Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst., Vol. 439, pp. 1=[1867]–22=[1888], 2005 Copyright # Taylor & Francis Inc. ISSN: 1542-1406 print=1563-5287 online DOI: 10.1080/15421400590955145
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation in the Nematic Cell with Time-Dependent Anchoring Due to Adsorption/Desorption of LC Molecules Alexander Romanenko Victor Reshetnyak Igor Pinkevich Physics Faculty, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, Kyiv, Ukraine
Ivan Dozov NEMOPTIC, Parc du Murantais, Magny les Hameaux, France
Sandro Faetti INFM and Dipartimento di Fisica dell’Universita’ di Pisa, Pisa, Italy
The time evolution of director orientation in the cell subject to the external magnetic field in the case of time-dependent boundary conditions is investigated. The case when one substrate has strong anchoring and at other substrate director anchoring is determined by process of adsorption=desorption of LC molecules on it is considered. The problem is solved in one constant approximation and Rapinitype potential for interaction between LC molecules in the cell and adsorbed LC molecules is proposed. During the time evolution the orientational distribution function of molecules adsorbed on the cell substrate possesses two maximums. Time evolution of the director orientation, anchoring energy and easy axis at the substrate is investigated numerically. Keywords: anchoring energy; liquid crystals; memory-free alignment
1. INTRODUCTION The possibility to control precisely the anchoring energy of liquid crystals (LC) on photo aligning polymers makes them the most promising materials for weak and memory-free anchoring. The problem, which
This work was partially supported by INTAS grant No. 01-170. Address correspondence to Victor Reshetnyak, Physics Faculty, Kyiv National Taras Shevchenko University, pr. Glushkova 6, Kyiv 03680, Ukraine. E-mail:
[email protected] 1=[1867]
A. Romanenko et al.
hampers their application, is the strong alignment memory effect. This effect is caused by an anisotropic adsorption of LC molecules on aligning surface and is observed for most aligning materials and different liquid crystals [1–8]. The adsorbed layer behaves as a new anisotropic substrate, imposing strong monostable anchoring [2]. The strength of anchoring depends on the number of adsorbed LC molecules and their orientational distribution function. The memory alignment can be changed due to adsorption and desorption of LC molecules. The purpose of the present paper is to investigate time evolution of director orientation in the cell subject to the external magnetic (or electric) field in the case of time-dependent boundary conditions. We will concentrate our consideration on the case when one substrate has strong anchoring and at other substrate director anchoring is determined by process of adsorption=desorption of LC molecules on it. The free energy functional has the usual form F ¼ Felast þ Fm þ FS ;
where Felast is the elastic energy, Fm describes the interaction with the magnetic field and has the form Z ~ð~ nð~ rÞ H rÞÞ2 dV; Fm ¼ va ð~ and FS is the part of the free energy that corresponds to the interaction with surface. To formulate the problem we have to choose some model for FS and describe the time evolution for the adsorption=desorption process using the kinetic equation for the distribution of the molecules on the surface. The molecules in the volume are described by the function ~ð~ fvol ðaÞ, where a is the angle between the director n rÞ obtained from the ~0 , the maximum of this dynamical equations and another direction n function is related to the director orientation. For the molecules near the substrate we have to make the projection of the 3-dimensional distribution fvol onto 2-dimensional one fV . Evidently, the part FS of free energy depends on the function fV and the distribution fS of LC molecules at the surface. The maximum of fS plays the role of easy axis on the surface. The function fS ðu; tÞ (the value fS ðu; tÞ roughly speaking describes the portion of molecules with the angle u) obeys the kinetic equation like @fS ðu; tÞ ¼ Aþ fV ðu; tÞ A fV ðu; tÞ; @t
where the constants are related to the adsorption=desorption rates. This kinetic equation determines the form of FS and therefore
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
the boundary condition for Euler-Lagrange equation obtained from the functional (1.1). Finally we arrive to the system of equations: the ~ð~ Euler-Lagrange equation for n rÞ (differential), boundary conditions (algebraic and=or integral), and the kinetic equation (1.2) (differential). In the present work we consider the simplified situation in 1-constant approximation with the planar director orientation. The paper is organized as follows. In Section 2 we present the model and briefly discuss the well-known solution of Euler-Lagrange equation for the case of nematic molecules distributed between two parallel planes. For the sake of simplicity we consider the case strong anchoring on the first plane. Here the model of time-dependent boundary condition is given. Next, in Sec. 2 we also discuss the form of the anchoring energy presented above, this analyzes allows us to rewrite the form of the anchoring energy in Rapini-like form in Sec. 3. Using the kinetic equation the time evolution of all the values can be formulated in terms of the angle related to the director orientation in the volume (see Sec. 4). Simple asymptotical solutions are given in Sec. 5. In Section 6 we discuss the modification of the model when the magnetic field is applied with the angle different from p=2. The numerical results are discussed in Sec. 7 for the modified kinetic equation Summary and discussion is given in Sec. 8.
2. DESCRIPTION OF THE SYSTEM 1. General Expressions and Geometry of the Model The bulk elastic energy Felast in one constant approximation is given by Z 1 k22 @i nj @i nj dV: ð2:1Þ Felast ¼ 2 Consider the following configuration: let the nematic molecules are distributed between the planes z ¼ 0 and z ¼ l. The director field due to the symmetry can be expressed in terms of the angle uðzÞ: ~ðzÞ ¼ ~ ey sin uðzÞ; n ex cos uðzÞ þ ~
uðzÞ ¼ ffð~ n;~ ex Þ
(here u is an azimuthal angle in spherical coordinates). ~¼~ The system is in the magnetic field H ey H, so that the total functional of the free energy consists of tree parts: the elastic energy Felast , the surface terms FS and the term caused by the magnetic field FH : Z 1 ~Þ2 dV: va ð~ nH ð2:2Þ F ¼ Felast þ FH WS ; FH ¼ 2
A. Romanenko et al.
Using notations introduced above F¼
1 2
dz½k22 u0 ðzÞ va H 2 sin2 uðzÞ þ FS ;
FS ¼ WS :
In the model of the surface potential proposed by Rapini 1 1 WS ¼ Wo cos2 ðuð0Þ uo Þ þ Wl cos2 ðuðlÞ ul Þ: 2 2 where uo and ul are easy axes at the planes z ¼ 0 and z ¼ l correspondingly. In the present paper we suggest that the energy WS depends on the values uð0Þ, uðlÞ and the properties of a surface that determine the easy axis orientation. For the sake of simplicity we consider the case when at the surface z ¼ 0 we have strong anchoring with uo ¼ 0. So that Z 1 l 2 F¼ dz½k22 u0 ðzÞ va H 2 sin2 uðzÞ WS ½uðlÞ: ð2:4Þ 2 0 Taking the variation of this functional one will arrive to the following Euler-Lagrange equation va H 2 sin uðzÞ cos uðzÞ ¼ 0; k22 v H2 a2 ¼ a ðwe suppose that va > 0Þ; k22
u00 ðzÞ þ
with boundary conditions uð0Þ ¼ 0;
k22 u0 ðlÞ
dWS ½uðlÞ ¼ 0: duðlÞ
The solution of the Eq. (2.5) is well-known. Using its first integral we get u02 ðzÞ þ a2 sin2 uðzÞ ¼ C2 ¼ const; the constant is related to the maximum of the function uðzÞ, C ¼ sin um , for um ¼ uðzm Þ, where u0 ðzm Þ ¼ 0. Using the boundary condition for z ¼ 0 we can write the solution in the form Z uðzÞ du az ¼ ; 2 0 ½sin um sin2 u1=2
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
or az ¼
arcsinðsin uðzÞ=kÞ
0 ½1 sin2 u1=2 sin uðzÞ ; k ; k ¼ sin um F arc sin k
(we can see that zm ¼ KðalÞ). In the equivalent form of the Eq. (2.7) can be written as sin uðzÞ ¼ k snðaz; kÞ:
The parameter k of the elliptic integral can be determined from the second boundary condition. Taking into account (2.8) we can rewrite this in the form 1 dW½uðlÞ ¼ 0: ð2:9Þ ak cnðal; kÞ k22 duðlÞ uðlÞ¼arcsinðk snðal;kÞÞ In Rapini model (2.9) reads ak cnðal; kÞ þ
Wl sinðuðlÞ ul Þ cosðuðlÞ ul Þ ¼ 0: k22 uðlÞ¼arcsinðk snðal;kÞÞ ð2:10Þ
In two simplest cases W ! 0 and W ! 1 this equation can be rewritten in more simple one. When W ! 0, (2.9) is reduced to k cnðal; kÞ ¼ 0, so that k obeys the equation KðkÞ ¼ al. When Wl ! 1; uðlÞ ¼ ul , where ul is the solution of the equation dW½u=du ¼ 0. In Rapini model this equation holds due to (2.10). In all of these cases the value k determines the director distribution completely.
2. Time Evolution In the present paper we will analyze the time-dependent boundary condition at z ¼ l. Time evolution of the easy axis at the surface z ¼ l is governed by the process of adsorption=desorbtion of the molecules at the surface. Therefore the functions like to director orientation, the easy axis at the surface, the anchoring energy, are time-dependent. Free energy functional has the form 1 FðtÞ ¼ 2
l 0
# @uðz; tÞ 2 2 2 dz k22 va H sin uðz; tÞ þ FS ðtÞ: @z
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All the equations determining the director orientation preserves their form, but the parameter k becomes time-dependent. We assume the following expression for the anchoring energy Z Z ~2 Þ2 fsurf ðX1 ; tÞfvol ðX2 ; tÞ; WðtÞ ¼ Wo dX1 dX2 ð~ n1 n ð2:12Þ ~1;2 are determined by X1;2 ¼ ðu1;2 ; h1;2 Þ in spherical coordiwhere n nates, fvol and fsurf are distribution functions in the cell (for some z) and at the substrate. For fvol ðX; tÞ we choose Z 1 aS ~0 ÞÞ; : ð2:13Þ fvol ðX0 ; tÞ ¼ expðbP2 ð~ nn fvol ðX; tÞdX ¼ 1; b ¼ Nvol kT Here Nvol is a normalization constant, S is the order parameter, a is ~ is the director orientation (solution of Eulersome constant, n ~0 is orientation of LC molecules determined Lagrange equations), n by X0 ¼ ðu0 ; h0 Þ. Using ~ ¼ ðcos u; sin u; 0Þ; n
~0 ¼ ðcos u0 sin h0 ; sin u0 sin h0 ; cos h0 Þ n
we get ~ n ~0 ¼ sin h0 cosðu u0 Þ; n so that fvol ðX0 ; tÞ ¼
1 expðbP2 ðsin h0 cosðu u0 ÞÞ; Nvol
~ (or uðtÞÞ: the real time dependence is included in n The LC molecules can be adsorbed on the surface with different values of h0 but with the same u0 . Distribution on the surface is planar so that we have to make a 2-dimensional projection of (2.14) integrating on the variable h0 , i.e., to describe these molecules we have to consider the averaged distribution for z ¼ l: Z p fV ðu0 ; tÞ ¼ hfvol ðX0 ; tÞih0 ¼ fvol ðX0 ; tÞ sin h0 dh0 : ð2:15Þ 0
Further we will denote uðl; tÞ by uV ðtÞ: As to the distribution fsurf it is evident that that its form is fsurf ðX0 ; tÞ ¼ fS ðu0 ; tÞdðcos h0 Þ; here the last multiplier displays the fact that all the molecules lie at the substrate.
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
Therefore using the properties of fvol ðX; tÞ and fsurf ðX; tÞ we can rewrite WðtÞ as Z p=2 Z p=2 WðtÞ ¼ Wo du1 du2 cos2 ðu1 u2 ÞfS ðu1 ; tÞ
p=2 p
sin3 h2 fvol ðX2 ; tÞdh2 ;
or, denoting f V ðu; tÞ ¼
fvol ðX; tÞ sin3 h dh
we can present (2.2) as Z p=2 Z WðtÞ ¼ Wo du1 p=2
p=2 p=2
du2 fS ðu1 ; tÞf V ðu2 ; tÞ cos2 ðu1 u2 Þ:
The functions fV ðu0 ; tÞ and f V ðu0 ; tÞ are given and we can introduce more convenient notations motivated as follows. Maximum values both of them are reached when u0 ¼ uV and they are symmetric with respect to extremum. Moreover, their real time dependencies are included into uV ðtÞ: So we denote fV ðu0 uV ðtÞÞ fV ðu0 ; tÞ;
f V ðu0 uV ðtÞÞ f V ðu0 ; tÞ;
where Z p 1 fV ðaÞ ¼ ebP2 ðsin h cos aÞ sin h dh; Nvol 0 Z p 1 fV ðaÞ ¼ ebP2 ðsin h cos aÞ sin3 h dh: Nvol 0 With these notations for a fixed moment of time WS as the function of uV reads Z p=2 Z p=2 W½uV ðtÞ ¼ Wo du1 du2 fS ðu1 ; tÞfV ðu2 uV ðtÞÞ cos2 ðu1 u2 Þ: p=2
ð2:18Þ The function fS ðu; tÞ obeys the kinetic equation @fS ðu; tÞ ¼ Aþ fV ðu uV ðtÞÞ A fS ðu; tÞ; @t
where A are the coefficients describing velocities of the adsorption=desorbtion process. In the equilibrium case fS ðu; tÞ is simply
A. Romanenko et al.
proportional to fV ðu uV Þ, namely fS ðu; tÞ ¼
Aþ fV ðu uV ðtÞÞ A
so that u ¼ uV is the maximum of this distribution and corresponds to the easy axis on a surface. To find the director orientation we have to solve the boundary condition for all time values, this equation depends on function WðtÞ, to write its explicit form in order to find the energy WðtÞ we have to solve the kinetic equation. The initial condition we choose fS ðu; 0Þ ¼
Aþ fV ðu uS ð0Þ; 0Þ A
where the value uS ð0Þ is given. Molecules, adsorbed on a surface, are not so mobile as the volume ones so that at t ¼ 0 the function fS ðuÞ describes the equilibrium distribution. At the same time the magnetic field changes the orientation of the molecules in the cell. It should be noted here that the functions fV ðuÞ and f V ðuÞ can be expressed in terms of error-function integral. Calculating the integral over h directly one will arrive to the following expressions: pffiffiffi p bP2 ðcos bÞ 1 e fV ðuÞ ¼ erf ðnÞ; ð2:20Þ Nvol n f V ðuÞ ¼
1 1 b=2 1 e þ 2 fV ðuÞ; Nvol n2 2n
where n2 ¼
3b cos2 u; 2
p p u ; 2 2
2 erf ðxÞ ¼ pffiffiffi p
et dt:
For u ! p=2 (a ! 0) there are not any singularity. Indeed, fV ðuÞ !
2 b=2 e ; NV
f V ðuÞ ! 0
p u! : 2
Using (2.20, 2.21) and the properties of the error function we can write down power series expansions fV ðuÞ ¼
1 2 b=2 X 2n 2 b=2 n2n e e Nvol N ð2n þ 1Þ!! vol n¼0 n 1 X 2n 3b cos2n u; 2 ð2n þ 1Þ!! n¼0
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
f V ðuÞ ¼
1 2 b=2 X 2n 2 b=2 n2n e e Nvol Nvol ð2n þ 3Þ!! n¼0 n 1 X 2n 3b cos2n u; 2 ð2n þ 3Þ!! n¼0
(these functions differ from each other on the factor 2n þ 3 in Tailor series). Normalization constant Nvol can be calculated from the condition R p=2 p=2 fV ðuÞdu ¼ 1: The result is Nvol ¼ 2pe
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi erfið 3b=2Þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ; 3b=2
erfiðxÞ ¼
et dt:
3. THE ANCHORING ENERGY For each fixed moment of time the integral (2.12) can be considered as the function of the parameter uV , so that we can transform WðtÞ W½uV using general properties of the distributions fvol and fsurf : Making a substitution a2 ¼ u2 uV into the inner integral and performing the simple calculations with trigonometric functions we obtain
W½uV ¼ Wo
fS ðu1 ; tÞdu1
þ cos 2ðu1 uV Þ þ sin 2ðu1 uV Þ
f V ða2 ; 0Þda2
f V ða2 Þ cos 2a2 da2 #
f V ða2 Þ sin 2a2 da2 :
The functions sin 2h; cos 2h and f V ðhÞ are periodic with the period p, so that we can change the range of integrals from ½p=2 uV ; p=2 uV to ½p=2; p=2: Further, f V ðhÞ ¼ f V ðhÞ so that the integral with the sine function vanishes due to antisymmetry of sin 2h: Finally, we arrive to the following form of the anchoring energy 1 W½uV ¼ Wo IS I V þ C2V ðC2S cos 2uV þ S2S sin 2uV Þ ; 2
A. Romanenko et al.
where IS ðtÞ ¼ C2V ¼
fS ðh; tÞdh; I V ¼ p=2
f V ðhÞdh ¼ const;
p=2 p=2
C2S ðtÞ ¼
f V ðhÞ cos 2h dh ¼ const; S2V ¼
fS ðh; tÞ cos 2h dh; S2S ðtÞ ¼ p=2
f V ðhÞ sin 2h dh 0; ð3:2Þ
fS ðh; tÞ sin 2h dh: p=2
Using (2.20, 2.21) we can find the following connection between IV , I V and C2V : 3b p b=2 1 ðIV þ C2V Þ ¼ e IV : 2 Nvol 2 The integral I V can be calculated with the use of expansion (0.9), we get n 1 2peb=2 X 1 3b IV ¼ : Nvol n¼0 ð2n þ 1Þð2n þ 3Þn! 2 In these denotations one can rewrite the formula for the anchoring energy in the special form that is similar to usual Rapini expression. Let us define the angle uS ðtÞ: sin 2uS ðtÞ ¼
S2S ðtÞ ½C22S ðtÞ
S22S ðtÞ1=2
cos 2uS ðtÞ ¼
C2S ðtÞ ½C22S ðtÞ
þ S22S ðtÞ1=2 ð3:3Þ
Therefore (3.2) reads qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 1 W½uV ¼ Wo IS I V þ C2V C22S ðtÞ þ S22S ðtÞ cos 2ðuV ðtÞ uS ðtÞÞ : ð3:4Þ 2 The boundary condition at the plane z ¼ l has the form @uðz; tÞ @W½uV ðtÞ ¼ 0: k22 @z z¼l @uV ðtÞ
The last term in l.h.s. of (3.5) can be calculated by the direct differentiation (0.4) or (1.1) on the parameter uV : So we get @W ¼ Wo C2V ðS2S cos 2uV C2S sin 2uV Þ @uV
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
(here we use only the formal properties of fV ðhÞ without its explicit form). From (3.6) we can conclude that dWduV ¼ 0 when uV ¼ uS , so that the function uS ðtÞ defined in (3.3) plays the rule of the easy axis on a surface at the time moment t: Using the definition of uS and the expression (3.6) we can rewrite the boundary condition as qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi @uðz; tÞ C22S ðtÞ þ S22S ðtÞ sin 2ðuV ðtÞ uS ðtÞÞ ¼ 0 ð3:7Þ þ W C k22 o 2V @z z¼l that formally coincides with Rapini expression.
4. KINETIC EQUATION Time evolution is governed by the kinetic equation @fS ðu; tÞ ¼ Aþ fV ðu uV Þ A fS ðu; tÞ; @t
fS ðu; 0Þ ¼
Aþ fV ðu uS ð0ÞÞ: A
Multiplying all sides of the kinetic equation on sin 2u and cos 2u and integrating on u in the range ½p=2; p=2 one can find the differential equations d S2S ðtÞ þ A S2S ðtÞ ¼ Aþ C2V sin 2uV ðtÞ; dt d C2S ðtÞ þ A C2S ðtÞ ¼ Aþ C2V cos 2uV ðtÞ; dt
with formal solutions S2S ðtÞ ¼ S2S ð0Þe
A t
þ Aþ C2V
eA ðtsÞ sin 2uV ðsÞds;
C2S ðtÞ ¼ C2S ð0Þe
A t
þ Aþ C2V
A ðtsÞ
cos 2uV ðsÞds:
Here analogously to (3.2) we have introduced the following constants Z p=2 IV ¼ fV ðhÞdh ¼ const; p=2
C2V ¼
fV ðhÞ cos 2h dh ¼ const;
S2V ¼
fV ðhÞ sin 2h dh 0:
A. Romanenko et al.
The constant C2V can be calculated from the identity Z p=2 1 1 peb=2 3b=2 ðe fV ðuÞ cos2 udu ðIV þ C2V Þ ¼ 1Þ; 2 Nvol 3b=2 p=2 so that C2V ¼
2 peb=2 3b=2 ðe 1Þ IV : Nvol 3b=2
Similarly, integrating the kinetic R p=2equation directly, we obtain the equation for the integral IS ðtÞ ¼ p=2 fS ðu; tÞdu; d IS ðtÞ þ A IS ðtÞ ¼ Aþ IV ; dt therefore, IS ðtÞ ¼
IS ð0Þ
Aþ A t Aþ þ IV : e A A
Assuming fS ðu; 0Þ ¼ Aþ A fV ðu uS ð0ÞÞ we get IS ð0Þ ¼ ðAþ =A ÞIV , so that IS ðtÞ ¼
Aþ IV ¼ const: A
Note that the kinetic equation one can rewrite by the following way, making the substitution fS ðu; tÞ ¼ eA t f^S ðu; tÞ: Z t eA ðtsÞ fV ðu; uV ðsÞÞds: ð4:6Þ fS ðu; tÞ ¼ fS ðu; 0ÞeA t þ Aþ 0
Integrating this equation with 1, sin 2u and cos 2u we will arrive to the results obtained above. Using the formal solutions for S2S ðtÞ and C2S ðtÞ one can present the energy and its derivative with respect to uV as 1 W½uV ¼ Wo ½IS IV þ C2V ½cos 2uV ðtÞC2S ð0Þ þ sin 2uV ðtÞS2S ð0ÞeA t 2 Z t þ C2V C2V eA ðtsÞ cos 2ðuV ðtÞ uV ðsÞÞds; ð4:7Þ 0
dW½uV ¼ Wo C2V ½cos 2uV ðtÞS2S ð0Þ sin 2uV ðtÞC2S ð0ÞeA t duV Z t Wo Aþ C2V C2V eA ðtsÞ sin 2ðuV ðtÞ uV ðsÞÞds: 0
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
Using the formal time dependencies, we are able to reformulate the initial problem as following. To calculate the director orientation for any time moment we need kðtÞ: This function satisfies the integral equation akðtÞcnðal; kðtÞÞ Wo C2V ðcos 2uV ðtÞS2S ð0Þ sin 2uV ðtÞC2S ð0ÞÞeA t Z t þ Wo C2V C2V eA ðtsÞ sin 2ðuV ðtÞ uV ðsÞÞds ¼ 0: ð4:9Þ 0
When t ! 1 the first term can be neglected.
5. ASYMPTOTIC Let us consider the asymptotic behaviour of the solution when t ! 1. In this case R t A ðtsÞ e sin 2uV ðsÞds ¼ lim tg 2uV ðtÞ: lim tg 2uS ðtÞ ¼ lim R0t A ðtsÞ cos 2u ðsÞds t!1 t!1 t!1 V 0e Therefore uS ðtÞ ! uV ðtÞ, when t ! 1 and the boundary condition at z ¼ l in this case reads @uV ðz; 1Þ k22 ¼ ak22 kð1Þcnðal; kð1ÞÞ ¼ 0; @z z¼l
so that al ¼ Kðkð1ÞÞ. This means that for t ! 1 angles uS and uV are equal and are independent on the properties of a surface. By the similar way we can consider the limit t ! 0, the boundary condition is reduced to k22 akð0Þcnðal; kð0ÞÞ þ Wo C2V ½C22S ð0Þ þ S22S ð0Þ1=2 sin 2ðuV ð0Þ uS ð0ÞÞ ¼ 0: This equation receives the simplest form when uS ð0Þ ¼ 0: k22 akð0Þcnðal; kð0ÞÞ þ Wo C2V C2S ð0Þ sin 2uV ð0Þ ¼ 0: Taking into account the solution uV ¼ arc sinðk snðal; kÞÞ we get snðalÞcnðalÞ ak22 ¼ :¼ n ¼ const; dnðalÞ 2Wo C2V C2S ð0Þ so that cnð2al; kÞ ¼
1 n2 1 þ n2
A. Romanenko et al.
or, equivalently ! 1 n2 2al ¼ F arc cos ; kð0Þ : 1 þ n2 This equation allows one to find kð0Þ and investigate the properties of the critical field.
6. NON-ORTHOGONAL FIELD CONFIGURATION Let us now consider the simple modification of the problem. In all the calculations performed above the direction of the magnetic field was orthogonal to the easy axis at the plane z ¼ 0. In more general case ~ ¼ Hð~ H ex cos uH þ ~ ey sin uH Þ; so that the free energy functional receives the form Z 1 l 2 F¼ dz½k22 u0 ðzÞ va H 2 cos2 ðuðzÞ uH Þ WS : 2 0
With the use of standard procedure we will arrive to the EulerLagrange equation with the following boundary conditions uð0; tÞ ¼ 0 ðfor z ¼ 0Þ;
k22 u0 z ðl; tÞ
dWS ½uðl; tÞ ¼ 0 ðfor z ¼ lÞ: duðl; tÞ
For arbitrary uH we introduce the substitution wðz; tÞ ¼ uH uðz; tÞ;
so that the Euler-Lagrange equation reads w00z ðz; tÞ þ
va H 2 sin wðz; tÞ cos wðz; tÞ ¼ 0; k22
a2 ¼
va H 2 k22
the boundary conditions (2.2) are reduced to wð0; tÞ wo ¼ uH ;
k22 w0z ðl; tÞ
dWS ½wðl; tÞ ¼ 0: dwðl; tÞ
Using the periodicity properties of distribution functions one can easily show that the anchoring energy will be the same, we can simply substitute w ¼ uH u, wV ¼ uH uV instead of u, uV and denote again fS ðw; tÞ fS ðuH w; tÞ:
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
Integrating the equation (6.3) we obtain the well-known formula Z wðzÞ dw ; aðz aÞ ¼ 2 ½sin wm sin2 w1=2 0 where w0 ðzm Þ ¼ 0, wm ¼ wðzm Þ. In R.H.S. of this expression we have to choose the sign ‘‘ þ ’’ for z < zm , and ‘‘ ’’ for z > zm : When z ¼ 0 we find sin wo aa ¼ F arcsin ; k ; k ¼ sin wm : ð6:5Þ k Requiring the total solution being continuous at z ¼ zm , we can write sin wðzÞ ¼ k sinðaðz aÞ; kÞ
FIGURE 1 The function uS ðsÞ for initially ordered surface distribution.
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FIGURE 2 The function uV ðsÞ for initially ordered surface distribution.
where a satisfies (6.5). The parameter kðtÞ can be calculated from the boundary condition at z ¼ l ak cnðaðl aÞÞ
1 dW½wV ¼ 0; k22 dwV
wV wðlÞ ¼ arcsin½k sinðaðl aÞÞ;
or, taking into account general expression of W ak cnðaðl aÞÞ þ
Wo C2V ðC2S sin 2wV S2S cos 2wV Þ ¼ 0: k22
Here C2S ðtÞ, S2S ðtÞ and C2V are the same as in (3.2). Functions C2S ðtÞ, S2S ðtÞ (and the anchoring energy) can be determined from the kinetic equation as described in Sec. 4.
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
FIGURE 3 The distributions fV ðsÞ and fS ðsÞ for initially ordered surface distribution for middle moment of time.
7. MODIFICATION OF KINETIC EQUATION To describe the adsorption=desorbtion process more precisely we use the generalized kinetic equation in the following form @fS ðu; tÞ ¼ Aþ ðu; tÞfV ðu; tÞ A ðu; tÞfS ðu; tÞ; @t
where we denote Aþ ðu; tÞ ¼ aþ Pþ ðu; tÞ;
A ðu; tÞ ¼ a P ðu; tÞ;
A. Romanenko et al.
FIGURE 4 The function uS ðsÞ for initially chaotic surface distribution.
as Ss 2 cos ðu uS Þ Pþ ðu; tÞ ¼ exp kT Z p=2 as Ss 2 cos ðu1 uS Þ fS ðu1 ; tÞdu1 ; exp kT p=2 as S s 2 P ðu; tÞ ¼ exp cos ðu uS Þ kT Z p=2 as S s cos2 ðu1 uS Þ fV ðu1 ; tÞdu1 : exp kT p=2
The functions P ðu; tÞ can be interpreted as follows. The probability for given LC molecule to be desorbed from the surface depends on the
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
FIGURE 5 The function uV ðsÞ for initially chaotic surface distribution.
order parameter of surrounding it other adsorbed molecules, and also site for desorption should be vacant in other words is may be written as a P ðu; tÞ, where a ¼ const. The surface order parameter is defined as Z p=2 Ss ¼ ½cos2 u 1=2fS ðu; tÞdu: ð7:5Þ p=2
The probability for given LC molecule to be adsorbed depends on its orientational state before adsorption, the order parameter of already adsorbed molecules, and also site for adsorption should be vacant (some adsorbed molecule should go away before new molecule from the bulk comes to that site). So that it is aþ Pþ ðu; tÞ, where a ¼ const.
A. Romanenko et al.
In stationary case we can put @fS =@t ¼ 0 and the kinetic equation became aþ Pþ ðu; tÞ ¼ a P ðu; tÞ: Integrating this expression over u we arrive to the result that aþ ¼ a . It seems that this form of the kinetic equation describes the experimental data more realistically than the equation with A ¼ const. Some results of the numerical calculations are presented on Figures 1–6. The solution of the differential equation was developed with the use of standard Runge-Kutta method, and at each step of this procedure we solve the algebraic equation to find the parameter k of the elliptic functions. In all the figures the following values of constants are chosen: l ¼ 2; n
Wo n ¼ 0:1; k22
bV ¼ 4:55;
bS ¼ 1:
FIGURE 6 The distributions fV ðsÞ and fS ðsÞ for initially chaotic surface distribution for middle moment of time.
Magnetic Field Induced Director Reorientation
(the magnetic field is orthogonal to director distribution). In the kinetic equation (modified) we put A;0 ¼ 1. Time variable is dimensionless, we denote s ¼ A;0 t: In the Figures 1–3 the initial orientation of LC molecules at the plane is the same as in the nearest layer in the volume (i.e., fS ðu; 0Þ ¼ fV ðu; 0Þ). Time evolution of distributions is given for s ffi 0:2. The function uS ðtÞ can be fitted by the stretch exponent uS ðsÞ ¼ uS ð1Þ þ A exp½ðs=s0 Þc with c ¼ 1:18. In the Figures 4–6 the initial orientation at the plane is chaotic, we describe this by the function fs ðu; 0Þ ¼
1; juj < 1:4; 0; juj > 1:4:
R þp=2 (further we normalize this function requiring p=2 fS ðu; 0Þdu ¼ 1). Time evolution of distributions is given for s ffi 0:2. The function uS ðtÞ can be fitted by the stretch exponent with c ¼ 0:79. Note that the parameter c in the stretch exponent essentially depends on all the parameters of the model. It may be larger or smaller than 1:
8. SUMMARY We have studied time evolution of director orientation in the cell subject to the external magnetic field in the case of time-dependent boundary conditions. Boundary conditions change is due to processes of LC molecules adsorption=desorption. Director reorientation may have stretch-exponential character. This agrees qualitatively with experimental data of [11]. Characteristics of stretch exponent significantly depend on model’s parameters, in particular on order parameter of adsorbed LC molecules.
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