The Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship is ... Extension
and Professor Emeritus of Adult Education, and his wife ... other recognition, a
one time award of $1000 will be given to support/enhance the continued work of.
The University of New Hampshire Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship
The Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship is established at the University of New Hampshire Foundation, Inc. through the generosity of Maynard C. Heckel, Director Emeritus of UNH Cooperative Extension and Professor Emeritus of Adult Education, and his wife Audrey E. Heckel. Maynard Heckel spent his professional career associated with Cooperative Extension, starting as a county extension agent in northeastern Connecticut. He later served as a training leader and then as Associate Dean of the Extension Division at Virginia Tech, before moving to New Hampshire and assuming the position of Director of Cooperative Extension and Professor of Adult Education at the University of New Hampshire. During his tenure ( 1971-1983 ) as Director of Cooperative Extension, he led the design and establishment of the extension educator ranking system. Still used today, this system clearly recognizes the educational role of professional cooperative extension agents and specialists in carrying out the outreach function so important to the mission of a land grant university. Seeing extension educators involved with a broader range of University resources in meeting the needs of New Hampshire citizens is the primary reason for establishing the Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship. PURPOSE: To recognize Cooperative Extension Educators for exemplary program accomplishments achieved through innovative and creative approaches in at least one of the following areas:
Involvement of University faculty beyond traditional disciplines in meeting the educational needs of the citizens of New Hampshire. Development and involvement of strong local leadership in support of Extension programs. Assisting and supporting low income families.
ELIGIBILITY: Nominees for the Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship
Must be employed in the UNH Extension Educator Classification system. Must have completed at least 3 years of service for UNH Cooperative Extension. Any member of the Extension Educator Council nominated is ineligible to participate in any decision making process involving the fellowship in the year he/she is nominated.
While the award is primarily for recognition of individual efforts, team nominations will be considered for outstanding programs. Recipients of the award are not eligible to receive it again for a period of 3 years following their recognition. Both long-term and short-term successful, innovative, creative and collaborative programs are eligible for consideration. RECOGNITION: In addition to the designation of AExtension Fellow@ with an appropriate plaque or other recognition, a one time award of $1000 will be given to support/enhance the continued work of the chosen fellow within UNH Cooperative Extension. The award will be distributed by the UNH Cooperative Extension Dean and Directors office. In the case of team recipients, the award will be divided equally.
NOMINATIONS: The UNH Cooperative Extension Educator Council (EEC) will annually identify a small pool of qualified individuals for consideration of the award. The EEC may solicit input from others including but not limited to Extension leadership, Extension Educators, UNH faculty and public or private partners. Nominees will be asked to complete a AMaynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship@ application form and submit this along with other required documentation, to the current Vice Chair of the Extension Educator Council. Specific directions for submission will be sent by the Vice Chair to candidates by February 1. It is an expectation that the programs/efforts which are being considered worthy will already have been written, reported and or documented. This should eliminate an applicant’s need for expending an inordinate amount of time preparing an application. SELECTION: Applications will be reviewed by the Extension Educator Council with a quorum (a majority of the elected membership) decision needed for the award recipient choice. The EEC will then make a recommendation to the Dean and Director. PRESENTATION: A formal public presentation of the $1000 award and recognition of the Extension Educator(s) will be made at an appropriate UNH Cooperative Extension or University of NH function, usually the Annual Extension Conference in the spring. The presentation will be made by Maynard and/or Audrey Heckel or their designee, and/or UNH Cooperative Extension Dean and Director or his/her designee. At the time of this award presentation, the award recipient is expected to give a brief presentation on his/her program. In addition to a formal presentation of the award, timely written and electronic media recognition will also occur.
TIMELINE: January: At the Extension Educator Council meeting, potential candidates are nominated by EEC members. February 1: Extension Educator Council Vice Chair notifies candidates of their nomination and provides instructions on completing the application process. March 1: Applications due to Vice Chair of the Extension Educator Council. March EEC meeting: Applications reviewed and recipient(s) recommended to Dean and Director. April/May: Formal presentation to recipient(s) at appropriate Extension or UNH function. Program presentation by recipient(s) at appropriate Extension or UNH function.
Maynard and Audrey Heckel Extension Educator Fellowship In recognition of exemplary program accomplishments within UNH Cooperative Extension Application Form Name of Extension Educator or team nominee (please print): ____________________________________________________________________________ Title:________________________________________________________________________ Address:____________________________________________________________________ Phone/E-mail:________________________________________________________________ Program name: ______________________________________________________________ Please provide responses to the following questions. Program description, accomplishments and impact must be limited to three additional pages. We ask that you not include any supplementary materials. 1.
In order to be considered for this award, program accomplishments must be in one of the following areas. Select one of the following, by marking an “X” in the appropriate box. Involvement of University faculty beyond traditional disciplines in meeting the educational needs of the citizens of New Hampshire. Development and involvement of strong local leadership in support of Extension programs. Assisting and supporting low income families.
Please provide a description of programming efforts. Include specific information as to how these efforts relate to the criteria checked above.
Give specific examples of program accomplishments and impacts achieved through these programming efforts.
Please provide letters of support from two individuals (and their contact information) who have in-depth knowledge regarding the program or initiative you have described above.
Please submit this form through email, with accompanying documents, to the current Extension Educator Council Vice Chair and the Dean and Director. Candidates will receive specific instructions each year for submission when notified of nomination. Applications are due March 1.
__________________________________ Signature of Applicant
______________________________ Date