G17-G19: G-code priority plane selection. G02 X_ Y_ I_ J_ F_ : Axis-address
priority plane selection. ▫ It is not a modal command and thus effective for only
one ...
Milling Programming Basic programming commands Compensation and offset Fixed cycles Macro and subroutine programming
Tool motion commands
Rapid traverse G00 X_ Y_ Z_
Linear Interpolation (G01) G01 X_ Y_ Z_ F_ Example G90 G00 X1.0 Y1.0 G01 Y5.0 F7.5 X7.0 X1.0 Y1.0
Plane selection (G17, G18, G19) G17-G19: G-code priority plane selection G02 X_ Y_ I_ J_ F_ : Axis-address priority plane selection It is not a modal command and thus effective for
only one block. Example G18 G03 X_ Z_ J_ F_ arc interpolation in ZXplane G17 G03 X_ Y_ Z_ R_ F_ Helical cutting with circular motion in the XY-plane and linear motion in Z axis.
Arc programming Command format with IJK method (G17) G02 X_ Y_ I_ J_ F_ X_, Y_: end point of arc (Ii = Xc - Xs, Jj = Yc – Ys)
Position Systems (G90, G91) G90: Absolute system G91: Incremental system Input Unit Selection (G70 G20, G71 G21) G70 G20: inch system G71 G21: metric system Absolute Zero Setting (G92) G92 X_ Y_ Z_ (X, Y, Z) is the current tool position in the defined coordinate system