Modeling Corner Solutions with Panel Data : Application to the ... - idei

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Sep 23, 2003 - out, whether alternative forms of energy would arise to alleviate the ... consumption of different types of energy is associated with different levels ...
Modeling Corner Solutions with Panel Data : Application to the Industrial Energy Demand in France.



GREMAQ, University of Toulouse

LEERNA-CEA, University of Toulouse

Norbert LADOUX LEERNA-IDEI, University of Toulouse

23rd September 2003

Abstract This paper provides an empirical application of Lee and Pitt’s (1986) approach to the problem of corner solutions in the case of panel data. This model deals with corner solutions in a manner consistent with the firm behavior theory while controlling for unobserved heterogeneity. In this model, energy demand at industrial plant level is the result of a discrete choice of the type of the energy to be consumed and a continuous choice that defines the level of demand. The econometric model is, essentially, an endogenous switching regime model which requires the evaluation of multivariate probability integrals. We estimate the random effect model by maximum likelihood using a panel of industrial French plants from the paper and pulp industry. We calculate empirical price elasticities of energy demand from the model. We also study the effects on energy demand of an environmental policy aimed at reducing CO2 emissions. JEL Classification: C33, C34, D21, Q41. Key words: Energy demand system, Zero expenditures, Panel data, Random effects model. ∗ Corresponding

Address: Raja Chakir, GREMAQ, University of Toulouse, bâtiment F, 21 allée de Brienne, 31000 Toulouse.

FRANCE. e-mail: [email protected]. The authors are grateful to the Institut Français de l’Energie for its financial support and to the SESSI for providing the data. We would like to thank two anonymous referees for useful comments and suggestions. The usual disclaimer applies.




The oil crisis of the mid 1970’s increased the interest of economists and policy makers in the study of energy demand. Interesting questions which arose included: whether supplies of non-renewable energies were running out, whether alternative forms of energy would arise to alleviate the problem, and whether national economies could adjust to a changing price structure of energy and many empirical studies arose from these concerns. More recently, energy demand models became of particular interest from an environmental point of view. The consumption of different types of energy is associated with different levels of pollution emissions (CO2 , SO2 ,) and the combustion of fossil fuels (coal, gas, oil,) is the primary source of greenhouse gases emissions. Therefore, if different forms of energy are substitutes, it may be possible to reduce pollution by taxing the most polluting energies. Studies on energy demand usually examine either substitution possibilities between energy forms (Fuss, 1977) or substitution between energy (as an aggregate) and other inputs such as labor and capital (Berndt and Wood, 1975). Most of these studies use aggregated data. Typically these data are averages of variables over various industries. The use of aggregate data leads to two particular difficulties. First, the aggregation prevents the use of firm or plant level data directly in models that are designed to be applied at the microeconomic level. Second, prices used are average prices while the economic theory of cost minimization recognizes that the appropriate price to be used as an explanatory variable is the marginal price for energy forms. The use of disaggregated data alleviates these two problems but raises other modeling issues, in particular the existence of zero expenditure. When a significant proportion of observations in which expenditure on one or more goods is zero, the econometric model should allow for zero expenditure to occur with positive probability. Standard estimation methods for these models1 do not take into account zero expenditure and consequently yield inconsistent estimates of parameters. If observations containing zero expenditure are excluded for the purpose of the estimation, this will reduce significantly the sample size and estimators would be biased and inconsistent. In addition, the application of Tobit estimation will, for systems with more than two goods, result in biased estimates since they fail to consider that consumers’ response to price depends on the set of goods it consumes at corners2 . Wales and Woodland (1983) and Lee and Pitt (1986) derived models which offer an economic interpretation of zero expenditure as well as a direct and appropriate method to specify the econometric model. The Wales and Woodland (1983) approach is based upon Kuhn-Tucker conditions associated with the maximization of a utility function subject to the budget constraint and the non-negativity constraints on goods demands. Zero expenditures are obtained when non-negativity constraints are binding, leading to a corner solution of the conventional utility maximization or cost minimization problem.

The approach proposed by Lee and Pitt(1986) is based on the

notion of virtual price. Their method consists of deriving consumer demand systems from indirect cost or utility functions including popular flexible functional forms such as the translog. They derive notional demand functions 1 Such 2 Lee

as SUR (Seemingly unrelated Regressions) or maximum likelihood estimator and Pitt (1987)


which are defined over the full real line, effective demands are rationed to be non-negative. Virtual prices are such that notional and observed demands coincide. The Kuhn-Tucker approach (Wales and Woodland (1983)) and the virtual prices approach (Lee and Pitt(1986)) lead to equivalent regime conditions. Lee and Pitt’s approach has the advantage of allowing the use of flexibleform indirect cost function such as the translog. Lee and Pitt (1987) apply the virtual price approach to estimate interfuel substitution between electricity, fuel oil and other fuels from a cross-section of Indonesian firms in the Weaving and Spinning sector and in the Metal product sector. Bousquet and Ivaldi (1998) propose a combined and coherent treatment of both the zero expenditures and missing data (prices)3 . In this case, price equations are added to the demand system. Bjørner & Jensen (2000) focus on substitution between three different energy inputs. Estimations are carried out conditioning on the observed energy pattern. This means that the choice of the type of energy to consume is exogenously defined for firms. The objective of this paper is to estimate an energy demand system, using the approach of Lee & Pitt (1987) to treat the zero expenditure problem and taking into account the panel form of the data. Panel data control for individual heterogeneity by identifying and measuring effects that are not detectable in pure cross-section or pure time-series data. This paper gives efficient estimates of a structural system of censored variables with random effects on panel data. The present paper is organized as follows: section 2 describes the model of energy demand. The data and estimation results are presented in section 3. Section 4 is devoted to the exploration of empirical results. We present a complete simulation model based on our estimates. We study the effects of energy price variations and analyze the effects on energy demand of a CO2 tax.


The model


Energy demand specification

The production structure used here in deriving energy demand relationships are the same as in Fuss (1977). First, we assume that the production function is homothetic weakly separable in energy inputs. Thus the costminimizing mix of energy inputs is independent of the mix of the other factors and the cost minimization is a two stages procedure. In the first stage, the optimal amount of aggregate energy demand is determined and in the second stage relative prices of energy are used to determine the market share of each form of energy. In this paper we consider this second stage to determine the demand for energy input components. The unit cost of energy is thus described by the translog cost function, ln PEN = α0 +

3 X

αm ln pm +


3 3 1 XX β mk ln pm ln pk , 2 m=1 k=1

where index 1 denotes natural gas, 2 denotes oil product and 3 denotes electricity. 3 This

occur because most surveys generally report prices only for the subset of goods purchased.


The system of energy shares obtained from the translog cost function is defined as: 3

Sm =

X ∂ ln PEN = αm + β mk ln pk , ∂ ln pm

m = 1, 2, 3.


The properties of neo-classical production theory require the following parameter restrictions:

β mk 3 X αm



= β km ,

∀ m, k = 1, 2, 3, 3 X = 1 and β mk = 0, ∀ m = 1, 2, 3. k=1

Errors specification

Our model extends the approach of Lee & Pitt (1986) to the case of panel data. This type of data helps control for individual heterogeneity. Time series and cross-section studies not controlling for this heterogeneity run the risk of obtaining biased coefficient estimates. We add disturbances wmit to the system of energy shares described above:

Smit = αm +

3 X

β mk ln pkit + wmit ,

m = 1, 2, 3 i = 1, ...N

and t = 1, ...T



m denotes index for type of energy, i is the plant index and t is the date index. Following the standard procedure in panel data analysis, we decompose the error term as:

wmit = µmi + εmit ,

m = 1, 2, 3 i = 1, ...N

and t = 1, ...T


where µmi is the individual effect of firm i and energy m and εmit is an iid error term for equation m. We suppose that: µmi ∼ N (0, σ2µm ),

εmit ∼ N (0, σ2ε ),

E(µmi εmit ) = 0,

∀ m = 1, 2, 3,


with:   σ2 if i = j µmk E(µmi µkj ) =  0 otherwise

  σ2 if i = j εmk E(εmit εkjs ) =  0 otherwise

∀ m, k = 1, 2, 3,

and t = s

∀ m, k = 1, 2, 3.

Using notations in Schmidt (1990), one can write the system of M = 3 notional share equations where the m-th equation is of the form: 0

Sm = αm + β m ln p + wm , 4

m = 1, 2, 3



where Sm = (Sm11,... Sm1T,... SmN1,... SmNT ) , αm = (αm1 , αm2 , αm3 )0 , β m = (β m1 , β m2 , β m3 )0 , ln p = 0

(ln p1 , ln p2 , ln p3 )0 , ln pm = (ln pm11, ..., ln pm1N , ln pmN1, ... ln pmNT ) , µ0m = (µm1 , ..., µmN ) ⊗ e0T and εm = (εm11 , ...εm1T , ...εmN1 , ...εmNT )


Energy regimes description

In this study three forms of energy are identified: electricity E, oil products O and natural gas G. To derive the likelihood function for this model, we need to distinguish different regimes. For three-energy models there are seven regimes (23 − 1) in total. We assume that it is not feasible to produce without using any form of energy. In our sample electricity is always employed, therefore the choice set is reduced to 23−1 = 4 cases.

∗ Denoting Sm the observed shares for m = 1, 2, 3 the regime conditions4 are summarized as in table (1).

Table 1: Presentation of energy regimes Regimes definitions

Observed share

Regime conditions

equations Regime XXX S1∗ > 0, S2∗ > 0,

S1∗ = S1

0 < S1 , 0 < S2

1 − S1∗ − S2∗ > 0

S2∗ = S2

0 < S1 + S2 < 1

Regime OXX S1∗ = 0, 0