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7 Dec 2013 ... Page 1 ... a Victoria 1893 Old Bust Silver proof set comprising of the full 6 ...... “ Triumph” illustrated stamp album of 335 pages mostly used or ...
MST Auctioneers Ltd MST Auctioneers Ltd, Hangar 1, Marcus Road, Dunkeswell, Honiton, Devon. EX14 4LB

Telephone (01404) 891833

Auction Date SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER 2013 SALE COMMENCES 11:30 A.M. SATURDAY 7 DECEMBER 2013 VIEWING: Monday 2nd December from 10am to 7pm. Thursday 5th & Friday 6th December from 10am to 5pm Morning of sale from 9am





24 various silver proof coins from the 1996 Olympic Games Official Silver Commemorative Coin Collection supplied with 23 Guarantee Certificates (1 is missing) & a blue display case (missing lift out tray)


4 various silver proof coins from the Diana, Princess of Wales Silver Coin collection supplied with 4 Guarantee Certificates – Loving Mother, Wedding Day, Compassion & The People’s Princess


4 various silver proof coins from the Five Hundred Years of the British Empire Collection supplied with 4 Guarantee Certificates – Samuel Pepys, Sir Walter Raleigh, John Cabot & General Charles George Nelson


24 various silver proof coins from the H.M. Queen Elizabeth, The Queen Mother Official Commemorative Coin collection supplied with 24 Guarantee Certificates & 2 display cases


a Queen Elizabeth II coin library album by Sandhill in red storage box containing – a 1960 Crown, a 1965 Churchill Crown, 15 x Half Crowns, 15 x Florins, 14 x English Shillings, 14 x Scottish shillings, 15 x Sixpences, 15 x brass Threepences, 8 x pennies, 14 x half pennies & 4 x farthings


a Queen Elizabeth II coin year set album containing – a 1953 Crown, a 1960 Crown, a 1965 Churchill Crown & Half Crown downwards year sets for 1953 to 1967 inclusive


a George VI coin year set album containing – a 1937 Crown, a 1951 Crown & Half Crown downwards years sets for 1937 to 1951 – complete except for the 1946 & 1950 brass three pence pieces


a coin library album by Sandhill containing a collection of Half Crowns running from 1902 to 1967 (1930 is present and there are two examples of 1926) but 1905, 1952, 1953 & 1954 are absent


a coin library album by Sandhill containing a collection of Florins running from 1903 to 1951 (1905 is present & 1904 is present with very worn date) but 1927 & 1934 are absent and at the rear of the album are 6 Queen Elizabeth II half pennies & 10 QEII Florins


a coin library album by Sandhill containing a collection of shillings running from 1902 to 1966 (1905 is present) but 1952 is absent. There are two examples of 1920, 1926 & 1927 and all years 1937 onwards


a coin library album by Sandhill containing a collection of sixpences running from 1902 to 1967 inclusive with no breaks and a collection of Farthings running from 1902 to 1936 inclusive with no breaks


a Victoria 1893 Old Bust Silver proof set comprising of the full 6 coins (Crown to Three Pence) supplied in a later storage case


an Edward VII 1902 Coronation matt proof short set comprising of the full 11 coins (Sovereign, Half Sovereign & Crown to Maundy Penny) in red board case




a George V 1911 Silver proof set comprising of the full 8 coins (Half Crown to Maundy Penny) in Royal Mint case


a George V 1927 New Coinage Silver proof set comprising of the full 6 coins (Wreath Crown to Three Pence) in red case


a George VI 1937 Coronation Silver specimen coin set comprising of 15 coins (Crown to Farthing & Maundy set) in red case


a George VI 1950 Mid-Century proof set comprising of the full 9 coins (Half Crown to Farthing) in Royal Mint red board case – some discolour caused by the storage case lift out ribbon please see coins / photographs


a George VI 1951 Festival of Britain Silver proof set comprising of the full 10 coins (Crown to Farthing) in Royal Mint green board case– some discolour caused by the storage case lift out ribbon please see coins / photographs


an Elizabeth II 1953 Coronation proof set comprising of the full 10 coins (Crown to Farthing) in Royal Mint hard case


7 Victoria Jubilee Bust coins running from Crown to Three Pence all dated 1887 in a later storage case. These are specimen not proof coins and consequently the grades vary – Please see coins / photographs


1 Victoria full Sovereign 1900 Old Veiled Bust


1 Victoria full Sovereign 1878 Young Head


1 Victoria full Sovereign 1899, Old Veiled bust, M on ground


1 Edward VII full Sovereign 1907


1 Edward VII full Sovereign 1910


1 George V full Sovereign 1911


1 George V full Sovereign 1911


1 George V full Sovereign 1912




1 George V full Sovereign 1925 SA on ground


1 George V full Sovereign 1925


1 Elizabeth II full Sovereign 1968


1 Elizabeth II full Sovereign 1979 in plastic screw capsule with Royal Mint wallet & box


1 Victoria half Sovereign 1885, Young head


1 Edward VII half Sovereign 1909


1 George V half Sovereign 1911


1 George V half Sovereign 1911


1 George V half Sovereign 1913


1 George V half Sovereign 1914


1 Damon Hill 20 dollar Liberia proof coin, 999/1000 gold, 1.24g, 1994 with guarantee certificate


1 George V half Sovereign 1914


1 Victoria half Sovereign Jubilee Bust 1892 in gold mount with gold chain & bar


1 George V half Sovereign 1910


a Coenwulf silver Penny. Spink 916 / North *348 (BMC 76 - Large Flans) (c. 796-821) – Canterbury – Moneyer Oba – Cross Moline over Saltire. The coin has edge damage in two places and has a very small loose piece. Please see coin / photographs




an Edward The Martyr silver Penny. Spink 1142 (c. 975-978) – EADPINE ON PILTVN – Moneyer Eadwine at Wilton Mint


a Harold I silver Penny. Spink 1163 (c. 1036-1038) – Jewel Cross Type – COLIRIM ON LINCOL – Moneyer Colgrim at Lincoln Mint


a Henry I silver Penny – Class 1 – Spink 1263 (c.1100-1102) – London Mint – [+…]AR ON LIIND – Moneyer not clear but looks to end AR – Therefore possibly Eastmar


a Henry III Short Cross Penny – Moneyer Elis at London Mint – Spink 1356B – Class 7b


an Edward I Penny – London mint – Spink 1412 – Class 10cf3 & 1 Edward I Penny – Berwick on Tweed Mint – Spink 1415 – Blunt Type IV


an Edward I penny, Spink 1414 (c. 1279 to 1307), Class 10cf5, London mint and an Edward III half groat, Pre-Treaty issue, Spink 1575 (c. 1352 – 1353), Series D, London mint


a Henry VI Groat – Annulet Issue Spink 1836 (c.1422-1430) – Calais mint


a Henry VI half Groat, Annulet issue, Spink 1839 (c. 1422-1430), London mint – coin is pierced by a small hole


an Edward IV Groat, light coinage, Spink 2012 (c. 1464-1470), York mint, mm Lis


a Henry VIII Groat – 2nd Coinage – Spink 2337E (c.1526-1544) – Laker Bust D – mm Lis


an Edward VI Shilling – Fine Silver Issue – mm Y, Spink 2482, (c.15511553) – coin is pierced by a small hole


a Mary Groat – (c.1553-1554) Spink 2492, mm Pomegranate


3 Elizabeth I coins comprising of a Halfgroat (top coin) – mm 1 – (c.1601) Spink 2586 – 7th Issue, a Sixpence (Bottom Left) – mm Coronet – c.1569 – 3rd & 4th Issue – Spink 2562 & a very clipped Sixpence (Bottom Right)


a Charles I shilling mm Triangle (c. 1639-40)


a Charles I shilling mm unclear




a Charles I half Groat mm unclear & a Charles the Bold, Duke of Normandy silver Double Patard


1 George III Crown 1818 with edge inscription


1 Edward VII Crown 1902


1 George V Wreath Crown 1931


1 George VI Crown 1937 in small blue storage case


an Elizabeth I milled sixpence 1562 mm Star


A Charles II milled silver Maundy set – all four denominations undated


a Charles II three pence 1678, a Charles II farthing 1672 & a Charles II farthing 1673


a George II shilling 1745 Lima


a George II shilling 1758


a George II shilling 1758


a George II sixpence 1731 – date stamp error, please see coin / photograph


a George III shilling 1787


a George III sixpence 1787


a George III shilling 1817




a George III sixpence 1818


a George IV shilling 1826


a Victoria Gothic florin 1886


a Victoria Jubilee Bust florin 1887


2 George V sixpences 1913 & 1924


2 George V sixpences 1923 & 1931


1 George III half Crown 1817


1 George IV half Crown 1820


1 Victoria half Crown, 1 Victoria Shilling & 2 Victoria sixpences (both reverse types) – all four coins are 1887 & Jubilee Bust


1 Victoria half Crown 1901, 1 Victoria Florin 1901, 1 Victoria Shilling 1899 & 1 Victoria Maundy penny 1899 – all four coins are Old Veiled Bust


1 Victoria Young Head half Crown 1887, 1 Victoria Jubilee Bust sixpence 1888 & 1 Victoria Young head Groat (4d) 1840


1 William IV Four Pence 1836


1 Victoria Maundy Two Pence 1854


1 George IV Maundy Penny 1826


10 various Victoria silver coins comprising of 1 x Three half pence 1843, 3 x half crowns 1880, 1883 & 1891, 1 x Florin 1895, 3 x Shillings 1884, 1893 & 1899, 2 x Four Pences 1841 & 1845




1 Victoria “Godless” type Florin 1849 & 4 x Victoria Gothic Florins 1873, 1876 & 2 x 1871


1 George III copper “Cartwheel” Two Pence 1797


1 George III copper Half Penny 1773


4 George III copper coins comprising of an 1807 4th issue penny, a 1799 3rd issue Halfpenny, a 1786 Isle of Man token & a 1769 Hibernia Half Penny


1 George V Crown 1935, 1 George VI Crown 1951 & 2 Elizabeth II Crowns 1953 & 1960


1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1889 & 4 various half Crowns – 1818, 1909 1915 & 1932 – all five coins are in circulated condition


1 Victoria Young Head Crown 1844 Star Stops on Edge Inscription – scratches on obverse


1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1890 & 1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Double Florin 1889


1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1889 & 1 George V Jubilee Crown 1935


1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1889 & 1 George V Jubilee Crown 1935


1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1890 & 1 George V Jubilee Crown 1935


A qty of circulated condition milled silver and other coinage incl. 1 Victoria Jubilee Bust Crown 1892, 5 Victoria Half Crowns (2 x 1875, 1883, 1890 &1893), 1 William IV Four pence 1837, various Victoria three pence pieces, Victoria penny 1863, George IV Half penny 1826 etc


1 Elizabeth II Silver Proof Two Pound Coin 1997 with Certificate of Authenticity & Royal Mint case


a Page Lion and Key ten pound note A41 072876 and two one pound notes B33Y 385300 / MT14 526968


a Fforde five pound note S75 637086 and two one pound notes K14X 212441 / Z01K 305109




a Shakespeare twenty pound note C10 759904, two ten shilling notes 96N 281394 / 62S 765229 and a one pound note BR55 182433


a Shakespeare twenty pound note A84 391199, two ten shilling notes 62L 126608 / 18A 863629 and a one pound note AY57 784622


a Shakespeare twenty pound note A71 455339, two ten shilling notes M69 772492 / 95N 265959 and a one pound note CX50 283769


a Beale ten shilling note D57Z 591346, a Fforde ten shilling note 28W 540456, a British Armed Forces one pound note AA/7 919984, three ten franc notes and a fifty franc note


8 Hungarian Forint bank notes – 3 x 5000, 1 x 2000, 1 x 1000, 1 x 500 & 2 x 200


12 various World bank notes including 3 x Italian 1000 Lire, 1 x Canadian two Dollar, 1 United States one Dollar, 1 x Romanian two Lei & 4 x Greek five Drachma


a British Farthings year book 1902 to 1956 by Whitman containing farthings 1902 to 1956 with no breaks


a Great Britain Farthings year book 1937 to 1956 by Whitman containing farthings 1937 to 1956 with no breaks, a Great Britain Half Penny book which is not complete and only contains 16 George V Half Pennies 1911 to 1926 & a Great Britain Silver Type Set book which is not complete and contains various silver and later coins incl. a Edward VII 1902 shilling


a Barbados eight coin set 1973, a South Africa seven coin set 1967, a Jersey two Crown set 1966 & 4 Jersey pennies


a Ghana six coin set 1967, a Uganda six coin set 1966 & a Bhutan Commemorative four coin set


a quantity of various foreign coinage incl. a framed United States Lincoln Cent set (64 coins), an United States six coin proof set 1966, a set of six 1968 New Zealand coins, three 1901 coins from Brasil (400, 200 & 100 Reis) etc


3 Canadian silver dollars – 1953, 1964 & 1967


9 various silver & other metal World coins comprising of a United States of America silver dollar 1923, a USA Kennedy silver Half Dollar 1967, a USA silver Quarter Dollar 1902, an Irish / Eire silver Scilling 1966, a George V New Zealand silver Half Crown 1934, a Honduras 1 Real 1870 & 3 other USA coins


4 various Roman bronze / copper coins




4 various Roman bronze / copper coins


a quantity of various coins including Hungarian Forints, Czech Crowns, New Zealand Dollars etc & a 300th Anniversary souvenir medal from the Town of Marblehead, Mass, 1929


A qty of various Queen Elizabeth II commemorative coinage incl. 3 x 1977 year sets, 6 x Jubilee Crowns 1977, 12 x Churchill Crowns 1965, 6 x Coronation Crowns 1953, 6 x Royal Wedding Crowns 1981, a Bill of Rights Two Pound coin, a Five pound coin etc


a qty of various milled silver, copper /other coinage – some of the coins are loose and some are contained within 22 red cardboard coin storage tubes


a qty of Queen Elizabeth II & George VI coins incl. 9 QEII year sets, decimal coin sets, several crowns, a Tudor 1947 coin set box (not containing specimen coins) etc


a coin index / storage cardboard box by Coindex containing a qty of various year Half Crowns


a coin index / storage cardboard box by Coindex containing a qty of various year Florins


a coin index / storage plastic box by Coindex containing a qty of various year Shillings


a coin index / storage plastic box by Coindex containing a qty of various year sixpences, threepences, pennies and farthings


1 mahogany coin tray and a qty of various coins incl. pennies, half pennies and farthings


a quantity of approximately 150 various Half Crowns


a quantity of approximately 150 various Half Crowns


a large qty of various coins including Florins, Shillings, Sixpences, three pences, pennies etc & a small quantity of foreign coins


a quantity of various Half Crowns, Florins, Sixpences etc


a quantity of various coins including a George III sixpence 1816 (pierced), other GB 19th / 20th century coins & various interesting 19th / 20th century foreign coins




a quantity of various coins including a Victoria half Crown 1884 (pierced), a Victoria shilling 1889, a Victoria Gothic Florin, a Victoria Nova Scotia One Cent 1864, a George III cartwheel penny, a George I half penny 1723 etc


a quantity of various interesting 18th /19th / 20th century foreign coins


a quantity of various items including a Bournemouth Centenary 1910 souvenir medal, a Royal Naval Military Tournament medal inscribed “1910 G S Brown Ireland”, a Sheffield and Rotherham Railway token, an 1801 peace with France token, two Railway Service SR badges, a cut out 1918 coin, three George III brass tokens etc


10 various late 18th / early 19th century trade tokens


9 various late 18th / early 19th century trade tokens


9 various tokens including late 18th / early 19th century trade tokens, a Bank of Upper Canada penny token & a Bilston silver Six pence token 1811


a Royal Masonic Institution for Boys 1923 hall marked silver / enamelled Stewards jewel with Devonshire Masonic badge attached to the ribbon


1 Victory medal 1914-1919 & 1 British War Medal 1918 edges both inscribed 267424 Pte C Lock Devon R


an International Exhibition 1862 medal 41mm diameter – Obverse Bust facing left TO THE COMMEMORATION OF HIS LATE RH THE PRINCE CONSORT ALBERT – Reverse Facade of the 1862 building, Exergue STAMPED IN THE BUILDING BY H UHLHORN OF GREVENBROICH PRUSSIA


a George VI Coronation medal 12th May 1937, Reverse Exergue TO COMMEMORATE YOUR ASSOCIATION WITH “HIS MASTERS VOICE” DURING CORONATION YEAR 1937, edge inscribed J Lock


1 Victory medal 1914-1919 edge inscribed 108680 Pte R T Hutton MGC, 1 Victoria Young Head / Old Veiled Head Diamond Jubilee medal & 1 Victoria base metal International Industrial Exhibition London 1851 medal


1 George V half Sovereign 1913 – surface crack on bust side indicates this coin is a contemporary plated copy


a quantity of Coin Monthly magazines dating from the 1960s / 1970s and a 1970 Coin Year Book


1 small mahogany coin cabinet with a lockable drop front panel and hinged lift up lid containing six mahogany lift out coin trays




The end of Coin section. The catalogue is now blank until the start of the Stamp section at Lot 301


Queens Golden Jubilee 2002 Album containing 9 Mercury “The Coronation 50th Anniversary 1953 2003” First Day Covers Also contains 8 Mercury First Day Stamp and Coin covers consisting of 22 carat gold foiled 5 pound coin 15856/20000, Five pound coin, Great Britain & Guernsey five pound coin, Great Britain & Falkland Islands 50p coin, Great Britain & Falkland Islands 50p coin 0210, Great Britain & Falkland Islands 50p coin 15729/20000 and Isle of Man “100 days to go” Crown 3638/10000 all mint Condition.


a large box of loose used stamps


A W.H Smith First day cover album containing 5 Royal Mail presentation packs and 3 First Day Covers including MO6 mini sheet with 2 sheets.


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


8 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers


7 various Royal Mail Definitive stamp sets in presentation packs, holders or First Day Covers including Post and Go first day cover




1 framed and glazed Franklin Mint “The Conquest of Space” a Signed colour lithograph by Paul Calle presented with 13 American Stamps related to space conquest, 1979 with certificate numbered 2202/15000 Together with a framed US Postal Service mini sheet “25th Anniversary of the First Moon Landing” 2 items in total.


a “Strand” stamp album containing an amount of mounted and loose used stamps including 2 Victorian Penny Reds one plate 214, together with an amount of loose used stamps.


an untitled pictorial Stamp album with mounted stamps from Various Countries


4 Paramount Stamp Exchange books containing Foreign and American stamps


5 Paramount Stamp Exchange books containing Foreign and Canadian stamps


4 Paramount Stamp Exchange books containing British Colonial stamps


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, Sir Winston Churchill 1874-1965,11 Commemorative Commonwealth First Day Covers comprising of Hong Kong, Dominica, Swaziland, Bermuda, Falkland Islands, Ascension, Turks & Caicos Islands, Bahamas, Bechuanaland, Grenada and Basutoland. All good / very good condition


1961 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, C.E.P.T full set of 3 stamps comprising of 30 x 2d, 15 x 4 d , and 15 x 10d. On partial sheets with margin. Multiple Crown watermark, all stamps mint un-mounted, light fixing to paper by sheet margin.


1961 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Post Office savings bank” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 50 x 2 ½ d, 30 x 3 d , and 26 x 1/6 On partial sheets with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All stamps mint un-mounted, light fixing to paper by margin


1961 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “7TH Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 24 x 6 d and 30 x 1/3 On partial sheets with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted light fixing to paper by margin


1962 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “National Productivity Year” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 21 x 2 ½ d, 20 x 3 d , and 24 x 1/3 On partial sheets with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted light fixing to paper by margin


1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Freedom from Hunger” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 2 ½ d full sheet with colour bars and arrow markings and 26 x 1/3 on partial sheet with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted light fixing to paper by margin on partial sheet


1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Paris Postal Conference” stamps comprising of 54 x 6d on partial sheet with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.




1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “National Nature Week” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 4 ½ d full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x 3d on partial sheet with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “9th Life Boat Conference” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 60 x 2 ½ d, 60 x 4d and 21 x 1/6 on partial and half sheets with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All stamps mint un-mounted, light fixing to paper by margin on the partial sheet


1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Red Cross Centenary Congress” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 86 x 3d, 20 x 1/3 and 20 x 1/6 on partial sheets with margins. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted, light fixing to paper by margin on the partial sheet


1963 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Compac Cable” stamps comprising of 60 x 1/6 on half sheet with traffic lights and government markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1964 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Shakespeare Festival” full set of 5 stamps comprising of 40 x 6d, 40 x 4 d , 40 x 1/3, 39 x 1/6 and 12 x 2/6 on partial sheets with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1964 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “International Geographical” conference full set of 4 stamps comprising of 69 x 2 ½d, 60 x 4d, 60 x 8d and 60 x 1/6 on partial sheets with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1964 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “International Botanical” Congress full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings, 60 x 6 d , 39 x 9 d and 36 x 1/3 on partial sheets with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted. Light fixing to the margin on the partial sheet


1964 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Forth Road Bridge” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d and 120 x 6d both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Churchill” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d and 120 x 1/3 both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “700th Anniversary of Parliament” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 6d on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 40 x 2/6 on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Salvation Army” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x 1/6 on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.




1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Lister centenary of antiseptic surgery” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x 1s on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Commonwealth Arts festival” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 6d on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x 1/6 on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Battle of Britain” full set of 2 and a tenant block of 6 stamps comprising of 120 x 9d, 120 x 1/3 on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 40 x tenant block of 6 4d stamps on 2 full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Post Office Tower” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d and 120 x 1/3 both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “United Nations” 19451965 full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d and 120 x 1/6 both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1965 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “I.T.U Centenary” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 9d and 120 x 1/6 both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Burns” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d and 120 x 1/3 both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Westminster Abbey” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d and 40 x2/6 both on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Landscapes” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 6d both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x 1/3, 60 x 1/6 both on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “World cup” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 6d and 120 x 1/3 all on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint unmounted. Offered together with 1966 England World Cup Winners 24 x 4d stamps on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Birds” comprising of 34 x tenant blocks of 4 4d stamps on a partial and a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks and Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.




1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Technology” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 6d, 120 x 1/3 and 120 x 1/6 all on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Battle of Hastings” full set of 2 and a tenant block of 6 stamps comprising of 60 x 6d on a full sheet with margins and various printers marks.120 x 1/3 on 2 full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings and 40 x tenant blocks of 6 4d stamps on 2 full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1966” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 160 x 3d and 160 x 1/6 both on 2 full sheets each with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted. 4 sheets in total


1966 Queen Elizabeth II Barbados commemorative stamps, “Barbados Independence 1966” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 100 x 4 c, 100 x 25c, 100 x 35c all on full sheets each with traffic lights and printers marks and 50 x 50c on partial sheet with margins and various printers marks. All mint un-mounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “E.F.T.A” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 9d and 120 x 1/6, broken wing strut flaw l 13 C 6. Both on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Wild Flowers” full set of 2 and a tenant block of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 9d, 120 x 1/9 on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings and 60 x tenant blocks of 4 4d stamps on 2 full sheets with traffic lights and arrow markings. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British paintings” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 60 x 4d, 60 x 9d, and 60 x 1/9 on full sheets with margins, traffic lights and various printers marks. Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Sir Francis Chichester” full set stamps comprising of 120 x 1/9 on full sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Discovery” and Invention full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d Brocken scale flaw L10 C2, 120 x 1s Petri dish flaw L10 C3, 120 x 1/6 and 120 x 1/9 all on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings. All mint un-mounted.


1966 Queen Elizabeth II Chestnut 4 1/2 d, full sheet of 240, All mint unmounted.


1967 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1967” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 3d, 120 x 4d and 60 x 1/6 all on a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow markings. All mint un-mounted.


1968 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Anniversaries” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 9d, 120 x 1s and 120 x 120 x 1/9 all on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.




1968 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Bridges” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 9d, 120 x 1/6 and 120 x 1/9 all on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All un-mounted light to medium foxing on sheet borders.


1968 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British paintings” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 60 x 4d, 60 x 1s, 60 x 1/6 and 60 x 1/9 on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark. All mint un-mounted.


1968 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1968” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 9d, and 120 x 1/6 all on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Ships” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 72 x 5d, 40 x 9d 3 stamp tenant strips and 40 x 1s tenant strip of 2 stamps. All on full sheets with traffic lights, arrow and printers marks. All mint un-mounted.


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “First flight of Concorde” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d with Oil slick flaw L 13 C 2, 120 x 9d and 120 x 1/6. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Anniversaries” full set of 5 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 9d, 120 x 1s, 120 x 1/6 and 120 x 1/9 All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint unmounted.


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Architecture Cathedrals” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 9d, 120 x 1/6, and 24 x 5d tenant blocks of 4. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All stamps mint un-mounted light foxing to the margin


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Investiture of the Prince of Wales” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 60 x 9d, 60 x 1s and 48 x 5d tenant strips of 3 All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted. Light creasing on the margin


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Ghandi” full set of 1 stamp comprising of 120 x 1/6. On a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Post Office Technology” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 9d, 120 x 1s and 120 x 1/6 All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted some light creasing on the margins


1969 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1969” set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 1/6 and 72 x 4d. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Rural Architecture” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 9d, 60 x 1s and 60 x 1/6. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Anniversaries” full set of 5 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 9d, 120 x 1s, 120 x 1/6 and 120 x 1/9. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint unmounted.




1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Literary Anniversaries” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 120 x 1/6 and 60 x 5d tenant blocks of 4. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint unmounted.


1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Commonwealth Games” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 1/6 and 120 x 1/9. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint unmounted.


1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Philympia Stamp Exhibition” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 5d, 120 x 9d, and 120 x 1/6. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All stamps mint un-mounted. Some light damage to the borders


1970 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1970” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 120 x 4d, 120 x 5d, and 120 x 1/6. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1971 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Ulster Paintings” full set of 3 stamps comprising of 100 x 7 ½ p, 100 x 9p, and 100 x 3p. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1971 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Silver Wedding” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 100 x 3p and 100 x 20p. All on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1973 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Inigo Jones” full set of stamps comprising of 64 x 3p tenant pairs and 64 x 5p tenant pairs, All on full sheets with an extra quarter sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1973 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Royal Wedding 1973” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 100 x 3 ½ p and 100 x 20p. All on full sheets including 10 gutter pairs per sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint un-mounted.


1973 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Commonwealth Parliamentary Conference” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 100 x 8p and 100x10p on full sheets with traffic lights and arrow marks. All mint unmounted.


1973 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Christmas 1973” full set of 2 stamps comprising of 10 x 3p 5 stamp tenant strips and 39 x 3 ½ p on partial sheets with margins and various printers marks. All mint unmounted.


1974 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “Fire Service” full set of 4 stamps comprising of 25 x 3 ½p, 25 x 5 ½ p, 25 x 8p and 25 x 10p on partial sheets with margins and various printers marks. All mint unmounted.


1974 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps, “British Tree Horse Chestnut” full set of 1 stamp comprising of 100 x 10p On a full sheet with traffic lights and arrow marks Multiple Crowns watermark also a block of 7 of the same stamp All mint un-mounted. Sheet contains 10 gutter pairs 1 with traffic lights


1977 Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps “Christmas 1977” 5 x 7p tenant strip with “British Wildlife” 7 x 9p 5 stamp tenant strips both in sample bag.




Queen Elizabeth II Welsh stamps “Harrisons Photo Gravure” comprising 15 x 1/3 Green, 19 x 6d Claret and 34 x 3d Lilac, all in good or mint condition light fixings to paper by the margins.


“Triumph” illustrated stamp album of 335 pages mostly used or partially used with good mounted used and unused sections on Great Britain multiple good sets 1948 Olympics, Commonwealth games and multiple sections of postage revenue stamps, other countries include Australia with good early sections of the territories New South Wales(circular 5 Shilling), Victoria, Queens Land, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania, Brazil ( with early 60 Bulls Eye in poor condition) Canada ( nice War Effort set) China, New Zealand (good 1s parson bird, 5d Striped Marlin, 8d Tuatara Lizard,2s Captain Cook poverty bay, 3s Mt. Egmont and 9d Pink Terrace) France (many good pages) India / East India (good service stamps) New Hebrides (Port Villa pair ) Germany ( good Third Reich pages including field post ) America,(many good pages) and pages for most other Countries including Commonwealth over prints for Tangier, Hong Kong African Republic, BMA Malaya, India and the Indian states.


“The Queen” Postage stamp album of 304 pages mostly used or partially used with good mounted used and unused sections on Great Britain from Queen Victoria including 203 unresearched used Penny reds also good sections and pages of Ireland, Gibraltar, Malta (self government over prints), Australia including good early sections of the territories New South Wales, Victoria, Queens Land, South Australia, Western Australia and Tasmania ,Austria, Toga, Belgium, India ( service stamps and a nice unused Madras war fund stamp) South Africa including south west Africa , Transvaal Orange Free State and Cape of good hope, Canada(several good pages) Italy, Germany(many good pages) Holland, Vatican, Touva, Egypt, Sudan( including officials) America, and pages for most other Countries including Commonwealth over prints for Tangier, Hong Kong African Republic, BMA Malaya, India and the Indian states.


4 Albums of loose mint Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps covering 50 years from 1962 -2012 all four combine to a complete set of the 50 years all commemorative issues from those years including a very large percentage of the Smilers and appropriate mini sheets, set also covers definitive issues for the same time (please note some of the early definitive’s have been used) Catalogue price of just over 3500 pounds.


Six pence Inland Revenue pale red lilac, blue/white paper,18mm single lined anchor water mark light fiscal cancelation Perf. error on bottom of stamp with Three pence and One penny Inland Revenue pale red lilac, blue/white paper, 18 mm single lined anchor water mark fiscal cancelation.


Cinderella stamps 1953 “City of Plymouth Coronation year” consisting of Elizabethan House New Street ( blue) and a strip pair of HMS Vanguard and Sir Francis Drake both in the more unusual brown rather than blue all very good unused but have been mounted.


2 First Day Covers World cup 1966, 18th August 1966 England winners and World Football Championship England 1966, 1st June 1966 both with matching mint stamps


Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps 900th Anniversary Westminster Abbey, Presentation pack with matching first day cover 1966Both in mint condition


Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps ,“EFTA” Presentation pack with matching first day cover 20th February 1966.Both in mint condition




Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps “Battle of Britain, Presentation pack with matching first day cover 13th September 1965 Ashford Middlesex R no 5789 both in mint condition


Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps “British Technology GPO Pictorial Issue” Presentation pack with matching first day cover 19th September 1966 together with “British Birds” Presentation Pack and matching first day cover 8th August 1966 all in mint condition.


Queen Elizabeth II commemorative stamps “British Flora” Presentation pack with matching first day cover 24th April 1967 together with “Post Office Tower” Presentation Pack and matching first day cover 8th October 1965 all in mint condition.


2 limited edition Yeovil Town Football Club First Day Covers both 4th August 1990 “Yeovil Town v Colchester United match played on the 18th August 1990 one signed by 28 members of the competing teams no 235/1000 the other unsigned no 787/1000 both in very good condition still with original contents.


2 limited edition Yeovil Town Football Club First Day Covers both 4th August 1990 “Yeovil Town v Newcastle United one signed by 29 members of the competing teams no 1780/2500 the other unsigned no 963/2500 both in very good condition still with original contents.


2 limited edition Yeovil Town Football Club First Day Covers both 5th May 1990 “Yeovil Town v Telford United, one with 2 signatures Alec Stock and Eric Bryant no 594/3500 the other unsigned no 2008/3500 both in very good condition still with original contents.


Queen Victoria Blue addressed envelope Bangor Wales Penny Red plate 78 post mark Uxbridge November 10th 1868 together with H.M. George VI Coronation Souvenir Cover A.M 13th May 1937 4 x 1 ½ d stamps sent by Airmail to Dept Agriculture Mauritius.


Her Majesty’s Stamps Royal Mail Miniature Sheet, The Stamp Show 2000. With matching first day cover stamp show postmark 23.5.00 both mint condition.


Royal Mail High Value Definitive Stamps, Pack 13 1-5 pounds (pack is wrongly numbered 14 possibly by mistake on issue or made up from pack 14) comes with matching first day cover (with the additional 50p stamp) -2 FEB 1977.


Royal Mail High Value Definitive Stamps, Pack 82 with matching first day cover 17.2.2009 both mint condition.


Royal Mail High Value Definitive Stamps, 10 pounds stamp with matching first day cover 2nd March 1993, together with Royal Mail High Value Definitive Stamps pack 43 with matching first day cover 9.3.99 all in mint condition


Royal Mail Definitive stamps presentation packs with matching First Day Covers pack number 90 and pack number 91.


Royal Mail Definitive stamps presentation packs with matching First Day Covers pack number 33 and pack number 94.




A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail Presentation packs with matching First Day Covers all with a Royal Connection including 3 featuring Princes Diana, 42 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail Presentation packs Smilers, Occasions and Greetings stamps with matching First Day Covers including Fun Fruit and Veg, 36 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail Mini Sheets in presentation packs or holders with matching First Day Covers including The Millennium Time Keeper and England Winners 2003, 52 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail Mini Sheets in presentation packs or holders with matching First Day Covers including The Wilding Definitive’s 1953-1959 and Aerial Post , 51 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail Mini Sheets in presentation packs or holders with matching First Day Covers including Roald Dahl the BFG and The Wilding Definitive’s, 52 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail 2012 Olympics Gold Medal Winners First Day Covers and a pair of matching stamps including the Welcome to the London 2012 Olympic Games Mini Sheet, matching first day cover, and “This is London 2012 the Olympic and Paralympics” Games presentation pack with first day cover. 31 First Day Covers, 1 presentation pack, 1 mini sheet and 58 stamps in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Inland Waterways” and “Architects of the Air”, 50 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “The Crimean War” and “Royal Wedding 1973”, 60 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Comics” and “Entente Cordiale”, 44 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “British Army Uniforms” and “Birds of Britain II”, 38 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs, post cards or stamp sets with matching First Day Covers including “Alias Agatha Christie” stamp book and “Christmas with Wallace and Gromit”, 38 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Fire and Light” and “Science fiction”, 56 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Marine Time Keepers” and Sound and Vision, 56 in total.




A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Peter Pan”, ”Transports of delight” and “Pillar to Post” 54 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Carnival”, ”Light Houses” and “Magical Worlds” 54 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Big Stars from the Small Screen”, ”Sailing” and “Railways ( with the Romney and Dymchurch Light Railway FDC) 52 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Winnie the Pooh”, ”The Olympic & Paralympics Games” and “Britain Alone” 60 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “British Films”, ”Sounds of Britain” and “Gallantry” 59 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Sheep”, ”Harry Potter” and “Grand Prix” 40 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Horseracing”, ”London 1980” and “Circus” 51 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “Air Displays”, ”Punch and Judy” and “Edward Lear” 59 in total.


A loose leaf Stanley Gibbons Malvern cover album containing Royal Mail presentation packs with matching First Day Covers including “The Welsh Bible”, ”The Australian Bicentenary” and “Ice Age Animals” 47 in total.


End of stamp sale