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16. Cooner, Deanna. 2001. Mushroom Farming. AgVentures. June-July p. 14–15. 17. Duggar, B. M. 1975. Cultivation of Mushrooms. Shorey Book Store. Seattle ...
GROWING MUSHROOM REFERENCES Compiled by María de la Fuente, Ph. D. Farm and Master Gardener Advisor UCCE San Benito and Santa Clara Counties

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GROWING MUSHROOM WEB SITES ATTRA Mushroom Publications -- Fungi Perfecti -- Gourmet Mushrooms http:// or Mushroom Business --


Mushroom Council -- Mushroom World-- Mushroom News - Published monthly by the American Mushroom Institute - Mushroom Growers’ Handbook 1(Oyster Mushroom) - Mushroom Growers’ Handbook 2 (Shiitake) - NASS Mushroom Statistics -- NAMMEX North American Mushroom Extracts - Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Fisheries Penn State University Mushroom Science and Technology Purdue Publication on Specialty Mushrooms - Shiitake Mushroom Production Economics --