Mycobacterium bovis

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Aug 20, 2011 - AHvLA – Shrewsbury, Kendal Road,. Harlescott, Shrewsbury SY1 4HD e-mail: [email protected]. T. R. Crawshaw, AHvLA ...
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Mycobacterium bovis mastitis in an alpaca and its implications Tuberculosis (TB) is a well-recognised disease of South American camelids in the UK (Barlow and others 1999), with an increasing number of farms being affected in recent years (Defra 2011). Clinical signs are varied and may include malaise, illthrift and respiratory signs. Postmortem lesions are predominantly found in the lungs and associated lymph nodes, but can occasionally be found in other tissues including the liver, pleura, kidney and mesenteric lymph nodes. We would like to report the identification of TB in the mammary gland of an alpaca, which has implications for potential disease spread and zoonotic risk to owners and animal handlers, including veterinarians. An eight-year-old female alpaca was euthanased and presented to the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (AHVLA) – Shrewsbury for postmortem examination after a period of illthrift with respiratory signs, which were unresponsive to treatment by the private veterinary surgeon, and a discharging sinus involving the left quarter of the mammary gland. Gross postmortem examination identified multiple caseous lesions consistent with a diagnosis of mycobacterial disease in the lungs, liver, lymph nodes, kidney, omentum and pericardium. The udder contained multiple variable-sized abscesses. The supramammary lymph nodes and accessory superficial lymph nodes were enlarged with multifocal caseous material. Mycobacterium bovis, spoligotype 17 (international type SB0263), the predominant local spoligotype, was isolated from the affected lymph nodes. 214 | Veterinary Record | August 20, 2011

Histopathology of the lung, lymph node, kidney, liver and mammary gland identified multifocal coagulative necrosis surrounded by large numbers of degenerate leucocytes, small numbers of activated macrophages and fibroblasts. Ziehl-Neelsen staining identified moderate to large numbers of acid-fast bacilli in all tissues. These findings are consistent with disseminated M bovis infection including mastitis. TB in the mammary gland of cattle has been recognised for many years, and before pasteurisation was carried out routinely, it was the source of infection for many human cases (Gowland Hopkins Committee 1934). In the majority of cases of TB in alpacas, the source of infection is thought to be spillover of infection from other animals such as cattle and wildlife. Suspected alpacato-alpaca transmission has been reported (Twomey and others 2009). It is assumed that the offspring of dams with mycobacterial infections will be exposed to M bovis as a result of close contact, predominantly through the oronasal route. The considerable number of acid-fast bacilli in the mammary gland in this case strongly suggested that milk from this animal would have contained sufficient numbers of the organism to result in the infection of offspring. This demonstrates the potential for direct exposure to M bovis via milk and possible spread to other herds via movement of crias before the development of clinical signs. This alpaca was not lactating on submission; however, its cria born in 2010 had died at a young age and its death was not investigated. The owners and attending veterinary surgeon involved in this case had regularly flushed the discharging lesion, possibly creating bacterial aerosols. We would urge colleagues to be aware of the potential of TB in udder lesions of alpacas, and to consider the associated risk involved in the treatment of such lesions. M. J. Richey, A. P. Foster, AHVLA – Shrewsbury, Kendal Road, Harlescott, Shrewsbury SY1 4HD e-mail: [email protected] T. R. Crawshaw, AHVLA – Starcross, Staplake Mount, Starcross, Exeter EX6 8PE A. Schock, AHVLA – Lasswade, International Research Centre, Pentlands Science Park, Bush Loan, Penicuik, Midlothian EH26 0PZ


BARLOW, A. M., MITCHELL, K. A. & VISRAM, K. H. (1999) Bovine tuberculosis in llama (Lama glama) in the UK. Veterinary Record 145, 639-640 Defra (2011) Incidents of M bovis infection in non-bovine domestic animals and wild deer in GB confirmed by laboratory culture. uk/foodfarm/farmanimal/diseases/atoz/tb/documents/ tb-otherspecies.pdf. Accessed August 15, 2011 GOWLAND HOPKINS COMMITTEE (1934) Gowland Hopkins Report. HMSO TWOMEY, D. F., CRAWSHAW, T. R., FOSTER, A. P., HIGGINS, R. J., SMITH, N. H., WILSON, L., MCDEAN, K., ADAMS, J. L. & DE LA RUA-

DOMENECH, R. (2009) Suspected transmission of Mycobacterium bovis between alpacas. Veterinary Record 165, 121-122

doi: 10.1136/vr.d5287

Downloaded from on September 5, 2011 - Published by

Mycobacterium bovis mastitis in an alpaca and its implications M. J. Richey, A. P. Foster, T. R. Crawshaw, et al. Veterinary Record 2011 169: 214

doi: 10.1136/vr.d5287

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