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have someone ready & willing to help es- tablish a secure foundation for your. child's future happiness & achiev
Merry Angels Public School

[email protected]

(Affiliated to C.B.S.E) HS-9B Delta-1, Greater Noida & F-1 Sector– 15 Noida 2510088,6416893 Admissions Helpline: 9212122989



MAPS Welcome to From The Desk of: The Award Wining Managing Diretor: I t is well known that schools are

nurseries of the nation and teachers are the architects of the future. We at Maps really believe in these words. As the sun shines in the sky and spreads its rays on the whole world, We want that each of student at Maps should be a Shining Star and should spread its rays of goodness and virtue in all directions.

T h e

Horse Riding Facility Available

school is setup to provide modern, progressive and quality education. We aim at all round personality development of the child with a scientific approach. At MAPS we endeavor to maintain high standards of education, providing opportunities to students so as to excel in academics.

Our School MAPS

Merry Angels Public School


Weather your child joins us knowing others from the school or comes to us on their own, within a weak or so nearly all children will have become settled & confident, allowing them to make the most of what we have on offer.

The transition from one school to another is a major event in any child’s life & its only natural that they will experience a mixture of emotions, from excitement to apprehension. Parents often feel these emotions more accurately than their children, but with staff and perfects on hand, we feel that whatever the difficulty, we have someone ready & willing to help establish a secure foundation for your child’s future happiness & achievement.

We Accept & Value the Individual This Means We are an Exclusive school founded on common principals & expectations that guide the work of all members of our school community. Education is a personal journey for each child. We See what the individual is capable of becoming We maintain & develop our professional skills in order to understand each child’s potential, to develop, improve & grow, both academically & personally We have the Technology We have recently incorporated Audio Visual Aids (Digital Classrooms), that help Children understand better “Hence we are future ready”


Syllabus, Affiliation Syllabus and Medium: MAPS Noida( Merry Angels Public School) & MAPS Gr. Noida bothfollow the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) syllabus with personal inputs and activity oriented education in order that the pupils learn with flexibility and active involvement in the learning process. English is used as the medium of instruction and national and regional languages are given due importance. Affiliation, Recognition: MAPS Noida & MAPS Greater Noida are affiliated to the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Both the schools are individually affiliated with C.B.S.E. Admission:  Admission is open to all children irrespective of caste, creed, religion or region, subject to rules of the MAPS.  Prospectus and application form for admission can be collected from the Office on payment of Rs.150/ Parents should note that the date of birth entered in the school records will remain the same through out the academic career of the student. At the admission to Class I, the child should be 5½ years as on 31st May of the year. Class I Date of Birth Certificate, UKG Study Certificate Class II and above Marks Statement/Achievement Record of the previous academic year For all Classes 2 copies of recent passport size photograph Records (photocopies) to be submitted along with the Application Form.  Special attention must be paid to entering correctly the name and date of birth of the child, caste and the Parents’ names. Subsequent changes in the date of birth or name will not be permitted.  Students belonging to S.C./S.T. should submit a Xerox copy of the Caste Certificate at the time of admission.  School Leaving Certificate will be given only to those who have settled all their dues. Application for school leaving certificate should be made in writing by the parent. A fee of Rs.50/is charged for issuing a School Leaving Certificate or for any extract from the school’s General Register.

Joining our School

We Nurture Talent

Learning Evaluation, Promotion Regular unit tests, Formative Assessments and terminal examinations – SA I & SA II as per the C.C.E. are held each year and promotion is based on total performance at these tests and exams and regular attendance. It is the policy of the School not to fail a student as far as possible. At the same time a student who has not acquired the necessary skills to study in a higher class may be not promoted. MAPS is interested in providing additional possible facilities for slow or weak learners to acquire the needed skills if parents cooperate with the School in this regard. However, the school strongly discourages the practice of excessive home work, rote-learning, special tuition etc.

Attendance and Leave of absence * For every absence, a written statement signed by the parent/guardian is required on the day the pupil returns. If the student is absent for more than 3 days for reasons of ill health a certificate from a doctor is required stating illness and fitness. * A student who arrives late will require to bring an explanatory note from the parent/ guardian. * A student will not be promoted to the next higher class if his/her attendance falls below 80%. * Students will not be allowed to leave school early unless parents/guardians present a written note to the office. * A student requiring leave for any part of a day on account of sudden illness or such unavoidable circumstances should obtain the permission of the class teacher and Principal before leaving the school. Absence record signed by parent/guardian shall be submitted the next working day itself. Continuous absence for 15 days from school without permission will lead to the removal of the student's name from the school register. In such cases, re-admission will be done only after payment of Rs.200/-. Re-admission cannot be claimed as a matter of right. The school authorities will have full discretion in this matter

for life

We are a Future Ready School With Digital Classrooms



Our Motto: Work Is Worship


Admissions Open for All Classes. Few Seats are available for class XI. Did you Know: *

Admission Appointments can be booked online by visiting: www.MerryAngels.Org or Email us : [email protected] * Admission Test Syllabus can be Downloaded from the School Website. * Admission forms can be Downloaded From the School Website.