Hinds, William C. (1999) Aerosol Technology: Properties, Behavior, and.
Measurement of Airborne Particles (2nd Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY. Outline: 1.
ME5113 AEROSOL/PARTICLE ENGINEERING (Fall, 2012) Lecture: M, W 10:10-12:05; Akerman Hall 313 Instructor:
David Y.H. Pui, ME 3101F, 5-2537,
[email protected] (Office Hrs: M W 12:05-1:00 or by appointment)
Teaching Assistant:
Zhili Zuo, ME 362, 5-1510,
[email protected] (Office Hr: T Noon-1 pm or by appointment)
Course Formats:
Lectures: Grading:
4 hours per week Homework Mid-term Exam I (10/10/12) Mid-term Exam II (11/14/12) Final Exam (12/12/12) Total:
20 pts 25 pts 25 pts 30 pts 100 pts
Homework and Reading Assignments: Reading assignment is indicated next by the topic in the Outline below. Approx. one set of homework problem will be assigned per week and will be collected in one week. Text: Hinds, William C. (1999) Aerosol Technology: Properties, Behavior, and Measurement of Airborne Particles (2nd Ed.), John Wiley & Sons, NY. Outline: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Introduction and Elementary Concepts (1 wk, Chapter 1)* Kinetic Theory of Gases (1.5 wk, Chapter 2) Elementary Particle Mechanics (1.5 wk, Chapter 3 & 5) Inertial Separation (1.5 wk, Chapter 3 & 5) Particle Statistics (2 wk, Chapter 4) Brownian Motion and Diffusion (1 wk, Chapter 7) Electrical Properties (2.5 wk, Chapter 15) Aerosol Filtration (2 wk, Chapter 9) Coagulation (1 wk, Chapter 12) Evaporation and Condensation (2 wk, Chapter 13)
Number in parentheses refers to the approximate number of weeks of lectures devoted to the topic. Chapter number refers to assigned reading in the text by W.C. Hinds, Aerosol Technology, Wiley, 1999.