Minimal Residual Disease Monitoring In t(8;21) Acute Myeloid Leukemia Based On RUNX1-‐RUNX1T1 Fusion QuanBficaBon On Genomic DNA Nicolas Duployez, Aline Renneville, Olivier Nibourel, Alice Marceau-‐Renaut, Nathalie Helevaut, Aurélie Caillault, Celine Villenet, Karine Celli-‐Lebras, Nicolas Boissel, Eric Jourdan, Herve Dombret, MarFn Figeac and Claude Preudhomme
Background Although acute myeloid leukemia (AML) with t(8;21) belongs to the favorable risk AML subset, relapse incidence may reach 30-‐40% in those paFents. Minimal residual disease monitoring (MRD) based on the quanFficaFon of RUNX1-‐ RUNX1T1 fusion transcript by real-‐Fme quanFtaFve PCR (RQ-‐PCR) has been o bbe e an independent prognosFc factor for the risk of relapse. reported tto an independent prognosFc factor for the risk of relapse. In this study, we invesFgated the feasibility and performances of RUNX1-‐ RUNX1T1 DNA as MRD marker in AML with t(8;21).