Oct 20, 2010 - packages. â« Demonstration of 200 ... Social impact: more citizens to access broadband networks increasi
Monolithic InP‐based Dual Polarization QPSK Integrated Receiver and Transmitter for CoHerent 100‐400Gb/s Ethernet
Concertation Meeting Brussels, 20 October 2010 MYRTHE, MYRTLE, MYRTE
Project motivation and challenges New low environmental footprint scalable technology for 100‐400Gb/s transmissions
MIRTHE concept applies to metro, long haul and could have impact on access in the future
• Reduction of cost and power consumption of 100GbE transmission equipment, • Increasing the bit rate to 100 G and higher, while still staying within a given 50 GHz‐grid • Need of future‐proof component technologies for next generation terabit networks
Complementary partnership - EAM-based optoelectronic devices (ATL) - Very high-speed waveguide-integrated photodetectors and passive components (HHI) - Packaging of high-speed optoelectronics (U2T) - Coherent DP-QPSK (ALBL) - Modelling software for advanced device and modulation schemes (VPI) - Accurate simulation and design of waveguide based photonic integrated circuits (UMA)
EU expertise
Rx circle HHI, U2T, UMA, VPI
Tx circle ATL, U2T, VPI
Module circle U2T, ATL, HHI Specifications, scenarios, testing, modelling circle ALBLF, VPI, U2T, HHI
WP4 PIC2PIC evaluation 5
Beyond state‐of‐the‐art Small size QPSK/QAM TX chips based on novel phase switching in EAM‐ based PICs
Fully integrated RX chips demultiplexing both polarizations (DP/PDM‐ QPSK),
Evaluation of novel monolithic coherent receiver types, applying multiport approaches
Demonstration of low‐power low‐footprint multi‐level coding TX and RX packages
Demonstration of 200 – 400 Gb/s capability of InP‐based TX and RX PICs Integrated approach for photonic circuit numerical modelling and design
Expected impact Communication sector: Increase the data rate but also fit within small channel spacing while still improving the network throughput by one order of magnitude at least Industrial competitiveness: cost effectiveness and reduced power/bit of future data transport network by offering a solution an integrated approach for TX and RX front ends future proof solutions for an increased bit rate (up to 400Gb/s) in line with the expected future evolution of Si ADC technology connection with Standardization bodies through Alcatel‐Lucent (ITU‐T and IEEE) and U2T (OIF) Social impact: more citizens to access broadband networks increasing their communication throughput reducing the environmental footprint of ICT equipment christophe.kazmierski@3‐5lab.fr
TX InP‐PIC technologies QPSK 50 Gb/s OFC2010, I.Kang
Novel concept for QPSK/QAM generation
Innovative active‐passive integration technology using selective epitaxy christophe.kazmierski@3‐5lab.fr
Bloc diagram of TX PIC
RX InP‐PIC technologies Full integration of novel polarization management and two coherent QPSK receivers on a single InP‐PIC
ECOC2010, J. K. Fischer
High sensitivity, high speed performance (160Gb/s)
Packaging technologies OIF recommendation for QPSK Tx
Example of Integrated DPSK‐Receiver (IDRV)
Modelling and Testing
From actual PIC component modeling to realistic transmission evaluations PDM QPSK test bed
4‐step workflow roadmap By the end of year 1, single polarization 28 GB prototypes will be available 1 year later, the dual polarization prototypes will be demonstrated, operating at 28 GB (112 Gb/s) By Month 33, the packaged DP‐QPSK TX and RX will be available working at 56 GB (224 Gb/s) A final ambitious step (end of MIRTHE) will see the 400 Gb/s demonstration, based on 16 QAM format and multi‐ level drivers.