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twentieth-century US media. Mary Celeste ... US mass media after September 11. Deborah Cohler ... Lana F. Rakow. Towards
➤ Media & Cultural Studies at Routledge We are pleased to present recent and forthcoming Media and Culture books from Routledge, along with a selection of articles which are linked to key issues in Media and Culture. Don’t miss the articles written by the authors of some of these Routledge books! To jump to a subject area please click the relevant link below ➤ Internet and New Media ➤ Film Studies ➤ Media and Democracy ➤ The Policy, Politics and Power of Culture ➤ Visual Culture

Jump to ➤ Internet and New Media ➤ Media and Democracy ➤ Visual Culture ➤ Film Studies ➤ The Policy, Politics and Power of Culture

➤ Internet and New Media Recent Key Books

Playstation and the Power of Unexpected Consequences Alberto Alvisi, Alessandro Narduzzo & Marco Zamarian

Birds on the Wire:Troping teenage girlhood through telephony in midtwentieth-century US media Mary Celeste Kearney

Keeping the Home Front Burning: Renegotiating gender and sexuality in US mass media after September 11 Deborah Cohler Misunderstanding the Internet

James Curran, Natalie Fenton, Des Freedman

Post-pleasure: Representations, ideologies and affects of a newly post9/11 “feminist icon” Helen Graham

Multiculturalism and Cultural Issues in Online Gaming Communities Melinda Jacobs

Girls@Play: An ethnographic study of gender and digital gameplay Jennifer Jenson & Suzanne de Castell

The King is dead, long live the King: meditations on media events and Michael Jackson The Media Studies Reader Laurie Ouellette

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Patrick McCurdy

Things people older/younger than me don’t understand about the internet David T.Z. Mindich, John Carey, Matthew Powers & Sue Robinson

Discourses of democracy in the aftermath of 9/11 and other events: protectivism versus humanitarianism

Marketing Success, Defining Ethnicity: South Asian print media in the US

Jane Mummery & Debbie Rodan

Muslim punks online: A diasporic Pakistani music subculture on the Internet

Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and participatory fandom: mapping new congruencies between the internet and media entertainment culture

Dhiraj Murthy

Elana Shefrin

Don’t Hate the Player, Hate the Game: The Racialization of Labor in World of Warcraft

“Mars and Venus” in Virtual Space: Post-feminist Humor and the Internet

Lisa Nakamura

“It’s A Boy Thing”: Gaming, gender and geeks

Structural Integrity, Historical Reversion, And The Post-9/11 Chick Flick Diane Negra

Playing Restricted Videogames: Relations with game ratings and parental mediation Peter Nikken & Jeroen Jansz

Makeover television, governmentality and the good citizen Laurie Ouellette & James Hay

TV viewing as good citizenship? Political rationality, enlightened democracy and PBS Laurie Ouellette

Reality TV Gives Back: On the Civic Functions of Reality Entertainment Laurie Ouellette

Shailja Sharma

Limor Shifman & Dafna Lemish

Helen Thornham

Standpoint: On reconceptualizing ‘mass communication’ Joseph Turow

Digital Dinosaurs and Artificial Life: Exploring the Culture of Nature in Computer and Video Games John Wills

“Pro-suming” Swearing (Verbal Violence): “Affect” as feminist (Internet) criticism Lisa Yuk Ming Leung

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➤ Media and Democracy Recent Key Books

Young People Today: News Media, Policy and Youth Justice Jo Aldridge & Simon Cross

The place of the media in popular democracy Richard D. Anderson Jr.

Democratic technologies and the technology of democracy Anne Balsamo

Communities, audiences, and multifunctions: British cultural politics and the showcasing of South Asian art Media and Democracy James Curran

Marta Bolognani

Obama and the Image

Frank D. Durham

Immortal Comics, Epidermal Politics: Representations of gender and colorism in India

Fighting whose corner? Boxing, the sports press and the Australian imagination Mark Falcous & William Anderson

Megan Hicks

Helge Chr. Pedersen

In the Shadow of a Leader: News of violence, power, and politics postArafat

Feminists, Media, Freed Speech

“Tyra Banks Is Fat”: Reading (Post-) Racism and (Post-)Feminism in the New Millennium

Presidential Campaigns Fine-tune Online Strategies Steve Davis

“Coming to Terms with our Own Racism”: Journalists Grapple with the Racialization of their News Emily M. Drew

Radhika E. Parameswaran & Kavitha Cardoza

Horizontal billboards: The commercialization of the pavement

“Islamophobia” and the Media in Italy

James Curran

Thomas P. Oates & John Pauly

Sports, Politics and Ethnicity in the North. Workers’ Sport in Western Finnmark in the Late 1930s

Amani Ismail

Media and the Making of British Society, c .1700-2000

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Sports Journalism as Moral and Ethical Discourse

Susan Buck-Morss Rinella Cere

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Framing the State in Globalization: The Financial Times’ Coverage of the 1997 Thai Currency Crisis

Ralina L. Joseph

Hidden in Public View: Visual representations of women in the Bulgarian communist press

Lana F. Rakow

Towards an Anti-Imperialist Politics: Reflections of a desi feminist Chandra Talpade Mohanty

The Media and Memories of Conflict in Northern Ireland: The views of Protestant and Catholic adolescents in the border counties Karen Trew, Orla Muldoon, Gary McKeown & Katrina McLaughlin

Nadia Kaneva & Elza Ibroscheva

“The Photographer as Recorder”: Daniel Meadows, Records, Discourse and Tradition in 1970s England Guy Lane

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➤ Visual Culture Recent Key Books

Art activism in South Africa and the ethics of representation in a time of AIDS

The ‘dark prince’ and dream women: Walt Disney and mid-twentieth century American feminism

“L” is for Looking Again: Art and representation on The L Word

Rika Allen

Amy M. Davis

From Van Gogh’s museum to the temple at bassae: Heidegger’s truth of art and Schapiro’s art history

Articulating authenticity through artifice: the contemporary relevance of Tracey Emin’s confessional art

Lines, Dots and Pixels: The making and remaking of the printed image in visual culture

Babette Babich

Christine Fanthome

The Memory of Photography

“There are only realities built in the mind”: The anthropological challenge of translating visual experience in the arts

David Bate

Horrific Blindness: Images of Death in Contemporary Media Seeing Differently Amelia Jones

David Campbell

Beate Fossbakk Birketvedt

The Reality of a Fake Image: News norms, photojournalistic craft, and Brian Walski’s fabricated photograph

Heroes, saints and celebrities: the photograph as holy relic

Matt Carlson

Snake charmers and child brides: Deepa Mehta’s Water, ‘exotic’ representation, and the crosscultural spectatorship of South Asian migrant cinema Shohini Chaudhuri

Photography: History and Theory Jae Emerling

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Richard Howells

Why We Say “Cheese”: Producing the Smile in Snapshot Photography Christina Kotchemidova

Time after Theory: The cinema image and subjectivity John Lechte

A postcolonial reading of mural art in South Africa

The portrayal of older characters in popular children’s picture books in the US

Sabine Marschall

Jessica Danowski & Tom Robinson

Jelle Mast

Margaret McFadden

Warwick Mules

Exhibiting Technology, Experiencing Culture: ‘India Through the Lens’ Gita Rajan

Avatar Obama in the age of liquid celebrity Sean Redmond

“Yellowing snapshots”: photography and memory in Holocaust literature Sue Vice

Accidental Napalm Attack and Hegemonic Visions of America’s War in Vietnam Guy Westwell

Blowing Up the Pose: The Politics of Photography Representation at a Standstill Meir Wigoder

Documentary Display: re-viewing nonfiction film and video

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➤ Film Studies Recent Key Books

Relocating American Film History: The ‘problem’ of the empirical Robert C. Allen

Feminism and women’s film criticism in post-war Britain, 1945–1959 Melanie Bell

Is There More to Hollywood Lowbrow Than Meets the Eye?

Edited by Jill Nelmes

J.E. Smyth

“Roll up your sleeves!”: Black women, black feminism in Feminist Media Studies

Ladies queues, ‘roadside Romeos,’ and balcony seating: Ethnographic observations on women’s cinema-going experiences

Robin Means Coleman

Lakshmi Srinivas

The state of the discipline: Film studies as bad object

Jane Mills

Cinematic Spectatorship as Procrastinatory Practice

Exploring the paradoxes: On comparing film and theatre

James Cameron’s Avatar: access for all

Gay McAuley

Thomas Elsaesser

Rethinking the Representation of Gender and Activism in Film

Mark Gallagher

Book Review: The continuum companion to religion and film Muhammed Haron

Double Occupancy and Karaoke Americanism: Thomas Elsaesser’s European Cinema: Face to Face with Hollywood Vinzenz Hediger

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David Kerr

Hollywood: Bad cinema’s bad ‘other’

“Be Patient, Dear Mother … Wait For Me”: The neo-infirmity film, female illness and contemporary cinema

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Hollywood ‘Takes One More Look’: Early Histories of Silent Hollywood and the Fallen Star Biography, 1932–1937

Paul C. Bonila

Jodi Brooks Introduction to Film Studies (5th Edition)

Book Review: African film and literature: adapting violence to the screen

UK film policy, cultural capital and social exclusion John Hill

Paul Sutton

Did Neorealism start in church? Catholicism, cinema and the case of Mario Soldati’s Chi è Dio?

Aristotelis Nikolaidis

Daniela Treveri Gennari & Marco Vanelli

Patriarchy Has Failed Us: The Continuing Legacy of Neorealism in Contemporary Italian Film

Raiding the Archive: Documentary Appropriations of Mexican Revolution Footage

Vincent F. Rocchio

Burma, Hollywood and the politics of entertainment Andrew Selth

Anti-Corporate Argument and the Spectacle of the Grotesque Rhetorical Body in Super Size Me Ross Singer

The Ghost in the Machine: World War II, popular occultism and Hollywood’s ‘serious’ ghost films Tim Snelson

David M. J. Wood

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➤ The Policy, Politics and Power of Culture Recent Key Books

The problem of South Asian popular culture: A view from the UK

The Canadian Tamil Diaspora and the Politics of Multiculturalism

News, Culture and Public Life: A study of 19th-century American journalism

Claire Alexander

Glynis George

David M. Ryfe

Cultural policy in Spain: processes and dialectics

Cultural Studies and the Politics of Public Pedagogy: Making the Political More Pedagogical

Constructing identities of “difference” and “resistance”: the politics of being Muslim and British

Henry A. Giroux

Mohammad Siddique Seddon

Television and playground games as part of children’s symbolic culture

Squawkies and Talkies

The dilemma of frugality and consumption in British women’s magazines 1940–1955

Merris Griffiths & David Machin

The Proper Copy: The insides and outsides of domains made public

The popular, the diverse and the excellent: political values and UK cultural policy

Joseph D. Burridge

Cori Hayden

John Street

The language of soft power: mediating socio-political meanings in the Chinese media

The politics of media policy: how political?

Virtual citizenship: Islam, culture, and politics in the digital age

Peter Humphreys

Karim Tartoussieh

Qing Cao

Interformative meaning of signs: brand naming and globalization in China

The African National Congress, the print media and the development of mediated politics in South Africa

A national culture for Pakistan: the political economy of a debate

Shiao-Yun Chiang

Alexander Johnston

Politics without Politics

The impact of Islamic sects on education and the media in Turkey

Culture = politics: the emergence of new cultural forms of protest in the age of freeter

Birds of the Internet: Towards a field guide to the organization and governance of participation

Nedret Kuran-Burçog˘lu

Mõri Yoshitaka

Why culture matters: rethinking the language of feminist politics

The visual challenge of celebrity politics? Female politicians in Grazia

Adam Fish, Luis F.R. Murillo, Lilly Nguyen, Aaron Panofsky & Christopher M. Kelty

Tejaswini Niranjana

Liesbet van Zoonen & Emily Harmer

Lluís Bonet & Emmanuel Négrier

Women’s Studies Unbound: Revolution, Mourning, Politics Wendy Brown

Political Public Relations Edited by Jesper Strömbäck and Spiro Kiousis

Jodi Dean

Political Communication and Social Theory Aeron Davis

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Will Straw

Saadia Toor

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➤ Journals Roundup ➤ Acta Borealia

➤ Journal of Cultural Economy

➤ Celebrity Studies

➤ Journal of Mass Media Ethics

➤C  ontinuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies

➤ Journal of Popular Film and Television

➤C  ritical Arts: South-North Cultural and Media Studies

➤ Journalism Practice

➤C  ritical Review: A Journal of Politics and Society

➤ Journalism Studies

➤ Critical Studies in Media Communication

➤ Media History

➤ Cultural Studies

➤ New Review of Film and Television Studies

➤ Cultural Trends

➤ parallax

➤ Culture, Theory and Critique

➤ photographies

➤ Feminist Media Studies

➤ Quarterly Review of Film and Video

➤H  istorical Journal of Film, Radio and Television

➤ Social Semiotics

➤ Identities: Global Studies in Culture and Power

➤ South Asian Popular Culture

➤ Information, Communication & Society ➤ Inter-Asia Cultural Studies ➤ International Journal of Cultural Policy ➤ Journal for Cultural Research ➤ J ournal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media ▲ Back to top

➤ Journal of Children and Media