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Meeting Agenda - February 25, 2014 1370th ... - Google Docs
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Meeting Agenda - February 25, 2014 1370th ... - Google Docs
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between Comcast of Colorado VIII, LLC and the City of Thornton until ... A. A public hearing regarding a resolution appr
Meeting Agenda - February 25, 2014 1370th REGULAR MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL COUNCIL CHAMBERS 7:00 p.m. CALL TO ORDER INVOCATION - Pastor Linda Crump-Bertram, First Congregational Church of Eastlake PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL OF COUNCIL APPROVAL OF AGENDA AUDIENCE PARTICIPATION A. Presentations 1. A resolution commending Carol Norberg for her service on the Thornton Arts, Sciences and Humanities Council Board of Directors. [570-BC] B. Audience Participation C. Staff Reports None 7. COUNCIL COMMENTS/COMMUNICATIONS 8. CONSENT CALENDAR A. Approval of Minutes February 4 and February 9, 2014 Special and February 11, 2014 Regular City Council Meetings. [220-BC] B. An ordinance amending Ordinance No. 3190 regarding the City Council Policy for reimbursement of expenses for travel, training, subsistence, and other business expenses. (Second Reading) [220-PL] C. An ordinance approving a month-to-month extension of the franchise agreement between Comcast of Colorado VIII, LLC and the City of Thornton until completion of a new franchise agreement. (First Reading) [240-AG] D. A resolution acknowledging receipt of a petition for the Wright Annexation and establishing April 8, 2014 as the date of hearing on the requested annexation to the City of Thornton (Wright). [120-AG] E. A resolution acknowledging receipt of a petition for the Signal Ditch Park No. 1 Annexation and establishing April 8, 2014 as the date of hearing on the requested annexation to the City of Thornton (Signal Ditch Park No. 1). [120-AG] F. A resolution acknowledging receipt of a petition for the Signal Ditch Park No. 2 Annexation and establishing April 8, 2014 as the date of hearing on the requested annexation to the City of Thornton (Signal Ditch Park No. 2). [120-AG] 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
G. A resolution acknowledging receipt of a petition for the East 156th Avenue and York Street Annexation and establishing April 8, 2014 as the date of hearing on the requested annexation to the City of Thornton (East 156th Avenue and York Street). [120-AG] H. A resolution acknowledging receipt of a petition for the Ehler-Gahagen-Reitzenstein Annexation and establishing April 8, 2014 as the date of hearing on the requested annexation to the City of Thornton (Ehler-Gahagen-Reitzenstein). [120-AG] I. A resolution appointing a member to the Local Licensing Authority. [140-BC] 9. PUBLIC HEARINGS A. A public hearing regarding a resolution approving a Conceptual Site Plan for approximately 6.4 acres of property located northeast of the intersection of Pecos Street and West 88th Avenue (Kum & Go 300 CSP). [Public Hearing] [600-PR] 10. ACTION ITEMS A. An ordinance adopting the second amendment to the 2014 Budget amending section one of Ordinance 3267, making appropriations for the City of Thornton, Colorado for the fiscal year 2014 for all funds except that appropriations for certain individual projects shall not lapse at year end but continue until the project is completed or cancelled. (First Reading) [380-BD] 11. ADJOURNMENT Agenda prepared by Nancy A. Vincent, City Clerk for Jack Ethredge, Secretary Agenda & items subject to change
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