2008 International Symposium on Knowledge Acquisition and Modeling
Mobile Learning: What is Going on? Jinzhu Song Faculty of Business, Queensland University of Technology Brisbane, Queensland, 4001, Australia
[email protected] Abstract
review sheds some light on the current research perspectives on M-learning, meanwhile, introduces
M-learning is an exciting art of using mobile
some ongoing M-learning projects, which provides a
technologies to enhance the learning experience.
practical view.
Mobile phones, PDAs, Pocket PCs and the Internet can
2. Definition perspectives
be blended to engage and motivate learners, anytime and anywhere. However, as a quite new, exciting and promising field, there is a need for an overall review of
Over the past ten years, M-learning has grown from a
M-learning. This paper examines four definition
minor research interest to a set of significant projects in
perspectives of M-learning and describes several
schools, workplaces, museums, cities and rural areas
existing M-learning projects, aiming to provide a better
around the world. Those communities defined it based
backgrounds, which led to a fertile proliferation of
views and perspectives [4]. Official agencies emphasize
1. Introduction
it as an integral part of any other form of educational process, which typically espouses its relationship to
Computing technology has been applied to learning
electronic learning (E-learning); technologists give
for decades, but with the advent of the World Wide Web
priority to the novelty and the functionality of mobile
. Educators have embraced
devices; some researchers highlight its ubiquitous
web-based learning which extends study beyond
character; yet others focus on learning in informal
physical classrooms for many years. In recent years, a
settings, leading to a juxtaposition between mobile
new learning revolution is coming to us with the quick
learning and formal education. Furthermore, many
growth of mobile technologies, which promises
different theories of learning have been used to underpin
continued extension towards anywhere and anytime
the M-learning application. Therefore, in order to better
it has really flourished
. It is commonly known as mobile learning
understand M-learning, it is necessary to review the
(M-learning), and has been considered as the future of
perspectives of M-learning.
learning or as an integral part of any other form of educational process in the future
. There is
perspectives on mobile learning generally fall into the following four broad categories [4]:
considerable interest around the world from educators
(1) Technology centered
and technical developers in exploiting the unique capabilities and characteristics of mobile technologies to
The majority of the literature on M-learning is
enable new and engaging forms of learning. However,
technology centered, in which M-learning is defined as
as M-learning is still a new notion, and many people
learning through mobile devices, such as mobile
with different backgrounds are working in this new
phones, personal digital assistants (PDA), and other
field, it is difficult to have an overall understanding.
portable devices. In this perspective, researchers
Therefore, an overview of M-learning is needed. This
emphasize how mobile technologies enhance learning
978-0-7695-3488-6/08 $25.00 © 2008 IEEE DOI 10.1109/KAM.2008.35
experiences, and create new learning forms and learning
3. Review of M-learning projects
material in the mobile context. (2) Relationship to E-learning This perspective characterizes mobile learning as an
Mobile technologies have been using in various
extension of E-learning, or considers M-learning as E-
learning environments, and many M-learning projects
. In this perspective,
have been set in universities, elementary schools,
researchers combine mobile computing and E-learning,
corporate training programs and distance learning
trying to investigate how mobile technology can
programs. These projects have experimented with a
enhance E-learning or modify it. However, the
wide range of educational activities, from foreign
definition of M-learning based on this perspective is
often all-inclusive and does not help in characterizing
problem learning modules. M-learning projects start
the unique nature of mobile learning [4].
learning through mobile devices
vocabulary lessons to business-oriented
(3) Augmenting formal education
technologies, namely Short Message Services (SMS)
In many M-learning literatures, formal education is
often characterized as face-to-face teaching or, more
sophisticated examples based on PDA technology,
specifically, as a stereotypical lecture. M-learning was
currently, it moves on to even more technologically
defined as an extension or augmentation of this kind of
complex technologies, such as Wireless Application
formal education in this perspective. However, it is not
Protocol (WAP).
at all clear that the definition of formal education is
(1) SMS texting
wholly correct, or if the some forms of education are
SMS texting has assumed a vast social importance
been taken into account; for example, the forms of
over the last five years and has transformed cultural life
distance education, which have existed for over 100
and social behaviour with the take-up of mobile phones
years . It leads to questions regarding the place of M-
in many parts of the world
. Since the idea of mobile
learning in relation to all forms of traditional learning,
phones’ potential for supporting learning occurred, SMS
not only the classroom.
has become most straightforward application of the
(4) Learning centered
usage of mobile phones as an educational supporting
The perspective of learning centered has become a
strong stream of M-learning research. Conceptualizing
experimented in this area.
M-learning in this perspective can be traced by
Learning on the Move
educational [12]
was an M-learning project
reviewing the combined works of Sharples, Taylor,
conducted at Japanese universities. Because the students
O’Malley and their colleagues [7][8][9][10][11]. In their early
only had one class per week, the repeated practice of
research, the concept of M-learning was strongly linked
foreign language vocabulary was difficult to facilitate.
to the device, similar to the technology centered
But most Japanese students constantly carry a mobile
perspective. However, it soon became clear that rather
phone, thus, this project sent short, daily lessons to
than the device, the focus should be on the mobility of
students by SMS messages, providing repeated practice
the learner. This led to considering mobile learning from
of foreign language vocabulary.
the learner’s perspective, and to the definition that: Any
Research to test the effectiveness of a two-way SMS
sort of learning that happens when the learner takes
campaign has been done at Kingston University (UK)[3].
advantage of learning opportunities offered by mobile
The team has developed a system that sends SMS to
Their current work is exploring the
students, registered to the service, about their schedule,
notion of learning in the mobile age, to develop a theory
changes in it, examination dates and places, students’
of mobile learning that builds on Engestrom’s
marks, etc. After registering, the students were
conceptualization of Activity Theory and Laurillard’s
automatically separated into five different groups. One
Conversational Framework [4].
group was receiving announcements via e-mail, another
three groups via SMS (but different interaction was
been undertaken, using the SMS system and WAP
necessary in every group) and the last – via the web.
The conclusions of the experiment were that the
sharing photos between the participants (teachers), and
students in scenarios where a certain type of response is
was mainly used for teacher training. This enabled the
required preferred SMS as a medium to e-mail or web-
introduction of MMS and other 3G services for M -
based announcements. They felt the data is more
learning. Also, other notable WAP portals used in M-
personal and they like this. SMS could be efficiently
learning projects can be found, such as HyWeb at
used in education (M-learning) as a complementary
Griffith University (Gold Coast, Australia), NAIT M-
medium. As the technology improves (i.e. EMS and
learning in Canada.
. The project introduced digital imaging and
MMS, potential more user-friendly interfaces), the
4. Conclusions
potential increases too. (2) PDA technology
This paper reviewed the current definition perspectives
Some educational programs for M-learning with PDAs [13]
of M-learning, which are: technology centered, related
These programs were designed for elementary schools,
to E-learning, augmenting formal education, and
where educators and students experienced M-learning
learning centered, which provide various dimensions of
using PDA. These programs included the concept map
M-learning and help clarify the term of M-learning.
have been developed by American researchers
editor PiCoMap, which allows students to create, share
Moreover, it gives an overview to assist understanding
and explore concept maps on their handheld computer.
of what M-learning is. Also, this paper introduced some
This program allowed users to create multiple nodes
M-learning projects, which are classified into three
and relationships leading to elaborate concept maps for
categories based on different mobile technologies.
brainstorming, visual outlining or assessment purposes.
Through the introduction, a pragmatic view is provided.
A similar project has been undertaken at the Tampere University of Technology (Finland)[14], where PDAs were
education) of children. The study content was presented
[1] Trifonova A., Ronchetti M. (2003). “Where is Mobile
in the form of a game where the pupils could
Learning Going”. Proceedings of the World Conference
communicate and help each other and the electronic
on E-learning in Corporate, Government, Healthcare, &
device was used to measure the average student’s
Higher Education (E-Learn 2003), Phoenix, Arizona,
knowledge level and to adapt the speed of presenting
USA, November 7-11, 2003. pp. 1794-1801.
new material to the learners’ speed.
[2] Ting Y.R. (2005), “Mobile learning: current trend and
(3) WAP portals Ultralab (UK) M-Learning project
future challenges”. Proceedings of the Fifth IEEE [15]
is one of the
projects that have a special section dedicated to the
Technologies (ICALT’ 05) pp. 603-607.
creation of a WAP portal for educational purposes. The
[3] Trifonova A. (2003), “Mobile Learning - Review of the
technical aspects in the creation of a WAP portal for
Literature”. Technical Report DIT-03-009, March, 2003,
educational purposes do not differ from a common WAP
portal. As the target users for this project are young people
(age 16-24) with literacy problems, the group studies the
[4] Winters
at N. (2006), “What is mobile learning”, In
problem of keeping the interest of the young adults to the
Sharples M. (Ed.) Big Issues in Mobile Learning: Report
useful learning materials, by exposing also modish and
of a workshop by the Kaleidoscope Network of
exciting subjects.
Excellence Mobile Learning Initiative. Nottingham:
At the University of Helsinki (Finland), LIVE
University of Nottingham.
(Learning In Virtual Environment) experiments have
[5] Liu T.C. et al. (2003), “Wireless and mobile technologies
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[6] Peters O. (1998), Learning and Teaching in Distance
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[14] Ketamo H (2002), “M-learning for kindergarten’s
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mathematics teaching: Wireless and Mobile Technologies
of Seeing, Understanding, Learning in the Mobile Age,
in Education”.
Budapest, Hungary, April 2005 pp.147-152.
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[8] Sharples
Education (WMTE 2002), pp.167-168.
[9] Taylor J et al. (2006), “Towards a task model for mobile learning:
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[15] UltraLab
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http://www.eee.bham.ac.uk/sharplem/Papers/Vavoula%2 0WMTE03_Submitted.pdf.