Mineralogical composition of the Lower and Upper

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the Central part of the Platform through hypersaline, pro- tected lagoons ..... the Trekhglavy Ravine section by a marker horizon con- sisted of calcareous ...... ArcGIS (Late Paleozoic), Mollweide Projection, PALEOMAP. Project, Evanston.
Mineralogical composition of the Lower and Upper Kazanian (Mid-Permian) rocks and facies distribution at the Petchischi region (Eastern Russian Platform) Svetlana O. Zorina

Carbonates and Evaporites ISSN 0891-2556 Carbonates Evaporites DOI 10.1007/s13146-015-0272-3

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Author's personal copy Carbonates Evaporites DOI 10.1007/s13146-015-0272-3


Mineralogical composition of the Lower and Upper Kazanian (Mid-Permian) rocks and facies distribution at the Petchischi region (Eastern Russian Platform) Svetlana O. Zorina1

Accepted: 31 August 2015 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2015

Abstract The mineral composition proportions of carbonate rocks of Kazanian (Mid-Permian) age in the Petchischi region (eastern part of the Russian Platform) was identified by X-ray powder diffraction, ICP-MS and optical microscopy. The Lower Kazanian deposits are presented predominantly by bio-dolomicrites with changing terrigenous component and the lack of gypsum-bearing layers in the succession. Dolomicrites are prevalent in the Upper Kazanian succession, which is composed of alternation of gypsum-bearing dolomites, clayey dolomites and pure dolomites. The discovered bentonite-bearing component in marls and bentonite clays are proposed as evidence of volcanic activity in the Urals in the Kazanian stage. Two marine facies on the Eastern Russian Platform in the Kazanian: peritidal shallow flat and coastal sabkha agree well with the trends of d18O and d13C ratios. Keywords Kazanian  Middle Permian  Russian Platform  Dolomite  Sabkha  Depositional model

Introduction The studied outcrops are located in the eastern part of the European Russia (Fig. 1a). During the Mid-Permian this region was part of a vast carbonate platform which extended for about 3000 km along the north-eastern mar-

& Svetlana O. Zorina [email protected] 1

Kazan Federal University, 18, Kremlyovskaya str., Kazan 420008, Russian Federation

gin of Pangea (Scotese 2014) (Fig. 1b). Structurally, the area belongs to the Kazanian saddle within the central part of the Volga-Ural Anteclise (Fig. 1c). The Paleozoic Eastern European Sedimentary Basin contains a succession of marine carbonates and evaporites with intermittent siliciclastic influx from the Mid-Devonian to the Mid-Permian. These deposits spread from the Caspian Sea in the South to the Barents Sea in the North and vary in thickness from 1500 m in the central part of the Volga-Ural Anteclise (Semakin et al. 1999) to up to 20,000 m in the central part of the North Caspian Basin (Solovyev 1992; Ulmishek 2001). The Kazanian deposits have long history of geological investigation since the nineteenth century (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). The outstanding Scottish geologist and scientist Murchison (1842, 1845) and, the founders of the Kazan Geologic School, Professors N.A. Golovkinsky (1868), A.V. Nechaev (1894), M.E. Noinsky (1899), and A.A. Shtukenberg (1882) were among the pioneers. Significant contributions to the development of knowledge on the litho-, bio-, and magnetostratigraphic characteristics of the Kazanian stratotype section, facies analysis, and paleogeographic and depositional environment reconstructions were made by numerous researchers from Kazan University (e.g. Balabanov and Burov 1998; Burov and Boronin 1977; Burov and Esaulova 2003; Burov et al. 1996; Gubareva and Boltaeva 1999; Gusev 1963, 1977, 1990; Gusev et al. 1993; Esaulova 1986, 2001; Forsh 1951; Ignatiev 1976, 1978; Ignatiev et al. 1970; Khalymbadzha and Silantiev 1999; Khasanov 1998; Muraviev 2007; Nourgaliev et al. 2015; Nourgaliev and Nourgalieva 1999; Nurgalieva et al. 2007b; Sementovsky 1973; Silantiev 1998, 2014; Silantiev et al. 2014a, b; Solodukho 1987; Tikhvinskaya 1967; Zorina 2014 etc.). Many of them have contributed substantially to the understanding of the


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Fig. 1 Location of studied area a in the eastern part of European Russia; b in the N–E margin of Pangea (simplified from Scotese 2014); c in the Kazanian Saddle within the central part of the VolgaUral Anteclise (modified after Geology of Tatarstan 2003); d on the

right bank of the Volga River near Petchischi village. 1 Location of studied sections; 2 village area; 3 boundaries of the tectonic elements of the 1st order

present-day chronostratigraphic scheme of the Permian System of Russia (Kotlyar et al. 2013; Fig. 2). A number of investigations on isotope geochemistry of the Upper Kazanian carbonates were recently undertaken (Kuleshov and Sedaeva 2009; Nourgaliev et al. 2015; Nourgalieva 2009; Nurgalieva et al. 2007a, 2015; Sungatullin et al. 2014). They resulted mostly in paleoclimate and depositional environment reconstructions. Recently, Silantiev et al. (2014b) presented a schematic depositional model of the Eastern European Platform during the Kazanian (Roadian). This model includes a variety of facies of the Kazanian sea: from the ‘‘White desert’’ in the Central part of the Platform through hypersaline, protected lagoons, bioherms and reef buildups, open sea, bars

and barrier islands, brackish lagoons and deltas to alluviallacustrine plains in front of the Urals in the East. This paleogeographic model is a significant step in combining all the existing ideas on the evolution of the Kazanian Sea. However, it does not take into account some environments of evaporate formation (e.g. sabkhas; Warren 2006, 2010; Zamannejad et al. 2013; Zorina et al. 2011) and includes only the Kazanian interval into the general evolution of the Devonian–Permian carbonate platform. Some of the abovementioned gaps in the geological knowledge have been eliminated as much as possible during the current research. The present work is devoted to the detailed lithologic investigation of the Lower–Upper Kazanian marine


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Fig. 2 Correlation between the international stratigraphic chart and the general stratigraphic scale of the Permian system of Russia (after Kotlyar et al. 2013)

succession exposed at the Petchischi stratotype outcrop and in nearby ravines—Trekhglavy and Strela (Fig. 1d). Some specific features of mineral and chemical composition and origin of the Kazanian dolomites and marls are new and presented in this study.

The geological setting, bio- and chemostratigraphy The carbonate and evaporite-bearing Paleozoic strata overlain were deposited on the top of Archean and Proterozoic metamorphic crystalline basement rocks


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(gneisses, plagiogneisses) or clastic sedimentary rocks which fill Precambrian aulacogens (Semakin et al. 1999; Silantiev 2014). The terminal part of the entire carbonate section is presented by the Kazanian strata. The WE crosssection through the Permian deposits of the Eastern Russian Platform within the Volga-Ural Anteclise represents a marine-continental transition from the dolomites and limestones with marls and gypsum in the Kazanian Saddle in the west to the variegated terrigenous clays, siltstones, and sandstones in the Southern Tatarian Dome on the east (Figs. 1c, 3). The studied sections are located within the Kazanian Saddle (Fig. 1c) and presented by the Kazanian marine facies: dolomites, marls, limestones and gypsum, with a thickness varied from 80 of 120 m (Fig. 3). According to the General Stratigraphic scale of the Permian System of Russia (Kotlyar et al. 2013, 2014), the Kazanian Stage is subdivided into the lower and upper substages. The marine part of the marine-continental formation contains a low diversified fauna of forams, corals, brachiopods, gastropods, bivalves, cephalopods, bryozoans, conodonts, and fishes (Kotlyar et al. 2014; Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). Most of the faunal groups are transitional through the marine Kazanian succession and do not have stratigraphic

significance, except for conodonts. Continental deposits are rich in fossil remains of all biostratigraphically significant non-marine groups: bivalves, ostracodes, etc (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007; Silantiev 2014). The lower boundary of the Kazanian stage and Biarmian Series is defined by the First Appearance Datum of the conodont Kamagnathus khalimbadzhae (Kotlyar et al. 2013, 2014) (Fig. 2). Ammonoids of genuses Sverdrupites, Biarmiceras, Medlicottia, Daubichites found in Kazanian strata represent an additional biostratigraphic marker (Leonova 2007). All recent biostratigraphic investigations proved that the Kazanian Stage of the Permian System of Russia is well correlated with the Roadian Stage of the International Permian Timescale (Kotlyar et al. 2013, 2014; Leonova 2007; Shen et al. 2013) (Figs. 2, 3). Recently obtained variations of carbon, oxygen, and strontium isotope ratios in the mid-Permian carbonate rocks of the Eastern Russian Platform (Nourgaliev et al. 2015; Nourgalieva et al. 2015) are used on the one hand to clarify the chronostratigraphic position of the studies sections, and on the other to help us understand the mid-Permian depositional environments and climate changes (Fig. 4).

Fig. 3 Chronostratigraphic scheme of the Biarmial and Tatarian series on the Eastern Russian Platform (modified after Burov 2005). 1 Nonmarine deposits; 2 marine deposits; 3 volcanic ash falls; 4 stratigraphic interval of studied sections


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Fig. 4 Lithology, isotope data, and correlation between the generalized section of the Kazanian deposits near the village of Petchischi (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007) and studied sections. 1 Dolomites; 2 marly dolomites; 3 fractured dolomites with dolomite powder; 4 oolitic dolomites; 5 cavernous dolomites; 6 limestones; 7 marls; 8

mudstones; 9 siltstones; 10a gypsum; 10b celestine; 10c pyrite; 11a calcite concretions; 11b silica concretions and chalcedony; 11c worms burrows; 12a marine invertebrates; 12b marine microfauna; 13a fishes; 13b fish scales; 14a plants; 14b prints of roots; 15 nonmarine invertebrates


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One of the most useful markers in the Permian chemostratigraphy is 87Sr/86Sr ratio (Shen et al. 2013; Veizer et al. 1999) which during the Permian showed one of the largest drop in the Phanerozoic from values near 0.7084 in the base of the Permian to values below 0.7070 in the Wordian (Veizer et al. 1999). This shift resembles the transition from Permian-Carboniferous icehouse to Triassic greenhouse world (Crowley and Baum 1992; Mei and Henderson 2001; Isbell et al. 2003; Tierney 2010; Veizer et al. 1999). According to recently published isotope data on the Eastern Russian Platform, the Lower Kazanian rocks have 87 Sr/86Sr ratios around 0.70769, and hence correspond to the globally lower 87Sr/86Sr ratios in the oceanic water at the time (Nurgalieva et al. 2007a, 2015; Veizer et al. 1999). In the Upper Kazanian rocks the strontium isotope ratio is expectedly low (0.70725–0.70766), but higher than on the global curve. This can be explained by the considerable isolation of the Permian basin from the open ocean (Nurgalieva et al. 2015). This isolation led to increasing rates of physical and chemical weathering followed by an increase in strontium influx to seawater according to Tierney (2010). The values of d13C in the Upper Kazanian rocks range from 2.5 to 7.1 % PDB, the values of d18O range from -1 to 3.1 % PDB (Nourgalieva et al. 2015) (Fig. 4). The values of d18O and d13C generally increase upsection, reflecting an arid climate trend and possible global increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere (Kump and Arthur 1999; Nurgalieva et al. 2015). Inverse correlation between d18O and d13C is observed in evaporites (Shikhany Layer). This relationship can be explained by evaporation processes and increasing continental influx. Direct correlation between d18O and d13C is presented in all Upper Kazanian layers except the Shikhany Layer which can be indicative of a prevailing marine environment (Nurgaliev et al. 2015). Trends of these isotope ratios in the Late Kazanian reflect the global regression and the consequent regional isolation from the open sea, resulting in arid climate episodes (Nurgaliev et al. 2015).

Materials and methods The studied sections were chosen during the geological practice and training courses for students and recent graduates of the Kazan Federal University and employees of the Central Scientific Research Institute of Geology of Industrial Minerals (Kazan, Russia). All three sections (the Petchischi outcrop, Trekhglavy Ravine, and Strela Ravine) are situated on the right bank of the Volga River near the city of Kazan between the villages of Verkhny Uslon, Petchischi, and Morkvashi (Figs. 1d, 4).


Fig. 5 The outcrop of the Upper Kazanian dolomites on the right bank of the Volga River near the village of Petchischi (photo by Vladimir Silantiev). The exposed Noinsky’s Lays are marked and labeled

The Petchischi section is a famous stratotype outcrop of the Upper Kazanian dolomites which is impressively exposed near the village of Petchischi (Fig. 5). A simple lithostratigraphic subdivision of this outcrop was made by Noinsky (1899, 1924) and used for stratigraphic and lithologic investigations so far (Fig. 4). These layers are traced easily by using visual lithological characteristics through studied sections. The generalized section of the Kazanian deposits near the village of Petchischi was made by compilation and combination of a large amount of bioand lithostratigraphic data, collected from numerous nearby sections including Trekhglavy and Strela Ravines (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). Each of the sections were documented, stratified into Noinsky’s Layers, correlated with the generalized Petchischi section, and sampled for determination of mineral composition (Fig. 4): 18 samples from the Petchischi outcrop, 16 samples from the Trekhglavy Ravine, and 11 samples from the Strela Ravine. Analytic studies were conducted in the Analytical and Technology certification test center FSUE ‘‘TsNIIgeolnerud’’. They included optical microscopy, X-ray powder diffraction (XRD), and ICP-MS analyses. The XRD is traditionally considered to be a basic method for identifying the mineral types of multicomponent sedimentary rocks. The mineral types of samples was determined by comparing the experimentally obtained ˚ ) and relative intensity values of interplanar distance (d, A (Irel) of reflections with the standard XRD data from the International PDF-2 Database. When specifying the mineral species of clay minerals by the XRD analysis, there were used oriented samples of different types: natural and glycerin saturated. The XRD analysis was carried out using the hardwaresoftware package based on a D8 Advance X-ray

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diffractometer (Bruker AXS, Germany). Conditions of diffraction spectra recording with the monochromatized Cu-Ka radiation were as follows: voltage 40 kV, current 30 mA; scanning step 0.05°2H (during overview) and 0.02°2H (during the detailed analysis); and exposure time 1 and 3 s, respectively. The chemical analyses of rocks were determined by the AES-ICP method with an Optima 2000DV spectrometer (Perkin-Elmer). The petrographic analysis was undertaken for determinations of the structure of carbonate rocks and their type according to the Classification of carbonate rocks (Folk 1962). The petrographic study of thin sections was conducted by using a Polam C-111 optical microscope. The analyses all clarified field characteristics of studied rocks. They were combined with successfully proven genetic classification of dolomitization processes (e.g. Badiozamani 1973; Hardie 1986; Wilson 1975) and imposed on the regional chronostratigraphic scheme of Biarmial and Tatarian Series of the Eastern Russian Platform (Fig. 3). The obtained materials allowed to produce a schematic paleogeographic and lithologic model for the Kazanian Stage.

Results Lithology and results of XRD analysis The studied Petchischi outcrop, Trekhglavy Ravine, and Strela Ravine sections consist of the terminal part of the Lower Kazanian Kamyshlinskiye Layers (with apparent thickness of 1 m) and the Upper Kazanian Noinsky’s Layers (upward): ‘‘Vigorous Stone’’ (with apparent thickness of 2 m), ‘‘Layed Stone’’ (3 m), ‘‘Podboy’’ (2 m), ‘‘Gray Stone’’ (6 m), ‘‘Shikhany’’ (3 m), ‘‘Flasks’’ (5.6 m), ‘‘Podluzhnik’’ (5 m), and ‘‘Transitional’’ (3.5 m) (Figs. 4, 5) with a total thickness of the Upper Kazanian succession of about 50 m. The Lower Kazanian Kamyshlinskiye Layers are described at the Trekhglavy Ravine (Fig. 4) where they consist of gray and dark gray calcareous dolomites (dolomite 73–86 %, calcite 13–26 %), yellowish-gray dolomitic limestones (calcite 58 %, dolomite 32 %), and dark gray silty dolomitic marl with pyrite (montmorillonite 27–32 %, calcite 11–43 %, dolomite 8–19 %, quartz 10–19 %, feldspar 4–7 %, pyrite 3–6 %) (Table 1). According to the XRD analysis dolomite and calcite are predominant minerals at the lowest part of Trekhglavy Ravine section (Table 1). It is identified by diagnostic basal ˚ ) and (3.03; 1.87 A ˚ ), reflections d001 (2.90 and 2.20 A ˚ respectively (Fig. 6). Quartz (3.35 A), clayey minerals

˚ ) b feldspar (3.19 A ˚ ) are defined in subordinate (4.47 A amounts. The main minerals of the terminal part of the Lower Kazanian strata are calcite, dolomite, clayey minerals and ˚ ). The amount of clayey minerals is up quartz (4.26; 3.34 A to 30–40 %, they are presented by mixed-layer mineral ˚ ) with a variable ratio of swelling and non(*13–14 A ˚ in the swelling layers. The reflection shifts to 17.9 A glycerin-saturated preparation (Fig. 6). Feldspar, pyrite ˚ ), traces of hydromica and 7 A ˚ -mineral are also (2.71 A identified. The Lower–Upper Kazanian boundary demonstrates a visible hiatus (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). It is fixed in the Trekhglavy Ravine section by a marker horizon consisted of calcareous dolomites with numerous long dark gray burrows (over 0.3 m) (Fig. 4). The Vigorous Stone Layer, the basal strata of the Upper Kazanian secession are also studied in the Trekhglavy Ravine section. They consist mostly of brownish-gray pure dolomite (dolomite 91 %) with traces of calcite (7 %) (Table 1; Fig. 6). The overlying Layed Stone Layer is studied in the Trekhglavy Ravine and Strela Ravine sections. These strata are presented only by gray and light-gray pure cavernous dolomites (dolomite 94–99 %) with a few percent of calcite (5 %) occasionally (Table 1). Importantly, prints of roots and plants were found in the terminal part of the Layed Stone (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007) (Fig. 4). In addition to these signs of drainage, desiccation cracks are frequent on the top of the Layed Stone Layer (Fig. 7). The Podboy Layer is exposed in the Strela Ravine. It consists predominantly of montmorillonite (44 %) and hydromica (3 %) with a lower content of quartz (31 %) and feldspar (21 %) (Table 1). This claystone is covered by 0.2 m layer consisting of fractured dolomites and dolomite powder. The Gray Stone Layer is presented in the Petchischi Outcrop, Trekhglavy Ravine and Strela Ravine sections predominantly by gray and brownish-gray pure dolomites (dolomite 92–99 %) with rare interlayers of gray calcareous dolomites (dolomite 58–71 %, calcite 28–40 %). Dolomites are very strong due to silicification and abundance of siliceous concretions, often crystallized to chalcedony (Fig. 4; Table 1). One sample contains traces of celestine (\1 %). The Shikhany Layer is also studied in all of three sections and consists all over of gray and brownish-gray pure dolomite (dolomite 99 %), but in the Petchischi Outcrop veinlets, pockets, and individual interlayers (with a thickness over 0.3 m) of white translucent gypsum appear in the structure of the layer (Fig. 8). The gypsum strata of this layer increase in thickness up to 4.5 m some 60 km further south, where they form the Syukeevo gypsum deposit



Layer name (Noinsky 1924)


Vigorous stone

Layed stone


1.9 2.5 8.3




16.2 Podluzhnik Trekhglavy Ravine section 0.1 Kamyshlinskiye 0.3

10.8 11.5


Petchischi section 0.5 Gray stone 0.7 1.3 1.7 2.5 3.2 5.0 6.0 6.5 Shikhany 7.1 7.4 8.5

Sample from the base of the section (m)

Gray calcareous dolomite Yellowish-gray dolomitic limestone Yellowish-gray calcareous dolomite Dark gray dolomitic marl with pyrite Dark gray dolomitic marl with pyrite Brownish-gray calcareous dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Light gray dolomite

Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Gray calcareous dolomite Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Brownish-gray gypsum Brownish-gray dolomite White gypsum with dolomite White dolomite with gypsum Light gray marl Light gray dolomitic limestone Gray dolomite







Mixed-layer mineral





26 ± 4

1 ± 0.5 \1 96 ± 8 1 ± 0.5 61 ± 6

\1 \1



X-ray powder diffraction, content (wt%)

Table 1 Mineral and chemical composition of the Kazanian deposits near the village of Petchischi


1 ± 0.5

10 ± 2

19 ± 4

91 ± 7 99 ± 8 99 ± 8 99 ± 8

\1 1 ± 0.5 \1


19 ± 4

1 ± 0.5



86 ± 7

99 ± 8

10 ± 2 42 ± 6


1 ± 0.5

8 7 7 6 8 8 7 7 8 1 8 6

73 ± 7 32 ± 5

1 ± 0.5


± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± ± 72 ± 7

97 88 89 58 98 97 94 96 99 4 99 38


1 ± 0.5 3±1

1 ± 0.5

1 ± 0.5

1 ± 0.5

\1 1 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.5

1 ± 0.5

1 ± 0.5


18 ± 4 3±1

1 ± 0.5

4±1 2±1 1 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.5 3±1 1 ± 0.5 \1



1 \1 \1


43 ± 6

11 ± 2


26 58

50 ± 6 55 ± 6

2±1 3±1 1 ± 0.5

40 ± 6

10 ± 2


˚ Pyrite—6 ± 1, 7 A mineral—3 ˚ Pyrite—3 ± 1, 7 A mineral—3

Celestine \1

Celestine \1 Celestine \1

Celestine \1

Other minerals

0.51 0.62 0.95



3.07 8.35


31.51 4.93


5.02 1.50 10.05 0.62 3.38 2.59 4.15 0.95 0.77 0.10 0.31 0.35


0.01 0.01 0.01



0.05 0.12


0.27 0.06


0.04 0.01 0.09 0.01 0.03 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01


Chemical content (% on absolutely dry hitch)

Author's personal copy Carbonates Evaporites

Shikhany Podluzhnik

Gray stone


Petchischi section 0.5 0.7 1.3 1.7 2.5 3.2 5.0 6.0

Sample from the base of the section (m)



11.2 12.4 23.1 24.1 31.2 32.0


Gray stone

4.7 4.8

Gray stone



Mixed-layer mineral







\1 6±1

\1 1 ± 0.5

57 ± 6 \1

31 ± 5

1 ± 0.5


1 ± 0.5

Quartz ± ± ± ±

0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5

± ± ± ± ± ±

7 8 8 8 8 7


88 ± 7

7 8 7 8 8 7

94 99 93 98 98 72

\1 1 ± 0.5 \1 1 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.5 2±1

± ± ± ± ± ±

41 ± 6 71 ± 7

94 ± 7

92 98 98 99 99 80



1 ± 0.5 21 ± 4


1 1 1 1


6±1 1 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.5 1 ± 0.5


2±1 28 ± 4


20 ± 4

6 1 1


0.63 0.31 2.10 0.21 0.80 0.53 0.13 0.12


0.31 0.17 0.78 0.22 0.31 0.21 0.08 0.13


0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01


31.67 36.38 28.52 32.84 30.21 32.67 30.35 33.11


17.93 15.64 16.88 19.95 19.89 18.96 20.77 19.41


Chemical content (% on absolutely dry hitch)


X-ray powder diffraction, content (wt%)

Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Gray calcareous dolomite Gray dolomite Gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Gray dolomite


Gray dolomite Siltstone with montmorillonite Chalcedony in dolomite Gray dolomite with calcite Gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Yellowish-gray dolomite with montmorillonite Grayish-pink dolomite

Gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite with lime powder and rubbles


Layer name (Noinsky 1924)

Layer name (Noinsky 1924)

Strela Ravine section 1.1 Layed stone 1.7 Podboy

18.3 23.8 24.6 39.8 40.3 41.0

Sample from the base of the section (m)

Table 1 continued

0.16 0.09 0.25 0.10 0.20 0.17 0.08 0.01


0.08 0.02 0.31 0.01 0.09 0.05 0.01 0.01


˚ mineral \1 7A

Celestine \1

Other minerals

0.05 0.03 0.05 0.05 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.03


0.88 1.01 0.98 0.28 1.04 0.97 0.43 2.30



0.01 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.02 0.27

0.01 0.03

0.01 0.53

0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01


43.17 44.35 39.90 45.53 44.05 43.82 43.87 43.60

Loss on ignition


0.39 1.08 2.20 0.53 1.23 20.14

61.80 2.34

0.06 69.45

1.82 1.25 0.74 0.19 0.49 0.62


Chemical content (% on absolutely dry hitch)

Author's personal copy

Carbonates Evaporites




6.5 7.1 7.4 8.5 9.0 10.8 11.5 16.2 Trekhglavy Ravine section 0.1 0.3 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.2 1.9 2.5 8.3 18.3 23.8 24.6 39.8 40.3 41.0 Strela Ravine section 1.1 1.7 4.7 4.8 11.2 12.4 23.1 24.1 31.2 32.0 33.9 Gray dolomite Siltstone with montmorillonite Chalcedony in dolomite Gray dolomite with calcite Gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Yellowish-gray dolomite with montmorillonite Grayish-pink dolomite

Layed stone Podboy Gray stone




Shikhany Podluzhnik

Layed stone Gray stone

Vigorous stone

Gray calcareous dolomite Yellowish-gray dolomitic limestone Yellowish-gray calcareous dolomite Dark gray dolomitic marl with pyrite Dark gray dolomitic marl with pyrite Brownish-gray calcareous dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Brownish-gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite Light gray dolomite with lime powder and rubbles

Gray dolomite Brownish-gray gypsum Brownish-gray dolomite White gypsum with dolomite White dolomite with gypsum Light gray marl Light gray dolomitic limestone Gray dolomite





Layer name (Noinsky 1924)

Sample from the base of the section (m)

Table 1 continued

0.16 13.47 0.04 0.52 0.12 0.11 0.51 0.11 0.35 5.48 2.52

0.82 0.18 0.19 0.26 0.35 0.29 0.12 0.03 0.08 0.17

0.80 2.13 0.57

0.16 0.01 0.08 0.06 0.13 4.84 1.23 0.21


0.19 2.83 0.35 0.23 0.06 0.09 0.25 0.31 0.28 2.50 1.32

0.79 0.19 0.11 0.13 0.17 0.17 0.11 0.18 0.16 0.12

0.90 1.28 0.79

0.07 0.01 0.07 0.05 0.11 2.09 0.60 0.20


0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.03 0.04 0.03

0.02 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02

0.03 0.03 0.02

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.07 0.02


33.42 1.62 11.74 39.50 34.11 29.44 30.79 30.84 29.30 22.01 27.05

32.77 33.68 31.80 32.18 33.31 31.93 31.75 30.58 30.85 37.90

37.85 42.20 37.39

33.57 32.47 30.60 33.1 32.30 28.93 44.48 31.14


18.65 2.29 7.74 12.34 18.70 22.53 19.96 21.31 22.30 14.83 18.13

16.98 18.46 20.27 19.89 18.27 19.61 19.76 21.59 21.54 15.48

12.63 5.31 13.53

18.82 0.98 21.69 6.31 17.87 3.90 7.44 21.45


Chemical content (% on absolutely dry hitch)

0.19 2.30 0.02 0.09 0.13 0.06 0.07 0.04 0.07 0.30 0.16

0.21 0.12 0.12 0.14 0.18 0.14 0.11 0.04 0.05 0.03

0.15 0.27 0.14

0.11 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.21 0.02 0.01


0.01 1.95 0.01 0.07 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.01 0.03 1.06 0.42

0.16 0.01 0.01 0.05 0.05 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01

0.15 0.42 0.12

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.88 0.16 0.01


0.03 0.03 0.03 0.01 0.03 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.04 0.08 0.05

0.03 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.05

0.07 0.07 0.05

0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.02 0.08 0.05 0.02


0.16 0.08 \0.05 0.20 0.15 0.06 0.09 \0.05 \0.05 \0.05 0.16

0.21 0.22 0.59 0.14 0.23 0.40 0.22 0.10 \0.05 0.13

0.19 0.09 0.26

1.31 44.56 2.27 30.29 11.89 0.22 0.34 0.08


46.47 5.06 17.88 44.26 46.31 46.55 45.59 46.83 46.32 37.32 41.17

44.44 46.45 45.89 46.19 45.58 46.16 46.72 46.90 46.56 45.50

43.62 39.80 44.53

45.16 21.79 44.71 29.43 36.18 27.09 40.67 45.71

Loss on ignition

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Author's personal copy Carbonates Evaporites Fig. 6 Diffractograms of the Lower and Upper Kazanian rocks from the Trekhglavy Ravine section

(Sungatullin et al. 2014). Many samples include traces of celestine (\1 %). The Flasks Layer is described only in the Petchischi Outcrop because it consists of loose light gray marls and dolomitic limestones which are soft and not exposed in ravines. Marls contain calcite (50 %), montmorillonite (18 %), quartz (18 %), dolomite (10 %), hydromica (3 %). The Podluzhnik Layer studied in all of three sections consists predominantly of light gray and gray pure dolomites (dolomite 90–99 %) with rare inclusions of lime powder. The Transitional Layer is the terminal layer in the Upper Kazanian succession. It is exposed in the bed of the Strela Ravine and it includes grayish-pink dolomite (88 %) and yellowish-gray dolomite (72 %) with montmorillonite (16 %). One sample contains traces of celestine (\1 %). The overlaying strata belonging to the Urzhumian Stage (Figs. 2, 3) are presented by interbedded gray cavernous limestones, marls, reddish-brown siltstones, mudstones, brown clays and dark brown sandstones with a total thickness over 35–50 m (Fig. 3). In addition, these

continental deposits include about ten pyroclastic marker beds containing admixture of amphiboles, clinoptilolite, and cristobalite and anomalous values of V, Cu, Cr, Zr, Ni and Ti, which were interpreted as indicator elements of volcanic ashes (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007).

Fig. 7 Desiccation cracks in the Upper Kazanian dolomites (photo from the book ‘‘Geosites of the Republic of Tatarstan’’ 2007, after the permission of the author V. Silantiev)


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According to the classifications of carbonate rocks proposed by Dunham (1962) and Embry and Klovan (1972) on the basis of their depositional textures all the examined dolomites can be classified as mudstones with less than 10 % grains ([0.03 mm, \2 mm) (Zorina et al. 2011). Comparing with variety of carbonate facies presented in the well-known facies models these sediments could be attributed to the tidal belt (Haghighi and Sahraeyan 2014).

Discussion Origin of the Kazanian dolomites

Fig. 8 Gray pure dolomite with veinlets, pockets, and interlayers of white and gray semi-translucent gypsum from the Shikhany Layer (photo from the book ‘‘Geosites of the Tatarstan Republic’’ 2007, after the permission of the author V. Silantiev)

Petrography Petrographic examination reveals that the Lower Kazanian strata consist of bio-dolomicrites (Folk 1962) (Fig. 9a, b). The bulk of the rocks are micrite: subeuhedral dolomite rhombs, size mainly 0.0025 mm, at least—up to 0.005 mm. Calcite (20 %) is presented by coarse-grains surrounding skeletal remains and filling shells. Organogenic material (5–15 %) consists of detritus and intact shells of foraminifera and ostracods. Some shells are filled with large crystals of secondary calcite, others—completely dolomitic. Secondary porosity due to leaching of organic remains occasionally developed. The Upper Kazanian dolomicrites are formed by subeuhedral dolomite rhombs (0.0025–0.005 mm) (Fig. 9c) the bulk of which are marked by larger euhedral dolomite rhombs up to 0.01 mm (rarely up to 0.05 mm) (Fig. 9c). Leaching voids filled with large crystals of secondary calcite and inclusions of subeuhedral dedolomite rhombs can be found very rarely (Fig. 9d). Petrography investigations demonstrate that the Upper Kazanian dolomicrites are diagenetically altered to a higher degree than the Lower Kazanian fossiliferous bio-dolomicrites.


Despite the fact that to date, a large number of theories and models of dolomitization has been developed, the question of the origin of dolomite remains debatable (Hardie 1986). Golovkinsky (1868) first noted diagenetic origin of gypsum and the Permian dolomite limestone in the central part of the Volga-Kama region. Most researchers now agree that dolomitization occurs during diagenesis of permeable calcareous sediments (Wilson 1975). Dolomitization may occur at two stages: early and late diagenetic stages (Atabey 1995). Early diagenetic dolomites form simultaneously with accumulation or straight away after this process. The most common types of early diagenetic dolomites are evaporitic dolomites (Patterson and Kinsman 1982), mixing water dolomites (Hanshaw et al. 1971), and marine dolomites (Land 1985). The Lower Kazanian deposits in studied area are presented predominantly by dolomites with changing terrigenous component and the lack of gypsum-bearing layers in the succession. The terminal Lower Kazanian layers consist of biodolomicrite with incompletely dolomitized remains of macro- and microfauna. By mixing of meteoric and marine waters dolomitization occurred during the expansion of water area and subsidence. Improved circulation of seawater contributed to bioefficiency outbreaks and accumulation of biogenic calcareous muds. Mixing of salt and fresh water at enhanced drainage and consistent sea-level changes made it possible to form the dolomitization zone. Importantly, the thickness of dolomites increased during the sea level fall (Wilson 1975; Badiozamani 1973). The Upper Kazanian succession includes pure dolomites and evaporitic dolomites. The later formed in the sabkha environment. The sabkha model implies the process of dolomitization as a conversion of porous calcareous sediments on tidal plains environments during uplift of a broad platform (Wilson 1975). When the water is flowing out back, brines are evaporated with precipitation of gypsum. The brines migrate through lime mud and dolomitize them

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Fig. 9 a, b Micrographs of the Lower Kazanian bio-dolomicrites with the shell of foraminifera filled by calcite; c, d micrographs of the Upper Kazanian dolomicrites, c dolomicrites, d leaching voids filled by secondary calcite and euhedral rhombs of dolomite

(Wilson 1975). Regular alternation of gypsum-bearing dolomite, clayey dolomites, and dolomites containing fossils is a consequence of depositional environment changing from sabkha (with gypsum-bearing dolomites) to shoaling transgression.

Pyroclastic-bearing layers Clays and clay component in the Lower–Upper Kazanian marls with a predominance of clear montmorillonite (the Podboy Layer) or alternating layers of mica-montmorillonite (Kamyshlinskiye, Flasks, Transitional Layers) are of great interest. The presence of a swelling clay mineral indicates a high probability of formation of these layers during diagenetic transformation of volcanic ash (Grim and Gu¨ven 1978). Most likely sources of the ashes were volcanoes of Urals (Zorina et al. 2011). As it was previously mentioned, the overlaying Urzhumian strata includes so called ‘‘pyroclastic marker beds’’ containing admixture of amphiboles, clinoptilolite, and cristobalite and anomalous values of V, Cu, Cr, Zr, Ni, Ti, which were interpreted as indicator elements of the basic

structure of volcanic ashes (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). Discharging of ash clouds had a great influence on the formation of marine and continental sedimentary rocks in the Kazanian-Urzhumian (Roadian-Wordian) time on the Eastern Russian Platform (Fig. 3). In most cases pyroclastic material was mixed with a carbonate matrix, in this case marl was formed. But occasionally, the volcanic ash was buried under the carbonate mud and then transformed into bentonite (the Podboy Layer). Depositional facies model The studied sedimentary basin is characterized by exceptional geologic position, which is rather different from classic carbonate basin models due to its elongation from the open sea in the North to the restricted round-shaped Caspian depression in the South and the proximity of the Ural Mountains in the East (Fig. 10). The latter had a tremendous impact on the constitution of the entire basin providing a supply of large amounts of terrigenous material which formed a separate up to 200 km wide area of lacustrine silisiclastic environments between the Urals and


Author's personal copy Carbonates Evaporites Fig. 10 Depositional facies model of the eastern part of the Russian Platform for the Kazanian stage (Mid-Permian) (modified after Ignatiev 1976; Semakin et al. 1999; Silantiev et al. 2014b; Vinogradov et al. 1969)

the marine basin. So there were two different but connected sedimentary basins on the Eastern Russian Platform: a marine and a continental one, each characterized by distinct and different biota (Silantiev et al. 2014b). The West coast of the Kazanian sea was a plain formed by Carboniferous and Early Permian carbonate rocks slightly weathered in the arid climate (White desert) (Golubev 2001) (Fig. 10). On the results of provided analysis of facies spatial and temporal distribution, petrographic studies of the Kazanian carbonate rocks and in accordance with synopsis of standard facies belts (Schlager 2005; Wilson 1975), two marine facies can be distinguished on the Eastern Russian Platform: peritidal shallow flat and coastal sabkha (Fig. 10). The peritidal shallow flat (Fig. 10) is an area in the Northern part of the model which connects with open sea. Due to arid climate, low water circulation, and shallow sea (up to 10–30 m) pure bio-dolomicrite and lime mud were deposited here. Shallow-water biota periodically inhabited this part of the sea: mostly brachiopods, bivalves, conodonts, foraminifera, ostracods, crinoids, bryozoans and algae. These organisms adapted to exist in a narrow range of environmental conditions reconstructed in the Early Kazanian (Larochkina and Silantiev 2007). Sabkha is an area allocated in the southern part of the model (Fig. 10). It consists of pure dolomicrite and lime mud with organisms adapted to exist in a wide range of


environmental conditions, including increased salinity. The depth was very shallow (up to 10 m), temperature of water could increase dramatically which could lead to intensification of salt formation on the one hand, and to a complete drainage on the other (Fig. 7). Thick layers of almost pure dolomite interbedded with gypsum indicate that during the Kazanian stage depositional invironments of peritidal flat and coastal sabkha prevailed in the Eastern Russian Platform especially in the Late Kazanian. Discovered bentonite-bearing component in marls and bentonite clays is an evidence of volcanic activity in the Urals in the Kazanian stage and periodically intensive discharge of the ash clouds into the basin.

Conclusions 1.


Mineral composition of carbonate rocks of the Lower and Upper Kazanian (Mid-Permian) of the Petchischi region (eastern part of the Russian Platform) was investigated by XRD ICP-MS analyses, and petrography. It is demonstrated that the Lower Kazanian fossiliferous bio-dolomicrites are diagenetically altered to a lesser degree than the Upper Kazanian dolomicrites. Possible mechanisms of dolomites formation are proposed. The Lower Kazanian deposits are presented predominantly by dolomites with changing terrigenous

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component and the lack of gypsum-bearing layers in the succession. The Upper Kazanian succession includes alternation of gypsum-bearing dolomite, clayey dolomites, and dolomites containing fossils regarded as a consequence of depositional environment changing from sabkha (with gypsum-bearing dolomites) to shoaling transgression. Discovered bentonite-bearing component in marls and bentonite clays are evidence of volcanic activity in the Urals in the Kazanian stage and periodically intensive discharge of the ash clouds into the basin. Two marine facies can be distinguished on the Eastern Russian Platform: peritidal shallow flat and coastal sabkha. Facial changes in the Kazanian basin agree well with the trends of 87Sr/86Sr, d18O and d13C ratios. The values of d13C in the Upper Kazanian rocks range from 2.5 to 7.1 % PDB, the values of d18O range from -1 to 3.1 % PDB (Nurgalieva et al. 2015). The values of d18O and d13C generally increase from the Lower to Upper Kazanian, reflecting an arid climate trend, episodic evaporation processes and increasing regional isolation from the open sea (Nurgaliev et al. 2015).

Acknowledgments The author gratefully thanks young scientists from TSNIIGEOLNERUD (Kazan, Russia) E. Ruselik, R. Kirillova, and O. Ilycheva for their assistance with sampling in the field and with further handling of the geological and analytical data. I express my sincere gratitude to Dr. Florian Maurer for language corrections and useful remarks. The work is performed according to the Russian Government Program of Competitive Growth of Kazan Federal University. The author thanks the reviewers for their critical comments and essential suggestions to improve the manuscript.

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