Get register on India by providing all necessary personal details with
bank a/c for Equity IPO. Online facility through Free Registration link onĀ ...
Online Registration Process Get register on India by providing all necessary personal details with bank a/c for Equity IPO Online facility through Free Registration link on Downloads POA, sign it & courier the same along with PAN card or any other required documents to India Infoline (Invest Online - Mutual Fund, Equity IPOs, India Infoline 84-8th floor Nariman Bhavan,Nariman Point,Mumbai-21 Tel:022-66693228/66693224 After receiving POA & other documents from investor IIL activates MF IPO Online User ID for Buy and Sell of MF Units.
Equity IPO Online Process Whenever there is an Equity IPO registered users can log into their equity IPO Online Account. Investor needs to specify amount, number of shares & submit these details. Investor will be then taken to banks homepage. One can use his/her net banking user id & password & transfer funds directly using any of these banks. ICICI, HDFC and UTI. These transaction details then IIL would download & process the transaction. The confirmation would be send to investor. Investor would get IPO allotment directly into specified beneficiary DP account. All cheques would be sent to investors mailing address. Feel free to write to us for any further queries on
[email protected]
Mutual Fund Online Process Registered users can log into their Invest Online account and specify amount, folio number, etc & submit details with IIL. Investor will be then taken to banks homepage. One can use his/her net banking user id & password & transfer funds directly using any of these banks. ICICI, HDFC and UTI bank. These transaction details then IIL would download & process the transaction & transfer funds to respective mutual funds. The confirmation would be send to investor by India Infoline & by Mutual Fund. Feel free to write to us for any further queries on
[email protected]