Apr 24, 2002 - McGill University. 805 Sherbrooke .... In its algebraic formulation, the quantum mechanics of a physical system is described by a. IQP ...... Finally, we wish to briefly come back to the interpretation of entropy production. For a.
Mathematical theory of non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics V. Jakˇsi´c and C.-A. Pillet
Department of Mathematics and Statistics McGill University 805 Sherbrooke Street West Montreal, QC, Canada H3A 2K6
PHYMAT Universit´e de Toulon, B.P. 132 F-83957 La Garde Cedex, France
FRUMAM CPT-CNRS Luminy, Case 907 F-13288 Marseille Cedex 9, France April 24, 2002
Dedicated to David Ruelle and Yakov Sinai on the occasion of their 65th birthday Abstract We review and further develop a mathematical framework for non-equilibrium quantum statistical mechanics recently proposed in [JP4, JP5, JP6, Ru3, Ru4, Ru5, Ru6]. In the algebraic formalism of quantum statistical mechanics we introduce notions of non-equilibrium steady states, entropy production and heat fluxes, and study their properties. Our basic paradigm is a model of a small (finite) quantum system coupled to several independent thermal reservoirs. We exhibit examples of such systems which have strictly positive entropy production.
1 Introduction The properties of a physical system out of thermal equilibrium are usually described in term of phenomenological concepts like steady state, entropy production and heat flux. These notions are related by the fundamental laws of thermodynamics. As an illustration, consider a model describing a small system coupled to two infinite heat reservoirs , which are at temperature , . Under normal conditions, one expects that the combined system
Figure 1: A system coupled to two heat reservoirs will settle into a steady state in which there is a constant flow of heat and entropy from the hotter to the colder reservoir across the system . Let be the heat current flowing from reservoir into the small system , and the entropy production rate in . In the steady state, the fundamental laws of thermodynamics read: !#"%$ &
The first relation expresses energy conservation (the first law of thermodynamics). The second asserts that the heat flows from the hotter to the colder reservoir and that the entropy of is not decreasing (the second law of thermodynamics). Our goal is to give a precise mathematical meaning to the notions of non-equilibrium steady state, entropy production and heat flux, study their properties and prove Relations (1) from first principles. We will also exhibit examples of combined systems .,/0 which have strictly positive entropy production and hence non-trivial thermodynamics. We will work in the mathematical framework of algebraic quantum statistical mechanics which appears to be particularly well-suited to the study of general structural properties of non-equilibrium steady states. The basic notions of this algebraic framework are briefly introduced in Section 2. The reader is referred to the monographs [BR1, BR2, Ha, Si1, Th] for more detailed expositions. In Section 3, we define non-equilibrium steady states and discuss their basic structural properties. Section 4 is devoted to the notion of entropy production. Finally, a simple class of models with strictly positive entropy production is described in Section 5.
3 This review is based on a series of recent papers [JP4, JP5, JP6, Ru3, Ru4, Ru5, Ru6]. These works rely on a large body of knowledge previously developed by many authors in various areas of mathematical physics: Equilibrium statistical mechanics, quantum dynamical systems, quantum Markovian processes, van Hove limit, linear response theory, etc... Even though we have tried to provide the reader with the most relevant references to these earlier works, we do not claim completeness in this respect, and refer the reader to [BR1, BR2, OP] for an extensive list of references. Acknowledgment. We are grateful to Jan Derezinski and David Ruelle for useful discussions on the subject of this review. A part of this work has been done during the visit of the first author to Johns Hopkins University. V.J. is grateful to Steve Zelditch for his friendship and to Mathematics Department of Johns Hopkins University for generous support. The second author thanks Jean-Pierre Eckmann for hospitality at the University of Geneva where part of this work has been done, and the Swiss National Science Foundation for financial support. The research of the first author was partly supported by NSERC.
2 The Framework In its algebraic formulation, the quantum mechanics of a physical system is described by a 132 2 or a 4 - dynamical system. To avoid technicalities we will consider in this review only 1 2 2 - systems. The non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of 4 - systems will be discussed elsewhere. 132 - dynamical systems are introduced in Subsections 2.1 and 2.2 below. In Subsection 2.3 we describe some examples of such systems.
- Dynamical Systems
1 2 1 2 A - dynamical system is a pair 798:$= , where 8 is a - algebra and ;%? a strongly continuous group of @ - automorphisms of 8 (that is, the map ACBDE; ? 7GFH= is norm-continuous for each FJIK8 ). We assume that 8 has an identity L . The elements of 8 describe observables of the physical system under consideration and the group ; specifies their time 132 evolution. An example of a - algebra is MN7PO/= , the algebra of all bounded operators on a 1 2 Hilbert space O , equipped with the operator norm topology. Any - algebra is isomorphic to a subalgebra of MQ7POR= for some Hilbert space O . 2 A state of the system is described by a positive linear functional SIT8 satisfying SU7VL%=! W . The number SU7G;%?X7GFQ=Y= is the expected value of the observable F at time A , assuming that the system was initially in the state S . The set Z:798[= of all states on 8 is a convex, weak-* 2 compact subset of the dual Banach space 8 . 1 2 A state S\I]Z 798[= is called ; - invariant, or steady state, if S_^N;%?H!KS for all A . A dynamical system has at least one (and typically many) steady states. We call quantum dynamical system a triple 798:$Ñ . The Møller morphisms Ñ are @ - automorphisms of 8 l l 7 Ñ = ! Ñ . Since ST^; ? Ñ !sST^; ? ^; ? Ñ , we get
{e b
~{e Ñ } {e Ñ . It follows that S_!sS {e Ñ ^ | {e Ñ
S°^ with S Ñ get the formula
S è Ñ 7GFH=¦(S
d{e Ñ
{Ñ l
r$ !
aebed ?
e i S {e Ñ
^&;%? , from which we
m{!Ñ v ç²? é 7YÒÓÐ$= -KMS, then S is 79öHì; ? $¾( = -KMS. Since this is a common situation in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics, our first hypothesis is quite natural.
Let u© be the generator of ï«© . Our second assumption is a regularity condition for the local perturbation Ð : (A2) ÐIR¢R7¤u©'= .
21 Remark 3. To make the connection with the discussion of the previous section and Formula (21), note that for the state (23) we get u©£!)(TØ
where ø is the generator of ;É . Thus, identifying the factor corresponding to !)" with the system and the remaining factors with the reservoirs , we can easily reproduce Formula (21) by setting z Û !#" . For a ; - invariant state S satisfying Hypothesis (A1) and a local perturbation Ð (A2), we introduce the observable ï Ñ
and define the entropy production of the locally perturbed system 798:$ ¾ø = . Let Ð:7PA¾Ô'!#" , then ®'79=!s® 7 = . Finally, we relate the heat fluxes to entropy production. For this purpose, it is convenient to choose the reference state S Û !yS Û öS ös±É±É±¥ö_S T$
ÆÅ aÇ :x
where S Û is the KMS state of at z!)" . Then we have u© 3!Í( that for any SIo¶ , W 7PST^; Ñ ?
tS`=!# 7PST^; Ñ ?
tS Û = o7 = as AD
z>ø . One shows
, and the following result is immediate.
?ª , then for any qIad èÑ Â Ø z C q 79¥=!¨(*C76 q =uÉ÷
Proposition 5.3 Assume that SI°¶
7PS`= one has
Formula (41) is the basic thermodynamic relation between heat fluxes and entropy production. In particular, if 7 ={" , the NESS carries non-vanishing energy currents.
The Study of NESS
In Section 3.3 we have discussed the scattering and spectral approaches to the study of NESS for general quantum systems. In this subsection we describe features of these meth. ods which are particular to the specific model /&s±É±É±
The Scattering Approach
The scattering approach described in Section 3.3.1 has to be slightly modified to accommodate for the finite subsystem . The necessary changes are described in [Ru3]. Setting
¬ b 8»&ös±É±É±ö8Â$ ;F¬ b ; ös±É±É±ö0;wÂ$ S ¬ b S ös±É±É±¥öS $ Ü È 12 the - dynamical system 798¬H$ r-
From Equ. (38),(40) it easily follows that
ª 1Ö 7Ó ª %7G嫪h=Y=u-
The operators can be explicitly computed and a somewhat long computation shows that, as long as the z> are not all identical, one has /{"%-
This gives another proof of the strict positivity of the entropy production for small ò , which has the advantage of providing a concrete estimate.
ª UÖ
Some of the principles of phenomenological thermodynamics hold for the state S . Of particular interest are the Onsager reciprocity relations. For the proof of these relations and additional discussion we refer the reader to [LS].
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