Introduction: This model simulates the selective NO reduction with NH3, that occurs as flue gases pass through the chann
NOx Reduction in a Monolithic Reactor Introduction: This model simulates the selective NO reduction with NH3, that occurs as flue gases pass through the channels of a monolithic reactor in the exhaust system of a motored vehicle. The optimal dosing of NH3 is modeled in the 0D kinetic study and the 3D model reveals the full space-dependency of the problem.
Modeling with COMSOL Multiphysics: The model involves multiphysics simulation including Chemical Reactions, Mass Transport, Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow. Due to the symmetry, one eight of the full reactor geometry is modeled, and the thermodynamic properties and transport properties adopt the NASA or CHEMKIN format. The Chemical Reaction Engineering Module is utilized in this model.
Figure 1. Chemical reactions
Figure 2. Reactor model geometry
Figure 3. Model discretization
Modules Involved:
The 3D reactor model results predict the average conversion of NO in the monolithic channel blocks, and reveal that a channels’ performance depends on its position in reactor.
Chemical Reaction Engineering Heat Transfer Fluid Flow