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Semantic Web for Business Rules Generation. Mouhamed Diouf ... behavior of their applications in a “zero development” environment. There exist more and ...
Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web for Business Rules Generation Mouhamed Diouf, Sofian Maabout, and Kaninda Musumbu Universit´e de Bordeaux I, LaBRI (UMR 5800 du CNRS), Domaine Universitaire 351, cours de la Libration 33405 Talence Cedex, France {diouf,maabout,musumbu}

Abstract. Business rules are statements that express (certain parts of) a business policy, defining terms and defining or constraining the operation of an entreprise, in a declarative manner. The business rule approach is more and more used due to the fact that in such systems, business experts can maintain the complex behavior of their application in a “zero development” environment. There exist more and more business rule management systems (BRMS) and rule engines, adding new needs in the business rules community. Currently the main requirement in this domain is having a standard language for representing business rules, facilitating their integration and share. Works for solving this lack are in progress at e.g OMG and W3C. The aim of this paper is to propose a way to automatically generate a part of the business rules by combining concepts coming from Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web using the Ontology Definition Metamodel. Keywords: Artificial Intelligence, Business rules, knowledge based systems, Model Driven Architecture, knowledge representation, reasoning, ontology, Semantic Web.



Business rules are statements that express (certain parts of) a business policy, defining terms and defining or constraining the operations of an entreprise, in a declarative manner [1,2,3,4]. The business rule approach is more and more used due to the fact that in such systems, business experts can maintain the complex behavior of their applications in a “zero development” environment. There exist more and more business rule management systems (BRMS) and rule engines, adding new needs in the business rules community. Currently the main need in this domain is having a standard language for representing business rules, facilitating their integration and share. Works for solving this lack is in progress at OMG and W3C [5,6,7,8,9] as well as other initiatives [10,11]. In another side, an enough heavy step during business rules bases systems implementation is the step of elicitation of rules from the business. Entreprises, generally, have (legacy) models in a UML or Entity Relationship like model. A M. Marchiori, J.Z. Pan, and C. de Sainte Marie (Eds.): RR 2007, LNCS 4524, pp. 118–132, 2007. c Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007 

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


question which results from this is, when using models, is it possible to automatically generate a part of business rules? For doing so by machines, they need to understand formally (semantics) terms and concepts they are manipulating. We are working on a system of E-Government web application’s generator from specifications. The system offers to business experts a way for specifying a part of the web application’s behavior using business rules in a natural language editor. When we joined this project the first need was to solve the problem of none flexibility of the business rule’s approach due to the lack of a standard recognized formalism. So, our firsts contribution was to create a rule’s formalism independently of any rules engine (JRules [12], Drools [13], Jess [14], etc.). The principle was to save rules in our formalism (named ERML) and to generate the rulesets in the target rule engine at generation’s step. Doing this offers to our application the possibility of changing rule engine target in a flexible way. In Model Driven Architecture (MDA) [15] every concept is expressed by a model, but it does not say anything about semantics [16]. In another side, researches in Semantic Web, especially the use of ontologies, give many possibilities for adding semantics to semi-structured data, making automatic reasoning possible. In this paper, we focus in “how can business rules be automatically generated from conceptual models semantically enriched? And what is the interest in doing so?” This paper will first discuss Model Driven Architecture and semantics. We will present potential solutions for enriching MDA models with semantics. We will also discuss the possibilities and the benefits provided by mixing models and web reasoning. At last we will present an implementation of our previous works on business rules formalism and also our approach presented in this paper.


Model Driven Architecture

The Model-Driven Architecture starts with the well-known and long established idea of separating the specification of the operation of systems from the details of the way that these ones use the capabilities of their platform [15]. Figure 3 gives a general view of the MDA approach. We can see that a construction of a new Information System begins with the development of one or more requirement models called Computation Independent Model (CIM). Then we may develop models independent from any platform called Platform Independent Model (PIM). In theory, the latter models must be partially generated from the former. Platform independent models must be permanent, i.e. they do not contain any information about execution platform (is it a J2EE or .NET etc. application). For constructing the concrete application, we must have Platform Specific Models (PSM). These models are obtained by transforming PIM and adding technical informations relative to platforms. PSM are not permanent models. All these models are for facilitating code generation. The MDA approach is widely used and advanced generators do exist.


M. Diouf, S. Maabout, and K. Musumbu

Fig. 1. Global view of the Model Driven Architecture approach


MDA Models and Semantics

MDA principals are very interesting and allow economizing time during application life cycle by code and model generation. However, MDA specification does not tell anything about semantics on models. MDA is only interested by content and not context. So adding semantics will offer a more interesting way for automatic generation. Why should MDA take care about semantics: Making transformations between CIM and PIM, between PIM and PSM, and between PSM and code are done by specifying transformation rules. Nowadays these rules are handwritten and machines cannot generate them because there is no notion of semantics between the entities that are concerned by transformations. Business rules are about meanings and act on models. Generating all business rules is impossible but it would be possible to generate a large part of them. For example for the model in Figure 2, we should want to generate business rules like: 1. Every Human must have a father and a mother. 2. IF a Human is the mother of a Human then this Human is a Woman. 3. IF a Human is the father of a Human then this Human is a Man. For doing this automatically, it is clear that adding semantics in models is needed.

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


Fig. 2. A little human model

Potential solutions for adding semantics to models: In MDA, an instance of MOF (Meta Object Facilities) [17] is used for representing models but our works are only concerned by UML models. For adding semantics to UML models we can use: 1. UML profile: UML can be used for modeling many domains. The problem with this is that UML models are so generic that it is impossible to know either it is an object application, a metamodel, a model, a database structure or anything else just by looking at it [16]. For adding precision, the OMG has standardized the concept of UML profile [18]. A UML profile is a set of technics and mechanisms allowing to adapt UML to a particular and specific domain. UML profile can be used in any UML models and does not modify the structure of the metamodel. UML profiles are stereotypes or labels which can be pasted on models. After having pasted labels on models, we can make inference using then. As we can see, doing this can solve our problem of semantics lack on models in a low level, but this is not exploitable by machines because there is no notion of logic and taxonomy and semantics is not formally defined. 2. Object Constraint Language: In UML it was not possible to define the body of an operation (or a method) so the OCL [19] was standardized by OMG for this purpose. OCL allows expressing many kinds of constraints on UML models. For example, we can express constraints like: “before renting a car to a person one must be sure that this person is ok”. OCL seems to be a good solution for our problem but it is not the case. Indeed, the first problem with OCL is that it does not offer automatic inference for machines and the second is that it does not support side effect operations. However OCL 2.0 does permit reference to operations that change the state of the system in a constraint expression, but the semantics of such a reference is that the operation will have been invoked when the truth of the constraint is tested. This semantics, which is permitted only in post-conditions, does not satisfy the requirements of the action clause of production rules, which cannot be used as postconditions of operations. 3. Action Semantics: Remember that the main constraint with OCL was that it only supports no side effects operations. To solve this constraint, the OMG standardized Action Semantics [20]. Now we have a formalism which is able to express any kind of operations and constraints but it is not enough. Indeed, this


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formalism is too complicated to be used [16], was not created while thinking to machine comprehension and self-use, and do not have a textual formalism. As we can see, none of the UML “technics” proposed so far is suitable for our purpose, which we recall, consists in exploiting semantics by machines. In another side a new domain of computer science is growing more and more: Semantic Web. The aim of the Semantic Web is to make the web comprehensible by both humans and machines [21]. A part of Semantic Web is about ontology and reasoning. Modeling concepts defined by ontologies can be used to model the concepts in a domain, the relationships between them, and the properties that can be used to describe instances of those concepts [22]. In addition, the Web Ontology Language (OWL)[24] supports the inclusion of certain types of constraint in ontologies, allowing new information to be deduced when combining instance data with these description logics [22]. At this point our dilemma was how can we use MDA models and Semantic Web? Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) was the response to our need. 2.2

The Ontology Definition Metamodel

The MDA and its four-layer architecture provides a solid basis for defining the metamodels of any modeling language, and thus a language for modeling ontologies based on the MOF [23]. ODM is a proposal for an OMG’s RFP (Request For Proposal) [24] resulting from an extensive previous research in the fields of the MDA and ontologies [25,26,27,28,29,30,31]. The main goal of ODM is to bridge the gap between traditional software tools for modeling (like UML) and artificial intelligence technics (Description Logics) for making ontologies. The principle of ODM is to merge two big domains of research which are Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web. ODM is still in standardization process at the OMG [32] when this paper was being written. Basically the ODM allows

Fig. 3. ODM principle

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


making ontologies using UML (by using an UML profile with existing tools like Rational Rose or Poseidon) and transforming it to OWL/RDF, Topic Map or Common Logic (Figure 3). In next sections, we will see how ontology reasoning can be used to solve the lack of semantics in models.


Ontology Reasoning

Ontology is an area of great importance for the semantic web. An ontology establishes the things that a system can talk about and makes reasoning on [21]. Describing concepts and relationships between them formally, offers to machines the ability of making some varieties of logic, formally or not. Ontology supplies the concepts and terms; logic provides ways to make statements that define and use them, and to reason about collections of statements that use the concepts and terms. In the semantic web, logic plays many different roles: 1. Firing rules: having a set of facts, take a decision. 2. Making inference on facts: for example if we know that Adam’s wife is Eve, we can infer that Eve is a woman. 3. Explaining why a particular decision has been reached. 4. Detecting contradictory statements and claims. OWL exploits results of more than 15 years of Description Logics (DL) research [33,8]. Indeed, for OWL a semantics was defined such that very large fragments of the language can be directly expressed using so called Description Logics [34]. Description Logics is a family of logic based Knowledge Representation formalisms descendants of semantic networks and [35]. It describes domains in terms of concepts (classes), roles (properties, relationships) and individuals. In description logics terminology, a tuple of a T-box and an A-box is referred to as a knowledge base. An individual is a specific named object. With some restrictions, one can state that the logical basis of OWL can be characterized with the description logics SHIQ(Dn )− [36]. This means, with some restrictions, OWL documents can be automatically translated to SHIQ(Dn )− T-boxes. The RDFPart of OWL documents can be translated to SHIQ(Dn )− A-boxes [37]. The logic SHIQ(Dn )− is interesting for practical applications because highly optimized inference systems are available (e.g., Racer). In such systems, the following reasoning can be made with T-box : 1. Concept consistency: Is the set of objects described by a concept empty? 2. Concept subsumption: Is there a subset relationship between the set of objects described by two concepts? 3. Find all incoherences between the concepts mentioned in a T-box. Inconsistent concepts might be the result of modeling errors. 4. Determine the parents and children of a concept: The parents of a concept are the most specific concept names mentioned in a T-box which subsume the concept. The children of a concept are the most general concept names mentioned in a T-box that the concept subsumes.


M. Diouf, S. Maabout, and K. Musumbu

With A-box we can answer the following questions : 1. Check the consistency of an A-box: Are the restrictions given in an A-box w.r.t. a T-box too strong, i.e. do they contradict each other? Other queries are only possible w.r.t. consistent A-boxes. 2. Instance testing: Is an individual instance of a concept? The individual is then called an instance of the query concept. 3. Instance retrieval: Find all individuals from an A-box such that the objects they stand for can be proven to be members of a set of objects described by a certain query concept. 4. Computation of the direct types of an individual: Find the most specific concept names from a T-box of which a given individual is an instance. 5. Computation of the roles which make reference to an individual. Given the background of Description Logic, these inference services can be used to solve actual problems with OWL knowledge bases.


Adding Semantics to Models for Automatic Business Rules Generation

MDA technologies and Semantic web are complementary; the former is concerned about automating the physical management and interchange of metadata, while the latter is focused on the semantics embodied in the content of the metadata as well as on automated reasoning over that content [38]. The Semantic Web is the new-generation Web that tries to represent information such that it can be used by machines not just for display purposes, but also for automation, integration, and reuse across applications [39]. Model Driven Development (MDD) is being developed in parallel with the Semantic Web [40]. Emerging applications in finance, healthcare, security, communications, business intelligence, and many other vertical markets are content and context sensitive (semantics), and require entreprise scalability and performance [38]. Merging Semantic Web and MDA technologies can fill this lack. Merging these two domains will be beneficial to both: 1. MDA is only interested by content and not by context (semantics), semantic web will resolve this important problem. 2. For semantic web: an interesting thing is that so mature UML tools could be used for making ontologies rather than using so theoretical languages from Artificial Intelligence domain. In companies software engineers usually are doing models with UML, so it will be a good thing for allowing them using their preferred UML tools for making Ontology. Doing so will facilitate the use of ontologies. Merging MDA and Semantic Web technologies allows more automatic processing like generation of constraints and business rules from models. To illustrate this let us consider the model in Figure 2 to which we add the OWL ontology in Figure 4. We must note that we take this example very simple for easy explanation and rapid comprehension but more complicated rules are generated. In this example

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


Fig. 4. A little ontology for a little model

of ontology, we declare that a human must have a mother that must be a human too. Therefore, with qualified “reasoners” and mechanism we can generate that: IF a Human is the mother of a Human then that Human is a Woman. Therefore, we can infer that “IF Christ mother’s name is Marie THEN Marie is a Woman”. 4.1

Our Approach for Business Rules Automatic Generation

Our principle is to use the advanced researches in Semantic Web, to combine it with Model Driven Architecture in order to make automatic business rules generation. For generating business rules automatically, we will use principally the semantics in OWL format. In OWL reasoning, we can make automatic reasoning both with structures (TBox) and assertions on individuals and properties (ABox) [41]. In our case for example, if we have: P redicate : Domain1−→Domain2 This declaration means that we have a property Predicate going from the domain Domain1 to the range Domain2. So we want to generate that: IF Object1 P redicate Object2 T HEN Object1 is of type Domain1 AN D Object2 is of type Domain2 Reasonings are done using both domain and range restrictions, individuals and also properties’s characteristics (functional, transitivity, symmetric, inverse, etc.)


M. Diouf, S. Maabout, and K. Musumbu

Fig. 5. Our approach

The Figure 5 describes our approach: using ODM, our model is generated in OWL/RDF model and this last one is enriched with semantics. With this semantically rich model two solutions are possible for generating rules: serialize the rich model in XMI [42] and use e.g JMI [2] for parsing it manually. Another solution is making inference directly with the OWL model using an OWL reasoner. We have adopted the last solution because there exist good OWL Reasoners and this solution uses less intermediary steps. Recall that on gaol is not to generate all kinds of business rules. Indeed, this is infeasible. However, the part of them that able to generate will save time for business experts. Figure 6 summarizes our approach throughout MDA layers. As we can see the first step will be a generation according to the Computation Independent Model (CIM) in an OMG SBVR [5] like syntax (in strict natural language), the next step will be to generate executive rules according to the Platform Independent Model using our rule language [43] and models based on XMI like standard.At the PIM level either our business rules language ERML, the RIF W3C standard, the PRR OMG proposal or RuleML [6,7,11] may be used. At this step we use our “translators” for generating rules at the PSM level for a specific rule engine. If in the future, a standard business rules language is adopted, we’ll either make a “translator” from our language towards the new standard or either store directly rules in the new formalism.

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


Fig. 6. Our approach throughout the MDA layers



Our approach is being implemented in a system of E-Government web application’s generator from specifications. Figure 7 describes its architecture. A studio is used for allowing business experts to specify the future web application. During specification, business experts can use an integrated rule editor in natural

Fig. 7. Architecture of our E-Government web application


M. Diouf, S. Maabout, and K. Musumbu

Fig. 8. Prototyping our approach

Merging Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web


language for writing business rules. First, we have worked on creating a rule language independently of any rule engine after having studied the previous attempts of rule’s standardization. From the beginning we have chosen to implement our own rule language together with translators from this language to some other ones. Few attempts for standardizing rule languages were proposed in the past without success. CommonRules [10] and RuleML [11] were the most promising. It’s important to note that our goal was not to add a new rule language to the standardization process but, as we work in an industrial project, it was simpler to develop our own rule language than using one which may be accepted or not in this standardization process which is only in its beginning phase [43]. ERML is also used in another project for automating ergonomic rules guideline inspection for web sites [44]. The process of standardizing business rules formalism is in serious progress with OMG and W3C workgroups [5,6,7,8,9]. After this step of getting business rule formalism the next step was to implement our approach on business rules automatic generation. Figure 8 shows a first prototype of our approach in an eclipse environment. Our model is an ECore model [45], our semantics is in OWL [46]. For us, the Ontology Definition Metamodel (ODM) arrives just in time, while we were thinking about how to use directly our semantics in OWL with MOF models (here ECore). We use an eclipse implementation of ODM (EODM) [47]. The process is the following: use EODM for transforming our ECore model to OWL model. This OWL model is a simple ontology (taxonomy) model. After this, using the UML profile of ODM, we enrich the OWL model with Abox and Tbox assertions, this is done using any UML tool (in our case MagicDraw) supporting profiles. The next step was to use an OWL reasoner like Racer or EODM reasoner for making inferences according to the domains, ranges and properties for generating business rules. At this state of the implementation, business rules are generated in a Semantics of Business Vocabulary and Business Rules (SBVR) [5] like format.



A business rules application is intentionally built to accommodate continuous changes in business rules. The ability to change them effectively, is fundamental for improving business adaptability. The platform on which the application runs should support such continuous changes. Offering to knowledgeable business people (experts) the possibilities to formulate, validate, and manage rules in a “zero-development” environment brings more value-added to this notion of “computer sciences in humanity’s service”. Allowing an automatic generation part of this business rules will be of valuable help. In this paper, we have seen that, by combining the two domains, Model Driven Architecture and Semantic Web, a solution is possible. Right now we can only make generation according to the Computation Independent Model (CIM) in a OMG SBVR like syntax (in natural language). Due to the fact that the standardization of SBVR is recent, no implementation


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does exist. The best to our knowledge, the only free implementation we know is SBeaVER [48] which is not at an advanced level and, at this moment, can only express Business vocabulary and not Business Rules. The next step will be to generate executive rules according to the Platform Independent Model using our rule language [43] and models based on XMI like format. The last step will be to have an editor allowing to edit both models and semantics. Making simple generic business rules generation possible from models facilitates the use of the business rules approach which allows easier systems maintenance. It’s clear that generating all kinds of business rules is an utopia and we must delimit the degree of generation we want to obtain. Adding semantics to conceptual models open exciting and interesting domains of applications like information merge. Acknowledgment. We would like to thank the Genigraph company (Genitech Group) and especially the e-Citiz R&D team to support our research effort both financially and also by providing an industrial playground for our work.

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