Mar 6, 2017 - My students will be receiving a sacrament. Can I still ... Elementary teachers will not be the second sign
Monday, March 6, 2017 1. Do we still do all of our school supervision duties? Yes, elementary teachers still do their supervision duties. The work to rule arrival and departure times are subject to one’s supervision duties. 2. Do we still complete forms relating to safety and those required by law? Yes. We still fill out the Safe Schools forms, WSIB Incident/Accident Report forms, Violent Incident forms, Concussion forms, etc. (any forms required by law and forms relating to safety). 3. I planned to take my students to church. Can I still do that? Yes. 4. My students will be receiving a sacrament. Can I still continue with the preparation of the sacraments and attend the Mass/church ceremony? Yes. The current work-to-rule strike does not restrict members from participating in the sacraments. 5. I had a parent meeting scheduled for Monday. What should I do? If it is possible to reschedule that meeting so that it is during the instructional day, please do so. If, due to the short notice, that is not possible, then conduct the meeting. All parent meetings/contact beginning on Tuesday should be during the instructional day. Note: a correction has been made to # 14 below and further clarity has been provided for # 10. There’s been some fine tuning to the administrative Work To Rule. Please see below. 1. Elementary teachers will enter the school 15 minutes before the start of the instructional day and leave at the safe dismissal of their students. We suggest that teachers meet and enter at one time. 2. Bulletin Boards: No updating bulletin boards or classroom doors unless you are going to take them down and leave an empty board/door. 3. Elementary teachers will contact parents/guardians only during the instructional day. 4. Elementary teachers will not respond to any electronic communication from the principal or vice-principal outside of the instructional day except where there is a safety issue involved.
5. Elementary teachers will not write classroom newsletters, provide contributions to school newsletters, update class websites, etc. 6. Elementary teachers will not attend trips, including Journeys. 7. Elementary teachers will not enforce or comment upon the school dress code. 8. Elementary teachers will not be the second signature on school cheques (this should not ever be done). 9. Resource teachers will only work directly with students. 10. Elementary teachers will not do any board paperwork, except those required by law or those related to safety. 11. Elementary teachers will work on IEPs in hard copy and submit to the principal in hard copy. Elementary teachers will not be on the IEP engine. 12. Elementary teachers shall not do the work of any other work group. 13. Elementary teachers will not direct students to clean lockers or move desks before March Break. 14. All elementary teachers, including but not limited to, ERTs, BRTS, PRTs, coaches, special initiative teachers, special assignment teachers, consultants and coordinators will not attend ERT meetings. 15. All elementary teachers, including, but not limited to, ERTs, BRTS, PRTs, coaches, special initiative teachers, special assignment teachers, consultants and coordinators will not attend any transition meetings or observations at secondary schools, daycares, or any other schools or at their own school.
Friday, February 10, 2017 PA Day Friday, February 17, 2017 What activities should I be doing on a PA Day during Work to Rule? You should be involved in self-directed professional activities. Teachers may not be directed by their administrator to engage in any administrator directed activities, meetings or training. If you are invited to do so, elementary teachers do not attend. Elementary teachers should be at school for the duration of the day (within the regular school bell schedule), as you would be on a normal school day. What you do during the lunch break is your choice. EQAO Am I allowed to participate in any activities related to EQAO during the work-to-rule strike?
No. The work-to-rule strike prohibits teachers from administering EQAO to students. Further, teachers will not take part in any EQAO related activities, including a review of EQAO scores, field testing, marking, administrative duties or EQAO test preparation with students or other personnel.
Tuesday, January 31, 2017 We are still awaiting local collective bargaining dates from the mediator. Below are some answers to recent Work to Rule questions. Are elementary teachers participating in fundraising activities such as the book fair, Bishop’s Gala, trivia night, Kids Helping Kids, pizza days, etc.? No. Are elementary teachers participating in the ERP volleyball (at Brock University)? No. When are report cards and IEPs due? Report cards and Alternative reports are due to the principal on Friday, February 3, 2017. Term 2 IEPs are due to the Principal by Friday, February 3, 2017. How do I handle the IEP information that is also due with report cards? Elementary teachers should complete IEP information for report cards by submitting the comments on hard copy (not electronically) to the principal with a copy being retained for personal records. Do not provide the information via email or any other electronic means. Templates and further information was sent on January 17th. There is an assembly. Do I take my class? No. Elementary teachers will continue to be prepared to deliver curriculum in their classroom during the instructional day. Elementary teachers will not plan, will not participate in, and will not attend assemblies. A school administrator can get the students from your classroom and escort them to the assembly and escort them back to your classroom. I have been informed that there will be a coach/consultant/co-ordinator etc. at my school on a specific date. We have been invited to meet with them. Should we sign up?
No. Elementary teachers will be prepared to deliver curriculum during the instructional day. Elementary teachers will not participate in any event or activity that they have not planned for themselves. *Exceptions are listed in the Work to Rule Q&A
Monday, January 9, 2017 We are scheduled to bargain on Tuesday, January 10th. Report Cards
Elementary teachers will not input any information onto the report card. The information is to be submitted to the office in paper format. Teachers are not to input information on the mark reporting system.
Kindergarten The Ministry is not requiring the use of the new Kindergarten Report Card until second term, however, our board has decided that they will use the new Kindergarten Report Card beginning in the first term. The new Kindergarten Report Card is completely anecdotal. Many teachers are asking how this will work under Work to Rule. We sought advice about this and below is the information that was provided to us. Kindergarten teachers should:
write three (3) sentences for each of the four frames (Belonging and Contributing, SelfRegulation and Well-Being, Demonstrating Literacy and Mathematics Behaviours, and Problem Solving and Innovating). These comments must address Key Learning, Growth in Learning and Next Steps in Learning.
Sample comments were emailed to teachers on Saturday, January 7, 2017. The rationale provided to us for the above advice is that it balances the requirements of Growing Success with our work to rule.
Grades 1-8 For the Learning Skills and Work Habits – provide the appropriate letter symbol (i.e. E., G., S., N.) for each student. For each subject and strand covered in the September to January period, the teachers enter a mark (gr. 1-6) and mark and median (gr. 7-8). Should the IEP box be checked off, or if a strand of Mathematics or The Arts are not taught in the term, teachers put the required comment.
Comments are as follows IEP box checked off: This (letter/grade percentage mark) is based on achievement of expectations in the IEP that vary from the Grade X expectations (and/or) are an (increase/decrease) in the (number and/or complexity) of curriculum expectations or This (letter/grade percentage mark) is based on achievement of alternative learning expectations in the IEP, which are not based on the Ontario curriculum. Strands not covered in Mathematics or the Arts: Instruction was not provided for this strand, and NA box checked off.
Friday, Dec 2, 2016 Mass and Liturgies
Elementary teachers are able to plan school liturgies and/or the school Mass during the instructional day and are able to attend the school Masses or liturgical celebrations during the instructional day.
Attendance or participation at a school Mass or a sacrament-related church meeting that takes place outside of the instructional day is voluntary.
Please be aware that a family Christmas or Advent Mass should not become a concert. Elementary teachers should not be directed to prepare a song(s) with their class.
Elementary teachers will not attend transition activities at the high schools.
Thursday, December 1, 2016 1. Elementary teachers will not participate in Speak Out, Science Fair and Heritage Fair. 2. SBTs, IPRCs and Case Conferences will only be conducted if an occasional teacher is brought to the school specifically to cover elementary teachers for this purpose. 3. Elementary teachers will not participate in Board or Ministry Professional Development 4. Elementary teachers will not participate in any event or activity that they have not planned for themselves 5. Elementary teachers will continue to be prepared to deliver curriculum in their classroom during the instructional day. 6. Elementary teachers are not participating in Christmas concerts before school, after school or during the instructional day. No one should be directing elementary teachers to prepare a song(s) with their class. 7. Elementary teachers will not participate in integration activities at the high school. 8. Elementary teachers will not accept coop students.
Wednesday, November 30, 2016 1. Elementary teachers will not participate in Speak Out, Science Fair, and Heritage Fair. 2. SBTs, IPRCs and Case Conferences will only be conducted if an occasional teacher is brought to the school specifically to cover elementary teachers for this purpose. 3. Elementary teachers will not participate in Board or Ministry Professional Development. For clarification, we wish to remind members that the following items are part of our work to rule:
Elementary teachers will not participate in any event or activity that they have not planned for themselves. Elementary teachers will continue to be prepared to deliver curriculum in their classroom during the instructional day. Elementary teachers are not participating in Christmas concerts before school, after school or during the instructional day. No one should be directing elementary teachers to prepare a song(s) with their class.
Elementary teachers will not participate in integration activities at the high schools
Elementary teachers will not accept coop students.
Tuesday, November 15, 2016 My principal planned a trip to Shrek. Do elementary teachers attend this? No. Elementary teachers will be in their classrooms prepared to teach their students. If someone takes my class to Shrek/an assembly, etc., my principal wants to know what I will be doing? You will be in your classroom prepared to teach your students. That’s what you can tell your principal. My principal has planned a service/other activity for the PA Day. Do I attend this? No. What activities should I be doing on a PA Day? You should be involved in self-directed professional activities at your school. Teachers may not be directed by their administrator to engage in any administrator directed activities, meetings or training. When are SBTs conducted? SBTs will only be conducted if an occasional teacher is brought to the school specifically to cover teachers for this purpose. SBTs cannot be conducted in the vicinity of other students as this would be a breach of privacy. I am the Health and Safety Worker rep on the Occupational Health and Safety Committee. Do I receive training, if I’m not trained, and do I do inspections? Yes. Parent interview night is coming up my school. There are parents that I would like to meet with. Is it okay to meet with them during that time? Yes. I have some parents who would like to meet to discuss their child’s progress. Do I schedule these interviews or does my principal? Elementary teachers schedule their own interviews. Can I leave the school when my interviews are completed? Yes.
What if a parent asks information about the work to rule? Please do not engage them on the issues. The purpose of the interview is to focus on their child’s progress. Do Elementary Teachers attend Math Circle? No. Do Elementary Teachers attend the Liturgical Music Workshop? No.
Saturday, November 5, 2016 Elementary teachers will participate in parent-teacher interview night. Teachers can leave when their interviews are completed.
Friday, November 4, 2016 Elementary teachers will participate in parent-teacher interview night. Teachers can leave when their interviews are completed.
Wednesday, November 2, 2016 During the Work to Rule:
Elementary teachers will be prepared to deliver curriculum in their classroom during the instructional day. Elementary teachers will not participate in any event or activity that they have not planned for themselves. Grade 8 to Grade 9 Transition Activities Elementary teachers will not attend transition days at the secondary schools. Elementary teachers will not complete intention sheets. Kindergarten Parent Observations ELKP parent observations can take place during the instructional day; however, kindergarten teachers are to have their prep time and appropriate breaks. Scheduling and parent notes are not the teacher’s responsibility.
Kindergarten Open Houses Elementary teachers will be in their classrooms teaching during the instructional day. Kindergarten teachers are to have their prep time and appropriate breaks. Elementary teachers will not attend Kindergarten open houses before or after the instructional day. Progress Reports Elementary teachers will not be signing progress reports. Elementary teachers will not input any information electronically onto the progress report. Elementary teachers will not provide comments. Elementary teachers will provide the administrator with the students’ names and the ranking/designation for each student. This will be done in paper format. IEP Alternative Expectations Report Elementary teachers should complete IEP information for progress reports by submitting the comment on a piece of paper to the principal with a copy being retained for personal records. Elementary teachers should not provide the information via email or any other electronic means. Elementary teachers should not be entering this information on the computer system. School Based Team Meetings (SBTs) SBTs will only be conducted if an occasional teacher is brought to the school specifically to cover teachers for this purpose. SBTs cannot be conducted in the vicinity of other students as this would be a breach of privacy. Fundraising Events/Collections/Donations Elementary teachers will not undertake any fundraisers (money, goods or special functions). If administration does fundraising activities, all money or goods brought to the school by the students are to be submitted directly to the office (elementary teachers are not handling these items). Elementary teachers will not handle any related paperwork. Elementary teachers will not attend or participate in board fundraisers. Assemblies Elementary teachers will not plan, will not participate in, and will not attend assemblies. (examples: Spirit Assemblies, Assemblies with Guest Speakers or Performers) *** Exceptions to this are Remembrance Day celebrations and liturgical services.
Remembrance Day Elementary teachers will choose how to mark Remembrance Day with their students. This may include attending a school wide assembly. Christmas Concerts Elementary teachers are not participating in Christmas concerts before school, after school or during the instructional day. Elementary teachers will not take students to perform anywhere. (example: shopping centres) Mass and Liturgies Elementary teacher are able to plan school liturgies and/or the school Mass during the instructional day. Elementary teachers are allowed to attend Mass or liturgical celebrations during the instructional day. Attendance or participation at a school Mass or a sacrament-related church meeting that takes place outside of the instructional day is voluntary. Please be aware that a family Christmas or Advent Mass should not become a concert. ***Elementary teachers are permitted to participate in the Grade 4 Faith Festival and Grade 2 Sacrament-related church visits during the instructional day. Elementary teachers should still get their prep, lunch and breaks. Elementary classroom teachers will not book buses or create the permission forms for these visits. No dispersement of students shall occur where a combined grade is involved. Board Sponsored Professional Development Elementary teachers are not participating in board sponsored professional development outside of the instructional day. This includes the Google Conference to be held in Niagara Falls on November 19 and 20.
Monday, October 31, 2016 Elementary teachers should complete IEP information for progress reports by submitting the comment on a piece of paper to the principal with a copy being retained for personal records. Elementary teachers should not provide the information via email or any other electronic means. Elementary teachers should not be entering this information on the computer system.
Wednesday, October 19, 2016 Elementary teachers will not participate in the Board’s Leadership Identification Program. Elementary teachers will not complete the Grade 8 to 9 recommendations. Elementary teachers will not input any information onto the progress report. K – 8 elementary teachers will provide the administrator with the students’ names and the ranking for each student. All rankings will be submitted in paper format. No comments will be provided. Elementary teachers will not attend Grade 8 days at the high school. Elementary teachers will not be reassigned to another class or be reassigned to work with students who are not their own students if their students are sent to the Grade 8 days at the high school.
Monday, October 17, 2016 Elementary teachers will not attend the Grade 8 transition day/football game. Elementary teachers will not be reassigned to another class or to work with students who are not their own students if their students are sent to the Grade 8 transition day/football game. Elementary teachers will not participate in the Board’s “Celebrating Junior Artists” and creating the Board’s Christmas Cards. Elementary teachers who bring their children to work for Take Our Kids to Work Day are to ensure that their children do not do any activities banned under the Work to Rule sanctions. Elementary teachers will not input any information onto the progress report. K – 8 elementary teachers will provide the administrator with the students’ names and the ranking for each student. All rankings will be submitted in paper format. No comments will be provided. Elementary teachers are to do IEP information for progress reports. Elementary teachers will not participate in the Board’s Gap Closing in Literacy. Elementary teachers can choose how to mark Remembrance Day with their students.
Thursday, October 6, 2016 PA DAY October 7, 2016 It is unnecessary to inform administration of what you are doing, but we would advise you to maintain your own personal record of what you have done over the course of this Friday’s PA Day. School administrators or the Board may provide a form for you to fill out but, like most other Board generated forms, should not be completed as part of the lawful work to rule.
Elementary teachers should be at school for the duration of the day (within the regular school bell schedule), as you would be on a normal school day. What you do during the lunch break is your choice. Elementary teachers should not be participating in any activities planned by the Board despite the topics having been approved by the Ministry of Education. At this point, there is no “mandatory” health and safety training for this Friday’s PD Day that has been recommended for 2016/17 from the Provincial OECTA/OCSTA Health & Safety Committee. To be clear, elementary teachers should not participate in Health and Safety training nor BMS/SMG training on Friday October 7, 2016, nor at any other time during the work to rule sanction. Members report to their schools and undertake their own self-directed professional learning on October 7th . Professional activity includes evaluation of the progress of pupils, consultation with parents, the counselling of pupils, curriculum and program evaluation and development, professional development of teachers but does not include preparation by teachers for classes or instruction. Working on IEPs is another example of self-directed PD; however the board has put out a communication notice that maintenance will be done on the IEP Engine for the entire day on Friday.
Friday, September 30, 2016 Do elementary teachers attend the Director’s Inspiration Awards? No. What do elementary teachers do on the PA Day? Elementary teachers go to their work location and do self-directed PD. Elementary teachers may not be directed by their administrator to engage in any administrator directed activities, meetings or training.
Monday, September 26, 2016 Elementary teachers will not attend staff meetings. If Epipen training is at the beginning of an after school staff meeting, elementary teachers at a school during the afternoon of the Epipen training will attend the Epipen training and then leave; they will not stay for the remainder of the staff meeting. Elementary teachers will not take their students to NCDSB high schools to watch secondary students participate in extra-curricular activities (e.g. football games). Elementary teachers will neither disperse their students to other classrooms nor accept students dispersed from other classrooms during instructional time.
Elementary teachers will not be reassigned to a different class so that another teacher can be released for another activity. Elementary ERTs will not be placed in classrooms to cover for other teachers, except in emergency situations. Elementary teachers will not participate in extra-curricular activities.
Wednesday, September 21, 2016 Elementary teachers will not participate in BMS and SMG training. Elementary teachers will not participate in extra-curricular activities beginning Monday, September 26, 2016.
Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Elementary teachers will not coach, participate in, convene or have ANY involvement in ANY extra-curricular activities. Elementary teachers will neither disperse their students to other classrooms nor accept students dispersed from other classrooms during instructional time.
Monday, September 12, 2016 Elementary teachers will not be participating in Meet the Teacher Nights/BBQs/Open Houses/Curriculum Nights that occur outside of the instructional day. Furthermore, elementary teachers will not prepare hand-outs/information and leave handouts/information for these Meet the Teacher Nights/BBQs/Open Houses/Curriculum Nights that occur outside of the instructional day. Elementary teachers are not taking co-op students, even students from NCDSB high schools. Senior administration was also made aware of this on August 19, 2016.
Wednesday, September 7, 2016 Elementary Teachers will not attend these voluntary activities outside of the instructional day. Elementary teachers will not be accepting faculty of education students during the work to rule.
Elementary teachers will not be Teacher in Charge, Teacher Designate, or Acting Administrator. Elementary teachers will attend SBTs. These SBTs are to be scheduled during instructional time (not during prep, lunch, the 15 minutes before the instructional day, or after school). Elementary teachers will not be completing administrative paperwork for SBTs.
Monday, August 29, 2016 My principal has invited me to a transition meeting prior to the start of the school year (on a day that is not a work day). Do Elementary Teachers attend these meetings? No. Do Elementary Teachers attend meetings with any other individuals or agencies prior to the start of the school year (on a day that is not a work day)? No. Do Elementary Teachers hand out agendas? No. Do Elementary Teachers hand out papers that were not generated by us personally? No. Do Elementary Teachers collect money for any reason? No.
Effective August 29, 2016 Members can prepare their classrooms. Members will not attend school meetings during non-instructional time, any meetings during prep time, or any voluntary meetings (such as August/September back to school invitational meetings, ELKP information day, Collaborative Inquiry sessions, School Improvement Plan, Board Improvement Plan). Members will be at their regularly assigned workplaces on PA Days for the regularly assigned instructional day. Members will utilize the instructional time to engage in their own self-direct professional activities. Members will not participate in any voluntary activities outside of the instructional day (e.g. Meet the Teacher/curriculum nights, open houses)
Members can participate in extra-curricular activities, if they choose. Members will not act as teacher designate, Teacher in Charge, Acting Administrator. Members will not attend Board sponsored workshops during non-instructional time. Members will not collect or distribute paperwork not generated by teachers (e.g. school newsletters, insurance forms, emergency protocol-medical forms, agendas). Members will not distribute Board documents pertaining to our negotiations. Members will not book any new field trips for the 2016-2017 instructional year. Members will not collect money for any reason. Members will not place comments on report cards. Members will submit a class list of marks for the various subjects/strands taught. For further clarity, no member will input marks, print, package or distribute report cards. Members will not take part in EQAO testing with students. Members will not take part in any EQAO related activities, including review of EQAO scores, field testing, marking, administrative duties or EQAO test preparation with students or other personnel. Members will not participate in the preparation or completion of Grade 8 to Grade 9 transition reports or other transition related activities. Members will not complete OSR activities. Members will not serve as an associate teacher for faculty of education students. Members will not accept co-op students in their classrooms.