Hydroforming is a metal forming process in which pressurized fluids are used to
form the workpiece into desired shape. In a tube hydroforming process, a.
MSC.Software: Application Brief - What is Tube Hydroforming?
What is Tube Hydroforming?
Hydroforming is a metal forming process in which pressurized fluids are used to form the workpiece into desired shape. In a tube hydroforming process, a straight or a pre-bent tubular blank is used as the workpiece to be formed into desired shapes. It is used for products like exhaust manifolds, aluminum axles, chassis and body components, bellows and T-junction tubes due to several advantages it provides, including: • Ability to form complex shapes and contours • Fewer components to join for the final product leading to reduced finishing costs • Lighter products while maintaining structural strength • Reduced spring back compared to other forming processes
Bellows tube – Final shape with plastic strain fringe plot
• Expensive equipment and design process • Lack of sufficient field knowledge • Need to get the process right the first time
Why Marc? Marc offers several advantages in simulation of hydroforming, including: • Accurate springback calculations • Automatic remeshing for improved accuracy and productivity • Ease of contact setup for improved productivity • Ability to account for the prestresses created during the forming process for structural analysis of the component
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T-junction – Final shape with plastic strain fringe plot