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ts illustrate hospitality an d in struct us to be ho spitab le. Job. 31. :16. -23. ; D eu.
How can we be more attentive to the ministry of hospitality? Discover what is getting in the way and remove the obstacles. Look for ways to be hospitable.
We forego the chance to encourage someone. Heb. 10:24
We omit our part in spreading the gospel message. 3 John 1:5-8
What blessings are lost when we fail to be hospitable? We fail to demonstrate a part of God’s image. 2 Cor. 5:20 We might miss entertaining angels! Heb. 13:2
Hospitality is one of the key characteristics of church leadership. I Tim.3:2
Job 31:16-23; Deut. 10:17-19; Rom. 12:13; 1 Pet. 4:9 Hospitality was a primary component of early church life. Acts 2:42-47
Both Testaments illustrate hospitality and instruct us to be hospitable.
A deeply- rooted Biblical concept is neglected when we aren’t hospitable. God is hospitable to us. Ps.145:14-17
A Biblical definition of Hospitality: considering others and seeking to bless them with friendliness, warmth, & generosity.
Sunday, September30, 2012
Hospitality: A Neglected Ministry & Lost Blessings
www.gracecovenant.cc Services @ South Iredell High School, Old Mountain Road, Troutman, NC Offices @ 1810 East Broad Street
more info To find out more about Grace and how to get connected please visit us online at www.gracecovenant.cc, call 704-878-0700 or stop by the information table in the lobby.
Welcome to Grace Covenant It is our prayer that you will discover Jesus here and that God will use the people, the music, the songs and the message to touch your heart and change your life for eternity. Our mission is “to present the Gospel in all its fullness so that people grow into disciples of Jesus Christ and steadily progress into mature and fruitful leaders who will go into their world and lead others to Christ.”
Weekly Financial Report: Weekly Budget Needs: $3,930.00 Giving for Sunday, September 23, 2012: $1,626.00
Sunday morning Kid’s Quest: Nursery — Birth to 2 years Kid’s Quest Church — PreK – 5th Grades Visiting parents are invited to join their child, if they wish, at Kid’s Quest Church located downstairs and to the left.
Volunteer Opportunities Volunteers are needed each week to keep ministry happening at Grace! If you would like to hear more about how to be involved in one of our ministries, please let us know.
Prayer/Praise Request Please send your prayer needs or praise reports to: prayer@gracecovenant.cc
Visitors of Grace If you would like more information about Grace Covenant please stop by the Guest Services table in the lobby today.
Staff Greg Laskowski, Lead Pastor Teri Laskowski, Children’s Pastor Jed Logue, Student Ministries Pastor Barbara Carr, Administrative Assistant
**PARENTS, you must pick your child up after services — they will not be released on their own.
greg@gracecovenant.cc teri@gracecovenant.cc jed@gracecovenant.cc office@gracecovenant.cc
Service Times Sunday @ 10:00 am Wednesday @ 6:30 pm
Please note: Parents will be notified via our number system if your child needs you in their classroom. Numbers will be displayed on the monitors . (This is for ages birth through pre-K.)
All services held at South Iredell High School Old Mountain Road, Troutman, NC
2012 M&Ms/Women of Grace:
Family Life Tonight — something for the entire family!
Tuesday mornings: — Let’s meet together at 9:00 a.m. Brookdale Bagel’s! Bring a friend and come join us — bring your knitting if you’d like! Tuesday’s with Teri SEPTEMBER meeting — Come and join us October 23rd, 9:00 a.m., at Brookdale Bagels or 6:30 p.m. at Teri’s home (704/658-7807, directions to Teri’s home are at the Information Table). A NEW ladies Bible Study is coming — Carolyn Baugher (2carema@att.net, 704/338-2143) and Joyce Griffin (joyce_griffin@yahoo.com, 704/658-6288) will be hosting a Beth Moore Bible Study on the book of James, meeting at Carolyn’s home every other Sunday at 5:30 p.m. for eight weeks. Bible Study for Mom — Mommies of Grace will be a six-week group study — meeting every other Saturday , 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. — for Mom’s of pre-school and younger elementary age children. Heather Cook (704/902-0853 or reachheathercook@yahoo.com) and Sarah Paslay (704/878-0849 or sarahbly8@yahoo.com) will be hosting the Bible Study. .
Wednesday evenings, 6:30 p.m. AWANA (birth—fifth grade) Awana Night—Wacky Hat Night! NextGEN (middle & high school), Bible U (adult Bible study) Come be part of Family Life Tonight.
Plan to be part of our official grand opening Sunday, Oct. 7! The church will provide all paper products, ice, tea, water and ...of course...Bar-B-Que. We ask that you bring a side dish and dessert to share with others.
6364. Our parking lot ministry is the first impression people will have of who we are... our desire is to make them feel welcomed and at home immediately.
Men’s Monthly Prayer Breakfast — The Men of Grace will hold a breakfast on Saturday, Oct. 27, at 8:00 a.m. Join us at Williams Friendly Family Restaurant, W Front Street, for prayer, devotion and brief round table discussion. Please contact Phil Davis 704/253-0639 or Pastor Greg for more details.
Relationship Tools for Family Success — Parenting strategies for parents of children ages 2-18. Friday, Oct. 5, 6:30-9:00 p.m., Grace Covenant of Cornelius. Cost is $20/adult or $30/couple. To register visit biblicalparenting.org/register or call 704/892-8005 x302. Bring the whole family. Children through age 12 will learn fun and exciting ways how they can enhance family life.
Parking lot ministry — If you have an interest in serving on our Grace Covenant of Statesville’s Grand Opening Sunday! parking lot ministry team please contact Marvin Argueta, 704-230-
If you can help with the set up preparation, serving and clean up please contact Barbara Carr at 704/878-0700 or barbara@gracecovenant.cc. You can help us make this an awesome event.
Check out the website at www.gracecovenant.cc for all upcoming activities
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