This Free 2-Day WRAP Intensive Seminar-I Training is designed to directly empower people on their recovery journey (and
Focus On Recovery-United, Inc. (FOR-U) Presents
WRAP Seminar I Training *Mental Health Recovery & WRAP Seminar-I: 2 Day Saturday, October 17 & Saturday, October 24, 2015 9:00 am-4:30 pm Middletown Office *Please provide your own lunch
This Free 2-Day WRAP Intensive Seminar-I Training is designed to directly empower people on their recovery journey (and their supporters) through recovery education and developing a personal Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP). This Seminar-I also lays a broad foundation for building peer support groups and is also a *PreRequisite for Seminar-II: Facilitator Training. For seminar training details & registration information, please contact: FOR-U, 100 Riverview Center, Suite 272, Middletown, CT 06457 Tel: (860) 704-0556, Fax: (860) 704-0767 Toll Free In CT: 1 (866) 255-5029 Email:
[email protected], Website: WRAP® stands for Wellness Recovery Action Plan™ and is an Evidenced Based Practice (EBP) developed by Mary Ellen Copeland, PhD