metode bel meningkatkan penguasaan kosakata bahasa ... - Journal

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Apr 10, 2008 ... INDONESIA ANAK TK B1 SURABAYAN SURABAYA. Abstrak : Study of child in the early age requires particular method which orienting of ...
Media Jurnal Penelitian Dinamika Sosial Volume : 7 - No. 1 - 2008-04-10 Author : Retno Danu Rusmawati

METODE BEL MENINGKATKAN PENGUASAAN KOSAKATA BAHASA INDONESIA ANAK TK B1 SURABAYAN SURABAYA Abstrak : Study of child in the early age requires particular method which orienting of child’s requirement. Public phenomenon most claiming child after passing kindergarten should be able to read, writes, and matemathic. Most of Elementary School also does the same thing to child which graduated from kindergarten, they require the existence of admission test SD as one of condition, even governmental targets is obliged to learn nine years.Unconsciously this thing has disregarded requirement of fundamental child of early age, it is including child of age kindergarten that is playing. Child of kindergarten is forced [by] learning with situation of strained, depress, not balmy, teacher creativity kindergarten need to innovate. Area of child, school, public, a lot exploration or exploited without having to releases much cost. Study method in kindergarten is not finding must be new, by allying various the methods and requirement base of child fundamental, that is playing, of course makes child of happy kindergarten, fun, blithe, independences, ready to learn as great as playing, with " BEL" method, Acronym of bermain explorasi lingkungan, or “EEG― Exploration Environment Game.Area of child of maximized its(the utilization, as supporting facilities for learning full of playing, causing creates happiness, cheerfulness, fun, freedom of child’s expression, any unstressed become capital child of kindergarten to grow and rounds into august mankind and with quality, dare to lay open desire, can receive message, can communicate with teacher, friend humanity, and or others. Keyword : Method, BEL, kosakata, Indonesia Language, Child of kindergarten

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