Nov 7, 2012 ... Present: Chris Karampatsos, Lori McLaughlin, Kristine Giunco, Randy Myhre,
Denise Mayrand, Stefanie. Berry, Stephanie Milliken, Cheryl ...
MILTON ELEMENTARY PTA MINUTES November 7, 2012 Present: Chris Karampatsos, Lori McLaughlin, Kristine Giunco, Randy Myhre, Denise Mayrand, Stefanie Berry, Stephanie Milliken, Cheryl Berry, Jessica Garlough, Lorene Watts, Christine Collins, Tracey Voisine, Susan Welch, Brenda Forcier, 6 members from “End 68 hours of Hunger”. Treasurer’ Report: Our current balance is $9,922.98. Bingo night deposit of $302, cost for pizza, water, chips, and prizes was $297.12. This event is not considered a fundraiser but a fun family night out. Our Cherrydale fundraiser brought in approximately $4,409.45 with some online orders still pending. We earn 50% of everything that is sold. If we switch to something else it needs to be comparable. If you have researched something that would sell good let Brenda know. “End 68 Hours of Hunger “ Program: Claire Bloom the Executive Director of this program along with 6 Program Coordinators were at our meeting to present their progress and willingness to commit to this program. There are currently 8 towns participating. It is 100% based on volunteers and 100% of the funds go to food. Milton’s coordinators already have established a temporary place for food and are ready to start fundraising. They would like to start with grades K,1 & 2 and build on that. The nurse and guidance will work together in getting this program to the children in need. It is completely anonymous to the volunteers. A child would pick up a bag at the end of the day on Friday that would consist of tuna, mac&cheese, granola bars, packaged fruit, soup. It could also include (depending on funding) peanut butter & jelly. They would like to get this going after our December vacation, certainly sooner if everything came together. A donation basket will be placed at school with the approval of the principal. If you are interested in volunteering one time a month right here in Milton, getting a donation basket set up at a place of employment, church, etc or sponsoring a child (for a month $25/$40 or $500 for a year) contact Deb Ricker at 781-0027. This is a non-profit 501c organization. Review of Events: Halloween Party was great fun with a large turnout. We would like to try to get the high school gym or café next year. Our annual Harvest Supper went well. We are going to have another community pot luck on Friday March 8. Remember to check the school newsletter on Fridays for all our upcoming events. Cherrydale orders have been delivered. Potential Programs: Mrs. Mayrand looked into Puppet pals and the show would be appropriate for K, 1 & 2 but we would need to find something for the upper grades. We are going to check with the teachers on whether they would like an author or illustrator to visit classrooms as they are in the same price range. Upcoming Programs: Storyteller Shaun Middleton will be here December 11 at 6:00 come enjoy some entertaining stories, hot chocolate and cookies . We are hoping to schedule the Planetarium for March or April. Our annual book swap will take place Dec 11 & 12. The Children’s Craft Fair will be Dec. 19. Let Brenda know if you would like to volunteer or send in items for the children to purchase. Keep sending in those Box Tops, in January one lucky class will receive a party. Thank you Mrs. McLaughlin for
taking over sending in our Box Tops and Campbell Soup labels. Thank you Mrs. Alexander for all you did to help us. PTA agreed to give each classroom a yearly check based on $10/child. Our new Principal Mr. Chuck Mills would like to get to know our parents. Meet and ask questions you might have for Mr. Mills this Saturday Nov. 10 from 2-4pm in the cafeteria. Refreshments will be provided by PTA. Our next PTA meeting will be Wednesday December 5 at 3:30.
Submitted by Susan Welch, Secretary