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On behalf of the Barneveld Boys Basketball Team and Coaching Staff, I would like to thank everyone for their overwhelming support throughout the 2013-14 season.
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A common excuse from small business owners is “The BIG businesses can afford to advertise, but we’re just a small company. Sure, some of these big businesses started out with large investment capital, but consider this perspective— Perhaps they were small, gained momentum, and continued to grow because they understood the importance of and utilized their advertising. They out-advertised their competition in order to gain their position, and then have continued to advertise to maintain that position.
‘11 Dodge Grand Caravan 61K...$19,995
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If Someone Doesn’t Find Your Website Address, Does Your Target Area Know Who You Are Or That You Exist? Run an ad in the Barneveld Shopper with basic information along with your website address to direct people to your site.
2010 Ford Fusion SEL 45K...$16,885
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BARNEVELD CHURCHES Church News Sponsored By:
Wright's Feed Service
NATURALLY SPEAKING By Jerry Davis Opossums are not most people’s favorite harbingers of spring, but they are more reliable than the acclaimed woodchuck. One or two warm spells, whatever that means this year, bring increased activity from this non-hibernating animal. Two urges are responsible for these early marsupial ramblings; hunger and finding mates. The events that follow are interesting and bizarre. Gestation is 13 days; newborns are only partially developed; and they somehow get into their mother’s pouch, the marsupium, where they take nourishment for about 70 days. Once out of the pouch, the young may still cling to the mother’s fur or tail. Opossums do not hibernate. Their naked tails and ears are commonly frostbitten. Adults eat animal and plant material, dead and alive, including rattlesnakes, whose venom is no match for the 50 teeth opossums have.
24/7 . . . Rain or Shine . . . local, or independent 24/7 . . Your . Rain Shine . . . agent will be there. Your local, independent agent will be there.
322 N. Iowa Street 122Street E. Main Street 322 N. Iowa Street122 E. Main Mount Horeb, WI 53572 Dodgeville, WI 53533 Forseth Mount Horeb, WI 53572 Erika Dodgeville, WI 53533 Erika Forseth 608-437-9308 608-935-9308
IMMACULATE CONCEPTION CATHOLIC PARISH...Barneveld 8:30 AM March 16th Lector: Leo Clerkin Servers: Maggie Fassbender Morgan Fuerstenberg Louden Fuerstenberg Greeters: Charlie and Jill Fuerstenberg
March 23rd Lector: Jerry Hook Servers: Natalie Elfering Noelle Elfering Nicole Elfering Greeters: Dawn Granberg
Barneveld Garage Sale Days May 15-17, 2014
Rev. Donna Kaveloski (608) 778-4782 (cell) (608) 924-0086 (parsonage) e-mail:
Sunday, March 16 9:00 am Worship Service Child Care Provided 9:10 am Sunday School 10:05 am Coffee Hour Council Meeting after Coffee Hour Greeters: Charlie Aschliman & Jenny Hegbloom Acolytes: Madi Bakken Scripture: Al Wright Offertory: Ernie & Joyce Aschliman Coffee Hour: Wanda Owens & Tracy Owens 7:00 pm Alcoholics Anonymous Upcoming Coffee Hour: March 23 - Hazel Roberts & Jean Ann Swenson March 30 - Mary Ojibway & Pam Trainor April 6 - Jeanne Jabs & Elsie Jane Murphy
Rev. P. Jack Way Jr. 924-8621 or
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Pamper Yourself Or Loved One
For Bookings or Questions
LEE POLLOCK 576-4022 924-5404
Thursday March 13 Sunday March 16 Tuesday March 18 Wed. March 19
7 – 8 pm Pilates in Facility 9:00 am Worship 9:20 – 10:00 am Sunday School Pre-k – 6th grade 7-8 pm Pilates in Facility 9:30 – 3:30 Food Pantry Open 6:00 pm Confirmation Class
The Food Pantry is Open on Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 or by appointment by contacting 924-8621. Donations are always welcome
A common excuse from small business owners is “The BIG businesses can afford to advertise, but we’re just a small company. Sure, some of these big businesses started out with large investment capital, but consider this perspective—Perhaps they were small, gained momentum, and continued to grow because they understood the importance of and utilized their advertising. They out-advertised their competition in order to gain their position, and then have continued to advertise to maintain that position.
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YEARLY RATES ARE LESS THAN YOU BUYING STAMPS FOR ONE WEEK Weekly Classified ads starting at $10.00 up to Full page-$156.00
Ritchie Implement
100 W Industrial Dr Barneveld, WI 53507 608-924-9711
RANDY DANZ WANTS YOU TO SUPPORT THE LIBRARY! Thanks to the generous donations by area businesses and individuals, Randy’s Barneveld Business Challenge has met its first goal! $6000 has been raised and Randy has contributed another $250 and the challenge begins again! Barneveld area businesses are challenged to match or exceed his contribution to the Barneveld Public Library Building Fund. All donors will be listed in the Barneveld Shopper. The sky is the limit! Donations can be made at the People’s Community Bank—Barneveld, the Library, or the Village office.
Be sure to tell the clerk your donation goes towards ‘Randy’s Challenge’! If there ever a time to support your library, this is it. Please consider a donation – libraries are priceless!
Beef and Irish Stout Stew Prep Time: 30 Minutes Cook Time: 3 Hours Ready In: 3 Hours 30 Minutes Servings: 6 “This stew is great for St. Patrick’s Day. The mixture of the beef and Guinness is awesome! I usually add more beer than the recipe calls for. Serve with mashed potatoes.”
INGREDIENTS: 2 pounds lean beef stew meat, cut into 1-inch cubes 3 tablespoons vegetable oil, divided 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour 1 pinch salt and ground black pepper to taste 1 pinch cayenne pepper 2 large onions, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 2 tablespoons tomato paste 1 1/2 cups Irish stout beer (such as Guinness®) 2 cups chopped carrot 1 sprig fresh thyme 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley for garnish DIRECTIONS: 1. Toss the beef cubes with 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. In a separate bowl, stir together the flour, salt, pepper, and cayenne pepper. Dredge the beef in this to coat. 2. Heat the remaining oil in a deep skillet or Dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add the beef, and brown on all sides. Add the onions, and garlic. Stir the tomato paste into a small amount of water to dilute; pour into the pan and stir to blend. Reduce the heat to medium, cover, and cook for 5 minutes. 3. Pour 1/2 cup of the beer into the pan, and as it begins to boil, scrape any bits of food from the bottom of the pan with a wooden spoon. This adds a lot of flavor to the broth. Pour in the rest of the beer, and add the carrots and thyme. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer for 2 to 3 hours, stirring occasionally. Taste and adjust seasoning before serving. Garnish with chopped parsley.
What’s Happening Mar. 17th, 6-7pm—Drop-in Knitting: Knit & visit with friends. An expert will be on hand to help answer your knitting questions! Mar. 19th, 7pm– Board of Trustee Meeting all are welcome to attend Mar. 20th, 4-5pm—Tween Writing Group ages 9-13 explore poetry, non-fiction, and some experimental writing Mar. 20th, 6pm—Friends of the Library Meeting all are welcome to attend Mar. 21, 4-5pm NEW! 6th& 7th Grade Book Group discussing “Wonder” by R.J. Palacio. Contact us to get your copy today! Mar. 30th, 1-4pm Art Auction at Botham Vineyards Visit or find us on Facebook for more info on these upcoming events:
Art Auction at Botham Vineyards to Benefit Barneveld Public Library Expansion
by Kate McKinney Your senses are sure to come alive at the first annual Barneveld Public Library Art Action, planned for March 30, at picturesque Botham Vineyards and Winery. Live- and silent auctions will benefit the Barneveld Public Library expansion project. Wine tasting will compliment this event which will be held in the vineyard’s popular Back-barn Lounge. An impressive lineup of local artists have generously donated their artwork to be auctioned off in order to support the library expansion. Youth artwork from Barneveld School will also be auctioned to support this effort. The auction will include artwork from esteemed local artists, including Edward Wohl of Edward Wohl Woodworking & Design, Ridgeway. Known internationally for his signature line of bird's-eye maple cutting boards, Wohl has designed and built custom wood furniture for more than 40 years. His work is “known for its masterful design, seamless joinery, liquid-smooth finish
and quiet utility,” according to his website. “Every piece is not only gorgeous and deeply sensual, but is also eminently useful and intended to be a part of your daily life — as well as the lives of your children and grandchildren.” Form and function are also important to Frank Polizzi, of Mulberry Pottery in Mineral Point. A full-time potter for more than three decades, Polizzi produces wood-fired stoneware, flame ware and porcelain, and pit-fired earthen ware. Traditional in form, his pieces are made using locally sourced clay and food-safe glazes. Mark Skudlarek and his wife Gaea founded Cambridge Wood-fired Pottery in 1988. Their functional pots are inspired by English, French and Asian traditions. From processing the clay to turning it on the wheel, then firing the pots in a large wood-burning kiln, Skudlarek writes that their way of making pots, “pays respect to ancient traditions and produces pottery that is functional and connects us to our daily surroundings.”
We can also look forward to pieces by painter Adrienne Applegate, formerly of Spring Green, and photographer Jeremy Amble of Barneveld. Festivities will begin at 1 p.m. The live auction begins at 3 p.m., led by local auctioneer Nick Kirch. To get to Botham Vineyards from Barneveld, drive south on Jones Road to County Highway K, turn right and proceed one mile to Langberry Road. Turn right onto Langberry Road. Botham Vineyards is the first driveway on the right at 8180 Langberry Rd. Join us for this special afternoon and help support your local library. Area artists interested in submitting artwork to the auction are encouraged to contact Library Director, Carrie Portz, at 608-924-3711. Please contact the library with questions or visit the library’s Facebook page or for more information regarding this and other library events.
John Murphy Construction Specializing in Roofing & Siding No project to big or too small Fully Insured Free Estimates John Murphy, Barneveld
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Ryan Genrich 608-577-0108
for all your
Cold Continues for Early Trout Opener
Ple as e ca ll 1 -800 -35 6 -968 2 or go t o Wi ck Buil di ng s. com t o g et FRE E i n for mat ion on Wi ck Buil di ng s.
Post Fr am e nee ds
Hel pi ng you get th e bu il di ng an d serv i ce you de se rve!
Crop for a Cause Help raise funds for the Upland Hills Health Dialysis Center
Saturday, March 29, 2014 8:30 am - 4:30 pm • New Location: Dodge Point Country Club Your day will include: Lunch • Gifts • Door Prizes • Demonstrations Lots of Crop time! Public events include: Scrapbooking and Stamping Vendors on site Scrapbooking Garage Sale — new and gently used items Win a $75 JoAnn’s Fabrics Gift Certificate! Tickets sold in the Hospital Gift Shop. Raffle drawing at 3:30 pm at the event.
151 23
Time for your projects and friends!
To Mineral Point
Governor Dodge Rd.
To Dodgeville
E. Barreltown Rd.
Dodge Point Country Club
Early Bird registration fee is $30; register before March 7, 2014 Regular registration fee is $40; register by March 21, 2014 Pick up a registration form at Upland Hills Health Community Relations Dept. 608.930.7112 or visit and print one from our website
1050 COPIES DISTRIBUTED WEEKLY & NOW ON THE WEB YEARLY RATES ARE LESS THAN YOU BUYING STAMPS FOR ONE WEEK Weekly Classified ads starting at $10.00 up to Full page-$156.00
924-2002 barneveldshopper@ WWW BARNEVELDSHOPPER .COM
BARNEVELD – It was spring when trout anglers took to streams for Wisconsin’s early season trout opener March 1. Spring in meteorological terms is March, April and May in Wisconsin. Talking about a meteorological spring to an early season trout angler during this opening may get a nasty look in return. But more likely, since trout season was open, most anglers were content to be out and about casting flies and lures with their fly rods or spinning rods. Most were dressed, however, as hardy ice fishermen. “It’s a tradition to be out on the opener,” said Ying Thao, from Madison, who was out to catch a trophy trout, even though he knew it couldn’t go on a wall. His early season ordeal may have been about tradition, but he couldn’t match last year’s feat during a three-hour trek on Trout Creek in eastern Iowa County. “Last year I was fishing this same hole and on my first cast I caught a 25-inch brown trout,” Thao said. “I’ve caught five small trout this morn-
ing; most were shorter than nine inches.” The opener wasn’t the coldest or the worst opener, weather-wise, but it was close, Thao said. Still, he persisted, knowing he’d go home empty-handed, but filled with the satisfaction of continuing his tradition. To help make the day memorable and tempting to the fish, Thao was using bright-colored lures, fishing slower and looking for deeper holes. But it didn’t seem to help. To top it off, the water was a lower than normal, too. Within a few weeks Thao will give up trout fishing, not because he didn’t get a trophy this year, but he turns his attention to bass and other fish as the real spring appears. Still, no fish get taken home until the catfish start biting. “If I’m going to take a fish home, it’s a catfish,” Thao said. “They’re bigger, easy to clean, and there’s a lot of meat on one fish.”
Signing Day for Two Eagles By: Kristen Udelhofen Edited by: Samantha Evans On Friday, February 28th, both Carson Carmody and Kristen Udelhofen took an exciting step for their future. Baseball and softball have been a huge part of their lives, and they plan to continue playing the game while in college. Carson plans on being a part of the Wolfpack at Madison College, and Kristen on being a part of the Crusaders at Clarke University in Dubuque, Iowa. Congratulations to these two on their exciting news, and good luck to them as they start their successful careers in their athletics and their education.
Eagle Flyer Editor: Amanda Roberts March 13th
Upcomming Events
3/13 - GBB Sectionals 3/15 - GBB Sectionals 3/13-BBB State Tournament Eagles move on to the Regional Finals By Kaitlyn Walker
The Barneveld Boys Basketball team wins regionals.
Regional Final Rematch By- Dustin Hodgson
Edited by: Kristen Udelhofen On Friday, February 28, the boys’ basketball team played in the Regional Semi-Final game against the River Ridge Timberwolves. The Eagles started off strong and came on top in the first quarter leading 11-8. The Eagles continued to put up points, and lead going into the half, 23-15. The Eagles never looked back leading the rest of the game. In the third quarter the Eagles didn’t score as many points, but still lead 31-20. In the fourth quarter the Eagles Kristen Udelhofen signs with the Clarke Crusaders. once again put up double digits in points to win the game 42-27. The team lead scorer was Matthew Myers with 16, followed by Tyler Hellenbrand with 9 points. The team leader in rebounds was Tyler Hellenbrand with 11, followed by Brycen Sorensen with 9. Good luck to the Eagles in the rest of their tournament run and congratulations on a great season.
Edited by- Kristen Udelhofen On Saturday, March 1st, the Barneveld Eagles hosted the Potosi Chieftains in a rematch, except this rematch was for the Regional Championship. The Eagles knew this wouldn’t be an easy game as Potosi stuck with them earlier in the season making it a fairly close game. At halftime, the Eagles were down 27-25. After that, the Eagles outscored the Chieftains 33-23. Brycen Sorensen and Tyler Hellenbrand both had a big night having both score 13 points each. Matthew Myers had a big night as well scoring 20 points helping the Eagles to a 58-50 win over the Chieftains and advancing them to the sectional semifinals.
Dodging for Team Jaden What – Dodgeball Tournament Injuries may occur – all participants play at their own risk. Carson Carmody signs with MATC.
Why – 100% of funds will be given to Team Jaden! Jaden Goninen, a 5th grade student at Pecatonica battling cancer. Where – Pecatonica High School When – April 5th (see game times for each division below) Who – 6 Divisions (everyone welcome)
Senior Profile: Kendra Bahr By: Savannah Schaller
Edited By: Kristen Udelhofen
Kendra Bahr is a confident and kindhearted senior at Barneveld this year. While at Barneveld, her favorite class was Advanced Composition. Her favorite teachers were Ms. Bosch and Mr. Neuroth. Kendra enjoys going to sporting events and cheering on her classmates. When not displaying her exceptional school spirit, Kendra is at dance. It is her favorite extracurricular activity, and it really shows what a dedicated person she is. Because of Kendra’s determined and positive attitude, it’s no surprise that she has big plans for the future. Kendra will be attending UW-Milwaukee in the fall to pursue Radiology. She will surely excel in this career choice, since her favorite subject is science. In ten years, Kendra wants to have a job and a family. We will miss having Kendra’s friendly smile around next year, as well as her humor. Also, we wish Kendra success and luck in her very bright future.
1st – 3rd Grades
4th – 5th Grades
6th – 8th Grades
9th – 12th Grades
Fire Departments
Cost - $35 Team (each team must have 7 players to start each game) Checks Payable to; Jaden Goninens Benefit Fund Pre –registration only! Registrations need to be received by March 26th. Send information below, plus entry fee to Troy Ruegsegger 206 West Wilson Street Blanchardville WI, 53516. Tournament information will be send to your team via email by April 1st. Concession Stand will be available throughout the event. No carry-ins please. Team Name _________________________________________________ Email Address _______________________________________________ Parent Team Captain _________________________________________ (All grades 1st – 5th MUST have an adult as a Team Captain at all games)
Barneveld School Board Member Urges U.S. Congress to Make Public Education a Top Priority
Barneveld, WI- March 3, 2014 Wanda Owens of the Barneveld school board and Vice President of the Wisconsin Association of School Boards (WASB) joined more than 750 school board and state school board association leaders in Washington D.C. to advocate for strong public schools for all students. Wanda was in Washington D.C. to take part in the National School Boards Association's (NSBA) AdvocacyInstitute. School board members also engaged in NSBA's Federal Relations Network, a national grassroots legislative effort that urges members of the U.S. Congress to make public education a top priority. "We need strong public schools to ensure that our students are well prepared for college and careers in today's rapidly changing global economy," said Wanda. "As school board members, the NSBA's Advocacy Institute helped us learn about emerging federal and national issues and the importance of adding our local expertise to the conversations in Washington to ensure that new policies are beneficial to all of our students". Resources and funding are significant concerns for local districts. School districts have recently seen cuts in their federal and state budgets because of across-the- board cuts last year through the process known as sequestration. In a day-long visit to Capitol Hill, we asked Congress to accelerate investments in public education that support local efforts to continue to raise student achievement and to appropriate full funding for Title 1 and IDEA mandates. "Local school boards understand the needs of our communities and schools and work to serve the best interests of our school districts," said Wanda. "We need Congress and the U.S. Department of Education to work with us to ensure that all students are receiving the best public education we can provide".
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BARNEVELD BOOSTER CLUB Good Luck to the Boys & Girls Basketball Teams We are proud of you all! THANK YOU The Barneveld Booster Club would like to thank everyone who attended the Dueling Piano event. It was a successful fundraiser for our student athletes. Your enthusiasm, participation and generosity is greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank the Barneveld Legion for their support.
Stamp a Stack All About Nature 10 cards w/envelopes cards from the Stampin Up Catalog. $15
Our next event, The Booster Club Golf Outing will be held in August. More details to follow. We are always looking for new members. Please email if you are interested in joining. Thank you!
Monday March 17, 2014 Barneveld Lutheran Church 6:30 pm-8:30 pm
FREE GIFT! if you RSVP by March 10. Free Gift! If you bring a Friend! Childcare is available if you contact me. If you have any questions please email or call 574-4866 Hope to see you there!
The Barneveld Booster Club is gathering information for The Barneveld Athletic Hall of Fame. We are seeking information from community members, past players, coaches, school staff or family members. Please email or contact us with any information, stats, or records regarding past Athletes who attended Barneveld High School. We would like to recognize all former athletes with decorated honors (any sport). Thank you!
Michelle Ihm - Independent Demonstrator 608-924-2616 Cell 574-4866
email: or contact Shannon Wood at 608-574-3663. Still Feeling The Winter Blues Or Getting Ready For A Vacation In The Sun?
Don’t Forget Prom Is Only A Few Weeks Away!
505 SWISS LANE, BARNEVELD, WI 608-924-8621 Email: Web:
We Have Unlimited Monthly Tanning For Only $40.00
Saturday by Appointment
Visitors Always Welcome!
Barneveld Food Pantry is Open on Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 or by appointVa cation Bible School (4 & 5 yea r olds) ment by 924-8621. Da ycontacting Ca mp (1st – 5th grade) Donations are always welcome Everyone is welcome
Visit our website to learn more about our Wellness Team members and the services they offer.
Save the Date – June 10 -13 at Barneveld Lutheran
Uninsured and unemployed?
Barneveld School Board Members Recognized
Barneveld School Board members Ted Thompson for their efforts to to go above and beyond for our stuPeter Shatrawka and Ted Thompson improve educational opportunities dents and the district," Kevin Knudwere recently recognized by the Wis- for the young people in the com- son, Barneveld District Administraconsin Association of School Boards munity and to diligently work at en- tor said. "I look forward to my other (WASB) for their commitment to the suring an effective governing body," members to receive these awards in Barneveld School District. John Ashley, WASB Executive Direc- the future." Shatrawka and Thompson earned tor said. "I thank Peter and Ted for Another Barneveld School Board this recognition by attending train- their work on behalf of public educa- member, Wanda Owens, was also reThis information is a public service announcement brought to you by the Iowa County Community Coalition of: ADRC of Southwest ingWisconsin-Iowa opportunities by the WASB and/ tion in Wisconsin." cently elected First Vice President of County, Community Connection Free Clinic, Grassroots Citizens of Wisconsin, Iowa County Health Dept., Iowa County orSocial theServices, National AssoThompson were rec- Insurance. the Wisconsin Association of School UplandSchool Hills Health,Boards Inc., and Esch Insurance,Shatrawka Lundell Insurance,and Town and Country Insurance, Walker-Weier ciation, focused on student achieve- ognized at a WASB Regional Meet- Boards, another nice honor for the ment and improving education. ing last fall. school district, Knudson added. "I commend Peter Shatrawka and "It's nice that my Board is dedicated
For help call 608-574-7986
Dropped from Badgercare?
For help call 608-574-7986 This information is a public service announcement brought to you by the Iowa County Community Coalition of: ADRC of Southwest Wisconsin-Iowa County, Community Connection Free Clinic, Grassroots Citizens of Wisconsin, Iowa County Health Dept., Iowa County Social Services, Upland Hills Health, Inc., and Esch Insurance, Lundell Insurance, Town and Country Insurance, Walker-Weier Insurance.
Deer Valley Golf Course and Lodge Barneveld 608-924-3033
BARNEVELD JUST LISTED! 402 Lin Mar Dr. 4 bdrm, 2.5 bath Ranch with 2500 sq ft of living space. Finished walkout lower level, french doors, bright and open kitchen/ dinette area with vaulted ceiling. ½+ acre wooded lot with storage shed. New windows in Dec 2010. Spacious 2 car garage. $214,900 504 Swiss Lane Be impressed with this well maintained Ranch. Living and family room on main level. Open kitchen, main floor laundry. New Roof in 2004. New windows installed in Nov 2011. Finished lower level. $178,500 150 Acres Hook Rd. Outstanding piece of land! Variety of terrain which includes woods, tillable and rock outcroppings. Small recreational bldg on property as well. Call for details!
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GFC BullSale Sale GFC Bull 35 bulls went to March 22 5 states Averagi $33Farm 00 12:30 atngthe
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200 East Main Street Mount Horeb, WI 53572 I Am Your Voice Venezuela-- Highland Exchange Student Speaks Up by Valentina Clamens
problem that affects Venezuelans Editor's note: Valentina is an exchange the most is the extreme threat to student from Venezuela, currently living personal safety that has taken over in Highland, Wisconsin. every corner of the country. Even in places that were usually known as As a Venezuelan living in "safe," like universities, people live Wisconsin, I have been expecting constantly scared and worried of for the past two weeks to hear some being robbed, kidnapped or murnews about Venezuela's situation. dered. I was expecting all my American Venezuelans are not living, friends and teachers to comment they are surviving. about what is going on in Venezuela The murder rate makes right now. I thought the whole crisis Venezuela the fourth most dangerwould appear in the social media as ous country in the world. According much as Ukraine's terrible situation to the Academic Studies by the Venhas. However, to my surprise, no ezuelan Observatory of Violence, one seemed to know anything about in 2013 25,000 citizens were murit. Apparently, the performance of a dered, out of a less than 30 million Venezuelan guy in The Bachelor TV population (in Iraq, which is in war, show was more popular. 8,000 citizens have died). I do not blame people for Furthermore, 90 percent not being informed, and I do not of these criminals go unpunished, blame the U.S. newspapers for not with no arrest or investigation. For publishing enough about Venezue- a country that counts with big oil rela's circumstances. How can they be serves and has the potential to be a informed here, if not even Venezue- rich developed nation, none of these lans have access to information? issues are acceptable. For this reason, I realized that it is For these reasons, millions my obligation as a Venezuelan living of Venezuelans decided to protest here to work in lieu of social media peacefully following one of the opand spread the word. The fighters in position leaders, Leopoldo López, Venezuela need to know that they who was arrested, despite the lack are not alone. They need us to share of a legitimate charge. What started what they are going through so they as a pacifist movement with whiscan get international support. tles, cameras to record the truth and So, what's going on in Ven- signs, had turned into a battle beezuela? tween civilians and the military. Since February 12 until The military, which is supnow, thousands of citizens, espe- posed to protect its people, is viocially students, have peacefully lating the Venezuelan people's hutaken the streets. They have been man rights by capturing, torturing, protesting several issues that have bombing and shooting against procaused controversy among Venezu- testers. Under their weapons, ten or elans since President Nicolás Mad- more citizens have been killed, hunuro took power last April. These dreds have been seriously injured economic, social and political prob- and arrested, and several students lems affect all the social classes in were tortured and raped with a rifle. the country. The National Armed Forces Economically, Venezuela is treating their people as criminals. has one of the highest inflation rates What they do not realize is that this in the world, presently at 56 percent. is not a pro-government vs. antiShortages of basic supplies such as government movement, as it used toilet paper, sugar and milk are to be. This time it is about all Venpresent every day. Citizens spend ezuelans, regardless of class, race or hours in long lines to get what they political party preference. It is about can find, and the government's an- every single citizen who is being swer is to reduce the consumption highly affected in the same way by of these products or to blame the the same problems, who is looking private enterprises for not produc- for a better life and better opportuing enough, whilst the real reason nities, who wants to build a better lies within the fact that the govern- country. ment owes millions of U.S. dollars One of the most serious to these private companies, result- problems, and the main reason we ing in them being unable to produce should be concerned, is that Venesufficient to satisfy the demand. zuelans have been robbed of their Without a doubt, and I can freedom of speech. The government say it from personal experience, the has taken control of all airways of
communication, including television and radio. Even international channels like NTN24 and CNN in Spanish have been censored or banned for recording the truth and for covering what has been happening in the marches. This means that while there is violence going on in the streets, social media does not seem to notice it. The government's news channels show the President trying to avoid the reality by talking about other topics, accusing the opposition and the U.S.A. of being "Nazis" and "fascists,"and trying to hide the actual facts. As a consequence of this repression, Twitter is the principal social media that Venezuelans have been using to communicate with each other and with the rest of the world. However, the government controlled the web page in the country making images unable to open. Also, the internet, which is controlled by the government too, has been presenting failures regularly. Hundreds of videos and pictures revealing the violence from the military to the people have been taken by civilians with their phones and published on Facebook and YouTube. Nevertheless, the government keeps denying these proofs and blaming the opposition for the violent events. After 14 years of abuses and bad politics, Venezuelans are tired. We just want to live in the country that our grandparents tell us it used to be. We just want to be able to walk in the streets without the fear of being robbed, kidnapped or murdered. We are looking forward for opportunities, jobs, education, for a better future in the country that saw us grow up. Those Venezuelans, who are foreigners in another land, are also wishing to come back. We are far away, but not absent. We have been supporting this cause from more than 150 cities around the world, showing our love for our home country. My purpose with this article is to be Venezuela's voice, to inform Americans, especially in Wisconsin, about the real situation we are going through. We need your help to share, to inform and to pray for our country. Venezuela needs international pressure in order to get out of this dictatorship. Please help us and share!
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2014 4 Year Old Kindergarten Enrollment The Barneveld School District is currently doing enrollment for the 2014-2015 4 Year-Old Kindergarten Program. If your child will be 4 before September 1, 2014, please call the district office to begin the registration process. 924-4711 Information needed at this time: Child’s name, Parent’s name, address, date of birth, and daytime telephone number.
THE BARNEVELD/RIDGEWAY OVER 55 GROUP March meeting is the 24th. We meet the 2nd and 4th Mondays of each month at noon at Summit Apartment’s kitchen for a potluck lunch. We are working on speakers ,authors, a book club if enough interest is shown or any other ideas that you may have for our meetings. We are always taking suggestion of new ideas or entertainers for our meetings. On April 14th, Harold (Skip} Thorpe will be our speaker. He has written several books - Some for adults and a few for children. Giddyup:Tin Lizzie was one of his books. Come and enjoy a meal and also meet an author. Come and join us. Rita Stanton R.N. will hold her foot clinic on the 10th. Call Mary Ann at 9244342 for more information. Looking ahead: Put July 19th on your calendar. The Church Sisters will be singing at the Barneveld Lutheran Church. Watch for more details of this event. They sing gospel, blue grass, country style music. They preform last year and was enjoyed by everyone.. BARNEVELD PUBLIC LIBRARY BOARD will meet the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 PM at the library. Everyone invited to attend. THE MARCH MEETING OF THE BIRCH LAKE HCE will be held at 7:30pm on Monday, March 24, at Marcia Thompson’s house. Co-hostess will be Teri Hendrickson. The project lesson, “Balance” will be presented by Nancy Gaffney. Visitors are welcome! For questions, call Marcia at 924-8621. TO THE RESIDENTS OF THE VILLAGE OF BARNEVELD – Spring Election: Any qualified elector who is unable or unwilling to appear at the polling place on Election Day may request to vote an absentee ballot. The elector must also be registered in order to receive an absentee ballot. Please contact the Village Office at 924-6861 or 403 E. County ID, Barneveld, WI 53507 to request an application to vote absentee. The first day to vote an absentee ballot in the clerk’s office is Monday, March 17th, 2014. The deadline for making application by mail is 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, March 27th, 2014 and deadline for voting absentee in the clerk’s office is 5:00 p.m. on Friday, March 28th, 2014. MARCH IMMUNIZATION SCHEDULE: March 17 9:00 – 11:00 a.m. March 24 3:00 – 5:30 p.m. Please call the Iowa County Health Department at (608) 930-9870 for an appointment and bring immunization record. Children must be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian or have a note from parent and be accompanied by a person over eighteen years of age.
BEFORE AND AFTER SCHOOL CHILD CARE NEEDED in the Barneveld School District for the 20142015 school year for two boys ages 5 and 7. Mornings from 6:45 am until school start time/bus loading time and after school until 5 pm. I will also need care for nonschool days and early release days. Please contact Hollie Gust at 920-327-2579 or 608-924-1917 if you have availability.
The American Legion in Barneveld is Missing two six foot folding tables and also a new black roaster oven. Who ever has them please bring them back soon, as they are needed here weekly.
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BMAP CONSERVATION CONVERSATIONS EVENT MARCH 20, 2014 “The Foundations of Oak Management in the Driftless Area” Wisconsin DNR Foresters Tom Hill and Brad Hutnik Thursday March 20, 2014, 7:00-9:00 PM Location: Mount Horeb Branch of the State Bank of Cross Plains 1740 Bus 18-151 in Mount Horeb, next to Culvers Restaurant. See for a map. Oak forests are one of the Driftless Areas most important resources. Unfortunately, oak forests face many challenges in the 21st century. Invasive species, changing aesthetics, rising deer populations, and other factors are all playing a role in the loss of oak from our forests. Our speakers will examine the history and ecology of our oak forests and offer a way forward which integrates ecology, economics, and aesthetics. Free and open to the public. Refreshments will be available. The Blue Mounds Area Project is a community-based organization that seeks to inspire, inform and empower private landowners in the Southwestern Wisconsin region to enjoy, protect and restore native biodiversity and ecosystem health. For more information about joining BMAP, site visits, or other events,please visit, email, or call 469-2998.
BARNEVELD SHOPPER SATURDAY NOON DEADLINE: 12:00 PM Items received on or before Saturday's mail will be included in the upcoming Thursdays publication. $10.00/30 words or less, 10 cents for each additional word after 30. Call 924-2002 for other ad cost. E-MAIL DEADLINE: 12:00 p.m. on Saturday. E-MAIL: In the subject line enter (Shopper & your phone #) CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ACCEPTED: call 9242002 Please send/enclose payment to: Barneveld Shopper 2827 McSherry-Nihles Rd, Barneveld, WI 53507 AMERICAN LEGION SAL meets the 2nd Tues. of each month @ the Legion Hall. AMERICAN LEGION will meet the first Monday of each month at 7:00 PM at the American Legion hall. THE COMMUNITY CLOTHES CLOSET'S hours are the 2nd & 4th Saturdays, 10 a.m. -noon and the 3rd Thursday, 5-7 p.m. The Clothes Closet located at 102 E. Lincoln St., Mt. Horeb. FOOD PANTRY: The Barneveld Food pantry is a cooperative outreach of the Barneveld & Ridgeway churches, local organizations and private donations. The Food pantry, housed at the Barneveld Lutheran facility is available for those in need in the area. The Pantry is Open on Wednesday 9:30 – 3:30 or by appointment by contacting 924-8621. Donations are always welcome. THE BARNEVELD ADVANCEMENT ASSOCIATION is looking for new members. We meet the 3rd Tuesday of every month, so if you’re interested in giving back to the community please come to the American Legion Hall at 7pm. THE BLUE MOUNDS FOOD PANTRY & CLOTHING CONNECTION is located at 11010 Blackhawk Drive, located in the Blue Mounds Industrial Park south of Hwy 18/151. Hours are every Thursday from 9 to 11 and 4 to 6. We have no residence restrictions. You can come every week. We offer free food and clothing. Questions about food contact Sharon at 437-8680 or clothing contact Fran at 437-2213. Always willing to accept donations. Monetary ones can be sent to PO Box 92, Blue Mounds, WI 53517 while others can be brought to the Pantry during open hours or call the contacts. BARNEVELD SCHOOL BOARD meets the 2nd Wednesday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Everyone welcome.
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