using directive to give it a fighting chance. Then, we let overloading will easily take care of everything. To effect that, we implement UberMap as follows: template ...
Maps with Expensive Keys Andrei Alexandrescu December 1, 2005
What’s In a Symbol Name?
would do, and hopefully you’ll never need to know. As of me, I stared at the expression for an eternity Well, I’ll tell you what it is. A lot of embarrassment, that lasted fifteen seconds, until a good soul told me that’s what it is—particularly if the name happens to “ah, doesn’t matter, let’s move on.” Some highlights be a poorly chosen symbol name. If you’re thinking of the rest of the talk were red ears, a thickened acof some foul word left in my source code and found cent, and a general sense of awkwardness. Sigh. by a scrutinizing colleague months later, you’re misIf only A had a better name, it would have revealed taken. (I always use Romanian interjections when I need a “variable name that’s impossible to occur the bug that’s lurking in the code above. You see, A in normal source code,” so I’m covered there). The stands for “Alignment,” and the intent is to round name I’m talking about is an innocuous A, and the up s to the closest alignment. The problem is, the opportunity for embarrassment showed itself right in use of A in the shift implies that it’s given in bits front of some eigthty people anxiously waiting to ex- (e.g., “align to clear the last A bits”), while A’s use in plain myself. The A was staring at me from my own the logical operation suggests that A is given in bytes slides during my second talk at C++ Connections,1 (e.g., “align to a multiple of A”). An appropriate name would have worked wonders towards clarifying and the context was (paraphrased): the intent and fixing the bug: void* Alloc(Heap & h, size_t s) { return h.AllocImpl( (s + ((1 public: FastMap; template iterator find(const Kx& kx) { However, there’s an even better possible design. // Implement in terms of calls How about collapsing all of the comparison predicates // to pred_(kx, something) into one? Consider: // and pred_(something, kx) } typedef std::pair ... MemRange; }; struct UberPred : std::less {
using std::less::operator(); bool operator()( const char* k1, const string& k2) const {
The design comprising all of the comparitors has simplicity on its side—you just plug the appropriate comparitor into a structure that otherwise is just like std::map, and you’re done without any fuss, muss, or any other unpleasantry ending in “uss”. The design also has the advantage of efficiency—the compiler generates one separate version of find for each type you call find with. On the downside, if you have a few predicates lying around, then. . . “some assembly required,” as it reads on those impossible-to-puttogether pieces of furniture. But fear not, with just a little handiwork you can assemble simple predicates into larger predicates quite easily:
... }
bool operator()( const string& k1, const char* k2) const { ... }
bool operator()( const MemRange k1, const string& k2) const {
struct UberPred
: std::less , LessAsciiZString , LessMemRangeString { using std::less::operator(); using LessAsciiZString::operator(); using LessMemRangeString::operator(); };
bool operator()( const string& k1, const MemRange k2) const { ... } };
The UberPred class collects all of the predicates under one roof. UberPred also inherits the primary 6 Implementation key type and injects its operator() through the using directive to give it a fighting chance. Then, I bet you are starting this section hoping that I we let overloading will easily take care of everything. sat down and wrote a custom red-black tree implementation. Sorry, I didn’t. But let’s focus To effect that, we implement UberMap as follows: 5
our attention on implementing UberMap by hacking into Loki::AssocVector (which can be downloaded from Loki::AssocVector is a std::map-lookalike that uses a sorted vector for storage. Such a choice has the advantage of fast binary searches but slow insertions and removals. (Also, iterators are invalidated during insertions and removals, which doesn’t happen with std::map’s node-based storage.)
It is surprising that in spite of its versatility, std::map cannot efficiently accomodate keys of alternate type. One possible solution would be to extend std::map’s interface with two additional functions, iterator left(iterator) and iterator right(iterator). These functions would return iterators pointing to the lesser and greater subtrees, respectively. You see, std::map’s iterators live You can download an implementation of in a two-dimensional world (the landscape of the tree AssocVector with secondary key types from they span), but only offer the unidimensional inter The crux of the changes face that conforms to bidirectional iterators. Uniforis in the implementation of lower_bound, which in mity is good, but then Procrustes was into uniforturn helps in implementing find. Here it is: mity, too. A map iterator should be different bacause it is different—it can instantly jump across the // AssocVector With Alternate Keys tree that’s essential to implementing custom searches template< through the map. As things stand now, you’d have to class K, reimplement your map from scratch, live with inefficlass V, cient searches, or use the Loki::AssocVector paliaclass C = std::less, tiv. But whatever you do, please, please, always find class A = informative names for your symbols. std::allocator< std::pair > > class AssocVectorWAK { References ... [1] Andrei Alexandrescu. GenerichProgrammingi: public: A Policy-Based basic_string Implementation. iterator lower_bound(const key_type& k) { C++ Experts Online, June 2001. AvailMyCompare& me = *this; able at iterator left = begin(), right = end(); cuj-06-2001.html. while (left < right) { iterator i = left + (right - left) / 2; [2] Andrei Alexandrescu. Modern C++ Design. if (me(k, *i)) right = i; Addison-Wesley Longman, 2001. else if (me(*i, k)) left = i + 1; } [3] Andrei Alexandrescu. GenerichProgrammingi: return left; Three µIdeas. C++ Users Journal, February } 2005. }; [4] Marcel Proust. Remembrance of Things Past. Penguin Classics, 1998. You can find the famous The lower_bound implementation is as unexcitmadeleines fragment at http://www.haverford. ing an implementation of a binary search as it edu/psych/ddavis/p109g/proust.html. gets. The only reason for which we can’t use std::lower_bound is that, at least in theory, that implementation might not work properly; a predicate with multiple overloads of operator() is not acceptable by the letter of the standard. 6