Make sure your home is properly insulated ... home for more than two days. ... lights. Use lights for security or safety purposes. ⢠Maximize the use of microwave ...
Money Saving Energy Tips Water Use
• Buy high efficiency water heaters. Heat pump water heaters use 50 percent less energy than standard units.
• Make sure your home is properly insulated (ceilings, walls and floors). • Don’t depend on thermostat settings; go by your own comfort level. Keep the temperature where you are comfortable wearing a light sweater.
Consumption Breakdown
Average percentages of energy (all types) used in Central Oregon Homes.
Space heating (48%)
• For every degree you lower your thermostat setting, you save 1 percent of your heating costs. Heat pumps require special thermostats for automatic temperature setbacks.
• Check the hot water temperature with a thermometer at the faucet closest to the Water Use water heater. The general recommendation • Buy high efficiency water heaters. They use 10% less energy thanheater standard units. for water temperature is 120° F. • Check the hot water temperature with a Older dishwashers may require 140º F. thermometer at the faucet closest to the water
Consumption Breakdown
Appliances & Electronics (12%)
Lights (8%)
Water heating (25%)
heater. The-general recommendation for water heater
is 120°F. Older unless prohibited by • Insulate temperature water heaters dishwashers may require 140ºF. manufacturer’s instructions. Follow directions • Insulate water heaters unless prohibited by manufacture’s on the insulation kit.
Average percentages of energy (alltypes) used in Central Oregon Homes.
instructions. Follow directions on the insulation kit.
risk ofof it freezing, • If there• Ifisthere nois norisk it freezing, turn off the turn off the electricity to the Refrigeration electricity the water • When the house is cold, don’t waterto heater when leaving heater when leaving Consumption Breakdown (7%) home for more than two days. Water Use Average percentages of energy home for more than two days. “overset” the thermostat for (all types) used in Central Oregon Homes. Refrigerators & Freezers temperature recovery. The house • Buy Energy StarSpace ratedheating models.(48%) New units use Consumption Breakdown Refrigerators & Freezers won’t heat any faster. 20% less energy than older ones. Average percentages of energy Water Use Appliances ® Clean condenser coils frequently. &use ••Buy high efficiency water• heaters. They Consumption Breakdown Buy Energy Star rated models. New units use (all types) used in Central Oregon Homes. Electronics 10% less energy than standard units. Average percentages of energy Water Use • Whenever possible, consolidate (12%) • Keep drapes and shades open in sunny windows; Water 10-15 percent less than standard • Buy high efficiency watermodels. heaters. They use • Check the(all hottypes) water temperature with a energy used in Central Oregon food items into fewer Homes. refrigerators heating Space heating (48%) 10% less energy than standard units. thermometer at the -faucetorclosest to the water freezers. close them at night. (25%) Lights heater. The-general recom• Check the hot water temperature with a (8%) Space for heating (48%) Consumption Breakdown mendation water heater thermometer at the faucet closest to the water Appliances Refrigeration Air Conditioning • Clean condenser coils frequently. heater. The-general recomtemperature is 120°F. Older (7%) to maintain & • Adjust conditioning Consumption Breakdown mendation for water heater dishwashers mayhome requireair 140ºF. • Be sure the heated air flow is not restricted by Appliances Electronics temperature is 120°F. Older 76º F or higher. &• Insulate water Re frigerators Freezers heaters unless dishwashers may & require 140ºF. furniture, carpeting or drapes. (12%) Water • Whenever possible, Electronics prohibited by manufacture’sconsolidate food • Insulate water heaters unless Laundry heating instructions. Follow directions Water (12%) prohibited by manufacture’s items into fewer or machines freezers. Buy Energy Star -rated washers. Improved (25%) on the•insulation kit.refrigerators Lights heating instructions. Follow directions • Buy high efficiency water heaters. They use 10% less energy than standard units.
• Check the hot water temperature with a thermometer at the faucet closest to the water heater. The-general recommendation for water heater Average percentages of energy (alltemperature is 120°F. Older types) used in Central Oregon Homes. dishwashers may require 140ºF.
Consumption Breakdown
• Insulate water heaters unless prohibited by manufacture’s instructions. Follow directions on the insulation kit.
• If there is no risk of it freezing, turn off the electricity to the water heater when leaving home for more than two days.
Average percentages of energy (alltypes) used in Central Oregon Homes.
Average percentages of energy (alltypes) used in Central Oregon Homes.
Central Forced Air Systems
Refrigeration sealed (7%)and
• Make sure the duct system is properly insulated. Have the duct system checked for leakage. Consumption Breakdown
• Buy Energy Star rated models. New units use 20% less energy than older ones. • Clean condenser coils frequently.
energy than(25%) standard • If there isuse no 50% risk ofless it freezing, Lights models. turn off the electricity to the (8%) water • heater leaving Keepwhen dryer lint traps clean. Refrigeration home for more than two days. (7%) kinks and bends in • Eliminate
Air Conditioning
• Whenever possible, consolidate the into insulation kit. foodon items fewer refrigerators or freezers.
• If there is no risk of it freezing,
off the electricity to the Airturn Conditioning
water heater when leaving • Adjust home air conditioning to maintain for more than two days. 76º home F or higher.
• Adjust home air conditioning to maintain 76º F
or higher.
exhaust ducts. Refrigerators &dryer Freezers
Laundry & Freezers • Buy Energy Star rated models. New units use exhaust -damper toRefrigerators • Check the dryer see that it • Buy Energy Star rated washers. Improved machines • Buy Energy Star rated models. New units use 20% less energy than older ones. use 50% less energy than standard
opens and closes easily. • Keep registers and interior doors open, in • Use wall-mounted,Water “heat anticipating” type Average even percentages of energy Use 20% less energy than older ones. • Clean condenser coils frequently. (all types) used in Central thermostats. Oregon Homes. • Clean condenser coils frequently. unused rooms. Keep return air grills Cooking •Laundry Whenever possible, consolidate • Whenever possible, consolidate Space heating (48%) food items into fewer refrigerators • Maximize the use of microwave ovens and Lighting and warm air ducts clean and food items into fewer refrigerators ® or Buy freezers. - •70% appliances. Energytabletop Starcooking rated washers. Improved machines use • Use fluorescent lights. They’re more efficient or freezers. Appliances free of obstructions. than incandesent lights. & Air20 Conditioning percent less energy than standard models. models.
• Buy high efficiency water heaters. They use 10% less energy than standard units.
• Check the hot water temperature with a thermometer at the faucet closest to the water heater. The-general recommendation for water heater Average percentages of energy (alltemperature is 120°F. Older types) used in Central Oregon Homes. dishwashers may require 140ºF.
Consumption Breakdown
• Eliminate kinks and bends in dryer exhaust ducts.
• Use wall-mounted, “heat anticipating” type thermostats.
• Check the dryer exhaust damper to see that it opens and closes easily.
Air Conditioning
Cooking • Eliminate unnecessary or decorative exte• Adjust home airheaters conditioning to maintain • Insulate water unless • Adjust home air conditioning • Maximize the useto of maintain microwave ovens and Lighting Water rior- lights. Use lights for security ororsafety 76º prohibited F higher. by manufacture’s 76º efficient F or higher. tabletop cooking appliances. • Use fluorescent lights. They’re 70% more heating instructions. than incandesent lights. purposes only. Turn on porchlights only Follow directions (25%) on the insulation kit. Laundry Laundry exte- when expecting visitors. - • Eliminate unnecessary or decorative
Electronics (12%)
• Keep furnace filters clean. Lights (8%) Have the heating system
serviced annually (usually in the fall).
• Keep dryer lint traps clean.
• Keep dryer lint traps clean. • If there is no risk of it freezing,
lights. Use lights for security or safetyEnergy Star rated washers. Improved machines • Buy • Buyturn Energy rated Improvedrior machines off theStar electricity to washers. the purposes only. Turn on porchlights only use 50% less energy than standard heater when leaving use water 50% less energy than standard when expecting visitors. home for more than two days. models. models.
Refrigeration (7%)
• Eliminate kinks and bends in dryer • Keep dryer lint traps clean. exhaust ducts. • Eliminate kinks and bends in in
Refrigerators & Freezers • Keep dryer lint traps clean.
Zonal Heating Systems
• Buy Energy Star rated models. New units use • Eliminate kinks and bends 20% less energy than older ones.
dryer • Clean condenser coilsexhaust frequently.ducts.
(Wall heaters, baseboards, etc.)
dryer exhaust ducts.
• Check the dryer exhaust damper to see that it
opens and easily.that it opens • Check the dryer exhaust damper tocloses see • Use wall-mounted, “heat • Consider upgrading to a ductless heating thermostats. and cooling Cooking and closes easily. Cooking Lighting Air Conditioning • Maximize the use of microwave ovens and system. They are over 250 percentLighting more efficient. • Maximize the use of fluorescent microwavelights. ovensThey’re and 70% more efficient tabletop cooking appliances. • Use tabletop cookingthan appliances. • Use fluorescent lights. They’re 70% more efficient incandesent lights. water and cold water detergents whenever than incandesent lights. Laundry• Use cold • Eliminate unnecessary or decorative exteLighting rior lights. Use lights for security or safety • Eliminate unnecessary or decorative extepossible. purposes only. Turn on porchlights only rior lights. Use lights for security or safety when expecting visitors. purposes Turn to on porchlights only • Use fluorescent or LED lighting. They areonly.up when expecting visitors. Cooking 300 percent more efficient than incandescent lights. • Maximize the use of microwave ovens and tabletop Cooking cooking appliances. • Eliminate unnecessary or decorativeLighting exterior lights. Use lights for security or safety purposes only. Turn on porch lights only when expecting visitors. • Whenever possible, consolidate • Check the dryer exhaust damper to see that it • Use wall-mounted, “heat anticipating” type food items into fewer refrigerators easily. anticipating” typeor freezers. opens and closesthermostats. • Adjust home air conditioning to maintain 76º F or higher.
• Buy Energy Star rated washers. Improved machines use 50% less energy than standard models.
• Keep dryer lint traps clean.
• Eliminate kinks and bends in dryer exhaust ducts.
• Use wall-mounted, “heat anticipating” type thermostats.
• Use fluorescent lights. They’re 70% more efficient than incandesent lights. • Eliminate unnecessary or decorative exterior lights. Use lights for security or safety purposes only. Turn on porchlights only when expecting visitors.
• Check the dryer exhaust damper to see that it opens and closes easily. • Maximize the use of microwave ovens and tabletop cooking appliances.
More Money Saving Energy Tips Heating
Water Use
• Keep fireplace dampers closed when not in use. Glass doors are recommended.
• Control hot water circulating pumps with a timer. • Use efficient showerheads and faucet aerators.
• Keep foundation vents closed during cold weather. • Insulate hot water pipes in unheated areas. • Install weather stripping and caulking on doors, windows and other openings to stop air leakage. • Use portable electric space heaters safely.
• Repair all dripping faucets. • Take showers instead of baths. Limit time in the shower.
• Buy Energy Star® rated windows. • Keep wall and baseboard heaters clean and free of debris.
• Run the dishwasher only when it is fully loaded. Avoid “rinse & hold” settings. Use “air dry” settings, or open the door for air-drying. • Don’t let water run when brushing teeth, shaving, etc.
Lighting • Open drapes and blinds for maximum sunlight but close them on cold days when the sun isn’t shining. • Use minimum wattage lamps for specific tasks. If using three-way lamps, use the lower setting for general use and mid-position for reading, sewing, etc. Turn off lights when not in use.
Refrigerators & Freezers • In dry climates, set self-defrosting units to defrost less often. Defrost manual units when ice buildup exceeds 1/4 inch. • Provide enough space around the unit for air to circulate freely. • Limit opening of doors. Check door seals and replace when needed.
Laundry • Maximize clothesline use. • Check the water temperature in washing machines for proper temperature settings. • Dry full loads—don’t over dry. Use moisture sensor controls, if available.
• Refrigerators and freezers operate most economically when filled to capacity, but don’t overload to the point of interfering with interior air circulation. • Keep refrigerators and freezers away from sources of heat (direct sunlight, heating vents, etc.). • Adjust refrigeration thermostats for proper settings.
Cooking • Thaw frozen foods in the refrigerator or microwave before cooking. • Keep ovens and range surface units clean.
Air Conditioning • Replace or clean filters as needed. • While using air conditioning, turn off unnecessary lighting and minimize the use of heat-producing appliances.
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