May 26, 2011 ... up,” says Dennis Kelley. In appreciation, he wants to contribute to the
beautification of the town. A 1964 graduate of Long Beach School, Kelley.
Weekly Newspaper
911 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN 46360
Volume 27, Number 20 Thursday, May 26, 2011
Memorial Day 2011
Page 2
May 26, 2011 911 Franklin Street • Michigan City, IN 46360 219/879-0088 • FAX 219/879-8070 e-mail: News/Articles -
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PRINTED WITH TM Trademark of American Soybean Association
Delivered weekly, free of charge to Birch Tree Farms, Duneland Beach, Grand Beach, Hidden Shores, Long Beach, Michiana Shores, Michiana MI and Shoreland Hills. The Beacher is also delivered to public places in Michigan City, New Buffalo, LaPorte and Sheridan Beach.
In Case Of Emergency, Dial
Iwo Jima Memorial On the cover of this week’s Beacher is a photo of the Iwo Jima Memorial in Arlington, Virginia. It is also known as the U.S. Marine Corps War Memorial as it pays honor to all Marines who have died in our country’s service since the Revolutionary War. Here’s a little background on the history of the monument and how it came to be. It was 66 years ago, in February 1945 that a successful invasion of Iwo Jima returned the last Japanese captured land back to the Allies and marked the beginning of the end of the war in the Pacific. Mt. Suribachi is a extinct volcano and the highest point on the island. A small flag was raised immediately following the take-over, and it was decided later in the day to raise a much larger flag so that the troops all over the island could see it. Six men were chosen to carry out the flag raising: Sgt. Michael Strank, Cpl. Harlon H. Block, Pfc. Franklin R. Sousley, Pfc. Rene A. Gagnon, Pfc. Ira Hayes (all Marines), and PhM. 2/c John H. Bradley, U.S. Navy. Joe Rosenthal, a news photographer, was there to capture the
the surviving servicemen, Gagnon, Hayes and Bradley posing for him. The others who had died in service were carefully molded using photos. From the plaster model, the statue was then cast in bronze in Brooklyn, New York, and finally shipped to a location near the Arlington National Cemetery across the river from Washington, D.C. The complete memorial was designed by Horace W. Peaslee and dedicated by President Dwight D. Eisenhower on Nov. 10, 1954. The figures are 32 feet tall, the bronze flagpole is 60 feet tall, and it holds a cloth flag that flies 24 hours a day. With the figures placed on a rock slope 6 feet up from a 10 foot base, the memorial is 78 feet tall overall. The figures stand in the same positions as they did that day in 1945. Rough Swedish granite makes up the base of the memorial which holds the following inscription: “In honor and in memory of the men of the United States Marine Corps who have given their lives to their country since November 10, 1775.” There is another inscription on the base, words from Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz to the fighting men on Iwo Jima: “Uncommon Valor was a Common Virtue.” The cost of this memorial? $850,000. And not a penny came from taxes or public funds: the entire cost came from U.S. Marines, former Marines, Marine Corps Reservists,
special moment. He went on to receive the Pulitzer Prize for that incredible photo. A sculptor by the name of Felix W. de Weldon who was in the Navy at the time, was so moved by the photograph that he built a life size model with
friends of the Marine Corps and members of the Naval Service. To all servicemen and women, past and present, we salute you.
May 26, 2011
Page 3
Memorial Day by Maggie Beyer
A day is marked across the land In small town squares, The Veterans stand. From Flanders Field where poppies grow; To Arlington’s white row on row; At Punch Bowl’s etched and arbored walls, The drums roll out…the bugle calls; Each stone engraved or nameless cross, Becomes memorial to a loss; A flowered wreath, eternal flame, With honor says, This life is named. And we have promises to keep, To those who lie in hard won sleep. Soundless voices not so still, May hope to teach; They can…and will.
In Flanders Fields In Flanders fields the poppies blow Between the crosses, row on row, That mark our place; and in the sky The larks, still bravely singing, fly. Scarce heard amid the guns below. We are the dead. Short days ago We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow, Loved, and were loved, and now we lie In Flanders fields. Take up our quarrel with the foe: To you from failing hands we throw The torch; be yours to hold it high, If ye break faith with us who die We shall not sleep, though poppies grow In Flanders fields. ----written by Colonel John McCrae, surgeon, Canada’s First Brigade Artillery, World War I
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May 26, 2011
Academic Super Bowl Winners
Notre Dame Catholic School competed in the Academic Super Bowl at LaPorte High School on Sat., April 30, and won high honors. Its teams consisted of students in grades 6 – 8 and earned first place in Mathematics, first place in Interdisciplinary, and second place in Social Studies. On the state level, Notre Dame is recognized as one of the Top 10 teams out of 45 in Class 4 schools. This year’s theme was Latin America. The teams studied areas, such as culture, architecture, leaders, numbering system, and the calendar for the Mayans, Incas, and Aztecs. Additionally, English team members read the novels Taking Sides and City of the Beasts. Members perused packets of information, trained after school, and staged practice rounds to prepare. Members of the team were Kristi Koehm, Eileen Latchford, Nicole Maroney, Alejandro Miller, Ethan Murillo, Emily Murray, Liam Roder, Jack Ruszkowski, Noah Scherf, Maggie Seizys, Tara Seizys, Sarah Smith, Rhiggs Thomas, Grace Troy, and Emma Wangstrom. The coaches were David Murillo, science and math; Nancy Murray, English and math; and Matt Troy, social studies. Dan Murray served as proctor. ----submitted by Lynn Delehanty
Upcoming Red Cross Blood Drives
Sheep Get a Haircut at Buckley
• Thurs., June 2, 8 a.m.-noon VNA Homecare & Private Duty, 901 S. Woodland in Michigan City. Phone 871-8180 to schedule your blood donation appointment. This blood drive is cosponsored by VNA, Tegrant, Dekker and FedEx. • Tues., June 7, noon-6 p.m. St. John’s United Church of Christ in the Fellowship Hall, 101 St. John Road in Michigan City. Come to donate and receive a Vans Warped Tour VIP pass. When used with a purchased ticket, the VIP pass allows special access to meet and greet with select bands and be entered into a region-wide drawing for a “Warped Tour Experience” which includes two free tickets to the July 7 concert at Verizon Wireless Music Center in Noblesville and meet and greet with select bands. Twenty donors will win from May 2 to June 24. To donate blood, you must be at least 17 years old, weigh a minimum of 110 pounds and be in general good health. An ID must be presented. More information at 800/733-2767 or
Sheep Shearing -- Buckley Homestead Sunday, June 5, noon – 4 p.m., free admission Sheep will be sheared about 1 p.m. Visitor Center and Main House are open Watch as sheep get a haircut and learn why we shear them in the first place. What happens with the wool? How do we clean it? You’ll learn all about sheep shearing when Buckley’s Cotswold and mixed breed sheep are featured. Volunteers will show you how they spin the wool from the sheep into yarn. Come out for great day in the shade of the Buckley Homestead trees and see how the days of old can still be fun. This is a wonderful program for families. Buckley Homestead is located 4.5 miles west of Interstate 65 just south of Route 2 on Hendricks Road in Lowell. (Exit I-65 west at Rt. 2 toward Lowell to Hendricks, then south for 1/4 mile to the visitor center parking lot.) The farmstead is a short walk along the trail. GPS coordinates: Visitor’s Center: 41.283566,-87.377509
May 26, 2011
Page 5
great buy..
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Page 6
May 26, 2011
It’s All About “Artistic Harmony” by Rick A. Richards
For Brandon Williams, the itch started about three years ago. The itch was a desire to plan, produce and perform in a musical showcase that would consist entirely of homegrown talent from LaPorte County. That performance is now less than a month away, and Williams, who recently graduated Michigan City’s Brandon Williams is realizing a three-year dream with from Ivy Tech Commuthe production of Artistic Harmony nity College, is amazed on June 4-5 at Elston Middle School. at how things have (Photo by Rick A. Richards) come together. Williams is amazed because the amount of work involved in bringing together three other primary singers, backup singers, a jazz orchestra, five violinists, a viola, cello and bass player, trumpeter, saxophonist, guitarist, drummer and all of the other behind-the-scenes things an audience never sees, has been a real education. “Oh, my gosh, yes. This has been a lot more work than I anticipated,” said Williams at a recent Saturday morning rehearsal at Michigan City High School. “What I’ve learned from all this is definitely plan far, far ahead. Plan a year ahead. You’re going to need the time. And always have back up plans.” The performance, “Artistic Harmony,” features Williams, and vocalists Sarah Gorecki of LaPorte, Nanda Danitschek of LaPorte and Lori Packuszewski of Michigan City. All have been involved in local music and theater, including the Young People’s Theater Company, which will be the beneficiary of the June 4-5 performances.
The performances, which will include a variety of Broadway music, jazz, and music from popular artists ranging from Lady Gaga to Michael Buble, will be at 7 p.m. on Saturday and 6 p.m. Sunday at Elston Middle School’s Performing Arts Center. Tickets are $20 for preferred seating, $15 for general admission, and $10 for student general admission. For more information or to reserve seats, call 873-2070. The goal of Williams’ vision is to showcase LaPorte County’s talent. “This is a concert to kind of represent the fine arts, focusing on singers in the community. People think they have to go to Chicago or Indianapolis for something like, but I want people to know there is quality entertainment around here,” said Williams. Danitschek, who is studying psychology at Purdue University North Central, agrees with Williams. “I hope that people, especially children, realize there is a lot of talent in the area and a lot of things you can do artistically to have fun. “What’s been the hardest so far is getLaPorte’s Nanda Danitschek, ting everyone together a winner of the Hoosier Star and organizing things. competition, will be a part of Bringing your vision to Artistic Harmony. (Photo by Rick A. Richards) life isn’t easy.” Danitschek said she is happy to be a part of Williams’ project. “I did a benefit a few years back for The Aliveness Project of Northwest Indiana and Brandon was in my benefit for me. We’ve both been in and won the Hoosier
The principal performers for Artistic Harmony practice at Michigan City High School. From left, Nanda Danitschek, backup singer Mary Williams, Lori Packuszewski, Sarah Gorecki, Brandon Williams, backup singer Sean Sobecki, and Derek Meilaender, assistant Michigan City High School Band director. (Photo by Rick A. Richards)
May 26, 2011 Star competition, so we know each other. When he asked me to be in this for him, I said yes.” Gorecki, a 2007 graduate of LaPorte High School, currently is enrolled at DePaul University in Chicago. “I’ve known Brandon for a couple of years; we were in the YPTC production of ‘Beauty and Sarah Gorecki of LaPorte, a student the Beast’ together.” at DePaul University in Chicago, Gorecki, who spent a is one of four featured vocalists for the June 4-5 presentation of Artistic few years in Los AngeHarmony at Elston Middle School. les to record a couple of (Photo by Rick A. Richards) albums and write music for herself and other performers before enrolling at DePaul, said the Artistic Harmony concert is an opportunity for the community to see the kind of talent that is thriving in LaPorte County. “I think it is going to create an awareness of the arts in general,” said Gorecki. “Arts aren’t as important as they used to be to people. I don’t think people in Michigan City or LaPorte really know what they have in their county. They don’t realize the talent coming out of here.” While music is her first love, Gorecki said she’s studying to one day attend law school. “I do want to go to law school, but music is my first passion. I’ll always pursue that.” For Packuszewski, helping out Williams with the show is like helping “my second son.” “My son, Adam, and Brandon are good friends. They grew up together. They were involved in YPTC. It wasn’t until a few years ago that he heard me and realized I could Lori Packuszewski of Michigan City sing, too.” is one of the featured vocalists for She said her hope is Artistic Harmony. that Artistic Harmony (Photo by Rick A. Richards) leads “to an awakening of the arts, not only for young people, but for everyone. We have so much talent in Northwest Indiana. Family members come out and support that talent, but not always the community at large. I would really like the community at large to come out and support this event.” Working behind the scenes with Williams is Derek Meilaender, assistant band director at MCHS. “This is going to be some show. I’m excited to see the performance,” he said.
Page 7 Michigan City High School assistant band director Derek Meilaender has been instrumental in leading rehearsals for the upcoming performance of Artistic Harmony. (Photo by Rick A. Richards)
Aaron Garrett, a Michigan City High School graduate and a friend of Williams, has been involved in the lighting, stage design and production for the show. “We’ve been involved in music and I think what we all hope is that this sparks an awareness of the arts. There are a lot of gifted and talented young people in this area. “I’m happy for Brandon, too,” said Garrett, who graduated from Purdue North Central and works at Fifth Third Bank. “It’s awesome the amount of work he has put in on this while going to school and working.” For Williams, who is working at Blue Chip Casino, music is a focus of his life, not only right now, but for the future. “I want to pursue music or musical theater as a career. I auditioned for the program at Indiana University, but there are limited spots and I didn’t get one. I’m going to re-audition next year. I hope one of these times to get accepted.” It is that determination that impresses Packuszewski. “Brandon is a very talented individual. We’re very lucky to have his talent and energy in this community. For him to gather all this into one project is really remarkable. “Not only do the people working with him see the talent, but they believe in him, and they believe in his project,” said Packuszewski. “It’s a lot of hard work, but he’s such a magnetic personality. People are drawn to him.”
Art and Unique Hand-Crafted Items 45 Artisans and Crafters
S aturday, May 28, 2011 1 0:00-- 4 :00 EDT St. John UCC 200 W. Buffalo New Buffalo, MI
No Admission Charge 269-469-2706 m
Page 8
May 26, 2011
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
Pat Mathews-Janasiak
100 Lake Shore Dr. #606, Michigan City Fantastic view overlooking Lake Michigan from the private balcony of this 3 bedroom 2 bath condo located in the private gated community of Dunescape. Completely renovated.
1 Royal Troon Drive, Michigan City 2 bedroom plus den, 2 bath condo located in St. Andrews Village near Lake Michigan beaches. Enjoy the carefree lifestyle & association pool this summer instead of spending your free time doing yard work!
2025 Silvertip Trail, Long Beach Unique character 3 bedroom home. All the updated conveniences yet the charm of its age preserved. In-ground pool, gazebo & detached garage. Best of all, RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER is beautiful LAKE MICHIGAN !!!!
Call me @ 871.9385 for your private showing!
May 26, 2011
Page 9
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
305 BEACHWALK LANE, MICHIGAN CITY New construction, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, granite and all the amenities.
2503 SHOREWOOD DRIVE, LONG BEACH Beautiful 4 bedroom, 4 bath home in Long Beach. Better than new – full finished basement, over 4000 sq. feet of living area, 2 fireplaces, vaulted ceilings, hardwood, granite – you will be impressed!
9 ST. ANDREWS DRIVE, MICHIGAN CITY Fantastic condo on Long Beach Golf Course, close to Lake Michigan. Completely renovated in 2007. Too many new features to mention, must see! Truly like new!
7472 CIDER MILL ROAD, MICHIGAN CITY Fantastic home built by Mills construction, 4163 square feet ABOVE grade plus full unfinished basement on beautiful landscaped, 1 acre lot. If you want a large quality home in upscale neighborhood, this is it!
Page 10
May 26, 2011
Opera at the Acorn to Begin… Season Number Five-A Season of Favorites
•June 4 Opera at the Acorn begins its fifth season with a show called “The Attack of the Other 3 Tenors.” Listen to them glide effortlessly from absurdity to sublimity, as they negotiate the heights of some of the greatest opera arias. •July 9 a favorite soprano and Harbor Country Sweetheart, Christine Steyer, in honor of our country’s birthday, brings us her special selection of songs she’s calling “An American Songbook.” Christine will sing a dazzling blend of American opera arias, Broadway tunes, folk songs, popular songs, and spirituals. She will be accompanied by Phillip Morehead, second in command at the Lyric Opera of Chicago. Christine recently won the Johnny Mercer prize at the famous Johnny Mercer competition, so you’re certain to hear a few of his classics.
•August 20 another favorite returns to the Acorn. Metropolitan Opera mezzo-soprano Isola Jones reprises her role as Maddalena in Giuseppe Verdi’s Rigoletto. She has performed this role a myriad of times at The Met with the likes of Luciano Pavarotti and Placido Domingo. On August 20, she will perform it with tenor Isaac Hurtado-a new brilliant voice on the American scene in his Opera at the Acorn debut. Singing the title role will be the amazing baritone John Payonk, and his Gilda will be soprano Sarah Hibbard—two more fine new voices added to the Acorn Opera roster. Soprano Amy Fuller will return as countess Ceprano, and, of course, founder Robert Swan will sing the role of the killer, Sparafucile. A special note. This performance will be accompanied by members of the LaPorte Symphony Orchestra in an Opera at the Acorn first. Conducting will be Philip Bauman, longtime leader of the symphony. •Finally, September 17, will be the most popular show ever performed by Opera at the Acorn—”Jacques Brel and Kurt Weill are Back in Town.” This show, formerly known as “Jacques Brel and Kurt Weill are Alive and Well and Living in Three Oaks,” ranks as one of the most loved shows ever performed at the Acorn. Soprano Martha Cares comes back to sing the classic songs that brought audiences to their feet, along with founder, bass Robert Swan. Don Stille will again accompany on the accordion, with Eliott Delman on the guitar. Jorge Niedas and Karen Ma will dance the tango. Tickets at $25 each are available at, or by phoning the Acorn Theater box office at 269-756-3879.
YOGA CLASSES Long Beach School Community Center 2501 Oriole Trail Room 8
Lauralee Sikorski Yoga Alliance tues and thurs 6:00-7:15 pm Certified Instructor wed, fri, & sun 10:00-11:15 am
NEW CLASS fri 4:30-5:30 pm Hour of Power Flow int/adv email me or check website for more info on class descriptions
[email protected] • New students please call ahead to verify schedule. 219-861-7394
May 26, 2011
Page 11
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
Katherine Brennan
9 • 1-3
May 2 E Sun.,
1921 Monrovia Drive, Long Beach Beach lovers’ 4 bedroom, 2 bath paradise--move in and enjoy short 1.5 block stroll to fabulous, easy access Stop 19 beach. Home is beautifully maintained w/maple floors, Mexican tiles, screened porch w/wbfp overlooking professionally landscaped garden. Living room also features wbfp flanked by sliders to screened porch. Newer mechanicals, including tearoff roof, windows, hi-eff central air, copper plumbing, etc., etc. Heated garage, too. Additional 12,000+ SF buildable lot is also included. Great home in a great location. One-Year Home Warranty provided to buyer at closing. Call Annette McIntyre @ 219.363.1117
m-1 pm
• 11 a May 29
106 Elmwood Drive, Michiana Shores Meticulously maintained one-owner home in lovely wooded setting in Michiana Shores. Great 2x6 construction; R-22 wall insulation, and R-60 ceiling insulation assure you of low energy costs. Extra deep (29’) two car garage w/heated driveway gives you plenty of storage for all your toys and projects while freeing you up to enjoy winter in front of your gas fireplace. During those lazy summer months relax and barbeque on your bi-level decks or take a little snooze in your charming gazebo. Upper level of home is currently a master suite w/full bath and large sitting room but could be used as an enormous bunk area for slew of kids or guests. Main floor has two bedrooms and large full bath w/linen closet. Combined kitchen/dining room lead out to upper deck and overlook the lovely wooded lot. This is a great house, in great shape, in a great location. Several additional lots are available.
Call me @ 312.656.8009 for your private showing!
Page 12
May 26, 2011
La Lumiere’s State Championship Academic Decathlon Team
Left to right: Conor Luck, Randy Mashak, Justin Katz, Cody Steinhiser and Won Kun (Scott) Lee
La Lumiere School’s State Championship Academic Decathlon team placed seven out of 21 teams competing in the small school division at the United States Academic Decathlon National Competition held this spring. Students compete in the Academic Decathlon in three divisions determined by GPA; Honors Division, Scholastic Division and Varsity Division. Cody Steinhiser, a senior from Michigan City who competed in the Scholastic Division, was recognized
as the top scorer on the Laker team and took home Gold in Essay, Silver in Economics and Bronze in Math. Other medals winners include: Conor Luck, La Porte – Honors Division Silver in Math; Randy Mashak, La Porte – Varsity Division Silver in Essay; Justin Katz, Beverly Shores – Scholastic Division Silver in Essay; and Won Kun (Scott) Lee, Korea – Honors Division Bronze in Math.
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
Dianne Phegley
,80 $199
40 Marine Dr. #6, Michigan City One Owner Family condo includes a 50 foot boat slip #32 on Trail Creek. Sit on the balcony and enjoy the lake views. This 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo has been recently renovated and offers a fireplace, all appliances, covered parking space, security gated entry, covered balcony, and storage on the main level.
Call me @ 874.1769 for your private showing!
May 26, 2011
Page 13
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
Roger Miller
214 White Foot Drive Michigan City
40 Marine Drive, #D8 Michigan City
JUST LIKE NEW in Michiana Park on 3 wooded lots. Just a stroll down wooded tree lined street & over the hill to beach access.
Price below similar units. 10 x 17 Balcony with views of Trail Creek, Lake Michigan,
Washington Park and B&E Marina. Complex has pool, tennis & a 50’ Dock.
Call me @ 873.7930 for your private showing!
Serving LaPorte County For 33 Years. Let Our Experience Work For You!
Tom Cofer 898.1883
1613 Lake Shore Dr., Long Beach
124 Fogarty St., Michigan City
9788 N. 375 W., Michigan City
Significant PRICE REDUCTION on this charming hill side home. Beautiful Lake Michigan view. Lots of parking along Lake Shore Drive, as well as in the rear. Decks off dining area, front of home & deck off master bedroom. Easy beach access.
Cozy home only 4 blocks from Lake Michigan…newer updates! Main bedroom enlarged, improvements made to lower bedroom/ family room area, upper loft area finished & new garage roof. 2 Car garage with 2 vehicle car port. On two lots.
Beautiful 15 acre horse lovers paradise! Bilevel 3 bedroom/2.5 bath home with 2 car detached garage. Newer windows & roof. Stocked pond, 2 pole barns: 42’x 40’ with lean to area, 24’x 50’, concrete floor with solar lighting system. 5 horse stalls adjacent to barn.
Page 14
May 26, 2011
“Forever Plaid” at Footlight Theatre
Own Your Own Beach
74’ of Lake Michigan frontage with a sea wall in the heart of Long Beach. $999,000
Call Ginny Winn 219-864-5777
LaPorte, Indiana
Charming 2 bedroom bungalow in beautiful Galena Township, on just under 1 acre. Stunning flagstone patio with built-in fire pit, stainless appliances and hardwood floors. Just minutes from New Buffalo, casinos and outlet mall. Perfect for weekend getaways. Only $130,000 Contact Amy at 219-898-5045 for more details & viewings
June 3-5, 10-12, & 17-19 1705 Franklin St., Michigan City, IN Stephanie Naumoff will direct the final show of Footlight’s 2010-2011 season. The talented cast includes Trent Haskins (Jinx) of Hammond, Brandon Berk (Sparky) of Schererville, Tom Knoerzer (Smudge) of Portage and Stephen Sienicki (Francis) of Merrillville. One of the most popular and successful musicals in recent memory, this deliciously goofy revue centers on four eager male singers killed in a car crash in the 1950s on the way to their first big concert, and now miraculously revived for the posthumous chance to fulfill their dreams and perform the show that never was. Singing in the closest of harmony, squabbling boyishly over the smallest intonations and executing their charmingly outlandish choreography with over-zealous precision, the “Plaids” are a guaranteed smash, with a program of beloved songs and delightful patter that keeps audiences rolling in the aisles when they’re not humming along to some of the great nostalgic pop hits of the '50s. Presented by special arrangement with Music Theatre International. Performance dates are: June 3, 4, 5, 10, 11, 12, 17, 18, 19, 2011. There will be a “Patron Appreciation Reception” immediately following the Sun., June 5th performance at the neighboring Blink Art Gallery. LaPorte photographer Nancy Snyder will be displaying some of her framed work during this period in the Footlight lobby. Reservation Information Friday and Saturday curtains are at 8 pm with Sunday matinees at 2 pm. Doors open 45 minutes prior to curtain.Tickets are $12. Sorry no credit cards are accepted. Reservations are recommended and may be made by calling 219-874-4035 or online at Reservations will be held until 15 minutes prior to curtain unless previously secured by the presentation of a Footlight Season Gift Card or by prior payment in full.
May 26, 2011
5th Annual Free Memorial Day Concert The Fifth Annual City of Valparaiso FREE Memorial Day Concert Valparaiso Community/University Concert Band will be held at the Historic Memorial Opera House on Mon., May 30, at 2:00 p.m. “We are thrilled to host this annual event,” says Brian Shafer, Executive Producer/Business Manager for the Memorial Opera House. “It’s a well attended event that is free, but audience members are asked to bring non-perishable food items, which will be donated to the Christian Food Pantry in Valparaiso.” Jeffrey Doebler, conductor for the concert said, “The concert lasts less than one hour. There will be patriotic music, sing-alongs, and historical narratives.” The City of Valparaiso Memorial Day Concert started in 2007, as the Eagle Scout leadership project of William Doebler, Concert Organizer. The Memorial Opera House is located at 104 Indiana Ave., Valparaiso, IN. Box office hours: Mon.Wed. & Sat., 10:00 a.m.-2:00 p.m. Thurs. and Fri., 10:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Or visit
The Valparaiso Community/University Concert Band
The Potted Plant
Page 15
111 POWER LANE Reduced to be best buy given location, new construction and sq footage. Bright, spacious, and built into the dune! great views of the village of Beachwalk. 3 bdrms, den, 3 baths. Large open floor plan with lots of windows. Stainless appliances, granite counters, large deck for entertaining, hardwood floors. Master bath has Jacuzzi tub and custom tiled shower. Master suite has a sitting room with pocket that is very large and could be used as a 4th bedroom. Brand new construction. $379,000
120 THOMAS BOULEVARD Impeccably decorated, immaculately maintained. This 3 bedroom, 2.5 bathroom home is located on the only cul de sac inside the Beachwalk Community. Plenty of space in the rear of the lot for outdoor entertaining. Can be purchased with all furnishings. Beautiful design. $383,500
Also Showing:
Greenhouse & Nursery
303 Beachwalk Lane • 102 Beachwalk Lane 105 Austin Lane • 124 Childers Lane
Annuals, Hanging Baskets, Flats, Accents, and Arrangements. Custom Planters. Geraniums
Call Mike Conner 312-735-2912
Perennials, Shrubs, & Small Trees Large assortment of Sedums and Hosta. Large g Hosta 9813 W. 300 N. Michigan City (Behind Harbor GMC)
9:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m. Open Daily
622 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN 46360
Page 16
May 26, 2011
0LFN\*DOODV %URNHU2ZQHU $%5&5%&56H3UR*5,65(6
May 26, 2011
Page 17
“Breezeway” - A Long Beach Classic This 5 bedroom, 7 bath lake front home has been beautifully maintained & improved by one family for two generations. House is sited on three lots with 120 feet of private beach. Two car garage & ample parking. The home’s history & architectural details begin in the formal entryway with its arched doors & open staircase. Stunning two storied living room with gas log fireplace, interior balcony, barrel ceiling, wood floors & wonderful views of the lake. All the main rooms have lake views. Master bedroom suite with two bathrooms, dressing room & sitting room. Walk out lower level has sauna, two bedrooms, fireplace, sunroom, laundry room & kitchenette with access to outdoor entertaining areas. Home has been named for its John Lloyd Wright designed lake room connecting the original house to the garage.
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May 26, 2011
Micky Gallas Properties
Page 30
May 26, 2011
Christopher Moffo Commissioned
Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m.-10 p.m. Sunday-Monday 11 a.m. - 8 p.m. Our specialty is the authentic Naples Style Pizza prepared and cooked just as it was 170 years ago in a wood fired hearth oven. This style pizza is as much a method of rich tradition as it is a food. Our passion is to provide our guests this authentic Napoletana pie along with fresh salads and refreshing house made Gelato using only the finest fresh ingredients, cooked using time honored traditions and served in a warm inviting atmosphere. We also offer the finest micro-crafted beer and wine. Come and relax, enjoy the tradition of this fine food with a story to tell, Authentic Wood Fired Pizza.
SUMMER HOURS: Thursday-Saturday 11 a.m. -10 p.m. • Sunday-Monday 11 a.m.-8 p.m. 500 S. EL PORTAL MICHIANA SHORES, IN INDOOR AND OUTDOOR SEATING CARRYOUT
u a t e
Licensed • Fully Insured Member
Christopher Moffo, son of Dominic and Kim Moffo of Michiana Shores and Scottsdale, Arizona, was commissioned a 2nd Lieutenant in the United States Army on May 8th in Bloomington, Indiana. Lieutenant Moffo grew up in Duneland Beach and graduated from Notre Dame Grade School before moving to Arizona. He attended Notre Dame Preparatory High School in Scottsdale, Arizona and graduated in 2007. He attended Indiana University in Bloomington on an Army ROTC and Presidential Scholarship. Lt. Moffo majored in Criminal Justice and graduated with distinction. He was active in ROTC Army Rangers, Pershing Rifles and was Commanding Officer of the Indiana University Color Guard. He attended Air Assault School at Ft. Campbell, Kentucky and received the Air Assault Badge. Lt. Moffo was honored as a distinguished military graduate at his commissioning. He will branch in Military Intelligence/Armored Division and report to Fort Benning, Georgia for active duty in January 2012.
For Sale By Owner REDUCED $800,000
JIM WEILER CONSTRUCTION New Construction • Remodeling Siding • Roofing • Decks
Materials provided by Pioneer Lumber
2609 Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach 4 Bedrooms - 2.5 Baths
(219) 617-0965
May 26, 2011
Page 31
2 BigHearts Foundation
5K Run/Walk Sponsored by La Porte Regional Health System
Saturday, May 28, 2011 2501 Oriole Trail, Long Beach, IN 9 a.m. (CST) Event to raise awareness of heart disease in women and support the 2 BigHearts Foundation. Everyone is welcome. Sign up today! For information and registration, visit
Proceeds benefit the 2 BigHearts Foundation Foundation, dedicated to increasing awareness and education of heart disease in women.
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May 26, 2011
Cemetery Tales-An Abbreviated Tour…
Miss/Mr. New Buffalo Pageant would like to thank Notre Dame School for hosting us with our inspired class. We hope we inspired you as you inspired us. Tim Taylor, Chairperson
May is National Preservation Month. This year’s theme is “Celebrating America’s Treasures.” You are invited to visit the Eason Chapel in Pine Lake Cemetery which is one of La Porte County’s treasures. In addition to earlier restoration work, more recent work has been done to preserve this historic structure for the future. At 1:00 p.m. on Sat., May 28, a program entitled Cemetery Tales: An Abbreviated Tour of Pine Lake Cemetery will be presented by Fern Eddy Schultz, President of The Pine Lake Cemetery Association and La Porte County (IN) Historian. You may sit comfortably in the pew as you take this tour. She will relate some interesting facts about twelve of the sites from the Pine Lake Cemetery Self-Guided Walking Tour. Following the presentation and until 3:00 p.m., the chapel will be open for visitors to view the restoration work done on the chapel and learn about its history. Plan on attending and learn more about the residents of the cemetery and its history. An historical display about the cemetery will be available. There is no charge for this event. The chapel is located inside the main gate of Pine Lake Cemetery, 1367 Pine Lake Avenue (US #35), La Porte, IN. For further information, e-mail
[email protected]
Summer Dance Camps
SIDEWALK SALE May 26-30 New arrivals in Womens, Kids & Home Furnishings,Handbags and Jewelry Enjoy 50% off select clothing & accessories THURS-FRI-SAT-MON 11 AM-4 PM (EASTERN TIME) SUN 12-5 PM EXTENDED SUMMER HOURS BEGINNING MEMORIAL DAY WEEKEND 305 W. BUFFALO ST. (US HWY 12) NEW BUFFALO 269-469-0505
Indiana Ballet Theatre summer registration is now available for both Merrillville and Demotte studios. Summer dance camp for ages 5-12 years begin August 8th-12th at Merrillville and August 1st-5th for DeMotte. During this week students will learn different types of dances: Ballet, Jazz, Tap, Modern, and Choreography. Dance camp will conclude with an ice cream social and performance at each studio. Dance Camp is $65. Summer classes for ages 3 to adult begin June 20th-July 31st in Merrillville and June 20th–August 1st in DeMotte. The summer class schedule consists of: Pre-ballet, Adult Ballet, Tap, Jazz, Modern, Pre-Pointe, etc. Prices for summer classes vary. For more information, phone 219.755.4444 or visit
Harbor Country Book Club The book selection for the Tues., May 31 meeting of the Harbor Country Book Club is Labor Day by Joyce Maynard. The June 28 selection is Olive Kitteridge by Elizabeth Strout. Monthly meetings are at 7:30 p.m. MI time on the last Tuesday of the month at the Harbor Grand Hotel in New Buffalo and are open to anyone interested in joining members to discuss the book. Copies of Labor Day or Olive Kitteridge can be purchased at New Buffalo Books.
May 26, 2011
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May 26, 2011
Bullying Bystanders Campaign
M.C. PAINTING 3RD GENERATION COMPANY BRIAN MANSKE 35 YRS. PERSONAL EXPERIENCE • Residential Finishing • Commercial Finishing • Interior/Exterior • Cedar Finish Restoration • Power Washing • Drywall Repairs • Wallpaper Installation or Removal • All Faux Finishes • Custom Wood Finishing • Carpentry Repairs
Quality, clean, organized workmanship Competitive Rates • Free Estimates Fully Insured • References Available
Dr. Barbara Eason-Watkins, Superintendent of Michigan City Area Schools (MCAS) in Michigan City, Ind. is encouraging students and teachers to take bullying seriously. All three MCAS middle schools (Elston, Barker, and Krueger) and Michigan City High School are taking the Bullying Bystanders Unite Pledge, committing to safely interceding when they see other students being bullied. Kelly Martin-Fargo of Elston Middle School reported that over 600 students in Grades 6 through 8 have already taken the Pledge. The pledge is part of a nation-wide effort created by the non-profit organization Hey U.G.L.Y. – Unique Gifted Lovable You - to educate bystanders to bullying situations how to take action by following certain safety practices developed with the help of the Michigan City Police Department (MCPD) and made possible through a grant from the Michigan City Community Enrichment Corporation. The steps are listed on the website Betty Hoeffner is co-founder and president of Hey U.G.L.Y., which is dedicated to giving youth the empathetic and intellectual tools they need to empower them to be part of the solution to bullying.
Michigan City In Bloom Floral Contest The Michigan City in Bloom Committee announces the second annual Michigan City In Bloom Floral Contest. Due to popular request, this year’s contest has been expanded to include the following categories: Small Business (25 or less employees), Large Business (25 or more employees), Private Residence, Environmental (natural plantings), Container Garden. Points will be awarded for the following 6 categories: Tidiness, Floral Display, Harmony, Balance of display, Landscape components, Use of city flower (daylily) and city rose (nearly wild rose) Applications will be available at City Hall, Michigan City Port Authority, Michigan City Public Library, LaPorte County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Michigan City Senior Center, The International Friendship Gardens,The Mainstreet Assocation (at DH2W), Members Advantage Credit Union and online at Completed applications are due by JUNE 27 at the Michigan City Parks & Recreation office, located at the Michigan City Senior Center, Two on the Lake, Michigan City, Indiana. Judging will take place before July 7th. The Michigan City in Bloom Awards will be distributed on July 8th. For more information on the contest or to join the Michigan City in Bloom Committee, contact John Pugh, City Planner at 219-873-1419 ext. 324 at City Hall, or committee member Julie Manner by email at
[email protected]
May 26, 2011
Page 35
The Memorial Day weekend traditionally marks the beginning of the Summer Season. The Beacher staff would like to take this time to say… Thank you to ALL the advertisers and to our faithful readers who support them.
Weekly Newspaper
Covering the “Beach Area” for 26 Years
the Beacher Business Printers
• Business Cards • Stationery • Envelopes • Fliers • Brochures • Full Color Printing Color & B & W Photo Copies Beacher Boxes are available to beach residences. – NO charge – 911 Franklin Street Michigan City, IN 46360
219 879 0088
Fax 219 879 8070 email:
[email protected]
Fresh Romaine Lettuce, Onions, Tomatoes & Peppers Dressings: Honey Mustard (House Special), Caesar, Ranch,
House Salad ................... Small $3.95 Large $4.95
Fresh Spinach, Cheese, Fruit
Spinach Salad .......................................... $6.95
Fresh Chicken Strips, Fresh Romaine Lettuce, Parmesan Cheese
Chicken Caesar Salad ................................ $6.95
Fresh Romaine Lettuce, Parmesan Cheese
Caesar Salad ........................................... $4.95
Genoa Salami, Ham, Black Olives, Onions, Tomatoes, Peppers & Mozzarella on Fresh Crisp Lettuce
Antipasto Salad ........................................ $6.95
8 Mozzarella Cheese Sticks ......................... $5.95 Breaded Mushrooms .................................. $4.95 12 Zucchini Sticks .................................... $4.95 8 Jalapeño Cheese Poppers ......................... $5.95 Onion Rings ............................................ $4.95 5 Breadsticks........................................... $3.95 Garlic French Bread ................................. $1.95 Garlic Cheese Bread .................................. $2.95 10 Hot or Mild Wings ................................ $6.95 20 Hot or Mild Wings ...............................$11.95 5 Chicken Fingers .................................... $5.95 French Fries (one size) .............................. $1.95 Kettle Chips (Original or Mesquite) ............... $ .95
Mushrooms Green Peppers Onion Green Olives Black Olives Fresh Garlic Fresh Spinach *double topping price
Tomatoes Pineapple Banana Peppers Jalapenos Giardiniera Artichokes Anchovies*
Customer Favorites:
Olive Oil • Homemade Alfredo Sauce • Pesto • BBQ Sauce Our Very Own Homemade Pizza Sauce (Standard)
Choose Your Sauce:
Sausage Pepperoni Ham Ground Beef Bacon* Italian Beef* Chicken*
Thin Crust - Hand rolled and crispy thin! Sm. 10” Med. 12” Lg. 14” XLg. 16” $9.50 $11.00 $12.75 $14.80 Deep Dish - Extra thick. Customer favorite! Sm. 10” Med. 12” Lg. 14” XLg. 16” $11.00 $12.35 $14.15 $16.55 Chicago Stuffed - Authentic pizza pie! Sm. 10” Med. 12” Lg. 14” XLg. 16” $12.00 $13.35 $15.15 $17.55 Beach Blanket (Calzone w/1 topping) $9.50 Add your Favorite Toppings: $0.95 $1.05 $1.15 $1.25
(all pizza prices are CHEESE only)
The Miller Pizzas
Page 36 THE
May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
Page a
Hesston Steam Museum. Bringing families together. Bringing history to life.
1000 N
(Saturday, Sunday and Monday).
Visit us onl
Season begins Memorial Day Weekend
I-94 (exit 1
Take a ride on three different steam railroads & stroll among machines of our industrial age.
FREE Parking, Rain or shine. Located on CR 1000 N (East of SR 39) 219-778-2783 weekends ds Museum Grounds open at 11:30. Trains run from Noon - 5:00 CDT T
(exit 4
Discount Coupon! upon! p Bring this ad for one FREE children’s n’s train ride with one paid adult ticket, one free ticket per visit. Offer not valid Labor Day Weekend. Expires 1/1/2012 *There is an admission charge for Labor Day weekend .
Family fun close to home, weekends all summer long.
Page b
May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
Page c
Micky Gallas Properties Pat Tym, ABR, CRS, GRI, SRES Licensed in Indiana & Michigan Cell: (219) 210-0324
29 1-3pm C
SE Sun., 5/
3881 Lake Shore Drive Michiana Shores, MI • $889,000
2400 Florimond Avenue Long Beach • $449,000
501 N. Whittaker Street #5 New Buffalo • $430,000
4 bedrooms plus den, 2 baths. New kitchen with granite counters & stainless appliances. Family room, media room & game room. Newer roof, hot water heater & sprinkler system. 14x18 front deck & back patio. Views of Lake Michigan.
4 bedrooms, 3 baths. Wall of windows & Bedford limestone fireplace in living room. Large rec room with wet bar. Two buildable lots included. Sits atop large sloping dune on almost an acre with views of Long Beach golf course.
2 bedrooms, 2 baths. Living room with stone fascia fireplace. Hardwood floors throughout. Granite counters & stainless appliances in kitchen. All furnishings available. 40 ft boat slip included. Walk to the beach or enjoy the community pool.
480 E. Dunes Hwy Beverly Shores • $425,000
2011 Juneway Drive Long Beach • $409,000
149 Shorewood Drive Long Beach Cove • $399,900
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Living, dining & kitchen with 16 ft ceilings & two way fireplace. Gourmet kitchen with marble counters & Hoffmeister cabinets. Artist designed ultra contemporary on 5 plus Acres with a private setting.
3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Beautiful Oak floors under some carpeting. Large kitchen with center island. Master bedroom with walk-in closet & private bath. Solidly built home owned by just one family. Easy stroll to Lake Michigan.
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Open floor plan. Hardwood flooring, custom cabinetry, upgraded appliances & plentiful storage. Oversized two car garage & fishing pier. Freestanding condominium patio home with a lovely view of Lake Claire.
109 California Avenue Sheridan Beach • $349,900
110 Oakdale Way Shoreland Hills • $259,000
203 Talahi Michiana Area • $249,000
3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. Newer features include tile floors, ceilings & ventless gas fireplace in living room. Lovely kitchen with sliders to rear deck. Newer central air on upper level & wooden stairs to front entry. Just steps to Stop 2 beach.
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Large stone fireplace, vaulted pine ceilings & beams in living room. Sliders open to back deck from master bedroom & living room. Kitchen with stainless appliances. Just over one dune to Lake Michigan.
3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Living room with stone wood burning fireplace. Gleaming wood floors. Wall of French doors in dining area. Kitchen with stainless appliances. Screened porch with skylights. Situated on three wooded lots.
Page d
May 26, 2011
Micky Gallas Properties Tina Kelly, Sales Associate Cell: (219) 873-3680
[email protected]
Combine these two properties for a 1/2 Acre Family Compound on the Lake!
708 Colfax Avenue Sheridan Beach • $780,000 4 bedrooms, 2 baths. Wood burning fireplace with gas starter in living room. Lower level rec room with walk out to the beach. Expansive deck; 50x225 lot. Walk through path of dunes to the Lake.
706 Colfax Avenue Sheridan Beach • $750,000 2 bedrooms, 1 bath. Kitchen & living space with fireplace is open to pool area with 10x45 lap pool, hot tub & room for stay fit living. 1/4 Acre lake front living with plenty of space for expansion.
Micky Gallas Properties Judi Donaldson, Broker Associate Cell: (219) 210-9180
[email protected]
2237 Chastleton Drive Long Beach • $375,000 3 bedrooms, 3 baths. New kitchen cabinets, fireplace, lower level family room with bar. Underground sprinkler system, new garage doors with openers. 3/4 Acre corner lot with a view of the Long Beach Country Club golf course & within walking distance to Stop 22 beach.
Redwing Trail Michiana Area• $99,900 Fantastic wooded building site in Michiana, an area of fine homes. City water available; Septic required. Lot dimensions: 110 x 105. Build your dream home here.
May 26, 2011
Page e
Micky Gallas Properties Susan Kelley, Sales Associate Cell: (312) 622-7445
[email protected]
2968 Lake Shore Drive •Long Beach Casa Rosa - Gracious 5 bedroom, 4.5 bath LAKE FRONT home with an ADDITIONAL BUILDABLE LOT INCLUDED. Great architectural detail throughout, screened porch, walk-out lower level & grand in-ground pool.
Gorgeous three state view. Lots of parking including a two car garage. Seller is licensed real estate agent.
Offered for $3,250,000
Micky Gallas Properties Randy Novak, Broker Associate Cell: (219) 877-7069
[email protected] E NEW PRIC
2301 Oakenwald Drive Long Beach • $349,000 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Den with knotty pine walls & hardwood floors. Living room with fireplace & hardwood floors under carpet. Large main bedroom upstairs. Two additional bedrooms on main floor. Two car garage, sprinkler system & storage shed. Very short walk to Stop 23 beach!
321 El Portal Michiana Shores• $199,000 1 bedroom plus sleeping loft, 1 bath. Floor to ceiling fieldstone fireplace, walls that are original knotty pine paneling, cathedral ceiling & refinished hardwood floors. Original 1930’s Michiana cottage situated on 3 lots. You can restore, add on or build your own new cabin.
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May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
Page g
Grand Opening of 2 New Ranch Townhomes
Join us for our Grand opening Featuring our Two New Impeccably Designed Custom Ranch Townhomes. Located at Briar Leaf Golf Course. Features Include: Golf Course Setting, Hardwood Floors, Custom Cabinets and Granite Countertops throughout Home, Bright and Spacious, Open Concept Floor Plans, Masonry Fireplace, Full Basements, Two Car Attached Garage, PVC Decks, and Beautifully Designed Interiors.
Starting at $279,900 Office Hours: Fri.-Mon.
What’s wrong with this picture? • No Mowing the Lawn! • No Shoveling! • Friendly Neighbors • Extraordinary Storage • Beautiful Landscaping • Convenient to all of Michiana and Chicago • Country Club and Park Like Setting • Unsurpassed Quality • Dramatic Touches • Maintenance Free Living
11:00 AM - 4:00 PM CST
• 1700 to 3800 SF • Ranch and Two Story Floor Plans • Townhomes are Like Custom Homes • Premier Community in LaPorte • Bright and Spacious • Clubroom that is Rentable for Private Parties • Walking Distance to Portofino Grill • City Water and Sewer • Granite Kitchen and Bath • Masonry Fireplace • Full Basements
Page h
May 26, 2011
13988 Range Line Road, Niles, Michigan • 269.695.6491
Kitchens and Baths for Discriminating Home Owners Who Demand Exceptional • Design • Products • Installation 709 Plaza Drive Chesterton, IN 219.363.3357
May 26, 2011
Page i
219-872-4000 866-496-1752 Debbie Burke
FAX (219) 872-4182 Specializing in Distinctive Properties Indiana and Michigan
1010 N. Karwick Road. • Michigan City, IN 46360
Principal Broker/ Owner
From Condos to Beach Homes, We Have You Covered!
2219 Island Drive
2222 Island Drive
• 2 BR, 2 BA + • 2 Story, 2 BR, 2.5 BA Beautiful sunrises • Lots of Upgrades! • Master BR w/new Slider • End Unit with views of Door & Many other Upgrades Lake Claire • Cathedral Ceilings Debbie Burke @ Michele Cihak @ 219-221-0006 219-861-2073
2231 Island Drive • C Unit in The Shores • 2 BR, 2 BA on a Single Level! • Extra Den Tricia Meyer @ 219-871-2680
333 Lake Shore Dr. #B-3 • 2 Story Unit in Lake Terrace • 2 BR, 1.5 BA + Community Pool & Hot Tub • Lake Michigan Views Michele Cihak @ 219-861-2073
To access current prices, use your smartphone to access the QR Code, visit our website at or call 219-872-4000!
417 Washington Park Blvd. • 3 BR, 1 BA + Rec Room • Well-kept Tri-Level in Lake Hills • Hardwood Floors David Angus @ 219-898-7009
5251 Shorelane Drive • 4 BR, 2 BA + Large Eat-In Kitchen • Gardener’s Dream Canvas • Open concept dining, kitchen, den & living room area Tricia Meyer @ 219-871-2680
3602 Lake Shore Drive
1534 Lake Shore Drive
• 4 BR, 2.5 BA + 3 Car Garage • 3 BR, 2.5 BA + • ½ Mile Resident Only Beach Ample Parking • Deck spans front of home for • Three Levels of Living breathtaking views of Lake Right on the Beach Michigan • Wet Bar in Family Room Tricia Meyer @ Joe G @ 219-871-2680 219-871-3750
Debbie Burke, GRI, ABR, RECS 219-221-0006 Ed Merrion*, CRS, GRI Dave Angus Cathy Blum Michele Cihak*, ABR
219-898-6428 219-898-7009 574-292-3748 219-861-2073
Jim Laughlin JuliAnn Merrion Tricia Meyer Nancy Marlow
312-835-6604 219-221-2367 219-871-2680 219-363-1835
Joe Gazarkiewicz Teresa Roldan Cari Adams
219-861-3750 317-410-7935 219-898-5412 *Licensed in IN & MI
Page j
May 26, 2011
Diabetes can be unpredictable.
110 LOW 75
186 LOW 83
226 LOW 99
A clinical research study may help people with type 2 diabetes better manage blood glucose levels. Those who have type 2 diabetes, and are currently taking a daily dose of metformin (or metformin and pioglitazone), are invited to find out if they may qualify for a clinical research study to determine the safety and effectiveness of an investigational medication to manage diabetes. Among other criteria, those who have previously taken insulin as a treatment option are not eligible. To find out if you may qualify, call the area physician below: Contact: Linda Jackson, RN LaPorte County Institute for Clinical Research 8733 West 400 North Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone (219) 879-0333 ext. 238 No insurance required. Compensation for time and travel may be available.
May 26, 2011
Page k 2424 Franklin Street • Michigan City, Indiana • (219) 872-0626 For detailed information on these and other fine properties call us at 219.872.0626.
RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE Any house. Anytime. Anywhere.
107 S. Lake Avenue, Michigan City Nice 3 bedroom beach home on corner lot offering a large yard. New in 2010; roof, soffits, facia and siding. Freshly painted neutral decor. Ideal location 2 blocks to the sandy shores of Lake Michigan! There’s also an enclosed front porch, off street parking and a 1 car garage. $199,000
50 Marine Drive 2E, Marina Park South BOAT SLIP CONDO! Gated & Renovated riverside condo with large covered deck overlooking the water. The open design kitchen/dining/living rooms overlook a wall of glass facing the water. Complete update of the kitchen with all new appliances, cabinets and counter tops. Condo will be sold fully furnished. Well maintained grounds include walkways, pool, showers and parking. Priced to sell. $199,000
30 Marine Drive C4, Marina Park South Enjoy the view of Lake Michigan, Washington Park and the boats in Trail Creek from the balcony of your 2 level loft, 2 bedroom and 2 bath condominium. Great chef ’s kitchen offers an island for 12 guests. Top of the line stainless appliances, Corian counter tops, Mahogany floors, 50’ boat slip and so much more! $239,000
220 Arndt Street, Michigan City Enjoy 3 bedrooms, 2.5 baths and amenities galore within walking distance to Lake Michigan. This 2 story home offers a balcony that overlooks the living room with Pergo flooring. Ceramic flooring in kitchen & baths, fireplace, skylights, sliders to deck, large patio and beautiful landscaping are just a few special things this home has to offer. This one is a must see! $265,000
109 Bittersweet Trl, Shoreland Hills This cozy home is situated on two lots just 2 blocks from the shores of Lake Michigan. A terrific summer retreat or year-around living. 4 nice-sized bedrooms and beautiful new kitchen and family/rec room. Fenced backyard and a nice deck for summertime grilling and entertaining. Storage shed for garden/yard implements. Just think…a short walk to the beach! $295,900
12 Bristol, Kimball Woods You know you are home as soon as you walk in the door. The rooms are all custom hand painted. The floors are hardwood and porcelain tile. The fireplace is oak and granite. The master bedroom has his and hers closets, a full bathroom with whirlpool tub and waterfall faucet surrounded by tile. 4 bedrooms, 2-1/2 baths in all plus a finished basement for entertaining! $398,500
140 Glidden Hilltop Moon Valley Lodge with panoramic views offers over 1300 sq ft of finished space. Just 2 blocks to the beach the interior upgrading, neutral décor and wood floors will welcome you. The lower level offers a family room, bedroom & bath. Walkout basement with 2 storage rooms. Enjoy lake breezes, sunrises & sunsets. A bonus buildable lot being sold with property! $429,000
Mortgage 877-202-8618
Title Services 219-322-2257
3846 W. Malaga, La Porte Gorgeous 5 bdrm, 4 bath brick ranch with awesome ceilings and lighting. Home offers over 6200 sq ft of living space! Dramatic entryway leads into an open concept design. Amenities include a modern kitchen with steel appliances, marble counters and a dining nook plus a formal dining room, dual heating, underground sprinklers, 3-car garage and so much more. $374,900
Concierge 800-493-1181
Relocation 800-982-0909
7522 W 275 North, Michigan City You’ll have comfort & stability in this very special 3-bed, 2-bath home offering top of the line amenities for the discriminating buyer. Newly renovated 660 sq. ft. master suite with hand-scraped oak flooring, skylights, walk-in closet, fireplace & bath. Sunroom/atrium with roughsawn beams. Stainless appliances are all high-line Kitchen-Aide. Plus there’s 4 acres, a private porch, a frog pond, waterfall , gazebo and a 500 sq. ft. guest house/cabin with vaulted ceiling and so much more! $389,000
Commercial 800-838-7922
Previews 888-572-Home
Page l
May 26, 2011
E Kieffer Rd
Franklin St
Orthopedic services, including physician office Wellness and rehabilitation services, including physical
N Frontage Rd
therapy and therapy pool Diagnostic imaging services, including open MRI, X-ray and ultrasound with the capability for an extensive imaging center
Cleveland Ave
W 400 N
LLi LifeWorks B Business Park
in the future Laboratory services, including blood draw station Cardiovascular services, including physician office and
preventative testing area IU Health Occupational Services, including clinic for employers
Patriot Park
May 26, 2011
Page m
Page n
May 26, 2011
219-879-9950 Located at US 12 & Karwick Road Michigan City adjacent to Long Beach, Indiana
• Carpet and Hardwood Floors • Private Garages Available • Washer and Dryer in Select Apartments • Fitness Center • Heated Pool • Fully Equipped Clubhouse • Near Outlet Mall, Casinos and Lake Michigan
May 26, 2011
Page o
Page p
May 26, 2011
Beach Office f
2146 N. Karwick Rd. next to Hacienda Restaurant Bonnie “B” Meyer
219.874.2000 Register for Real Estate Market Updates at
[email protected] Visit
Best Summer Yet...............
3008 Northmoor Trail Long Beach
1617 Lake Shore Drive Long Beach
2204 Fairway Drive Long Beach
3711 Powhatan Trail Michiana Shores
The Third House from Lake Michigan Beach! Established 1946 redone in 1994. Home offers private lake view deck, three bedrooms, four baths, family room, two fireplaces and garage on almost ½ acre of wooded dune with flowersa-blooming. Take advantage of new pricing. Call today! $579,000
Rebuilt or Brand New? Sweeping Lake Michigan views bless 4 bedrooms, 4 baths where luxury compliments a South Beach design. One level includes great room, kitchen, master, laundry, screen porch and deck. Kids young or old rest and play on the two levels below. Come see for yourself! $875,000
On Long Beach Country Club located only a few short blocks from Lake Michigan this brick and cement plank 2 story home with four bedrooms/four baths features Pella windows/doors, whirlpool tub, vaulted and tray ceilings, fireplace and hardwood floors, private rear deck and covered porch! Come see the artistic color scheme. $485,000
HOUSE BEAUTIFUL four plus bedrooms, two baths, sunroom, hot tub, sauna, walls of windows, passive solar great room, fireplace and woodburning stove on one half acre corner lot bordered by Michiana Shore’s Nature Preserve. Deeded Lake Michigan Beach Rights at Stop 37. $499,000
61 Shore Drive Ogden Dunes
3531 Manitou Trail Michigan City
1537 Lake Shore Drive Michigan City
100 Upland Michigan City
Lake Michigan Beach Access 15 steps away. Home offers lake views, formal living and dining/sun parlor/side deck/master suite with whirlpool. 4 more bedrooms share 2 baths. Upgrades include granite counters, stainless appliances, new kitchen cabinets, six panel doors and 2 fireplaces. Easy commute to Chicago or South Bend via South Shore. $594,000
Brick Duneland Beach home on almost an acre of dune. Only 7 homes stand between this wooded but sunny setting from Stop 35 Association Beach. Includes Pella windows, complete sound system, heated floors, matching living room/foyer chandeliers, wrought iron/wood railings, granite, Thermador, Fisher Paycel, Subzero appliances, balcony, patio, hot tub and more! $1,600,000
Majestic Lake Michigan viewed indoors & out from decks & screened porches. Over 3500 sq feet with 6 bedrooms and 4 baths offer a unique design with many possibilities. The top two floors are divided from the bottom two floors with dead bolted stairway. Both levels offer their own lakeside and rear accesses. In additional there’s a ground level great room with second kitchen and two laundry rooms. Unique design can be rented or occupied by separate residents. The top two floors are divided from the bottom two floors with dead-bolted stairway. Each unit has individual lakeside and rear accesses. A piece of Nirvana for your enjoyment. $789,000
A STUDY IN SYMMETRY: beyond gated entrance up a winding drive bordered bordered by flora rests 6000+ sq ft contemporary style sited for views of Lake Michigan Matching fireplaces define the living area with marble heated floors. Kitchen & dining room open to patio and walk-about leading to multiple levels of concrete and steel patios. Outdoor dining overlooks the wading pool surrounded by copper sconces and sculptures. North wing houses a sumptuous master suite. Colorful study joins an office, library/music room, 3 bedroom guest wing, billiard room, and art studio. Walk through double copper entry doors to appreciate this master piece reduced by $900,000.
May 26, 2011
Page q
Beach Office f
2146 N. Karwick Rd. next to Hacienda Restaurant Bonnie “B” Meyer
219.874.2000 Register for Real Estate Market Updates at
[email protected] Visit
...............Can Be Yours!
2207 Lake Shore Drive Long Beach
615 Colfax Sheridan Beach
4049 Creek Drive Michiana, MI
1402 Lake Shore Drive Sheridan Beach
1924 Long Beach Vintage Lake House. This charmer overlooks Lake Michigan with views of blue skies and sunsets. Redwood walls, wood floors, wood burning fireplace, and many built ins add to the charm and coziness of this 3 bedroom 2 bath beach house. Wrap-around porch defines year-round enjoyment. Basement offers outside entrance for beach goers with room for storage and workshop. Rear access leads to additional parking, two car garage & renovated detached summer house; a Long Beach tradition at a reduced price. $775,000
Only A Low Dune Separates this 5 bedroom, 4+ bath from miles of sandy Lake Michigan shoreline with shallow blue waters and colorful sunsets. Secure doors separate the South 2 bedroom unit from the lakeside 3 bedroom for shared space, great rental income or guests. Unique gardens and outdoor living space define the separate units.Each unit boasts their own kitchen, living area and storage. There are two steam showers, two boilers, two fireplaces. Gated entries add to privacy as does the natural vacant lot to the East. Rental income should pay your mortgage. Call today. $1,100,000
APPRECIATE QUALITY, DESING and BEAUTY? This 3 bedroom, 2 bath 2003 Cape Cod with Lake Michigan association beach is a must see. Master carpentry includes crown mold, arched panel doors, custom wainscoting, gourmet kitchen cabinets and more. The open design is illuminated through designer Pella windows. Private upper level master suite combines laundry, sitting room, whirlpool, vaulted ceilings and over 600 sq ft of dressing room. Rear decks and screened porch move living outdoors. If you want perfection call for more details! Ask Price $480,000
Value Lake Michigan Property? Consider this 1920s Sheridan Beach landmark. It offers 5 bedrooms and 2 1/2 baths. The fresh clean home is drenched in sunlight and cooled by Lake breezes. The lakeside lawn is perfect for picnics, badminton or crocket. There are two three season rooms, for morning reading. You’ll be surprised at the value. Call for market stats today! $684,900
331 Childers Lane Michigan City
204 Childers Lane Michigan City
2322 Tinkers Way Long Beach
3900 Brookside Drive Michiana Shores
BRING ALL OFFERS for this 3 bedroom, 3 bath South Beach design in Beachwalk Resort on the southern shores of Lake Michigan. Covered porches, whimsical colors, and an open floor plan, filled with shabby-chic furniture. The price of the home promises a great investment for landlords with loads of summer fun for less than $342,000.
Pleasant Palm has been enjoyed by many since 2002. Owners and renters alike appreciate the 5+ bedrooms, 3 baths, open concept design and multiple out-door living spaces. Enjoy the many amenities of Beachwalk Resort and generous rental income. Grab you suit, towel and pail. Reduced $50,000. $445,000
Lake Front! Lake Claire! Long Beach! Great job opportunities force the original owners of this 3 bedroom, 3 bath 1 and 1/2 story stone and cedar home to sell. The residence offers formal and more relaxed lining areas with soaring ceilings, office, covered porch, lake room and 2+ car garage. Come see what awaits you in Long Beach for $529,000.
REDESIGN! MICHIANA SHORES! Colorful blooms surround this expanded 1920s log home with 4 bedrooms and 3 baths offers unique antiques worked into the perfect great room for quiet or entertaining. Sun room, hot tub room and screened porch embrace summer living. Most recently reduced to $575,000.
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May 26, 2011
33 4121 S. Franklin St. next to Rodini’s Restaurant
2146 N. Karwick Rd. next to Hacienda Restaurant
LOCK, STOCK AND BARREL(S) You just may have to wait a while. The owners are selling this summery delight with all the furnishings and décor. This home on Lake Claire near Long Beach CC is offered for October occupancy. You provide the check, they provide the keys. Available for showing currently, featuring a great room for living and dining, a spacious main floor master suite with lake views and expansive decks open to a spacious screened porch. There is a jack ‘n jill bath centering the upstairs bedrooms and a fourth bedroom 30’ deep. Cheerfully decorated to compliment the hardwood flooring throughout the main level. Call Rick Remijas or email
[email protected] for details. $499,000
Rick Remijas GRI, CRS Cell 773-908-1969
You may consider this highly visible office building in central Michigan City for investment with tenants on the main floor and three suites occupied on the second level. With private parking for 40+ cars, individual offices and 11,000 SF to work with, this building at 2424 Franklin Street may be the answer to an owner’s need for quality office or retail space in an easily-accessed location. (Listing agent is partner in ownership). Call Rick at (773)-908-1969 to arrange a tour and obtain updated information.
WE UNDERSTAND COMMITMENT. For decades, Edward Jones has been committed to providing financial solutions and personalized service to individual investors. You can rely on us for: Convenience
Locations in the community and face-to-face meetings at your convenience A
Quality-focused Investment Philosophy
A long-term approach that focuses on quality investments and diversification Highly
Personal Service
Investment guidance tailored to your individual needs
Call or visit today. 0HOLQGD61DJOH&)3 )LQDQFLDO$GYLVRU
Member SIPC
May 26, 2011
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2146 N. Karwick Rd. Rick Remijas, GRI, CRS
Bonnie “B” Meyer
Cell 773.908.1969
Cell 219.617.5947
1636 Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach E HOUS OPEN 1 am - 1 pm •1 May 28
Designed with the lake and relaxed entertainment in mind, this unique Long Beach property is one of the few homes in the Harbor Country area with more than one hundred and ten feet of private Lake Michigan beach frontage. This home features walls of windows, stand-alone gazebo, beautifully landscaped yard and grounds on a deep 280’ lot, and an expansive sandy beach to enjoy wonderful times and gorgeous sunsets. The amenities encourage ease of use and the setting provides a spectacular opportunity for family and social use with 5 generously-sized bedrooms and 4.5 bathrooms. Sun-drenched main and lower living areas allow for both formal and casual entertaining. If you desire a home offering private, peaceful enjoyment of Lake Michigan with easy access to shallow blue waters complimented by lake views from every room, if you value quality construction, tasteful decor and meticulous maintenance, and have been looking for the right opportunity, your search is over. $2,200,000
May 26, 2011 LE LISTING TIP S UL
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REALTY A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words
Gated Driveway
Security Entrance
Three luxury condominiums are being offered for sale with membership in the private Dunescape Beach Club.
Panoramic Views & Private Beach Sand Castle #105 3 bedroom/2 bath/Center $325K Rebecca Miller Broker/Owner
Health Club with Pool
Sand Castle #605 Upgraded 3 bedroom/2 bath $340K Judy Crawford Realtor
Sand Castle #206 Upgraded Center 3 bedroom $325K Judith Dillon-Farley Realtor
Specialists in Beach Area Condominiums! (219) 872-0588 • (800) 578-6777
May 26, 2011
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2001 Idlewood Dr. L.B. IN
216 Redwing Tr. M.C IN
101 Chickadee M.C IN
CLASSIC LONG BEACH ESTATE with all the modern amenities just one block from the beach. The large double lot has plenty of room for a pool and entertaining. With deeded access to Stop 21 Beach Club This IS the quintessential beach home. $549,000
THE GREAT ESCAPE! Enjoy the quiet peaceful setting of this beautiful log cabin in Michiana Shores with all of the modern amenities less than a mile from Stop 37 beach. 4 BR 3 BA and over 3600 sq ft. of living space. $449,000
PRIVATE RETREAT Enjoy this Michiana Shores Log Home with huge fieldstone fireplace on a double wooded lot about 1 mile to Stop 37 beach. This lot is large enough that one could build another home and develop a family compound. $249,000
712 North Dr. New Buffalo
50111 Deer Park Dr. N.B
227 N Townsend N.B.
OUTSTANDING LAKEFRONT VALUE! 95 ft. of Lake Michigan frontage with riparian rights. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths and SPECTACULAR VIEWS in this updated beach home just a short walk to downtown New Buffalo. $1,399,999
QUALITY 5 BR, 6.5 BA home on 1.62 Acres in Grand Beach. Entertain family and friends in your in-ground pool and patio area, take a short walk to the private association beach or watch the sunset from the third floor observation room. $1,749,000
GREAT SECOND FLOOR 2 bedroom, 2 bath condo in the heart of New Buffalo’s harbor area with fantastic views of the 500 acre wildlife preserve. Best of all, just a short walk to beaches, harbors and shops of New Buffalo. $379,000
Remember our fallen this Memorial Day! CALL MY PAL VAL “ I don’t have clients, I have friends” 219-873-6301 COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL BROKERAGE 2424 FRANKLIN ST. MICHIGAN CITY IN 46360
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May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
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8429 N 300 East, Rolling Prairie IN $475,000 / 5 BD / 3.5 BA / 30+ Acres Contact Jay or Linda
1362 Redbud Dr, LaPorte IN $279,900 / 4 BD / 4 BA / 3256 sq ft
410 Outlook Cove, LaPorte IN $324,000/ 2 BD/ 1.75 BA/ 1456 sq ft
14451 Woodcrest, Michiana MI
18003 Sima Dr. #B, New Buffalo MI
$339,000 / 2 BD / 2 BA / 1547 sq ft
$362,500 / 3 BD / 2.5 BA / 2180 sq ft
14 Pocantico Trl, Michiana MI $389,000 / 3 BD / 2 BA / 1274 sq ft Contact Linda Maroney (219) 898-9043
1503 Indiana Ave, LaPorte IN $429,000 / 4 BD / 4.5 BA / 5387 sq ft
61 Harbor Isle, New Buffalo MI $168,900 / 1 BD / 1 BA / 46ft boat slip
14426 Maple Dr, New Buffalo MI 14480 Woodcrest Ln, Grand Beach MI $89,000 / Few Blocks to Deeded Beach $349,000/ 3 BD/ 2 BA/ 3/4 of an Acre Contact Carol Wight (269) 277-1922 Contact Adrienne Kaplan (269) 369-9079 or Diane Frale (312) 480-9530
New Buffalo MICHIGAN (269) 469-2121 LaPorte INDIANA (219) 324-2121 2648 W Hogan Ave, LaPorte IN
807 Sportsman Ln, LaPorte IN
$97,500 / Lot on Legacy Hills Golf Course Contact Rosie Martin (219) 363-9435
$219,900 / 3 BD / 2.5 BA / 3356 sq ft Contact Laurel Noll (219) 575-0263
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May 26, 2011
May 26, 2011
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12 oz. center cut Ribeye
Lake Perch, Canadian Walleye, or Supper Club Frog Legs
6 oz. Filet Mignon or 12 oz. New York Strip
Lake Perch, Canadian Walleye or Lake Superior Whitefish (fried or sauteed)
BBQ Baby Back Ribs or House Smoked Beef Brisket
OPEN NIGHTLY Monday-Friday 4:30-10 p.m. (CDT) Saturday 4-10 p.m. | Sunday 1-7 p.m. 2003 E. 1000 North LaPorte, IN
Regular menu always available…come hungry!
EARLY BIRD SUNDAY Petite Cut Prime Rib 1-4 p.m.
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May 26, 2011
Ê- ,6
- Ê 6
A Daytime Funtime Storytime for children aged birth to 5 years with an adult will be held at 10:00 a.m., on Fridays, June 3, 10, 17, and 24 in Children’s Services at La Porte County Public Library, 904 Indiana Ave., LaPorte. This is an Every Child Ready to Read program. There is no charge or registration. For more information, phone 219/362-7128.
May 26, 2011
Page 99
CLASSIFIED CLASSIFIED RATES - (For First 2 Lines.) 1-3 ads - $7.00 ea. •• 4 or more ads - $5.50 ea. (Additional lines- $1.00 ea.) PH: 219/879-0088 - FAX 219/879-8070. Email:
PERSONAL SERVICES SAVE YOUR PRECIOUS MEMORIES DIGITALLY ON CDs or DVDs Home movies-slides-pictures transferred to CDs or DVDs Wedding & Event Documentation. Corporate and Industrial Video Productions Contact: Patrick Landers at Midwest Video Communications 219-879-8433 or
[email protected] ALTERATIONS PLUS. Clothing alterations. 516 Wabash St., Michigan City. 219-874-0086. BANKRUPTCY Get a Fresh Start, Stop Lawsuits and Garnishment, or Stop Foreclosure. Call 219-879-ATTY (2889) Bankruptcy Atty. Doug Bernacchi • 215 W 8th St., MC, IN. INSURED • EXPERIENCED • IN-HOME PET SITTING and EXERCISING. CALL (219) 229-9165.
HOME HEALTH – CAREGIVERS - NANNIES LIVE-IN CAREGIVERS AND MORE, INC. Local Employment Agency helps people maintain their independence in the security of their own homes since 1998 We provide: • 7 days/24 hours care and attention • day or night shift assistance • limited medical/nursing services • medication management • meal preparation • light housekeeping Call Halina (219) 872-6221 leave message An alternative to nursing home COMFORT KEEPERS Providing Comforting Solutions For In-Home Care Homemakers, attendants, companions From 2 to 24 hours a day (including live-ins) Personal emergency response systems All of our compassionate caregivers are screened, bonded, insured, and supervised. Call us at 877/711-9800 Or visit CAREGIVER. Private non-medical in-home care. Assist with daily living tasks, meal prep, Dr. visits, and errands. Above all, companionship for the heart and soul. Exc. ref. & state registered. Trish Harris. 219-809-1531. JUST LIKE HOME We provide assisted living in our homes. We are a private home w/4 residents to a home (one home specializes in Alzheimers). Live-in Care (private room) $1,800/mo. Adult Day Care (10 am-4 pm) at $40/day For more information, call Sue 219-874-4891. ELDERLY CARE IN YOUR HOME. Have ref. Can work flexible hours. Have car, can run errands, take to dr. appointments. Call 219-879-1429. School’s almost out for summer!!! MCAS employee offering summer childcare; CPR and First Aid cert. Caring and fun environment. 219-878-0125.
HEALTH & PHYSICAL FITNESS • • • MASSAGE THERAPY & WELLNESS CENTER • • • Therapeutic Massage • Acupuncture & Chinese Herbal Medicine • Reflexology • Heated Stone Therapy • Salt Scrub • Pregnancy Massage • • Healing Touch • Chair Massage & Wellness Programs for Business • Qigong • Personal Fitness • Gift Certificates 1026 N Karwick Rd. 219-879-5722 (Mon-Sat) For Evening/Weekend Appointments, Call our New Buffalo Location at the Harbor Grand Hotel 888-605-6800.
CLEANING - HOUSEKEEPING PERSONAL TOUCH CLEANING -- Homes - Condos - Offices. Day and afternoons available. - Call Darla at 219/879-2468.
SUZANNE’S CLEANING 219/326-5578. CLEANING SOLUTIONS. Home & office cleaning services, 14 yrs. exp. Insured, free estimates. Call 219-210-0580. FINISHING TOUCH: Residential & Specialty Cleaning Service Professional - Insured - Bonded - Uniformed #1 in Customer Satisfaction. Phone 219/872-8817. ESSENTIAL CLEANING. Specializing in New Construction/Remodeling Clean-up, Business and Home Maintenance Cleaning. Residential and Commercial. Insured and references available. Call Rebecca at 219-6177746 or e-mail
[email protected]. HOME MATTERS CLEANING SERVICE INC. Residential & Commercial accounts welcome. Ask about our Carpet Cleaning Special. Gift Certificates also Available.Ref. avail. Bonded & insured. Melissa 219-898-1060. FINAL TOUCH HOUSE CLEANING & WINDOW WASHING. Also offering 2 and 3 hr. cleaning. Reasonable prices with quality service. Ref. Avail. Mention this ad for a 5% discount. Call Debbie at 219-879-1429. • QUALITY CLEANING • Satisfaction guaranteed; affordable, reliable, and trustworthy. Attention to the details, cleaning your home or rental the way you would. Receive your free cleaning estimate today! Bridget 219-241-9341. HOUSEKEEPING, Clean, Laundry, Cook, Shop and/or Gardening. Have references. Call Mary at 219-325-9504. KATHI’S CLEANING SERVICE. Providing you with dependable and affordable services. •Vacation/Residential Home • Home maintenance • Deep Cleans/Construction Cleans • Windows/Deck & house powerwash • Garages/Basements • Light yard work/Gutters. Kathi 219-809-7931 or email:
[email protected].
HANDYMAN-HOME REPAIR-PLUMBING QUALITY CARPENTRY: Expert remodeling of kitchens, bathrooms. Also: doors, windows, skylights, ceramic tile, drywall, decks & repairs. Small jobs welcome. Call Ed at 219/878-1791. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• HIRE Sue’s HUSBAND Is your list of household repair & maintenance projects growing? Small jobs welcome. - Quality Work. -- Call Ed Berent @ 219/879-8200. •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• H & H HOME REPAIR •
[email protected] We specialize in: • Carpentry • Finished Basements • New Baths • Decks • • Electrical • Plumbing • Flooring • Ceramic Tile • Drywall/Painting • Power Washing. Jeffery Human, owner -- 219/861-1990. BILL SMART – Carpentry • Electrical • Plumbing • Painting Winter watch service. Serving Harbor Country since 2001 • 269-469-4407 HANDYMEN AT YOUR SERVICE. We can do most anything. Serving Northern Indiana since 1989. Call Finishing Touch, Inc. 219-872-8817. Hard working American looking for work! Yard clean-ups, power washing, home repairs and much more Please contact Brian 219-861-8000 for fast free quotes. Thank You. BUDGET CUTTING? Television reception costs about $1/month. Up to 44 channels. No monthly fee. $175/install. DR. TOM’S SERVICE CLINIC 219/716-2670 PREMIER POWER WASH Decks, Fences, Concrete, Houses. Gutter Cleaning. Resealing available. Insured. Call 219-363-0475. SPRING CLEAN-UP. Clear out your clutter – basements, garages. Reasonable rates. Long Beach resident. Call Ed 219-229-3747. DIRCKS FLOORING • Sales, Repairs, Installations Family owned & operated • 30 yrs. • Fully insured All Your Flooring Needs • 708-310-0998 MDH LANDSCAPING & REMODELING Complete property renovation and maintenance. Basement finishing, deck/patio construction and maintenance. Kitchen & bath renovation. Painting, power washing, staining. 10% disc. to senior citizens. Providing you with professionalism and quality. Free est., insured. Call Matt 219/898-3675. RW CARPENTRY have now expanded outside the Chicagoland area. We are now proud to offer our full line of services in Harbor Country. With 20 yrs. experience we offer quality work at a fair price for all your custom home improvement needs. Contact Ryan today 708-259-1978 to set up your free in home estimate or visit us at AFFORDABLE TUCKPOINTING & CHIMNEY REPAIR SERVICES. Free estimates. Call 219-561-3636.
Page 100 RENT-A-MAN MAINTENANCE INC. Power Washing – siding - gutters – yard work – moving/hauling – estate clean-up – floors (carpet or tile) int/ext. painting – drywall -- any odd job (no job too small) Serving your community for over 10 years. Free estimates – insured – bonded -- licensed Call us at 219-229-4474 BRUCE IRWIN FLOORING INSTALLATION Ceramic, Stone, Hardwood, Laminate, Sheet Vinyl, Carpet. Free Estimates, Fully Insured. 20+ yrs. experience. •
[email protected] 219-742-3543 MASONRY – BRICK/BLOCK/STONE – New or Repair Fireplaces, Tuckpointing, Chimneys 219-221-6618 or 708-774-0956
PAINTING-DRYWALL-WALLPAPER WISTHOFF PAINTING -- REFERENCES Small Jobs Welcome -- Call 219/874-5279 JEFFERY J. HUMAN INTERIOR/EXTERIOR PAINTING & STAINING Custom Decorating - Custom Woodwork - Hang/Finish Drywall Power Washing – Deck Services - Wallpaper Removal Insured. Ph. 219/861-1990.
[email protected] THE A & L PAINTING COMPANY -- INTERIOR & EXTERIOR 20-YEARS EXPERIENCE. Also Power Wash, Seal & Paint Decks. Seniors (65+) 10% off labor. References. Reasonable. Phone or fax 219/778-4145. Cell phone days 219/363-5450 ROBERT ALLEN & ASSOCIATES, INC. – Painting & Decorating Interior-Exterior. Custom Painting. Wall Coverings. Drywall Repair Insured. Competitive Rates. Reliable. Call 219-840-1581. DUNIVAN PAINTING & POWERWASHING Interior/Exterior • Deck, Washing, Staining. Local. Exp. Insured. Reasonable Rates. Call Brian at 219-741-0481. WAYNE’S PAINTING. From top to bottom, interior/exterior. Painting, staining, decks, pressure washing. Free est. Fully insured. 17 yrs. exp. SALE ON EXTERIOR. 219-363-7877 days. Ask for Wayne. MICHIANA PAINTING & PRESSURE CLEANING Int/Ext Painting – Decks – Siding – Sidewalks – Free Estimates 219/221-5752. I WILL BEAT ANY PROFESSIONAL ESTIMATE BY 10%. POWERWASHING – Decks, houses, patios, sidewalks, etc., 25 yrs. exp. Free est. Yard work, mowing & raking. 219-879-0512 or 219-210-6436. DUNELAND PAINTING. Residential Interior/Exterior work. 30 yrs. experience. Free estimates. Call 219-448-0709. WARREN & SONS PAINTING & PRESSURE WASHING. Int./Ext., houses, decks, patios, sidewalks, garages. 25 yrs. exp. Free. Est. 219-879-0512. RENT-A-MAN MAINTENANCE INC. Interior/Exterior Painting – Siding & Gutters Hang/Finish Drywall – Trim Work Flooring (ceramic, vinyl, carpet) Licensed – Bonded – Fully Insured Free Estimates (We accept Visa & MasterCard) Call us at (219) 229-4474 LOYALTY FOR HIRE. Hardworking, honest painter. Interior/Exterior work at competitive pricing. Insured. Free Estimates. Call Nick for a quick quote at Fineline Painting & Maintenance 219-707-0257. TOP LINE FINISHING High Quality Painting • Drywall • Carpentry 20+ years experience. (219) 229-0476 JOSEPH PAINTING – Interior/Exterior. Power Washing Drywall Repairs. Insured. Free est. 219-879-1121 or 219-448-0733. MC PAINTING. Brian Manske – 3rd generation company. 35 yrs. of personal experience. 219-872-1352. Web: See our ad this issue on page 34
LANDSCAPE-Lawns-Clean Up, Etc. H & D TREE SERVICE and LANDSCAPING, INC. -Full service tree and shrub care. Trimming, planting, removal. Firewood, snowplowing, excavating. -- Call 872-7290. FREE ESTIMATES PAT’S TREE SERVICE. Complete tree and landscaping service. Experts in storm damage. Licensed and insured. Free estimates. Call 219-362-5058.
May 26, 2011 HEALY’S LANDSCAPING & STONE 219/879-5150 218 State Road 212, Michigan City, IN (Look for Big GREEN Wall) ¼ mi. s. of Hwy. 12 **SPRING MADNESS SALE!!! ** Hardwood Shredded Bark Mulch $21/Yard, Topsoil $21/Yard, Log Chips $21/Yard (While supplies Last, No Rain Checks) YOUR #1 STOP FOR ALL YOUR LANDSCAPING NEEDS! Landscape Design, Landscape Installation, Landscape Maintenance, Hardscaping, Spring Clean-ups, Lawn & Garden Maintenance, Perennials, Grasses, Shrubs, Trees, Aquatic Plants, Lawn Installation: Sod or Seed, Irrigation, Land Clearing, Trees trimmed/removal, Dunegrass, Excavating, Ponds, Waterfalls, Firepits, Outdoor Kitchens, Retaining Walls, Patios, Walkways, Flagstone, Bluestone, Decorative gravel, Mushroom Compost, Decomposed Granite, Pavers, Boulders, Stone veneer. Aquatic Nursery and Fish now on site! “Aquatic Escapes” Licensed • Insured • Registered with BBB H & S Services Landscape & Garden Center 2621 E US Hwy 12 Michigan City, IN 46360 Phone 219.872.8946 • Fax 219-879.5142 ADDIE’S LAWN MAINTENANCE & Power Wash Yard Clean-Up • Mowing • Aeration • Thatching • Stain & Seal • Residential & Commercial Free Est. Call 219-879-2017 or 219-448-0900. JIM’S LAWN CARE Free EstImates. Call 219-879-3733 -- Leave message. • SANDCASTLE LANDSCAPING • Mick Wulff Certified Arborist Spring Clean-Up • Mulch Projects • • Hardwood mulch $25/yard Landscape Maintenance • Retaining Walls • 219-878-3032 •
[email protected] LAWN MOWING -- SPRING CLEAN-UP --- GUTTER CLEANING Yard work, Odd jobs and property management. Call for details. CALL ABE at 219-210-0064. RB’s SERVICES — leaf & tree removal, spring clean-up, haul away debris and other landscaping needs. In business over 24 yrs. Call Roger 219-561-4008. MDH LANDSCAPING & REMODELING. Mowing, mulch, rock, retaining walls, overseeding, aerating, power washing, window cleaning. 10% discount to senior citizens. 10% discount with signed mowing contract. Free est., insured. Providing you with professionalism and quality. Call Matt 219-898-3675. SPRING CLEAN-UP. Clear out your clutter – basements, garages and yards. Reasonable rates. Long Beach resident. Call Ed 219-229-3747. JASON’S LAWN MAINTENANCE & LANDSCAPING. Residential and Commercial. Over 15 yrs. experience. Call 219-898-5500. TWO HIGH SCHOOL BOYS WILLING TO DO GENERAL YARD WORK. Can bring own equipment if needed. 219-874-4018 leave msg.
EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES LOOKING FOR LADY to help clean houses. Call Rita at 219-878-9311. BEACH ACCESS, a leader in vacation rental management, is now hiring cleaning managers. Must have strong work ethic with dependability a must. References and background check with a high comfort level with working in a drug-free environment also required. Please call 219-878-1210 for an appointment.
WANT TO SELL FILES • 4 DRWRS • USED • ALL STEEL • MC STORE ONLY - FIRME’S (2 Stores) 11th & Franklin Streets, Michigan City - 219/874-3455 Hwy 12, Beverly Shores - Just West of Traffic Light - 219/874-4003 DINETTE SET: Made in 1927 in Jamestown. Dark hand carved wood. Table: 60” long, 38” wide, pulls out to seat 12. 4 chairs & a spare included. Buffet: 68” long, 43” tall, 21” deep. Hutch: 5’6” tall, 20” deep, 40” in back, 28” in front. $700 a piece. Call 773-314-7763.
May 26, 2011
Page 101
Antiques and Art, costume jewelry galore, SHOMER SHABBAT ANTIQUES,1004 E. Michigan Blvd, Michigan City. Was Chicago’s oldest (Harlon’s). 7th year in Michiana. 8 rooms loaded, dealer’s prices. Closed Saturdays for Sabbath. 219-879-1942 NOT YOUR GRANDMA’S GARAGE SALE. Lots of stuff including Flow Blue, silver Waterford crystal, artwork, rugs, etc. Sat., May 28, 7:30 am-11:30 am. By appointment after closing. Dealers welcome. 2025 Silvertip Lane, Long Beach. 219-873-4494. WALNUT VICTORIAN CHEST OF DRAWERS w/2 detachable glove boxes. Needs good home. $200 obo. Call 219-874-6301. MAY 27 & 28, 10 AM-5 PM. 15746 Lake Shore Rd., Union Pier, MI. Lots of furniture, antiques, home décor, electronics, books and more. UNBELIEVABLE GARAGE SALE! 3631 Brookside Dr., Michiana Shores, IN. Fri. & Sat. ONLY, May 27 & 28, 8 am-noon. Furniture, car, electronics, clothes, household items, bedding. Great gift ideas, decorative and designer items. HUGE Moving Sale –all goes-rain/shine-designer liv. room, patio table w/12 chairs, king bdrm. set, lights, sconces, rugs. 5/30, 8 am-3 pm. 2929 Oriole Trail (l. at Westwood, immed. l. at Oriole Trail). 269-612-0492. BARN SALE. Sat., May 28, 9-4 central time; Sun., May 29, 1-4 pm., Mon, May 30, 9 am-4 pm. 123 E. Mechanic St., New Buffalo. (corner Townsend & Mechanic). Cast iron glass top dining set, like new 4 pc. office furniture set, brass bed, iron beds, church pew, end tables, TVs & VCRs, TV cabinets, dresser, child’s vanity set, desk, bench, antique rocker and trunk, household items and clothing.
WANT TO BUY LONG BEACH HOME on or very near Lake Michigan. Call 815-207-1259.
REAL ESTATE COMMERCIAL – RENTALS/LEASE/SELL OFFICE SUITE. 3 private offices and reception area. Expenses, except phone, paid. Well maintained, high traffic area. 2811 E. Michigan Blvd., Michigan City. (219) 879-9188, 879-2700.
RENTALS INDIANA HOUSE FOR RENT IN LONG BEACH 3/BR. Across from lake. Great view & beach. Call 219/874-8692. LONG BEACH COZY 3/BR HOUSE AT STOP 15 (Across from Beach) Fireplace and Large Deck. No pets. Call 708/370-1745. DUNESCAPE BEACH CLUB LAKEFRONT CONDOS -- 2 and 3 bedrooms. May–October -- $1,100 to $2,000 per wk. DUNESCAPE REALTY - 219/872-0588. HOUSE FOR RENT-OGDEN DUNES. Quiet semi-private beach community. 3BR, 1.5BA, sleeps 6+2. Gas BBQ, big deck, screened porch, A/C, Satellite TV, stereo, all linens. Sat/Sun rentals $1200. Great family location. Cell 219-730-6486, H 219-763-3088. CHARMING LONG BEACH TWO STORY HOME Stop 20 - Newly redone - 4/BR, 2/Bath. Furnished - No Pets. Washer/dryer. 1/4 Block to beach. $850/mo + utilities. Avail Sept’10 - June ‘11 - Call 708/717-8883. SHERIDAN BEACH. Year round living for typical cost of summer only. 3BR, stove/refrigerator. $795+ util/mo. Broker/owner. 219-363-6818. CHARMING VINTAGE MICHIANA HOME – ¼ blk. from lake, Stop 37. Furn., 3BR, 2BA. Sleeps 8. C/A, frpl, screen porch, deck off master BR, all util except phone. $1,900/wk. For info email
[email protected] Phone Judy 847-814-8215. 4BR. 3BA LUXURY MICHIANA LOG HOME. Walk to beach, park and tennis. Contact Tom at
[email protected] SUMMER RENTAL – HOUSE ON STOP 16 ON THE BEACH! 3BR, 2.5BA, A/C, W/D, gas BBQ, big deck, great views! All linens, beach chairs & towels. $2,500/wk – add’l discount for June. Call 630-363-3176 “BEACH HOUSE” at Stop 33. 2 blocks from beach. Charming décor, beautiful surroundings, 4BR, 2BA, family room with fireplace. Patio, deck, sun porch. A/C, W/D. May thru September. No pets, no smoking. SEE IT AT VRBO.COM #262805. Call 708-784-9866. SHERIDAN BEACH – charming knotty pine cottage. 4BR, 2BA. C/A, cable. ½ blk. to beach. Close to park, zoo and shopping. Ping pong and foosball for those rainy days. $1,200/wk. Call Pam 708-383-2635.
MICHIANA SHORES: Designer’s unique cottage with large, open 2-story living space. 2BR, 2BA. Can sleep 6. Large screened porch. Lovely terrace & garden, gourmet kitchen. W/D, A/C, cable, TV/DVD, WIFI, stereo. All linens. 8 blks. to beautiful beaches. SAT to SAT rentals, $1,200 wk. + security & cleaning chrg. Photos avail. A must see. 773-929-2295. VINTAGE LOG CABIN. Short walk to Stop 39. 3BR + den, 3BA. 2 acres provide total privacy. See my listing at for photos and full details. $1795/week. Call: 773-244-1200. STUDIO APARTMENT. 1 block to Stop 24 beach. No pets. No smoking. Available July 1st. $575/mo. 1 yr. lease. Micky Gallas Properties (219) 874-7070 ROOM FOR RENT NEAR ISP. $300/MONTH. CALL 219-877-8773. NEWLY RENOVATED LOFT. 1BR, walk-in closet, HUGE l.r., new appl. inc. dishwasher, washer & dryer, huge deck. $650/mo. + util. Sec. dep. req’d. 219-325-3395 lv. message ON THE WATER MARINA PARK SOUTH Crate & Barrel condo. All new s/s, hrdwd. & granite. Lg. balcony. 1BR. Sleeps 4. No smoking, no pets. $100/night, $450/week. 219-988-4318 or 219-776-1699. CLOSE TO BEACH – ½ BLOCK - 1BR Apartments. No Smoking/No Pets. $525-$575/mo., utilities included. Call Elk Properties at 219-861-3705. Home for Rent in Michiana Shores-Stop 37. 3BR, 2BA, 2 car garage. 1 yr. lease. $1,200/mo. + utilities. Call Nancy @ Micky Gallas Properties (219) 874-7070 x 49. CHARMING SHERIDAN BEACH COTTAGE: 5BR, 4BA cottage. Private heated keyed covered pool, pool house, A/C, 2 sets W/D, gas grill. WI/FI, cable, phone, all linens. Weekly rentals only. Please call Tonya: 269-588-9600. Photos Available. CHARMING COTTAGE just blk. from great beach. Michiana Shores. 80 mins. from Chicago, recently modernized, wooded area, new appliances, A/C, broadband, HDTV, bbq, 2 decks, 2BR, 2BA. Rental/wk. June-Sept. No pets, no smoking. 312-919-6001. Photos: at
RENTALS MICHIGAN MICHIANA SUMMER RENTAL on the lake at Stop 41. Sleeps 8, fully equipped, great beach. From $2,000-$2,500 deposit on week. Email
[email protected] or call Anne at 847-530-5758. MICHIANA, 3767 Ponchartrain. 2BR, 1 blk. from lake. A/C. No pets. Avail. May-Oct. $700/wk. Call 269-405-3225. GRAND BEACH/NEW BUFFALO - Charming 3/BR ranch with A/C. Fully furnished. 2/Baths. Very clean. Washer/Dryer. Dishwasher. Cable. Golf Cart. Close to beach, golf & tennis. NO PETS! $1.200/wk. Call 773/792-0073.
REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LAKEFRONT CONDOS. Beautiful, brand new condos, 2 or 3BR, 2 full BA, fitness center, pool, boardwalk, boat docks and balconies overlooking Pine Lake. Starting at just $239,900. Call Laurel at Outlook Cove Condos, LaPorte, IN (219) 362-7722. GOLF VIEW TOWNHOMES AT LEGACY RIDGE. Custom golf course living at its finest. 44 units on Holes 15, 16 & 17 of Legacy Hills Golf Course in LaPorte, IN. 2/3BR, 2BA, 2-1/2-car attached garage, swimming pool, fitness center, clubhouse with community room. Single level living. Prices start at $279,900. For info, call 219-362-7722. MICHIANA SHORES, IN AREA. $72,000. Elmwood Drive wooded bldg. sites.2 lots 80 ft. x 130 ft. City sewer & water. Broker/owner 219-921-0822. ON THE WATER CONDO MARINA PARK SOUTH. Everything new. 1BR. Beach color siding, windows, granite, hardwood and stainless. 50 ft. pier. End unit. Fireplace. $169,900. 219-988-4318 or 219-776-1699. HOUSE FOR SALE BY OWNER. 4BR, 2BA, 2-car attached garage. 2609 Lake Shore Drive, Long Beach. Call 219-879-0615. GRAND BEACH Lakeview lot on Lake Park Drive. 100 x 200 ft. on a wooded building site. Call 219-397-8854. Are you ready for Maintenance Free? Do you like the snow, but don’t want to shovel anymore? CUSTOMIZED LUXURY TOWNHOMES AT BRIAR LEAF GOLF COURSE Ranch and Two Story floor plans, Quality Construction, Extraordinary Storage, Full Basement, Masonry Construction, Bright and Spacious, Masonry Fireplace, PVC Decks, Screened In Porch Optional. • 219.851.0008 On Site Sales Office open Friday through Monday 11-4 CST
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Matterhorn by Karl Marlantes Memorial Day is one of America’s most solemn holidays; a time to stop, reflect and honor those who served bravely and died while in the armed forces. I have chosen this week’s book recommendation in remembrance of that day. I believe this novel of Vietnam in 1969, and its effect on a group of Marines, will also have a profound effect on the reader. I guarantee that reading this book will give you much to think about. Matterhorn was published last year at this time to much acclaim and won its author the Flaherty-Dunnan First Novel Prize. Now it has been released in an oversized paperback format. The language is rough, the descriptions are not for the faint of heart, but if you are looking for a book that tells realistically the “non-war” we fought in Vietnam, then this is it... Many novels have been written about Americans at war, some of them stand out as great literary achievements. Remarque’s All Quiet on the Western Front comes immediately to mind, as does Red Badge of Courage by Stephen Crane. What these unforgettable novels have is the ability to see below the bombs and the bunkers to the soldiers who live the horror...the horror of hand-to-hand combat of the Civil War, the gas warfare of World War I, to the sheer immensity of fighting on two fronts during World War II, and the bewilderment of why we were in Korea and Vietnam. At 598 pages, this is not a quick read, nor is it meant to be. By the time you reach the final page, you will have felt the heat and humidity of the jungle, been battered by constant rain, mud slides, been fogged in on a mountain ledge, coated with Agent Orange and understand the danger from insects and animals that also wage an everlasting war on the body and mind as much or more than the North Vietnamese... Basically, the story follows Second Lt. Mellas and his platoon. The front of the book has maps of locations (the author tells you which are fictional and which are not), the principal characters listed by the chain of command, and the back of the book holds a glossary with slang and military jargon you might not be familiar with and makes the story easier to read. Mellas is fresh out of college and reserve Marine training. This is not the job he wanted in this war, but it’s what he got--assigned to lead a rifle platoon
May 26, 2011
at a remote jungle base of operations named Matterhorn. The unit busts their butts clearing the land, making a landing zone for helicopters, keeping the area safe, then rather obscurely they are sent on a cross country march to another area. Already dog tired and having used up their rations, the supply ‘copter, sent before the forced march, didn’t bring the expected resupply of rations, only a box of batteries for the radio. It seems the commander back at headquarters thought the men wasted their rations and wanted to teach them a lesson. Mellas travels a fine line, trying to gain the men’s respect while keeping a lid on political and racial differences that erupt under the tension of their almost impossible situation. Author Marlantes does an outstanding job of mixing in the plight of young men not old enough to vote or drink but old enough to kill, with Mellas’ fear of not fitting in or having the respect of the unit. And respect is a necessity when life and death decisions have to be made. The harsh reality of jungle warfare, and the brainstorming back at headquarters that resulted in what amounted to strange and sometimes unreasonable commands to those at the front, is told calmly and precisely, not for shock value but to make the reader understand the sublime and ridiculous aspects of an unwinnable war. It took author Marlantes thirty years to write this story which was originally 1,600 pages long. Matterhorn is a thoughtfully written, definitive addition to the mystique that will always be associated with the Vietnam conflict. I’ve run out of adjectives! This is simply an unforgettable story. If you think author Marlantes doesn’t know what he is talking about, consider this: as a Marine in Vietnam, he was awarded the Navy Cross, the Bronze Star, two Navy Commendation Medals for valor, two Purple Hearts, and ten air medals. Sebastian Junger of the New York Times Book Review said, “A raw, brilliant account of war that may well serve as a final exorcism for one of the most painful passages in American history...One of the most profound and devastating novels ever to come out of Vietnam-or any war.” Till next time, happy reading and remember our veterans.
May 26, 2011
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219-872-4000 866-496-1752 Debbie Burke
FAX (219) 872-4182 Specializing in Distinctive Properties Indiana and Michigan
1010 N. Karwick Road. • Michigan City, IN 46360
Principal Broker/ Owner
How important it is for us to recognize and celebrate our heroes and she-roes!
~Maya Angelou
Remember those heroes who died for the freedoms we enjoy today.
Debbie Burke, GRI, ABR, RECS 219-221-0006 Ed Merrion*, CRS, GRI Dave Angus Cathy Blum Michele Cihak*, ABR
219-898-6428 219-898-7009 574-292-3748 219-861-2073
Jim Laughlin JuliAnn Merrion Tricia Meyer Nancy Marlow
312-835-6604 219-221-2367 219-871-2680 219-363-1835
Joe Gazarkiewicz Teresa Roldan Cari Adams
219-861-3750 317-410-7935 219-898-5412 *Licensed in IN & MI
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May 26, 2011
CENTURY 21 Long Beach Realty 1401 Lake Shore Drive ~ 3100 Lake Shore Drive 219.874.5209 ~ 219.872.1432 Family Owned and Operated Since 1920
8 Royal Troon
108 Georgia
180 B Lake Shore Drive
St. Andrews village townhome calls you to easy living. Leave the up-keep to someone else while you dine on the deck, warm yourself by the fireplace, or entertain in the formal dining room. $199,900
Beach living with elegance. 2 story foyer welcomes you with natural light. Stone fireplace in the living room, large deck off the living room. Gourmet kitchen and luxurious master suite. $399,000
Enjoy the private association beach, exercise room and indoor pool. Relax on the screened porch. Easy access to arts district, zoo, park and dining. $269,000
1612 Indianapolis Wooded retreat only 3 blocks to Lake Michigan. Landscaped with a gazebo for beautiful outdoor living. Main floor has gleaming hardwood floors and walls of windows. $333,000
23 Jamestown
Beautiful contemporary sited on 2/3 of acre and boarding natural wetlands. Electronic fencing keeps your pets close and the views unobstructed. Expansive master suite with 2 walk-in closets, separate jetted tub and shower. $379,000
Doug Waters*, Principal Broker, GRI 877-7290 Sandy Rubenstein*, Managing Broker, 879-7525 June Livinghouse*, Broker Associate, ABR, GRI 878-3888 Sylvia Hook*, Broker Associate, CRS, GRI 871-2934
Beverly Bullis*, GRI 872-3216 Tom Cappy* 874-6396 Richard Klare 872-0947 Rosemary Braun 879-9029 Doug Waters* GRI Principal Broker
Each Office Is Independently Owned and Operated
410 Lake Shore Drive
Multiple lounging decks and a double sided fireplace make this a perfect year round get-away. Lower level family room for fun and games. Maintenance free landscaping in courtyard. $319,900 Chris Schable 219-851-3252 Zakaria Elhidaoui 219-448-1052 Lee DeLorme 269-428-1103 *Licensed in Michigan and Indiana
Sandy Rubenstein* Managing Broker