Chaplain Norman Mathews, Post Surgeon Mike Maddox, 1 year Trustee Jim Mc Kinstry, 2 Year .... lake, or if you like ... M
Official Newsletter of VFW Post 3777, Festus Missouri
VFW Post 3777 All Gave Some - Some Gave All Volume 2 Issue 4 Dear Comrades
900 VFW DRIVE, P.O. BOX 265 FESTUS, MO 63028 May/June 2014
May/June 2014
Commanders Corner
Another year has come and gone, this will be my last news letter as your Commander, I did not accomplish all that I had hoped over the past year. I would like to thank my fellow officers without whose support the accomplishments the post did achieve would not have been possible. . A commander is only as good as the people he serves with. I was very fortunate to have some outstanding individuals to work with over the past year, many of whom gave tirelessly of themselves and their time for the betterment of your post. I would also like to thank the Men’s and Ladies Auxiliary for their support, I can not think of a time that I went to them asking for their help in post functions or matters that they didn’t come through. I can say without any hesitation that your new Commander can expect and receive the same from them as well. During a special meeting held on April 23, 2014 the election of new post officers for 2014-2015 was held. I would like to take this opportunity to introduce your new officers to you
Commander : Dennis Schumer, Sr. Vice Commander James (Pat) Scroggins Jr. Vice Commander: Ron Edmondson, Post Quartermaster John Amsden, Judge Advocate David Christian Chaplain Norman Mathews, Post Surgeon Mike Maddox, 1 year Trustee Jim Mc Kinstry, 2 Year Trustee Jordan Nelp, 3 year Trustee Robert Bagby, 1 Year House Committee Dave Smith Sr, 2 Year House Committee Daymond Harned, 3 Year House Committee George Sousan Sr. The Commander also may the following appointments. Adjutant Dave Engel, Veterans Service Officer: Joe Whitehead, Officer of the day Dave Smith Sr., Guard: Bob Kamler,.Grounds Committee Charles Douglas, Building Committee Steve, Ways and Means Committee Bob Bagby, Post Photographer Ron Edmundson. The installation of new officer will be on May 10th. Cocktails will be served at 5pm followed by the installation of officer at 6pm, with dinner being served at 7pm. Music will start at 8pm and played until ??. Come out meet your new officers, have a great meal followed by an evening of music and fun.
George J. Sousan Sr.
115th VFW National Convention
St. Louis, Mo., will host the 115th VFW National Convention, July 19-23, 2014.Approximately 10,000 VFW and Ladies Auxiliary members from around the world will convene in the city for this five-day event being held at the America's Center in downtown St. Louis. VFW members will vote on organizational bylaws, attend workshops, network with other veterans and attend business sessions. With the famed Gateway Arch, an acclaimed zoo, lively nightlife and a variety of museums, St. Louis offers something for everyone.
**Convention registration is open now!!**
LADIES AUXILIARY WHAT DOES THE VFW DO Thanks for all your help last year. I am going to be the president of the Ladies Auxiliary again this year. If you are a member and have some spare time, come to our meetings. We are a very friendly bunch of ladies that wants to be better for our veterans and our community. I hope everyone had a wonderful Easter. On May 8th, 9th, and 10th we are having a yard sale in the Annex building. We will be hopen from 6am - 2 pm. If you would like to sell some of your treasure we are selling spaces outside for $10. Please call denice Birkenmeyer at 636-208-1091. If you have some treasure to donate to use you can drop it off at the Annex on May 2nd - 7th. We also need help with pricing and setting up for the sale. Please come out and give us a hand. We have an on going project of collecting items for Fischer House. There is aq tote box in the clubroom for donations. If you know of a Ladies Auxiliary member who is in the hospital or going in the nursing home, please call our Chaplain Janet Monsen at 636-475-5988. We are still having dinners at the post on Fridays, so we are still having our bake sales. If you would like to donate a bake good drop it by the post on Friday morning. If you would like to help, but if banking is not your thing, you can send in the money you would spend buying the ingredients. If you did not pay your dues last year, you no longer a member in good standing. Please pay your dues! Ladies Auxiliary Post 3777 PO Box 265 Festus, MO 63028 Please keep our men and women in the Military in your thoughts and prayers. Sue Conner President of the Ladies Auxiliary 636-937-0181
[email protected]
ON CAPITOL HILL? Do you ever wonder what the VFW’s office on Capitol Hill does to help our veterans? In the last year alone, VFW’s advocacy efforts in Washington have improved consumer resources for college-bound veterans; preserved military quality-of-life programs like tuition assistance; repealed the back-door dealings to cut military retiree benefits; and reinstated a responsible Stolen Valor law. So why is the VFW’s voice so strong on Capitol Hill? It’s because the VFW enlists the help of a strong network of volunteer veterans’ advocates all across the country called the VFW Action Corps. The VFW Action Corps is made up of VFW members just like you, who stand ready to call on Congress to do the right thing for our veterans. During the fight to reinstate military retirement benefits, the VFW Action Corps was responsible for more than 30,000 advocacy emails and countless phone calls to every Congressional office on Capitol Hill. One Congressman was so inundated with phone calls from the VFW alone that he called the Washington office personally, asking how he could make it stop. This kind of relentless grassroots advocacy is what gives the VFW the clout to testify before Congress on key veterans’ issues; to flood Capitol Hill twice a year to hand-deliver the VFW’s priorities to every member of Congress; and most importantly, to pass responsible legislation that improves the lives of veterans, like the Post-9/11 GI Bill, the VOW to Hire Heroes Act, or the VA Family Caregiver Act.But we can do more. Did you know that today only 37,000 of the VFW’s 1.4 million members are signed up for the VFW Action Corps? Imagine what we could do to help our fellow veterans with the full force of the VFW membership! If you are not yet signed up as a member of the VFW Action Corps, add your name to our rolls and help us hold Congress accountable. It’s free, and it’s just another way that you, as a VFW member, help to better serve our nation’s veterans. If you’re already a member of the VFW Action Corps, tell your friends to join. It’s open to anyone who cares about veterans or veterans’ issues. To join the VFW Action Corps today, click here: mlm/signup.htm. JOIN NOW!!!
News from the Bunker Bar Hello Everyone, Hope to find everyone fine and healthy, it’s been a long winter but now it’s spring so get out and come and see us, or bring the family out to fish at our lake, or if you like to BBQ come out to our park and use the Pavilions, like Family Reunions, or just a Family BBQ, come out and find which one you would like to use. We are going to have a Yard Sale at the Annex on May 8,9,10, come out and check out some good stuff, or you can rent a space for $10.00 and do some spring cleaning and sell your items. We would love to see you. There's all kinds of stuff to see and do out at your club so come out and support your club, we love to see you...Also the children’s fishing day is May the 10th bring out the kids and let them fish and have a blast.. If you’re looking for a place for a party or family get together we have a room off of the Club room to rent or the Hall upstairs, or our Annex building, so don't forget we have it all..
KID’S FISHING TOURNAMENT Jefferson County Parks and Recreation Department, in cooperation with VFW Post 3777, The Missouri Department of Conservation, Home Service Oil Company, Twin City Marine and Dunn's Sporting Goods, will be hosting a Kid's Fishing Tournament on May 10, 2014, at the VFW Fishing Lakes, 900 VFW Drive in Festus. Activities will take place from 9 am to approximately 12 noon.Officials from our co-sponsors will be on hand to teach knowledge and skills in types of bait, fishing rules and techniques. Free hot dogs, chips and soda will be provided, as well as the opportunity to apply that new fishing skill and knowledge on site (catch and release). Attendance prizes will be awarded throughout the day. Pre-registration is required for this free program, and space is limited to the first 200 applicants. For more information, contact us at 636-7975334, email at
[email protected], or click
on the link below to download and print the forms!
Bar Manager-Debbie Bishop
Men’s Aux Our annual election were held and these are your Officers for 2014-2015: President: Dave Smith Jr. Senior Vice: Rick Johnson Junior Vice: Daniel Turner Treasurer Adam Drury Secretary Nathan Pippin Chaplain Daniel Drury 1 Year Trustee: Glen Erb 2 Year Trustee: Jason Williams 3 Year Trustee: Rob Wilson Dave Smith Jr. President
The post would like to think the Ladies Auxiliary for de-weeding and cleaning up the monument. Also a special thanks goes out to All Terrain Improvements (636)-222-7926 for volunteering their time for picking up and spreading the mulch. The mulch was donated by Mulch Outlet in Pevely (636)4795893. Lets give these folks a special THANK YOU!!!
Rough Fish Fishing Tournament Where: VFW Lake Date: June 28, 2014 Time: 8am until 2pm Entry Fee: $10 per Fisherman
VFW Post 3777 900 VFW Drive Festus, MO 63028 For more information call
Prize Money
1st Place $100 2nd Place $50 3rd Place $25 Bring your own fishing gear and bait FOOD and DRINKS will be available!
VFW 3777
LADIES AUXILIARY Date: 8,9,10 MAY 2014 Time: 6AM—2PM Daily
The ladies Auxiliary will have a yard sale in the annex building. If you would like to donate items for this yard sale, or would just like to volunteer some time, please contact Denice Birkenmeyer Rent your own selling space for just $10 For more information call Denice Birkenmeyer at 636-208-1091 The following business donate and support VFW Post 3777. If you know of any business that would like to place an advertisement in the Post Newsletter, please let Pat Scroggins or Dennis Schumer know. Thanks
May 2014 Sun 1
Mon 2
VFW Post 3777
Washers 7pm
Pitch Tournament 1 PM
Washers 7pm
1 Queen of Hearts 2
Men Aux 6:30PM Ladies Aux 7:30PM VFW 7:30PM
Sat 3
Have a safe 4th Of July
Queen of Hearts 6:30PM
10 Installation
11 am to 6 pm
Of New Post Officers and Dinner
Pitch Tournament 1 PM
18 Mothers Day 19
Washers 7pm
Pitch Tournament 1 PM
Queen of Hearts 1/2 Fried Chicken 6:30PM AMVETS Mtg 7PM 11am - 6pm
20 Washers 7pm
26 Memorial 27 Day Service 11am
Washers 7pm
Pitch Tournament 1 PM
Pitch Tournament 1 PM
Queen of Hearts 6:30PM
Mon 2
11am - 6pm
VFW Post 3777
Tue 3
30Fish Dinner 31
Queen of Hearts 6:30PM
June 2014 Sun
Pork Chop Dinner 11am—6pm
Wed 4
Thu 5
13 Bar-B-Q
Queen of Hearts 6:30PM
10 Washers 7pm
11 MEETINGs 12 Men Aux 6:30PM Ladies Aux 7:30PM VFW 7:30PM
Queen of Hearts 6:30PM
11 am to 6 pm
19 Queen of
20 1/2 Fried
Hearts 6:30PM Pitch Tournament 1pm AMVETS Mtg 7PM
Chicken 11am 6pm
27 Spaghetti 28
Pitch Tournament 1pm
Fathers Day
17 Washers 7pm
24 Washers 7pm
26 Queen of
Pitch Tournament 1pm Hearts 6:30PM
Dinner all you Eat 11 am to 6 pm
21 Fishing
Tournament 8 am - 2pm
30 5
All Gave Some - Some Gave All 6