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The bipolar transistor consists of a semiconductor crystal in which a very ... transistor. We shall see that for a good transistor, the base width must be much ...
Module 5 THE BIPOLAR TRANSISTOR 1. Construction The invention of transistor by Barden, Brattain and Shockley in 1948 has started the real electronic era. The bipolar transistor consists of a semiconductor crystal in which a very thin n-type (p-type) layer is sandwiched by two p-type (n-type) layers, as shown schematically in Fig. 1. The emitter layer is normally highly doped than the base layer. The doping concentration of the collector layer is normally different from that of the emitter and base layers. The three layers are supplied with ohmic metallic contacts in order to be able to bias the transistor. The three terminals are denoted by the emitter E, the base B and the collector C. This type of transistor is called (pnp), (npn) transistor. We shall study in detail the electrical behavior of pnp transistor. The results obtained hold equally well for npn transistor. We shall see that for a good transistor, the base width must be much smaller than the diffusion length of the minority charge carriers in the base region. With the last condition satisfied, the transistor can function as an amplifier. It can be used also as a controlled switch.

Figure 1. The schematic construction of bipolar transistors.

2. Qualitative Description Of The Transistor Action It is clear from Fig. 1 , that a transistor has two pn junctions, the emitter-base junction EJ and the collector-base junction CJ, with a common n-layer. Because any of them has two states according to the polarity of the applied voltage on it, the forward and the reverse state, there are four different possibilities to bias the transistor as indicated in table 1 & Fig. 2. Consequently, four operation modes of a transistor will result. When the two junctions are reverse biased very small current will pass through the transistor. Consequently, the transistor can be considered as an open switch. In contrary if the two junctions are forward biased, the transistor will be low ohmic and it can be simulated with a closed switch. In case 2 and 3 it will be in its active mode of operation.


When we apply a bias on the transistor, currents will pass in the emitter, in the collector, and in the base. These currents will be denoted by IE, IC and IB respectively. We shall assume that all currents flow in the different electrodes as shown in Fig. 3. The actual directions of the currents can be the assumed directions or the opposite of them. It is clear that there is a relation between the three currents. From the first Kirchhoff's law the sum of the three currents is equal to zero, that is, IE +IC+IB = 0


Thus, knowing two of these currents, the third can be determined from eqn (1).

1 2 3 4



state of transistor

reverse biased VEB < 0 forward biased VEB > 0 reverse biased VEB < 0 forward biased VEB > 0

reverse biased VCB < 0 reverse biased VCB < 0 forward biased VCB > 0 forward biased VCB > 0

switch off forward active, or normal active. Inverse active saturation condition, switch on

Table 1. Different possibilities to bias the transistor and the corresponding modes of operation.

Figure 2. Different possibilities to bias a transistor.

Also, if the potential differences between two pairs of terminals are known, the third can be determined from the second Kirchhoff's law, VCE =VCB+VBE = VCB - VEB


Thus we can determine the terminal currents and voltages completely by knowing two currents and two voltages of the transistor.


3. The Forward Active Operation: In this mode of operation, the transistor must be capable of amplifying signals. This means that a small electric power supplied to the input circuit, here the emitter-base junction, must cause a much larger power consumption from the collector supply VCB in the output collector circuit. We can simply say we want to control the output power with small input power. In the transistor circuit shown in Fig. 3 , the controlling input power can be expressed by: Pin = VEB IE This power will be consumed in the EJ. Since the EJ is forward biased, then VEB is of the order of 0.6 Volt. The controlled output power, which is the power, supplied by the battery VCB can be written in the form. Pout = VCB IC Because the CJ is reverse biased, VCB can have values, which are much greater than 0.6 V but must be smaller than the breakdown voltage of the collector junction.

Figure 3. Common base connection of the transistor.

For effective control and amplification the ratio Pout/pin must be as high as possible. We can write Pout  VCB   I C  =  .  Pin  VEB   I E 

Since IE = -(IC +IB) , then

Pout VCB = Pin VEB

  VCB IC  =  −( I C + I B )  VEB


   −1     1+ IB  IC  


Figure 4. The different current components in a pnp transistor in active operation mode. The symbols in the figure have the following meanings: fixed acceptor ions in the transition region. fixed donor ions in the transition region. holes. free electrons. Recombination of an electron and hole pair. IPE

The injected hole current from the emitter into the base.


The injected electron current from the base into emitter.


The recombination current in the neutral base region.


The hole current reaching the collector junction.


The reverse saturation current of the reverse biased collector junction provided that VCB> N b. That is why the emitter doping concentration must be much higher than the base concentration for practical transistors. The order of magnitudes of the doping concentration in the emitter and base respectively are Ne = 1018 to 1021 /cm3 and Nb = l0l5 to 10l7 /cm3 . We have also learnt from the PN junction study that the injected carriers from one side to the other side of the junction diffuse on the average a distance equal to the mean diffusion length before they recombine. Applying this fact on the holes injected from the emitter of a transistor, in order to make the recombination current in the neutral base region very small, the injected holes from the emitter must diffuse a much smaller distance than the diffusion length to arrive the collector junction. As a result the neutral base width wb must be smaller than the diffusion length Lp of the holes in the base region, that is, Wb pbo, and since the CJ is reverse biased, then pb(w) 0 and the EJ is short circuit VEB = 0,by analogy to case A we can write the following expressions for the transistor currents: The collector current = J C( B ) = J CS (eV






where JCS is the reverse saturation current of the CJ with VEB = 0, The collected emitter current − J E( B ) = α I J C( B ) = α I J CS ( eV V − 1) (24) EB


where α I is the inverse current amplification factor with VEB = 0, and



The base current = − J B( B ) = (1 − α I ) J CB


The General Case : VCB ≠ 0 & VEB ≠ 0 If we superpose the voltages and currents in both cases A & B, we get the relation between the terminal voltages as the independent parameters and the terminal currents as the dependent parameters.

Figure 9. Ebers-Moll circuit model of a pnp transistor.( two-diode model) DE is the emitter pn junction. DC is the collector pn junction. IDE and IDC are the currents in DE and DC respectively.

It follows that the total collector current JC = Injected current density + collected current density



JC = J C( B ) + − J C( A ) = J CS (eV








−α F J ES eVCB VT − 1


The total emitter current





J E = J E( A ) injected + J C( B ) collected = J ES eVCB VT − 1 − α I J CS eVCB VT − 1


and the base current ( − J B ) = J C + J E These two important equations (26) and (27) are called the Ebers and Moll model They describe totally the I-V characteristics of ideal or intrinsic transistors. Any special case can be derived easily from these two equations. They can be represented by the electric circuit shown in Fig. 9.

Figure 9a. Circuit symbols of the bipolar transistors.

8. Graphical Representation of I-V Characteristics of a pnp Transistor The circuit symbols of the npn and pnp transistor are shown in Fig. 9 As the transistor is a three electrode device, we can use any of the three electrodes as a common terminal for the applied sources and measuring voltmeters. Therefore, there are three possible circuit configurations, the common base, the common emitter and the common collector, as shown in Figs. 10 , 11 and 12 respectively.

Figure 10. Common base circuit IC = f(VCB,IE)

In order to compare the three connections, let us introduce and calculate the power control ratio pout /pin for each connection. Common Base Circuit pin = VEB . I E pout = VCB . I C

pout  VCB  I C = . pin  VEB  I E


When the CJ is reverse biased VCB >> VEB , and for good transistors IC ≅ IE ,then pout VCB VCB = = >> 1 , pin VEB VEB

Hence voltage amplification only exists.

Figure 11. Common emitter circuit, IC = f(VEC,IB)

Common Emitter Circuit pout VCE I C VCB + VBE IC = . = . pin VEB I B VBE I E − IC

V   α   VCB  =  CB + 1   .( β )  =  VBE   1 − α   VBE 

With β =

α >> 1 and VCE >> VBE , then both voltage and current gain exist. 1−α

Figure 12. Common collector circuit IE = f(VEC, IB)

Common Collector Circuit pout VEC . I E = pin VEB . I B VEC ≅ VBC as VBE > 1 IB   IB   pout = 1+ β , pin

Hence only current gain exist. The most used circuit configuration for the amplification and switching is the common emitter circuit, since it produces the highest power control ratio among all possible circuit connections of the transistor, these are given in figures 10 , 11 and 12 . The common base circuit can amplify voltages only while the common collector amplifies current only. 8.1. Static Characteristics of the Transistor in Common Base Circuit For the sake of an easier circuit analysis, the most interest lies on the output or collector characteristics for different discrete values of the controlling emitter current. That is    I C = fC  VCB , IE {  {   Continuous parameter Varied in steps 

In order to get the functional relationship between IC and VCB for certain IE, we must eliminate VEB from the Ebers and Moll equations, (26) & (27). This gives CB / VT − 1 J C = −α F J E + J CBO  e V


with J CBO = (1 − α I α F ) J CS Equation (28) describes the static characteristics of a pnp transistor in common-base circuit shown in Fig. 13. It is clear from the characteristic equation. that the (I-V) collector characteristic of the transistor is the I-V characteristic of the CJ (the term JCBO ( eV V − 1 )) superimposed on the collected hole current from the emitter junction (the term - α F JE) CB


If JE = 0, i.e. open circuited emitter the collector current is just the current of the collector junction. Therefore, when VCB < 0 and equal to -3VT, JC = JCBO = JCO ,that is the current which passes through the collector is only the reverse saturation current of this junction JCO. As this current is very small (in the order of nA), the collector circuit can be considered as an off switch and the region under the curve IE = 0 and VCB < 0 is called the off region .At any positive emitter current, say 3 IEl, the transistor will be capable of amplification so long as the collector junction is reverse biased i.e. VCB < 0. Thus this region is called the active region If VCB is made positive, the collector junction will be forward biased and the collector current begins to decrease, the transistor is not capable of amplification. This state is called the saturated state of the transistor as the base region is flooded with minority carriers as shown in the bottom of Fig. 8 . Notice that if the transistor is saturated,


pout VCB J C = . , pin VEB J E

VCB ≤ VEB and J C < J E .

Thus the output power is smaller than the input power. This means no amplification.

Figure 13. Current voltage characteristics of a transistor in the common base connection.

8.2. I-V Characteristic of a Transistor in a Common Emitter Circuit This characteristic is normally given in the data sheets of the transistors We are now interested to relate the collector current IC with collector to emitter voltage VCE and the base current IB. That is   I C = f  VCE , I{B   {   Continuous in steps 

Although the Ebers-Moll eqns. are derived for the common base configuration, We can get from them J C = β F J B + J CEO ( eV V . e −V V − 1) , (29) CB



αF 1−αF



 J  >> 1, and J CEO =  CO  1−αF 



> J CO .

The new parameter βF is called the current amplification factor in the emitter circuit. It is much greater than unity. JCBO is the collector to emitter current with open base JB = 0 as it is clear form eqn (29) By representing eqn. (29) graphically we get the collector characteristics in common emitter circuit shown in fig. 14 .

Figure 14. Collector I-V characteristics of a transistor in the common emitter configuration.

Now, we shall explain the shape of the current-voltage characteristic shown in fig. 14. for constant base current, say 3 IBl, and large negative values of VCE, the emitter junction will be forward biased while the CJ is reverse biased, hence J C = β F ( − J B ) − I CEO

The minus sign is introduced because the base current is forced to flow out of the base lead . JC is independent of VCE, so long as VCB < -3 VT. Reducing VCE more, the CJ voltage VCB will attain the value zero, consequently, J C = + β F ( − J B ) , for VCB = 0 , (VCE = VBE )

This is the boundary between the active and saturation region, which is represented by the dashed curve in Fig. 14 . If we decrease VCE further, the CJ will be forward biased. It begins to inject holes in the base. Consequently, the net collector current will decrease and reaches ultimately to zero. In this case



J C = β F (− J B ) + J CEO e VCB VT − 1 < β F J B 1 424 3 1442443 − Ve . value

+ Ve . value

It is observed experimentally that the collector current depends slightly on VCE in the active region as shown in Fig. 14 by the solid lines. This can be explained easily as follows: When VCE increases, VCB increases also, and consequently, the neutral base width decreases because of the widening of collector transition region as demonstrated in Fig. 15 . In consequence the hole gradient increases and consequently the fraction of the holes which reach the collector. This effect is called "The Early effect".


Figure 15. The collector current increases due to the increase in the reverse bias voltage of the CJ.(Early Effect).

8.3. The Input Characteristic (i) Common Base Connection It is required to determine the functional relationship IE = f (VBE, VCB) It is clear that eqn (27) describes this characteristic. We can deduce easily that for a fixed value of VCB, the emitter current increases exponentially with VBE. It is more or less a diode characteristic as shown in fig. 16. At high emitter current, the curves flatten and deviate from that of ideal transistor because of the ohmic voltage drops on the neutral regions of the transistor. The different body resistances of a real transistor is shown in fig. 16a . Expressed in an other way, the terminal voltages will be dropped partly on the junction and on the ohmic resistances of the neutral regions of the transistor. these resistances must be taken into consideration in the Ebers -Moll model as shown in Fig. 9a . On the other side, the slight increase of the emitter current with increasing reverse bias of the CJ is due to "Early effect".

Figure 16. Input characteristic for common-base.


Fig. 16a Construction of a real transistor RE, RB and RC are the emitter, the base and the collector body resistances respectively.

Figure. 9a. Ebers-Moll model for a real transistor.

(ii) Common Emitter Connection By adding eqns (26),and (27), the input characteristic of the transistor in the common emitter configuration can be obtained i.e.,


− J B = (1 − α F ) J ES e −VBE




− 1 +(1 − α I ) J CS eVCE


e −VBE




This characteristic is represented in Fig. 17 for different values of collector to emitter voltage such that the collector junction is reverse biased. The effects of the ohmic voltage drops and the widening of the collector space charge region are also shown in the figure .As VCE increases and the base current becomes smaller.


Figure. 17. Input characteristic for common emitter with VCEl > VCE2

9. Voltage Ratings of the Transistor If we increase the reverse bias voltage of the CJ, the transition region spreads in the base. If the base width is small, the edge of the transition region of the CJ can reach the edge of the emitter transition region before the avalanche breakdown condition in the CJ is fulfilled. This situation is shown in Fig. 18a. The voltage at which this happens is called the punch-through voltage, Vpt. Under this condition the neutral base width goes to zero and the hole concentration gradient becomes very big. As a result a big hole current flows from the emitter to the collector as shown in Fig. 18b. This current must be limited by the external circuit otherwise the electric power dissipated in the transistor will damage it. Now a simple relation can be derived easily for the punch-through voltage as follows:

Figure 18a. Punch-through condition in a transistor. The collector transition region reaches the emitter junction .


Emax =

qN D w`b , εw

V pt =

1 E max w`b 2

V pt =


and it follows that 2

qN D ` wb ε

where W`b is the metallurgical width of the base Figure 18b. At punch-through the collector region. current increases abruptly.

On the other side, an avalanche breakdown of the collector junction can occur before punch-through, if the breakdown voltage is smaller than the punch-through voltage. It has been previously proved that VBr =



ε E cr2 qN D

10. Transit Time The transit time of the minority charge carriers in the base sets an upper limit for usefulness of the transistor as an amplifier and also for its switching speed. Let us now derive an expression for this time. assume that the base width wb is much smaller than the diffusion length of the minority carriers in the base region. This condition is well satisfied practically for all types of transistors as explained in Sec. 3 .One can easily deduce that the transit time of the minority charge carriers is given by T=

wb2 2 Dp


It is clear from this equation that the transit time of the minority carriers in the neutral base region can be decreased appreciably by reducing the base width. As a result the high frequency and switching transistors must have the smallest base width among the different types of transistors. We can deduce easily from eqn.(30) that upon reducing the transit time of the transistor, its voltage ratings will be made smaller. Thus it is impossible to realize a high power transistor for very high frequency applications. This problem could be partially solved by the invention of drift transistors in which the minority carriers move mainly under the influence of an electric field in the base region. Also materials with much higher mobilities such as GAS are also used for the fabrication of very high frequency transistor.


11. The Transistor As A Circuit Element The transistor is an important component in electronic circuits because, as we saw in the preceding sections it can perform the two basic functions of amplification and switching. In order to perform these functions, the transistor must be correctly biased at certain dc operating conditions. So, in this section we shall pay attention to transistor biasing and how we can determine the dc operating conditions of a transistor in dc circuits. There are three possible circuit configurations of the transistor: I.

Common base.

II. Common emitter. III. Common collector. The most used transistor configuration is the common emitter as it leads to the most efficient control of the transistor. Basically the transistor is biased with two different voltage sources as shown in Fig. 19. The BE junction is forward biased while the CB junction is reverse biased. The transistor is in its active state. The resistors, RB and RC are used to limit the base and collector currents IB and IC respectively. The designation for the two power supplies, for the base VBB, and for the collector VCC are according to the IEEE nomenclature. It is required now to analyze this circuit to determine the currents IB, IC and the voltages VCE and VBE. In principle, the Kirchhoff voltage and current laws are used together with the terminal properties of the device in the circuit. IC

The procedure is to write down the loop equations for the input loop 1 passing through the emitter junction, and the output loop 2 passing through the collector to emitter as shown in Fig. 19. Therefore, we get: VBB = I B RB + VBE VCC = I C RC + VCE







(31) (32)

Figure 19. Two battery transistor biasing.

According to the circuit theory, other loops do not give any new equations. As we have four unknowns, we need two other independent equations. These are the terminal relationships of the device that can be expressed in the functional form as follows: I B = FB ( V BE , VCE )

(33) which represents the input characteristics of the transistor, and I C = FC ( I B , VCE )

(34) Which represents the collector characteristics of the transistor. We know that Eq. 33 and Eq. 34 are nonlinear. Therefore, there are different methods to solve these equations:



The numerical method by using digital computers.

VCE > 0.6V IB

II. The graphical solution. III. Approximate analytical methods.



IV. Combining (II) and (III). VBE

In the approximate analytical method the VBEO VBEa nonlinear terminal I-V characteristics are peicewise linearized resulting in the so-called linear model of the Figure 20. The input characteristics device. piece wise linearized. The actual input characteristics IB=FB(VBE,VCE) of the transistor are approximated by the broken line (a) as shown in Fig. 20. rBE The equivalent circuit represented by this broken line is VBEγγ IB shown in Fig. 21 where the cut in voltage VBEγ required to B E enter the forward biased junction into conduction, rBE the large signal dynamic resistance of the base emitter junction. The Figure 21. Equivalent circuit of the EJ. resistor rBE is in series with the back battery VBEγ.

It must be mentioned that this peicewise linear model of the i/p bas-emitter junction is similar to that of a p-n junction. A more approximate model for the base characteristics is that corresponding to the vertical line b in Fig. 18 with rBE = 0 and VBEγγ = VBEa . This means that a forward biased B-E junction can be substituted by a nearly constant drop VBEa. VBEa depends on the semiconductor material of the transistor. It amounts to about 0.6V for Silicon transistor. When the transistor is in the saturation it needs more base current, and hence its BE voltage VBES, becomes larger than VBEa. VBES amounts to about 0.7V for Si transistors and 0.4V for Ge transistors. IC


For any other transistor type you can find the parameters of the linear model using the same procedure. The collector characteristics IC = fC (IB ,VCE) can be also piecewise linearized as shown in Fig. 22 to get the linear circuit model representing the transistor between the collector and emitter terminals. In the active mode of operation the collector current can be expressed as a linear function of IB and VCE as follows: IC = βIB + rCEa VCE + ICBO




Figure 22. The output characteristics with piece wise linearization.

Where β is the common emitter current gain and rCEa is the inverse of the slope of the straight line in the active region. ICBO is the collectoremitter current with the base open circuit. For many transistor circuits this current is much smaller than β IB and can be neglected. Also gCEa VCE can be neglected compared toβ β IB. Therefore Eq. 5 approximates to a more approximate linear model:


IC ≅ β IB


According to Eq. 36 the transistor between C and E can be modeled with a pure dependent current source β IB as shown in Fig. 23. In the saturation mode of operation the collector characteristics can be approximated by the straight line II; whose equation can be written as: VCE = VCE sat + I C rCE sat VCE sat is the intercept of line II with the VCE axes, and rCE sat is the inverse slope of the same line. The above equation is represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 23. But for the sake of more approximate analysis, one can consider that the voltage drop between the collector and the emitter VCEsat is about 0.1 to 0.3V for Si transistors which means that line II is substituted by suitable vertical line III. In summary to analyze transistor dc circuits quickly we can use the following approximate relationships. For active transistors: VBE = VBEa = fixed voltage = 0.6 - 0.7 for Si and IC = β IB.




And for saturated transistors:


Equivalent circuit of collector to emitter at saturation.

VCE sat = 0.1 - 0.3V and VBE sat = 0.7 - 0.8V for Si. Example:

Calculate IC and VCE for the Si transistor circuit shown in Fig. 19 given that VBB = 1.5V, RB = 100kΩ Ω, β = 100 and VCC = 10V, for RC = 1k and RC = 20k. Solution: C

Assuming active transistor: IB =

. − 0.6 VBB − VBE 15 = = 9 µΑ RB 100


IC =β β IB = 900 µ A



if RC = 1k, then VCE = VCC − IC RC = 10 − 0.9 × 1k = 9.1V

Figure 23. The active equivalent circuit from collector to emitter.

Since VCE > 0.1V , then the transistor is active. If RC = 20 kΩ Ω , then VCE = 10 −18 = − 8V. Negative VCE means that the transistor is saturated, and the collector current becomes: IC =

VCC − VCESat 10 − 0 .1 = = 0 .495 mA RC 20


Graphical Solutions To solve the basic transistor circuit in Fig. 19 graphically, the input and output collector characteristics must be given in graphical form as shown in Fig. 24. V CC


Firstly we determine IB and VBE by drawing line I representing Eq. 31 on the input II IB5 IB4 characteristics. Qi is the required solution. Then IB3 Q we draw the load line II representing Eq. 32 on Qt IB2 I IB1 B the output collector characteristics. Plot the VCE VCC VCE dynamic transfer current characteristics which VBB RB I represents the collector current as a function of the base current for all points of the load line. Qi VBB Since the base current is known form Qi, the VBE collector current can be determined from the Figure 24. Graphical solution of the dynamic transfer characteristics and consequently transistor operating point. VCE from the load line. This can be done easily by drawing vertical line from Qi, the input operating point, to meet the dynamic transfer curve in Qt followed by a horizontal line meeting the load line in output operating point Q as shown in Fig. 24 by the dashed line. “Graphical solution” methods have limited applications for more complicated transistor circuits and numerical solution methods are preferred. Combined Piecewise Linear Model And Graphical Solution: If the input characteristic is not given, one can determine the base current using piecewise linear model Eq. 33 where the forward biased input junction is replaced by a resistance in series with a back battery equals the cut in voltage VBEa. After drawing the load line on the collector characteristics, one can locate the operating point, since IB in now known. The Universal Biasing Circuit Of A Transistor Amplifier: The universal biasing circuit of a transistor is shown Fig. 25. A single power supply is used instead of two power supplies in the basic circuit of Fig. 19. In order to forward bias the emitter junction, the potential divider R2 and R1 is used. The emitter self bias resistance RE is used to make the collector current less sensitive to temperature variations. It is said that RE stabilizes the operating point. One can understand the effect of RE as follows:


If IC is increased because of a temperature rise the emitter current increases accordingly. For hard potential divider such that VB is nearly constant VBE will be reduced because of the higher emitter potential. As VBE decreases, the collector current will be reduced returning again to its initial value before the rise in the temperature has been occurred.




Figure 25. The universal biasing circuit of the transistor.

The input loop equation can be written as: (37)

Substituting IE=IC+IB in Eq. 37 and considering that VBEa ≅ constant one gets:


' V BB = V BB − V BEa = I B ( R B + RE ) + I C RE (38)






Normally IBRE is negligible in comparison to the other terms; hence: VCC = VCE + IC ( RE + RC )


The output loop equation is: VCC = VCE + IC ( RE + RC ) + IB RE



VCC R1 R1 R2 and R B = R1 + R2 R1 + R2

V BB = I B R B + I E RE



Using Thevinen’s theorem one can reduce this circuit to a circuit similar to the basic circuit in Fig. 19. But with: V BB =











Which is the load line equation for Figure 27. The common emitter transistor circuit. self bias transistor circuit. The load line has VCC the slope 1/( RE + RC ) instead of 1/RC for IC V'BB RC + R E Ia the basic circuit. Representing Eq. 40 RE results in the load line IIa in Fig. 26 while Qt Q Eq. 38 results in the bias curve Ia on the output collector characteristics. The IB IIa ' operating point Q is the interception point V BB VCC VCE of the load line with the bias curve. As RB + R E shown in Fig. 26, the bias line can also be Qi VBE represented on the transfer characteristics which is easier to draw than the bias curve Figure 26. Graphical solution of the in the output characteristics. One can check universal biasing circuit. the value of VBEa by projecting the operating point Qt on the input characteristics as shown in Fig. 26. VBEa must be found around 0.65V. The analytical solution of this circuit can be carried out by solving eqns 38 and 40 together with the piece wise linear equations of the transistor output characteristics.


The Transistor Amplifier Circuit: The common emitter amplifier circuit is shown in Fig. 27. The signal to be amplified is applied to the input of the amplifier via a coupling capacitor C1 which prevents the direct current from the signal source VS. The useful load RL is connected between the collector and ground through an another dc blocking condenser C2. A universal biasing circuit is utilized to adjust the dc operating point of the transistor. It is required to determine the amplifier characteristics. These are the voltage gain AV, the current gain Ai, the power gain AP, the input impedance Zi and the output impedance Z0. They are defined by: V0 VS


I The current gain Ai = 0 Ii


P0 Pi


The voltage gain AV =

The power gain AP =

The input impedance Z i =

Vi Ii

The output impedance Z 0 =

V0 I0

(44) vs = 0


where Vi is the input voltage, V0 the output voltage, Ii the input current and I0 the output current of the signal. Before starting our analysis of the amplifier circuit let us classify the amplifiers. The first classification is based on the signal level in the amplifier where one differentiate between the small signal and large signal amplifiers. The second classification is according to the dc operating point. One recognizes three classes:

• Class A where the operating point lies in the middle of the load line. • Class B where the operating point lies on the edge of transistor cut- off. •

Class C where the operating point lies in the cut- off region of the transistor characteristic field.

Class B and C are large signal amplifiers. Amplifiers also are classified according to their operating frequencies. There are audio, video and radio frequency amplifiers. There are also linear and nonlinear amplifiers. We shall confine our study to the class A, linear amplifier with small signal. There are different methods to analyze the amplifier circuit: (i) The graphical solution. (ii) The small signal equivalent circuits, and (iii)The numerical method using digital computer.


(I) The Graphical Analysis: The dc operating point is determined in the previous section. Assume that RC, RE, R2 and R1 are selected such that the operating point lies midway on the dc load line as shown in Fig. 28. Since the ac resistance of the output loop is different from the dc resistance, the ac load line will not coincide with the dc load line. The emitter bias resistance RE will be bypassed by CE, and C2 will be short circuit. Therefore, the total ac resistance Rac between the collector and emitter can be written as: Rac =

RC . RL ≡ R'L RC + RL


The ac load line has a resistance as shown in Fig. 28.

ac dynamic transfer curve


VCC dc dynamic transfer curve R +R C E Icm





IB Vbem t



Vcem Vsm t

input ac load line slope =1/RS




Figure 28. The dc operating point on the output, the transfer and input characteristics. The different voltage and current waveforms.

R'L and must pass through the dc operating point Q

The ac load line of the input has an ac resistance approximately equals RS according to the reduced input circuits of Fig. 29 where C1 and CE are short circuit while R1 in parallel with R2 is shunted by the practically much lower ac resistance of the base emitter junction. RS The input ac load line is drawn C1 B on the input characteristics in Fig. 28. RS Assuming that VS changes sinusoidally R1 R2 CE as shown in Fig. 28 the ac load line RE VS VS swings back and forth without changing slope such that the maximum excursion at the VBE’ axis amounts to Vsm. The Figure 29. The ac input circuit. intersection points with the VBE curve are the required base currents and base emitter voltages at different time instants of the input signal. Consequently, one gets the collector current ic(t) waveform by directly projecting the input points on the ac dynamic transfer curve ic= f (it) at the ac load line. Then one determines vCE(t) shown in Fig. 28 by further projecting the transfer points on the ac load line. The resulting current and voltage waveforms are nearly sinusoidal thanks to small VS and the linearity of the different characteristic curves in the neighborhood of the operating point.

Now one can calculate the different quantities characterizing the amplifier by substituting


VS ≡ Vsm , V0 ≡ Vcem , I 0 = I cm

RC , Ii ≡ Ibm and Vi = Vbem. RC + R L

It is important to notice that the input and output voltage are antiphase. This is because as the input voltage increases the collector current increases the voltage drop on RL and decreases the voltage on the transistor for fixed VCC. Because of the nonlinear input and transfer characteristics, as Vsm is raised the distortion in the current and voltage waveforms increases. Ultimately, by inspecting the ac load line and the transfer curve one can see that the positive output voltage half wave will be clipped first if Icm ≥ Ic while the negative half will be clipped if I cm ≥ (I ∗C − I C ) . The positive trough clipping is due to that the transistor gets off at that portion of time while the transistor becomes saturated during the negative trough clipping. As special cases, one can assume that RS = 0 where the input signal source is a pure voltage source or RS = ∞ , where the signal source is a pure current source. In case of constant voltage source the input ac load line will be vertical while it will be horizontal for the current source. (Ii) The Small Signal Equivalent Circuit: It is clear from the foregoing study that the graphical solution method is suitable for low frequency small and large signals. If the signal is small, one can use the small signal models of the active device. The small signal models are simply the small signal equivalent circuits of the device containing conventional circuit elements. The circuit elements are termed the parameters of the equivalent circuit. Since the transistor input characteristics is that of a diode, one can apply the small signal equivalent circuit of the diode developed previously on the base- emitter junction of the transistor as shown in Fig 30. -

the resistance rb b is the base spreading resistance, rb’e is the dynamic resistance of the base- emitter junction and Cb’e is its capacitance. Since I c = f ( I B ,VCE )

rb’c B


B’ Cb’c


rb’e Ib’e


Cb’e gmVb’e E

Figure 30. The hybrid −π equivalent circuit of a bipolar transistor.


Then a total change in IC can be obtained by differentiating Eq. 47 partially: dI c =

∂ IC ∂ IC dI B + dVCE ∂ IB ∂ VCE


Substituting for small signal operation dIc=ic, dIB = ib-e , dVCE =Vce, β = one gets:


∂ IC ∂ IC 1 = and ∂ IB ∂ VCE rce

ic = β ibe +

Vce rce


Where β is the small signal emitter current amplification factor and rce is the small signal collector emitter resistance with base ac open circuit. The definition of β and rce drives directly from Eqns. 48 and 49 can be represented by the equivalent circuit shown in Fig. 30. The current source accounts for the transistor effect. One has to include the equivalent circuit of the collector base junction between the terminal B’ and C in Fig. 30. As any diode equivalent circuit it comprises a resistance r b’c and a capacitance Cb’c. With reference to Fig. 30: Vb− e = rb− e . ib− e


β ib− e = β Vb − e / rb− e = gmVb− e


Then the current source:

with gm =

β rb' e


where gm is the transfer conductance which is basically defined by: gm =

∂ IC ∂ V BE


The small signal equivalent circuit of Fig. 30 is termed the hybrid−π model of the bipolar transistor. The parameters of this model depends on the dc operating condition of the transistor. They are to large extent independent of frequency. Since I C ≅ α F I ES e




for active transistor, it follows that gm after Eq. 53 is given by: gm =



where VT is the thermal voltage. The other parameters follow directly those of diode discussed previously, and therefore no need to discuss their dependence on the operating conditions again. Lead inductances and neutral collector and emitter region resistances can be added to the above circuit to make it suitable for very high frequency applications. This equivalent circuit is based on physical reasoning. There are circuit models which formally describes the electrical performance of the device. In this black box representation of the active device one considers it a general 2 port network. The power of this approach lies on the complete measurability of circuit parameters in contrary to the physical model. According to the four terminal notations, one can use the h-, z-, y- and the s- parameters. The operating frequency gives priority to certain parameters groups. At low frequency applications the h-parameter are commonly used.


The transistor and its small signal equivalent h-model is shown in Fig. 31. The transistor signal currents and voltages are related by: Vbe = hie I b + hreVce I c = hfe I b + hoeVce


C 1/hoe

hie Vbe

B Vce








Eq. 56 and Eq. 57 are the definition equations of the h-parameters: hie = input impedance ≡



Vbe Ib

Figure 31. The transistor and its small signal hparameters model.


Vce = 0

hre = inverse voltage feed back factor ≡

Vbe Vce

h fe = the forward current amplification factor ≡ hoe = the output admitance ≡


Ib = 0

IC Vce = 0 Ib (60)

IC Ib = 0 Vce


These parameters as they defined are directly measurable from the terminals. From the circuit analysis point of view the hybrid−π model is completely equivalent to the hmodel and their parameters can be interrelated to each others. For practical transistor operating in the active mode hre is normally very small and can be neglected. In analyzing our low frequency RS rb′′b Io B C small signal amplifier of Fig. 27 we Ii Ib use the hybrid−π model neglecting gmVb′′e all capacitors and rb’c because the Vi VS Vo Vb′′e collector junction is reverse biased. rce rb′′e RL RB RC The final circuit to be analyzed is shown in Fig. 32. E

For practical amplifier circuits RB >> (rb’b + rb’e) and it follows that: Ib =

Figure 32. The small signal low frequency circuit of the CE amplifier circuit.

VS , and R S + rb' b + rb' e

Vb' e = I b . rb' e =


V S rb' e R S + rb' b + rb' e

The output voltage V0 can be expressed by:



V0 = − gm ( rce RC R L ) Vb' e R'L rce = − gm ' V' R L + rce b e


where RL′ = RC RL

Normally RL′ 〈〈 rce and Eq. 64 reduces to: V0 = − g m R'L Vb' e


Substituting Eq. 63 in Eq. 65 one gets: − gm R'L rb' e V0 = AV = VS R S + rb' b + rb' e


The voltage gain is proportional to the transconductance gm and the effective load resistance R’L. The output current = I 0 =

The current gain Ai ≡



I0 can be written as: Ib Ai ≡ =

( )

g m . R'L Vb' e rb' e R L .Vb' e


( )

g m R'L rb' e RL

The input impedance = Z i = The output impedance = Z 0 =

Vi ≅ rb′b + rb′e Ii


V0 = rce R C ≈ R C (70) I0

In order to determine Z0 the input voltage source must be short circuit.


Numerical example: For a transistor amplifier having IC = 10mA, IB = 0.1 mA, β = 100, r b’b = 10Ω Ω, gm =

I C 10 mA = = 0 .4 A / V VT 25 mV ,

rb' e =

VT 25 mV = = 250Ω Ω I B 0 .1mA ,

and for rce = 500kΩ Ω, RC = 1kΩ Ω, RL = 250Ω Ω, and RS = 50Ω Ω, one calculates from the above equations: AV =

0 .4 × 200( 250 )

50 + ( 10 + 250 ) Ai =


0 .4 × 200 × 250 = 64 310

0 .4 × 200( 260 ) 250

= 83 .2

Z i ≈ 260Ω Z 0 = 500k 1000 ≈ 1000 Ω

The other basic transistor amplifier circuits, the common base and the common collector can be treated in the same way and they are left as an exercise for the reader.


Amplifiers The Characteristics Of An Amplifier: The amplifier is an electronic circuit used to raise the signal level, the voltage, the current and the power. The block diagram of an amplifier is shown in Fig.1.1

Fig. 1.1

The amplifier converts the dc power into the ac power. It is generally characterized by : • •

a voltage gain Av = Vo/Vi a current gain AI = Io/Ii

Vi Ii V an output impedance Z o = o Vs = o Io A power supply : single power supply, bipolar power supply, regulation and ripple (S / N) input 〉1 NF = Noise figure (S / N) output = (S i / N i ) / ( (S o / (N o + N a )) S No + Na = i So Ni

• • •

an input impedance Z i =


 Na  1 • A +  A Ni  

  Na  N ai  NF =  1 +  ≡ 1 +  A Ni  Ni    34

• •

where Nai : the equivalent noise input of the amplifier. The dynamic range of the amplifier: The input voltage range at which the output voltage varies linearly with the input The noise sets as lower limit to the input signal that can be amplified. Vna : the equivalent input noise voltage of the amplifier. Vo



The nonlinear distortion of the amplifier V 2 HD = H = VRMS − VF2 / VF VF HD =

 VRMS     VF 


- 1

VF : the fundamental voltage, VH : the harmonics voltage. 3rd order intercept point


1-dB compression point

Third Order Po Minimum input power is limited by the equivalent noise input power



The triple point (the third order intercept) (f1 , f2) are input to the amplifier, non-linearities cause : second-order products such as 2 f1 , 2 f2 . f1 + f2 , f1 - f2 and third order products 2 fi + f2 ,

• • • • • • • • •

2 f1 - f 2 2 f 2 - f1 , 2 f 2 + f1 , ↑ ↑ May fall in the amplifier band width * Third-order output

(Noise floor) Minimum input power is limited by the equivalent noise input power An amplifier is characterized by a frequency response : - Audio , Video , rf , IF , microwave There is no amplifier which can amply all frequencies equally Audio : 20 c/s - 20k c/s , video 30 → 6 k c/s rf … IF … ≡ fall in the radio frequency bands linear or pulse amplifier small signal or power amplifier RC coupling : dc , ac transformer coupled dc operating point : A, B, AB, C Differential input, differential output, single ended input, differential Operational amplifier, transconductance , transimpedance Multistage or single stage amplifier discrete or inteated Bipolar or MOS amplifier, BICMOS

I. The Single Stage Basic Amplifier (Discrete) •

An amplifier must contain an amplifying device : - Bipolar transistors npn pnp - MOS transistors p n - JFET’s p n - * Varactor diodes (parameteric amplifier) * MESFETs * HEMT * Junn diode * Impatt diode * Microwave tubes * Tunnel diode


The Basic Amplifier Circuits







Voltage amplifiers

Current amplifiers

Voltage and current amplifiers

1. The CE class A , small signal The biasing:







Class A Operating Point







DC Analysis : graphical , analytical , simulators VCC = I C R C + I E R E + VCE


I 2 ≈ 10 I B , R 1 & R 2 builds a hard p. divider : VB ≈

VCC R 1 = VBE + I E R E R1 + R 2


from eqn.(2) we get IE since VBE = 0.7 V for Si Tr. RE : is taken such that VE 10% of VCC = 0.1 VCC  B + 1 we can get IC , substitute in (1) to get VCE = VCEQ is IE =   I  B  C normally put in the middle of the loadline Normally we take VBE = 0.6 V, IC = β IB for active transistor AC Analysis The AC analysis can be carried out : (i) SPICE (ii) Analytical h, y, z, s parameters physical models The Physical Parameters are suitable for all frequencies The h-parameters

Vbe = hie Ib + hre Vce


I2 = hfe Ib + hoe VCE



The Y-parameters

Ib = yie Vbe + yre VCE


Ic = yfe Vbe + yoe VCE


The Small Signal Equivalent Circuit The hybrid - π parameters :

Define the hybrid - π parameters and their dependence on the operating point. rbe =

n VT 1 , τ β = C b'e . rb'e = IB ωβ

rb’e = is the collector junction resistance = ∞ C b’c = the junction cap. Of the collector I  g vn =  C   V1   ∂ VCE  V  rce =   =  AF   ∂ IC   IC 




An important property of an amplifying device is the unity gain frequency fT. It is a Figure of merit of an amplifying device. fT = low frequency gain & B.W, BW : the bandwidth It is related to the transit time of carriers in the device 1 fT = ωT T = 1 2 π fT T = 1 , 2πT fT is given in data sheets From the hybrid - π equivalent circuit with output short circuit we have : Vb 'e = I b (Z b'e ) I C = g m Z b'e I b Ic ( g m rb'e ) ≡ β o = Ib 1 + jw rb'e ( C b'e + C b'c ) Ic = Ib

βo 1 + (ω rb'e ( C b'e + C b'c ))


β βo

For (IC/Ib) = 0.7 βo , ω β rb'e ( C b'e + C b'c ) = 1



And for (IC/Ib) = 1 fT


given in data sheets

βo . fB

= gain x bandwidth

if given we can get fβ and calculate Cb’e .

The hybrid - π equivalent circuit can be simplified further by using the Miller Theorm IM




Cb’c (1-Vce/Vb’e)

Cb’c (1-Vb’c/Vce)

The Miller Theorem

A general equivalent circuit of any amplifying device


The SSEC of the CE with signal source υs & load RL :

The voltage gain

Vo Vi

Vo Ao = Vi  f   f  f   1     1 - j CL2   1 - j CL2   1 + j 1 + f ch1   f ch2   f   f   the high freq. cut-off , the low freq. cut-off Ao is the gain it medium frequency 2π f CL1 . C1 (ri + R s ) = 1



2π f CL2 - C 2 R L + R 'C = 1


R 'C = R C ro ≈ R C

 r • Rs  2π f ch1 . C i  i  = 1  ri + R S  2π fch2 - Co ( R L


ro ) = 1

log (A) 6 dB/decade

6 dB/decade Ao

12 dB/decade



12 dB/decade


A o = g m R 'L

ri ri + R S

The mid frequency gain is proportional to gm and R 'L Rs decreases the gain of the amplifier 42


log (f)

f ch1 〈〈 f ch2 and limits the frequency response of the amplifier Amplifier with current source ← The input impedance Z i = Ci ri The output impedance Z o = Co



The phase shift f φ = θ 1 + θ 2 - θ 3 - θ 4 , where : θ

1 2

= tan




θ 34 = tan -1

f f

ch 34

2. The Common-Base Circuit

The biasing circuit is the universal biasing one I 1 = 10 I B , I 2 = 11 I B , VE = 0.1 VCE or 1V For class A operation the op lies midway on the load line VCE =

1 ( VCC - VC ) 2

C1 & C2 , CB are coupling and by pass capacitors. The CB is characterized by : (i) voltage gain Av low input impedance Zi in comparison to the CE (ii) no current gain output impedance as the CE (iii) No miller capacitance effect, larger BW (iv) higher drive current







The solution is by means of the equivalent circuit



vs αF Ie

c eb = c be

αF =

βo 1 + βo

rbe = 1 / gm βo The definition of the small signal parameters of the CB configuration. αF is the low frequency value of the common base current gain •

reb =

RE >> reb , Rc // RL = Rc’ effective load resistance Vo = α F . R 'L I e I e ≅ Vs / ( R s + reb ) A vo

α F R 'L Vo L ' = = αF RL = = g m R L / (1 + R s g m ) Vs R s + reb R s + reb

for R s = 0 , A vm

 α F R 'L  =    reb 


The Frequency Response Av =

A vo  f  f   f     1 - j CL1   1 + j 1 - j f ch1   f ch2   f  

f CL2   1 - j   f 

Av Avo



ω ch2 . C eb . reb



≈ 1


log (f)


where ωch2 = fT 2 π ω ch2 . C jc . R 'L = 1 ω ch1 . C 1 ( R s + reb

(2) RE ) = 1


ω ch2 . C 2 (R 'L ) = 1


The input impedance Zi = RE

reb = 1 / g m

The output impedance = RC


3. The Emitter Follower

The emitter follower = CE, with RC = 0 and the output is taken from the emitter with CE = 0. The operating point is set in the middle of the load line



ac loadline VCC RE






1 1 VCC , VE = VCC 2 2

RE normally must satisfy the matching condition at the input. * * * *

Input impedance is high Output impedance low current gain only voltage gain 〈 1

DC Analysis VCC = VCE + I E R E



VCC R L = TE R E + 0.7 V R1 + R 2 = I E / (1 + β)





From (1), (2) and (3) we get IB , IC and VCE. AC analysis by means of the equivalent circuit gm vbe vbe

The CC amplifier has externally high band width. Therefore we make mid band analysis only with Rs = 0 Vs = Vbe + Vo


 V  Vo 1 1 = g m Vbe + be =  g m +  Vbe =  1 +  = g m Vbe RE rbe rbe   β 


Substitute (1) in (2) Vo = g m R E ( Vs - Vo ) ∴ (1 + g m R E ) Vo = Vs ,

Vo 1 = A vo ≡ 〈1 Vs 1 + gm RE

The input resistance Z i = rbe + (1 + β o ) R E


The output impedance Zo ≅ 1 / gm • Note it is assumed that R 1

(4) R 2 〉〉 Z i


II. Multi-Stage Amplifiers High gain amplifiers are constructed by connecting two or more stages in series or cascade. The signal voltage at the output of one stage is fed to the input of the following stage. The interstage coupling is different according to the amplifier application. The coupling can be classified to : (i) dc coupling for dc and low frequency amplifiers as well as integrated circuit amplifier, (ii) ac coupling which comporise either a capacitive coupling or transformer coupling. The capacitve coupling is used in audio and video amplifiers while the transformer coupling is used in power amplifiers as well as rf amplifiers. 1- The Two Stage RC Coupling Amplifiers

Stage 2 Stage 1 vo1


Fig. 1

Fig.1 shows the two stage RC coupled amplifier. It consists of two common emitter amplifies. The presence of Cc isolates the dc of the two stages so that the dc operating point will remain constant. However, the input of stage 2 loads the output of the first stage. V The gain of stage 1 = o1 = A vo1 Vs V The gain of stage 2 = o2 = A vo 2 V01 V The gain of the amplifier = o2 = A vo1 . A vo2 Vs Therefor the problem is reduced to the analysis of a single stage CE amplifier treated before, Hence, A vo1 = g m1 R 'L1 , where R 'L 1 is the effective load of Q 1


R 'L 1 = R C1 / /rbe2 , with R 3 , R 4 〉〉 R c1 and rbe2 rbe2 is the base to emitter resistance of Q1. The gain of the second stage Avo2 = gm2 RL R 'L = R C2 / / R L The input impedance of the amplifier Z i ≅ rbe1 , and Z o ≅ R c2 The Frequency Response Of The Amplifier The freq. response of such on amplifier has the form shown in Fig.2. Av 6 dB/oct

6 dB/oct

12 dB/oct

12 dB/oct Av1 18 dB/oct

ω cL3

18 dB/oct

ω cL2

ω cL1

ω ch1

ω ch2 ω ch3


Fig. 2

Because we have 3 coupling capacitors Av has 3 corner frequencies. The amplifier will have also three high freq. corners. These corner frequencies can be determined by using the reduced equivalent circuit of the transistor as shown in Fig.3 . vbe1


Fig. 3

ω CL1 C1 . (r1 / /R 2 / /R 3 ) = 1 ω CL2 . C c . ( ro / /R c1 + R 3 / /R 4 / /r12 ) = 1 ω CL3 C o ( ro2 / /R c2 + R L ) = 1

ω ch1 C i1 ( R s / /R c / /R 1 / /ri1 ) = 1

ω ch2 ( C o1 + C r2 ) ( ro1 / /R c1 / /R 3 / /R 4 / /r12 ) = 1


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

ω ch3 ( C o2 ) ( ro2 / /R c2 / / RL ) = 1


- It must be mentioned that one calculates the smallest one for the high frequency cut-off value and the largest value for ωCL . The bandwidth of the amplifier = ω ch smallest - ω CL largest - Also one has to take into consideration any parasitic and load capacitances into considerations by simply adding them to the shunt capacitances as they affect only the high frequency corners. - The emitter by-poss capacitor must be chosen high enough to cause a low freq. corner 〈 ωCL largest. - The input signal must be kept sufficiently small not to over drive the amplifier causing clipping distortion.

2- The Transformer Coupled Amplifier Transformer coupling is used for matching one amplifier stage to its following one or to mach its load. In case of extreme load mismatch to the output resistance of the RC coupled amplifier, it gain will be practically small. Fig.4 shows a transformer coupled amplifier


Fig. 4. Transformer Coupled Amplifier 2

The ac collector load R

' L

 np  =   RL  ns 


R′L is made to mach the output impedance of the transistor ro , i.e., R 'L = ro VCC/ RE



ICQ ac loadline VCE V’CC

VCC 2V’CC Fig. 5

This amplifier is a class A amplifier such that the operating point lies mid way of the ac load line as shown in Fig.5. Q p is adjusted by R 1 , R 2 an R E The dc voltage drop on RE limits the output voltage swing. But it is necessary for thermal stability of the operating point. From Fig.5 the maximum voltage swing = 2 Vcc when the dc operating point is set at the middle of the ac load line. Assuming ideal transformer one can express the gain directly. The amplifier is still of a CE configuration, hence, 2  np  ' A voc = g m R L at the collector = g m . R L   , and  ns  np V A vo = o = g m R L Vi ns The operating point and the load lines must remain within the safe operating area of the device. Because of nonidealities in the transformer, this amplifier has a pass-band characteristics like the RC coupled amplifier shown in Fig.6. The shape of the response can be explained by the transformer equivalent circuit shown in Fig.7.






Fig. 6

Fig. 7. Equivalent circuit of the transformer

M: Lp : Ls : Rp : Rs :

is the mutual inductance, the primary inductance the secondary inductance the primary resistance the secondary resistance

At low frequencies the effect of the series elements is negligible while the current gm Vi will be divided by M & R′L . A reduction of the gain occurs relative to the midband when M gets uneffective and ωCL can be expressed by ω CL = R 'L / M At high frequency the opposite is true and

(ω ch ) -1

) (


= L p + L s - 2 M / R p + R s + R 'L


• We have to notice here that Vo can be made inphase or antiphase reversing the load convection to the transformer. While in the RC-CE circuit the output is always anti phase of the input.


3- Direct Coupled Amplifiers In case of amplifying dc and low frequency signals, or in IC amplifier one has to use direct coupling. Fig.8 shows a 3-stage direct coupled amplifiers. One important notice is that there is no need for the base biasing potential divides since the base is directly biased from the collector of the previous stage. Here their is dc interaction between the stages and this must be taken into consideration in setting the operating of Q1 , Q2 and Q3 .

Fig. 8

For this circuit it is difficult to set the desired Q-point and required gain simultaneously. In addition there is an increasing dc collector level from Q1 to Q3 . This is clear from the practical two stage dc amplifier shown in Fig.9. = 20V 100 kΩ

20 kΩ 15 kΩ 3.5 V

8.8 V

β = 50


10 kΩ 5 kΩ 1 kΩ Fig. 9

To solve the problem of increasing collector bias one uses complementary transistor as shown in Fig.10 .


= 20V

500 Ω

5 kΩ

15 kΩ




1 kΩ

5 kΩ

500 Ω

Fig. 10. Two-stage dc using complementary transistors

These dc amplifier types suffer from any fluctuations in the dc operating conditions of the transistors. Any temperature variations and dc power supply variations will be interpreted as an output dc signal.

4- The Differential Amplifier The differential amplifiers of Fig.11 does not suffer from the above cited problem. It is the amplifier with much superior performance for direct coupling.





VEE Fig. 11

For the cannot made signals, from symmetry Vo = 0 The E point is E virtual ground . i c1 = g m

Vi 2


i c2 = - g m

Vi 2 54

Vo1 = - g m R L Vo2 - g m R L

( Vo2 Ao

Vi 2

Vi 2 = g m R L Vid = Vod

- Vo1 ) V = od = g m R L ⇔ Vid

gain = CE emitter gain ⇔ with an input = Vi


Fig. 12

The practical differential amplifier has a small common mode output because of slight unsymmtries in the real circuits. Therefore one defines the so called common mode gain V A cm = ocm , Vicm In addition to the common mode rejection ratio CMRR which is defined by CMRR =

Ad A cm

As, the CMRR increases the differential amplifier behaves better near dc. The common mode rejection ration increases as REE increases. This can be practically achieved by using current source biasing IEE instread of REE as shown in Fig. 12.


5- The Darlington Configuration One can combine two transistors to get composite transistor with superior properties. The darlington configuration is shown in Fig.13 . In active mode of operation, the current relations are such that IC ≈ β2 IB , since β 〉〉 1 . That is a transistor with much higher current gain. Therefore it needs very small base current to drive much larger collector currents. Also the input impedance is large, ri = hie1 + (1 + β) hiez .

β(β+1)IB assumed β1 = β2 = β




Fig. 13

6- The Composite PNP Transistor One of the useful combined transistor pairs is the composite pnp transistor shown in Fig.14.


(β2+1)β1IB β1IB Fig. 14

IC = β1 (β2 + 1) IB For β1 = β2 = β


I = β2 IB . , the current amplification factor is also here β2. Q1 acts as a driver for Q2 and the whole acts as an equivalent pnp transistor.

7- The Cascode Amplifier In the cascode configuration one sums the merits of the CE & the CB configurations, to build a high frequency amplifier with relatively, high input resistance as in the CE, configuration. The cascode configuration is shown in Fig.15 .

Fig. 15

The dc voltage levels are adjusted as shown in Fig.15 by R3 , R2 , R1 & RE . CB by - passes the base to the ground. The gain A v =

Vo = g m R 'L Vi

The output resistance = rbe The input resistance = RC and the frequency response is that of CB because there is no Miller capacitance between Vo & Vi .


Power Amplifiers Introduction In many electronic systems a substantial amount of signal power must be delivered to an output device which service as the load for the electronic circuit. The load may take several forms, such as a loudspeaker for audio sound reproduction, an ac motor to drive a pen or stylus for a chart recorders, a servomotor for an automatic control system, or an electromechanical device in an industrial application. It is the function of the power amplifier to deliver signal power to the load with a minimum of distortion and with high efficiency. The efficiency of the power amplifier depends on the circuit configuration and can, to a certain extent, be controlled by the circuit designer. The distortion, generated within the power amplifier, is a function of circuit components and circuit design, and can be held within acceptable limits by correct design procedure. We recognize various kinds of distortion. Frequency distortion is defined as the variation in amplifier gain as a function of the frequency of the input signal. Modern components and correct design can produce an amplifier with a linear gain response (within 1 dB) over a very wide frequency band. This is achieved mainly by omitting all frequency-conscious components (such as coupling capacitors) from the circuit and using direct-coupled amplifier stages wherever possible. Another reason for avoiding capacitors is that they may cause phase distortion. Phase distortion results from unequal phase shifts in signals of different frequencies. To preserve the phase relationship of all frequency components in a complex waveform, the phase angle between output and input signal voltages should be independent of frequency. Phase distortion is generally of minor importance, especially in audio circuits, where it is not perceptible to the ear. It can be objectionable in systems which depend in their operation on exact preservation of waveform characteristics, such as television or pulse circuits. The use of capacitors then should be restricted and, where capacitors must be high-quality components. The most objectionable form of distortion is nonlinear distortion. This may be of two kinds : harmonic or amplitude distortion, and intermodulation distortion. Harmonic distortion is developed by nonlinearity in the transistor characteristics or by nonlinear circuit components. Overdriving a transistor, so that distortion is the result of interaction of two or more signal frequencies within an amplifier stage. The output signal of the stage then contains frequency components consisting of the sum and difference of the original input signal frequencies.


Special circuit configurations are used to obtain large output power at high efficiency and low distortion. In this chapter we examine the characteristics of several commonly used power amplifier circuits, in both audio and radiofrequency applications. Classification of Amplifiers Depending on the bias conditions in the circuit, power amplifiers are classified in three basic categories : class A, class B, and class C. In a class A amplifier, the bias conditions are such that the operating point (Q point) of the transistor is located well within the linear part of the collector characteristics. The applied signal never drives the transistor into cutoff or into saturation. The optimum bias is such that the Q point is approximately halfway between cutoff and saturation, as in Fig. 6-1. Signal excursion is limited to the active region and avoids cutoff (point A) and saturation (point B). As indicated in Fig. 6-1, the quiescent collector voltage VC is approximately one-half the supply voltage VCC . The quiescent collector current IC causes quiescent collector dissipation and this is wasteful in the sense that it does not contribute to ac load power.

Fig. 6-1

The class A amplifier is the least efficient circuit of the three basic categories.


In a class B amplifier, the transistor is biased at cutoff, with the Q point located on the VC axis, as in Fig. 6-2. In the case of a sinusoidal input signal, ac collector current flows only during one-half of the cycle (180 degrees), and is zero for the other half of the input cycle. The quiescent collector current is zero and hence the quiescent power dissipation is zero. Because of zero power dissipation in the absence of an input signal, a class B amplifier is more efficient than a class A amplifier. Since only onehalf of the input signal is subject to amplification, the class B amplifier is generally connected in a push-pull configuration, when two transistors alternately amplify onehalf of the input signal (Section 6-4).

Fig. 6-2

A class AB amplifier operates between the two conditions described for class A and Class B, with the Q point somewhere between cutoff and the center of the collector characteristics. Hence, some quiescent collector current flows and some dc collector dissipation is present. With an applied input signal, the transistor is driven into cutoff for less than half of the signal cycle and the collector current is therefore zero for less than half of the input signal cycle. Class AB amplifiers are also connected in push-pull configurations and tend to reduce crossover distortion (Section 6-5). In a class C amplifier, the transistor is biased well beyond cutoff and the collector current is zero for more than one-half of the input signal cycle. Collector current tends to flow in short-duration pulses, only when the transistor is driven out of its cutoff condition into conduction. The class C amplifier has the highest efficiency, and is used primarily in tuned radiofrequency power amplifiers. Because of its relatively high current and power gain, the CE transistor configuration is generally used in power amplifiers.


Class A Power Amplifier Figure 6-3 shows the circuit diagram of a transformer-coupled class A power amplifier, Resistors RA and RB supply bias to power transistor Q1 while emitter resistor RE provides the necessary dc circuit stabilization (Section 3-5). RE is usually bypassed with a fairly large emitter capacitor CE to improve the stage gain. Load resistor RL is transformer-coupled to the collector and is reflected into the collector circuit as 2


' L

N  =  1  RL  N2 

Fig. 6-3

There are several advantages in using a transformer to couple the load to the collector, First, with transformer coupling there is no direct current would degrade the performance of the output device. Second, it the resistance of the transformer primary is neglected, the collector voltage VC equals the supply voltage VCC, and hence a smaller supply voltage can be used. Third, the transformer provides impedance transformation and allows a low-impedance load, such as a loudspeaker to be reflected as a higher impedance collector load necessary for correct operation of the power transistor. On the other hand, a transformer is relatively heavy and occupies valuable space.


Fig. 6-4

Figure 6-4 represents a simplified circuit of the class A power amplifier of Fig.6-3. In this equivalent circuit, the collector supply voltage is represented by VCC′ = VCC - VE. The base bias circuit is replaced by its Thevenin equivalent battery VBB in series with resistor Rb , where RB VBB = VCC (6-2) RA + RB and RA RB Rb = (6-3) RA + RB The total collector current iC consists of two components : a dc component IC (quiescent collector current) and an ac component ic (load current), so IC = IC + ic


The primary of the output transformer, represented by inductor L2 acts as a short circuit to the dc voltage drop across RL . The ac voltage drop across RL is the output voltage υ o = i C R 'L (6-5) In the circuit of Fig. 6-4, the instantaneous collector-emitter voltage equals υ CE = VCC' + υ o = VCC' + i c R 'L


Equation (6-6) is the expression for the ac loadline, plotted on the hypothetical collector characteristics of Fig. 6-5. The quiescent collector-to-emitter voltage equals VCC’ and the quiescent collector current equals IC. Since in a class A amplifier the operating point makes equal excusions on each side of the Q point, the ac collector voltage can reach a peak value Vm = VCC’ and the total collector voltage swing can


therefore extend from 0 to 2 VCC’ . To avoid nonlinearlty and distortion, however, the signal excursion is generally kept well below this possible peak value.

Fig. 6-5

When the input voltage υs is sinusoidal, the average or dc value of the ac collector signal current is zero. Only quiescent collector current contributes to the power drawn from the battery, and this power equals PCC = VCC' I C


Hence, in a class A power amplifier, the power drawn from the dc supply is constant and depends only on collector voltage V CC’ and quiescent collector current IC . The ac power delivered to the load equals PL = R 'L ( I rms )



Where Irms is the value of the ac load current in the transformer primary. The total power drawn from the collector supply equals the power delivered to the load plus the power dissipated in the transistor as collector dissipation, so we can write. PCC = PL + PC



where PC represents the collector dissipation. Under quiescent conditions, when there is no input signal, PL = 0 and hence PCC = PC = VCC’ IC. This indicates that the collector dissipation is maximum when there is no input signal. The maximum power that can delivered to the load equals the product of the maximum ac collector voltage and the corresponding maximum ac collector current, so PL(max) = Vrms(max) I rms(max) = 0.5 VCC ' I C (6-10) The maximum theoretical efficiency (sometimes called “conversion efficiency”) of the class A power amplifier then equals η =

PL(max) PCC


0.5 VCC' I C = 0.5 or 50% VCC ' I C


Equation (6-11) indicates that maximum ac load power is obtained only when the amplifier is designed for maximum quiescent collector dissipation. In practice, 50 percent efficiency is not reached, since the transistor would then operate in the nonlinear part of its characteristics and unacceptable distortion would be introduced. The amount of power the transistor itself can dissipate is limited by the maximum ratings of collector voltage, current, and power. These maximum permissible ratings are indicated by the closed region bounded by IC(max) , Vc(max) , and PC(max) in Fig. 6-5. When the power to be delivered to the load PL is specified (with a given input signal waveform), the maximum collector dissipation [PC(max)]can be determined. For a sinusoidal input signal, PL = PC(max) = 0.5 VCC' I C


based on these parameters, a suitable power transistor with permissible collector dissipation at least as great as PC(max) , and suitable current and voltage ratings, can be selected. Example 6-1 A silicon power transistor, operating in the class A configuration of fig. 6-3, has the following maximum ratings: IC= 4 A , VCE = 45 V, PC = 15 W, VBE = 1 V, and β > 30. A 4-Ω loudspeaker is transformer-coupled to the collector circuit. The transistor is to operate within its ratings and is to deliver maximum power to the 4-Ω load. Specify reasonable operating conditions. Solution The maximum ratings determine the maximum allowable values for quiescent collector voltage and current. These are IC(max) = 4 A/2 = 2 A and VCC′ = 45 V/2 = 64

22.5 V. At these Q-point values, the collector dissipation is PC(max) = I C(max) x VCC′ = 2 A x 22.5 V = 45 W, which far exceeds the rated dissipated of 15 W. Hence, the actual quiescent current and/or voltage must be reduced suppose that we select a power supply voltage of VCC = 15 V and assume that the emitter voltage VE is 10 percent of the supply voltage (an average value). In that case, VE = 1.5 V and VCC = VCC - VE = 13.5 V. The Q-point collector voltage is therefore 13.5 V and the maximum Q-point collector current which may be allowed without exceeding the rated dissipation is IC(max) = 15 W/13.5 V = 1.1 A. To assume operation below this limit, we select quiescent operation with IC = 1 A. To give the ac loading the correct slope, the load resistance reflected into the primary of the output transformer is RL′ = VCC′/IC = 13.5 V/1 A = 13. Ω. This establishes the required turns ratio of the transformer. The quiescent power dissipation equals PC = VCC′ IC = 13.5 V x 1 A = 13.5 W. With a sinusoidal input signal applied, the maximum signal power the amplifier can deliver to the load equals PL = 0.5 VCC′ IC = 6.75 w. The total power drawn from the battery under these conditions is PCC = PC + PL = 13.5 W + 6.75 W = 20.25 W. Class B Push-Pall Power Amplifier In the class B mode of operation, the transistor is biased at cutoff, as was indicated in Fig.6-2. If the power amplifier of Fig. 6-3 were biased at cutoff, the transistor would respond only to the positive portions of the input signal, when it should be forced into conduction. During the negative portions of the input signal the transistor would remain cut off and no collector current would flow. Clearly, if a class B amplifier is to response the entire signal waveform, a different circuit configuration must be considered. One such configuration, called a transformer-coupled push-pull amplifier, is shown in Fig. 6-6.

Fig. 6-6

Input signal υs is coupled by a center-tapped input transformer to a pair of identical npn transistors. The input or driver transformer provides two input signals in antiphase, which is evident from the polarity dots on the transformer windings.


The load, represented by load resistor RL, is coupled to the collector circuits of the power transistors by a center-tapped output transformer. The use of transformers in this circuit has definite disadvantages in terms of distortion, frequency response, efficiency, and power bandwidth, on the other hand, it provides for impedance transformation and matches the load to the collector circuit.

Fig. 6-7

It is clear that in the absence of an input signal (quiescent conditions), the base and emitter of each transistor are at ground potential and hence both transistors are cut off (class B operation). When input signal υs goes positive, transistor Q1 becomes forward-biased and conducts, while transistor Q2 becomes reverse-biased and is driven deeper into cutoff. When Q1 conducts, it products a collector current iC1 through the upper half of the output transformer with a direction as indicated in Fig 6-6. When the input signal υs negative, Q2 conducts and Q1 is driven into cutoff. Collector current IC2 flows through the lower half of the output transformer with a direction as indicated Fig.6-6. Hence Q1 amplifies the positive portions of the input signal and Q2 amplifies the negative portions. The two transistors operate as switches


delivering output current to the transformer-coupled load on alternate half-cycles. Figure 6-7 illustrates the action of the circuit with a sinusoidal input signal υs . It is instructive to investigate the conditions under which maximum collector dissipation occurs and to find the maximum theoretical efficiency of the circuit. Under quiescent conditions, when the input signal is zero, both transistors are cut off and do not supply any collector current. Hence, the quiescent power dissipation is zero. With input signal υs applied, the current drawn from the power supply VCC is represented by Fig. 6-7(d), where i CC = I C1 + I C2


If Im represents the peak value of collector currents iC1 and iC2, the rms value of the total current waveform of Fig. 6-7(d) is I rms =

2 Im π


and the power delivered by VCC is PCC =

2 VCC I m π


or PCC

2 2 VCC = π R 'L


Since Im represents the peak value of the collector current or the primary load current, the power delivered to the load equals. PL = R 'L I 2rms = 0.5 R 'L I 2m


The collector-to-emitter voltages of Q1 and Q2 can be expressed as υ CE1 = VCC - υ 1 = VCC - i C1 R 'L


υ CE 2 = VCC - υ 2 = VCC - i C2 R 'L



It follows from eqs. (6-18) and (6-19) that the peak value of the transformer primary voltages υ1 and υ2 can reach a maximum of VCC. Hence, the maximum power which can be delivered to the load equals.


PL =

2 0.5 VCC = 0.5 VCC I m R 'L


The maximum theoretical efficiency of the class B power amplifier therefore equals 2 PL / R 'L 0.5VCC η = = = 0.785 or 78.5 % (6-21) 2 PCC (2 / π )(VCC / R 'L The maximum output which can be delivered by the class B amplifier is limited by the maximum rated collector current and voltage of the transistor or, in some cases, by the rated collector dissipation of the transistors. Let us consider the two cases separately.

The maximum collector-to-emitter voltage VCE(max) and the maximum collector current IC(max) are listed as maximum ratings in the transistor data sheet. Referring to Fig. 6-6, we observe that when Q1 conducts its collector current IC1 through the upper half of the output transformer induces a voltage - υ2 in the lower half of the output transformer. Since υ1 = - υ2 may reach a peak value of VCC, the transistors must be able to withstand a maximum collector-to-emitter voltage VCE(max) equal to twice the supply voltage VCC. Entering this condition into eq. (6-20) we obtain . PL = 0.5 VCC I m =

1 VCE(max ) I C(max) 4


Equation (6-22) represents the maximum output power the class B amplifier can deliver without exceeding the maximum transistor current and voltage ratings. In the second case the output power may be limited by the maximum collector dissipation of the tansistors. In the class B amplifier the collector dissipation of each transistor is zero under quiescent conditions (iC1 = iC2 = 0). Hence, the maximum collector dissipation must occur when signal is applied. The instantaneous collector dissipation equals. PC = υce iC


As the operating point moves along the ac loadine (Fig. 6-8), from the Q point at VCE = VCC and IC = 0 to the other extreme on the IC axis, where VCE = 0 and IC = I, the instantaneous values of υce , and PC all change from point to point along this path. The maximum value of PC occurs when the ac loadline is tangent to the hyperbola of maximum permissible collector dissipation. The point of tangency is located at VCE = VCC/2 and IC = 1/2. This reasoning holds for Q1 on positive signal excursions and for Q2 on negative signal excursions. Thus we find that the maximum instantaneous collector dissipation for each transistor equals. PC(max) =

2 VCC 1 VCC = 2 2 4 R 'L



Fig. 6-8

Hence, from eq. (6-20), the output power the amplifier can deliver without exceeding the maximum instantaneous collector dissipation equals PL

2 0.5 VCC = = 2 PC(max) R 'L


If the instantaneous maximum collector dissipation is indeed equal to the maximum permissible collector dissipation (as is the case when the ac loadline is tangent to the hyperbola of maximum collector dissipation), the output power under maximum signal conditions can be expressed as PL = 2 PC(max)


Comparing this result with the maximum output power available from a class A amplifier, we find that in class B operation the output power for a sinusoidal input signal is twice as great for class A operation. The objective of a class B push-pull amplifier is to deliver a specified amount of output power to a given load with a specific (usually sinusoidal) input sign. With transformer coupling of the load, the reflected load resistance can be adjusted to suit the requirements of the transistor collector circuit and suitable power transistors can then be selected. With the load power PL specified, and RL′ determined, the collector supply voltage VCC can be determined from eq. (6-20). The peak collector current can be found by realizing that VCC = RL′ I. The maximum instantaneous collector dissipation is determined from eq. (6-24) and this then allows the selection of transistors having suitable voltage, current, and power ratings.


The procedure is illustrated in the following example. Example 6-2 The push-pull amplifier of Fig. 6-6 is required to deliver to W of output power to a 4Ω loudspeaker which is transformer-coupled to the collector circuit. The available collector supply voltage VCC = 30 V. Determine the required turns ratio of the output transformer and the minimum voltage, current, and power ratings of the power transistors. Solution With PL = 10 W and VCC = 30 V, eq. (6-20) yields the required reflected load resistance RL′ since PL

2 0.5 VCC = R 'L

and RL′ = 0.5 (30)2/10 = 45 Ω . Since 2


' L

N  =  1  RL  N2 

then turns ratio of the output transformer equals a =

45 ≅ 3.35 4

Since PL = 2 PC(max) The maximum instantaneous collector dissipation equals PC(max) =

PL = 5W 2

Hence, each transistor should have a maximum collector dissipation of at least 5 W. The maximum collector current IC(max) is determined from I C (max) =

VCC 30 V 2 = = A ' 45 Ω 3 RL

Under maximum signal conditions, each transistor must be able to withstand a collector-to-emitter voltage equal to at least twice the supply voltage. This condition yields. VCE (max) = 2 VCC = 60 V Using the maximum voltage and current ratings of the transistor to calculate the maximum load power which can be delivered and using eq. (6-22), we obtain


PL =

1 VCE(max) I C(max) 4

PL =

1 2 x 60 V x A = 10 W 4 3


Summarizing, the transistor ratings should be VCE (max) 〉 60 V 2 A 3 〉5W

I C(max) 〉 PC(max)

Crossover Distortion In Push-Pull Amplifiers The input circuit of the class B amplifier of Fig. 6-6 can be represented as Fig. 6-9. Each half of the input transformer is replaced by its equivalent circuit consisting of voltage source υs and internal resistance R s . Base currents ib1 into Q1 and ib2 into Q2 obviously depend on the magnitude of input voltage υs and input resistance R s and also on the forward-bias characteristics of the base-emitter junctions of Q1 and Q2. The base current into the device is practically zero until the base-emitter voltage reaches a value of a few tenths of a volt (approximately 0.3 V for germanium and 0.7 V for silicon). This characteristic has a detrimental effect on the performance of the class B push-pull amplifier in terms of its waveform reproduction.

Fig. 6-9

Consider the composite volt-ampere characteristics of the input circuit of Fig. 6-9, as shown in Fig. 6-10. The input characteristics of Q1 and Q2 are shown “back to back” and it is assumed that the base-emitter voltages of Q1 and Q2 are equal to the source voltage υs (neglect Rs). Base current ib1 does not have an appreciable value until source voltage υs has reached a positive value of a few tenths of a volt. Similarly, base 71

current ib2 does not have an appreciable value until υs has reached a negative value of a few tends of a volt. The area between the knees of the back-to-back characteristics thus represents a region in which the base currents are not directly proportional to the source voltage υs , and this introduces a form of distortion called crossover distortion.

Fig. 6-10

If the source voltage υs is sinusoidal, as in Fig.6-11 (a), base currents ib1 and ib2 will have waveforms as indicated in Fig. 6-11 (b). The composite collector current, ot load current, will then also be nonlinear, with a waveform as in Fig. 6-11 (c). The nonlinearity is introduced when the action of the circuit transfers or “crosses over” from one transistor to the other. If the exact waveform of the input signal must be preserved in the output circuit of the amplifier, as in audio signal reproduction, the cause of crossover distortion must be eliminated or at least sharply reduced. In a practical circuit, this is often achieved by applying a small forward bias to the base-emitter junctions of Q1 and Q2, thereby placing both transistors at the threshold of strong conduction. The back-to-back input characteristics of Q1 and Q2 will then be shifted along the voltage axis in the manner indicated in Fig. 6-12. Notice that in this case the composite volt-ampere characteristic more nearly approaches a straight line. A commonly used bias circuit is shown in Fig. 6-13, where diode D provides just sufficient bias to place both Q1 and Q2 at the knee of their input volt-ampere characteristic. This circuit arrangement is popular because diode D stabilized the Q points of the transistors against temperature variations. A resistive bias network can also be used, simply by replacing the diode by a resistor of suitable value. The advantage of q point stabilization, however, is then sacrificed.


Fig. 6-11 In addition to the problems of crossover distortion, another difficult with the push-pull amplifier is that it requires two transistors of the same polarity and with almost identical characteristics. If the two transistors are not equal, nonlinear distortion results. Most manufacturers supply transistors in “matched pairs”, either npn or pnp. A matched pair consists of two transistors whose characteristics are very similar and they are specially supplied for use in push-pull amplifiers. In addition push-pull amplifiers generally use a liberal amount of negative feedback to reduce distortion.


Fig. 6-12

Fig. 6-13

Complementary Symmetry Amplifier The conventional transformer-coupled push-pull output stage of Fig. 6-6 with transistors of the same polarity, requires two input signals of opposite phase. In Fig. 6-6 this phase-splitting function is performed by the input transformer with its centertapped secondary. The disadvantages of using a transformer for phase splitting many, particularly in terms of frequency response and distortion. In the audio spectrum, the upper end of the frequency band is affected by the stray inductance and capacitance of the transformer, the lower end of the frequency band is affected by the primary selfinductance. Nonlinear behavior of the magnetic core material of the transformer introduces distortion. These remarks also apply to the output transformer. The use of both input and output transformer therefore tends to degrade the performance of the circuit even further.


The most economical solution to eliminate transformers altogether is found in the complementary symmetry circuit, which used an npn and a pnp transistor in the configuration of Fig. 6-14. For the sake of simplicity, the components required for dc adjustment have been omitted from the circuit.

Fig. 6-14 The transistors are assumed to operate in class B. Note that in this simplified circuit two separate collector supplies are used, instead of the single supply in the normal push-pull circuit. Input signal source υs delivers signal current i s to transistors Q1 and Q2. On the positive half-cycle of the input voltage, npn transistor Q1 becomes forwardbiased and conducts, while pnp transistor Q2 is driven into cutoff. Collector current iC1 flows through the load resistor RL in the direction indicated in Fig. 6-14. On the negative half-cycle of the input voltage, Q2 conducts and Q1 is cutoff, so that collector current iC2 flows through the load in the opposite direction. Hence, Q1 amplifies the positive of the input signal and Q2 amplifies the negative portions. The two transistors act as emitter followers, alternately delivering as output current to the load. The analysis of the complementary symmetry circuit to the load, to that of the conventional push-pull circuit and need not be repeated here. A little though convinces us that all the voltage, current, and power relations derived for the push-pull circuit of Fig. 6-6 apply equally to the complementary symmetry circuit of Fig. 6-14 if RL′ in those relations RL is replaced by . Hence, the delivered output power to the load equals twice the maximum collector dissipation per transistor and PL = 2 PC(max)


The maximum theoretical efficiency of the complementary symmetry amplifier is equal to that of the push-pull amplifier and


η = 78.5 %


the basic circuit of fig. 6-14 is not very practical, since it uses two power supplies and does not contain the required components for biasing and stabilization. Figure 6-15 shows a practical arrangement of the complementary symmetry amplifier using a single power source. The circuit includes a driver stage and the necessary components for biasing and feedback.

Fig. 6-15 Load impedance RL is ac-coupled by capacitor C3 to the complementary output transistor C3 to the complementary output transistors Q2 and Q3. Emitter resistors R6 and R7 stabilize the output stage Q2-Q3 against temperature variations. In addition, resistor R1 stabilizes driver transistor Q1 against temperature variations by applying feedback from the emitters of the output transistors to the base Q1. The dc voltage at the midpoint between the emitters of Q2 and Q3 is approximately one-half supply voltage - VCC .


to minimize crossover distortion, the output transistors must be biased to a quiescent emitter current of a few milliampers. If both transistor. If both transistors had the same polarity, this quiescent current could be obtained by applying a small negative base voltage with respect to the emitter voltage, in the manner suggested in Fig. 6-13. Since the output transistors have opposite polarity, the base of Q2 requires a negative bias with respect to its emitter and the base of Q3 requires a positive bias with respect to its emitter. These bias voltages are supplied by resistor R4 in Fig. 6-15, which is inserted in the collector circuit of driver transistor Q1. This introduces some asymmetry in the circuit and hence R4 should have a small resistance. R4 is usually a preset potentiometer to allow exact adjustment of the operating points of the output transistors and to prevent clipping of the output signal at maximum signal excursion. Also R4 is sometimes paralleled by a thermistor to compensate for temperature dependence of the quiescent currents. The operation of the circuit is similar to that described for the basic circuit of Fig. 614. During the positive half-cycles of the input voltage, applied to the base of driver transistor Q1, output transistor q3 conducts and lowers the dc voltage at point A (the midpoint between the emitters of the output transistors). During the negative halfcycles of the input voltage, output transistor Q2 conducts and raises the dc voltage at point A. The variations in the dc voltage at point A are transferred to the load via capacitor C3. An example of an economical 1-W stereo pickup amplifier, with a complementary output stage, is shown in Fig. 6-16. The design uses an absolute minimum of components. The simple power supply, designed for an output voltage of 9 V, consists of a 6.3 V A-V secondary winding with a single rectifier diode and a large storage capacitor. The circuits for the input transistors of each channel are decoupled by a common RC filter (33 kΩ and 80 µF). The complementary output stage is almost identical to the one described in Fig. 6-15. Since is a low-cost circuit, no temperature compensating emitter resistors are used in the output stage. Ganged tone controls and separate or dual-concentric volume controls for each channel are recommended. In each case may be of the linear type. Feedback is used to achieve a high input impedance, and a good low-frequency response is obtained with a capacitive source such as a ceramic pickup. The performance specifications per channel are nominal power output sensitivity (1000 Hz) for Po = 9000 mw from 1000-pH source frequency response (- 3 dB) tone control nominal supply voltage current consumption at Po =900 mW

900 mW into 8-Ω load 600 mW 110 to 11,500 Hz - 12 dB at 10,000 Hz 9V 160 mW


Fig. 6-16 QUASI Complementary Amplifier The complementary symmetry output stage of Fig. 6-15 requires transistors with practically identical characteristics. For large power outputs (say, in excess of 10 W) it is rather difficult to manufacture complementary symmetry pairs economically. To retain the advantages of the complementary circuit (single-ended input and no output transformer), complementary transistors are often used in the driver stage of the highpower amplifier and are then followed in the output stage by two power transistors of the same polarity in a push-pull configuration. This circuit arrangement is known as a quasi-complementary amplifier and is shown in fig. 6-17. Notice that the again two separate power supplied are used and that the load is connects for feedback and circuit stabilization are omitted for the sake of simplicity. Input transistor Q1 is biased in the conventional manner by R1. The collector load of Q1 consists of R2 and R3, with R2 providing the correct bias voltage for the complementary transistors Q2 and Q3. This bias arrangement ensures that Q2 and Q3 draw a small quiescent current to avoid crossover distortion. The complementary pair Q2-Q3 provides the phase splitting function required for the class B push-pull output stage Q4-Q5. The current requirements, and hence the power dissipation, in the complementary pair are relatively small since the only power required is that used to provide the base drive for the power transistors. The complementary pair need not be closely matched because their Q-points can be set adequately by making R2 variable. 78

Fig. 6-17 A qualitative analysis of the circuit of Fig.6-17 proceeds as follows : When the input signal goes positive, Q1 collector current decreases, forcing Q2 into heavier conduction and Q3 into cutoff. Hence, the base current into power transistor Q4 increases while the base current into q5 decreases or becomes zero. When the input signal goes negative, the reverse action takes place. Hence, the output current delivered to the load is supplied alternately by each power transistor in a standard push-pull action. Transistor combination Q2-Q4 can be regarded as a Darlington pair, while transistor combination Q3-Q5 is connected as a complementary Dalrlington pair.

Fig. 6-18 79

The circuit is not very practical since it requires two power supplies and a “floating” load. A practical circuit arrangement, using a single power source, is shown in Fig. 6-18. The load RL is capacitively coupled to the midpoint of the output stage in manner identical to that described for the complementary circuit of Fig. 6-15. Emitter resistors R4 and R5 provide stabilization of the output stage against temperature variations. Bias resistor R2 is usually shunted by a thermistor Rt to stabilize the complementary pair Q2-Q3. The operation of the circuit is virtually identical to that of the basic circuit of Fig. 6-16 and requires no further elaboration.

Questions 1- For each class of amplifier operation (A, B, and C) indicate the position of the dc operating point on the IC-VC collector characteristics. Breifly explain how the collector current in each case varies in response to the input signal. 2- In what circuit configurations is a class B amplifier generally used ? 3- state the theoretical maximum efficiency of a class A amplifier and a class B amplifier. 4- what is the quiescent power dissipation(at zero input signal)of a class B amplifier? 5- Assume that a load resistor is transformer-coupled to a class A output stage. What can happen to the transistor if the load resistor is disconnected ? 6- Name the advantages and the disadvantages of transformer coupling. 7- Name the various types of distortion that can be present in a power amplifier and in each case explain how this distortion is generated. 8- What is meant by crossover distortion ? How can crossover distortion be minimized ? 9- Draw the circuit diagram of a transistors produce the push-pull stage and explain how the two class B transistors produce the output signal. 10- Why is it necessary to use a pair of matched transistors in a push-pull stage ? 11- What are some of the advantages of a complementary symmetry amplifier over a conventional push-pull amplifier ? 12- Explain the function of each component in the 1-W stereo amplifier of Fig. 6-16. 13- What is the major advantage of a quasi-complementary pair over the complementary symmetry pair.


Heatsink Evaluation Introduction One of the important ratings of semiconductor power devices is the maximum permissible junction temperature, Tj . The life expectancy and reliability of the device depend on the junction temperature and it is therefore important that this temperature be kept as low as space and economic considerations permit. Figure 7-22 shows a diagramatic representation of a semiconductor device. The with its heat-generating junction is in close thermal contact with its metal encapsulation or case. Most of the heat generated inside the device is transferred to the relatively heavy mounting base, from which it is dissipated-to the surrounding environment. In power devices such as rectifier diodes, the mounting base is not large enough to dissipate the generated heat adequately and the surface area of the case can then be extended by attaching the device to a thermally conductive metal plate, called a heatsink.

Fig. 7-22 The heatsink may be a simple flat piece of aluminum or steel. In many cases the surface area of the heatsink is increased by folding or by finned extrusions. Thermal Resistance With the semiconductor mounted on a heatsink, the flow of heat takes place from the heat-generating junction via the mounting base of the case to the heatsink, and then by conduction, convection, and radiation to the surrounding environment. We recognize three distinct parts in the heat-flow system, each exhibiting a certain resistance to the flow of heat. The total resistance to heat flow is called the thermal resistance, Rth, which is related to the power dissipation of the device, and to the difference in temperature between the heat-generating junction and the operating environment


(ambience). This relation is expressed in the form of a thermal law, similar to Ohm’s law for electric circuits, which states that ∆T = P R th(j-a) where


∆ Tj = Tj - Ta (junction temperature minus ambient temperature), in °C P = maximum power dissipation of the device, in watts Rth(j-a) = thermal resistance from junction to ambience, in °C /W

In eq. (7-37), ∆ Tj is know, since Tj is stated in the device, and Ta is the ambient temperature which can be measured. P represents the actual maximum power dissipation of the device and is known from its circuit configuration. The total thermal resistance can then readily be calculated. In an actual case Rth(j-a) consists of the thermal resistances from junction to ambience, so that R th ( j− a ) = R th(j-c) + R th(c-s) + R th(s-a) (7-38)

Fig. 7-23 where Rth(j-c) = thermal resistance from junction to case Rth(c-s) = thermal resistance from case to heatsink Rth(s-a) = thermal resistance from heatsink to ambience


The situation is illustrated graphically in Fig.7-23. By rearranging Fig. (7-38) we can calculate the thermal resistance of the heatsink. Example 7-6 A 2N4347 power transistor is used a series regulator in a power supply. The maximum power dissipation of the devices is 10 W and the ambient temperature is not expected to exceed 50°C. Calculate the required thermal resistance of the heatsink. Solution From the diode manual we find the maximum permissible junction temperature of the 2N4347 is Tj = 200°C. The thermal resistance from junction to case is listed as Rth(jc) = 1.5°C /W. The thermal resistance from case to heatsink is not given in the transistor manual, but experience indicates that = 0.5°C /W is a reasonable value. Using the thermal law, we find the total thermal resistance from junction to ambience : R th ( j− a ) =

∆ Tj P


200o C = 15o C / W 10 W

Subtracting the known parts of the thermal resistance path, the thermal resistance of the heatsink is R th ( s− a ) = 15o C / W - 2 o C / W = 13o C / W Example 7-6 indicates that it is a fairly simple procedure to calculate the required thermal resistance of a heatsink, using the device ratings and external circuit conditions. The next step is, of course, to find the correct material ofwhich the heatsink is made and to calculate the required size of the heatsink in order to dissipate the generated heat adequately. Physical Characteristics Various heatsink metals have different thermal conductivity properties. Copper has a very high thermal conductivity and is used for heatsink requiring low thermal resistance with maximum surface area. Aluminum also has a high thermal conductivity and has the advantage of light weight and low cost. Aluminum is the obvious choice for most applications. Steel has a moderate thermal conductivity, but is very low in cost compared to copper and aluminum. The most common application of steel heatsink is where the device is mounted directly onto the equipment chassis, with the chassis serving as the heatsink.


The surface of the heatsink has an effect on its emissivity. Bright or polished metal surfaces have poor emission properties, while matte black painted or black anodized surface have the best emission properties. A matte paint finish of any color is considerably better than a bright surface. The mounting attitude of the heatsink is also of importance. For the best transfer of heat, vertical mounting with both sides of the heatsink exposed to convection is best. Frequently the space available to mount the heatsink is limited, and the total surface area may then be extended by folding or the use of multiple fins. In some cases, natural convection cooling is not sufficient, especially for thermal resistances below 2°C/W, and forced air cooling a then required.

Fig. 7-24


Calculation of Heatsink Dimensions The total thermal resistance of the heatsink consists of two parts, namely a part responsible for conduction of heat within the metal itself, and a part responsible for radiation from the metal surface into the environment. The conduction properties of the heatsink on the physical characteristics of the metal, such as thickness and type of material. Table 7-3 lists the thermal conduction properties for various metals of different thickness. Gage (SWS) Thickness inches mm

24 0.022 0.56

Copper 2.04 Aluminum 2.74 Steel 5.87

22 0.028 0.71

20 0.036 0.92

18 0.048 1.22

16 0.064 1.63

14 0.080 2.04

12 0.104 2.54

1.81 2.43 5.19

1.59 2.14 4.80

1.38 1.86 3.97

1.20 1.61 3.44

1.07 1.44 3.08

0.94 1.26 2.70

The table shows that the thermal resistance of steel is approximately twice that of aluminum. The radiation properties of the metals listed in Table 7-3 depend on several factors such as the total surface area of the heatsink, the surface finish, and the position (horizontally or vertically placed). Figure 7-24 relates these parameters in a nomogram. Its use is best demonstrated by an example. Example 7-7 A heatsink with a thermal resistance Rth(s-a) = 13°C/W is required to dissipate the heat generated by a 2N4347 power transistor, operated at 10-W dissipation (see also Ex. 7-6). A flat piece of 70-gage aluminum is available, which will be mounted vertically to allow radiation from both sides. Calculate the size of this heatsink. Solution From Table 7-3 we determine the thermal resistance of 20-gage aluminum, and we find that Rth(conduction) = 2.14°C/W. This indicates that the heatsink should have radiation properties corresponding to R th ( radiation ) = 13o C / W - 2.14 o C / W = 10.86o C / W Use the nomogram of Fig. 7-24. Align a straightedge from the point k = 0.85 (vertical mounting of bright aluminum) on the k scale to the point Rth(radiation) = 10 10.86°C/W on the Rth scale. The A scale then indicates the required area and we read that A = 51.5 cm2. Since the most effective shape of a heatsink is approximately square, the dimensions of the bright aluminum sheet should be approximately 7 by 8 cm. If the surface of the aluminum sheet is blackened, the required area is only 27 cm2 . 85

For heatssinks of finned construction, appropriate nomograms are available from the manufactures but the procedure for calculating type and size of heatsink is essentially the same. Also forced-air cooling considerably reduces the required heatsink area and again nomograms are available which related the size of the heatsink to the total power dissipation and the velocity of the forced air.


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 1 : The Static I.V Characteristics Of The Bipolar Transistors A. The objectives of this experiment are : 1- To measure the input characteristic and the output collector characteristics. 2- To calculate the current amplification factors. 3- To determine the operating regions of the transistor. 4- To measure the leakage currents of the transistor ICEO and ICBO . 5- To determine the piece wise linear parameter model of the bipolar transistor . 6- To define the safe operating area of the transistor . B. Instruments and Components: Two variable voltage power supplies 0-20 V / 100 mA, three digital multimeters, Two channel oscilloscope with x-capability, A function generator, the components of the circuit in Fig. 1. Notice : If a curve tracer is available, then you don’t need any other measuring instruments. C. Procedure: 1- Connect the measuring circuit of the transistor as shown in Fig. 1 using the experimental bread board.




RB = 100 kΩ, RC = 0.5 kΩ Fig. 1: The measuring circuit of the output collector characteristic


The voltmeters VB and VC are used to measure the voltage drops on RB and RC respectively. One can calculate IB and IC from VB and VC using the ohm s low, i.e., VB VC IB = IC = and RB RC 2- It is now required to measure a transistor curve, this can be accomplished by keeping IB = IB1 = 10 µA for example and varying VCC from 0V up to 15V in steps while reading the corresponding VC and calculating IC. The same procedure is followed for another transistor curve or a required IB value IB2 = 20 µA and ISO on. 3- Tabulate your results as in the following table Table of the I-V Characteristics “Output Characteristics” VCE (V) IC at 1 µ A IC of IB = 10A IC = 20 µ A














4- Now it is required to measure the input I-V characteristics : This can be carried out as follows : (i) Make RC = 0 , and adjust VCC = VCE as the desired value for an input curve, the desired values are VCE = 0 VCE = 0.5 and VCE = 3V , This characteristic is basically a diode characteristics.


Fig. 2: Measuring circuit for the input characteristics

(ii) Connect a voltmeter across the base & emitter as shown in Fig. 2. Vary VBB from 0 up to 10V and read VBE & IB = 100 VB µA. 88


(iii) Tabulate your results as shown in table 2

Table 2. The Input I-V C/cs VBE (V) IB at VCE = 0 VCE = 0.5 VCE = 3V

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0,6 0.7 0.8

5- Plot on a millimeter paper the output and input c/cs of tables 1 and 2 on a separate charts. After finishing the plotting of the I-V curves perform the following : a- Compare the input and the output characteristics with theoretical transistor curves given in the lectures. b-Determine the on, the off regions of the transistor and the active region. c- determine the piece wise linear model of the transistor in the three regions. d- Calculate β dc and hfe , the ac β, from your curves. Why are they different ? e- Calculate the output collector resistance rce at IC = 5 mA and VCE = 5V . f- Calculate the input resistance rbe at IB = 50 A and VCE = 1V . g- Compare rce and rbe . Why are they different ? 6- The leakage currents of the transistor is very important for operating the transistor as an electronic switch in the off-state. An ideal switch must have zero leakage currents when it is off. Therefore, the measurement of them is of prime importance. Now let us turn our attention to the measurement of ICEO and ICBO. Two measure them use the measuring circuits in Fig.3 . VC


1 MΩ

1 MΩ



ICEO = VC / 1MΩ = VC in µA

ICBO =VC in µA

Fig. 3 Measuring Circuits of ICEO & ICBO 89

Notice that in order to be able to measure ICEO & ICBO because of there extremely small values we used a large resistance in series with the transistor to obtain measurable voltage drops. Put the results in the form VCE = 10V , ICBO = , ICEO = Explain why ICEO is greater than ICBO . 7- From the transistor data sheet read BVCEO = BVCBO = Pmax at room temp = IC max = Draw the boundary of the safe operating area of your transistor on the output characteristics. 8- The transistor β of the transistor varies with the collector current. A fact which must be taken into consideration when we design transistor circuits. It is required to measure β as a function of the collector current and given VCE say VCE = 1V. IC TUT

10 kΩ IB

VCE = 1 V

Fig. 4: Measuring circuit for β

- The procedure is straight forward, vary IB by charging VBB & measure the corresponding IC as indicated in the measuring circuit of Fig.4 . - Tabulate your results in a table like table 3. Table 4. β versus IC at VCE = 1V IB IC


0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9


- Then plot β versus IC. - Explain the shape of the curve. 90


9- Curve tracing: Curve tracing is a very useful technique by which one can display the whole family of the device curves on a CRO screen. It saves time and effort compared to the tedious point by point measurement. There are very advanced carve tracer in the market with digital processing capabilities of the acquired curves. In this experiment we shall demonstrate the curve tracing concept using the conventional laboratory instrument, the oscilloscope 9 the function generator, and a stair case generator. To trace the transistor curves on the screen of a CRO we construct the set up shown in Fig. 5. To X of the oscilloscope DUT Function generator Stair-case generator

To Y of the oscilloscope

Fig. 5: A curve trace is composed of a function generator, a stair case generator and an oscilloscope

In order to trace a transistor curve the function generator must produce a saw tooth of a period T as shown in Fig. 5. Therefore νCE will be increased linearly in the time interval T. At the same time the stair case generator must produce one of its stairs to keep the base current IB of the transistor constant while sweeping the collector to emitter voltage by the function generator. Therefore, the saw tooth must be also synchronized with the stair case to obtain a stable display on the screen. Since the static characteristics are required the time T must be sufficiently large for steady state response of the device. On the other side , T must be sufficiently small to avoid flickering of the displayed curves. A very suitable time T = 10 m seconds with a frequency of the sawtooth of 100 HZ. Use the available function generator, the stair case generator and setting RC = 1 kΩ and RB = 1== kΩ , trace the collector family of curves of the transistor BC107 on the screen of the oscilloscope. Compare your transistor curves with those measured point by point. 91

EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 2 : The Small Signal Characteristics Of The Bipolar Transistor The small signal characteristics of the transistor is required when it is used as a small signal amplifier where it is biased at certain dc operating point in the active part of it I-V characteristics. The small signal response of the transistor can be equivalently the h-parameters or the hybrid-π equivalent circuit. The hybrid parameters are directly measurable while the hybrid-π equivalent circuit parameters or internal physical parameters which could be partly calculated and indirectly measured. The objectives of this experiment are: - To set a suitable dc operating point of the transistor. - To measure the h-parameters, hie, hfe , hre and hoe . - To measure the transistor fT , the maximum operating frequency of the transistor. - To measure the junction capacitance of the collector. - To check the equivalence of the two descriptions using the circuit simulator SPICE. Laboratory Instruments Required - One power supply 0-20V/100 mA, one capacitance meter, a function generator standard , an oscilloscope, a wide band ac voltmeter, Resistors, the transistor under test, a digital multimeter, potentiometers. The Experimental Procedure: - Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig. 1 10 V

50 kΩ 10 kΩ 3

Pot. 1 1

10 µF ib

Function Generator

50 Ω


10 kΩ


vb 50 Ω

Fig. 1 : Measuring circuit for the h-parameters. 92

- Adjust the operating point such that VCE = 5V and IC = 1 mA , use pot. 1 to a chive this - Measurement hie by connecting the 50 Ω between point 3 and ground. Vb υ - By definition h ie = 'b = υ ce = 0 with short circuit between 3 & Ib db ground. - Set the sin wave oscillator at f = 10 kHz and the amplitude is sufficiently large so that νbe = 10 mV. One has to be sure that the small signal condition prevails. - Use the ac voltmeter to measure V1 and V2 h ie =

V2 .Rs , V1 - V2

Rs = 10 kΩ

- To measure hre , remove the 50 Ω short circuit and insert instead the sine wave oscillator. Adjust the oscillator at f = 10 kHz and output voltage of 10V. Then measure V2 using the ac voltmeter. V Calculate h re = 2 V3 - To measure hoe , the output conductance insert a current sensing resistance in the emitter Re = 50Ω. For the same function generator connection and settings as above Measure the ac voltage drop across the 50 Ω emitter resistance.  V4  Calculate h oe =    R e V3  - To measure hfe The settings are as the measurement of hie with V3 must be also measured. Calculate h fe =

V3 x 10k 50 Ω x ( V1 - V2 )

- To measure fT , measure hfe as described above as a function of freq. and tabulate your results as in table 1. Table 6. hfe versus f hfe f The a plot hfe versus f and determine the freq. fβ at which hfe drops to 0.707 0f its value at low frequency hfeo . By definition fT = hfeo . fβ . - Compare your results with that given in the data sheet of the transistor. 93

- Now measure Ccb by using the RLC meter and the circuit shown in Fig. 2. This value is measured at zero junction voltage Calculate C cb (VCB ) =

C cbo (measured value) 1 + 2 VCB

RLC meter

Fig. 2. Measuring circuit for Ccb

- Now start calculating the hybrid-π parameters as follows : gm =

IC 1 mA = = 0.04 VT 25 mV

rb 'e =

VT h = feo = 25 h feo IB gm rb 'b = h ie - rb'e

(C cb + ε b'e ) =

1 (2 π f β ) rb'e

rce = 1 / h oe C cb = C cbo / 1 + 2 VCB - Then compare the two equivalent circuits using the SPICE simulator. - You may repeat for other operating points and frequencies.


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 3 : Bipolar Transistor As A Switch 1. Introduction Transistors are now universally applied in switching circuits. They are used in digital computers, communication systems and automatic control. Any switch has the function to open and close current paths in an electric circuit in a controlled way. Thus, the switch has two states, an off-state and an on-state. According to the operating principles of various switches, they can be classified into 1) mechanical, 2) electromechanical, 3) thermomechanical, 4) thermoelectronic, 5) optoelectronic and 6) electronic switches. A switch which operates ideally has an infinite resistance when open and zero resistance when closed, consumes no control power and changes state in no time. In practice, there is no ideal switch. However, all efforts in the field of switches are directed to approach some of these ideal switching characteristics. Which properties most approach the ideal ones, it depends on the application field of these switches. 2. Characteristics Of The Ideal Transistor Switch 2.1 The On-State Fig. 1 shows the practical volt-ampere characteristic curve of a common emitter junction transistor. Area I represents the saturation region of operation. In this region the emitter-base (EJ) and the collector-base (CJ) junctions are forward biased. Area II represents the active region operation of the transistor. The emitter-base junction is forward biased while the base-collector junction is reverse biased. Area III represents the off-region of operation, where the two junctions are reverse biased. It is clear from the Fig. (1.b and 1.c) that for certain load line the state of the transistor is completely defined by the base current. If we draw on the same figures the characteristics of ideal switch, we can easily see that, if IB ≥ IBS , the transistor approaches the on-state of the ideal switch. The minimum collector to emitter voltage is called the saturation voltage VCE sat. This voltage is a function of the collector current and it can be expressed by VCE


= VJE - VJC + I C max R C = f (I C max )


where VJE , VJC are the emitter and collector junction voltages, and RC is the collector body resistance. This function is given in transistor data sheets. A typical curve is shown in Fig. 1.d. At low collector currents, the ohmic drop


has no effect, however, as IC component become appreciable.


increases the influence of the ohmic

The absolute maximum collector current, that the transistor can withstand without failure is not limited by allowable power dissipation but it is limited by other failure mechanisms. 2.2 Off-State When Vin < 0, the transistor is in the off state, but a leakage current passes through the transistor. If IB = 0 , i.e. the EJ is open circuit, the current is very small and equal to ICEO . When EJ is short circuit the collector current IC = ICS . For reverse biased EJ the collector current will be equal to the reverse saturation current of the collector junction ICBO = ICO . A typical curve of ICO as a function of temperature is shown in Fig. 1.e . From the two diode model of the transistor shown in Fig. 2, we can derive the relation. I CEO = (β + 1) I CO , Also we can prove that ICO = (1 - αF αI) ICS . Where α is the dc current amplification factor in common emitter circuit, αF and α1 are the current amplification factors in the forward and reverse active mode. Since α ICO. This means, it is better for loss leakage current to reverse bias the EJ. The maximum collector to emitter voltage, which the transistor can withstand in this off-state is limited by the collector junction breakdown voltage. 3. Switching Times 3.1 Transition From Off To On-State Or Turn-On Time In order to measure the switching times of a transistor, we drive it with an input pulse as shown in Fig.3. At t < 0 the transistor is in the off-state (state B on the I-V characteristic). At t = 0, although the pulse generator voltage ein changes abruptly and hence the base current (IBF = ein/RB), the collector current as shown in Fig.3 increases firstly slowly with time, then rapidly and finally reaches a steady state value IC max , which corresponds to state A. The turn-on time ton can be divided in two parts, the delay time td and the rise time tr. The delay time is by convention the time taken by the collector current to reach 10% of its steady state value (IC max). The rise time is the time required for the collector to change from 10% to 90% of its steady state value. 3.2 Transition Time From The Off-To The On-State Turn-Off Time At t = τ1 the input voltage changes its polarity and magnitude instantaneously as shown in Fig.3. The collector current does not fall abruptly to its off value, see Fig.3. Instead, it continues to flow with its on-value IC max 96

for certain period, then falls rapidly with increasing time and it reaches finally its off-value. The turn-off time can be divided also into two parts. The storage delay time (simply storage time), ts and the fall time. Storage time ts is the time from input voltage reversal till the collector current falls to 90% of it’s on value IC max , while the fall time tf is the time required for the collector current to fall from 90% to 10% of IC max . 3.3 Switching Times As A Function Of Transistor Currents And Internal Physical Parameter-Theory In order to determine the dependence of the collector current on time and consequently the switching times for an applied control pulse, there are different methods depending on the degree of approximation. In order to complete the picture, these methods are : i) Exact solution of the time dependent continuity, Poisson and current equations for given initial and boundary conditions. ii) Using approximate models for transistor, such as charge control model and modified Ebers-Moll two diode model. In this study we shall use a simplified charge control model. The first assumption is that the emitter and the collector injection efficiencies are equal to one. This means that we shall neglect the recombination current in the highly doped emitter and collector regions. The consequence of this assumption is that the base current supplies or extracts majority charge carriers to or from the base region only. A fraction of these charges can be stored, or extracted and the other fraction recombines with minority charge carries injected in the base region. In steady state, where there is no change of charge density with time, the base current has to supply the recombination losses only. From the law of conservation of electric charges, we can now write : Q B (t)  d Q B (t)  i B (t) =   +  dt  τB


where iB is the base current, QB(t) is the excess minority charge carries in the base region, dQB/d t is the rate of change of stored base charge with time. QB/τB is the recombination rate, or the charge recombined per unit time. τB is the lifetime of the minority charge carriers in the base region. 3.3.1 The Turn-On Time ton Fig.4 shows the minority charge carrier distributions in the base region for the off-state B and for the on-state A without and with saturation (VCB = 0 & VCB < 0). We shall assume that the magnitude of the base current step IB1 is ≥ IBS. In order to bring the transistor from state B to state AI, the base current has to charge the space charge region of the Ej and to build up the charge QF. If IB > 97

IBS, the transistor goes to state A2, where an additional saturation charge QS will build up, but the collector current reaches approximately its steady state value IC max , once QF is stored, (See Figs. 1.b & 1.c). Solving equation. 3.1 with the initial conditions QB(0) = 0 and taking into consideration that IB(t) = IB1 (0 ≤ t ≤ τ1). We get for QB(t) the expression :


Q B ( t ) = I B1 τ B 1 - e

-t / τ




The second assumption in the charge control model is that the collector current ic(t) at any time t is proportional to QB(t) . Hence i C (t) =

Q B (t) TC


where TC is called the collector time constant. It is equal to the transit time of the minority charge carries predominately by diffusion in the base region. It can be expressed by TC = WB2 / 2 D , where WB is the neutral base thickness and D is diffusion constant of the minority charge carriers. Substituting equation (3.3) in (3.2), we can write


i C ( t ) = β I B1 1 - e

-t / τ B



with β = τB/TC is the current amplification factor of the CE circuit. Substituting iC(ton) = 0.9 IC expression for the on-time

t on


in equation. (3.4) and rearranging, we get an

  1 = τ 1n  0.9 I C max  1 β I B1 

The ratio β I B1 / I C max ≡

     


β I B1 = m , , is the called overdrive factor. As a β I BS

result, (3.5) reduces to

t on

   1  = τ 1n    1 - 0.9   m


For m >> 1, equation. (3.5) can be rewritten as 98

 0.9  t on ≈    m 


which means that the turn-on time is inversely proportional to the overdrive factor m. 3.3.2 The Saturation Charge QS The total base charge QB = QF + QS in the on-steady state can be expressed by Q F + Q S = I B1 τ B


which follows from equation. (3.1) with

d Q B (t) = 0 & i B (∞ ) = I B1 dt

Since QF = τ IBS , then Q S = τ B (I B1 - I BS ) = τ B I BS (m - 1)


3.3.3 The Turn-Off Time The turn-off is the inverse process of turn-on. The excess charges in the neutral base region must vanish during the turn-off phase. It is clear from the continuity equation (3.1) that by making IB zero or by reversing it d QB(t)/d t will be negative, this means that the charge stored in the base can be removed by a negative base current and by the recombination process. The rate of removal of this charge will be greater if the reverse base current is increased. This means that the turn-off time decreases with increasing the reverse base current IB2 . During the whole turn-off phase, the reverse base current is approximately constant and equal to I B2 . Therefore, solving equation. (3.1) with the initial condition QB(t) = QF + QS = IB1 τB we obtain QB(t) . Q B (t ) = τ B (I B1 + I B2 ) e -t / τ B - I B2 τ B


At t = tS , Q B(t) = QF = I BS τB .This means that the saturation charge will be removed during the storage delay time. Hence, it follows from equation.(3.10) that  m + n t s = τ B 1n    1 + n with I B1 I and n = B2 ≡ the reverse overdrive factor. I BS I BS If n > m >1, then, the above equation reduces to m =


ts ≡

τ B (m - 1) n


The turn-off transients ends when the excess charge is reduced to zero, therefore from equation. (3.10) we get m m  (3.12) t off = τ B 1n  1 +  ≅ τ  n n from n > m > 1 and (IB2 > IB1 > IBS), the fall time tf = toff - ts = τB/n


It is clear from equation. (3.12) that the turn off time will be reduced by increasing the reverse base current. But it increases with increasing the overdrive factor m. This means that if we increase the overdrive factor to decrease the turn-on time the turn-off time increases because of the increase in the saturation charge QS . 4. Experiment 4.1 Objectives The aim of this experiment is to analyze the basic switching characteristics of the transistor and to investigate some of the methods of improving its transient responses. 4.2 Test Circuit The test circuit is shown in Fig. 5. It consists of the transistor under test t in common emitter circuit. The collector is connected in series with a load resistance RL, a dc collector power supply and 47Ω current measuring resistance. A resistance RB is inserted in series with the base lead in order to limit the base current. At the same time the base current can be determined by measuring the voltage drop across RB, connectors. The 47Ω resistances are used to match the coaxial cables. 4.3 Instruments Required - Pulse generator. - Power supply 10-15 volt variable. - Dual channel oscilloscope. 4.4 Procedure (a) Connect the measuring circuit as shown on Fig. 5. (b) Observe and record the shape of the waveforms of the input voltage ein, the base current iB(t), the collector current iC(t) and the collector to emitter voltage VCE(t) at different values of forward base current IB1. Hence, 100

(c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h)

determine the transfer characteristics shown in Figs. (1.c) and 1.d). determine the value of the large signal current amplification factor β from the relation β = IC max /IBS. IBS is the value of the base current at VCB = 0 (i.e. IB1 = IBS at VBE = VCE). Measure the on-time ton at I B2 = 0 and I B1 = IBS … 10 IBS Measure the storage time tS and the fall time tf at I B2 = 0 and I B1 = IBS … 10 IBS Measure the storage time tS with I B2 = 2 IBS and I B1 = 2 IBS Plot the measured values in (c), … to (e) on log-log papers. Determine the standard switching times td, tr, ts and tf at IB1 = - IB2 = IC max /10 . Compare the experimental results with theoretical. Determine the lifetime τB of the minority charge carriers in the base from the experimental curves. Then calculate the neutral base width WB from the relation WB = 2 D n τ B / β , given that Dn = 50 cm2/sec.

(i) Connect the given condensers in parallel with RB. Observe and record the collector and base current wave-forms without and with the condensers at IB1 = IBS. Explain the reduction of the switching times by the condensers.



Fig. 1a: Transfer characteristic measuring circuit

The static transfer characteristic






Fig. 2 : Transistor equivalent circuit with open base 102


Fig. 3 : Switching times

Fig. 4: The electron distribution in the base region at a) off-state b) on-state AI - edge of saturation region c) on-state AII - heavy saturation vce(t) To Y1 of the oscilloscope

To Y1 of the oscilloscope

To Y2 of the oscilloscope

10kΩ ic(t)

Pulse Generator

To Y2 of the oscilloscope Rm = 97 Ω

Fig. 5: The measuring circuit of the transistor switch


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 4 : The Basic BJT Amplifier Circuits Introduction : There are three basic BJT amplifier circuits, the common emitter, the common base and the common collector or the emitter follower. Any linear amplifier is characterized by its voltage gain AV, current gain AI and hence its power gain in addition to its input and output impedance. The frequency and phase response is also of interest objectives. - Measuring the characteristics of the three configurations - Comparing the three configurations. - A dc power supply 20 V/1A, multimeter, function generator and a two channel oscilloscope. A- The CE Amplifier Procedure : 1- Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig. 1

To Y2 of the oscilloscope 10 µF


1 10 µF Function Generator

10 kΩ

10 kΩ 10 kΩ

100 Ω

10 µF

To Y1 of the oscilloscope

Fig. 1

2- Set the operating point such that VCE = 5V by varying R1 3- Disconnect RL and measure the voltage gain of the amplifier at 1 kHz. This is accomplished by inserting a small input voltage Vbe ≈ 20 mV - 50 mV and measuring Vce. Both Vbe & Vce will be observed and measured by an oscilloscope. calculate the gain of the amplifier Av


Vce Vbe 4- Now measure the ac base current by meaning the ac voltage drop on RB calculate the current gain by i υ / Rc A t = c = ce ib υb / RB 5- calculate the input resistance υ γ i = be ib 6- Measure the output resistance by applying the signal generator to the output between point (2) & ground and shorting the input between 3 and ground as shown in Fig. 2 Av =

10 µF

Pot. 2

10 µF

10 kΩ

10 kΩ

100 Ω

10 µF

Function Generator

Fig. 2 : Circuit to measure ro

First make the resistance of potentiometer 2 = 0 and measure υce by the oscilloscope : Then increase gradually the pot 2 resistance till υce becomes one half its original value. Then connect the function generator and measure the resistance of the potentiometer 2 using an ohmmeter. This value will be the output resistance of the amplifier . These measurements must be carried out at the freq. range where the amplifier characteristics are independent of frequency. Be sure of that by sweeping the freq. and observing oscilloscope waveforms. • • •

Now let us study the effect of loading by connecting a pot 3 across the output in Fig. 1. Observe the waveforms of the input y1 and the output y2 by decreasing RL and comment on your results. Now disconnect RL and increase the input voltage observe the waveforms of y1 & y2 and comment on your results. This is to study the effect of large input signal on the waveforms of the amplifier. Calculate Av, AI, ri , and ro using the small signal equivalent circuit and compare with your measured values. 105

B- The CB Amplifier Procedure : 1- Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig.3

To Y2 of the oscilloscope 10 µF 10 µF

10 µF

10 kΩ

10 µF 100 Ω

10 kΩ

10 µF

Function Generator

To Y1 of the oscilloscope

Fig. 3

This circuit is basically as the CE in Fig. 1 with some modifications. Now the base is ac by passed to the ground to achieve the common base configuration. The input signal is inserted at the emitter and the output is taken from the collector. 2- Adjust the operating point at VCE = 5B as in the CE case by varying [pt 2 and monitoring VCE by the digital multimeter. 3- Measure the voltage gain by - Setting the freq. of the signal generator to f = 1 kHz. - Setting υeb = 10-20 mV by adjusting the amplitude of the function generator and pot 1. - Observe the wave forms of y1 & y2 corresponding to υeb & υce respectively and measure their peak values and hence calculate V A v = cem = ……….. Vebm - Measure the current gain by measuring the voltage drop across the pot 1 and browning its resistance value. Then calculate Vpot 1 / R pot 1 Vcem / R c ic AI = = ie Vpot 1 m / R pot 1 - Measure the output resistance in the same manner as carried out for the CE amplifier. - Measure the input resistance by


Vebm Vebm = I em Vpot 1 m / R pot 1 - Study the effect of RL on the input and output waveforms and the voltage gain of the amplifier by changing the value o RL, pot 3: comment on your results. γi =

- Study of effect of increasing the input voltage on the input and output waveforms here it is required to observe the distortion of the output. The output waveform becomes clipped at relatively large input voltage. Record some oscillograms showing this clipping. - Calculate the amplifier parameters using the equivalent circuit and compare with the experimental results. C- The Common Collector Amplifier Procedure : 1- Connect the measuring circuit a shown in Fig.4


10 µF

47 kΩ

vb 10 µF 100 kΩ 10 kΩ Function 1 kHz Generator

To Y1 of the oscilloscope

10 µF RE = 1 kΩ

To Y2 of the oscilloscope

10 kΩ

Fig. 4. Common Collector Amplifier Circuit

2- Adjust the dc operating point as before at VCE = 5V. 3- Measure the voltage gain of the amplifier by - setting the freq. of the function generator to 1 kHz. - the input voltage at y1 at one volt peak to peak - observe the output voltage waveform at y2 and measure the peak to peak value. - calculate the voltage gain Vepp Av = Vbpp 4- Measure the current gain by measuring the ac voltage drop at pot 1 and its resistance R pot 1 then calculate 107

AI =

ie Vem / R E = ib Vpot 1 m / R pot 1

5- Measure the output resistance in the some manner as the CE circuit but here use a 100 ohmmeter potentiometer in series with the function generator connected to the output. 6- Study the effect of loading on the gain and the waveforms of the amplifier as due previously. 7- Study the distortion of the waveforms when driving the amplifier with increased input signal. 8- Calculate the amplifier parameters using the equivalent circuit & compare with the measured values. 9- Make a comparison table for the three configurations.


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 5 : AC Coupled Amplifiers Purpose 1- To demonstrate resistive-capacitive coupling. 2- To evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of resistive-capacitive. 3- To demonstrate some of the applications requiring reactive coupling. Introduction During this experiment you will examine two types of coupling. One has a wide range of applications, the other is used less often because of its unique characteristics. Similar to the previous experiment, you will connect two amplifier stages using each of the coupling methods. Your will then consider the advantages of each. You will first consider the RC coupling method. Resistive-Capacitive coupling is the most commonly used method of linking amplifier stages together. Using this type of coupling, the transistor’s output load is a resistance. Two common emitter amplifiers will be tied together through a capacitor. Keep in mind during this portion of the experiment that the output signal from the first stage must pass through the coupling capacitor to reach the second stage. Later in this experiment, you will observe the operation of transformer coupling. As the name implies, the first stage is coupled to the second stage through transformer action. This method of coupling is sometimes used as an impedance matching device between amplifier stages. It can also be used to step up or step down a signal between stages. It also provides isolation between stages because there is no physical connection between the first and second stages. The signal transfer is caused by electromagnetic induction. Procedure 1- Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig. 1 the circuit is composed of a CE npn- and pnp amplifiers coupled with 10 µF capacitor. Set the freq. of the function generator to 1 kHz. 2- Set the generator at a frequency of 1000 Hz. 3- Center potentiometers R103 and R106. Turn your trainer on. 4- Connect channel 1 scope probe of your oscilloscope to TP100. Adjust the input signal’s amplitude to 0.2 volts peak-to-peak. 5- Look at Figure 1 and list the coupling component in this circuit.


Function Generator

Fig. 1

6- Connect channel 2 of your oscilloscope to monitor the output waveform at TP107. Adjust R103 and R106 until a sine wave is present at TP107. 7- Move channel 2 scope from TP107 to TP102. What is the peak-to-peak amplitude of the waveform at TP102 ? ______ volts peak-to-peak 8- Momentarily turn SW101 off. Position 8 opens the signal path between the two amplifier stages. Again measure the peak-to-peak amplitude of the voltage at TP102. ______ volts peak-to-peak 9- Turn SW101 on. Did the waveform amplitude change in steps 6 or 7. ___________________________________________________ Why did this change in amplitude occur ? ___________________________________________________ 10- Continue to monitor TP102, the output of the first stage, on channel 2 of your oscilloscope. Move channel 1’s scope probe to TP105, the input of the second stage. Is there any difference in the amplitude of these two signals (TP105 and TP102) ? Measure the DC voltage at TP102 and TP105. TP102 _____ VDC TP105 _____ VDC Explain your answer. ___________________________________________________ 11- Move the scope probe from TP105 to the output of the second stage (TP107). Change the amplitude of the input signal to the first stage (Q101), by adjusting R808. What happened to the output at TP107 and why ? ___________________________________________________ 12- Move the scope probe from TP102 to TP100. Readjust the input voltage to 0.2 volts peak-to-peak. 110

Now, vary the input frequency from its minimum to maximum value. What can you say about the frequency response of this circuit ? ___________________________________________________

f (Hz) Gain









V = o V i

Implement the transformer coupled circuit shown in Figure 2 : Function Generator

Jumper Wire

Fig. 2 .

13- Set the Generator frequency to approximately 20 kHz. 14- View the output of the first stage by touching your oscilloscope probe to TP102. Record the amplitude of this waveform below. ______ volts peak-to-peak 15- Momentarily remove the output lead of this first stage by removing the jumper wire from TP810. Again view the output of the first stage at TP102. Record the amplitude of this waveform below. ______ volts peak-to-peak 16- What happened to the amplitude of the sine wave at TP102 when the jumper lead was removed from TP810 ? Increased/decreased/stayed the same Why do you think this occurs ? ___________________________________________________ 17- Reverse the jumper wires to TP810 and TP811. What affect did this have on the input and output signals ? ___________________________________________________ 18- Turn your trainer off and read the following summary.


Summary During steps 1 through 11 of this experiment, you observed the operation of an NPN common emitter amplifier. RC coupled to a PNP common emitter amplifier. This type of coupling is one of the most widely employed methods of coupling. When NPN and PNP transistors are used in pairs they are said to be a complementary pair. You should have measured an approximate 1.75 volt peak-to-peak sine wave at TP102. You then momentarily turned SW101 position 8 off to isolate the first stage from the second. With an open between stages, the output from the first stage increased to approximately 2 volts. This increase is due to the removal of the AC loading of the second stage. This circuit used capacitive coupling. There is no DC loading because capacitors block DC. The input to the second stage at TP105 is approximately the same as the output at TP102. Capacitor C102 couples the entire signal. There is very little AC loss across coupling capacitors. When you adjusted the 100 k ohm potentiometer (R808) during step 1, the output distorted as you increased the input voltage. With no input, Q101 is operating near the midpoint of its operating range. As the input is increased, Q102 is driven alternately into saturation and cutoff. This causes both the positive and negative peaks of the output waveform to be clipped. As the input frequency was varied in step 11, there was little if any changes in either the amplitude or the shape of the output waveform. Capacitive coupling can be used for a wide range of frequencies. However, at the lower frequencies a large valued coupling capacitor is required. The lower limit is a few Hz for this type of coupling. The upper frequency limit is set by the characteristics of the transistor used in the amplifier. During steps 12 through 16 you investigated transformer coupling. Transformer coupling is used to couple a high impedance output to a few impedance input ideally, this is done by adjusting the turns ratio of the transformer's input and output windings. However, an exact match is virtually impossible because of component tolerances. Transformer coupling has the advantage of being able to step-up or step-down signal voltages. It also provides isolation between stages because the same current is not flowing in both stage. In step 11, the first stage output was found to be about 1.9 volts peak-topeak. You then removed the first stage from the second stage and found little change in the output at TP102. The second stage does not load the first stage to any great extent as it did in the first part of this experiment. Other problems encountered when using transformer are that it can not couple DC signals and that it is relatively expensive when compared to resistive or RC coupling. When you reversed the leads (TP810 and TP811), you reversed the polarity of the output signal. Thus with transformer coupling you can also couple a signal in-or out-of-phase. 112

EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 6 : Direct and Resistance Coupling Purpose 1- To demonstrate direct and resistive coupling. 2- To evaluate the advantage and disadvantages of direct and capacitive coupling. 3- To demonstrate type of circuits that normally utilize direct and purely resistive coupling. Introduction In many applications it is necessary to interconnect, or couple, two or more amplifier stages together. It is important that the signal is not altered from the output of the first stage, to the input of the second stage, by the coupling circuits. There are a variety of ways to couple amplifier stages. In many instances, coupling methods are suited to some application but not others. In this experiment, you will utilize direct and resistive coupling to connect two amplifier stages. You will observe the advantages and disadvantages of each method and an example of the type of circuit that utilizes types of coupling. Procedure 1- Connect a jumper wires from TP102 to TP105. Refer to Figure 1, is the first stage of this circuit configured as a common emitter, base, or collector circuit ? ___________________________________________________ What is the circuit configuration of the second stage ? ___________________________________________________ Function Generator

Fig. 1 113

2- Which adjustment (R808, R103, or R106) now has the most effect on both the input and output waveforms ? ___________________________________________________ Explain why ? ___________________________________________________ Which adjustment (R808, R103, or R106) now has the least effect on both the input and output waveforms ? ___________________________________________________ Explain why ? ___________________________________________________ 3- Move channel 2 scope probe from TP106 to TP107. Is there an output waveform at TP107 ? ___________________________________________________ Explain the cause of the condition of the output waveform at TP107. ___________________________________________________ 4- Remove the jumper wire between TP107 and TP108. When the output is taken from the collector of Q102 (TP107) and with R109 in the circuit as shown in Figure 3, is the second stage of this circuit configured as a common emitter, common base, or common collector ? common ________________ 5- Turn your trainer off. Remove the jumper wire between TP102 and TP105. Place jumper wires between the following points : TP102 and TP832. TP105 and TP831. Figure 2 shows the revised circuit. Notice that the two amplifier stages are now coupling through a variable resistor (R809). Function Generator

Fig. 2

6- Adjust the generator frequency to 1000 Hz. 114

7- Turn R809 fully counterclockwise. In this position there is little or no resistance offered by R809. The circuit is effectively direct coupled. Turn the trainer on and again monitor the output at TP107 with channel two of your oscilloscope. 8- Measure the DC voltage level at TP105. Record the voltage below. _______________ VDC 9- Slowly turn R809 clockwise until a sine wave output is obtained. If you cannot obtain a full sine wave output, readjust R106 and R103. Measure the DC voltage level TP105. Record the voltage below. _______________ VDC 10- Compare the polarity of the voltage levels measured in steps 8 and 9. Did the polarity change ? ___________________________________________________ 11- How does this polarity changes affect Q102 ? ___________________________________________________ 12- Slowly increase the resistance between the stages by turning R809 clockwise. What happens to the output at TP107 as the resistance of R809 is increased? ___________________________________________________ 13- Explain the result you obtained in step 22. ___________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________ 14- Vary the frequency from 200 Hz to 20 kHz. What affect does this have on the output signal’s amplitude, frequency, and phase. ___________________________________________________ 15- What is the phase relationship between the input signal at TP100 and the output signal at TP107 ? ___________________________________________________ 16- What is the approximate gain of the first stage ? ___________________________________________________ 17- What is the approximate gain of the second stage ? ___________________________________________________ Turn the trainer off and read the following summary. 115

Summary During steps 1 through 2 you referred to Figure 2 and noted that the first stage of this circuit was configured as a common emitter amplifier. You also noticed that the second stage was configured in the common collector configuration. You then changed the second stage of the circuit to a common emitter circuit by removing the jumper wire between TP107 and TP108 and taking the output at TP107. When you opened SW101 position 4, the output of the first stage increased because you opened the signal line to Q102 which decreased the load on Q101. In step 3 you placed a variable resistor between the two stages. This type of coupling is commonly referred to as resistive coupling. In this type of coupling, a resistor is placed in series with the signal path. R809 is the series resistance in this part of the experiment. R809 allowed you to control the resistance between the stages as well as the DC voltage at the base of Q102. When R809 was set to its minimum value, the DC voltage level at TP105 was approximately 5.7 volts which caused Q102 to cutoff. You then increased the resistance of R809 until a negative voltage was applied to TP105. You again measured the DC voltage level at TP105 and found it to be between -0.4 and -2.4 volts DC. This polarity change allowed Q102 to conduct in its linear region. As you continued to increase the resistance between the two stages the amplitude of the output began to decrease as the current flow between the circuits was limited. Thus, the output from Q101 increased slightly or remained unchanged while the output from Q102 decreased as you increased R809’s resistance. In both direct and resistive coupled circuits, the biasing is critical. The entire circuit is extremely sensitive to changes in the output current of Q101. As you proved, the operating point of Q102 is determined by the value of R104 and the coupling resistance R809. When you changed the frequency from 200 Hz to 20 kHz you probably noticed that it has little if any effect on the input or output signals. You should have also seen that the input and output signals were in phase (double inversion). The first sage (Q101) has a gain of approximately 8 and Q102 has a gain of approximately 5. However, the over all gain is (0.3 volts at TP100 to 204 volts at TP107) 8 instead of the (5 x 8) 40 that you may have expected. This is because the signal is passed through R809 (the coupling resistor). Resistive and direct coupling are normally used in low frequency or DC circuits where gain is not as important as accuracy.


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 7 : Multi-transistor Amplifier A- The Darlington Amplifier In this experiment it is required to measure the characteristics of the Darlington amplifier. Instruments Required - Power supply 0-∞ V/1A - Multimeter - Function generator - Oscilloscope Procedure - Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig. 1

10 µF

470 kΩ 10 µF

Function Generator

10 kΩ Pot. 1

50 kΩ Pot. 2

100 Ω

10 µF

Fig. 1

- Set the operating point at IC = 5 mA by adjusting potentiometer 2. - Now measure the transistor currents of Q1 & Q2. Q1 is the driver of Q2. Then calculate I I β1 = C , β 2 = C2 I B1 I B2 and the overall current gain of the Darlington I β = C I B1 - Measure the amplifier parameters as you exactly did for measuring single transistor CE stage. The required parameters are :ri , ro , Ai and AV ri = ___________, ro = ___________, 117

Ai = __________, AV = __________. - Compare with the single transistor CE amplitude stage.

B- The Composite pnp-transistor Instead of driving an output npn transistor with another npn-transistor in a Darlington pair, one can drive it with an pnp transistor. The whole configuration works an a pnp-transistor. In this experiment it is required to measure the characteristics of this composite pair by an amplifier stage. Procedure - Connect the measuring circuit as shown 100 Ω

Pot. 2 50 kΩ 10 µF

10 µF

Q1 Q2

Function Generator

10 kΩ

470 kΩ 1 kΩ

10 µF

Fig. 2

- Set the operating point of IE2 = 5 mA by adjusting pot 2. - Measure the transistor currents of Q1 & Q2. Then I I I E2 = β the over all current gain. Calculate β 1 = C1 , β 2 = C2 & I B1 I B2 IB β1 = _________________ , β2 = ____________________, Check that β = B1 (B2 + 1)

β = __________

- Measure the amplifier parameters ri = ___________, ro = ___________, Ai = __________, AV = __________. - Compare with the single common emitter stage. 118

C - The Differential Amplifier The differential amplifier amplifies the difference between two signals. In is characterized by direct coupling and hence it is one of the basic building blocks of the analog integrated circuit. In this experiment it is required to measure the performance parameter of this amplifier. Procedure - Connect the measuring circuit as shown in Fig. 3. 4.7 kΩ

4.7 kΩ

10 kΩ


VBE2 10 kΩ

200 Ω 33 kΩ

Function Generator

47 kΩ 2.2 kΩ

Fig. 3. Measuring circuit of the differential amplifier

- Adjust the power supply at ± 5V. - Adjust the voltage of the test point TP7 at 2.9V. - Balance the circuit by connecting a dc voltmeter between TP3 and TP4 and adjusting pot 2 for zero voltage between the two collector. - Now measure the voltages at all test points, then calculate the current in each resistance compare the operating conditions of each transmitter. - Connect TP1 and TP2 together and apply a relatively large signal ≈ 1V at the input from the function generator will a frequency of 1 kHz. Measure the ac voltage difference between TP1 and TP2 using the two channel oscilloscope or and an ac voltmeter. Then calculate the common mode gain Ac Ac = Vo/Vi = ________________ - Now measure the difference mode gain by applying the function generator to test point 1 while grounding TP2. Adjust the amplitude of the function generator to about 50 mV and f = 1 KHz. Observe the waveforms at TP3 and TP4 and measure Vo . The different gain V A d = o = ________________ . Vi 119

- Calculate the common-mode rejection ratio Ad CMRR = = _________________ Ac - Calculate the dc input offset voltage Vos Vi os = VTP1 - VTP2 = ___________________ - Measure the frequency response of the amplifier. - Calculate these parameters and compare with the measured parameters.

D- The Cascode Amplifier The cascode circuit sums the merits of the CE and the CB such that it can amplify signal at high frequency. In this experiment it is required to experimentally study this circuit. Procedure 1 kΩ 10 kΩ 10 µF

10 µF

2.7 kΩ

10 µF

10 kΩ Function Generator


4.7 kΩ

100 Ω

10 µF

Fig. 4

- Adjust the dc operating conditions as follows : IC = 5 mA , VCE1 = VCE2 = 2.25V - Measure the frequency response of the amplifier by adjusting Vi = 20 mV and measuring Vo at frequencies starting from 10, 30, 100, 300 Hz ….. up to the highest possible frequency. Use in the measurement either the oscilloscope or a wide band, ac voltmeter. - Compare with the common emitter only.


EXPERIMENTS ON THE BIPOLAR JUNCTION TRANSISTORS AND APPLICATIONS Experiment 8 : Push-Pull Amplifier 1. Objective To study the operating principles of the push-pull amplifier and the fault finding in the two stage amplifier circuits. 2. Theory 2.1 Classification of Amplifiers Amplifiers are described in many ways, according to their frequency range, the method of operating, the ultimate use, the type of load, the method of interstage coupling, etc. The position of the quiescent point and extent of the C/Cs that is being determine the method of operation. A. Class A A class a amplifier is one in which the operating and the input signal are such that the current in the output circuit (in the collector electrode) flows at all times. B. Class B A class B amplifier is one in which the operating point is at the an extreme end of its C/Cs, so that the quiescent power is very small. Hence either the quiescent current or the quiescent voltage is approximately zero. If the signal voltage is sinusoidal, amplification takes place for only one-half a cycle. C. Class AB A class AB amplifier is operating between the two extremes defined for Class A and class B. Hence the output signal is zero for part but than one-half of an input sinusoidal signal cycle. D. Class C A class C amplifier is one which the operating point is chosen so that the output current (or voltage) is zero for more than one-half of an input sinusoidal signal cycle.

2.2 Push-Pull Output Stage In the class B amplifier, the dc collector current is less than the peak AC current. Thus less collector dissipation results, and the efficiency increases. The relation of power and efficiency are as follows . 121

Fig. 1

The AC load line has a slope of : ic I = VCE RL The maximum value of both ic1 and ic2 is: V I cm = CE RL The maximum supplied power is : 2 Vce2 Pccm = π RL The maximum power transferred to load : Vce2 PLm = 2 RL The maximum power dissipated in each collector is : 1 Vce2 Pcm = 3 π RL The maximum efficiency is : π ηm = ≈ 78.5 % 4

2.2.1. Amplifier Using Complementary Symmetry Fig. 2 illustrates a type of push-pull class B amplifier which employs one pnp and one npn transistor and requires no transformers. This type of amplifiers uses complementary symmetry. Its operation can be explained by referring to the figure. When the signal voltage is positive, the npn transistors conducts, while the pnp transistor is cut off. When the signal voltage is negative the operation is reversed. The advantage of the configuration is that it is transformerless, and the disadvantage of is the need for both positive and negative supply voltages and 122

the problem of obtaining pairs of transistors matched closely enough to achieve low distortion. The load-line and output-circuit power relation for this amplifier for this same as for the conventional class B amplifier.

Fig. 2

3. Required Components and Equipment 2 Transistor DC140 1 Transistor BD136 1 Transistor BD138 2 Diode IN4007 2 Resistor 10 Ω 1 Resistor 100 Ω 1 Resistor 5.6 kΩ 1 Resistor 27 kΩ 1 Resistor 330 kΩ 1 Resistor 150 kΩ 1 Resistor 470 kΩ 1 Resistor 1.5 kΩ 1 Resistor 4.7 kΩ 1 Resistor 10 kΩ 1 Resistor 330 kΩ 1 Capacitor 47 kΩ 1 capacitor 0.47 µF 2 capacitor 1 µF 1 Pot. 4.7 kΩ 1 Pot 100 kΩ 1 Two-Channel Oscilloscope 1 Multimeter 1 Power Supply +/- 7.5 V/3A 1 Function Generator 123

4- Procedure 4.1. Setting of the Complementary output Stage 1- Assemble the circuit as shown in Fig. 3 and leave the bases of the complementary transistors open. 2- Apply the operating voltage and set the collector potential of V2 to approx. -0.7 using R2. 3- Connect the output stage transistor as in Fig. 3 (still without load resistor RL). 4- Set the potential at point A to 0V with R5 .

Fig. 3

4.2. Determination of the Voltage Gain 1- Apply a peak to peak value of UEPP =30 mV at the input with the function generator, if necessary use a voltage divider. 2- Using the oscilloscope measure the output voltage and calculate the voltage gain. 3- Connect the load resistor RL = 100Ω between point A and ground and determine UAPP and the voltage gain Vu again. 4.3. Power and Efficiency Calculations 1- Connect the circuit as in Fig. 3. 2- Connect the function generator to the input of the circuit and adjust the frequency to 10 kHz. 124

3- Measure the voltage waveform UA , V(R6) and V(R7) and find the peak value of the collector current Icm . 4- Calculate the load power PL supplied power Pcc , collector power dissipation Pc and efficiency η1 for the push-pull pair. 5- Change the amplitude of the input voltage and repeat steps 3 and 4. 6- Plot PL , Pcc , Pc and η vs. Icm . 4.4. Representation of Nonlinear Distortion by Shifting the Working Points 1- Raise the input voltage UE and adjust R2 until the output voltage shows clear distortions (RL connected). 2- Assumption R2 is set. To 0Ω. Describe the shift in the working point and the effect on the output voltage. 3- Additionally, distortions can occur from adjusting R5 or from increasing the input voltage. Display, for each, the distorted output voltage on the oscilloscope and explain the curve shapes.

Fig. 4


4.5. Fault Finding in the Two-Stage Amplifier 4.5.1 Incorrect Working Point 1- Assemble the circuit as in Fig. 4, and set UCE1 to UB/2 and UCE2 to UB/4 . 2- Apply an AC input voltage and observe the circuit response, explain your observations. 3- Now set the working point of V1 unsymmetrically and that of V2 symmetrically. Observe the transmission response of the circuit (with identical input signal) changing, explain your observation. 4.5.2 Fault Resulting from a defect in the Coupling Capacitor 1- For the coupling capacitor C2 simulate the following defects. a. C2 is bridged. b. C2 shows a dry soldering joint. 2- In each of the previous defects observe the circuit response, explain your observations. 4.5.3 Fault Resulting from Defective Transistor 1- Simulate each of the following defects and observe the circuit response and explain the results. 2- All the paths from V2 are continuously conductive. 3- The collector-emitter path of V2 is interrupted. 4- The base-emitter path is interrupted and how are the DC voltage potentials shifted. 5. Reference Shilling and Belove, “Electronic Circuits Discrete and Integrated Circuits”, McGraw Hill.