Keywords: Life Cycle Management, Maritime Industry, Product Data,. Operating Data, Guidance System, Scenarios. 1 Introduction. Today ship owners are facing ...
International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation Prof. Dr. Klaus-Dieter Thoben and Nils Homburg BIBA - Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik GmbH Hochschulring 20, D-28359 Bremen, Germany Fax: +49 421 218 5610, Phone: +49 421 218 5542 [tho, hom] Abstract: The constantly rising demands of ship owners regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of ship operation, especially concerning maintenance and repair of their vessels together with upcoming rules and regulations for ship operation foster the need of a holistic life cycle management approach for the maritime industry. To join existing LCM measures and to implement practical processes as well as corresponding software tools is the goal of the MarLife research project funded by the German ministry of economics and technology. The MarLife consortium consisting of ship owners, a shipyard, a classification society, software developers and research institutes believes that an integrated life cycle management approach will lead to a significant reduction of ship life cycle costs through an increase of transparency regarding the ship’s actual condition. This reduction is based on a higher availability as well as a higher operational safety of the vessel, the improved situation for planning and performing maintenance jobs and the acceleration of repair tasks combined with a reduction of component defects through a condition based maintenance during the whole life cycle. Keywords: Life Cycle Management, Maritime Industry, Product Data, Operating Data, Guidance System, Scenarios
Today ship owners are facing a keen competition in the global market of shipping and transportation as well as tightened legal regulations in terms of environmental protection and security that obliges them to improve cost effectiveness and to minimize the risk of environmental impacts. These circumstances result in the demand of innovative computer-assisted 'through life support' concepts permitting a higher degree of transparency in the operation, servicing, maintenance, repair and ad-hoc condition monitoring of their fleet’s vessels. A variety of LCM systems already provide ship life cycle support for partial issues. A manageable holistic Life Cycle Management System that offers an effective software integration of existing life cycle management measures is still missing.
Copyright © 2009 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Prof. Dr. K.-D. Thoben and N. Homburg The reduction of the ships’ operating costs is the essential condition to compete for an outstanding market position. Hence a core aim of the life cycle management guidance system for the maritime industry is based on a significant optimization of shipping companies’ fleet operation. Using an over-all Life Cycle Management solution as data and knowledge base ship owners can identify potential opportunities for improved resource efficiency and damage prevention. Servicing cycles can be adapted and tailored to the ship's needs. Maintenance activities can be executed cost-efficiently and more targeted, e.g. wearing parts that fall due are punctually replaced due to a sophisticated information base including condition data of the components to be replaced or maintained. Since a holistic Life Cycle Management for ships incorporates a vast spectrum of aspects and processes a number of scenarios have been chosen within the MarLife project in close cooperation with the project partners and conform to concrete selected needs of the participating shipping companies, shipyards and logistics providers. The scenarios serve as base for the specification of the organizational as well as the technical requirements and for the design and development of the LCM System. This paper gives an overview of the MarLife project activities.
Damage Statistics
Within the ship servicing context costs resulting from damage cases are extremely difficult to calculate since they are unscheduled events with hardly predictable consequences. Ship owners are enormously handicapped in their ship related budget planning concerning damage issues. Experts estimated in the 90th that approximately 36%-56% of the arising ship operating expenses are spend for prevention and repair of damages, insurances included. The future trend to increase the cargo capacities and to build more and more large-sized container ships with the aim to reduce the servicing costs leads at the same time to an increased pending cost risk because of the grown dimension of a potential loss in case if a damage during ship operation occurs. So the damage aspect comes more and more to the fore. One of the various tasks of shipping companies is the registration and administration of damages having occurred to vessels of their fleet while a ship owner is primarily focused on the cost distribution resulting from a damage cases with the ultimate interest in how to reduce the damage costs. Hence an expedient damage-reporting tool must be able to deliver detailed damage and cost information in order to develop strategies for the reduction or avoidance of damage costs based on these facts. This makes detailed damage information is an integral part of a ship's life cycle data. With regard to the above mentioned tendencies several of the MarLife project's specified scenarios are damage scenarios, e.g. transmission damage, turbo charger damage. In the context of these scenarios the damage reporting tool INDOCAN (Incident Documentation and Analysis) has been developed in strong cooperation with the MarLife project partner Beluga Shipping GmbH and with the strived goal to save 10% of the damage caused costs via the excess of information a computer-assisted damage claim management provides.
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation
Figure 1
Damage Claim Details
A prior task of the INDOCAN-application is the systematic registration of damage claims that can be divided into several categories. First of all the basic damage information and the master data, e.g. ship, date, location, route data, are set up (Fig. 1). In a second step detailed information concerning the topics damages/occurrences, defective elements, accidents, reasons und cost input are registered as well as manufacturer information in order to build up a data base for future analysis concerning damage types, damages reasons, and damage cost distribution. Damages are categorized into guaranty claims, where the damage is still subjected to an implied or express warranty, incident damages (ISM) where the damage is subject to a notification requirement according to the Safety Management System Manual, stevedore damages and insured losses. A dialog board allows a damage related free text conversation e.g. between engineers. Related documents: manuals, damage photos and other digital supplements can be attached to a damages case. Arising expenses as well as costs incurred can be assigned to a damage case. A generic filter mechanism allows the performance of complex structured requests on the registered damage claims. INDOCAN is already in use within the productive environment of the Beluga Shipping GmbH ship servicing. All damage claims of the years 2007 and 2008 are administrated via this application so that a representative pool of damage data exists. A visualization feature allows the graphical presentation of the cost distribution of a filtered result. The statistics show that the aspired reduction of the total damage related costs could be achieved by avoiding 1-2 of the annual damages for each ship. The systematical registration and administration of all damage cases and the resulting costs for each ship per year with an appropriate tool like INDOCAN will help to reduce the damage costs of
Prof. Dr. K.-D. Thoben and N. Homburg the fleet by reducing or avoiding damage risks through interpretations, analysis, gained knowledge and established regulations based on the registered long-term damage data. Also it will increase the ability to forecast and to calculate the annual damage costs of ships, or ship classes respectively for a more reliable general budget planning and can serve as prognosis base for further investment decisions especially regarding the decision base of potential investors.
Ship Operation Data
The container ship "MV Ital Ordine" serves as reference environment for the installations of prototypical diagnostic hard- and software as well as applications that are developed or adapted to the MarLife project's needs in order to contribute to the acquisition and persistent storage of ship operating data that becomes part of the ship's life cycle data base. The installation of the MarLife results under authentic deployment and application conditions in the environment of a container ship during its regular operation facilitates all development tasks, the handling of incoming data as well as the specification of maintenance regulations and the structures and techniques concerning the postacquisition data transfer including the communication with the LCM Guidance System. The operating data is provided by several existing systems that have been adapted to the needs of the project. All systems are connected to the Simatic Historian Server through appropriate interfaces. The Server transfers this data to the LCM Guidance System where it is added to the life cycle database. During the MarLife activities the following systems have been installed in the reference environment of the "MV Ital Ordine":
Figure 2
Operation data acquisition via the Simatic Historian Server
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation
3.1 Siemens Simatic IT Historian Server The Simatic Historian Server receives ship-operating data of multiple systems via heterogeneous communication interfaces. Once the data has arrived on the server it is persistently archived and prepared for further data transfer to the shore side. In predefined intervals the Historian Server writes data of the next time period compressed into an export folder. Within specified time intervals an email with one or more Siemens Simatic IT Historian Export Zip Files and Maridis CDS Daily Zip Files attached is send to the shore office. The Shore LCM is responsible for the distribution of the data to further institutions or systems.
3.2 VDR Voyage Data Recorder The Voyage Data Recorder provides detailed navigation data, e.g. position, course, speed, heading, water depth, wind speed. The VDR is triggered once an hour and communicates NMEA telegrams via UDP to the Historian Server. In terms of ship life cycle management the navigation data allows not only route tracing. The VDR data may also deliver some information about a potential relationship between the conditions of a specific route and damage risks.
3.3 Ship Automation System - (PRAXIS) The ship automation provides a collection of different alarms that are triggered through defined events. The ship automation also notifies if an analogue measurement value, e.g. temperatures, pressures exceed a given permitted range. Furthermore every hour a snapshot is taken from all analogue values and exported via a daily export zip, which allows a continuous analysis of the automation data. The ship automation communicates permanently all Channels to the Real Time Data Server (Historian) via OPC Interface. The OPC Interface uses DCOM and standard TCIP Ethernet connection.
3.4 BDMS – Bearing Monitoring System (Dr. Horn) The Bearing Monitoring System monitors the abrasion of base, piston rod and crosshead bearings. It transmits one sensor data set per hour via a RS232 interface directly to the Simatic IT Historian Server.
3.5 CDS – Complex Diagnostic Systems (MARIDIS) The CDS takes responsibility for a continuous surveillance of the engine. Deviations from a clean engine operation, abrasions and faults shall be detected and identified in time, long before they cause serious damages. Signals indicative of whether detected parameters are in the permitted range or not are derived from appropriate sensors. Also the system is able to inform about the engine's as-is state at any time. Damage prevention and maintenance tailored to the actual needs are two central goals of the surveillance. To achieve this operation is monitored on selected essential engine components. The data transfer from the board-side to the shore office can be performed in different ways. With regard to the heterogeneous possibilities, e.g. email transfer, MSLS transfer, external media, a transfer database has been established that collects the incoming data and assures that the data is provided in a unique format before it is processed.
Prof. Dr. K.-D. Thoben and N. Homburg
3.6 Hull Condition Monitoring The independent classification society and technical supervisory organization Germanischer Lloyd advanced as MarLife project partner the Hull Condition Monitoring approach. For that purpose the GL established with its GL HullManager an application for planning, registration, display and interpretation of visual inspection data of a ship's steel structure, as a further life cycle data source to provide data to an LCM system. Through the assistance of an integrated Life Cycle Management the observation and administration of structural changes, e.g. within a computer model, can be simplified. Data about the hull thickness combined with other relevant structural data can be archived in a ship's history. The actual hull structure is accessible at any time and structure changes can be retraced and interpreted, which assures a structural reliability of an appropriate level throughout the life cycle of a ship. This reduces the risk of structural failures, damage to ship and cargo and environmental pollution by spill to the sea.
Hazardous Material Monitoring
Environmental issues take centre stage at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) sessions of the Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). The Green Passport concept for ships proposes that an inventory of all materials that are potentially hazardous to the environment or human health installed on a ship have to be listed within an according document. This document accompanies the ship through its life, from the start of construction until the decommissioning and deconstruction. Subsequent constructional alterations and changes in material are registered in the document so that the document provides at any time an actual state about the types, amounts and locations of hazardous materials installed on the ship. This leads to a growing relevance of the topic 'Inventory of Hazardous Material'. In the context of the MarLife project the GL worked out a concept for a Hazardous Material Monitoring System and provided a prototype implementation for the inventory and ship related administration of hazardous material. The requirements are conform to the standard specified by the Maritime Environmental Protection Committees (MEPC) of the IMO. Hazardous material information is registered either on the base of specified hazardous materials or on the base of pure substance lists. The material information including type and amount is assigned to a system, component or part of the ship's construction and to a section or to a primary part of the ship's structure. Structures, systems and installed part possess a reference to their location so that the hazardous material becomes localizable. The registered hazardous material information of a ship can be analyzed according to MEPC criteria and exported as a report. The list of the hazardous material integrated in a ship is regularly updated in the central database of the GL after constructional changes or in the course of regular inspections. The ship owner can request at any time the current state of hazardous material distribution on his ship from the GL. The data export to the life cycle management guidance system is performed through an appropriate XML-Format.
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation
Manual Data Recording
The LCM-Module „Manual Data Recording“ (MDR) provides the LCM-System with operational on-board data from those measurement data sources that don't automatically transmit data to a central archive like the Simatic Historian Server. Many conventional systems haven't the capability to provide their sensor data in a cached digital format or don't even offer appropriate interfaces to grip the data from the system for further processing and analysis. Such systems display their current measurement values on digital or analogue displays only. These measuring points are primarily located in the engine room, the measurements consist in e.g. temperatures, pressures, tank soundings. For the monitoring of such kind of measurements it is necessary to record them manually. Up to now the readings have been transcribed from the display to prepared paper form. In the case of digital archiving a second step of data input was necessary to copy the readings from the form to a suitable application. In order to simplify this procedure and at the same time to prepare the data for the integration into the Life Cycle Management database the BIBA Institute of Production and Logistics developed in the MarLife context a scanner-based handheld application that allows reading the values directly from the display into the handheld database. The MDR application comprises a configuration part module and a recording module. The configuration module sets up the available ships, categories and data sheets and allows a customization of the available measurements and accordingly the data forms adapted to the special needs of a ship. Category and ship information is assigned to a measurement also measuring points can be grouped. The recoding module performs the readings. For this purpose a barcode is mounted next to each measuring point or measuring group on the ship. The handheld is equipped with an integrated barcode scanner. In the course of a reading an engineer scans the barcode placed at the display of a measuring point with the handheld. The application on the handheld contains a list of all measurements that are available on the ship and a data form for each measuring point. After the scan it activates the corresponding data input page for the measurement point. The engineer transcribes the value from the display directly to the active form. The registered value will be automatically equipped with a timestamp and the measuring point is marked as completed. After the recording cycle has been completed the database on the handheld has to be synchronized with the operating database on the board computer simply by docking the handheld into the docking station. A pre-processing module developed made-to-measure for MDR purposes by the project partner MSLS prepares the incoming MDR data for the LCM board system that is responsible for the daily transfer of the whole amount of LCM relevant data to the shore office.
Life Cycle Management Guidance System
A Life Cycle Management system for the shipping industry is supposed to provide a documented whole life survey. It must represent the vessel and its current condition not only during regular operation, repairs and maintenances but also through constructional alterations, which have to be documented in all detail while the ship's history is archived.
Prof. Dr. K.-D. Thoben and N. Homburg The status 'as built' has to be updated continuously during the ship’s life cycle phases to be able to organize repairs and rebuilds smoothly. An approach to this aim can only be successful if the Life Cycle Management's global database integrates an extremely heterogeneous data stock resulting from different contexts and fields that play a role in a ship's life cycle.
6.1 Product Data Information, knowledge and documents created and archived during the conception and design phase of a ship and ideally filed within a product data management system represent a group of product data of the LCM. This can be system related data sheets, specifications, manuals, calibrations, settings, manufacturer information etc. During constructional alterations or repairs the product data has to be continuously updated while the history must be kept.
6.2 Operating Data The operating data covers all data collected on board of the ship during its operation. Most of this data consist of real-time measurement data resulting from condition monitoring systems. Modern systems provide almost boundless possibilities of collecting and archiving data of a wide variety of natures and sources. A vessel's core systems, like main engine, as well as auxiliary systems, like navigation systems, voyage data recorder and other sensors provide large amounts of more or less complex and detailed information. In addition to the automatically recorded data also the data that is manually recorded is transferred as operational data into the global LCM database. The operation data offers a high potential to draw conclusions about the technical condition of the ship. Variations from a clean operation are identified early and hereby support fault diagnosis and fault prevention. For performing the step from a planned maintenance towards a condition based maintenance the relevance of this type of data must play a more relevant role in the future.
6.3 Servicing Data: Processes and services, like chartering, damage claims, repairs and the regular ship maintenance deliver a large variety of ship servicing data via appropriate software tools. This kind of data is currently the data group that is best computer-assisted. Planned maintenance systems like the GL Ship Manager installed on the MarLife reference ship 'MV Ital Ordine' deliver detailed data about administrative and operational ship management processes. In the MarLife context this data is integrated to the database of the LCM Guidance System.
6.4 General Data The ship's independent external sources may contribute data, e.g. meteorological data of a defined time and region, e.g. temperature, swell, humidity, that in combination with the above mentioned ship related data supports a better understanding of the effectiveness, the performance or the liability to damages of a vessel in its productive context. However, a complex and demanding challenge is to utilise the so collected heterogeneous data and to subject it to reasonable analysis and interpretation measures in
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation order to draw conclusions and to allow a predictions for a cost effective ship management.
6.5 Product Data Model For successful data integration within the Life Cycle Management Guidance system a product data model is needed that describes a ship on an abstract level. A product data model for a generic representation and documentation of a ship’s data within a design and production data sub-system of the life cycle management guidance system had been developed in a preceding research project named NET-S. The NET-S project was engaged in the question of a reasonable local allocation of parts, components and systems. A room-orientated view divides the ship into physical rooms as well as into technical rooms. This technical structure can completely differ from the physical rooms of the ship. A system-orientated view allows a representation of the ship’s systems independently from the ship itself and components and parts can be classified along the systems like ventilation, power supply, equipment, etc. A grid that is valid for all persons involved defines the main dimensions. Higherranking rooms, e.g. coordination areas, zones or panels are derived from this grid. By combining the hull and the main dimensions the concept model is created as base for the following segmentation of the rooms. By virtually cutting the body along the main dimensions and the room zoning working areas can be created which are necessary in the construction phase of the ship. Registered product data is accordingly defined and assigned on all of the different view levels.
6.6 LCM Guidance System Design The life cycle management guidance system is a combination of multiple independent systems and applications that are not integral modules of the guidance application but that participate in a more abstract manner by delivering their data via specified interfaces to the global information base of the life cycle management guidance system for a further integration and interpretation. The life cycle management guidance system comprises a LCM-board module on board of the vessel and a LCM-shore module on the landside. The LCM-board is responsible for the acquisition of the data flow coming from multiple participating systems on board as well as for the temporary storage of the incoming data. In intervals the LCM-board has to transfer the data to the LCM-shore system via email. The LCMshore is responsible for the reception of the data sent by the LCM-board system as well as from other participating systems that provide their data not through the LCM-board. An appropriate service of the LCM-shore system continuously polls the related accounts for incoming data. In case that messages have been received the sender is verified and the message is automatically opened and its attachments containing the data of interest are extracted, parsed and validated against a DTD schema if the structure of the XML formatted content conforms to the format specified for a successful integration. If the content has passed the validity check it is stored at a configurable location in the local file system, ready to be further processed. Afterward the data import module of the LCM-shore has to integrate this data based on the underlying component model into the global life cycle data pool. Depending on the systems some data may have to be aggregated either directly in the LCM or through the upstream systems, in order to prevent redundant data storage.
Prof. Dr. K.-D. Thoben and N. Homburg
Figure 3
Data analysis (damage frequency vs. damage costs) in the LCM Guidance System
However, a complex and demanding challenge is to utilize the so collected heterogeneous data. A flexible numerical evaluation and a graphical representation of data and analysis results have to provide an adequate access to the comprehensive and well structured ship life cycle information. Through data mining measures further relevant information patterns can be extracted from the data pool to be used for statistical and logical analysis that can aid future decision-making.
The fact that the systems connected to the Life Cycle Management System stay independent and accordingly can be applied apart from the LCM system results in a high flexibility because all installed systems that participate in the LCM become exchangeable. The use of a life cycle management system is expected to increase the availability of ships and to reduce their life cycle costs. The adoption of a life cycle management system for ship operation requires certain investments that don't lead immediately to noticeable benefits. Hence the goals concerning the design and development of a future-proof LCM system must be accompanied by the sensitisation of potential clients and markets for these techniques. A less technical but more psychological aim is to inform the target groups about the
Maritime Life Cycle Management during ship operation existence and the capabilities of such innovative solutions, and to develop proper marketing, strategies.
Acknowledgment The present results are worked out in the German joined research project MarLife funded by the German Federal Ministry of Economics (BMWi) through the program Shipping and Marine Technology for the 21st Century. The authors wish to acknowledge the Ministry as well as the Project Management Organisation Jülich (PTJ) for their support. Furthermore we hereby acknowledge our gratitude and appreciation to the MarLife project partners: Beluga Fleet Management GmbH & Co. KG, Hartmann Schiffahrts GmbH & Co.KG, Lloyd Werft Bremerhaven GmbH, MS Logistik Systeme GmbH (MSLS), Siemens AG, Universität Rostock, Energie-Umwelt-Beratung e.V. - Institut (EUB), Lürssen Logistics GmbH & Co. KG, Germanischer Lloyd AG (GL), Bremer Institut für angewandte Strahltechnik GmbH (BIAS) for their contribution during the development of the ideas and concepts presented in this paper.
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