Microengineering Education in IIUM: Challenges and ...

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Microengineering Education in IIUM: Challenges and Successes. M. Y. Ali. *. , A. K. M. ..... [7] B.K. Gale, “BioMEMS Education at Louisiana Tech. University” ...
The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology, ICMN'08 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________________________

Microengineering Education in IIUM: Challenges and Successes M. Y. Ali*, A. K. M. Nurul Amin, A. A. Khan Department of Manufacturing and Materials Engineering Faculty of Engineering, International Islamic University Malaysia P.O. Box 10, 50728 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia * Corresponding author E-mail: [email protected]

microfluidic devices with micro-opto-electronic circuits. Due to increasing demand and opportunities from these fields, universities are introducing or have introduced MEMS courses to their students at undergraduates and graduate levels [7]. Teaching and research in the MEMS major field emphasize the integration of science, engineering, and technology in the length scale of micrometers. By its nature, the field is multidisciplinary and requires various backgrounds when integrating all components of microsystems as described above. The current challenges in this area are design, fabrication and testing the microsystem devices. This brings various constraints on both the instructors and the students from the point of teaching and learning aspects. Designing a typical microsystem requires the use of modeling and simulation tools from multi energy domains (circuit simulators, multiphysics analysis, 3D modeling, micro-fluidic flows analysis etc). Examples of design and simulation software include AutoCAD, ANSYS, MATLAB, Coventor Ware, etc. In addition to microelectronic fabrication techniques, new and innovative methods are being developed. Examples include surface micromachining, LIGA, focused ion beam micromachining, etc. Testing and measurement are more complicated and crucial which required more research. With the new application of MEMS in health care, energy, environment, automobile and biotechnology, MEMS teaching and research have become more challenging to fulfill the needs of multidisciplinary knowledge such as electrical, mechanical, physics, chemistry, biology, etc. [8]. MEMS structures can be produced by either top-down or bottom-up approach. People with engineering background are more capable with topdown approach. The bottom-up approach requires strong fundamental knowledge of Chemistry, Mathematics, Physics, etc. It is interesting that these two approaches are converging where the structures can be produced by either of the approaches as shown in Figure 1 [9].

Abstract This paper reports on the introduction of microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) or microsystem technologies courses into the manufacturing engineering program at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM). It includes both, undergraduate and postgraduate courses with MEMS topics. At present, topics and courses are included in the undergraduate curriculum at senior levels and at postgraduate levels to educate the engineer for the year 2020 and beyond. In addition, it also reports on the funded projects and research activities involving undergraduate and postgraduate students for the last few years. Laboratories and special equipment for such tiny engineering are also under development. The major challenges and issues in introducing the MEMS components in the traditional engineering curriculum are highlighted in this paper. The assessment of the MEMS courses and research projects to achieve the goal is also discussed. Keywords: Microengineering education, tiny technologies, MEMS syllabus and course outline.



With the global trend of miniaturization, the engineering curriculum needs to be innovative to have learning and teaching framework for tiny technologies such as MEMS and nanotechnologies. The approach is complex because of its multidisciplinary and crossdisciplinary nature [1-3]. It requires a faculty-wide initiative interdisciplinary teaching and research to create new knowledge and novel technologies in the fast-moving fields of nano- and micro-scale technologies [4-6]. These new developments promise to enhance our way of life in areas such as communication, healthcare, and transportation, etc. This rapidly developing technology integrates microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) and


The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology, ICMN'08 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________________________

In addition, resource limitation, low level of supportive funding, high cost of equipment, long serial fabrication period, lack of technical skill, etc. make it difficult to offer MEMS courses in academic institutes. In present practice, students are asked to learn the common basic course materials (core courses) before entering into MEMS courses for their specialization in microengineering.

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produce electronic grade silicon, silicon wafer, electronic packaging and assembly. apply lithographic technique and silicon micromachining for IC fabrication and various MEMS microstructures. apply thin film processes for microstructuring and doping of semiconductor materials understand the basic concept of energy beam machining, LIGA technology, and nanotechnology.

MME 6107 Micro-Meso Manufacturing: This course is offered for the postgraduate students. It covers the essential background of miniaturization and scaling of MEMS, micro-meso manufacturing; classical machining at micro-meso-scale, silicon micromachining, micro/nano lithography, nano-second and femto-second laser micromachining, focused ion beam micromachining, LIGA, microinjection molding, micro hot embossing, measurement and characterization at micro-scale. Upon completing this course, the students should be able to: • select appropriate micro-meso fabrication techniques for different work materials • apply the concept of miniaturization and micro-meso manufacturing to fabricate microcomponents and microsystems. • model mathematical relationship for accuracy, surface finish and material removal rate (MRR) in terms of process parameters. • perform micromanufacturing processes such as silicon micromachining, LIGA, micromilling, micromolding, etc. • characterize micro-meso-sized product using micro-metrology and quality assurance.

Figure 1. The convergence of top-down and bottom-up approaches for micro-nano manufacturing [9]

II: SYLLABUS AND COURSE OUTLINE In the existing course curriculum, students are already acquiring the core knowledge of science and technology. But there is no specific course at microscale or their equivalent. As a result the main challenge was to set prerequisite for taking the micromanufacturing course. As at the beginning the objective of these courses was to attract more students, the prerequisite was only a senior standing as an undergraduate or graduate standing in engineering. The following MEMS courses are available in the manufacturing engineering program [4].

MME 6124 Special Topics in Advanced Manufacturing: This course is also offered to the postgraduate students to cover few advanced topics in depth. The offering of this course depends on the availability of lecturers in the field.

MME 4142 Micromanufacturing Technology: This course is offered for the undergraduate students with senior standing. It provides essential technical background for miniaturization and scaling of MEMS, electronic grade silicon, fabrication of silicon wafers and integrated circuit (IC), electronic packaging, lithography, etching and thin film processes, silicon micromachining and energy beam micromachining, LIGA, microreplication, and introduction to nanotechnology. Upon completing this course, the students should be able to: • apply the concept of miniaturization for the fabrication of microdevices.

III: MICROFABRICATION RESEARCH Research and teaching initiative of microengineering were started together in 2004. Students enrolled for microengineering courses were also enthusiastic too take research project in the same areas. Group projects were offered to the micromanufacturing classes to simulate and interact students’ interest. Lecturers were keen to bring research grant from university and government agencies. Although it was difficult to get funding at the beginning, generous supports were then finally


The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology, ICMN'08 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________________________

received in terms of research grant and equipment. Selected micromachining tools and research projects are as follows. Selected microcomponents fabricated in students’ projects are shown in Figure 2-5. Micromachining equipment: • Micro end milling • Micromachining • Electrical discharge micromachining • Microreplication • Focused ion beam (FIB) micro/nano machining (procurement in progress) • Atomic force microscopy (AFM) • Tunneling electron Microscopy (TEM) Micromachining research project: 1. Noble Tool Based Micromilling For Nanometric Surface Finish 2. Development of Micro-End Milling Process for Fabricating MEMS 3. Microdrilling of Metallic Materials for microsystems technology 4. Geometrical integrity of Micro-holes Produced by Micro-EDM 5. Fabrication of Microcomponents by Micro Hot Embossing: 6. Tool Based Micromilling for the Fabrication of MEMS 7. Fabrication of Microfilter using microEDM 8. Investigation of Burrs for Different Micro End Milling Parameters 9. Characterization of Micro-holes Produced by Micro-EDM 10. Microfabrication using Micro-WEDM 11. Micro Electrical discharge Machining of Super Alloy 12. Design and Simulation of Electrophoresis Tank 13. Microdrilling of Metallic Materials for Microsystems Technology 14. Micromilling of Metallic Materials for Microsystems Technology 15. Fabrication of Micro lens by Hot Embossing 16. Fabrication of Prismatic Microcomponents by Hot Embossing 17. Optimization of Parameters for Microfabrication using EDM 18. Microfabrication using Electro-Discharge Machining 19. Manufacture of Miniaturized Components using EDM 20. Identifying the Optimum Condition in Grinding using Design of Experiment 21. Development of Prototype Micro Hot Embossing Machine

Figure 2. Microfilter produced by microEDM die sinking on a thin copper foil. (a) schematic, (b) SEM micrograph

Figure 3. (a) SEM micrograph of micro spur gear produced by micro wire electrical discharge machining, (b) enlarge view of gear teeth

Figure 4. SEM micrograph of open microchannel on beryllium copper produced by micro end milling


The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology, ICMN'08 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________________________

IV: ASSESMENT: SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES The main goal of the introduction of microengineering in manufacturing engineering was to provide a basic background so that students can rapidly advance their individual research in the same field. The assessment was performed in three different ways namely teaching efficiency rating by student, level of achievement of learning outcome of the course, and the number of students in the course pursuing research in microengineering. The rating of the student assessment of the teaching efficiency, course content, and laboratory facilities was above 90%. On the other hand, the level of students’ achievement of each assessment criteria (projects, quizzes, exams, presentations, group discussions, etc.) was evaluated. It was found that the level of achievement was high if the relevant laboratory facilities are available. For example, right now there is no lab facility on such as focused ion beam, LIGA, etc., therefore, students’ achievements are just average on those learning outcomes. The lecturers felt that the work and ideas generated by the students were excellent and showed sufficient depth and breadth of knowledge of micro-nano engineering especially in micromachining and microreplication. Surprising successes were achieved on the main goal that is to attract students to pursue research in microengineering. About 50% of the students conducted microengineering research in their final year projects. More students, almost the full class, were interested to do research in micromanufacturing but they did not find lecturers to supervise them. Students demonstrate their strong interest and knowledge through class projects as well as individual research. Graduated students employed in micro-nano industries reported that the microengineering courses and research in IIUM were appropriate and useful.

V: CONCLUSIONS This paper emphasizes on introducing microengineering education into traditional manufacturing engineering program in IIUM. The introduced courses provided strong fundamental base of microengineering to the undergraduate and postgraduate students. Through these taught courses, students become highly interested to conduct their research in micromanufacturing. Some of the undergraduate students also started their graduate studies in micro-nano engineering in local and overseas universities. These are the successes in our initiatives. However, shortage of multidisciplinary academicians and researches hindered the rapid growth of MEMS

Figure 5. Fabricated microcomponents by hot embossing (a) hot embossing setup using Instron universal testing machine, and SEM micrograph of embossed (b) prismatic microlines, (c) microchannels, and (d) freeform hemispherical microlens on polypropylene


The International Conference on MEMS and Nanotechnology, ICMN'08 13-15 May 2008, Kuala Lumpur Malaysia ____________________________________________________________________________________________

teaching and research. The trend also indicates a growing market demand of micro engineering and students’ willingness to compete their career in the latest field of engineering. So the authors recommendations to the university and government are to: • recruit more relevant lecturers and researchers in the areas of micro and nano engineering t. • train manpower in overseas micro and nano institutes and centers. • start national initiative and common laboratory approach for all universities and institutes in the country. • develop strong regional and international collaboration to nurture micro and nanotechnology education, research and business in Malaysia. • support the outreach activities by MEMS researchers.










This research was funded by Ministry of Higher Education, Malaysia under the grant FRGS 0207-44. The authors are thankful for the technical support from Computer Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) Lab where the experimental study was performed.



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