Meal Prices: Student Gr. K-4 $2.65 Student Gr. 5 $2.75 Ala-Carte Milk .45 Adult $4.05
Spring Break
23 Italian Spaghetti Salad w/Dressing Apple Milk Garlic Breadstick
30 Turkey Gravy with Mashed Potatoes Cooked Carrots Fresh Whole Wheat Roll Apple Milk
Spring Break
24 French Toast Sticks Omelet Carrots Tri Tater Orange Smiles Milk Syrup 31 Cheese Pizza Round Steamed Broccoli Diced Peaches Pudding Cup Milk
Students have a choice of 1% white, skim, or skim chocolate milk.
This institution is an equal opportunity provider and employer. Menus are subject to change without notice.
You can apply at any time during the school year for free/reduced meals. If you were denied previously and your family size or income has changed, please call the food service office at 454-6936 to see if you now may qualify.