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3rd grade - Math. 1st Nine Weeks “I Can…” Statements. I can… state the answer, write it using numbers, or design a graph. (M31A) read and write numbers up to ...
MANCHESTER CITY SCHOOLS 215 E. FORT STREET MANCHESTER, TN 37355 (931) 728-2316 FAX (931) 728-7075

Teacher _____________________________

Name _________________________________

3rd grade - Math 1st Nine Weeks “I Can…” Statements I can… state the answer, write it using numbers, or design a graph. (M31A) read and write numbers up to 10,000 in standard form (example: 4,321), written form (example: four thousand three hundred twenty one), and expanded form (example: 4,000 + 300 + 20 + 1). (M31B) use words and symbols (, and =) to compare numbers. (M31C) use place value to estimate. (M31D) solve word problems using addition and subtraction. (M31E) identify the place value of numbers in the ten-thousands, thousands, hundreds, tens, and ones positions. (M31F) solve addition and subtraction problems with and without regrouping. (M31G) solve problems using the commutative, associative, and distributive properties. (M31H)

MANCHESTER CITY SCHOOLS 215 E. FORT STREET MANCHESTER, TN 37355 (931) 728-2316 FAX (931) 728-7075

Teacher _____________________________

Name ________________________________

3rd grade - Math 2nd Nine Weeks “I Can…” Statements I can… make the correct change when paying with a dollar. (M32A) read and write time to the nearest minute. (M32B) solve problems using a calendar. (M32C) figure out patterns in words, tables, and graphs and use it to answer questions. (M32D) find missing numbers in addition and subtraction problems. (M32E) change numbers from one form to another (standard, word, & expanded form). (M32F)

MANCHESTER CITY SCHOOLS 215 E. FORT STREET MANCHESTER, TN 37355 (931) 728-2316 FAX (931) 728-7075

Teacher _____________________________

Name ________________________________

3rd grade - Math 3rd Nine Weeks “I Can…” Statements I can…

identify fraction using pictures, words, and manipulatives. (M33A)

compare and order fractions. add and subtract fractions with like denominators. give a description of plane figures (such as circles, triangles, squares, and rectangles). give a description of solid figures (such as spheres, cubes, and cylinders). name polygons based on the number of sides and angles they have. determine if lines are parallel, perpendicular, or intersecting. choose reasonable units of measure, estimate common measurements using benchmarks, and use appropriate tools to make measurements. measure length using standard and metric measurements. measure the capacity of a container. show multiplication in many ways, including equal-size groups and arrays. recall basic multiplication facts through 10 times 10.

MANCHESTER CITY SCHOOLS 215 E. FORT STREET MANCHESTER, TN 37355 (931) 728-2316 FAX (931) 728-7075

Teacher _____________________________

Name ________________________________

3rd grade - Math 4th Nine Weeks “I Can…” Statements

I can: show division in many ways, including successive subtraction and dividing into groups. use multiplication facts to solve division problems. find unknown amounts in number sentences involving multiplication and division. solve addition and subtraction word problems (review from 1st 9 weeks). recall basic multiplication facts through 10 times 10 (review from 3rd 9 weeks).