied contain sieve-rimmed oligoclase (An l 9- z o and An3 o) and some andesites contain sieve-cored (An59) xenocrysts. These feldspar xenocrysts are comparable to those present in the O'Leary units (Table 3, Fig. 3). Vent basalts

The numerous basaltic vents in the region (Fig. 5) have produced lavas with compositions that overlap the most primitive lavas erupted at Strawberry Crater (Table 1). Silica contents of the vent basalts range from 47.1-49.9 wt % SiO2 and MgO content ranges from 6.7-13.0 wt %. Based on the I U G S alkali content classification, the lavas are generally subalkaline (Fig. 6). Most are olivine basalts with normative olivine and hypersthene, but one sample (73105A) contains a small a m o u n t of normative nepheline (Table 2).

Geothermometry Four xenoliths and one Strawberry Crater sample contain coexisting magnetite and ilmenite phenoerysts and microphenocrysts in the matrix. Temperature estimates were calculated using the Spencer and Lindsley (1981) geothermometer. The temperatures calculated for the xenoliths are 720-800 ~ C for 72201A, 890-930 ~ C for 72201F, 890-1020 ~ C for 72201D, and 1020-1110 ~ C for 72902 (see Table 6 for representative analyses and calculated temperatures). Although there is a fairly large spread within each sample, the temperature ranges for different xenoliths do not overlap much. Surprisingly, the xenoliths that record the highest temperatures are those with the highest silica content and conversely, those with the lowest temperatures are those with the lowest silica content (Tables 1 and 6). This is contrary to what one might expect. However, the magnetite analyses for 72902 are poor (microprobe totals < 9 7 % ) so the temperatures calculated for 72902 may be erroneous.


72201F72201D-Xenolith Xenolith Opx Cpx Subhedral Subhedral core mid-way


47.54 0.19 2.77 0.00 2.56 35.16 1.01 10.95 0.96 0.12

49.26 1.05 4,16 0.00 5.19 4,81 0.28 14.79 20.23 0.53

47.57 1.39 5,04 0.03 6.80 2.94 0.25 14.66 20.40 0.56



0.36 0.35

0.85 0.46




Opx Matrix

Opx Opx Euhedral Subhedral core rim

Cpx Cpx Corroded Subhedral core rim

Cpx Matrix

49.78 0.70 3.12 0.00 5.27 4.59 0.25 15.92 19.26 0.48

50.12 0.18 0.60 0.04 2.92 28.99 1.47 15.73 1.29 0.06

50.79 0.21 0.97 0.04 2.05 26.49 1.24 17.63 1.46 0.04

49.28 0.09 0.62 0.00 1.64 34.15 1.38 12.40 1.28 0.04

51.62 0.19 0.46 0.00 2.71 24.77 1.09 19.26 1.48 0.02

48.48 1.49 4.93 0.01 5.67 3.84 0.25 14.56 20.73 0.57

51.07 0.26 0.42 0.01 3.48 12.21 0.60 13.11 18.35 0.36

51.08 0.32 0.96 0.00 4.01 9.49 0.45 13.80 19.39 0.44

51.27 0.26 0.71 0.00 2.97 11.59 0.47 13.06 19.07 0.40











0.90 0.47

0.86 0.49

0.50 0.48

0.55 0.53

0.40 0.37

0.59 0.57

0.87 0.46

0.66 0.40

0.73 0.42

0.67 0.39


Cpx Suhedral

Opx Euhedral

Opx Euhedral

Cpx Cpx Opx Subhedral Elongate Subhedral core rim

8040172206A-Qmac Qma Cpx Cpx Subhedral Subhedral core rim

51.39 0.14 0.28 0.02 4.51 13.82 1.02 13.38 17.01 0.26

50.05 0.27 2.33 0.00 4.31 22.29 1.08 19.64 1.38 0.04

50.34 0.18 0.62 0.00 1.85 30.42 1.30 15.14 1.36 0.06

50.43 0.56 4.77 0.20 4.69 0.76 0.14 16.63 22.13 0.39

50.39 0.60 4.50 0.14 5.42 0.36 0.10 16.72 22.19 0.43

51.00 0.12 0.52 0.00 3.25 25.29 1.10 18.46 1.45 0.05

53,91 0.28 1.52 0.06 4.21 10.94 0.39 28.46 1.95 0.04

51.47 0,62 3.66 0.14 0.12 5.12 0.14 15.32 21.89 0.30

49.64 0,11 0.46 0.00 2.51 34.10 1.21 12.66 1.21 0.02









0.64 0.40

0,62 0.60

0.47 0.46

0.98 0.51

0,99 0.51

0.57 0.55

0.83 0.79

0.84 0.45

One possible explanation for the observed relationship between calculated temperature and silica content is that the coexisting oxides were not in equilibrium. This would be consistent with the abundant disequilibrium features observed in the samples (e.g., xenocrysts, reverse zoning). Another possibility is that the temperatures are not those of the hybrid melt. Perhaps the calculated temperatures are relict from the basalt in which the oxides may have originally formed. The large ratio of rhyolite to basalt in the mixture may have inhibited reequilibration due to increased viscosity and decreased diffusion rates in the cooler, more silicic hybrids. Conversely, diffusion may have continued to a lower temperature in the more fluid basaltic hybrids. Coexisting Fe--Ti oxides were found only in one Strawberry Crater sample: 80303. The temperature calculated for this sample is 840-890~ C which is consistent with the high silica content of the sample (64 wt %). Coexisting orthopyroxene and clinopyroxene phenocrysts are clearly not in equilibrium (Fig. 4) and two-pyroxene thermometry produces meaningless values.

Cpx Matrix

Cpx Euhedral

Opx Reaction rim on olivine

53.55 0.14 0.86 0.02 4,71 13.83 0.53 26.84 1.45 0.05

51.49 0.39 3.19 0.18 4.05 1.87 0.11 17.49 21.39 0.27

48.74 0.64 5.87 0.31 6.10 0.23 0.15 16.00 21.77 0.42

52.34 0.17 0.30 0.00 0,01 25.44 0.67 18.35 1.76 0.02






0.41 0.40

0.78 0.76

0.94 0.52

0.99 0.50

0.56 0.54

Geochemistry O'Leary Peak Harker-type diagrams show that the m a j o r and trace element concentrations for a subset o f the O ' L e a r y Peak suite covary linearly with SiO2 and M g O (Fig. 9). This subset includes (in order o f decreasing silica) the O ' L e a r y northern dome (Qord), D a r t o n D o m e (Qord), the andesite porphyry flow (Qoaf), the andesite pyroclastic deposit (Qoap) and the andesitic and basaltic xenoliths. These linear variations also exist within units that exhibit a range o f compositions (eg. Qoaf). Compositional ranges o f some o f the units overlap. Darton D o m e sample 72909 (Qord) is compositionally identical in both m a j o r and trace element abundances (within analytical precision) to Q o a f sample 73107 (Table 1). The most

442 Table 5. Representative amphibole analyses Sample












SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 F2 C12 H20

38.36 4.75 12.69 7.44 5.70 0.17 13.26 10.98 2.69 0.60 0.34 0.02 1.85

37.56 5.20 13.71 8.63 4.37 0.13 13.55 11.04 2.81 0.54 0.14 0.01 1.96

37.90 3.82 12.90 10.21 7.82 0.39 10.42 10.20 2.70 0.68 0.16 0.05 1.90

40.75 2.53 10.59 9.74 8.09 0.48 11.63 10.65 2.40 0.98 0.22 0.05 1.89

39.49 1.85 11.27 12.27 6.77 0.46 11.61 10.75 2.35 1.08 0.30 0.02 1.85

38.62 4.54 13.33 10.35 7.32 0.22 10.98 10.17 2.84 0.66 0.50 0.02 1.79

36.60 4.86 14.55 7.40 12.92 0.30 8.21 10.90 2.74 0.69 0.14 0.04 1.91

37.70 4.72 13.05 10.32 3.98 0.21 13.07 10.52 2.76 0.66 0.24 0.00 1.90




















SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 F2 C12 HzO

37.60 4.74 13.44 9.83 6.95 0.19 11.12 10.14 2.85 0.72 0.28 0.02 1.87

38.34 3.79 13.25 11.57 4.90 0.17 12.27 10.35 2.82 0.75 0.09 0.03 1.98

38.78 4.57 13.19 9.04 7.51 0.19 11.56 10.36 2.90 0.73 0.18 0.01 1.95

39.99 1.15 9.31 11.05 17.68 1.15 4.87 9.97 2.09 1.09 0.37 0.17 1.70

41.20 3.67 10.83 10.67 4.52 0.28 13.61 10.21 2.92 0.52 2.46 0.00 0.89

39.58 3.92 12.77 8.16 7.34 0.30 11.95 10.67 2.74 0.61 t.51 0.01 1.31

40.52 2.73 11.20 12.87 5.96 0.47 11.40 9.90 2.59 0.55 0.25 0.03 1.90











Fe 2 +/Fe 3+ calculated from charge balance, based on normalization to 22 oxygens HzO content calculated assuming O H - + F - + C1- = 2.00

mafic pyroclastic sample, 72203A, is chemically identical within analytical precision to one o f the xenoliths f o u n d in the D a r t o n D o m e (72902) (Table 1). This is significant because as a pyroclastic scoria deposit, 72203A clearly has a m a g m a t i c origin and its composition suggests that the xenolith 72902 is a sample o f the same magma. This supports the hypothesis that the xenoliths are m a g m a t i c inclusions and n o t cumulates. Silica variation diagrams show that the xenoliths are relatively rich in TiOz, N a 2 0 , and FezOa a n d p o o r in M g O and CaO c o m p a r e d to the other mafic units in the area (Strawberry Crater basalts and other vent basalts) (Fig. 9). Similarly, the xenoliths have very different trace element concentrations t h a n the Strawberry Crater suite a n d the other basaltic vents sampled. In general, the xenoliths display an evolved signature with low concentrations (relative to the vents) of Sc (10-17 ppm), V (50-142 p p m ) and a striking depletion in Ni (0-5 ppm) and Cr, which is present in concentrations below the detection limits in our routine X R F analysis technique (Table 1). In addition, the xenoliths have higher concentrations o f R b (14M4 ppm) a n d Zr (249-351 p p m ) a n d lower Ba (587-825) than the vents.

The most silicic unit in the O ' L e a r y suite is Q o r r (an alkali rhyolite) with 71.6 wt % SiO2 and correspondingly high K 2 0 and N a 2 0 and low CaO, MgO, total Fe, and TiO2 concentrations. Samples from Qor, Q o d and Q o o also have high silica contents. These four units have trace element abundances that are distinct in c o m p a r i s o n with the other O ' L e a r y units o f similar m a j o r element chemistry. F o r example, samples from Qorr, Qor, and Qoo all have higher Zr, Ba and M n O contents than Q o r d or Q o a f samples o f equal silica content (Table 1, Fig. 9).

Strawberry Crater M o s t o f the m a j o r and trace element concentrations of the Strawberry Crater suite vary colinearly with SiO2 and M g O (Fig. 9). M a j o r and trace element concentrations for samples from Strawberry Crater define a distinctly different trend from the O ' L e a r y trend. A n A F M d i a g r a m for the O ' L e a r y and Strawberry suites shows the non-tholeiitic nature o f the two suites (Irvine a n d Baragar 1971) and the distinct differences between them (Fig. 10).


Table 6. Representative F e - T i oxide analyses and geothermome-

Table 6 (continued)

try using Spencer and Lindsley 1981 72201F-Xenolith

72902-Xenolith Mag




SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Cr~O3 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO

0.08 18.35 1.85 0.4 29.11 45.40 0.59 0.88 0.03

0.13 20.04 1.75 0.00 25.98 47.03 0.59 0.88 0.06

0.04 47.37 0.13 0.00 10.17 38.86 0.74 1.69 0.03

0.05 46.56 0.15 0.00 11.42 38.65 0.57 1.49 0.04

Total Xu~p Xhem

96.69 0.57 --

96.46 0,62 --

99.01 0.10

98.91 0.11





SiO/ TiOz A12Oa Cr203 Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO

0.08 19.28 3.48 0.00 26.88 46.60 0.55 t.26 0.00

0.11 19.01 3.41 0,00 27,70 46,30 0.56 1.28 0.13

0.04 49.45 0.06 0.00 6.46 40.30 0.63 2.00 0.01

0.05 49.17 0.07 0.00 6.93 39.99 0.64 2.02 0.03

Total Xu~p Xh~m

98.13 0.62

98.50 0.61 --

98.95 0.07

98.90 0.07

Calc. Temp. : 89(~930 C LogfO2 = - 12.5 to -- 13.3 Delta F M Q = - 0 . 5 to - 0 . 6

Calc. Temp. : 1020~t110 C L o g J O 2 = - 9 , 5 to - 10.4 Delta F M Q = - 0 . 1 to 0.3


72201A-Xenolith Mag




Fe203 FeO MnO MgO CaO

0.10 18.24 2.61 0.01 29.63 45.63 0.66 1.07 0.02

0.15 13.83 2.48 0.00 38.47 42.63 0.44 0.64 0.05

0.05 50.81 0.06 0.00 5.56 40.34 0.91 2.50 0.02

0.05 51.92 0.10 0.00 3.59 38.84 1.08 3.78 0.04

Total Xu~p Xhem

97.97 0.57 --

98.68 0.43 --





SiO 2 TiO2 A1203 Cr203





SiO2 TiO2 A1203 Cr203 F%O3 FeO MnO MgO CaO

0,08 16,91 5.66 0.00 30.27 42.58 0.51 2.82 0.06

0.11 16.39 5.31 0.01 30.89 41.90 0.54 2.75 0.01

0.00 47.67 0.18 0.05 9.97 36.22 0.56 3.38 0.04

0.05 49.14 0.13 0.01 7.12 37.14 0.51 3.6 0.10

Total Xu~p Xh~m

98.89 0.56 --

97.90 0.54 --

98.06 0.10

97.82 0.07

Calc. Temp. : 890-1020 C L o g f O 2 = -- 10.4-13.3 Delta F M Q = --0.2 to 0.3

Calc. Temp. : 720-800 C L o g f O 2 = - 16.8 to -- 16.5 Delta F M Q = - 0 . 7 to - 0 . 4 80303-Qmr Strawberry Crater

SiO 2

TiO2 A1203 Cr203 Fe20 3 FeO MnO MgO CaO Total Xusp Xhem





0.12 14.30 2.42 0.02 39.91 41.38 0.42 2.16 0.01

0.25 16.34 1.42 0.04 34.24 43.38 0.43 1.37 0.11

0.02 47.93 0.23 0.02 11.13 36.58 0.51 3.36 0.02

0.01 49.08 0.16 0.05 8.00 38.99 0.51 2.58 0.03

100.73 0.42 --

97.56 0.49 --

99.80 0.11

99.41 0.08

Calc. Temp. : 840-890 C LogfOz = - 12.0 to -- 13.6 Delta F M Q = 0 . 1 to 0.9 Fe2+/Fe 3+ calculated assuming 3 cations and 4 oxygens for magnetite, and 2 cations and 3 oxygens for ilmenite. Activities and Xusp and Xhom were calculated using the mixing model for Stormer (1983). Xusp + Xmt = 1 ; Xhom+ Xilm= 1

T h e S t r a w b e r r y C r a t e r b a s a l t s a p p e a r to h a v e m o r e p r i m i t i v e m a j o r a n d f e r r o m a g n e s i a n c o m p a t i b l e t r a c e element signatures than the O'Leary basaltic xenoliths. The Strawberry basalts have 8.1-7.6 wt % MgO, compared to 4 . 6 - 3 . 4 % i n t h e b a s a l t i c x e n o l i t h s . Similarly, S t r a w b e r r y basalts contain 215-286 ppm V, 29-30 ppm Sc, 155-241 p p m Cr, a n d 6 9 - 8 3 p p m N i , all c o n s i d e r a b l y h i g h er t h a n t h e O ' L e a r y b a s a l t i c x e n o l i t h s . H o w e v e r , s o m e o f t h e s e e l e m e n t s are p r e s e n t i n l o w e r a b u n d a n c e s in S t r a w b e r ry C r a t e r b a s a l t s t h a n in t h e n e a r b y b a s a l t i c v e n t s , w h i c h c o n t a i n u p t o 13 w t % M g O , 265 p p m N i a n d 995 p p m Cr. T h e S t r a w b e r r y b a s a l t s also h a v e d i s t i n c t l y h i g h e r C e / Y ( 6 . 2 - 6 . 8 ) t h a n t h e O ' L e a r y b a s a l t i c x e n o l i t h s (2.4--2.9), a n d n o s i m p l e f r a c t i o n a l c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n r e l a t i o n s h i p exists between these two groups.

Least-squares mixing models M a j o r a n d t r a c e e l e m e n t t r e n d s c a n b e u s e d to e v a l u a t e t h e p o s s i b l e roles o f a s s i m i l a t i o n , f r a c t i o n a l c r y s t a l l i z a t i o n , a n d m a g m a m i x i n g in t h e genesis o f t h e O ' L e a r y a n d S t r a w b e r r y C r a t e r v o l c a n i c s ( A l l e g r e a n d M i n s t e r 1978; D e P a o l o

444 Table 7. Representative olivine analyses Sample

72201 D Xenolith Subhedral

72201 F Xenolith Matrix

73106 Qoaf with pyx rim

73007 80401 Qoo Qma Euhedral fayalite Euhedral

72206A Qmac Euhedral

SiOz TiC2 A1203 Cr203 FeO MnO MgO CaO

38.06 0.04 0.04 0.00 24.57 0.39 36.76 0.16

35.08 0.07 0.03 0.02 40.79 0.83 23.16 0.17

37.59 0.01 0.02 0.03 26.67 0.47 35.59 0.18

30.94 0.00 0.00 0.00 62.47 2.57 3.83 0.12

40.73 0.03 0.03 0.02 14.71 0.21 44.21 0.23

39.34 0.33 0.04 0.03 t 6.66 0.21 42.57 0.20

100.02 0.73

100.15 0.50

t 00.56 0.70

99.93 0.10

J 00.17 0.84

99.38 0.82

Total Mg/Mg + Fe z +



Strawberry/~ Crater / X

SYMBOLS titled = core open= rim I/2 filled = between core end rim

O'Leary eoih \


9 x 9 \ 9

y ~ , ~

./ /

v ,



Qmr X ,


X~ ~


;mr y

/ / / /

//' h,


= "sieve-rim" = "sieve- core" = groundmoss = phenocryst = repekivi fsp. core-rim pair

~1~ O~

sfcvv,~ \

I x~



198l; L a n g m u i r et al. 1978; G r o v e et al. 1982). The most striking aspect o f the geochemical trends is that the m a j o r a n d trace element concentrations show a distinct linear variation with SiC2 and M g O content for Strawberry Crater a n d for a subset o f the O ' L e a r y suite (Fig. 9). F u r t h e r m o r e , the O ' L e a r y suite and the Strawberry Crater suite define two distinctly different geochemical trends (Figs. 9 and 10).

O'Leary Peak Close examination shows that the m a j o r element d a t a for the mafic xenoliths (72201A or 72201B) a n d the northern d o m e rhyolite (72204) define a line in c o m p o s i t i o n space which contains m a n y o f the other O ' L e a r y units: the D a r ton D o m e (Qord), the andesite p o r p h y r y flow (Qoaf), the




Fig. 3. Representative plagioclase compositions for samples from O'Leary Peak, Strawberry Crater and granulite xenoliths from the SFVF. Feldspar types (sieve-cored, sieve-rimmed, euhedral or subhedral phenocryst, rapakivi or groundmass) are indicated by symbol shape. The location of the analysis relative to the grain boundary (core, rim, or mid-way) is indicated by solid and open symbols. Arrows link analyses from the same grains and show direction of zoning from core to rim

andesite pyroclastic deposit (Qoap), and the m o r e silicic xenoliths (although there is considerable scatter within the xenolith p o p u l a t i o n for some elements) (Fig. 9). F u r t h e r examination shows that trace element variations are also linear for these units, as is evident in plots o f Rb, Sc, V, and B a v s SiC2 or M g O (Fig. 9). The possibility that binary mixing has resulted in the chemical spectrum is suggested by the linearity o f the m a j o r element variations. However, m a j o r element geochemical variations are not necessarily very sensitive to fractionation versus mixing processes, whereas trace element abundance variations can be used to m o r e clearly determine the contributing effects o f fractional crystallization, mixing, or assimilation in the geochemical evolution o f a suite of volcanics (Langmuir et al. 1977; D e P a o l o 1981; Allegre and

445 Strawberry Crater Units ( /mr /(8o3o3~





Hd ~ "

SYMBOLS open symbols=rim filled symbols=core 9 = phenocryst 9 = corroded grain o = groundmass + = reaction rim on olivine

Omac - - F s

Xenoliths from O'Leary ,,



~ L H

9 9

~s = reaction rim on quartz ~= core-rim pair

o v

r~ v~

9 yEn

~ C~.2, ? o

O'Leary Units

~ ~

, o

H ~


Fig. 4. Representative pyroxene compositions for samples from O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater. All Fe is plottted as Fe z +. Arrows indicate direction of zoning from core to rim

1 (

1 o



III~ 32'50"





' Trachyte +

I' §

I0 Basanite

55o27 ' 50"

Na20 + K20


\ N


+ \ , Z,I~..I +


4 :~


Haw e,+ +~ ~-c~






~sal -

0 40

I +



I 50











O'Leary Peak Suite ~













Strawberry Crater Suite

= Rhyodaciteflow of Deadman Mesa = Rhyodacite obsidian flow

= Rhyodacite dome of Robinson Crater , E ~ = Dacite flow

Fig. 6. Total alkali wt % vs silica wt % for samples from O'Leary Peak, Strawberry Crater, and nearby vents shown with data from the USGS (Moore and Wolfe [1987], Newhall et al. [1987], Ulrich and Bailey [1987], Wolfe et al. [t987a], Wolfe et al. [t987b]). Solid circles are xenoliths from O'Leary Peak (this study), + =USGS data, and the other symbols are the same as in Fig. 9

= Dacite plug = Basaltic andesiteflow = Basaltic andesite cinder cone =Basaltic vent

=Andesite pyroclastic deposit =Rhyodacite porphyry domes =Andesite porphyry flow

Fig. 5. Geologic map of O'Leary Peak and Strawberry Crater (after Moore and Wolfe 1976)

Minster 1978; G r o v e et al. 1982). The observed trace element variations are suggestive o f binary mixing and suggest that the northern d o m e and the marie xenoliths are possible end-members. A least-squares mass balance mixing model for m a j o r element abundances (Le Maitre 1981) has been used to determine if b i m o d a l mixing could account for the m a j o r element compositions o f the more silicic xenoliths and the andesitic and dacitic O ' L e a r y lavas and if so, to determine the p r o b a b l e end-member compositions and the relative p r o p o r t i o n s necessary to p r o d u c e the various intermediate lavas. This a p p r o a c h was also used to evaluate the alternative possibility that fractionation o f the phenocryst phase assemblage identified in the marie xenoliths could generate the compositions of the intermediate lavas, the intermediate xenoliths or the O ' L e a r y d o m e rhyolite.















Calc-alkalic 18

~ ,


, +++~++.,_




+ ~~l~zi, ~ v~ ~ v

a Ne














Fig. 7. a Normative mineralogy (olivine, nepheline, quartz) of the samples in this study, showing the alkaline-subalkaline fields of Irvine and Baragar (1971). b Alumina wt % versus normative An content showing the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline fields of Irvine and Baragar (1971). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 9

Table 8. Least squares modeling calculations

Mafic end-member" Silicic end-member" Hybrid a % Silicic component









72201B Qord b 72902 29.3

72201B Qord 72203G 39.9

72201B Qord 80305 52.7

72201B Qord Darton c 77.2

72201B Qord 73107 81.0

80302G Qord 72206C 31.5

80302G Qord 80403 47.8

80302G Qord 80303 68.7

0.02 0.06 -0.47 0.06 -- 0.01 0.07 0.13 --0.15 0.16 -- 0.12

- 0.04 0.03 -0.21 -- 0.01 -- 0.01 0.10 - 0.08 --0.14 0.20 - 0.12

0.00 0.07 -0.27 0.07 -- 0.01 --0.05 0.01 0.06 --0.01 -- 0.08

0.06 0.10 -0.59 0.21 0.00 0.02 0.00 0.13 --0.19 -- 0.01

0.00 0.05 -0.58 0.08 0.00 --0.08 0.12 0.13 --0.05 -- 0.04

0.21 -0.02 -0.15 0.20 0.00 0.27 -- 0.02 --0.18 --0.21 0.00

0.18 - 0.08 -0.35 0.06 0.00 0.27 0.09 --0.09 --0.22 -- 0.02

0.10 -0.02 -0.27 0.22 0.01 --0.05 -- 0.01 0.00 --0.42 0.01









Residuals a (wt %) SiO2 TiO2 AlzOa Fe203 MnO MgO CaO Na20 K20 P2Os Sum r 2

Residuals a (model concentrations in parentheses) (ppm) Nb Zr Y Sr Th Pb Zn Cu Ni Rb Cr Ce Sc Nd Ba V La

--3 (34) --64(248) --4 (26) -12(720) -2 (4) 2 (8) - 1 (60) 0 (0) 2 (2) 3 (29) 0 (0) --10 (77) --1 (13) - 1 8 (20) --42 (783) 27 (80) --4 (44)

--3 (35) - 7 1 (247) - 3 (26) 22(652) 1 (6) 4 (9) - 7 (58) 0 (0) 2 (2) --1 (33) 0 (0) --9 (78) 0 (11) - 1 0 (19) 31 (838) 19 (69) 4 (46)

--2 (36) --70(247) --2 (25) 10(569) 0 (7) 0 (10) - 3 (54) 0 (0) 0 (1) 0 (39) 0 (0) --7 (80) --1 (9) - 8 (19) --18 (906) 20 (55) --3 (47)

--2 (37) --52 (246) -3 (23) 4 (412) -1


0 (12) -4 (48) 0 (0) 0 (1) 2 (50) 0 (0) -2 (83) 0 (5) -5 (18) - 8 3 (1034) 11 (28) -7 (51)

0 (38) --44 (246) --3 (23) 19 (387) -1


0 -6 0 0 5 0 --5 2

(13) (47) (0) (1) (52) (0) (84) (5) -11 (17) --95 (1054) 5 (24) 1 (51)

" see Table 1 for sample compositions b Q o r d average of 71902, 72204, 72205A c Darton average of 72903, 72904, 72909 d residual calculated wt % (or ppm) of model - measured wt % (or ppm) of proposed hybrid

6 (41) --48 (218) 2 (21) 3 (621) -3 (12) 2 (9) 6 (65) -36 (11) 7 (57) 8 (27) 50 (165) 1 (125) 3 (21) -3 (34) --36 (1064) --1 (148) 0 (75)

6 --65 3 --28 1 3 3 -20 3 12 0 2 3 -5

(40) (241) (21) (537) (13) (10) (60) (8) (43) (35) (126) (116) (17) (30) --121 (1086) 5 (114) --5 (70)

12 (40) --94 (232) 5 (22) 0 (428) -1 (13) 3 (12) 8 (53) -4 (5) 4 (26) 14 (45) 9 (75) --3 (104) 1 (11) 1 (24) --127 (1113) 4 (70) --12 (63)

447 A good fit was obtained between the observed intermediate lava compositions (Qoap, Qoaf, Darton Dome) and a binary mixture of the northern dome rhyolite with a basaltic xenolith (72201B). By varying proportions of this mixture, the compositions of samples of Qoap, Qoaf, and Darton Dome were successfully reproduced (Table 8). In general, the modeled oxide concentrations were within analytical 9precision of measured concentrations for most of the major oxides. However, the calculated values for AlzO3 and CaO differ from the measured values by 1%-5% of the measured weight % and NaaO and K20 differ by up to 15%. This suggests that the compositions may reflect the presence of excess feldspar from crustal assimilation (by either the mafic or felsic magma) or by feldspar accumulation in the magma chamber. The ubiquitous presence of disequilibrium feldspar xenocrysts appears to be consistent with either processes of assimilation or accumulation. The presence of excess feldspar might be expected to affect the Ba, Rb, and

9 80302G 80303 80401 33.3

10 80302G 80303 72206C 45.9

11 80302G 80303 72206A 55.2

12 80302G 80303 80403 69.5

--0.04 -0.01 0.32 0.05 0.00 -0.30 0.12 --0.03 - 0.02 0.02

0.16 --0.02 --0.02 0.09 0.00 0.30 --0.01 --0.18 -- 0.02 0.00

0.23 --0.01 --0.02 0.06 0.00 0.41 0.09 --0.14 - 0.01 0.01

0.11 -0.07 -0.16 --0.10 0.00 0.31 0.10 --0.09 0.07 - 0.03





1 (37) --4 (245) 1


25 (666) --2 (12) 3 (8) 4 (65) - 8 (14) --16 (63) 1


56 (183) 16 (131) --1 (23) - 2 (35) 2 (1095) 6 (165) I


0 (35) --4 (261) 0


3 (621) 8 (13) 1 (8) 2 (61) -35 (13) 3 (53) 2


39 (154) 1 (125) 3 (21) --4 (33) 23 (1123) --3 (146) 5


0 (34) --14 (272) 1


--42 (558) 0 (13) 1 (8) 4 (58) --15 (12) --10 (49) 0


51 (144) 6 (123) 6 (19) --5 (32) -38 (1143) 20 (133) 5


--1 (32) --17 (289) 0 (18) --28 (537) 1 (13) I (8) --3 (54) --17 (11) 13 (41) 1 (24) 82 (119) 4 (118) 2 (16) --6 (29) -33 (1174) 2 (111) 3 (78)

Sr concentrations such that the abundances of these trace elements would be inconsistent with the mixing model. As an example of the modeling procedure, the composition of the andesite pyroelastic deposit sample 72203G can be duplicated using a mixture of 60.1% 72201B (basalt) with 39.9% northern dome composition (rhyolite) (Table 8, Model 2). Similarly, the most mafic sample of the andesite porphyry flow, 80305 at 61.2% SiO2, can be modeled with a mix of 47.3% 72201B and 52.7% northern dome (Table 8, Model 3), the Darton Dome composition can be modeled with a mixture of 22.8% 72201 B and 77.2% northern dome (Table 8, Model 4) and the most silicic sample from the andesite porphyry flow, 73107, can be duplicated using a mixture of 19.0% 72201B and 81.0% northern dome (Table 8, Model 5). Intermediate compositions with an apparent binary mixing signature could be an artifact of the analytical procedures if samples from the units that contain abundant xenoliths were analyzed without removal of the xenolithic material. However, it is unlikely that the observed linear trends are due to lax preparation technique because of the large volume of extraneous xenolithic material that would have to have been overlooked during sample preparation. Least squares mixing models using major element chemistry suggest that the chemical differences between Darton Dome and the northern dome could result from the addition of between 21-32 wt % xenolithic material (based on the range of xenolithic compositions found). Similarly, the andesite porphyry flow (Qoaf), would require as much as 47% xenolithic contamination. We maintain that such a substantial volume would not have been overlooked and that the xenolithic content was reduced to a minimum during sample hand-picking.

Trace element modeling for O'Leary Peak A binary mixing model based on major element chemistry may be tested by how well it can account for the observed trace element abundances. Whereas fractional crystallization typically results in non-linear element-element variations for elements with different bulk distribution coefficients, binary mixing should result in linear element-element variations for all elements (Allegre and Minster 1978; Langmuir et al. 1978). Trace element abundances for the intermediate lavas (Qoaf, Qoap, Darton Dome) were calculated based on the end-member melt proportions of basalt (72201 B) and rhyolite dome determined from the major element mixing models (above), and these calculated values are compared to observed trace element abundances in the samples (Table 8). An excellent fit between the modeled values and the measured values was obtained for the elements St, Rb, Sc, Th, Ba, Nb, La, Zn, Ce and Y, which is a clear indication that the lavas of the andesite porphyry flow, andesite pyroclastic deposit, the Darton Dome and the more silicic xenoliths are the products of binary mixing between a basalt like 72201B and the northern dome rhyolite. The fit of Ba, Rb, and Sr with the model indicates that either excess feldspar is not a source of the modeling error for Na20, KzO, CaO and A12Oa, or the concentrations of these trace elements in the excess feldspar are not large enough to significantly alter the trace element abundances in the resulting hybrid magma. Other trace elements fit the model within analytical ac-


Fig. 8a-f. a~l Photomicrographs of two chemically identical and texturally similar xenoliths, found in different O'Leary units, a and b are the core and rim respectively of sample 73103C which was entrained in Qoaf. e and d are the core and rim areas respectively of 72201D which was entrained in Qord. The host is on the left of the contact shown in d. The dark acicular crystals are amphibole and the lighter crystals are plagioclase. Note the rim areas (b, d) are finer grained and appear to have more acicular (quench-textured) amphiboles than the core areas (a, e). The rim area of 73103C is less vesiculated than the core in hand sample. These textures suggest that the xenoliths were magmas that quenched when mixed with the cooler rhyolitic host. The width of the photographs =2 mm. e, f Photomicrographs of the two types of disequilibrium feldspars, e Sieve-rimmed feldspar with corroded rim and intact core (An12) (grain is i mm long), f Two sieve-cored feldspars, both with corroded cores and one with an intact rim overgrowth that is much less calcic (An19) than the core (An40). The width of the photograph = 2 mm

curacy, with the exception o f Zr, N d and V. The modeled Zr content o f the mixtures is consistently lower than the actual Zr content o f the intermediate rocks, and the Zr content o f one or b o t h o f the end-members used in the model may be lower than that o f the actual end-member(s). The variation o f Zr with silica is generally linear (Fig. 9),

but 72201B does not appear to be a suitable end-member. Similarly, V content in 72201B is too high to fit the mixing model and N d content is too low. The general linear variation o f these elements with silica supports the mixing model, but the chemistry o f the end-member basalt is not exactly represented by xenolith 72201B.

'!I" ioo ,






~ .






.~ ,o,.~_~

~176Q'~'~'' ~ ~

I0 Fe203 5










+ ,+




60 SiO 2

q i









~ o 9



,d+* o~


MgO O'Leary Peak 9 = D o m e s (Qord) v = Andesite porphyry flow (Qoof) a = Andesffe pyroclostie deposit (Qoap)


+ = XenoUths e = 72201B (xenolith end-member) c = Cumulate xenolilh z~ = Rhyoliles + Dacites~ Qod, Q o r r , Qor, Qoo

i , , , f , 50 60 70 SiO 2


0,5.... 6


s A

iOOz~o ,



o = Strawberry Crater 9 = B a s a l t i c vents








300 I

c ~




soo f






c r



200 F

[] ~



+ ~





500 /



3001 c o 200 I/


Rb 40


~+ ~


++~+++P~~v o mz~


i: c

o ~


~ ~ oo

I0 '~'

o o%



Se 20

~ ~000 * ~



2001 ~

,, 71 V










%s ~ .-~.~s




Fig. 10. AFM diagram for O'Leary Peak, Strawberry Crater and nearby vents. The line is the divisor between the tholeiitic and calc-alkaline fields of Irvine and Baragar (1971). Symbols are the same as in Fig. 9

Least-squares mixing modelfor Strawberry Crater Geochemical data from Strawberry Crater also define linear major and trace element trends (Fig. 9). For all the major elements, the compositions fall along a line that is defined by the most mafic and most silicic Strawberry Crater samples, which also extrapolates to the composition of the northern dome rhyolite. The major element chemistry for Strawberry Crater samples defines a trend that is quite distinct from the O'Leary trend, but both appear to be anchored at the northern dome rhyolite composition. With a least-squares mixing model, the major element compositions of the intermediate samples of Strawberry

Fig. 9. Selected silica and MgO variation diagrams for samples from O'Leary Peak, Strawberry Crater, and nearby basaltic vents. Major elements are shown in oxide weight %, trace element abundances (V, Sc, Ba, Rb, Zr, Ni) are in ppm

Crater were successfully modeled using a bimodal mixture of the most mafic Strawberry sample (80302G) and the O'Leary northern dome rhyolite. For example, the major element composition of sample 80403 can be modeled as a mixture of 52.2% 80302G and 47.8% northern dome rhyolite, and sample 80303 can be modeled as 31.3% 80302G and 68.7% Qord. The fit is excellent (Table 8, Models 7, 8). The trace elements also vary linearly with SiO2 (Fig. 9), although the northern dome rhyolite is not a suitable endpoint for all the trace elements. The concentrations of Th, V, Sr, Sc, Y, Ce and Nd in the intermediate rocks can be successfully modeled using the northern dome rhyolite as a possible end-member, but the linear variation of La, Ba, Zr, Nb, and Rb with SiO2 does not extrapolate to the northern dome composition. Although the northern dome rhyolite is similar to the silicic end-member in the binary mixture, the trace element chemistry indicates that the northern dome must be distinct from the actual silicic end-member (Table 8, Models 6, 7, 8). In order to test the binary mixing model further, the most silicic and most mafic Strawberry Crater samples (80303 and 80302G, respectively) were used as endmembers to determine whether the trace element abundances fit a mixing model that is based on major element chemistry. Whether or not 80303 is the true silicic endmember as opposed to an intermediate mixing product, 80303 should fall on a line between the two end-members if mixing has produced the chemical spectrum. Using a mixing ratio of 80303 and 80302G modeled to fit the major element chemistry, the trace element concentrations expected in the intermediate samples were calculated and compared to measured values. The fit is excellent for most trace elements present above detection limits (St, Sc, Rb,


Ba, Nb, Zr, La, V, Nd, Y, Zn, Ce and Th) (Table 8, Models 9-12) indicating that these concentrations vary linearly and suggesting that the compositions of the intermediate samples result from a binary mixing process. However, Ni and Cr concentrations do not fit the binary mixing model. The intermediate samples have Ni and Cr concentrations that are considerably lower than the modeled values (Table 8, Models 9-12). This can be attributed to minor olivine and spinel fractionation, which also accounts for the slight modeling errors in calculated MgO and SiO2 observed for samples 72206A, 72206C, and 80403.

fractional crystallization at deep crustal levels. Concentrations of compatible elements such as V, Sc, Ni, Cr in the Strawberry Crater andesites are much too high for these lavas to have been produced through fractional crystallization involving olivine or clinopyroxene. Also, the major element chemistry of both the Strawberry Crater suite and the O'Leary suite cannot be modeled as fractionation of plagioclase + olivine + clinopyroxene from the basalt 72201B (O'Leary) or 80302G (Strawberry) using observed phenocryst phase compositions. AFC models yield the best results with 100% assimilation which is equivalent to binary mixing.

Phase relations and fractional crystallization Another test of the binary mixing model is to examine the distribution of bulk compositional variations with respect to the experimentally determined phase relations appropriate for these magma types. The compositions of the units from both Strawberry Crater and the O'Leary suite project across the low-pressure thermal divide of the olivine-clinopyroxene-plagioclase-SiO2 system (Grove and Baker 1984) (Fig. 11). Magma compositions that project within the olivine + plagioclase primary phase volume (such as the vent basalts and the xenoliths) can be driven across the thermal divide by mixing with rhyolite magma or through assimilation of crustal felsic materials, but low pressure fractional crystallization of olivine-plagioclase-clinopyroxene from such basalts will not result in compositional variations that cross the divide (Grove et al. 1982; Grove and Baker 1984). The positions of the cotectics and thermal divide shift towards the olivine apex with increasing pressure, and thus the effects of high pressure fractional crystallization must also be considered. Some high pressure ( ~ 1 0 kbar) fractional crystallization has occurred in the SFVF as a whole. Evidence includes a thermobarometric study of cumulate xenoliths by Keating and Arculus (1986), and the appearance of orthopyroxene in equilibrium with clinopyroxene at higher Mg Nos. in the cumulate assemblages than those characteristic of the phenocryst populations (Arculus et al., in preparation). However, trace element variations of the studied volcanic suites are inconsistent with formation of the O'Leary and Strawberry intermediate lavas solely by Cpx




Fig. 11. Plagioclase saturated, oxygen-weighted, molar projection of the O'Leary Peak, Strawberry Crater, and basaltic vent data with the phase relations determined by Grove and Baker (1984). The line between the olivine vertex and point A is a low pressure thermal divide. The points which plot off the diagram are silica undersaturated in this projection scheme. Symbols are the same as in Fig. 9

Mixing vs comingling and assimilation If we accept the bimodal mixing models for O'Leary Peak and for Strawberry Crater, the physical state of the endmembers (solid or magmatic) at the time of mixing needs to be constrained. Either the silicic end-member is magmatic and the mafic is solid, the mafic end-member is magmatic and the silicic is solid, or both are magmatic. In the case of the O'Leary Peak volcanics, the first possibility may be ruled out because of thermal considerations. To produce the full spectrum of intermediate rocks observed, the rhyolite would have to assimilate at least two times its weight of basalt. For example, the andesite pyroclastic deposit (which is clearly molten at the time of eruption) is compositionally equivalent to a mixture of 70% basalt and 30% rhyolite. The heat of fusion for the solid basalt (assuming the mafic rock was already at its solidus temperature) must be supplied by the latent heat of crystallization of the crystallizing phases in the rhyolite (Bowen 1928), but it would be impossible for the specific rhyolite to melt over twice its weight of basalt (a 30-70 mix) (Taylor 1980; DePaolo 1981), because the rhyolite would crystallize completely. The second possibility suffers similar thermal constraints because the basalt would have to assimilate over three times its weight of rhyolite to produce the observed spectrum (eg. Darton D o m e = 7 7 % Qord). Furthermore, if a lava similar to the northern dome represents the silicic end-member, then its magmatic character at the time of mixing is supported by the presence of mafic xenoliths within it. Depending on the temperatures and relative proportions of two mixing magmas (basalt and rhyolite), the resultant mixture may be relatively homogeneous (a "hybrid") or may have compositional heterogeneity (e.g., banding or inclusions of basalt in a rhyolite). Based on the rapidity of thermal diffusion relative to chemical diffusion, Sparks and Marshall (1986) proposed that formation of a hybrid magma, which occurs through chemical diffusion, requires that the two mixed magmas both behave as liquids with low viscosity after thermal equilibrium is reached. When a large proportion of cooler, more viscous rhyolite magma is mixed with a basalt magma, the temperature of equilibration is relatively low and the basalt magma will tend to behave as a solid suspended in the rhyolite magma. Chemical diffusion will be inhibited and complete homogenization is unlikely. This is consistent with the observations in the O'Leary suite. The northern dome rhyolite and Darton Dome dacite contain abundant basaltic and andesitic inclusions that probably resulted from incomplete hybridization due to the high ratio of rhyolite to basalt in the mixtures. In the basaltic andesite units, the ratio of rhyolite to basalt

451 was much lower, resulting in homogeneous hybrid magmas such as the pyroclastic deposit and the andesitic xenoliths. Most importantly however, textural evidence suggests that magma mixing is the most appropriate explanation for the observed chemical trends in the O'Leary and Strawberry volcanics. Several of the xenoliths show quenched finds where they contact the host lavas (Fig. 8) and such inclusions are often interpreted as solidified globules of magma (Eichelberger 1978; Bacon 1986). The presence of oligoclase and quartz xenocrysts in the andesitic xenoliths supports the theory that the xenoliths are magmatic inclusions, because the compositions of the oligoclase xenocrysts overlap the compositions of the oligoclase phenocrysts found in the northern dome rhyolite. This suggests that the xenocrysts may originally have been phenocrysts in the rhyolite end-member that subsequently got incorporated into the hybrid mixture (the andesite xenolith). The reverse zoning observed in the pyroxene and plagioclase phenocrysts in the O'Leary units and their xenoliths as well as in the Strawberry Crater units is also consistent with magma mixing. Although reverse zoning in plagioclase is not conclusive, as it can result from changes in PH~O (Yoder 1968; Arculus and Wills 1980), reverse zoning m pyroxenes is accepted as evidence of open system behavior (e.g., Sakuyama 1981). Many samples contain andesine and labradorite feldspar xenocrysts (Ana3-46 and An59- 61) which are partially melted (sieve-cored) and have compositions that are in some cases more An-rich than the euhedral, or rounded, or groundmass feldspar populations in the same sample. These An-rich xenocrysts may have been phenocrysts in the mafic end-member, but in the case of Strawberry Crater, they are generally not as An-rich as the euhedral feldspar phenocrysts found in the end-member basalts (An6o 69). They may have formed in a magma that is more marie than the one in which they are found, which would require several stages of melt mixing. They may also represent changing PH2o conditions in the magma chamber or crustal debris from assimilation. Plagioclase feldspars from crustal granulite xenoliths found in other parts of the SFVF have been analyzed and have comparable compositions (Fig. 3, Table 3, Arculus et al. in prep.). Lead isotopic studies (Everson 1979) suggest that there is some crustal involvement in the genesis of volcanics in the SFVF as a whole, given a decrease in 2~176 in the sequence basalt to rhyolite. Studies based on Sr isotopes in the SFVF have led some workers to conclude that there is minimal crustal contamination (Moore et al. 1974; Pushkar and Stoeser 1975), but Sr isotopes may be insensitive to crustal contamination due to the high initial Sr content of the basaltic magmas (which may buffer the contamination effects) and the low STSr/S6Sr characteristic of lower crustal granulites in the SFVF (D. Nealey personal communication 1987). None of the studies to date has examined a cogenetic suite in detail, and it is clear that combined S r - N d - Pb analyses are required. Relationship between vents and xenoliths Based on major element and trace element data presented earlier, the relationship between the basaltic xenoliths in the O'Leary units (" xenolith basalts") and the vent basalts may generally be one of derivative and parent, respectively. The xenolith basalts are depleted in Ni and Cr, which suggests that they are not primary liquids, and may be the


o I

5O c,~A




k ; +



2O0 o

2O Sc

o %.





~+++O + ++ +


50 Si02

~. g

+ 9


9 AI


o +

~+++ + +++

I 40


o 60


I 50


SiO 2

Fig. 12. This diagram shows the possible parent-derivative relationship between the O'Leary xenolith basalts (+) and the vent basalts (*). Intermediate data points between these two fields (solid triangles) are from USGS data (Moore and Wolfe (1987), Newhall et al. (1987), Ulrich and Bailey (1987), Wolfe et al. (1987a), Wolfe et al. (1987b)) and demonstrate that there are magmas present in the SFVF that might be representative of intermediate stages of differentiation between the more primitive vent basalts and the xenolith basalts. Also shown are Strawberry Crater samples (open circles)

product of fractionation of more primitive basalt. The major element chemistry is broadly consistent with derivation of the xenolithic basalts by olivine-clinopyroxene-magnetite-plagioclase fractionation from a basalt such as the most primitive Strawberry Crater sample or the vent sample 80404. The SiO2 variation diagrams for the compatible elements Sc, V, Ni, and Cr (mineral-melt KD > 1 in the crystallizing assemblage) show that an exponential decrease in these elements with SiO2 could result from fractional crystallization of compositions similar to the Strawberry Crater or vent 80404 basalts. Samples falling between these two end-members along a possible differentiation path were not found in this study, but unpublished data from the U.S.G.S. (E. Wolfe, G. Ulrich, R. Moore personal communication) include several basalt types with Sc and V concentrations that lie along such a fractional crystallization trend (Fig. 12). The variation in Ce/Y between the Strawberry Crater basalts and the O'Leary xenolith basalts indicates that these two basalt types are not directly related by simple fractional crystallization. However, the O'Leary xenolith basalts may be derivative of other vent basalts (eg. 73105A Ce/Y = 2.8). Origin of the silicic melts In summary of the preceeding geochemical data, compositional variations do not indicate that the O'Leary dome rhyolite formed by fractional crystallization of any of the observed lavas. Rather, the O'Leary rhyolite is suggested to be a crustal melt and it has a composition that is broadly consistent with eutectic melting at about 5 kbar or slightly greater (Tuttle and Bowen 1958) (Fig. 13). The 87Sr/86Sr ratio measured for the O'Leary dome is 0.7050 (Moore et al. 1974), comparable to values measured for some crustal xenoliths from the SFVF (0.7058 for a quartz monzonite and 0.7057 for a gneiss (Pushkar and Stoeser 1975). Lead isotopic data indicate a relatively unradiogenic source for the SFVF silicic melts, with 2~176 as low as 17.4 and 2~176 as low as 15.5 (Everson 1979). Silicic melt generation may have occurred in the lower crust by melting of mafic to felsic granulite materials.

452 SiO2



Fig. 13. Normative quartz, albite, and orthoclase content for the silicic O'Leary units shown with melting relations determined by Tuttle and Bowen (1958). The normative compositions of the silicic melts correspond to possible eutectic melting (point e) at about 5 kbar or slightly greater. Also shown are the 0.5, 1, 3 kbar cotectics and isobaric minima (m). Curves are for water-saturated liquids

squares mass balance calculations indicate that binary mixing can account for the observed intermediate lava compositions and that fractional crystallization processes were not significant in the generation o f the intermediate melts. F r a c tional crystallization of a primitive basalt m a y have been i m p o r t a n t in the f o r m a t i o n o f the O ' L e a r y end-member basalt. A possible scenario is that mantle-derived basalts, emplaced in the lower crust, cause crustal melting and produce rhyolitic melts that m a y mix with the mantle derived basalts or with differentiated basalts that form when basalts p o n d and undergo fractional crystallization. Thus, the intermediate volcanic rocks o f O ' L e a r y Peak and Strawberry Crater are the products of crustal recycling, the result o f basaltdriven crustal melting and the subsequent mixing o f the silicic melts with mantle basalts and derivative magmas. In this particular instance, it appears that the mixing model o f Eichelberger (1975, 1978) is supported by geochemical, petrographic, and preliminary isotopic data. Remaining questions as to the petrogenesis o f the O ' L e a r y units that do not fit the mixing model, as well as the origin o f the end-member melts, m a y be answered through ongoing isotopic studies.

Acknowledgements. This research was supported in part by grant Other O ' L e a r y rhyolites and dacites, which do not fit the O ' L e a r y binary mixing m o d e l (Qor, Qorr, Qod, Qoo), a p p e a r to define a third trend that is evident in several o f the element-element diagrams, such as M n O vs M g O , Z r vs SiO2, a n d B a v s SiO2 (Fig. 9). Based on the m a j o r and trace element geochemistry, these units do not a p p e a r to be fractionation p r o d u c t s o f the m o r e mafic O ' L e a r y units. Qor, Qod, and Q o o are unusual in their high Z r content (up to 580 ppm). Z r s a t u r a t i o n in silicic peraluminous melts has been determined to be a b o u t 100 p p m , and partial melting of crustal material containing > 100 p p m Zr will p r o d u c e melts that are buffered at constant low ( < 1 0 0 ppm) Z r concentrations ( W a t s o n 1982). Thus the high Z r concentrations, well above zircon saturation levels, indicate that these melts cannot be the results o f only partial melting. While excess zircon m a y have accumulated during crystal fractionation, there is no chemical evidence that these melts are the products o f fractional crystallization o f any o f the sampled O ' L e a r y lavas or vent basalts. In addition, accumulated euhedral, m a g m a t i c zircons are n o t a b u n d a n t in thin section. These melts m a y have contained zircon-rich crustal debris from incomplete crustal melting or wallrock assimilation. The presence o f partially melted, disequilibrium feldspars provides evidence that these melts do contain material that is not completely assimilated. The high Zr content o f these flows follows a trend t o w a r d the high Z r (up to 900 p p m ) observed in the peralkaline D o y l e Saddle rhyolite in the San Francisco M o u n t a i n (Arculus et al. in preparation), which m a y represent another silicic c o m p o n e n t involved in the genesis o f some the O ' L e a r y lavas.

Conclusions In light o f the geochemistry a n d petrography, mixing is considered to be the most likely process involved in the petrogenesis o f the intermediate lavas o f O ' L e a r y Peak and Strawberry Crater. The presence of reversely zoned phenocrysts, xenocrysts with reaction rims, m a g m a t i c inclusions with chilled margins, and the linear m a j o r and trace element

No. EAR-85-18060 from the National Science Foundation and in part by GSA grant No. 3543-86, a Sigma Xi Grant-in-Aid of Research, and the University of Michigan Turner fund. The University of Michigan electron microprobe used in this work was acquired with NSF grant No. EAR-82-12764. This project was initiated as a result of ongoing investigations in the SFVF in collaboration with Ed Wolfe, George Ulrich and Dick Moore of the U.S.G.S. and David Gust of the University of New Hampshire. Their advice on many petrogenetic issues has been influential. The authors extend their appreciation to Laura S. Kong for her assistance in the field. We also appreciate the comments of Eric J. Essene, the assistance of Abdulkader M. Afifi, Carl Henderson, Jim Hinchcliff, Susan Fast, Lisa Donaghe, and Kevin Righter. Nancy McMillan and David Gerlach provided thorough and constructive reviews of the manuscript.

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