Political Opportunity Structure (POS). - legal institutional framework on citizenship and residence permit;. - migration and integration policies;. - welfare state ...
Measuring migrant integration in Europe. Indicators of citizenship practices
V E R O N I C A R I N I O L O , P H D C A N D I D AT E U N I V E R S I T À C AT T O L I C A D E L S A C R O C U O R E D I M I L A N O & I S M U F O U N D AT I O N I TA LY 1 9 - 2 0 M AY 2 0 1 4 , R U P P I N A C A D E M I C C E N T E R , N E TA N YA , I S R A E L
Overview • Objectives of the research • Theoretical framework • Method • Analysis of data • Concluding remarks
Objectives of the research
1. Elaborating indicators able to measure the level of migrant participation into receiving societies (citizenship practices)
2. Identifying patterns of migrants and natives' participation
3. Investigating the extent to which the possibility to be politically active is affected by factors such as individual characteristics and some forms of participation
Theoretical framework •
• • •
European societies are increasingly characterised by the presence of migrants on their territories (Castles & Miller 2012, Martiniello & Rath 2010) European countries have different histories of migration Increasing relevance of migrant participation (Fennema & Tillie 1999, Marino 2012, Morales & Giugni 2011, Penninx & Roosblad 2000) Comprehensive view and definition of citizenship practices
Citizenship practices: a definition
All forms of participatory practices – formal/informal, conventional/non-conventional, consensual/conflicting, individual/collective – undertaken in the political, socioeconomic, cultural, and religious field individually or in a group given a specific structure of political opportunities and the general attitude of the receiving society.
POLITICAL PARTICIPATION INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL - ethnic political parties -ethnic associations - religious organisations
INSTITUTIONAL LEVEL Political Opportunity Structure (POS) - legal institutional framework on citizenship and residence permit; - migration and integration policies; - welfare state access; - anti-discrimination legislation;
COLLECTIVELEVEL - migrant associations - group consciousness - capacity of organising in a group or linking to pre-existing groups - migrants’ social capital (civic capital by Fennema and Tillie 1999) INDIVIDUAL LEVEL - legal status of migrant - individual characteristics of migrants (e.g. education, language proficiency) - political attitudes and motivations
COLLECTIVELEVEL - openness of political parties and organizations - openness and strategies of trade union - openness of Boards - cultural requirements to access the community (Cinalli&Giugni2011)
INDIVIDUAL LEVEL Attitudes and discourse on migration by majority population (“discursive opportunities” Cinalli&Giugni 2011)
- political rights
Political participation
Active dimension of citizenship and it refers to the various ways in which individual take part in the management of the collective affairs of a given political community (Martiniello 2005)
- Data are drawn from the European Social Survey Round 6 which has been recently released (October, 30th 2013) - national random samples - the survey includes all persons aged 15 and over with no upper age limit, resident within private households in each country, regardless of their nationality, citizenship or language - variable: migration background
Case study: Sweden
- Swedish sample: 1847 units
- The specific and favourable political opportunity structure of Sweden makes this country the most likely case of high level of citizenship practices among migrants
Political participation index using ESS6 variables DIMENSIONS
INDICATORS Activism in political party or action group
Participation in acts of protest
VARIABLES IN THE ESS6 B12 (During the last 12 months have you worked in a political party or action group?) B14 (Have you worn or displayed a campaign badge/sticker?) B15 (Have you signed a petition?) B16 (Have you taken part in a lawful public demonstration?)
Level of interest in politics and current affairs
B1 (How interested would you 1 say you are in politics ? Very interested, quite interested, hardly interested, or not at all interested)
Patterns of political participation in Sweden Natives
Weak migration background
No/Low Political Participation
Full or strong migration background 81.4%
Moderate Political Participation High Political Participation
Logistic regression - Those who have boycotted certain products have 2.8 times probability than those who have not M i g r a Background boycotted to be politically active
- Those who have volunteered have around 1.8 times probability to be politically active
- Membership to trade union increases the probability of being politically active less than other types of participation (1.6 times)
- taking into consideration citizenship practices, two traditional variables are no more significant on the probability to be politically active: gender and level of education
t i o n Full/Strong migration background
Odds ratio [Exp(B)] Equation 1 Equation 2
We a k m i g r a t i o n background
Level of education
Natives Low level of education M edium level of education
1.517* 1.211
1.251 .962
High level education
.664** -
1.580** 2.789** 1.766** 1.836**
Gender Female Male Tr a d e U n i o n No Membership Boycotting products Social activities Volunteering
Yes o f No Yes No Yes No Yes
Concluding remarks 1) Individual characteristics (such as level of education, gender and migration background) cannot fully explain the differences in the level of political participation
2) The propensity to political participation can be referred only in part to the migration background and should be studied in relation to other forms of participation
3) Not all forms of participation have the same effect on political participation: nonconventional forms of participation, such as boycotting of products, strongly influence and increase the probability to be politically active
Thank you for your attention!