MTT-S Activities in China and Japan - IEEE Xplore

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Aug 3, 2010 - Nanjing University of Aerospace and Aeronautics (NUAA or Nanhan). ... China University of Technology. ... Research Institute for Sustainable.
MTT-S Activities in China and Japan ■ Ke Wu


here has been so much going on in the world of microwave sciences and engineering that it is impossible for us to collect all of our Societal activities and news from around the globe. Since I visited China (Hong Kong) and Japan in 2009, I am taking this occasion to share with you some interesting information collected during those visits regarding regional IEEE Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (MTT-S) activities. In addition, you will have a quick glance at the progress of our translation project to date.

China Fall Tour of the MTT-S China Initiative Committee Let me begin with the 2009 China fall tour under the China Initiative Committee that was established two years ago by the MTT-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) together with the India Initiative Committee. During this one-week tour from 29 October–5 November, three committee members (Prof. Jozef Modelski, Prof. Quan Xue, and I) visited Shanghai, Nanjing, and Guangzhou, each for two days, where

Ke Wu ( is the chair of the Member and Geographic Activities Committee. Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/MMM.2010.937088


Figure 1. MTT-S China Initiative Committee members at Shanghai Jiaotong University with the MTT-S Shanghai Chapter officers, IEEE Shanghai Section officers, IEEE Region 10 representatives, and IEEE Beijing officer. we talked to local MTT-S people and presented our Society’s benefits and services to our members as well as strategies regarding the development of new activities and new Chapters in the region. In particular, the establishment of student branches and student branch chapters were highlighted during the entire tour because this is a constant preoccupation for our committee and AdCom as a whole. In fact, one of the most important considerations in the development of such China/India Initiatives under the presidency of Prof. Modelski was the recruitment and retention

of student members in those emerging regions. This is one of our core longterm development strategies of MTT-S in Region 10, although this is also true for the other parts of the world. By coincidence, during our Shanghai visit schedule, two IEEE Region 10 directors were visiting the IEEE Shanghai Section together with the IEEE Beijing Office Director Ning Hua. So, our visit to Shanghai started in the Minhang Campus of the Shanghai Jiaotong University with invited participation in a series of round-table discussions about various issues of the IEEE Shanghai

August 2010

Figure 2. MTT-S China Initiative Committee with a group of professors and students at Nanjing University of Aerospace and Aeronautics (NUAA or Nanhan). Section and concerns of the local IEEE of professors and students at two difMembers, which are quite representa- ferent locations (Shanghai Jiaotong tive for the other Sections in China University and Shanghai University), thanks to our princi(see Figure 1). I still pal host, prof. Junfa Ma remember that one Many Chinese of Shanghai Jiaotong of the most pressing University. They came issues is how to pay microwave from various univerIEEE dues with the companies want sities in the region of local currency, which to get involved Shanghai. During our was among the hottest presentations and disdebates in the meet- in IEEE MTT-S ing room. Indeed, this activities, but they cussions, many stucame forward was a major problem, don’t know where dents and showed great enparticularly important thusiasm for forming for students, raised to start. student branch chapduring our visits to many places in Shanghai. Our visit to ters. Following our visit, we received Shanghai universities was very fruitful feedback from some of the student atand intensive. We met a large number tendees for the development of IEEE

Figure 3. The MTT-S China Initiative Committee visits Nanjing Boshine Electronics Corporation. From left: Prof. Quan Xue, Prof. Ke Wu, Nanjing Boshine Electronics Corporation President Heming Ye, and Prof. Jozef Modelski.


student branches, which are a prerequisite for forming IEEE student-branch chapters at universities. The visit to Nanjing allowed us to interact with professors and students of three major universities [Southeast University, Nanjing University of Science and Technology (NUST), and Nanjing University of Aerospace and Aeronautics (NUAA)], well known for RF/ microwave research and education (see Figure 2). Prof. Wei Hong of Southeast University, Prof. Rushan Chen, and Prof. Cherry Che of NUST arranged our visit. In fact, the MTT-S student branch chapter at Southeast University was officially established at the end of 2009 following this visit after extensive discussions and exchanges of the previous visits made by Dr. Peter Staecker and me. This chapter is now in the final approval stage by the IEEE Members and Geographic Activity Committee and MTT-S president. Note that our visit to NUAA was the first for an MTT-S delegation, intended to enhance local MTT-S activities with more participation from local universities and companies. Even though we had a tightly scheduled visit to Nanjing, we were able to visit local microwave companies, such as Nanjing Boshine Electronics Corporation, where we had an extensive discussion with corporate President Heming Ye; see Figure 3. President Ye has shown great interest in supporting student branch chapters in the region of Nanjing. As he told us, many Chinese microwave companies want to get involved in IEEE MTT-S activities, but they don’t know where to start. For emerging countries and regions like China and India, we need to understand the nature of the local environment and culture so as to help develop and explore an RF/microwave community there. This was the first time that the MTT-S China Initiative members visited Guangzhou. It is strategically important for our Society to develop a Chapter in that region, because Guangzhou has many microwave companies and universities. In particular, its proximity to Shenzhen, a city not far from Guangzhou, has the highest density of microwave and electronics industry in China. Thanks to the arrangements of Prof. Qingxin Chu

August 2010

and his colleagues, we stayed in the university hotel on the campus of the South China University of Technology. We had a half-day meeting with a large number of students and professors coming from the School of Electronic and Information Engineering. At this meeting, we presented MTT-S, as well as IEEE as a whole, and described the benefits of joining the IEEE and our Society. The attendees also included people from the Sun Yat-Sen University, which has a sizeable microwave program. Although this was the first visit, it seemed to us that many students are aware of many of the Society’s ongoing programs such as the translation project. During our dinner meeting with all of the professors, we were able to discuss details on the establishment of an MTT-S Chapter and related activities, such as inviting Distinguished Microwave Lecturers (DMLs). During our meeting, we also presented two technical seminars for the attendees as a special incentive.

Figure 4. Current and former IEEE MTT-S Japan Chapter officers and IEICE Microwave Committee chair and vice chair with the author at Tanegashima, Japan. From left: K. Nishikawa, K. Okubo, H. Okazaki, A. Sanada, M. Hieda, T. Ohira, H. Honjo, and K. Wu.

Visits to MTT-S Chapter in Japan During my stay in the well-known Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere at Kyoto University, I have had some unforgettably pleasant

experiences through interactions with Chapter officers and members from the MTT-S Kansai Chapter and MTT-S Japan Chapter; see Figures 4 and 5. Judging from the scale and


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August 2010

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Figure 5. Current officers of the IEEE MTT-S Kansai Chapter. From left: Dr. Toshio Ishizaki (Technical Committee chair), Prof. Tadashi Kawai (treasurer), Prof. Ikuo Awai (chair), Dr. Yohei Ishikawa (vice chair), Prof. Tetsuya Ueda (secretary), and Dr. Takuo Kashiwa (secretary). scope of their activities, they are colleagues. In addition to my DML precertainly among the most active sentation at the workshop, two other IEEE MTT-S units in the world. I still speakers (Prof. Isao Ohta and Prof. Jiro vividly remember a discussion in 2006 Hirokawa) gave a very interesting outregarding the formation of the MTT-S look on the development of SIW from their own perspectives. Kansai Chapter with The workshop was Prof. Takashi Ohira, very well attended Dr. Kenji Itoh, and APMC 2010 will with engineers and others during a di- be held 7–10 researchers from many nner party after one December 2010 companies and unihectic day of technical versities in Japan. The sessions at the Asian- at Yokohama, technical meeting in Pacific Microwave Con- Japan. Tanegashima Island ference (AMPC) in was very successfully Yokohama. Currently, Prof. Ohira is working outside the organized on 20 November by Prof. Kyoto Region, so he and his colleagues Atsushi Sanada of Yamaguchi Unihave just developed a brand new versity, where I met many Japanese colleagues and visited the wonderful MTT-S Nagoya Chapter. Prior to my arrival in Kyoto on space research and launch facilities. 3 October 2009, I received two sepa- Prof. Sanada and Dr. Ishizaki kindly rate invitations from the MTT-S Kan- provided me with short write-ups to sai Chapter and MTT-S Japan Chapter share with you describing recent activito deliver two MTT-S DMLs during ties by the two Japan MTT-S Chapters, my short stay. The first talk was held which are included as follows with within the workshop titled “Substrate minor editing. Integrated Waveguide (SIW)” on the Uji campus of Kyoto University on 7 MTT-S Japan Chapter November 2009, and the other was (Write-up Provided by given in conjunction with the monthly Prof. Atsushi Sanada) technical meeting of Japan MTT-S The MTT-S Japan Chapter is the largChapter at Japan’s space center—beau- est MTT-S Chapter in Japan with more tiful Tanegashima Island, after two than 600 members. Major sponsored short flights from Kyoto. The Uji work- and cosponsored technical activities shop was successfully organized by Dr. include Asia-Pacific Microwave ConToshio Ishizaki of Panasonic Corpora- ference in Japan, domestic microwave tion in collaboration with his Chapter technical meetings, microwave work-


shops and exhibitions as well as the Korea-Japan Microwave Conference, Distinguished Microwave Lectures, and the like. These events are mainly conducted in collaboration with MTT-S Kansai Chapter, IEICE Technical Committee on Microwaves, IEICE Technical Committee on Microwave Photonics, and URSI-C, Japan. APMC 2010 will be held 7–10 December 2010 in Yokohama, Japan. More than 700 submitted papers and more than 1,000 participants are expected at the conference. An accompanied exhibition will also be the biggest microwave exhibition in Japan with more than 200 exhibiting companies and 6,000 attendees. Incidentally, the exhibition is regularly held every year even when APMC is not held in Japan, along with workshops and tutorials titled “Microwave Workshop and Exhibition” (MWE). The MTT-S Japan Chapter also supports domestic microwave technical meetings operated by the IEICE Technical Committee on Microwaves. The meetings take place almost monthly all over Japan. There are regularly 10-20 nonreviewed papers and presentations for one or two days, and in-depth discussions on a diverse range of topics support emerging, interdisciplinary, and high quality microwave research and development.

MTT-S Kansai Chapter (Write-up Provided by Dr. Toshio Ishizaki) The Kansai chapter was founded in December 2006, covering the western part of Japan. The number of members is about 160. The Chapter organization includes four officers and some unique committees, such as Technical Committee (TC) and the WakaTe (young researcher) Committee (WTC). For local member services, the Chapter organizes technical workshops, educational lectures, English symposia for student members, and a young researcher’s symposium. Regarding the organization of workshops, hot and emerging topics in the field are carefully selected by the organizers, such as metamaterials, wireless energy transmission, SIW, and so on. More than 60 attendees typically attend each workshop. Figure 5

August 2010

TABLE 1. Summary of 2009 translation into Chinese selected from IEEE Microwave Magazine. Number




Page Numbers


Aydin Babakhani, David B. Rutledge, and Ali Hajimiri

“Near-Field Direct Antenna Modulation”

Feb. 2009

pp. 36–46


Changzhi Li, Julie Cummings, Jeffrey Lam, Eric Graves, and Wenhsing Wu

“Radar Remote Monitoring of Vital Signs”

Feb. 2009

pp. 47–56


Huei Wang, Kun-You Lin, Zuo-Min Tsai, Liang-Hung Lu, Sin-Chia Lu, Chi-Hsueh Wang, Jeng-Han Tsai, Tian-Wei Huang, and Yi-Cheng Lin

“MMICs in the Millimeter-Wave Regime”

Feb. 2009

pp. 99–117


Songnan Yang, Chunna Zhang, Helen K. Pan, Aly E. Fathy, and Vijay K. Nair

“Frequency-Reconfigurable Antennas for Multiradio Wireless Platforms”

Feb. 2009

pp. 66–83


André Scavennec, Marko Sokolich, and Yves Baeyens

“Semiconductor Technologies for Higher Frequencies”

Apr. 2009

pp. 77–87


Martin Nisensoff and Jeffrey M. Pond

“Superconductors and Microwaves”

May 2009

pp. 84–95


Jonathan Wells

“Faster Than Fiber: The Future of Multi-Gb/s Wireless”

May 2009

pp. 104–112


Tadao Nagatsuma

“Generating Millimeter and Terahertz Waves”

June 2009

pp. 64–74


Andreas Stöhr

“Pushing the Boundaries”

June 2009

pp. 106–115


Robert J. Trew, Daniel S. Green, and Jeffrey B. Shealy

“AlGaN/GaN HFET Reliability”

June 2009

pp. 116–127


Doug Lockie and Don Peck

“High-Data-Rate Millimeter-Wave Radios”

Aug. 2009

pp. 75–83


Stanley Chia, Max Gasparroni, and Patrick Brick

“The Next Challenge for Cellular Networks: Backhaul”

Aug. 2009

pp. 54–66

provides a glimpse of the recently organized SIW workshop to which Prof. Ke Wu, Prof. Isao Ohta and Prof. Jiro Hirokawa were invited. This workshop was organized by Dr. Toshio Ishizaki, who is the chair of Technical Committee of the MTT-S Kansai Chapter.

Translation Project Status Since I presented the background and information of our translation project in some of my previous columns, I will just give a brief summary on the status of our completed translations for your reading of selected review and tutorial articles published in IEEE Microwave Magazine. This project has been supported by


Spanish- and Chineseour Society for two The translation speaking regions. Twelve years. So far, 26 articles have been translated project has been new articles have been translated into simpliinto simplified Chi- supported by fied Chinese and tranese and traditional our Society for ditional Chinese, and Chinese and 19 articles they have recently been into Spanish. We have two years. posted on the MTT-S Web also considered the translation of articles into Portuguese. site. Eight articles are being translated The translation activities have been into Spanish and are nearly completed. coordinated by Dr. C. Jackson, Prof. K. They will be posted on the MTT-S Web Wu (Chinese), and Prof. Pilar Molina site soon. The most recently translated 12 artiGaudó (Spanish). The translated articles are posted on the MTT-S Web site cles in Chinese are listed in Table 1. The and advertisements at various events translated eight articles in Spanish are such as national conferences are made selected from a pool of our early and to attract students and researchers in current collections.

August 2010