Indicate in each figure whether it has reflectional symmetry. If it does have reflectional symmetry, use a straightedge
Math 855
Indicate in each figure whether it has reflectional symmetry. If it does have reflectional symmetry, use a straightedge to draw the line(s) of reflection. Then record the number of lines of reflection underneath it.
a. b.
d. e. f.
2. Which of the figures above have rotational symmetry? For each figure that has rotational symmetry, draw arrows around the figure to demonstrate what the rotational symmetry is. Then record the order of the rotational symmetry under the figure.
3. Write down your name here, in large capital letters.
Which letters in your name have reflectional symmetry? How many lines of reflection? For each letter that has reflectional symmetry, draw in the line(s) of reflection. Which letters in your name have rotational symmetry? What is the order of the rotational symmetry? For each letter that has rotational symmetry, draw arrows to indicate the symmetry.
Each word below appears to have symmetry with the whole word (not just looking at individual letters). Determine what sort of symmetry each word has.
5. Can you find symmetry in your own name? See if you can deform the shape of your name, in capital or lower-case, to give it rotational or reflectional symmetry. Practice on separate paper, and copy your favorite version of it here. You may wish to use patty paper for easier copying.