Message from the SEASS Workshop Chairs - IEEE Xplore

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accepting and hosting SEASS 2008 at SERVICES (Part II), which is ... good opportunity for us to share and explore new ideas and experiences of software adaptability in Web services domain ... Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Australia.
Message from SEASS 2008 Chairs Welcome to Beijing China, an ancient and innovative city who just successfully hosted Olympics 2008! As organizers, we highly appreciate your interest and support on the Workshop of Software Engineering for Adaptive Software Systems (SEASS 2008). In particular, we would like to thank SERVICES 2008 Chairs for accepting and hosting SEASS 2008 at SERVICES (Part II), which is co-located with ICWS 2008. This provides a good opportunity for us to share and explore new ideas and experiences of software adaptability in Web services domain. Web services core technologies (SOAP, WSDL, etc) are mature and Services Oriented Architecture (SOA) has been widely adopted by industries and applied in enterprise systems design. On the other hand, not many services have been widely deployed and available on web; no Google-like popular and workable search engines exist to allow consumers to quickly discover the services that they need; services are not as easily composed to deliver new services as people expected, etc. While researchers from different communities view and resolve the above problems in different aspects, the theme of SEASS 2008 is to empower Web services with adaptability from software engineering viewpoint. This year, we received 16 paper submissions with good quality and balanced coverage of various adaptabilities in services computing. After a peer review process, 6 papers were accepted to be publish in the proceedings of 2008 IEEE Congress on Services (SERVICES 2008) (37.5% acceptance rate). The accepted papers are grouped as 2 sessions (adaptive service management and adaptive services composition) to be presented at the workshop. We are looking forward to your presentations and interactive discussions. We also wish you a wonderful time in Beijing!

Shiping Chen CSIRO ICT Centre, Australia Ian Gorton Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Australia Yan Liu NICTA, Australia Liming Zhu National ICT, Australia
