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Cachexia is brought about by a synergistic combination of a dramatic decrease in ... factor-, may lead to cachexia in various chronic illness models, through the ...

Mechanisms of Cachexia Robert H. Mak and Wai W. Cheung

Abstract Cachexia is brought about by a synergistic combination of a dramatic decrease in appetite and an increase in metabolism of fat and lean body mass. This combination is found in a number of disorders including cancer, chronic kidney disease (CKD), AIDS, cystic fibrosis, chronic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Cachexia has a stronger correlation with survival than any other current measure of diseases such as AIDS, cancer, and CKD. The underlying mechanism of increased resting metabolic rate may involve the increased activity of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins. Chronic overproduction of cytokines, such as interleukin (IL)-1G, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor-F, may lead to cachexia in various chronic illness models, through the nuclear factor-PB and ATP–ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathways. Inhibition of these cytokines in experimental models ameliorated cachexia. Cytokines may also act on the central nervous system to alter the release and function of neuropeptides and melanocortin receptors in the hypothalamus, thereby altering both appetite and metabolic rate. Further research into the molecular pathways leading to cachexia may lead to novel therapeutic therapy for this devastating and potentially fatal complication of chronic disease. Key Words: Cachexia; cancer; chronic kidney disease; AIDS; cytokines; neuropeptides; hypothalamus; melanocortin receptors.

1. INTRODUCTION The role of energy homeostasis—the balance of nutrition and metabolism—is well known in normal growth, development, and health maintenance. The first description of cachexia came from Hippocrates, who wrote, “the flesh is consumed and becomes water, the abdomen fills with water, the feet and legs swell, the shoulders, clavicle, chest, and thigh melt away. This illness is fatal” (1). Cachexia is derived from the Greek kakos hexis, meaning “bad condition,” and is brought about by a synergistic combination of a dramatic decrease in appetite and an increase in metabolism of fat and lean body mass. This combination is found in a number of disorders including cancer, chronic kidney disease (CKD), acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS), cystic fibrosis, chronic heart failure, rheumatoid arthritis, and Alzheimer’s disease. Loss of adipose tissue reaches 85% and loss of skeletal muscle reaches 75% when cancer patients have lost 30% of body weight, a situation that often leads to death fairly quickly (2). Cachexia could account for at least 20% of cancer deaths (3). Poor nutrition is reported to have a prevalence of 30 to 60% and is an important risk factor for mortality

From: Nutrition and Health: Adipose Tissue and Adipokines in Health and Disease Edited by: G. Fantuzzi and T. Mazzone © Humana Press Inc., Totowa, NJ



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in patients with CKD (4). Patients between the ages of 25 and 34 with end-stage renal disease have a 100- to 200-fold higher mortality than the general population (5). Body mass retention in patients with AIDS has a stronger correlation with survival than any other current measure of the disease (6). Loss of proteins from skeletal muscle is probably the most important factor regulating survival, as at this level of lean tissue loss, physiological functions, such as respiratory muscle function, are significantly impaired (7). Asthenia is directly related to the substantial muscle atrophy and reduction in physical activity level and quality of life. Loss of protein from skeletal muscle could reduce the performance status and physical activity level of cancer patients (8).

2. MALNUTRITION VS CACHEXIA Malnutrition, in conditions such as kwashiorkor and pyloric stenosis, results from inadequate intake of nutrients despite a good appetite, and manifests as weight loss associated with protective metabolic responses such as decreased basic metabolic rate and preservation of lean body mass at the expense of fat mass. Cachexia differs from malnutrition in several key ways. First, despite the fact that the cachexic person is “starving,” he or she is anorexic. Second, in normal starvation the metabolic rate decreases as a protective mechanism. This protective reduction in metabolic rate is not observed in cachexia. Resting energy expenditure is high in patients with cachexia from renal failure (9,10). Third, in simple starvation fats are preferentially lost and there is preservation of lean body mass. In cachexia, lean tissues are wasted and fat stores are relatively underutilized (11). Finally, the abnormalities in malnutrition can usually be overcome simply by supplying more food or altering the composition of the diet. To date this approach has not proven to be successful in cachexic patients. Stimulation of nutritional intake with megestrol acetate fails to restore the loss of lean body mass in cancer patients, whereas weight gain achieved is the result of an accumulation of adipose tissue and water (12). There are fundamental metabolic abnormalities in cachexic patients that prevent them from utilizing dietary nutrients effectively. One important point about cancer cachexia is that the presence and severity of cachexia has no correlation to the size of the tumor. The tumor does not represent a “metabolic sink” for ingested nutrients. If this were the case, increasing nutrient intake would result in more rapid tumor growth, an outcome that is not observed clinically (11). Furthermore, parabiosis experiments in animals demonstrated that cachexia is observed in the nontumor-bearing partner, indicating that circulating factors are largely responsible for this phenomenon (11).

3. ANOREXIA AND CACHEXIA Anorexia, defined as the loss of appetite and early satiety, often accompanies cachexia and has been suggested to play a role in the loss of body weight. However, loss of skeletal muscle is not prominent in primary anorexic states, as the brain adapts to using ketone bodies derived from metabolism of fat, reducing the requirement for gluconeogensis from amino acids derived from muscle proteins. This suggests that the metabolic changes in anorexia and cachexia are different. Indeed, appetite stimulants such as megestrol acetate failed to restore the loss of lean body mass, and weight gain was shown to be caused by an accumulation of adipose tissue and water (12). Anorexia can arise from (1) decreased taste and smell of food, (2) early satiety, (3) dysfunctional

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hypothalamic membrane adenylate cyclase, (4) increased brain tryptophan, and (5) cytokine production (11). The etiology of anorexia in cachexic states is not well understood. CKD patients with anorexia regain appetite soon after starting dialysis treatment, presumably because of removal of one or more toxic factors that suppress appetite. Fractions in the middle molecular weight range isolated from normal urine and uremic plasma ultrafiltrate inhibited ingestive behavior in the rat. To investigate their site of action and specificity, rats were injected intraperitoneally, intravenously, or intracerebroventricularly with concentrated fractions of uremic plasma ultrafiltrate or normal urine and tested for ingestive and sexual behavior. An intraperitoneal injection of a urine fraction or a uremic plasma ultrafiltrate fraction inhibited carbohydrate intake by 76.3 and 45.9%, respectively, but an intravenous injection had no effect. An intracerebroventricular injection of urine middle molecular fraction or uremic plasma ultrafiltrate inhibited carbohydrate intake similarly. Injections of the corresponding fraction from normal plasma ultrafiltrate had no effect. Injection of urine or uremic plasma ultrafiltrate middle molecular fractions did not affect the display of sexual behavior. These results suggest that middle molecular fractions from uremic plasma ultrafiltrate or normal urine act in the splanchnic region and/or brain to inhibit food intake and that the effect is specific for ingestive behavior (13).

4. ENERGY EXPENDITURE IN CACHEXIA Energy expenditure is increased in cachexic patients with cancer and CKD. In patients with advanced pancreatic cancer, resting energy expenditure is increased, whereas total energy expenditure and physical activity levels are reduced (14). In patients with CKD, energy expenditure is related to inflammation. Resting energy expenditure correlated with surrogate markers of inflammation, such as C-reactive protein, and treatment of infection and subsequent resolution of elevated C-reactive protein were associated with normalization of elevated resting energy expenditure in patients with CKD (9). Furthermore, resting energy expenditure was associated with increased mortality and cardiovascular death in patients on peritoneal dialysis and was related to cachexia and inflammation in these patients (10). The underlying mechanism of increased resting metabolic rate may involve the increased activity of mitochondrial uncoupling proteins (UCPs). These proteins translocate protons across the inner mitochondrial membrane in a process not coupled to phosphorylation of ADP, so that energy is lost as heat. The principal UCPs are UCP1, which is found only in brown adipose tissue, and UCP3, which is found in both brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle. Brown adipose tissue was found in the periadrenal tissues in 80% of cancer patients, compared with 13% of age-matched controls (15). In mice bearing the cachexia-inducing MAC16 adenocarcinoma, UCP1 mRNA levels in brown adipose tissue and UCP3 mRNA levels in skeletal muscles were increased (16). UCP3 mRNA levels were significantly higher in skeletal muscles of cancer patients with weight loss than in those who had not lost weight and in patients without cancer (17). The increase in UCP expression in cancer patients would increase energy expenditure and contribute to weight loss. The increase in UCP3 mRNA in skeletal muscle may be caused by hydrolysis of triglycerides in adipose tissue, as treatment of tumor-bearing


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animals with nicotinic acid stimulated both hyperlipidemia and an increase in UCP3 mRNA in muscle (18). Furthermore, cytokines and tumor products have been shown to directly regulate UCP expression, suggesting a further mechanism for the control of energy expenditure in cachexia (11). Futile cycles are often increased in cancer cachexia. Nonesterified fatty acids released from adipose tissue can immediately be re-esterified in the triacylglycerol/fatty acid substrate cycle. This process was increased threefold in tumor-bearing mice, although there were no differences in animals with and without cachexia (19). An additional futile cycle that may account for energy loss in cancer cachexia is the Cori cycle (20). In the Cori cycle, tumors consume large amounts of glucose and convert it to lactate, which circulates to the liver and is converted back to glucose. Gluconeogenesis uses six ATP molecules for each lactate–glucose cycle and is energy-inefficient. The Cori cycle is normally responsible for 20% of glucose turnover, but is increased to 50% in cachexic cancer patients (20).

5. ADIPOSE TISSUE AND LIPID METABOLISM IN CACHEXIA There is evidence of increased lipolysis in cachexic cancer patients. Fasting glycerol is high and there is an increased turnover of both glycerol and fatty acids (19,21). The fatty acids released are rapidly oxidized, with a 20% increase in oxidation. Furthermore, triglycerol hydrolysis may be increased in cancer patients. Although there is no evidence for decreased level of lipoprotein lipase in adipose tissue, there is a twofold increase in the relative level of mRNA for hormone-sensitive lipase (22). The fatty acids released serve as an energy source to drive futile metabolic cycles. A lipid-mobilizing factor isolated from the urine of cachexic cancer patients causes a significant increase in glucose oxidation and decreased blood glucose levels in experimental animals. This lipid-mobilizing factor also increases overall lipid oxidation. These results suggest that changes in carbohydrate metabolism and loss of adipose tissue, together with increased whole-body fatty acid oxidation in cachexic cancer patients, may arise from tumor production of a lipid-mobilizing factor (23). Recently this lipid-mobilizing factor was identified to be Zinc-F2-glycoprotein (ZAG), which is a 43-kDa protein. It is overexpressed in certain human malignant tumors and acts as a lipid-mobilizing factor to stimulate lipolysis in adipocytes, leading to cachexia in mice implanted with ZAG-producing tumors. ZAG is overexpressed in white adipose tissue of tumor-bearing mice and may have a local role for in the substantial reduction of adiposity of cancer cachexia (24). Loss of adipose tissue is coupled with an increase in UCP1 in brown adipose tissue (23). ZAG increases UCP1 expression in brown adipose tissue, as well as the expression of UCP2 and UCP3 in myotubes (25). The effects on UCP1 and UCP2 have been shown to be mediated through a G3-adrenergic receptor (11).

6. SKELETAL MUSCLE IN CACHEXIA Cachexia conditions are associated with a progressive loss of lean body mass. Skeletal muscle, which accounts for almost half the whole-body protein mass, is severely affected in cachexia secondary to cancer (11) and CKD (26). There is evidence of decreased protein synthesis (27) and increased protein degradation (28). An increase in the synthesis of acute-phase proteins in the liver may alter the balance of amino acids

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for protein synthesis, as acute-phase proteins contain high levels of sulfur amino acids (29). Serum branched-chain amino acids are decreased in both cancer (11) and CKD patients (30), reducing the stimulus for protein synthesis. The fact that appetite stimulation by megestrol acetate could not replenish lean body mass suggests that increase in protein catabolism outweighs the decrease in anabolism (12). A biphasic model of protein degradation in cancer cachexia has been proposed, in which an early calpaindependent release of myofilaments from myofibrils would be followed by ubiquitylation of myofilaments and subsequent degradation by the proteosome. Increased activity of the ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway has been reported in cachexia from cancer (9) or CKD (31). Furthermore, the presence of metabolic acidosis exacerbates protein catabolism in CKD. Glucocorticoids are involved in accelerating protein degradation in muscle, which results in loss of lean body mass, whereas a low insulin level appears to play a permissive role in accelerating increased catabolism. Cellular mechanisms mediating these changes again include upregulation of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway and branched-chain ketoacid dehydrogenase enzyme activity in muscle (31).

7. CYTOKINES AND MUSCLE PROTEIN DEGRADATION IN CACHEXIA Chronic overproduction of cytokines may lead to cachexia in various animal chronic illness models. Cytokines such as interleukin (IL)-1G, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-F are upregulated in various animal cachexia models. The pathogenetic role of the cytokine network in upregulating muscle protein degradation has been documented as the result of a complex interplay among TNF-F, IL-6, IL-1G, interferon (IFN)-L, and a variety of humoral mediators. Neutralization of these factors by genetic or pharmacological methods leads to attenuation of cachexia. Chronic infusion of IL-1G or TNF-F causes anorexia, rapid weight loss, and catabolism of body protein stores, analogous to the state observed with chronic illness (31–34). Anticytokine approaches have been proven at least partially effective in attenuating muscle weight loss in cancer. Mice bearing the Lewis lung carcinoma are protected from cachexia when treated with antibodies against IFN-L (35). Implantation of the Lewis lung cancer into transgenic mice lacking the TNF-F receptor I or overexpressing its soluble form does not result in muscle depletion (36,37). The release of IL-6 seems to be crucial for the onset of cachexia in mice bearing the C-26 adenocarcinoma (38). Inhibition of IL-6 release by intratumor injection of decoy oligonucleotides directed against the transcription factor NFPB can prevent cachexia (39). Pentoxifylline, an inhibitor of TNF-F synthesis, partially prevented muscle hypercatabolism in sepsis (40) and AH-130 tumor-bearing rats by downregulating the expression of components of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic system (41). Suramin, capable of inhibiting the interaction of TNF-F and IL-6 with their receptors by inducing ligand deoligomerization (42) significantly reduced the severity of cancer cachexia (43). Both pentoxifylline and suramin, either alone or in combination, prevented the depletion of muscle mass and significantly reduced the activity of muscle ATP-ubiquitin- and calpain-dependent proteolytic systems (44). IL-15 treatment partly inhibited skeletal muscle wasting in AH-130 tumor-bearing rats by decreasing protein degradation rates to values even lower than those observed in nontumor-bearing


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control animals. This dramatic reduction in protein breakdown rates was associated with an inhibition of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathways (45). Furthermore, G2-adrenergic agonists, such as clenbuterol, which are known to favor skeletal muscle hypertrophy, largely prevented skeletal muscle wasting in AH-130 tumor-bearing rats by restoring protein degradation rates close to control values. Again, this was associated with a decrease in the inhibition of the ATP-ubiquitin-dependent proteolytic pathways (46).

8. PROTEOLYSIS-INDUCING FACTOR The cytokines involved in the induction of cachexia appear to vary with tumor type. Mice bearing the MAC16 tumor are cachexic, whereas mice bearing the MAC13 tumor are not (47). Proteolysis-inducing factor (PIF) was purified from the serum of cachexic mice bearing the MAC16 tumor (48). PIF was shown to be present in the urine of patients with cancer cachexia from a range of solid tumors but absent if the tumor did not induce cachexia. PIF is detected in 80% of patients with pancreatic cancer; these patients have a significantly greater weight loss than those in whom PIF was not detected. In patients with advanced gastrointestinal cancer, PIF-positive patients lost weight, whereas PIF-negative patients did not. PIF caused significant weight loss in mice without a reduction in food and water intake. This weight loss was mainly a result of loss in lean body mass, which was associated with a 50% decrease in protein synthesis and a 50% increase in protein degradation. Skeletal muscle from mice treated with PIF showed an increased activity and expression of key components of the ubiquitin–proteasome proteolytic pathway. Proteasome inhibitors attenuated the enhanced protein degradation. Like TNF-F, PIF action was associated with rapid degradation of IPB and nuclear migration of NFPB. Inhibition of this process attenuated loss of body weight and protein degradation in mice with cancer cachexia. PIF was shown to activate both NFPB and the transcription factor STAT3, which leads to increased production of both IL-6 and IL-8 and increased production of C-reactive protein. Thus PIF is likely to be involved in the proinflammatory response observed in cachexia (11).

9. LEPTIN AND GHRELIN IN CACHEXIA Leptin is secreted by adipocytes and regulates adiposity and metabolic rate by reducing food intake and increasing energy expenditure. Leptin is also a member of the IL-6 superfamily of cytokines. Experimental elevation of leptin within the physiological range produces weight loss and relative anorexia. Leptin secretion is increased by both central and systemic immunological challenge and has been proposed as a potential mediator of inflammation-induced anorexia. The mechanism of how leptin expression and secretion is enhanced during inflammation is complex, but there is evidence for mediation by both IL-1G and TNF-F. Conversely, leptin induces production and release of IL-1G in the brains of normal rats and the release of both IL-1G and TNF-F from mouse macrophages. Collectively, these observations suggest a complex interplay between leptin and other cytokines in the regulation of metabolism and appetite during acute and chronic illness (49). Leptin is cleared from the circulation primarily by the kidneys (50). Leptin levels are significantly increased in dialysis patients, even after correction for body mass index.

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The percentage of body fat was strongly correlated with leptin levels in these patients. However, the ratio of leptin levels to body fat is significantly greater for dialysis patients than for control subjects. Increased leptin levels are associated with markers of poor nutritional status, such as low serum albumin and high protein catabolic rate in dialysis patients. In children with CKD, leptin levels increase with declining renal function, presumably by reduced renal clearance. Leptin levels are inappropriately elevated in these children in relation to the percentage of body fat and inversely correlate with dietary nutrient intake. Thus leptin may be an important factor in the pathogenesis of anorexia and cachexia in CKD (51). Furthermore, serum leptin concentrations correlate with plasma insulin concentrations in patients with CKD independent of body fat content, suggesting that insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia may contribute to elevated serum leptin concentrations or vice versa. The role of leptin resistance due to receptor insufficiency and saturable transport via the blood–brain barrier in limiting the potential impact of elevated leptin levels in patients with CKD is controversial and not well understood (49). A hormonal signal involved in the short-term control of appetitie is the gastric peptide ghrelin. Levels of this appetite-stimulating hormone rise in the blood before meals (when the stomach is empty), then fall quickly after food is consumed. Ghrelin is implicated as a factor that triggers the onset of eating, participating in a meal-to-meal control system that is itself sensitive to changes in insulin and leptin levels. In this way, the size and frequency of individual meals can be adjusted so as to minimize changes in body fat content. Preliminary observations show that markedly elevated plasma ghrelin concentrations are found in advanced CKD (52,53) and correlate with body mass index, fat mass, plasma insulin, and serum leptin levels. There is no difference in plasma ghrelin between CKD patients with and without signs of wasting. Changes in plasma ghrelin concentrations over time during peritoneal dialysis treatment are associated with changes in body composition (53). Further studies are needed to examine relative changes in ghrelin versus inactive ghrelin metabolites during the course of progression of CKD and the putative associations with changes in food intake and body composition.

10. NEUROPEPTIDES IN CACHEXIA A current hypothesis of cachexia in chronic illness is that cytokines released during cancer, CKD, or chronic inflammation act on the central nervous system to alter the release and function of a number of key neurotransmitters, thereby altering both appetite and metabolic rate (54,55). The melanocortin system is critical in mediating the effect of cytokines, such as leptin, on metabolism. There are distinct local counterparts of the pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC) cells: agouti-related protein (AgRP) and neuropeptide Y (NPY) producing cells in the arcuate nucleus. Activation of POMC neurons by leptin triggers the release of F-melanocyte-stimulating hormone (F-MSH) from POMC axon terminals, which in turn activates the type 4 melanocortin receptor-4 (MC-4R), leading to suppressed food intake and increased energy expenditure. Simultaneously, leptin suppresses the activity of arcuate nucleus NPY/AgRP neurons, which otherwise would antagonize the effect of F-MSH on MC-4Rs through the release of AgRP. Not only does the NPY/AgRP system antagonize anorexigenic melanocortin cells at their target sites, where MC-4Rs are located, but it also very robustly and


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directly inhibits POMC perikarya through both NPY and the inhibitory neurotransmitter GABA, which acts through basketlike synaptic innervation of POMC cells by NPY/AgRP cell terminals. This apparent unidirectional anatomical interaction between the NPY/AgRP and POMC perikarya is of potential significance, as it provides a tonic inhibition of the melanocortin cells whenever the NPY/AgRP neurons are active (56). Marks et al. studied the role of melanocortin receptors in transducing the prolonged metabolic derangement observed in experimental cancer. These investigators demonstrated that the cachexia (poor appetite and weight loss) induced by cancer can be both reversed and prevented by administration of AgRP. Prevention of tumor-induced hypophagia with early and repeated AgRP injections resulted in maintenance of normal food intake. To further demonstrate that central melanocortin blockade attenuates cancer cachexia, they investigated this metabolic syndrome in MC4R knockout (KO) mice. The MC4-RKO animals had normal feeding and growth even when bearing a carcinoma that produced classic cachexia in wild-type (WT) control animals. These data clearly indicate that hypothalamic MC4-R plays a role in transducing cachexigenic stimuli from the periphery (54). We recently tested the hypothesis that leptin was an important cause of uremic cachexia via signaling through its receptor. Our results showed that uremic cachexia was attenuated in db/db mice, a model of leptin receptor deficiency. Nephrectomy in db/db mice did not result in any change in weight gain, body composition, resting metabolic rate, and efficiency of food consumption (55). Recent studies suggested that db/db mice resisted LPS-induced anorexia by reducing TNF-F secretion. Thus, leptin may have an important role in the regulation of appetite, body composition, and metabolic rate in uremia. Indeed, elevated serum leptin was associated with lower dietary intake and higher catabolic rate in uremic children (51). In another set of experiments, we demonstrated that uremic cachexia in experimental animals is attenuated by central MC4-R blockade via a genetic approach. Both homozygous and heterozygous MC4RKO mice had no decrease in appetite after nephrectomy compared with WT animals. The most striking difference was that both the homozygous and heterozygous MC4RKO animals continued to gain lean body mass and fat mass with no change in food consumption efficiency despite the cachexic effects of uremia, as demonstrated in the WT nephrectomized controls (N). The effects of nephrectomy on increasing resting metabolic rate were also much attenuated in both the homozygous group and the heterozygous group. These results are consistent with previous observations that MC4RKO animals maintained normal metabolic rate and body composition even when bearing a carcinoma that produced classic cachexia in WT control animals (54). These data strongly suggest that the hypothalamic MC4-R plays a significant role in transducing cachexigenic signals in uremia. We then tested the effect of central melanocortin receptor antagonism in the experimental uremic cachexia models using a pharmacological approach. These data clearly demonstrated that uremic cachexia is ameliorated by central administration of AgRP in WT-N mice. Repeated intracranial infusion of AgRP significantly regulates food intake, weight gain, body composition, resting metabolic rate, efficiency of food consumption, and circulating leptin concentrations in WT-N/AgRP mice as compared with WT-N mice (55). AgRP is an antagonist for MC4-R. Tumor-induced and sepsis-induced cachexia are attenuated by MC4-R blockade with AgRP (54).

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11. CONCLUSIONS The etiology of cachexia is complex and multifactorial and likely to involve different pathways for different diseases. Inflammation secondary to cytokines and other circulating factors such as PIF may play an important role. Despite their different origins and chemical composition, these cachexia-mediating factors may activate a common final intracellular pathway leading to activation of NFPB. There is also recent evidence that hypothalamic neuropeptides may play an important role. Further research into the molecular pathways leading to cachexia may lead to novel therapeutic therapy for this devastating and potentially fatal complication of chronic disease.

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