Carnegie Advanced Algebra. Algebra 1. Algebra 1. Geometry. Geometry ...
students take at least one math course each of the four years of high school.
MATHEMATICS COURSE SEQUENCE Grade 9 Semester One Grade 9 Semester Two Grade 10Semester One Grade 10Semester TwoGrade 11Semester One Grade 11Semester Two Grade 12Semester One Grade 12Semester Two Carnegie Algebra 1 Carnegie Algebra 1 Carnegie Algebra I CarnegieGeometry CarnegieGeometry Carnegie Advanced Algebra Carnegie Advanced Algebra Carnegie Advanced Algebra Algebra 1 Algebra 1 Geometry Geometry Advanced Algebra AdvancedAlgebra FunctionsStatisticsTrigonometry FunctionsStatisticsTrigonometry Geometry Geometry Advanced Algebra Advanced Algebra FunctionsStatisticsTrigonometry FunctionsStatisticsTrigonometry Pre-CalculusDiscrete Math PreCalculusDiscrete Math HonorsGeometry HonorsGeometry HonorsAdvanced Algebra//Trig. HonorsAdvanced Algebra//Trig. HonorsPreCalculus HonorsPre-Calculus AP Calculus(AB) AP Calculus(AB) AppliedMath 1 AppliedMath 2 AP ComputerScience A AP ComputerScience A
MATHEMATICS PLACEMENT GUIDELINES Students entering Olmsted Falls High School for the first time will be placed in the mathematics sequence by either (1) results of our Math Placement Exam and/or (2) recommendations from Olmsted Falls Middle School math teachers. Students may be moved from one course sequence to another based on input from mathematics teachers at the high school, results on the placement exam, or successful completion of courses similar to our offerings, which were studied at another accredited school. Every attempt will be made to place students in the proper mathematics course. Although three math credits are required for graduation, the Mathematics Department recommends students take at least one math course each of the four years of high school. Mathematics standards for the State of Ohio were revised in recent years. They may be found on the Ohio Department of Education website hppt:// SPECIAL NOTE: All mathematics students should plan to have a TI-83Plus graphing calculator for use each day in math class. The use of graphing calculators and computers is a routine expectation at all levels at Olmsted Falls High School. Programming on the TI-83Plus is taught at all levels of the math curriculum. Students may also be assigned work that requires the use of a computer. Access to computer labs at the school may require the students to arrange for use before school, after school, or during study halls and lunch periods. Additional information can be obtained by contacting the Mathematics Department Chairman. CARNEGIE ALGEBRA – 9th and 10th grades The Carnegie Math Series is designed for students who have struggled with mathematics in middle school. Students will cover three years of content in a four year span. Topics included are those found in Algebra I, Geometry, and Algebra 2. More time is allowed for less able students to succeed with new material and to review concepts from previous years. A key component of the program is the use of “Intelligent Tutor” software in the computer lab twice a week. Students progress through the computer modules at their own pace. Technology Required: TI-83 Plus 1 credit
CARNEGIE GEOMETRY – 10th and 11th grades Cognitive Tutor Geometry is the second course in the Carnegie Learning mathematics program. Again, students solve real world problems through multiple representations through the use of computer software and classroom discussions. Once again, about 40% of the student class time is spent on the Cognitive Tutor software on the computer. Students enrolled in this normally have completed the Cognitive Tutor Algebra program. Enrollment is determined by recommendations from the math department. Technology Required: TI-83 Plus Fee Required 1 credit CARNEGIE ADVANCED ALGEBRA – 11th and 12th grades This is the third course in the Cognitive Tutor Series and deals with topics from second-year algebra. Students will use the computer software to explore multiple representations of problems under discussion. Students will spend approximately 40% of instruction time in the computer lab working through material as outlined in the course of study for Algebra 2. Prerequisite: Carnegie Geometry or Permission of Math Department Chair Technology Required: TI-83Plus Fee Required 1 credit ALGEBRA – 9th, 10th and 11th grades This course covers many traditional topics of first-year algebra while attempting to apply skills to basic geometry and data analysis where appropriate. Students are required to read more extensively and move at a more rapid pace. Much emphasis is placed on applications of algebra to their fields such as finance, physics, chemistry, and biology. Students are introduced to the use of graphing calculators and some elementary programs are written in an algebra context. Prerequisite: Permission of Math Department Technology required: TI-83 Plus 1 credit GEOMETRY – 9th ,10th and 11th grades This geometry course is a blend of various approaches to the subject with emphasis upon using algebra skills previously learned. Problem-solving remains a major theme within the course. Students will use appropriate software to enhance their experience in the course. Prerequisite: Algebra Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee required 1 credit HONORS GEOMETRY – 9th grade Students who are identified as mathematically talented by their eighth grade math teacher may enroll in this more accelerated geometry course. The honors track culminates with Advanced Placement work in mathematics in the senior year. Students are expected to adhere to a high level of scholarship and will be exposed to more topics, an accelerated pace, more challenging problems and extensive use of technology. Prerequisite: permission of the Math Department Technology required: TI-83 Plus Honors course Fee required 1 credit
ADVANCED ALGEBRA – 10th and 11th grades This is the full college preparatory Advanced Algebra course covered in two semesters. Students will study such topics as linear functions, trigonometric and circular functions, step functions, sequences and series, polynomial functions, logarithmic functions as well as some symbolic manipulations skills of more traditional algebra. Emphasis is on problem-solving and appropriate use of emerging technologies to study relevant mathematics for college-intending students. Prerequisite: Geometry or permission of the Math Department Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee required 1 credit HONORS ALGEBRA 2 WITH TRIGONOMETRY – 10th grade This course is designed for selected sophomores who intend to study AP Calculus as seniors. The course covers many of the traditional topics found in many second year algebra courses but to greater depth and with more challenging problems. The addition of a complete treatment of trigonometry makes this a course that covers three semesters of mathematics in two semesters. Students are expected to use graphing calculators and computer software throughout the course, and will write programs to solve problems where appropriate. Prerequisite: Honors Geometry, or permission of the Math Department Technology required: TI-83 Plus Honors course Fee required 1 credit FUNCTIONS, STATISTICS AND TRIGONOMETRY – 11th and 12th grades This is the sequel to Advanced Algebra in the college preparatory program. The course gives strong attention to statistics as well as to the ideas of functions and trigonometry normally found at this level. Statistics is important not only to consumers but also for the prospective college student, since many degree programs include a data analysis component. A study of elementary functions is critical for advanced math and science. Trigonometry is fundamental to the natural sciences and engineering. Prerequisite: Advanced Algebra Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee Required 1 credit PRE-CALCULUS AND DISCRETE MATHEMATICS - 11th and 12th grade This is the final course of the college preparatory program. Topics studied include: advance work with functions and their graphs, logic, recursion, math induction, polar and parametric equations, combinatorics, circuits, limits, and an introduction to derivatives and integrals. As with previous courses, a strong emphasis is placed on appropriate use of technology and computer programming. Prerequisite: FST Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee required 1 credit
HONORS PRE-CALCULUS - 11th and 12th grades This is a college-level Pre-Calculus course. Topics covered include all those necessary for a successful experience in AP Calculus. Students will be exposed to many challenging problems and will use technology to enhance their understanding of the material. A fair amount of time will be devoted to writing programs with the TI-83 and TI-92 Graphing Calculators. Students who plan a career path that leads to the natural sciences or engineering should strongly consider enrolling in this course. Prerequisite: Honors Algebra with Trigonometry or permission of Math Department Technology required: TI-83 Plus Honors course Fee required 1 credit
AP CALCULUS - 12th grade This course covers the syllabus of the College Board for the AB version of calculus. Students are required to write the AP exam in the spring of their senior year. Approximate cost of the exam is $82.00. It is expected that students will spend at least one hour per day outside of class on required study and homework. This is a college curriculum and students and their parents should consider carefully the commitment necessary for a successful experience. A weighted grade will be given for this course. Prerequisite: PDM or Honors Pre-Calculus Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee required 1 credit APPLIED MATHEMATICS I - 11th and 12th grades This is a one semester math class in which students solve a number of routine and non-routine mathematics problems from various branches of mathematics that are particularly suited to solution with the aid of the programming capabilities of the TI-83 and TI-92 graphing calculators. THIS IS A MATHEMATICS COURSE. Programming is the tool used to investigate ideas of mathematics. It is hoped that students will learn some techniques of programming as the course progresses. Prerequisite: Advanced Algebra Technology required: TI-83 Plus Fee required
½ credit – semester course