collaborate on programming for youth, which proved unsuccessful. ..... PRO's Code of Ethics is in effect at this event.
...on Parks and Recreation Ontario’s 20th Anniversary and 10 years of Youth Friendly Communities!
For Managers/Directors and Staff of Youth Arts, Recreation, Health Promotion, Sport, Education, Culture, Youth Advisory Groups, and Social Service Programs
Early Bird Registration Deadline
NOVEMBER 2ND Registration Deadline
NOVEMBER 16TH Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program, support and promote the delivery and expansion of positive youth development and youth engagement.
Play Works Members: 4-H Ontario, Arts Network for Children and Youth, Boys and Girls Clubs of Canada - Central Region, Ophea, Parks and Recreation Ontario, YMCA Ontario
MBA 14 Symposium • Brought to you by Parks and rioRecreation and Play Works, Onta founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recogniti
THE MBA 15 SYMPOSIUM NOV. 25 & 26, 2015 AND PRE-SYMPOSIUM TRAINING, NOVEMBER 24TH 2015 MBA PLANNING TEAM Jason Cranny YOUTH ADVISOR Grey Bruce Health Unit Sandee Guindon YOUTH ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit
Jeff Moco YOUTH ENGAGEMENT COORDINATOR Chatham-Kent Public Health Unit Sherri Moroso COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COORDINATOR City of Greater Sudbury Marion Price DIRECTOR EDUCATION Parks and Recreation Ontario Brenda Whitehead PRINCIPAL keepingPACE CONSULTING John Watkins SUPERVISOR OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Town of Whitby
Parks and Recreation Ontario (PRO), celebrating 20 years of Leadership, Quality and Excellence, and Play Works, celebrating 10 years of recognizing Youth Friendly Communities in Ontario, are pleased to present the MBA. If you work or volunteer in a community-based programs for youth ages 13-19 years, this is an event not to be missed. It is seen as the single most important and largest training event in Ontario for managers and staff of youth development programs. The Symposium is designed to help you diversify and enhance the quality of services that you and your community provide for youth. MBA - it's the More Better Approach to working with youth! In celebration of the PRO and Play Works anniversaries, the 2015 Symposium includes special features of a Training Module, "Positive Youth Development: From Paper to Practice", a Plenary Session by the Director of the Youth Services Branch, Ontario Ministry of Children and Youth Services, and a choice of 12 individual Presentations on Strategies for Working With Youth. With the exception of the Plenary Session and the Plenary Presentations, delegates have the choice of attending one of two sessions per time slot.
SYMPOSIUM DETAILS PRE-SYMPOSIUM TRAINING REGISTRATION: 9:30 am, Tuesday, November 24th PRE-SYMPOSIUM TRAINING DURATION: 10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Tuesday, November 24th. Additional registration fee applies for the Pre-Symposium Training. See PG 9. MBA REGISTRATION: 8:30 am, Wednesday, November 25th MBA SYMPOSIUM DURATION: 9:30 am, Wednesday, November 25th to 2:30 pm, Thursday, November 26th LOCATION: Kempenfelt Conference Centre, Barrie, ON. For directions go to FOR MORE INFORMATION: Contact 416-426-7142 or email at
[email protected] .
REGISTRATION FEES Unless otherwise noted, the registration fee includes accommodation, meals, Training/ Symposium event and resources. Registration fees are based on single or shared accommodation. Early arrival (Monday the 24th for the Pre-Symposium Training or Tuesday the 25th for the MBA) is available as is regular arrival (Wednesday the 26th). Please note that single accommodation is limited to availability. Refer to PG 9 for registration rates.
EARLY ARRIVAL DELEGATES Delegates arriving early for either the Pre-Symposium Training or the MBA can access their rooms any time after 3:00 pm on the Monday/Tuesday. Early arrival dinner may be ordered separately (see Registration Form PG 9). Snacks will be available on the second floor of the Bayview Building between 8:30 and 10:00 pm for early arrivers.
2 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
PRE-SYMPOSIUM TRAINING MODULE TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH SWAG SHARE WITH A GIFT! If your agency/ department has t-shirts, pens, bags, hats, mugs, and/or anything and everything that you give away to staff or volunteers to promote your services in the community, please bring them along. SWAG draws are held throughout the MBA. In addition to coming away with a great gift, you may also get great ideas for promotional items for your next event.
POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: FROM PAPER TO PRACTICE Positive youth development is an approach to intentionally structuring programs and services for youth so they can develop the skills and competencies needed to help transition them into adulthood. This day-long workshop provides youth development workers, recreationists, and youth program managers with an opportunity to: • • • • • •
better understand the developmental needs of youth; learn about adolescent brain development and how it can influence program planning; apply the process, principles and practice of Positive Youth Development; hear about the 5 Cs, what they are and why youth need them; learn about the online Intentional Youth Development resource; and benefit from becoming part of a network of those who support those aged 13 – 19 years.
Come prepared to listen, discuss, share and learn in this interactive training event. Delegates coming just for the day will return to their agency, school or department armed with tools, resources and research designed to help their services be responsive and supportive with and for youth. Delegates staying for the MBA have the additional opportunity to meet more colleagues and enjoy even more experiential learnings over the following two days of sessions.
PRESENTERS: Brenda Whitehead, Principal, keepingPACE, and Jason Cranny, Youth Advisor, Grey Bruch Health Unit
MBA 15 SYMPOSIUM STRATEGIES FOR WORKING WITH YOUTH: WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 25TH WELCOME: 9:30 AM - 9:55 AM PLENARY SESSION: 9:55 AM - 10:45 AM MINISTRY OF CHILDREN AND YOUTH SERVICES (MCYS) PLENARY UPDATE The province has made significant investments in youth during the past year. The Director of MCYS will provide an overview of the Youth Collective Impact and YouthREX Ministryfunded initiatives, and the results that have been achieved to date. Sean will also speak to the government’s Stepping Up: A Strategic Framework to Help Ontario’s Youth Succeed, sharing information on how the Framework is being implemented in communities across the province. Finally, learn about the $55M the province is investing over three years for an enhanced Youth Action Plan designed to support more high-risk youth and additional high-need communities in Ontario.
PRESENTER: Sean Twyford, Director, Youth Services Branch, Ontario Ministry of
3 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
Children and Youth Services
PRESENTATIONS 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM ENGAGING YOUTH IN RESEARCH: INCLUSION, INVESTMENT AND INTEGRITY Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) is a process through which youth investigate meaningful social topics, participate in research to understand the root causes of problems that directly affect them, and then take action to address the identified issues. YPAR supports the development of young people’s knowledge, skills, and abilities to exercise agency to address issues of importance to them. In collaboration with peers and supportive adults, YPAR has the potential to catalyze systemic change. This session features two projects that use a YPAR approach: Assets Coming Together (ACT) for Youth and New Opportunities for Innovative Student Engagement (NOISE) for Social Change. We highlight issues to consider before undertaking YPAR, examine critical conditions that enable meaningful outcomes for youth, and present insight from research that confirms the potential for YPAR to contribute to positive developmental outcomes across multiple dimensions including for youth, programs, communities, and society.
PRESENTERS: Cryril Cromwell, Research and Evaluation Manager; Rebecca Houwer, Knowledge Mobilization Manager; Henry Appiah, Youth Research Assistant; Talisha Ramsaroop, Youth Graduate Research Assistant; and Raven Bach, Co-chair Youth Advisory Council, YouthREX
YOUTH-LED ADVISORY COMMITTEES: TAKING AWAY THE GUESS WORK The McQuesten neighbourhood is one of 11 neighbourhoods of the City of Hamilton Neighbourhood Action Strategy. A partnership of service providers and the residents of this neighbourhood undertook a planning process, including collecting feedback from residents on how they thought they could make their neighbourhood the best place to live, work and raise a child. The residents identified “Improving Programs and Services For Youth” as one of their priorities. A service provider team was formed to better collaborate on programming for youth, which proved unsuccessful. A key ingredient needed to be added. This shift resulted in the creation of a the McQuesten Youth Opportunities Creators (MYOC) and a highly engaged youth community. This session will share lessons learned, successes, and ongoing challenges for youth and their adult allies. It will touch on branding and programming strategies through a project called Jobs4Jobs, and the youth-friendly Conversation Couch initiative. Resources on how to engage youth and adults allies in forming the basis for an effective youth-led council will be shared.
PRESENTERS: Jesse Williamson, Recreation Development Consultant/Adult Ally, Maureen R. Kelly, Public Health Nurse/Adult Ally, City of Hamilton; and Youth Members, McQuesten Youth Opportunities Creators
4 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
DISPLAY AREA Delegates are encouraged to bring information on your youth programs or initiatives. Reserve table space as noted on the Registration Form, page 10. Display units are welcome.
PRESENTATIONS 1:15 PM - 2:30 PM UNDERSTANDING YOUTH SUB CULTURES: THE NEXT STEP This interactive workshop builds on information presented at the MBA 2014 to help you better understand the distinctly different peer cultures with which youth associate and how they can affect program development and dynamics. Whether it's changing behaviour in tobacco use or program planning for sport or recreation, identifying values that are particularly important and relevant to teens is necessary in order to reach them and program for them. With completion of the data collection and the foundation for an evaluation in place, the Southwest and Central West Tobacco Control Area Networks are turning to alternative youth to help reduce tobacco use amongst Ontario Youth, using a peer-to-peer youth engagement model. Now in phase three of this exciting initiative, Jason Cranny will provide an inside look at what is taking place at some of the largest alternative music festivals and how the work being done will impact tobacco rates across the Province. Understanding the characteristics of your target audience and what influences them is the key to influencing change. If one of your goals is to encourage positive behavioural change through the vehicle of recreational or social programs, this session will provide you with some great learnings and tools to start that process.
PRESENTER: Jason Cranny, Youth Advisor, and Young Adult Participants, Grey Bruce Health Unit
CREATING INCLUSIVE AND ACCESSIBLE PROGRAMS FOR TEEN MOMS Community-based programs should be accessible to all youth. Unfortunately, due to stigmatization and stereotyping, teen moms may find it difficult to see themselves participating in such programs, missing countless opportunities to socialize, make friends, become more physically active, and feel valued. Teen moms in the Baby`s Breath Program will share their observations and learnings of being accepted and judged, and will offer suggestions on ways to more fully engage this population. These suggestions can be used with other populations that may experience similar challenges around acceptance. This session will use reflective activities and small group discussions to help to help participants identify inclusive and supportive strategies to apply in their programs.
PRESENTERS: Johanne Thomson, Program Manager, and Tamera Lavigne and Ashley Savard-Sikatowsky, Participants, Baby’s Breath Program, Sudbury Better Beginnings Better Futures
PRESENTATIONS 2:45 PM - 4:00 PM YOUTHREX – LEVERAGING AND MOBILIZING KNOWLEDGE TO INCREASE POSITIVE OUTCOMES FOR ONTARIO YOUTH Meet YouthREX – a provincial service that supports the Ontario Youth Action Plan. YouthREX’s purpose is to mobilize research about youth, increase understanding of positive youth development and program evaluation, and support youth-led and youthserving organizations to invest in continuous quality improvement, understand and learn about the impact of youth sector work, and communicate findings to your stakeholders. In this session, you will learn about the resources and supports YouthREX offers online and through its five regional hubs. We will walk you through “the eXchange”: our online Knowledge Mobilization hub which features youth research and evaluation summaries, fact sheets, infographics, reports, tools and resources Then, we will introduce you to Capacity Building opportunities that are offered free-of-charge. These... (next page)
5 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
include online or in-person courses and workshops focused on program evaluation and critical youth work. Finally, if your youth-serving program lacks the resources and capacity to undertake a program evaluation, learn how our Customized Evaluation Support services can help you integrate evaluation into your daily and program and organizational work.
PRESENTER: Rebecca Houwer, Knowledge Mobilization Manager, Youth Research and Evaluation eXchange (YouthREX)
YOUTH-ADULT PARTNERSHIPS: WORKING TOGETHER FOR A SUSTAINABLE FUTURE Are you looking for new ways to engage youth in the community? Linking recreational programming to environmental action can boost youth engagement and civic leadership while improving young people’s physical, emotional, and social well-being. Ecosource’s Peel Environmental Youth Alliance (PEYA) is a network of over 900 action-oriented students in Peel concerned about environmental issues. Best practices from case studies for youth-adult partnerships in the recreation sector include events such as PEYA’s Amazing Green Race and Stewardship Days. Take-away resources will offer strategies for incorporating environmental action into recreation programs, using the youth-adult partnerships model, and highlight quick win solutions to integrate environmental action into existing recreation programs.
PRESENTERS: Britt McKee, Sustainability Education Coordinator, Tooaba Shakeel, School Waste Action Coordinator, Ecosource, and PEYA Youth Participants
PLENARY PRESENTATION 4:05 PM - 5:05 PM GET CREATIVE WITH DIGITAL TOOLS! Back for his third year of winning sessions, join Jeff in this fast-paced learning session about digital tools. Move past those spreadsheets and Powerpoints! Learn to explore your creative side and use a variety of online and social media tools to increase your ability to collaborate and communicate with youth in your community. Participants will get the opportunity to explore the latest digital tools in this open and collaborate session.
PRESENTER: Jeff Moco, Youth Engagement Coordinator, Chatham-Kent Public Health
EVENING PLENARY PRESENTATION 8:00 PM - 9:00 PM NOTHING BUT PLAY: NO EQUIPMENT, JUST GREAT INTERACTION Provided by CIRA Ontario, this evening session offers an opportunity to develop your collegial network while experiencing community-building activities, which can be used with youth groups, in staff meetings, or at training events. Dress comfortably as this is an actual hands-on learning event.
PRESENTER: John Byl, President, Canadian Intramural Recreation Assocation (CIRA) - Ontario
6 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
STRATEGIES FOR WORKING WITH YOUTH: THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 26TH PRESENTATIONS 9:00 AM - 10:15 AM PATHWAY TO PLANET NORTH This presentation will take participants through the steps of how one organization brought youth engagement/development to a priority level and how it embedded it organizationally across all agency programs. The process included an internal scan with the planning and evaluation department to help gauge the overall level of youth engagement. YE&D was added into organizational operational documents for planning, individual program consultations and recommendations, YE&D based questions were added to exit interviews for staff and students, and training occurred at both program and organizational levels (including presentations to the Managers’ and Executive Committees). This, plus other pieces which will be touched on in the session, culminated with youth volunteering and staff dedicating time to youth-focused social media, which is the PLANET NORTH, an online youth engagement forum, which was launched in the Summer 2015!
PRESENTERS: Sandee Guindon, Youth Engagement Coordinator, and Megan Cundari, Youth Volunteer, North Bay Parry Sound District Health Unit
HOW DOES MENTAL HEALTH AFFECT OUR YOUTH? When youth walk through the door to a program, based on their behaviour it is sometimes difficult to determine if they have had a good day, a not so great day, or if they might be experiencing some form of mental health issue or illness. This session will provide an introduction to Mental Health Literacy, what is it and how it can be represented in the youth with whom we work. It will also identify some of the stigma experienced by those with mental health issues/illness and share strategies to help mitigate that stigma. As the vast majority of those who work with youth are not mental health experts, resources such as a stress management tool, and information on networks and agencies that can support youth who may be at risk will be shared.
PRESENTER: Jean Montgomery, Trainer/Consultant, Jean Montgomery Professional Services
PRESENTATIONS 10:30 AM - 11:45 AM YMCA TEEN NIGHTS PROGRAM: YOUTH ENGAGEMENT – TRANSLATING KNOWLEDGE INTO ACTION In this session, delegates will reflect on the Search Institute’s 40 Developmental Assets for Youth as a starting point for understanding excellence in youth engagement. From there, they will examine an approach to positive youth development by deconstructing the YMCA of Greater Toronto’s Teen Nights program model, exploring its alignment to the themes and outcomes in the Ministry of Children and Youth Services’ Stepping Up Framework. Working in groups, delegates will translate theoretical knowledge into practical youth engagement application by considering the seven themes, what they mean and what they look like in actual programs. Delegates leave this session inspired with a new way of looking at developing youth programs from the ground up.
PRESENTER: Dedric Nelson, General Manager, Teen Strategy, YMCA of Greater Toronto
7 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
MOVING PAST THE TALK OF ENGAGING LGBTQ YOUTH Building on the session presented at the MBA 14 Symposium, Donna will speak to how programs and services can be more engaging for LGBTQ youth when they are developed and evaluated through an understanding of LGBTQ culture and language. Concrete examples on how spaces can send a message of enhanced inclusion for LGBTQ populations will be shared as will suggestions on cultural competence training for program staff, volunteers and participants. Delegates will participate in experiential activities that help prepare for possible scenarios, as well as learn how to intentionally plan programs with LGBTQ youth needs in mind.
PRESENTER: Donna Turner, Communications Coordinator, Rainbow Health Ontario
PLENARY PRESENTATION 1:00 PM TO 2:30 PM YOUTH FRIENDLY COMMUNITY: INFORMATION EXCHANGE AND APPLICATION ORIENTATION Over 40% of Ontario youth live in a Play Works recognized Youth Friendly Community. Two sessions will be presented simultaneously. The first will be for those who are making an initial application or are re-applying for YFC recognition. The second will be YFC communities sharing good practices from their communities. Session facilitators are: those who led the application process and achieved recognition at least once; those who have achieved Platinum recognition; those who have supported and encouraged communities to consider applying; and those who have been on the application review team. If you want Ontario to be Youth Friendly and for your community to be recognized for having achieved all 16 criteria as a Platinum Youth Friendly Community Builder, bring your pad of paper and questions to this not-to-be-missed facilitated presentation.
8 MBA 15 Symposium • Supported by Parks and Recreation Ontario and Play Works, founder of the Youth Friendly Community Recognition Program
Wednesday, November 25th – Thursday, November 26th, 2015 Pre-Symposium Training, November 24th (POSITIVE YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: From Paper to Practice)
REGISTRATION FEE Unless otherwise noted, the registration fee includes accommodation, meals, Training/Symposium event and resources. Registration fees are based on single or shared accommodation. Early arrival (Monday the 24th for the Pre-Symposium Training or Tuesday the 25th for the MBA) is available as is regular arrival (Wednesday the 26th). Please note that single accommodation is limited to availability. Name: ________________________________________ Position: ____________________________________________ Employer/Organization/School: _________________________________________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________ Province: ____________________ Postal Code: __________ Telephone: __________________________________ E-mail: __________________________________(for Forum updates)
Do you have any dietary restrictions or special needs? o YES o NO If YES, please specify: _______________________________________________________________________ MEMBER (see below) o NON-MEMBER o Parks and Recreation Ontario Member o CPRA Provincial/Territorial Parks & Recreation Member
PYD Training
add $35
add $35
add $75
add $75
Members are members of Parks and Recreation Ontario or a CPRA Provincial/Territorial Parks and Recreation Association. Single rooms have limited availability and are on a first-registered basis. 3 Shared room means you share a room with another delegate. FOR SHARED Accommodation: ❏ Male ❏ Female • Preferred roommate (if you have one) _______________________________________ 2
Please note that any photos or videos taken during PRO-sanctioned events may be used by PRO for promotional purposes (brochures, publications and web-based media). Participants are reminded of this condition of registration and we appreciate your consent of use. By registering, you acknowledge that PRO’s Code of Ethics is in effect at this event.
Wednesday, November 25th – Thursday, November 26th, 2015 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24TH PYD TRAINING MODULE
__________Positive Youth Development: From Paper to Practice (additional fee applies, see previous page)
Presentations 11:00 am - 12:15 pm
Presentations 9:00 am - 10:15 pm
____Engaging Youth in Research: Inclusion, Investment and Integrity OR ____Youth-Led Advisory Committees: Taking Away the Guess Work
____Pathway to Planet North OR ____How Does Mental Health Affect Our Youth?
Presentations 1:15 pm - 2:30 pm
Presentations 10:30 am - 11:45 am
____Understanding Youth Sub Cultures: The Next Step OR ____Creating Inclusive and Accessible Programs for Teen Moms
____YMCA Teen Nights Program: Youth Engagement – Translating Knowledge into Action OR ____Moving Past the Talk of Engaging LGBTQ Youth
Presentations 2:45 pm - 4:00 pm ____YouthREX – Leveraging and Mobilizing Knowledge to Increase Positive Outcomes for Ontario Youth OR ____Youth-Adult Partnerships: Working Together for a Sustainable Future
o Yes, I will bring swag!
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm Plenary Presentation - Youth Friendly Community Information Exchange and Application Orientation ____Applicant and Re-Applicant Communities OR ____Shared Good YFC Practices
o Yes, I'd like to reserve space on a display table!
o I would like to receive future emails about training events, funding opportunities and other important sector news from Parks and Recreation Ontario
Please note that payment must be received prior to the start of the event. If forwarding a cheque separately, please include a credit card number below to secure your registration.
PAYMENT ADDRESS: Please fill out all fields below (if different from Registration 1)
I am paying the amount of $______________ (includes HST) Address : __________________________________________________________________ City: ______________________ Province: ___________ Postal Code: __________________ E-mail: __________________________________
o Cheque Enclosed (payable to Parks and Recreation Ontario) o Visa o MC Card # ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Exp: _____/_____ Cardholder Name ___________________________Signature ________________ REFUND AND CANCELLATION POLICY: A 20% administration fee will be applied to all cancellations. A fee of 50% will be applied to cancellations made between Nov 2nd - 16th. Cancellations made after Nov 16th are fully non-refundable. However, registrations are transferable. All requests for cancellations must be submitted in writing to the PRO office at
[email protected].
For hard copy registration, send to:
Parks and Recreation Ontario 1 Concorde Gate Suite 302 Toronto, ON M3C 3N6 T: 416-426-7142 F: 416-426-7371 E:
[email protected] 10