For 8th Grade FACS class: * a pocket folder or 1 inch 3 ring binder. For 9-12 grade students in FACS elective classes: *
2016-17 Montevideo Senior High School Supply List *ALL STUDENTS ARE ASKED TO BRING A BOX OF KLEENEX TO HOMEROOM* GRADES 9-12 Advanced Placement English 3-ring binder Highlighter(s) Text - $30 Advanced Speech and Composition English 11: Acc. Eng 10: Public Sp: 3-ring binder (2”) Looose leaf notebook paper Divider pages for the binder (6) 3” x 5” note cards Highlighters Flash drive recommended English 10: (all of the above) plus: Pocket Dictionary English 9: Pencils and blue or black pens 3-subject notebook to be used only for English Folder with pockets (or pockets in dividers of 3-subject notebook Art Intro Art 3
Two #2 pencils Spiral bound 9” x 12” sketchbook Two #2 pencils Photography: Flash drive Card reader If have their own digital camera to use, please bring. Ceramics 2-pocket paper folder Two #2 pencils Science 9: Spiral notebook ALL Social Studies Classes: (Am. Hist, Am. Gov, World History, Econ, Sociology, Psych, civics) Book cover Folder Notebook Civics: Scissors Glue sticks Colored pencils Spanish: 3-ring binder Notebook Spanish/English dictionary Dry erase marker Ear buds (see “required) Theatre Arts Performance: 1” 3-ring binder Loose leaf notebook paper Divider pages for binder
FACS For 8th Grade FACS class: * a pocket folder or 1 inch 3 ring binder For 9-12 grade students in FACS elective classes: * a pocket folder or 1 inch 3 ring binder * a notebook or lined paper in the binder
All 8th graders are required to have these general supplies in a zippered pencil case to carry to all classrooms: Scientific calculator #2 pencils Highlighter Colored pencils Small scissors Glue stick Zippered bag to hold these items 5 separate notebooks (different colors) and 5 folders (one for each class) Book cover Note cards 1.5 or 2 “ 3-ring binder Large notebook (science) 2 rolls scotch tape (science) English 8: Pencils and blue or black pens 3-subject notebook for English only Folder w/pockets (or pockets in dividers of 3subject notebook) REQUIRED All students need to bring their own headphones/ear buds. SUGGESTED Students may wish to bring a small wireless computer mouse to use on the Chromebook. Make sure you have your name on both parts!
HIGH SCHOOL NEW STUDENT ORIENTATION AUGUST 23RD Grades 8-12, 1:00-2:30 p.m., High School Gymnasium Orientation is the time for Grade 8, Foreign Exchange students, and new students and their parent(s)/guardian(s) to learn about the Montevideo High School.