MOSIS Manual Setup - Support

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MOSIS Manual Setup – October Cycle Screen 18. 1. There is an option under File - Preferences that pertains to MOSIS. This option allows you to enter all.
MOSIS Manual Setup – October Cycle Screen 18 1.

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There is an option under File - Preferences that pertains to MOSIS. This option allows you to enter all of your regular term, extended contract, and extra duty salaries into the MOSIS screen manually. This is an all or nothing feature; therefore, you will not be able to select a few employees that you wish to enter manually & allow everyone else’s information to be calculated from their salary code records. However, you may wish to leave the option set to no at first in order to get everyone’s salaries set up on the MOSIS screen and then change the option to Yes in order to change just those people who may be hourly or have extended contracts. We strongly caution you to be careful if you decide to switch this option back and forth. If you have manually entered salaries and then set the option back to No, an individual’s MOSIS information will be recalculated if you or any other user goes back into their personnel information before submitting to DESE. Therefore, once you have set the option to Yes, you should leave it on Yes. When one user selects Yes under preferences, it will set all users to have the same selection. After changing this option you must exit the program and log back into Payroll for the change to take effect. File Maintenance – Personnel – Alphabetical Order – select Change on the employee. On the Personal Information tab, select yes on the Include on MOSIS Disk option for all employees to be reported to DESE. Click on the Personal Data tab and then the MOSIS tab. The top section of this screen will populate the Ed. Core file. Each employee reported will also need to have at least one line entered into the grid at the bottom of the screen. This grid populates the Ed. School file. An employee may have multiple records in the Ed. School file. Payroll Reports Menu – MOSIS – MOSIS Verification Report: you will want to run this report to check the information that has been entered on the MOSIS tab. This is the information that will be on the diskette you upload to DESE. Payroll Reports Menu – MOSIS – MOSIS Disk: enter the Fiscal Year and your County-District Code and select Ok. This will bring up the screen allowing you to select where you wish to save the 2009Oct1.0EdCore.txt and 2009Oct1.0EdSchool.txt files. Do not change the file names. These are the 2 files you will then upload to DESE.

Note: Under File Maintenance – Set Default Values there are 2 setup items you may use. If everyone in a particular group is going to be included on the MOSIS disk, you may choose to set default values for just that group and then on the personnel tab set the Include on MOSIS file option to Yes. You may also fill in their MOSIS Fiscal Agent at the same time.

***Remember – if you have a question about any of the fields, you may press your F1 key for help***