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Falla Tim Davies Paul A ‒ Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate 2nd edition OUP. ISBN: 978 0 19 455293 6. O‹rázky a schémata ‹yly vytvořeny pomocí nástro“ů ...
Gymnázium Sušice – Brána vzdělávání II Gymnázium Sušice – Gate of learning

MESSAGES Vytvořeno v rámci projektu Gymnázium Sušice – Brána vzdělávání II

Autor: Mgr. Kristina Volná Škola: Gymnázium Sušice Předmět: Anglický jazyk Datum vytvoření: prosinec 2013 Třída: čtvrtý ročník čtyřletého studia Označení: VY_22_INOVACE_AJ-1_25

Anotace a metodické poznámky: Materiál obsahuje nácvik krátkých textů 60 – 70 slov. Studenti si mohou přečíst ukázky a pak sami nacvičí podobný vzkaz. Zároveň si zopakují tvoření frázových sloves a některých sousloví. V jedné zprávě budou opravovat chyby. Řešení je na konci pracovního listu. Zdroje a použité materiály: Falla Tim, Davies Paul A – Maturita Solutions Pre-Intermediate, 2nd edition, OUP, ISBN: 978 0 19 455293 6 Obrázky a schémata byly vytvořeny pomocí nástrojů programu MS Word, 2007. Materiály jsou určeny pro bezplatné používání pro potřeby výuky a vzdělávání na všech typech škol a školských zařízení. Jakékoliv další využití podléhá autorskému zákonu.

Mum, I‘m going out with Josh. I’m meeting him at the sports club. I won’t need to have dinner at home, because Josh is going to invite me for a snack. I’ll be back at about 8, I can help with washing up and clearing after dinner. Lucy Fred, Hope you had a good day at school. I am working late this evening, so I won’t be back before six. There’s a pizza in the fridge. You can heat it up in the microwave. Can you please switch on the dishwasher when you‘ve finished? Love, Dad Peter, I’ve just left for the weekend. I just can’t stand all the mess in the flat. Could you please wash up and Clear up the mess in the living room? It’s your turn with the vacuuming and dusting. The cleaner is in my bedroom under the bed. Back Sunday evening. Suzie 1. Read the messages. Who: has to do the vacuuming? _________________ has gone out for the day? _________________ has left for the weekend?__________________ is fed up with the flatmate? __________________ won’t be home for dinner? _________________ has to switch on the dishwasher?________________ will have pizza for dinner? ___________________

2. Complete the social activities with the verbs: (you can use some verbs more than once) Go, have, meet, play, watch 1 ____________ shopping

7 ____________ a football match

2 ____________ a barbecue

8 ____________ for a bike ride

3 ____________ fiends

9 ____________ computer games

4 ____________ a party

10 ___________ to a rock concert

5 ____________ basketball

11 ___________ lunch in a café

6 ____________ to the cinema

12 ___________ skateboarding

3. Fill in the missing words to complete a message: Mike, I couldn’t ____________ breakfast this morning because the _____________ isn’t working. I wanted to make toast but it stayed cold. Can you call the ________________? I’ve gone to the sports centre, my class finishes ____________4:30. Don’t ____________to pick up Jenny after her ballet class. I’ll ___________something for dinner. Back about 6. Tania 4. Complete the phrasal verbs below: 1 Plug ________ the coffee machine. 2 If we run ________ of milk, can you ask Dad to buy some? 3 I won’t get ________ until just after six. 4 You can heat it ________ in the microwave. 5 Can you please wash _________ the plates and mugs and clear _________ the mess? 6 Don’t forget to pick Jenny _______ from the lessons.

5. Correct the mistakes in the message below: Elaine, Sorry I hadn’t time to washing up, so there’s a bit of mess in kitchen. I didn’t do the shopping neither, so there is not some milk in the fridge. Could you please do the buiyng? I do it next time, I promise. Back at 7 Terry

6. Imagine you live in a flat and are going away for the weekend. Write a message to your flatmate. Include the following information: • • • •

Tell him / her where you’ve gone Remind him / her to do something that involves a household appliance Ask him / her to buy some food / drink Say when you’ll be home

SOLUTION 1. Read the messages. Who: has to do the vacuuming? Peter has gone out for the day? Lucy has left for the weekend? Suzie is fed up with the flatmate? Suzie won’t be home for dinner? Lucy has to switch on the dishwasher? Fred will have pizza for dinner? Fred

2. 1 go shopping

7 watch a football match

2 have a barbecue

8 go for a bike ride

3 meet fiends

9 play computer games

4 have a party

10 go to a rock concert

5 play basketball

11 have lunch in a café

6 go to the cinema

12 go skateboarding

3. Mike, I couldn’t have breakfast this morning because the toaster isn’t working. I wanted to make toast but it stayed cold. Can you call the electrician? I’ve gone to the sports centre, my class finishes at 4:30. Don’t forget to pick up Jenny after her ballet class. I’ll bring something for dinner. Back about 6. Tania 4. In, out, back, up, up, up, up

5. Elaine, Sorry I didn’t have time to do the washing up, so there’s a bit of mess in the kitchen. I didn’t do the shopping either, so there is no milk in the fridge. Could you please do the shopping? I‘ll do it next time, I promise. Back at 7 Terry