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Curriculum Documents by Quarter – Mathematics Grade 1 Quarter 1 Units of Study: Strategies for Adding and Subtracting Standards

Learning Objectives

Number and Operations 1. Analyzes, represents, and identifies relationships among numbers and number systems. 2. Computes accurately with addition and subtraction problems.

Number and Operations  Apply strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving basic facts.  Read, write, order, identify, and count whole numbers up to 25.  Solve addition and subtraction facts using numbers up to 10.

Algebra 3. Creates, makes predictions, and extends patterns.

Algebra  Identify, describe, and apply number patterns and properties in developing strategies for basic facts.

Problem Solving 4. Applies and adapts a variety of strategies to solve problems.

Problem solving  Use a variety of strategies to help solve problems.

Communication 5. Uses mathematical language to describe quantitative ideas and relationships.

Vocabulary                

add plus sum subtract minus difference equation number sentence greater than less than least greatest after before between order

Communication  Convey mathematical thinking using content specific language.

Quarter 2 Units of Study: Data Collection and Graphs & Fractions Standards

Learning Objectives

Number and Operations 1. Analyzes, represents, and identifies relationships among numbers and number systems. 2. Computes accurately with addition and subtraction problems.

Number and Operations  Apply strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving basic facts.  Read, write, order, identify, and count whole numbers up to 50.  Solve addition and subtraction facts using numbers up to 10.  Identify fractions - whole, part, and equal parts.

Data Analysis 3. Produces and analyzes a variety of graphs. Problem Solving 4. Applies and adapts a variety of strategies to solve problems. Communication 5. Uses mathematical language to describe quantitative ideas and relationships.

Data Analysis  Represent measurements and discrete data in picture and bar graphs. Problem solving  Use a variety of strategies to help solve problems. Communication  Convey mathematical thinking using content specific language.

Vocabulary              

pairs combinations graph bar graph picture graph alike different Venn diagram tally marks surveys part whole equal fraction

Quarter 3 Units of Study: Place Value to 100 and Time Standards

Learning Objectives

Number and Operations 1. Analyzes, represents, and identifies relationships among numbers and number systems. 2. Computes accurately with addition and subtraction problems.

Number and Operations  Apply strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving basic facts.  Read, write, order, identify, and count whole numbers up to 75.  Solve addition and subtraction facts using numbers up to 20.

Algebra 3. Solves for missing values in number sentences. Measurement 4. Reads a clock to determine time. Problem Solving 5. Applies and adapts a variety of strategies to solve problems. Communication 6. Uses mathematical language to describe quantitative ideas and relationships.

Algebra  Find the missing number in open sentences.

Vocabulary             

digit ones tens hundreds order place value even odd fact families o'clock minute hand hour hand half past

Measurement  Read the clock to half hour interval. Problem solving  Use a variety of strategies to help solve problems. Communication  Convey mathematical thinking using content specific language.

Quarter 4 Units of Study: Shapes & Measurement Standards

Learning Objectives

Number and Operations 1. Computes accurately with addition and subtraction problems.

Number and Operations  Apply strategies to solve addition and subtraction problems involving basic facts.  Read, write, order, identify, and count whole numbers up to 100.  Solve addition and subtraction facts using numbers up to 20. Geometry

Geometry 2. Analyzes characteristics and properties of two and three dimensional shapes. Measurement 3. Uses standard and nonstandard units to estimate and measure length, capacity and weight. Problem Solving 4. Applies and adapts a variety of strategies to solve problems. Communication 5. Uses mathematical language to describe quantitative ideas and relationships.

Compose and decompose plane and solid figures.  Describe and compare geometric attributes and properties of shapes for two dimensional and three dimensional shapes. Measurement  Recognize the attributes of length, area, volume, weight, and time. Problem solving  Use a variety of strategies to help solve problems. Communication  Convey mathematical thinking using content specific language.

Vocabulary                        

geometry shape circle rectangle square triangle plane solid faces sides sphere cone cylinder cube rectangular prism pyramid corner area volume measure length weight capacity balance

Essential Questions – Mathematics Grade 1 1. Number and Operations: What are different ways of representing, organizing, and relating numbers to mathematical operations? 2. Algebra: How do we understand and represent patterns, relationships, and change? 3. Data Analysis: How do we collect, organize, display, and analyze data? 4. Geometry/ Measurement: What are the characteristics and properties of multi-dimensional shapes? 5. Problem solving: Which strategies and mathematical operations are used to solve problems and arguments, and how can we develop and improve them? 6. Communication: How can mathematical thinking be effectively communicated to different audiences?