MTA: Preparing your students for certification. Microsoft Technology Associate (
MTA) was designed specifically for high school students as a recommended ...
MTA: Preparing your students for certification Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) was designed specifically for high school students as a recommended entry point into IT certification and job preparation. Providing your students MTA curriculum and the chance to earn a certification allows them to take their first step toward a career in technology. MTA is an industry-‐recognized certification for those pursuing a career path in IT infrastructure, database design, or software development using Microsoft technologies. Join this hour long webinar to hear Garren Shannon from Washington and Lezlie Harper from Utah, both MTA teachers , discuss strategies for success in teaching MTA curriculum to their students and helping them earn this certification. Two training dates are offered below.
Thursday, February 7th @ 3:30 PM MST Wednesday, February 13th @ 4:00 PM PST (Please note the time zones)
Click the below to Register
Microsoft IT Academy Benefits Curriculum
E-‐Learning Lesson Plans, Student Projects and Test Banks Curriculum Mapping to state frameworks Digital Literacy
Lab Resources
Office 2010 Lab Licenses DreamSpark
Professional Development
E-‐Reference Online Library Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) Membership Microsoft Innovative Educator (MIE) Teaching with Technology E-‐Learning curriculum 10 Complimentary Microsoft Office Specialist (MOS) exam vouchers per school for teacher professional development 20 Complimentary Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) exam vouchers Discounted MCP exams
Partnership Resources
ITA Membership Plaque to showcase membership Posters on Microsoft technologies Use of Microsoft IT Academy logo Teacher Training on ITA Tools & Benefits How to Guides
Important Audio Information In order to participate in the virtual trainings, please ensure you read through the following information: • There is only one preferred option for audio during ITA webinars: o Computer audio with a headset (preferred method) o Phone via toll free number – for those without computer audio capability –is discouraged because of the amount background noises which is apparent and very distracting during training. Presenters are unable to mute participants using the telephone. Audio Requirements • Keep your audio on MUTE during the call -‐ you may unmute at end for questions. Turn your computer speaker off or set on MUTE (having both computer and phone audio enabled will cause an echo) First Time Live Meeting Users At least 30 minutes before the meeting, • Ensure your computer meets the system requirements by clicking on‐us/live-‐meeting-‐ help/microsoft-‐office-‐live-‐meeting-‐2007-‐system-‐requirements-‐HA101791918.aspx • Check your system by clicking on: If you experience any technical difficulties with the Live Meeting Client, please contact the Technical Support Team for real time assistance: 866-493-2825