March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday

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Mar 31, 2013 - If your email address has changed, please call the office or ..... Automatic Delivery • 24-Hr. Burner S
March 31, 2013 - Easter Sunday Lord’s Day Masses: Saturday 4pm, Sunday 9am and 11am Daily Mass: Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday 9am Preceded by Morning Prayer at 8:45am Parish Office Hours: M-F 9am-4pm Contact Us: 781-944-0330 Fax: 781-944-1266 [email protected] Sacraments Reconciliation: Saturday 3:15 - 3:45pm or by appointment Baptism: Celebrated on the third Sunday at 1:00pm. Please call the Parish Office to register and obtain information about required preparation session which is scheduled on the second Sunday of the month. Marriage: Contact the Parish Office 6 months in advance of your wedding date. Anointing of the Sick: Please notify parish staff when a person is seriously ill. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are available to bring the Eucharist to the homebound.

March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

Saturday, March 30 9am Morning Prayer 8pm The Easter Vigil Easter Sunday, March 31 8am Mass 10am Mass 12pm Mass Monday, April 1 9am Kathy Norton Memorial Mass Tuesday, April 2 9am Rev Paul Clougherty Memorial Mass Thursday, April 4 9am Timothy Toomey Memorial Mass 7pm Eucharistic Adoration Friday, April 5 9am Claire O’Malley Memorial Mass Saturday, April 6 9am First Saturday Mass 4pm John Byrne Memorial Mass Sunday, April 7 9am Mass for the People of St. Athanasius 11am Mary McTeague Memorial Mass



Please pray for our military and civilians who defend our freedom, especially: The 26th “Yankee” Brigade

Remember those in need of prayers, especially: Brian, John C, Charlotte, Christopher, Carol D, Robert D, Thomas D, Sandy F, Virginia G, Ann Marie K, Ken, Ken K, Martha K, Fr. Kennedy, Chris L, Dave L, Maryann Lucerto, Bryan Murray, Marion Murray, Shirley N, Mary O, Fran Packer, Al Robinson, Rosemary, Pat S, Steve T, Stan W, Dean Wilson, Will, Anna Windels, Larry Yetman, These names will stay in the Prayer Corner until Easter Sunday, March 31. Call the office to add your loved ones.



Sun, March 31

31 SUN Acts 10:34a, 37-43/Col 3:1-4 or 1 Cor 5:6b8/Jn 20:1-9 or Lk 24:1-12 1 Mon Acts 2:14, 22-33/Mt 28:8-15 2 Tue Acts 2:36-41/Jn 20:11-18 3 Wed Acts 3:1-10/Lk 24:13-35 4 Thu Acts 3:11-26/Lk 24:35-48 5 Fri Acts 4:1-12/Jn 21:1-14 6 Sat Acts 4:13-21/Mk 16:9-15 7 SUN Acts 5:12-16/Rv 1:9-11a, 12-13, 17-19/Jn 20:19-31 20

Easter Egg Hunt

After 10am Mass

No coffee & conversation in April

Mon, April 1

Chastity Program 7th grade

Wed, April 3

Choir Rehearsal: children adult

6:308:30pm PAC

6-7pm 7:30-9pm

W EEKLY O FFERTORY Mass Attendance: 752 Offertory Collection $7531

AARP Thurs, April 4

Easter Sunday collection: Clergy Benefit Trust Next Sunday collection: Deficit Reduction


Prayer Shawl

8:30-1:30 PAC 10:30am

Eucharistic Adoration


March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

“Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are they who have not seen, and yet have believed.” (John 20:29) These are the words of our Risen Lord to St. Thomas after the skeptical Apostle came to believe in the Resurrection only after touching the wounds of Christ. They are also directed to the others still hiding in the upper room; and in an even greater way, they are directed to us. We are the ones who believe without having seen, and so receive God’s blessing for accepting the Faith solely relying on the testimony of others handed down to this day. It is why, also, our faith in Jesus Christ’s victory over death can be mixed with doubt just as St. Thomas’s was. Maybe it is more accurate to say that while we accept the fact of the Resurrection, we may not fully live its implications in a daily way. Our culture has taught us that faith is more a matter of personal taste rather than a dedication to truth. However, in the Biblical sense the word “faith” contains very much within it a sense of dedication. In Greek it means “trustfulness”; in Hebrew “steadfastness.” The full meaning of faith is what allowed the Blessed Mother to remain at the foot of the cross with Our Lord when others such as St. Peter had scattered. After the Resurrection, though, trust in Jesus Christ gave St. Peter the strength to travel to the heart of the Roman Empire and be martyred for proclaiming the truth of Easter. The fruit of St. Peter’s steadfastness was seen by the world recently with the election of his successor, Pope Francis, nearly 2000 years after the death of the first leader of the Apostles. How wonderful it has been for so many around the world to be moved by our new Pope’s personal witness in Jesus Christ; we truly have been given another invitation to begin the renewal offered in every Easter! Fortunately, St. Athanasius Parish is able provide a way for us to respond. The Franciscans of the Primitive Observance will be here the week of April 14th to serve our parish. They will even be offering a mission Monday through Thursday evenings (April 15th-18th). Continuing a theme, it is entitled Franciscan Spring Cleaning: From Argentina to Assisi. It will focus on certain elements of St Francis’ spirituality that have been brought to the forefront of our attention by the first Pope to take his name. The nightly reflections will be on topics such as simplicity of life and poverty of spirit. Please consider attending this timely parish mission and be on the lookout for more information in the following weekends. It was a powerful part of God’s plan that St. Francis mystically received the very wounds of Christ that allowed St. Thomas to fully accept the reality of the Resurrection. Every Easter our Risen Lord shows us those wounds and invites us to receive the blessings promised to those who believe in Him. Let us respond with trust.

May God richly bless you and your loved ones this Easter Season!


March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

Following the 10am Mass on Easter Sunday is our annual Easter Egg Hunt on the side lawn (inside the PAC if bad weather). All children are welcome to find 2-3 eggs each!

Massachusetts Catholic & Business Association Holy Mass & Dinner The 2nd Monday of every month, 6pm St. Francis Chapel, Prudential Center Mall, 800 Boylston Street, Boston All are welcome! Bring a friend! ♦ Supporting the family and faith in the workplace ♦ Mentoring and fellowship opportunities ♦ Helping the unemployed find jobs Learn more at Where faith and business meet.

St. Clement Shrine Adoration The Archdiocese of Boston's designated Eucharistic Shrine, St. Clement Shrine, 1105 Boylston St, Boston, staffed by the Oblates of the Virgin Mary ( invites you to spend an hour a week with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration. St. Clement offers Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration (24/7). You can sign up to adore or find more information at or by calling 617.536.4141. Free parking is available in front of the Shrine during your hour of Adoration.

Please join us! First Saturday Mass For the Blessed Mother Saturday, April 6th 9am

Easter Collection Every year, the diocesan-wide Easter collection is for our active and senior diocesan priests. Your gift to the Clergy Funds has a significant impact on our ability to help keep the promises we make as Catholics to provide for the health, wellbeing, and retirement needs of the 645 priests who have devoted their lives to serving us and our Church. This Easter, remember the priests who have been there for you, and consider honoring them through this special collection. All are welcome to make a gift online at or use the in-pew envelopes provided. Thank you in advance for your generous and prayerful support of the wellbeing of our priests.


March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

2013-2014 Registration Children will be receiving registration forms for the 2013-2014 school year in class over the next few weeks. The religious education office will also send the forms out via email. The deadline to return the forms is June 1. If you turn in your form after June 1st, please include the late fee.

Bottle & Cans Ministry If you find yourself with a lot of cans after your Easter celebration, consider donating them to the church. Please drop off all your beverage bottles and cans, that have a 5-cent deposit, in the shed located in the office driveway. For more information contact Jack Harrington at 781-944-5917.

Has Your Email Changed Recently? We want to know! If your email address has changed, please call the office or go to our website’s “Contact Form” and let us know your new information.

Daytime Bereavement Support Group

Welcome Visitors

Offered by VNA of Middlesex East for adults who have lost a loved one. Tuesdays in April and May from 6-7:30pm. Registration is free and required. Space is limited. Call VNA of Middlesex East & Visiting Nurse Hospice 781-224-3399 x2350 ask for Suzie Yoffe.

We are delighted that you chose to worship with us this day. Please introduce yourself to the priest or usher. If you are interested in becoming a member of our Parish, then please call the office to register.


March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

Holy Hang Out On Thursday, April 11th from 7-9pm in the PAC is the Holy Hang Out’s Spring Break Hawaiian Luau.

Join us for Eucharistic Adoration at St. Athanasius

All middle and high school students are welcome to come and Hang Out!

Thursday, April 4 from 7:00-7:30pm in the Church

Altar Server and Children’s Choir Appreciation

Men’s Cursillo The Archdiocesan Cursillo Movement is offering a Men’s Cursillo from Thursday evening, April 25 through Sunday afternoon, April 28 at The Campion Renewal Center in Weston, MA. Cursillo is a short course in Christianity, which offers the participants a vibrant experience of the Christian Life and a method for living as an active member of the Church. For information and registration call 617-779-3640 or [email protected]

The Reading Knights of Columbus will hold a pizza dinner recognition for the altar servers and children’s choir participants on Saturday, April 6th at 5:15pm at the K of C Hall on Sanborn St. Contact Grand Knight Mike Canavan at 781-872-0042 or [email protected] to RSVP.

The Knights of Columbus Altar Server of the Month program recognizes an altar server based on their valued service at Mass. Nathan Terry is the winner for the month of March. Nathan is one of our most senior altar servers having served since 2nd grade. The second time he served at Mass, the other server did not show up. Nathan figured it out, but the priest had to give a LOT of instruction during the Mass. Now, after 9 years of experience, he helps train the new servers. He enjoys serving because it makes him feel more a part of the service. Nathan is a junior at Reading High and was recently chosen to play on the varsity baseball team. When Nathan was told that he would be honored this month, he thanked US! Nathan, thanks for YOUR service to our church! 6

N b s d L b

March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

Parish Staff Pastor ………………………………. Reverend Darin V. Colarusso [email protected]

Retrouvaille is a program designed to provide help and support to married couples who are undergoing difficulties in their relationship, for those who are hurting in brokenness and loneliness. It has proven helpful to couples who are separated or divorced. The next program begins on April 5-7. For further information, call Van & Page Vandewater at 781-209-0842. You can e-mail questions at [email protected] All inquiries are confidential.

Permanent Deacon………………………….Deacon Neil Sumner [email protected] Administrative Office Manager………………….. Nancy Sieger [email protected] Director of Faith Formation………………………...Jennifer Tidd [email protected] Coordinator of Religious Ed……………………….. Jo-Ann Rossi (Grades 1-5) [email protected] Music Director..………………………………………... Marcia Cutlip [email protected]

Good Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Easter. Bad Idea: Finding Easter eggs on Xmas.

Business Manager……………………………………...Janine Castro [email protected]

- Jack Handy

Administrative Assistant ……………………….. Luann Barretto [email protected]

Bulletin Submissions………[email protected] By Monday 9 am

Reading Food Pantry April donation suggestions: Shampoo, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shaving cream, razors, deodorant

MISSION OF DEEDS 20TH ANNIVERSARY To celebrate its 20th anniversary and the legacy of its founder, Tony Triglione, Mission of Deeds invites you to become one of “Anthony’s Angels” and collect gently used or new towels and twin blankets. Drop off an item and receive an angel pin at the Mission of Deeds, 6 Chapin Ave. “Providing Beds and Furniture to People in need”

Now you can stay in touch every week! Receive the bulletin in your email inbox: 1. Go to our website, 2. Click the “weekly bulletin” box on the right side where it says “subscribe now” 3. In the “subscribe now” box, click on the option that says to receive the bulletin by email.

Sunday Coffee Hour

Lord, thank You for Your never ending love, grace, and protection. We ask, dear Lord, that You help us to remember that You are always there, whenever we need You, never more than a prayer away. Amen

Join us for coffee and donuts on Sundays after the 9am Mass. Hosts are needed for April & May. Please contact Sophie Beninati at 781-944-9085 if you are able to help. 7

March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

In Loving Memory Of:


Deceased members of the Ambrose & Porter Families Louis Andreani All My Family Amico & DeSalvo Family Nora Angelo Sam & Sally Cardello Michael Baltier Catherine, James & Jane Barry Deceased Members of the Alla & Bastiani Families The Grande & Beninati Families Gerard O’Brien Norman Sanders Dick, Michael & Stephen Canty Phyllis Greer The McCurley & Colarusso Family and Katie Enos Mary Collins & Nancy Dorothy & Al Scott, John & Rose Craven, & Peter Craven John Cronin Martin & Mae Crosby, Helen Spear Frank Cummings Thomas Murray, Thomas & Meada Murray, Paby Yetman Nicholas Carroll, Nor & Frank McNerney Joseph DeLai Delaney & Gagnon Family, AnnMarie Hoffman The Cateino &DelGreco Family Crosslin, d’Entremont & Michigan Families Edwin J. d’Entremont, Jr., Catherine Comeau, & Stephen Gagnon The D’Entremont & Leonard Family Peter Doherty Russell Doherty Sr., Manuel Rezendes, Mendonca & Rezendes Family Odette Rezendes, Dr. Jerold Bernstein & Fr. Paul Gallivan Arthur Doucette, Gaetano & Lucia Angiuoni, Kenneth Morse Anna & Joseph Casey Max Dluznieski Deceased Members of the Finn, Riley, & Hickey Family Vincent & Concetta Oliveri Mr. & Mrs. George A. Whittier & Mr. & Mrs. Frank Goddard Kenneth Sawyer Jr. & Catherine Waddington Augustine Goulet & Roberta(Goulet) Pierce Mr. George J. Grande The Guariglia & Eble Families “Chet” & My Parents Mary & Fred Golding, Richard Golding, Gertrude Harkins, and Edward Harkins Arthur & Margaret Harrington Pat Hurford Charles J. Scott Dorothy Judge, John F. Judge, & Robert Zappy Julia & Guido Russo and Veronica & John Kaper Lawrence, Mary, Daniel, & Philip Kearns Kevin Kelly Pasquale & Anne Ventola

Ambrose-Porter Family His Wife Ms. Kathleen Amirault Mr. & Mrs. Angelo Amico Sr. James E. Angelo Sr. Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Baltier Mrs. Patricia Baltier Mr. Francis Barry Mr. & Mrs Anthony Bastiani Sophie & Guy Beninati Lisa , Allison, & Andrea O’Brien Mr. & Mrs. Jerome Cannon Their Loving Family Mr. & Mrs. Gary Collymore Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Colorusso Mr. & Mrs Barry Craven Mr. & Mrs. David Craven Mrs John Cronin Mr. & Mrs Richard Crosby Mrs. Francis Cummings Mrs Rosemarie Delacy


Noreen DeLai Mrs. John Delaney Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Peter DelGreco Mr. & Mrs William d’Entremont Mr. & Mrs. Gary d’Entremont Roger & Noreen D’Entremont Doherty & Gallugi Families Mr. & Mrs Russell Doherty, Jr. Mary Doucette Mrs. Max Dluznieski Mr. & Mrs Thomas Finn & Marguerite Hickey Mr. & Mrs. Scott Freedman Mr. & Mrs. Frank Goddard, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Gousie Katherine M. Goulet Mr. & Mrs. George Grande Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Guariglia, Jr. Blanche Gunn Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Harkins Mr. John Harrington Mr. Robert Hurford Mr. & Mrs. Todd Jacobs Mr. & Mrs. Robert Judge Mr. & Mrs. Frank Kaper Ms. Ellen C. Kearns Mrs. Barbara Kelly Dianne, Robert & Nicole Kendall

March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

In Loving Memory Of:


Fred & Helen Imbriano and Herb & Phyllis Hall Thomas & Katherine Leahy Anthony Lopez Marie Monagle Lucy, Leo & Bob Betoncini and Clara Scalesse Joseph Maggiore Thomas Giangrande, Catherine Giangrande, & Mary Ellen Maisey Catherine, Michael & Tom Church, Charlie Smith, Caroline & Antonio Manzelli & Family Deceased Members of the Marotta & DeGuglielmo Family Aldo Masciave Patricia McCarthy and Christopher Barnes Joseph McGillicuddy and Peter & Kate McHough Richard J. McNeil, Jr. and McNeil, Tassinari & Elia Families Vincent Miraglia, Arlene Costa, Sally & John Miraglia and Maurice Buckley The Simonelli and Moscariello Families Don Neary Deceased Members of Nowicki & Marazzo Families Harold & Katherine O’Brien, John M. Flaherty John & Rosamond Smith, Bill & Mary Martin and Sara O’Donnell Bernard & Florence O’Rourke, Arthur & Carmella Montuori, Daniel O’Rourke, John & Dorothy DioGuardi, and Daniel & Mary Tobin Frank & Millicent Wobecky Anthony Lopez and Katherine Lopez The Pomerleau & Cyr Family Joseph Prew John & Theresa Rizzo Dr. & Mrs. Francis M. Tanabe Jim Rogers Joseph Ronan Jeannine C. Ryan Robert Savio, Anthony Lombardo, and Catherine Lombardo The Shea and Erikson Families Donald Savage William J. Silva, Sr. Joe & Mary Stosez, Anne Stosez Whelton, Ray & Lil Loconte And Dan Vivilecchia Frank Sullivan and The Murphy & Sullivan Family The Tavoletti & Marks’ Families Benjamin Terriciano, Mr. & Mrs. John Lyman, Mr. & Mrs. Ben Terriciano, and Mrs. Josephine Todisco Sally Butler, Harry Butler, and Josephine Thomas The Tierney’s and The Mulvey’s David Roffi Rene & Emma Surette, Anne & Lorraine Mr. & Mrs. George Willenborg and Mr. & Mrs. George Kevorkian Christopher Williams Peter Doherty and Michael Giglio Margaret Bradley, James Bradley, and Christy Walsh Phyllis M. Watson Deceased member of the Cassidy and Lyndell Families Marjorie Duggan & Dennis Duggan Margaret, Robert, Kathleen, & Michael Drane, Joseph & Margaret Tannian William Bourke, Cathy Cann & Diane Buckley 9

Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Imbriano Dr. & Mrs. Brian Leahy Bill Monagle & Janet Lusk Douglas & Nancy MacAllister Mrs. Joseph Maggiore William & Patrice Manchester & Family Mr. & Mrs. George Manzelli Mr. & Mrs. Enrico Marotta Ms. Josephine Masciave Mr. & Mrs. Arthur McCarthy Mrs. Eileen McGillicuddy Mrs. Gloria McNeil Maureen Miraglia Mr. & Mrs Salvatore Moscariello Joan, Doug & Lori Neary Mr. & Mrs Brian Nowicki The O’Brien Family Mr. & Mrs. John O’Donnell Mr. & Mrs. Thomas O’Rourke Mrs. Janet Pierce Ron & Carol Plotkin Mrs. Edna Pomerleau Mrs. Rita Prew Marie Rizzo Mr. & Mrs. Philip Robichaud The Rogers Family Mr. & Mrs. Paul Ronan Mr. Thomas Ryan Mrs. Lucille Savio Mr. & Mrs. John T. Shea The Seigal Family Bernard & Yvonne Silva Mr. & Mrs Richard Stosez Mr. & Mrs. Francis Sullivan Mr. & Mrs. Steven Tavoletti Mrs. Carol Terriciano Mr. & Mrs. Chester Thomas Mr. & Mrs. John Tierney Mrs. David Roffi Mrs. E. Lorraine Vatcher Robert & Lorraine Kevorkian Mr. & Mrs. John Williams Mr. & Mrs. Philip Vaccaro Mr. & Mrs. Denis Walsh Her Loving Family Terrence & Patricia Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Neal Driscoll Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Tannian Mrs. Anna Bourke

March 31, 2013

St. Athanasius Parish, Reading, MA

Gifts Towards Easter Altar Plants and Shut-ins Plants From The Following Parishioners: Mr & Mrs. Thomas Boyle Paul Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Richard Finnegan Mr. & Mrs. Dennis LaCroix Daniel & Mary McNamara Mr. & Mrs Robert Owen Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Surette Mr. & Mrs. Steven Wadzinski

Mr. & Mrs. Michael Canavan Mr. & Mrs. Robert Filipek Mrs. Joyce Holt Mr. & Mrs. Peter Letourneau Mrs. Edward Merullo Megan & Shawn Sullivan The Timmins Mr. & Mrs. Richard Deroo


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O God, who chose your servant Francis in succession to the Apostle Peter as shepherd of the whole flock, look favorably on the prayers of your people and grant that, as Vicar of Christ on earth, he may confirm his brothers and sisters and that the whole Church may be in communion with him in the bond of unity, love and peace, so that in you, the shepherd of souls, all may know the truth and attain life His Holinesseternal. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you in the unity Jorge Mario Bergoglio of the Holy Spirit, on God, for ever and ever. Amen. Elected Supreme Pontiff

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Saint Athanasius Parish of Reading, MA