Na onal Conference on Preven on and Management ...

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Jun 5, 2015 - Lifestyle Disorders through Siddha System of Medicine. Organised by ..... Yoga for promotion of mental health, to reduce educational stress. • Medical ...... S.Boomathi1, K.Vishnu priya1, M.Aaliya parveen2, K.Balagurusamy3.
Government of India

Ministry of AYUSH

Siddhar Agathiyar Father of Siddha Medicine

Observance of Siddhar Agasthiyar’s birthday as

4th January 2018 Theme

Na onal Conference on Preven on and Management of Lifestyle Disorders through Siddha System of Medicine

Organised by Central Council for Research in Siddha in collabora on with Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy Govt. of Tamil Nadu, The TN Dr. MGR Medical University & Na onal Ins tute of Siddha

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018








Message from Dignitaries



Plenary Lectures






Diabetes Mellitus




Womens’s Health


Postural Disorders


Higher Order Medicines


Lifestyle Disorders



First Circular











Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Prof. Dr. R.S. Ramaswamy, Director General, Central Council for Research in Siddha, (Ministry of AYUSH, Govt. of India) Arumbakkam, Chennai-600 106. Siddha system of medicine is one of the very ancient Indian Systems of Medicine (and at present one of the AYUSH systems), widely practised in southern states of India especially Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Kerala. The Central Council for Research in Siddha, an autonomous body functioning under the Ministry of AYUSH, Government of India has, of late, started its Siddha clinical research units/ centres in New Delhi and Bengaluru. A line of eighteen Siddhars like Agathiyar, Pulathiyar, Bogar, Pulippani, Theraiyar, Thirumoolar, Yugimuni, et al primarily contributed to the development of this system which was traditionally handed down to the posterity by their disciples. Around the middle of the 20th Century, Siddha education became institutionalised and at present there are 11 Siddha medical colleges (10 in Tamil Nadu and one in Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala). The Siddhars were spiritual scientists who, with their intuitive powers, found out the properties and therapeutic uses of herbs, minerals and substances of animal and marine origin. They evolved a number of herbal, mineral and herbo-mineral formulations for a number of indications. Siddhar Agathiyar is called the Father of Siddha medicine by virtue of his significant contributions to the field of Siddha. To create public awareness on a large scale, it has become customary nowadays to identify a particular day of a particular month in a year and name it as a day of National or International importance based on a specific issue. On the same lines, the birthday of Siddhar Agathiyar coincident with his birth star Ayilyam in the Tamil month of Margazhi was named as “Siddha Day” after due consideration by an expert committee constituted by CCRS and approved by the ministry of AYUSH. As per the approval, it was decided to observe Siddha Day every year on the birth day of Agathiyar. Accordingly (after the conveyance of approval by the ministry of AYUSH) the first Siddha Day happens to be on 4th January 2018. It was decided to celebrate the first Siddha Day in a grand manner of course with the support of the Ministry of AYUSH. The Central council for Research in Siddha has been entrusted with work of organising the first Siddha day celebration. CCRS organises this celebration in collaboration I

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with the Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Government of Tamil Nadu, The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University and National Institute of Siddha. As a prelude to this Siddha day event and in commemoration of Siddhar Agathiyar, CCRS organised (as suggested by the ministry of AYUSH) a two-day National Seminar on “Glory of Siddhar Agathiyar and his contributions to Siddha System of Medicine” on 26th and 27th of August 2017 in Chennai. The main purpose of organising this seminar was to gather as much information as possible about the life history of Agathiyar and his contributions to the Siddha medicine and also other areas and bring out a monograph to be released on the first Siddha Day. Accordingly from the information shared by the eminent speakers and from the research papers presented by the Siddha students, teachers, research scholars and other experts during the seminar and by seeking information on Agathiyar and his works from various other sources, a monograph on Siddhar Agathiyar has been developed by CCRS and it is being released on the first Siddha Day. In commemoration of the first Siddha Day, various competitions –elocution, essay writing, quiz and short film making— for the undergraduate and post-graduate students of Siddha colleges have already been conducted by Central Council for Research in Siddha and awards will be given on Siddha Day. The celebration of the first Siddha Day organised at the campus of The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R Medical University on 4th January 2018 is marked by many valuable events – Siddha stalls put up by the Council and other government Siddha institutions display informative materials on Siddha system of medicine. An exhibition cum sales of medicinal plants is arranged by Siddha Medicinal Plants Garden, a unit of CCRS located in Mettur. Siddha, varmam and Yogam outpatient clinics are conducted for providing free consultation and Siddha medicines for the public. Another highlight of this Siddha Day is organisation of a National Conference on “Prevention and management of lifestyle disorders through Siddha system of medicine” in the Silver jubilee auditorium of the university. In this seminar eminent speakers in the field of Siddha and conventional medicine deliver valuable lectures and members of teaching and student communities of various Siddha institutions present research papers (both poster and oral presentations). A souvenir containing the abstracts of the presentations is released on the Siddha Day. I am sure this first Siddha Day will create great awareness about the strength of Siddha system and benefit the Siddha students, academicians, researchers, stake holders and the common public. (Prof. Dr. R.S. Ramaswamy) II

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Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Dr. J. R. Krishnamoorthy, Managing Director, Dr. JRK's Research and Pharmaceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Chennai. I am very much happy to know that the first Siddha Day is to be celebrated as a grand occasion in recognition of Siddha system of Medicine in our country and the dedicated service of Siddha Physicians, both traditional and institutionally qualified. I applaud the efforts taken by the Director General of Central Council for Research in Siddha, Prof. Dr.R.S.Ramaswamy and his team, for implementing their onerous task of the Health Care of our countrymen jointly organised with Directorate of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy, Chennai, The Tamil Nadu Dr MGR Medical University, Chennai and National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. I am glad to be associated with the CCRAS and CRI(S) for nearly twenty five years in the capacity of member in various Central Committees and also as Honorary Consultant at the CRI Chennai. I hereby put forth the following suggestions for the growth and development of Siddha system of medicine: All disciplines of Research, Literary, Drug, Preclinical and clinical studies should be ruthlessly modified and restricted to fit in the Modern Scientific Spectrum. Refresh courses, P.G. courses in all disciplines of Science and the doors should be open for Siddha graduates to undergo PG Research studies on par with Modern Medical counterparts. The think tank of our country now demands uniformity in Health Care management; this probably may be the opinion of our futuristic Policy makers also. Appointment of Hon. Consultants in Modern and Siddha Medicines under various research disciplines should be reopened and more Siddha graduates are to be invited to study, PG Research studies. Scholarships should be initiated at all levels of P.G courses. They should also be provided opportunities to continue the Research study anywhere at any global University. With best wishes for the organisers, teachers, students and vaidhyars who have dedicated their life for the health care of our Great Nation. This Day is an important day and a mile stone in the History of Siddha Medicine. I look forward many more achievements by the young Siddhars while shaping the Future India.

(Dr. J. R. Krishnamoorthy) XIII

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Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Treatment of Cancer using Indigenous Drugs - A Trial Dr. C.P. Mathew, MBBS, MS. DMR, Retired professor of Oncology This trail is using Siddha drugs along with Allopathic drugs in the treatment of cancer. The provocation for the trial was an incident that occurred in 1983 in Kottayam Medical College Hospital. A patient with advanced cancer of Lungs was admitted in the chest unit of the MCH and was discharged in a moribund condition as incurable. He was treated by a Siddha Vaidyan and was completely cured. I was curious to know what exactly the drug was and the system of treatment. I came to know that the drug was Navapashana and the system was Siddha System. I went about meeting Siddha Physicians and collecting books in Siddha Systems. Siddha system is a medical system practiced in Tamil Nadu and southern part of Andhra Pradesh. Agasthar Muni along with 17 Maharishis are supposed to be the contributors of the system. So it is a very old system. Almost all the drugs in this system contain Mercury and Arsenic. Allopathic doctors are scared about Mercury and Arsenic. But till 1950 the only treatment for syphilis and gonorrhoea in Allopathic system was Mercury and Arsenic. Mercury preparation for IM use and Arsenic preparations (Acethyl Arsenic by May & Becker) were used in thousands of patients especially during the Second World War. It was in the 50s when Penicillin came into the market the Mercury and Arsenic disappeared from the scene. Till 1955 Mersalyl (Mercury preparation) was the only available diuretic in the market. If the urine is free of Albumin, Mersalyl was given intra muscularly. So there is no ground for fear of Mercury and Arsenic. Treatment of cancer with the available modalities is Surgery, Radiotherapy and Chemotherapy have yielded only very limited success. Except a few conditions in most of the areas, there has not been any breakthrough in the treatment of cancer. It was in this background that a new trial was thought of using drugs in the indigenous system known as Siddha system. The result of this trial in more than 3700 patients is very encouraging. The drugs used are mainly compounds containing Mercury and Arsenic. After using this drug extensively for more than 34 years in more than 3700 patients, I can say with confidence that the fear has no basis. If carefully used these drugs are quite safe and immensely effective. I myself have consumed Arsenic for years without any ill effects. 2

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Even though the different systems claim wonderful results, the fact is that no system is perfect. Every system has good aspects as well as not so good aspects. So, why not we combine the good aspects of each system and try to evolve a new system so that the suffering millions may benefit. My attempt was in this direction. I started this trial in 1984 with some selected Siddha drugs in some advanced Cancer patients in whom I felt that the allopathic system alone will not work. To my great surprise, I found that the simultaneous use of these drugs along with allopathic drugs produced some miraculous results in patients who were considered beyond cure. So I started extensive trial in every case where I considered the case was beyond curative therapy. The trial is going on a large scale. I am almost completing 34 years in this trail. There is a basic difference between Allopathy and other indigenous systems like Ayurveda, Siddha, etc. Allopathic system diagnose the diseases and treats the disease where as the indigenous systems treat the patient and not the disease. In short Allopathy is Roga Veda where as the indegineous systems is Ayur-veda science of life. In this trial I have combined Roga Veda and Ayurveda. The result is fantastic. Cases selected for the trial are those cases where there is extensive metastasis at the time of starting the treatment such as advanced cancer of stomach, colon, Breast, Liver, Lung, Kidney, Leukaemia and Lymphoma and also Brain tumours. In all these cases Siddha and Ayurveda drugs are administered along with Allopathic drugs. Observations 1. Complete cure in a few cases. Some of the patients living in good health for the last 15-20 years. 2. Adverse results of Chemotherapy are avoided or minimized. 3. Bone marrow suppression subsequent to chemo therapy is prevented. 4. No adverse effects noticed due to prolong use of Siddha drugs. Heavy metals like Mercury and Arsenic, causes vasodilatation throughout the body. Increased cutaneous circulation improves complexion. It is said the peasants of Steria- Province of Austria in Europe consume small amount of Arsenic daily to improve complexion in women and improve stamina in men for hardwork. The medicinal effect of Arsenic is probably the general tonic effect. The idol of Lord Muruga in Palani temple in Tamil Nadu is said to be cast in Navapashana ie Nine poisons. Four of 3

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Arsenic, four of Mercury and one portion of Suphur by Bogar Muni and the legend is that he made three idols and he installed one in the temple and two idols he buried under palani hills. The abhishekam of Palani is famous for its medicinal properties. Even Leprosy is cured by the abhishekam. It is also interesting to note that the various medical systems in the world only Ayurveda and Siddha has a section called Kaya Chikilsa, otherwise called rejuvenation therapy. In some of my patients who are on Siddha drugs for a long time, their grey hair disappeared and dark hair appeared- A clear indication that rejuvenation is taking place. In summing up, my earnest appeal is that those practising different systems of medicine should sherk their false ego and work jointly to find a great solution for the great malady Cancer and save our own population from this tragedy.


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Research experience with Siddha system of medicine in the management of Type II Diabetes Mellitus Dr. S. Thanikachalam, Chairman & Director, Cardia Care Centre, Sri Ramachandra Medical College & Hospital, Chennai Eventhough the average life expectancy in India is progressively increasing, at present it is 68 years compared to 35 years in 1947, when India got the independence. It is mainly due to economic growth, per capita income, infection disease control and literacy rate. Unfortunately while on one side there is economic growth which provide very comfortable level of nutrition, provided knowledge to escape from infectious diseases like plague, cholera, small pox etc. Imperceptibly there is simultaneous increase in non-communicable disease which are related to gross life style modification like diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, hyperlipidemia, obesity, sendentary life, change in the personality, depression, individually and combination. There is an increase trend in morbidity and mortality especially affecting population prematurely and maims prime youth. The situation is formidable in identifying risk factors in the population which are conducive vascular disease, respiratory disease and cancer, leave alone enormous expenditure affecting secondary and tertiary treatment to the country and individual. Ever since independence i.e., simultaneous paradigm shift in pharmaceutical industry in developing drugs for diabetes mellitus, systemic hypertension, hyperlipidemia and cancer. The availability and cost of those drugs is so high not reaching 75% of the population. There is an increase in concern as a out of box thinking simultaneously to look for alternative medicine looking at their long history of existence especially in South India and that too in Tamilnadu.Thanks to Government of India and State Government encouraging development of the traditional medicine like Siddha,Ayurveda,Unani, Homeopathy and Yoga. Eventhough there is increasing recognition by the public to ingest commercially available Siddha medicines, there is paucity of acceptance to prescribe by the authorized person and to ingest by population. One main reason could be, most of Siddha drugs have not been revalidated by good laboratory practises and good clinical practices to authenticate their safety and efficacy. Even though the Siddha drug are in vogue prepared as sasthric preparation, their metal content, safety on long term ingestion also availability of those herbs in good quality to ensure purity of the drug as well as consistency of efficacy with each batch of drug that is received from the pharmacy. Realizing this as an out of box thinking Sri Ramachandra Medical College and Research Institute, deemed University have evolved State of art in-vitro and in-vivo experimental centre with International Accreditation has taken up this honour job, eventhough it is not in large scale. Our experience in such 5

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endeavour in testing poly-herbal preparation one for systemic hypertension (Venthamarai choornam) and other for diabetes mellitus(Madhumega choornam) gave us a pabulum that the Siddha system of medicine too have evidence based safety and efficacy in controlling hyperglycemia, hyperlipidemia and systemic hypertension in both in-vitro and in-vivo studies. Our experience with the Siddha specialist contribution in identifying and prescribing follow-up the efficacy has given a rich dividend to proceed forward in designing non-sastric preparation and also limited herbal composition drug for diabetes mellitus which were tested ( in-vitro and in-vivo) for the individual herb and the formulation for safety and efficacy. Two such preparation were filed patent on specific action on this unique occasion of first Siddha day, I’m privileged by the management, basic research person, the Siddha resource personnel’s who were actively involved in this study. But for their immense contribution together and individually, institution could not have achieved in this unique endeavour. Siddha compounds do have anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory property without toxic effect on cellular centres tested in a reverse pharmacological technique to provide newer compounds for public at large, may go a long way in providing strategy both for prevention and control of non-communicable diseases especially metabolic diseases.


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Research Experience with Siddha System of Medicine in the Management of Hypertension Prof. Dr. Belle Monappa Hegde, Retired Vice Chancellor, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (Deemed University), Manipal.


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Major Health Challenges in Reproductive Women Dr. G. Sankar

Most Common Diseases Affecting Women’s Health: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) Endometriosis Uterine Fibroids Gynaecologic Cancer HIV/AIDS Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Interstitial Cystitis Sexual Violence

My Concern: The above diseases plays crucial part in the wellness of women. Nowadays, the significant rise of PCOS is a major health challenge in reproductive women. Nearly 1 in 5 young women, and almost half the adolescent girls have the symptoms of PCOS. The symptoms are usually neglected or ignored until it manifest into PCOS, due to unhealthy food habits, less physical activity, sedentary lifestyle and hectic educational stress. PCOS serves as a platform for all NCDs. The increase in number of women with PCOS developing into IGTs is rising alarmingly, as WHO projects India to be a global capital of Diabetes in 2025. Evaluation of PCOS:  Less than 6 cycles per year – abnormal bleeding  Oligo or anovulation  Androgen excess symptoms  Biochemical markers  Transvaginal ultrasound  Naadi – an experiential technique  Neikuri – an unique observational technique  NIH 1990, AE – PCOS society 2006, Rotterdam Criteria 2003 PCOS – Diagnosis of Exclusion  Pregnancy Serum hCG  Ovarian Failure FSH  Hypothyroidism TSH  Hyperprolactinemia Prolactin  CAH 17-OHP  Ovarian Tumor Total Testosterone (esp if > 200 ng/dl)  Adrenal Tumor DHEA-S (esp if > 800 mcg/dl)  Cushing’s Serum Cortisol 8

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Complications:  Infertility  Type II Diabetes  Increased Blood Pressure  Dyslipidimea  Metabolic Syndrome  Non – alcoholic steato hepatitis  Sleep apnea  Depression and anxiety  CA of Endometrium (Hyperplasia)  Abnormal uterine bleeding Treatment: Adolescent PCOS: A perfect blend of physical activity and healthy food consciousness is enough with little bit of simple medications as follows:  Day 1 – 7: 1 Betel Leaf + 1 Pepper chewed  Karisalai Karpam + Kumari Legium  If periods not attained after 35 days: Keezhanelli Karkam gives good results.  This is continued till the menstrual rhythm is restored. Adult PCOS: • Kazharchi ch (Caesalpinia crista) 5g with palm jaggery, bd • Sadhaguppai ch (Anethum sowa) 5g, bd • Karisalai Karpam (Eclipta alba) • Nelli Manjal • Nerunjil (Tribulus Terrestris) decoction 30ml, bd • Yoga and SMET programs Adult PCOS with Fertility: • Agathiar Kuzhambu + Arasan Kozhundhu Purgation Malaivembadhy Thailam 15ml with rice water (D1-D3) • Vishnugrandi (Evolvulus alsinoides) (D5-D15) 5g, bd with water • Nochi (Vitex negundu) decoction 30 ml, bd (D14-D20) • Kumari Legium 5g, bd (Vaidhya Sigamani Kannusamiam) • Karpa Kudineer (30 ml twice daily with palm jaggery, D5-D25)



Note: Depending upon the age, body constitution, symptom manifestations, work - single or poly herbal combinations are used with dosage titration. British Medical Journal throws lights on Precision Medicine considering above facts which is the uniqueness of Siddha System. 9

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Specific Actions for Prevention:        

Educational awareness programmes in Schools Rescheduling physical education training classes Yoga for promotion of mental health, to reduce educational stress Medical screening camps in Primary Health Centres Special Clinics in District Headquarters Hospitals Advanced Protocol Module to be designed in PG institutions and Government Siddha Medical Colleges Advanced research centres to be established where medical treatment, strategy, research , educational series , service modules to be framed in Central Research Institutions “Women’s Health is Country’s Wealth”

References: 1. “Siddha Materia Medica” authored by Vaidhyaratna Dr.K S Murugesa Mudaliyar (Textbook for BSMS) 2. Susan Arentz, Jason Anthony Abbott, Caroline Anne Smith, Alan Bensoussan, “Herbal medicine for the management of PCOS and associated oligo / amenorrhoea and hyperandrogenism”, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014, 14:511 3. Athar Rasekhjahromi*, Masoumeh Hosseinpoor, Farzaneh Alipour, Mehrnoosh Maalhagh, and Saeed Sobhanian, “Herbal Medicines and Ovarian Hyperstimulation Syndrome: A Retrospective Cohort Study”, Obstetrics and Gynecology International, Volume 2016, Article ID 7635185, 4 pages *Obstetrics and Gynecology Department, Jahrom University of Medical Sciences, Jahrom, Iran 4. Sudhir Ghawade, “Pharmacological





5. Sudhakar Pachiappan and team, “Medicinal plants for PCOS”, International Journal of Herbal Medicine, 2017-5(2):78-80


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Postural Disorders-Wry Neck-Management through Medical Varmalogy *Dr.N.Shunmugom Ph.D, Head of Tamil Department, SRI Ramakrishna Mission Vidyalaya College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu, India. **Dr.M.A.Kanimozhi B.S.M.S., **Chief Medical officer, Thirumoolar Varmam Research and Therapy Centre, Coimbatore. The upright well balanced position of an individual person is termed as Posture. Good posture keeps the bones and joints in correct alignment. Postural fault is a posture that deviates from normal alignment with or without structural limitations. The main factors contributing to the lifestyle disorders include bad food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture and disturbed biological clock. Working people suffer from depression, general anxiety disorder, insomnia, chronic back pain, spondylosis and other noncommunicable diseases. To decrease the ailments caused by occupational postures, one should avoid long sitting hours and should take frequent breaks for stretching or for other works involving physical movements. Regular spending of lot of time in front of computer and mobile phones lead to neck and back pain. The neck and back muscles get weaker and stiff. This may lead to common problems like headache, fatigue and exhaustion. Bad public transportation and faulty posture also lead to pain. Ergonomic chair should be designed based on human contour to fit the uneven pressure on joints and muscles may be miniment. Varmam is the vital air energy that helps in proper functioning of the body. It provides immunity to the body required. If the energy in the varmam point get destroyed or decreased it leads to various diseases. Excessive, or poor intake of food, indigestion, excess or poor sleep, trauma, faulty postures, strenuous work, carrying heavy loads, improper body exercises, unfit dressings, crowded places are some of the reasons for reduction of energy in varmam points. When this flow or function of air in the body is hindered it reduces the varmam energy. Varmam treatment deals with correction of lack of energy due to above conditions through various stimulation techniques. It balances the particular damaged varmam points by placing vaasi or energy. Varmam texts has various techniques of correcting the postural disorders like kyphosis, flatfoot, knee deformities, neck deformity(wry neck),club foot, etc. sprain/stress in the ankle ,back shoulder joint can be relieved using varmam physiotherapy method. But while dealing with neck sprain varmam text gives more precaution. Immobilisation, stabilization and sprain relief procedure should be followed in proper 11

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manner .This article deals with the posture disorder of neck-WRY NECK and its varmam management. Torticollis or Wry neck is defined as fixed or dynamic tilt, rotation with flexion or extension of neck or head. It involves the sternocleidomastoid and Trapezius muscles which lead to neck pain, tremors in head, restricted neck movement, unequal shoulder heights. Laterocollis, rotational, anterocollis, retrocollis are the types of Wry neck based on the neck position. The cause of torticollis is still remaining unknown. Varmam says that the main cause for the above condition as Mental stress. Saint Vallalar says ‘Anthakaranam Sorvillamal Velai Seiya Vendum’, one should work so as not to make the anthakaranam tired. Each and every varmam point has 3 basic elements Vaatham, Pittham, Silethumam as configuration within them. We know that 3 Naadis Idakalai, Pingalai, Suzhumunai are connected with the vaatham, pittham, silethumam respectively. In which the 3 Dhasavaayus Abanan, Pranan, Samanan travels through Idakalai, pinkalai, suzhumunai naadis. Suzhumunai naadi present in spinal cord helps in balancing our mental health.In increased stress and depression Suzhumunai naadi gets affected. It in turn leads to loss of energy in the varmam point Thilartha Kaalam through which the 3 major naadis pass through. Thilartha kaalam is located in between the two eye brows where the nose meets, and is not in the surface but one paddy grain depth. Loss of energy at Thilartha kaalam leads to loss of memory, breathing difficulty, makes the mouth opened always and also loss of neck control. We can relate the wry neck condition with minimal loss of energy at Thilartha kaalam. We have dealt with 10 typical cases of wry neck in our Thirumoolar Varmam research and Therapy Centre, Coimbatore. Among them 5 patients are IT Professionals and others are Educational Professionals. They had strenuous work and high mental stress which lead to the above condition. Their neck muscles got weakened and stiff made their head to involuntarily turn towards the stiffened side facing the shoulder and some of them were unable to stay upright. They involuntarily put the head downwards and unable to hold it straight. We have corrected this condition by restoring energy in the damaged Thilartha kaalam. Suzhumunai Naadi otherwise known as Kathir narambu that passes through Kathir Elumbu ie. Spine holds the forehead along with help of Idakalai and Pingalai naadi. It helps in the head and neck movements. If any damage to Suzhumunai naadi or thilartha kaalam.


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Higher Order of Siddha Medicines in Treating Challenging Diseases. (Sharing of experience) Prof. Dr. Jeyaprakash Narayanan.* *Chairman, Siddha Pharmacopoeia Committee (SPC) There cannot be two opinions in the view that Modern Medicine has assumed the position of the main stream in the health care programme. Its progress in surgical intervention is wonderful. Its service in combating dreadful infectious diseases like Cholora, Typhoid, Pneumonia and removing the disabling disease polio is victorious. When looking on the part of chronic intractable diseases like cancer, aplastic anaemia, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, multiple myeloma, exfoliative dermatitis, phembigus vulgaris motor neuron disease, muscular dystrophy etc its performance is very disappointing. The author throughout his forty five years professional carrier very generously using mercurials, arsenicals and other herbomineral preparations in treating the above ailments. The assertion of Theran that the mercurials and arsenicals are the supreme medicaments is the gospel truth of his practice. Most of the cases coming to him are coming only after fed up with the so called sophisticated modern approaches like chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Some are coming only after fixing of ultimatum on their life by modern experts. Diagnosis of the disease or prognosis is not a problem because they are coming with enormous investigations reports like like biopsy, pet scan report etc. we are also receptive to such laboratarical procetures. We are also availing them for a follow up. Falling of the level of Alpha feta protein in the case of liver cancer and falling of PSA in the case of prostate cancer give a new hope to the patients about the prognosis and life expectancy of the patients The pharmalogical armamentotorium of the author contain very limited items of medicines like Thanga parpam, Poorana chandrothayam, Mahavasanthakusumakarm, Sivanar Amirtham, Kasthurikaruppu, Lingachenduram, Rasagandhi mezhuku, Nandhi mai etc. Siddha literature are containing and speaking much about more powerful mercurial and arsenicals Neelakandavalai, Navakkiraga vellai, Kalantha Gowri etc. Growing young Siddha scientists should bring them into practice. A section of the modern doctors are constantly infusing fear that Siddha medicines are damaging to vital organs. Proper counceling and accelerating related research are the ways to improve the prospects of Siddha Science. Even now it is not surprise to young Scientists of Siddha medicine that some modern doctors and their family members are the clients of the author.


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Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-001 Management of Cancer with a Novel Siddha Formulations - A Review R. Abinaya1, S. Kayalvizhi1, R. Karolin Daisy Rani2, M.D. Saravana Devi3. 1. Post Graduate Department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil nadu, India. 2. Lecturer, Post Graduate Department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil nadu, India. 3. Head of the Department, Post Graduate Department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamil nadu, India. Siddha system of medicine is an unique among the Indian system of medicine because it is believed to be a heaven which have been developed by the super natural scientist called Siddhars. Among the modern World, Cancer is a dreadful disease which threatened the human population. It is the second leading of disease which causes death in World’s population. Yearly 14.1 million people suffered from cancer. In order to overcome this dreadful effects, traditional medicines plays an attractive attention with anti-cancer effect, affordable, less cost effectiveness with less toxic effects. In this present review suggest that the Namachivaya chendooram and Gowri cinthamani chendhooram are justified by anticancer effects on HeLa cell line in in-vitro evaluation. The unique preparations of Siddha system such as Parpam, Chendhooram, Kattu, Pathangam are like life saving and miracle which were prepared by the Siddhars on the basis of nano - medicine. Nano-medicines symbolizes the enormous potential for improving the cancer treatment among the drug delivering platform. Recent advances explored that nanoparticles, which find the potential usage in bio medical field especially in cancer. This review is to explore our traditional system of medicine is our treasure that should be carried to the next generation. Keyword: Cancer, Siddha, Namachivaya chendooram, Gowri cinthamani chendhooram, Siddha formulations.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-002 Treating Yoni Puttru through Siddha Medications R. Abirami1 D.E. Abraham Prince 1 K.S. Maadhavi1 G. Subashchandran 2 1 3rd year 2 Lecturer

BSMS Government Siddha Medical College Palayamkottai Tirunelveli PG Department of Pothu Maruthuvam Government Siddha Medical College Palayamkottai Tirunelveli

Aim: To identify the most commonly used drugs in traditional siddha literature in treatment of Yoni puttru (vaginal carcinoma) Background: Vaginal carcinoma is a malignant disease. Siddha term Yoni puttru is more or less equivalent to vaginal carcinoma. Primary vaginal carcinoma is defined as arising solely from vagina with no involvement of external cervical os proximally or the vulva distally. Although primary vaginal carcinoma is rare gynecological malignancy its impact on women’s health should not be underestimated. Because 5years survival rate of treated early stage vaginal carcinoma is higher than that of advanced stages. There is no clear literary evidence for the symptoms of the term Yoni puttru. But there is literary evidence for availability of siddha medicine for the cure of Yoni puttru. We decided to collect the medications available in the literary for the treatment of Yoni puttru. Result: Siddhars have mentioned numerous varieties of poly herbo mineral preparations which are indicated for yoni puttru. Apart from our text books there are numerous preparations in the literary dating hundreds of years back. Most of the preparations have been collected from literatures of Agasthiyar. From the collection of 60 preparations from our literatures the chief constituents of the preparations are listed as follows in herbs Serankottai (Semecarpus anacardium), Ell (Seasmum indicum) and Kodiveli (Plumbago zeylanica), and in minerals Rasam (Mercury), Kanthagam (Sulphur) and Pooram (Hydragyrum subchloride). Conclusion: This work is just a primary initiative towards the treatment of vaginal carcinoma. In depth researches have to be done on medications of treating vaginal carcinoma. We conclude that the medicine containing the above mentioned herbs and minerals will be effective in treating vaginal carcinoma. Keywords: Yoni Puttru, Vaginal Carcinoma, Serankottai, Ell, Kodiveli, Rasam, Pooram, Kanthagam. 16

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-003 A Review on Siddha Medicine “Thirunaethira Chooranam” for Utero-Cervical Malignancy M. Anandha Krishnan1, G. Kiran1, R. Ramya2, K. Balaguruswamy3 1. Final year, B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Asst. prof, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. The cervical cancer has been reported to be the fourth commonest type of malignancy worldwide. The emerging increase in malignancies are due to untraditional diet and lifestyle. In siddha text (Magalir maruthuvam) the term Maravai kattigal has been mentioned, which can be compared with benign and malignant tumors of uterus and cervix. Thirunaethira chooranam is an herbal medicine of three ingredients Vellarugu (Enicostema axillare), Sivanar vaembu (Indigofera aspalathoides), Sangang kuppi (Cleodendrum inerme) are indicated for these tumors in the classical siddha text “Agathiyar vaithiya vallathi-600”. This article deals with the scientific analysis of Thirunaethira chooranam and also aims for further research study on it, as this medicine will be available in low cost and more reactive towards the management of uterus and cervical malignancy. Keywords: Anti-carcinogenic herbs, Maravai kattigal, Thirunaethira chooranam, uterocervical malignancy.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-004 Awareness and Prevention of Cancer with Tamil Food Culture Annish Gold Rathy.A, Lavanya Manuneeth Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. Eventhough, the modern world trends to give us medical knowledge and make aware the society to prevent from many communicable diseases, there are some non-communicable diseases which still leads in the top place in causing death. One of them is Cancer which is a ubiquitous disease of cells in the body. A tumor is a lump or growth of tissue made up from abnormal cells. The number of new cases is expected to rise by about 70% over the next two decades. Dietary change is the major cause for the cancer. As many of the old tamil cultural food have Anti-cancerous activity, eg.Turmeric, Porridge, etc... Intake of these foods, prevent from cancer cells. Thus the awareness about cancer and practice of tamil food culture may prevent the cancer mortality rate. Key words: Dietary changes, Tamil food culture.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-005 Thamira kattu chendoram induces apoptosis and prolongs the life span in Ehrlich ascites carcinoma bearing mice - physicochemical characterization and a detailed preclinical study Arul Amuthan1,2, Praveen3, Narayanan K3, Hitesh Jagani3, Venkata Rao J3 1Department

of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College, 2Division of Siddha, Center for Integrative Medicine and Research, 3Department of Pharmaceutical Biotechnology, Manipal College of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal. Background: Thamira Kattu Chendooram (TKC) is a traditional Siddha formulation used by to treat various cancers. No publications are available on this drug. Aim: The aim of the present work was to evaluate its anticancer potential in cell lines and Ehrlich ascites carcinoma (EAC) mice model. Method: TKC was evaluated for preliminary phytochemical screening, mean particle size, zeta potential and chemical composition. In vitro cytotoxicity was evaluated on various cell lines by sulforhodamine B assay. The cells were observed for any nuclear changes under fluorescent microscope using acridine orange/ethidium bromide and Hoechst 33342. Expression pattern of GAPDH, B-actin, Bcl-2, Bax, P53, Cytochrome C, Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 was studied by reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) and western blot techniques. In-vivo anticancer activity of TKC was evaluated by Ehrlich’s ascites carcinoma (EAC) liquid tumor model in Swiss albino mice. Body weight, tumor volume, peritoneal capillaries, tumor weight, RBC, WBC, Mean Survival Time (MST) and % increase in mean life span (%IMLS) were assessed. Result: The physico-chemical evaluation of TKC revealed the absence of phytochemicals, Hg (11%), As (4%), Cu (3%) and S (26%). Particle size and zeta potential of TKC was found to be 466.8nm, and – 17.4 mV respectively. The IC50 values against HeLa, MCF-7, HCT-116, HepG2 and SH-SY5Y, cell lines were less than 75 µg/ml. Typical apoptotic morphological changes were visualized in nuclear staining of cells. RT-PCR and western blot studies showed that TKC induces apoptosis by intrinsic pathway. 19

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

TKC significantly (p < 0.05) reduced the body weight, tumor volume, peritoneal capillaries and tumor weight than EAC control. The RBC, WBC and MST have been reduced in EAC group, which was significantly raised in cisplatin and TKC. There was significant increase in % IMLS due to Cisplatin (150.59%) and TKC (123.55%) treatments compared to the EAC control animals. Cisplatin treatment showed renal and liver damage, whereas TKC did not show any toxicity. Conclusion: TKC was highly effective in inhibiting tumor growth with results are comparable to the standard anticancer drug cisplatin. Although TKC contained heavy metals, histopathology studies did not show any toxicity to the vital organs.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-006 Non Invasive External Treatment Modalities Effective for Treating Kannaputru (Oral Cancer) P.I.Atchaya1, R.Priyadharshini1, G.Srinivasan1 1 Third

Year B.S.M.S, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai

Background: Cancer is one of the most dreadful disease now a days. It is of various types and affects almost all vital organs. In this work, Siddha aspects of kannaputru (oral cancer) has been specifically documented about Kannaputru is seen most commonly in males than in females. The incidence of oral cancer is highest in India, South and southeast Asian countries. In our Siddha Medicine, Cancer is represented by various terminologies like Vipurithi, Kazhalai, etc. Kannaputru (oral cancer) is caused due to the consumption of Paan, tobacco and also imbalance in tridosha.Kannaputru may also be mentioned as Kavulputru, thavadaiputru, Kannavipurithi, Kannakaranthi. Aim: To collect and review literatures regarding Kannaputru and its non-invasive type of management in Siddha medicine. Method: Through our literacy collection the following medicines are found to be very effective in the prevention and management of Kannaputru. 1. Maghasandhanathi Thailam 2. Maghathiripalathi Thailam 3. Asanavilathi Thailam 4. Kannaroga Thailam From the literature Agathiyar Vallathi 600. Being non invasive in nature, the above said medicines are intended to be used as bath oils and eardrops. Information regarding the main ingredients, usage and indications are also tabulated. Result: Siddha medicine has the unique features of treating chronic and debilitating diseases through its safe, economical and non invasive methods. In that way the above said medicines offer effective management of Kannaputru through external and topical application. Thus they are non invasive and devoid of any side effects unlike other conventional treatment methods for Kannaputru (Oral Cancer). 21

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Conclusion: This work reveals the need of non-invasive external therapeutic medicines for Kannaputru (Oral cancer). So it is the right time to make more research work on the external treatment modalities of Kannaputru (Oral Cancer). Keywords: Kannaputru, Oral Cancer, External Application, Agathiarvallathi 600.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-007 A Review of Plumbago Zeylanica on Management of Cervical Cancer D. Deepa1, B. Shobana1, S.K. Sasi2 1P.G.

Scholars, Department of Noi Naadal, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai. 2Head of the department, Noi Naadal, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai.

In Women, Cervical cancer, the second most common cancer in developing regions. In India mortality rates on cervical cancer is estimated at 365.71million above 15 years of age. In Siddha system of Medicine many Kayakalpa herbs are used to treat cancer. Among this Venkodivelli (Plumbago zeylanica) an Kayakalpa herb used to treat cervical cancer as indicated in Agasthiyar gunavagadam. Also it is worthwhile to promote lifestyle changes to minimize adverse health. Keywords: Cervical cancer, Plumbago zeylanica, Kayakalpam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-008 A Review on Siddha Medicine – Vaankumari Legium for Oral Cancer D. Gnanasekaran1, K. Shrinidhi1, G. Krishnaprakash2, K. Balagurusamy3 1. Final year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Asst. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. The death rate of oral cancer is higher than that of other cancer such as cervical cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, laryngeal cancer, cancer of testis and endocrine system such as thyroid. Oral cancer includes cancer of lips, tongue, cheek, floor of mouth, hard and soft palate, sinuses and pharynx. More than 1 million cases per year (India) are diagnosed with oral cancer with the survival rate of 60% after 5 years of treatment. But our ancient siddha system has indicated various therapeutic treatment in its literature even before the invention of therapeutic technologies. The following presentation explains about “Vaankumari Legium” indicated in “Gnanavettiyan” towards the treatment of oral cancer by “Thiruvalluvar”. Keywords: Oral cancer, Vaankumari legium, Thiruvalluvar.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-009 CANCER R. Gowsalya, BSMS 3rd Year, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai. Cancer is the most threatening disease. A disease in which abnormal cells divide uncontrollably and destroy body tissue. In day to day life coffee and tea are used by most of the people. Consumption of these high temperature beverages and alcohol may cause esophageal cancer along with this it damages the liver, cardiovascular system. The presence of organo phosphorus in our daily requirements and the carcinogens present in them affects our body cells gradually day by day leading to vigorous outburst at the end. An increase in number of epidimeology and experimental studies have demonstrated the positive effects of coffee on chronic liver diseases. But on excessive intake of it causes cancer. Instead of using such carcinogenic caffine in excess implementing the usage of traditional beverages such as karupatti Coffee, paanagam, buttermilk, tender coconut and some decoctions of medicinal herbs we can ignore the threat of some carcinogens. Keywords: Cancer, carcinogens, caffine, excessive intake, high temperature beverages. Acknowledgement: Dr. S. Sankaranarayanan (Department of medicinal botany) Dr. K. Kanakavalli (principal)


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-010 Effect of Rasa Karpoora Kuligai on Vaginal Cancer N.P. Jeevitha1, G. Bavatharani1, S. Suresh Selvaraj2, K. Balagurusamy3 1. Final year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Associate Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Siddha is the mother medicine of ancient tamilians of peninsular India. Siddhars are the spiritual scientists and they laid the foundation of the system. Cancer is a global issue of serious nature and it is the second leading cause of death. One such issue is females is Vaginal Cancer which in siddha texts named as Yoni Puttru. Vaginal cancer is a disease in which malignant cells grow in vagina associated with pain and vaginal bleeding. Human pathology of siddha system in puttru noi deals with the decrease in pitham and increase in kapham. Vaginal cancer is common and the mortality rate seems to be 60% and is at specific incidence rate above the age of 45-49 due to menopause, their vaginal pH secretion become alkaline, use of contraceptive devices and hormonal imbalance. In siddha literature, a medicine named Rasa Karpoora Kuligai, consisting of Hydragyrum subchloride (Pooram), Allium sativum (Poondu), Piper nigrum (Milagu), Piper betle (Vetrilai). These drugs are found to have anticarcinogenic, antioxidant activity. This presentation reviews on the alkaloids, diet restriction and pharmacological action of these drugs on vaginal cancer. Keywords: Mother medicine, Yoni puttru, Rasa karpoora kuligai.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-011 A New pathway for cancer – HAMLET K. Kalaivani Cancer is a group of diseases involving abnormal cell growth and it has the potency to spread to other parts of the body. It has been estimated that 30 -40 % of cancer can be prevented by life style and dietary measure alone. Recent Research has found a path way to treat the cancer from the breast milk. The substance present in breast milk which act against a cancerous cell is “Human α lactalbumin” which is shortly termed as HAMLET. This compound is offering a alternative path for chemotherapy and radiation therapy. This review gives the information about the HAMLET and it action on cancerous cells.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-012 A Folklore External Method for the Management of Breast Cancer Kanimozhi.E1, Parkavi.R.S1, Praveen Chella Raja.R1, Balagurusamy.k2 1. Final year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Siddha medicine is the spiritual system of medicine found by Siddhars, the scientist of ancient Tamil Nadu, comprising of internal and external medicine. The external medicine is used to cure many ailments. Breast cancer is the most common cancer that women face in their lifetime. In modern medicine, breast cancer is initially treated with chemotherapy, finally it ends up in mastectomy which causes a drastic change in women's life. This presentation survives about an external medicine used by the folklore people to cure the breast cancer. This article comprises of patru (poultice) made by medicated plants followed by the application of ointment which has anti tumour, anticancer. Keywords: Breast cancer, Pattru & ointment, Anti cancer, Anti tumour.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-013 Mangement of Linga Putru (Penile Cancer) through Chittiramoola Kuligai S. Kathirvel1, R. Jeeva Gladys2, K. Balagurusamy3 1. Final year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Lecturer, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Siddha medicine, being a patient centred medicine which has age old traditional practices. Nowadays, life style changes dragging the people towards sedentary life. The relationship of lifestyle and health of individuals which tend to diabetes, cancer, hypertension, renal failure, cardio vascular diseases etc. Cancer is one of the major public health issues worldwide and accounts for an estimated 2.5million cases in India alone. Among this penile cancer (linga putru) has fewer than 100 thousand cancer per year in India. Penile cancer is the squamous cell carcinoma of genitourinary tract. This cancer leads to physical genital disfigurement, alter the normal male voiding patterns, impair normal penetrative intercourse and leads to psychological and emotional distress and even death. As per Siddha literature, Chittiramoola kuligai is indicated for penile cancer. This medicine manage the penile cancer through the activity of anti cancer, anti proliferative. This article reviews the management of penile cancer through Chittiramoola kuligai. Keywords: Anticancer activity, Chittiramoola kuligai, Penile Cancer, linga putru.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-014 Administration of Andakal Chunnam and Anjana Podi in Kan Putru (Eye Carcinoma) Kuzhalarasi.M1, Saranya.R1, Saravana kumaran.P2, Balagurusamy.K3. 1- III BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2- Asst. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3- Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Cancer is becoming the most common disease in the well developed, modern era. Among them, eye carcinoma seems to be developing at a faster rate nowadays. Eye carcinoma generally occurs in eyelids, cornea, sclera, Retina. Kan putru (eye carcinoma) can be treated through siddha system of medicine, but it has not brought into limelight. The eye cancer that develops in cornea is termed as adhimaangisha padalam and scleral carcinoma is divided into sathai putru, neer putru, and anal putru in siddha literature. Siddha system has ruled out an effective remedy to eye carcinoma by the administration of andakal sunnam (internal) and anjana podi (external) which has been described in agathiyar attavanai vaagadam and naagamuni nayana vithi. This article deals with the internal and external therapy of eye carcinoma. Keywords: Adhimaangisha padalam (eye carcinoma), Andakal chunnam, Anjana podi.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-015 Traditional Concept of Cancer Management in Siddha G.S. Lekha1, C. George2 1. Research Officer (Siddha) SRRI, Poojappura, Thiruvananthapuram Kerala.2. Traditional Siddha Practitioner, S. T. Mangad, Kanyakumari District. Tamilnadu. Cancer as a whole is not a disease which can be cured by using a single medicine; the management is based on deranged humour (Vali, Azhal and Iyyam) and the area of lesion. This Manuscript reveals the principles regarding the treatment of Cancer expressed by a traditional Siddha practitioner who has treated Cancer Patients by Siddha Medicines since 45 years. He has formulated the medicines as per the body constitution of the subjects. The said Traditional Siddha practitioner has treated the patient initially with a decoction (Adai Kudineer for one week with strict dietary restrictions) for the balancing of three humours, strengthening of the immune system and cleansing of body from stagnant impurities. Then it was followed by medication for 1 to 3 months according to the body condition of the patient; the patient has to observe the food restriction for six months even after getting the diseases cured. According to his traditional concept ‘Megavatham’ is the fundamental criteria for Cancer; most of the drugs indicated for ‘Megavatham’ in traditional practice are having anti-cancerous activity but that drugs will act as per the body constitution of subjects and type of lesion. Basically the treatment of Cancer should be initiated with Immunomodulatory drugs; followed with medications either directly acting on the lesion Pugai for Vaiputtru, etc., or systemically acting drugs for definite period. Certain type of cancer shows expression of lesion on intake of medicine and gradually that will gets detached off from the body, surgical removal at this stage would help a lot in curing such type of Cancer – Examples are Cystic CA, Sarcoma, etc. Hence integrative approach of Cancer treatment in collaboration with other practitioners and conventional system can bring a revolution in Siddha system. Keywords: Cancer, Humour, Traditional, Megavatham and Immunomodulatory.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-016 Action of Medicinal Plants on Cancer Madheshwaran Karunakaran, Priya Sanjana Venkatachalam Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem Cancer is a generic term for a large group of diseases that can affect any part of the body. One defining feature of cancer is the rapid creation of abnormal cells that grow beyond their usual boundaries, and which can then invade adjoining parts of the body and spread to other organs. This process is referred to as metastasis. Metastases are the major cause of death from cancer. The cause of cancer is still unknown to scientists. About 30% of cancer deaths are due to the five leading behavioral and dietary risks: high body mass index, low fruit and vegetable intake, lack of physical activity, tobacco use, alcohol use. According to the National Cancer Registry Programme of the India Council of Medical Research (ICMR), more than 1300 Indians die every day due to cancer. There are many types of cancer treatment such as surgery with chemotherapy, radiation therapy and also have immunotherapy, targeted therapy, or hormone therapy. The Plant Kingdom produces naturally occurring secondary metabolites which are being investigated for their anticancer activities.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-017 Prevention and Management of Cancer through Siddha Medicine 1Dr.

Malliga.K, 2Mr. Shanmu. R

1. Lecturer, Dept. of Siddha Maruthuva Adipadai Thathuvangalum Varalaarum, GSMC, Palayamkottai 2. IV professional BSMS, GSMC, palyamkottai In 20th century, our food contains carcinogenic agents. Panchabootha in our earth also polluted by various carcinogenic agents like aflotoxin, alcoholic beverages, UV rays, radon rays, polluting agents, tobacco smoking etc. Now a days, cancer is more prevalent in India. The most common carcinomas in India-in men-oral cavity cancer, prostate cancer. In women-cervical cancer, breast cancer. Our ancient siddha system mentioned the prevention and management of carcinoma. Prevention-through elimination of carcinogenic agents by neutralising tridosha and some kayakalpa methods. Management – through Internal Medicines - 1. Herbal medicine 2.Mineral medicine and external medicine. Background: Based on around 20 sasthric siddha literatures. Aim: To utilise treasures of siddha medicine in cancer treatment. Methods: Literary review Conclusion: We should implement the prevention and treatment procedures of Siddhar’s in cancer treatment. It will become a milestone of oncology field. So our siddha system will reach all around the world. This ideology would be useful to the society.


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FSD-SCA-018 Anti-cancer activity of Aya Thambira Chendooram (ATC) in In-vitro cell line against Breast Carcinoma S. Mohamed Ajmal1, R. Raseeha1, R. Rajarajeswari*, M.S. Shree devi** 1Final


year BSMS, Sivaraj Siddha medical college, Salem Dept. of Sool Magalir Maruthuvam, Sivaraj Siddha medical college, Salem **Research Officer, Siddha Central research Institute, Chennai

The Siddha medical science is one of the ancient Indian Traditional medicines nearly followed by the Tamil speaking people. Our Siddha system of medicine not only focuses on prevention and cure but also emphasises in Kayakarpam (Rejuvenation). Cancer (Putru) is one among the leading causes of human death worldwide and the incidence continues to increase. Breast cancer is the leading cause of death in women worldwide among other cancers. The risk is more at urban areas(one in twenty) and comparatively low in rural areas(one in sixty).Since an increasing proportion of cancer patients are acquiring resistance to chemotherapeutic agents, it is necessary to search for new compounds that provide suitable specific anti-proliferative effect that can be developed as anti-cancer agents. Aya Thambira Chendooram is a herbomineral medicine and it is tested against MCF-7 cell lines. The result showed that ATC possess cytotoxic effect against Breast Carcinoma. Keywords: Aya Thambira Chendooram, Siddha, Tamil, MCF-7 cell lines, Breast cancer.


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FSD-SCA-019 Indian Herbs for the Prevention and Supportive Therapy for Siddha Management of Cancer Dr. T. Nivetha1* Dr. M. Gohila1, Dr. T. Lakshmi Kantham2, Dr. H. Vetha Merlin Kumarih2, Dr. H. Nalini Sofia2, Dr. K. manickavasakam3, Dr. V. Banumathi4 1. PG Scholar (Author), Dept. of Maruthuvam National Institute of Siddha Chennai, Tamilnadu. 2. Lecturer, Dept. of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha Chennai, Tamilnadu. 3. HOD, Department of Maruthuvam, National Institute of Siddha Chennai, Tamilnadu. 4. Director, National Institute of Siddha Chennai, Tamilnadu. Cancer is a term used for diseases in which these occurs abnormal cell division without control and cancer cells are able to invade other tissues. It can affect almost any part of body and may spread to other parts of the body through the blood and lymph system. Cancer is a leading cause of death worldwide and accounted for 7.6 million death (around 13 % of all death). Death from Cancer worldwide are projected to continue to rise over 13.1 million in 2030.Siddha science is unique in all aspects not only because of its vide variety of medicines but also in various aspect like Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy etc...In Siddha system, Cancer may be correlated with the diagnosis, named as Vippuruthi and Putru. In recent days, Chemoprevention is an important alternative approach to control Cancer. A wide array of substances present in the medicinal herbs or dietary plants have been screened for their ability to prevent carcinogenicity. Plants are considered a primary sources for the discovery of chemoprotective agents due to their low toxicity and common usage. This paper highlights the anti –Cancer and Chemo preventive plants mentioned in Siddha literature, along its botanical name, active principles and recent studies about that plants. Keywords: Putru, Anti –oxidant, carcinogenicity, cancer.


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FSD-SCA-020 Literary Review of Vediyuppu Chunnam for Uterine Malignancy (Karuppasaya Katti) A. PaulinMary1, G. Krishnaprakash2, K. Balagurusamy3 1. Final year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 2. Asst. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur Siddha system is one of the most famous Indian System of Medicine. Siddha is not only meant to cure a disease, it pays a way for a healthy life. Life style disorder is a disease associated with a way of a person or a people lives. Nowadays women are mostly affected by many diseases related to reproductive organ like PCOS, fibroid uterus and other malignancy of uterus due to their change in the food habits and life style. Uterine tumours are fairly common and it occurs about 70 to 80% in all women by the age of 50. In Siddha literature, Gunapadam Thathu Jeevam indicates VEDIYUPPU CHUNNAM for uterine malignancy (Karuppasaya katti). This presentation is a review about the anti-cancerous activity of Vediyuppu chunnam and management of uterine tumours. Keywords: Karuppasaya katti, Vediyuppu chunnam, Anti-cancerous activity.


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FSD-SCA-021 An Overview of Herbal Medicines in Kazhalai (or) Putru Noi (Cancer) – In Siddha System of Medicine *Dr. S. Ramya, **Dr.A.Balu * Assistant Siddha Medical Officer, Arignar Anna Government Hospital, Uthukottai, Thiruvallur district. ** Assistant Siddha Medical Officer, Government Primary Health Centre, Chunambedu, Kanchepuram district. Siddha system of medicine is one of the oldest codified system of medicine in India that owes its origin to the Dravidian culture, Which is of the pre vedic period. Siddha Literature has a lot more medicines – which is prepared from herbs, metals, minerals and salts. Today among various diseases, Cancer has become a big threat to the human society globally. The world’s population is expected to be 7.5 billion by the year 2020 and approximations predict that about 15 million new cases will be diagnosed during the fourth coming year accounting to nearly 12 million cancer deaths. This paper is an extract of medicines described in various siddha literatures for Kazhalai or Putru noi (Cancer). Also this to show lime light on those medicines which could be taken for further studies in treating the dreadful disease in future. Keywords: Siddha medicine, Kazhalai, Putru noi, Cancer.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-022 Calcium Signal Modulation for Cancer Cell Apoptosis – A Siddha Therapeutic Approach Risvan.M.Y1, Aishwarya.M.V1, Jeeva Gladys.R2, Krishna Prakash.G2, Balagurusamy.K3 1. BSMS, III Year, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Asst. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. In recent days, Siddha system of medicine has emerged as an arena for researches especially in the management of cancer. Nearly 14.5 lakhs estimated number of people are being reported to be affected with cancer in India every year. Researches on cancer biology have concluded that alteration in calcium channel pump is a main characteristic feature of cancers and Calcium has ability to regulate both cell death and proliferation. To eliminate cancer cell from the human body is one of the most important challenges for immune system. Thus, the therapy that have the ability to modulate calcium signaling in the cancer cells to regulate proliferation and apoptosis can be beneficial to have target action on cancer cells. The drug with Calcium helps to prevent, suppress or reverse the process of carcinogenesis before development of malignancy. This article deals with intervention of Calcium in promoting cancer cell apoptosis and validation of Calcium rich siddha therapy such as Maan kombu parpam, Anda vodu parpam, Nandu odu parpam, Aamai odu parpam, Sangu parpam, Anda chunnam which has anticancer activity. This review critically explores the novelty behind the traditional use of siddha medicine for the effective management of cancer. Keyword: Calcium, Cancer, Maan kombu parpam, Anda vodu parpam, Nandu odu parpam, Aamai odu parpam, Sangu parpam, Anda chunnam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-023 Management of Prostate Cancer through Siddha System of Medicine – A Review S. Selvarajan1, Shyamala Rajkumar1, L. Mugunthan2, V. Aarthi3, E. Wilson3 1Research

Officer (Siddha) -Sci-II, 2Research Officer (Medicine) & 3Research Officer (Siddha) Central Council for Research in Siddha, Chennai.

Prostate cancer (purasthakola putru noi, purasthakola perukkam, purasthakola veekkam and purasthakola vanmeegam) is a disease that affects the prostate gland in the male reproductive system. Prostate cancer is predominantly seen in males between 65 and 75 years of age, but although prostate cancer seems to be a geriatric health problem, the imbalances that predispose to it begin much earlier in life. Most prostate cancers can be prevented by adopting lifestyle and dietary modifications. Clinical and experimental observations suggest that hormones, genes, heredity, diet, animal fat, and environmental factors contribute in the occurrence of prostate cancer. According to Siddha concepts, the exact cause for prostate cancer is kanma vinai (consequence of deeds). In addition, the following habits may also be contributing factors. 1. Intake of food items that increase body heat, 2. Excessive exposure to sunlight, 3. Chronic alcoholism and/or smoking, 4. Prolonged neglected spermatorrhoea, and 5. Excessive sexual urge and sexual intercourse. The above habits increase body heat and pave the way to increase azhal (protective factor). This increased azhal leads to deranging the humors vazhi and iyyam, and the deranged vazhi and iyyam produce the symptoms of the disease. The main symptoms of prostate cancer are described in ancient Tamil books such as Dhanwandari’s Vatha Varthi Kiricharam and Moothira Kiranthi (kiranthi denotes glandular swelling that denotes prostate gland). According to Siddha, disease is caused by deranged vazhi (Vatha malathu meni kedathu – Theraiyar). Hence, vazhi humor must be normalized by purgation therapy for maintaining equilibrium by using Agasthiyar kuzhambu or Magarajanga Ennai or Lavanagunathi Ennai. Any one of the following general tonics may be given for restoration of normal health: Amukkura Lehiyam or Thetran Kottai Lehiyam or Nellikkai Lehiyam. A potential rejuvenator may be given to rebuild the deranged humors with any one of the preparations such as Thanka uram, Poorna chandrodayam, etc. 39

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Urinary outflow can be facilitated by any one of the following medicines: Silasathu parpam, Kungilium parpam, Jalamanjari, etc. Some of the useful Siddha Medications in the management of prostate cancer are discussed in this paper. Herbal based preparations are Amukkura choornam, Poonaikali vithai choornam, Thriphala choornam, Thriphala karpam, Seenthil choornam, Seenthil sarkkarai. Herbo- Mineral–Based Preparations are Thamira kattu chendhooram and Narasimma lehiyam. In addition to the above, Plumbum (karuvangam) and stannum (velvangam) preparations may be administered under the direct supervision of a qualified Siddha practitioners. To reduce swelling and pain of the prostate gland, the external applications mentioned below can be adopted. This is to be applied on a skin surface where the patient feels pain and has swelling in the lower abdomen. 1. Karchunnambu and egg white mixed together and applied externally to reduce swelling. 2. Abutilon indicum Linn. Leaves with Curcuma longa Linn. Powder boiled in steam and applied externally to relieve the pain and 3. Annabhedi ground with water and applied externally for improving quality of life. In this article, the authors have attempted to showcase the Siddha Medicines that are useful in the treatment and management of Prostate cancer. This review will throw light for further research.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-024 Anticancer Effect of Snake Venom - A Review Shabana Yasmin J.¹, Nishana P.M.¹, Saravanakumaran P.², Balagurusamay K.³ 1. III Year, B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Assistant Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. Traditional Siddha medicine which is prevalent mostly in Tamilnadu (southeastern India). In recent years there has been an emerging increase in the mortality due to cancer worldwide and therefore a lot of researches are being conducted to explore the anticancer agents especially from traditional medicines. For more than half a century, cytotoxic agents have been investigated as a possible treatment of cancer. Snake venom is one such cytotoxic agent that has been used as folk medicine towards the treatment of cancer since time immemorial. The concept of using snake venom for cancer therapy has also been indicated in the text “The Pharmacopoeia of Siddha Research Medicines”. Upon critical analysis of anticancer effect of snake venom through various recent research articles, it has been explored that snake venom components have high specific affinity and action on cells and cell components and are largely cytotoxic on tumour cells than normal cells. This effort further explores the possible mechanism of anticancer effect and the target action on cancer cells by snake venom. Keywords: Cancer, Snake venoms, Biotoxins, Apoptosis inducer.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-025 Analysing the Nutritonal Value of Panchamudi Kanji – A Siddha Dietary Supplement for Cancer Patients through HPLC Shameem Fathima A1, Kanakavalli K2 Lecturer, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai 2 Professor & Principal, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai 1

Introduction: Malnutrition is a common complication in cancer, which varies from8% to 60% linking with diagnosis, clinical course of the disease, and measurement techniques. Nutritional intervention is necessary to promote increase functional status as a person receives intensive treatment. Protein- and energy-dense oral nutritional supplements are effective for preventing weight loss in malnourished cancer patients. Several studies have reported the beneficial effects of specialized protein- and energy-dense oral nutritional supplements to prevent weight loss. It is clinically important because under nutrition can lead to decreased tolerance of chemotherapy, increased infectious complications, and decreased survival. It has been shown that the nutrition support decreases the time to bone marrow recovery, suggesting that it may help diminish the toxicity associated with chemotherapy. However these energy drinks are costly and not easily available to remote areas. Hence we aim to investigate the nutritional values of panchamudi kanji an oral nutritional supplement mentioned in classical Siddha texts for malnourished persons. It can easily be prepared by the family of the individual and hence cost effective. Aim: To evaluate the nutritional value of Panchamudi kanji through HPLC and find ways to enhance its nutritional value. Materials and Methods: Panchamudi kanji is a dilute gruel that contains 5 ingredients namely, Pacharisi (raw rice), Paasi payaru (green gram), Kadalai parupu (Bengal gram), Ulundhu (black gram) and Thuvaram parupu (red gram). On HPLC analysis this Panchamudi kanji is found to contain 7 essential amino acids out of nine. Also the proximate analysis reveals its overall nutritional content. We are planning to improve its nutritional status by adding coconut milk and palm jiggery and thus adding to its nutritional value.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

Conclusion: Chemotherapy and radiotherapy usually cause nausea, vomiting, gastrointestinal mucositis, and dysgeusia, leading to food aversion, and it thus decreases food intake. The above study proves that Panchamudi kanji will be a good nutritional support that supplies essential amino acids which cannot be synthesized by the body and improves nutritional status and quality of life during cancer therapy, and hence improves tolerance to treatment. Keywords cancer, malnutrition, panchamudi kanji, HPLC, essential amino acids


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-026 The efficacy of Kalpaamruthaa for the treatment of Cancer: A look at a multifaceted Siddha formulation V. A. Shangkari1*, S. Santha1 Healthcare, Malaysia


Background: Kalpaamruthaa (KA) is a Siddha formulation comprising of Semecarpus anacardium Linn. nut milk extract, dried powder of the Emblica officinalis fruit and honey. It has been purported to be useful for a number of ailments including arthritis, diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Aim: In this study, we assess the efficacy of Kalpaamruthaa, a Siddha preparation, for the treatment of cancer. Method: Primary databases were Springerlink, Wiley Online, EBSCOhost, Google scholar, and Sciencedirect. Moreover, the references of key articles were hand searched. Search keywords were Kalpaamruthaa, Siddha medicine, cancer and derivatives thereof. The articles that fulfilled the inclusion criteria were further examined. Results: The results revealed the potential of the use of Kalpaamruthaa in the treatment of cancer. Lipid peroxide levels, which plays an important role carcinogenesis, was reduced to almost normal levels in hepatocellular carcinoma bearing rats following administration of KA. Additionally, KA restored the antioxidant and glutathione-metabolizing enzyme levels. Similarly, KA was able to thwart the increase in lipid peroxidate levels in rat mammary carcinoma model. Experimental studies also revealed that KA may also have other therapeutic effects in mammary carcinoma. KA was able to revert the levels of cytokines, CEA, CA 15–3, immunoglobulins, and glycoprotein components to almost normal levels. Moreover, KA was able to restore the body weights of the mammary carcinoma bearings rats. KA could also be beneficial in treatment of leukemia. Bone marrow and histopathological abnormalities in leukemia-induced mice were reversed following treatment with KA. In addition, KA ameliorated the adverse changes in the levels of the glycolytic, gluconeogenic and mitochondrial enzymes in BCR-ABL+ leukemic mouse model. 44

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Conclusion: Evidence suggests that Kalpaamruthaa may be useful in the treatment of liver cancer, breast cancer and leukemia. However, well designed clinical trials is needed to solidify the evidence for the use of Kalpaamruthaa as an anti-cancer agent. There is remarkable potential for the use of Kalpaamruthaa for cancer. Keywords: Kalpaamruthaa, Siddha medicine, cancer, carcinoma


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-027 In vitro cytoprotective activity of Vernonia cinerea aqueous extract (Neichitti kashayam) on Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) cells and Human cervix epitheloid carcinoma (HELA) cell lines against 5-Fluorouracil induced toxicity Shiny Jasphin1, Archana PR2, Arul Amuthan3,4 1 National

Post-Doctoral Fellow (SERB), Melaka Manipal Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE), Manipal, Karnataka – 576104 2 Associate Professor, Department of Physiology, Melaka Manipal Medical College, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka – 576104 3 Senior Grade Lecturer, Department of Pharmacology, Melaka Manipal Medical College, MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka – 576104 4 Team Leader-Division of Siddha, Center for Integrative Medicine (CIMR), MAHE, Manipal, Karnataka – 576104 Background: 5- Fluorouracil (FU) is an important anticancer drugs that causes severe side effects. Traditional Siddha Medicine literature suggests the use of Vernonia cinerea (VC) decoction to protect organs from drug toxicities. Aim: This study was aimed to evaluate the cytoprotective effect of VC in normal as well as cancer cells. Methods: Aqueous extract of VC was prepared by cold maceration method. In 96 well plate, various doses of FU, VC and their combinations were added to Human embryonic kidney (HEK293) normal cells and Human cervix epitheloid carcinoma (HELA) cells and incubated at 370 C for 48 hours. 5000 cells were loaded in each well. The cells were stained with sulforhodamine B, in which the amount of staining is directly proportional to the cell mass. The absorbance reading was taken at 564 nm using microplate reader. The dose and percentage cell viability values were plotted in an excel sheet and 50% inhibitory concentration (IC50) was calculated. Results: The IC50 values of FU in HEK293 and HELA were 14.5 µg/ml and 12 µg/ml respectively, which are the doses at which FU killed 50% of the cells. Whereas, VC did not attain 50% cell death even at 1000 µg/ml, which indicates the cytoprotective potential of VC. When the HEK293 and HELA cells were treated with VC after FU, there was an improvement


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

in cell viability by 40%, and 50% respectively, which means VC protected the normal cells and cancer cells from FU induced damage by 40% and 50% respectively. Conclusion: Neichitti kashayam has shown cytoprotection against FU induced toxicity in both the normal and cancer cells, in fact the protection is more in cancer cells. Future studies will be focused on identification of protective compounds and to restrict the protection only to normal cells. Acknowledgement: SERB for financial support


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-028 Anticancer Potential of Poorna Chandrodhaya Chendooram - A Review Srilekha V1, Kanimozhi K1, Jeeva Gladys R2, Balagurusamy. K3 1. UG scholar, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbutur. 2. Assistant professor, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbutur. 3. Principal, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbutur. Siddhars are the followers of Lord Shiva are said to have had many powers which led to them attaining “God like” state via specific mysteries. They have given most of their valuable knowledge and mysteries through Palm Scriptures. The Siddha system of medicine is composed of medicinal herbs, metals, minerals for effective management of various deadly diseases. Poorna Chandrodhaya Chendooram is a well known mercurial preparation with gold and sulphur widely used for the treatment of cancer. Minerals are combined with herbs that help for integration and absorption of medicines to the human body. This article deals with the appraisal of anticancer potential of Poorna Chandrodaya Chendooram. Keywords: Poorna Chandrodhayam, Chendooram, Cancer.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SCA-029 Management of “Chemotherapy Induced Peripheral Neuropathy” in Siddha B. Sushmitha, R. Rajasri Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre Background: According to the national cancer registry programme of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), more than thousand three hundred (1300) Indians die everyday due to cancer between 2012 and 2014. Mortality rate due to cancer is increased by approximately 6%. Aim: To prevent the chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy by herbal plants. Methods: Chemotherapy induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) pain can greatly diminish quality of life. CIPN is a major dose limiting side effect of chemotherapy. The incidence of CIPN can be variable, but often ranges from 30-40%. Result and Discussion: CIPN can extremely painful and disabling causing significant loss of functional abilities and decreasing quality of life. Neurotoxic chemotherapeutic agents may cause structural damage to peripheral nerves.This poster represents the herbs which reduce the risk of CIPN and improves the quality of life. The herbs which contain vitamin E greatly reduces the risks. Acknowledgement: Anitha, Subathra, S. Mathu Kumar


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-030 Role of Siddha in the Prevention and Management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Archana.B, Swathidharsini.R Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre Background: Type 2 Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic disorder which may results from either predominantly insulin resistance or insulin secretory defect. Globally, 422 million adults suffer from DM. About 1.5 million deaths from DM (2012) and India in top position (>62 million). Pathophysiology includes insulin resistance, impaired insulin secretion, excessive hepatic glucose production and abnormal fat metabolism. The insulin resistance is mainly due to lifestyle changes such as bad eating habits, physical inactivity and stress. Aim: The main aim of the study is to prove how the traditional dietary habits and moral habitual activities [pini anuga vithi] mentioned by siddhars, play a main role in prevention and management of type 2 DM. Methods: Various classical siddha texts and various books available on metabolic disorders. Result: Lifestyle perversions predominate in the causative factor of DM. It includes the diet and a sedentary lifestyle that is prevalent in the society like an addiction. These contribute just not to increase in body mass index and also to the metabolic syndrome [DM]. Conclusion: Implementation of the modalities mentioned in siddha principles can pave way for a better life style and provide a wide range of safe, effective remedies for this highly prevalent illness [DM]. Keywords: DM [diabetes mellitus], Lifestyle changes, Siddha. Acknowledgement: Dr. S. Mathukumar MD(s), Dr. V. Anitha MD(s), Dr. S. Mary Princess Sulekha MD(s).


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-031 Folklore Medicine for Diabetes Mellitus - A Life Style Disorder Aruna.A1, Bakkialakshmi.K1, Padmashini.M1, Krishna Prakash.G 2, Balagurusamy.K 3 1. Final year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2. Lecturer, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Siddha Medicine is one of the ancient system of medicine which focuses on folklore medicine. The major lifestyle disorder facing nowadays is Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder associated with abnormal high levels of the blood glucose in the body. Diabetes Mellitus is associated with polyphagia, polydipsia, polyurea. Ancient folklore practices in Siddha medicine deals with herbal formulation of Nigella Sativa (karunjeragam), Trachyspermum roxburghianum (omam), Trigonella foenugraecum (vendhayam). All these drugs seems to have anti-diabetic activity. This presentation reviews on the phytochemicals and pharmacological activity along with yoga, diet and mudhras. Keywords: Siddha medicine, blood glucose, folklore herbal formulation.


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FSD-SDM-032 ப ோகர் ோர்வையில் நீரிழிவு ப ோய் மரு. தா.ரா. பாலகிருஷ்ணன் சித்த மருத்துவர், ஸ்ரீ ராஜா இயற்கை மருத்துவ கமயம், சேலம் கிசரக்ைத்தில் கி.பி இரண்டாம் நூற்றாண்டில் "ஹிப்சபாக்சரட்ஸ்" "அறிடாயஸ்" என்பவர் இந்ச ாயிகன "டயாபடிக்" என பபயரிட்டார்.



ம் சித்தர்ைள் இதகன "மதுசமைம், பிரசமைம், சமை ச ாய்" என பல வகையான பபயரிட்டனர். இந்ச ாய் அறுசுகவ கூடிகுகறயும் பிரச்சிகன மூலம், முக்குற்ற பாதிப்பினாலும், முன் பேய்த ைன்ம விகன மூலம் வருகிறது என் கூறுகின்றனர். இதன்மூலம் பல ஆயிரம் ஆண்டுைளுக்கு முன் மனித இனம் நீரிழிவால் பாதிப்பு அகடந்துள்ளனர் என் பதரிகிறது. சித்தர்ைள் இந்ச ாயிகன மூன்று பிரிவாை கூறியுள்ளனர். ஆங்கில மருத்துவர்ைள் இந்ச ாய்க்கு முழுகமயான தீர்வு இல்கல என கூறுகின்றனர். ஆனால் ம் முன்சனார்ைளான சித்தர்ைள் நீரழிவு ச ாயிகன துச்ேமாை நிகனத்து முழுகமயான தீர்வுக்ைான மருந்துைகள கூறியுள்ளனர். அந்த மருந்துைகள ாம் பேய்ய முயற்சிக்ைாமல் சவறு எகதசயா சதடி அகைக்கின்சறாம். அவர்ைள் கூறிய பல ஆயிரம் மருந்துைளில் ஒன்கற பகிர்வதில் ஒரு சித்த மருத்துவராை பபருகமயும், தகல நிமிர்ந்து பைாள்கிசறன். "ைதீத பமன்ற மதுசமைம் அழிந்து சபாகும் ைடல் சபாகும் நீரழிவு ைாணா சதாடும்" -சபாைரின் கூற்றின்படி நீரழிவு ச ாயிகன முழுவதும் குணபடுத்தும் மருத்துவம் எம் சித்த மருத்துவத்தில் மட்டுசம உள்ளது என ைர்வமுடன் கூறிக் பைாள்கிசறன். இம்மருந்கத பேய்ய முயற்சித்து வருகிசறன், இகத சைட்டுக்பைாள்கிசறன்.


ாம் அகனவரும் பேய்ய சவண்டும் என

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-033 Antidiabetic activity of Luffa acutangula L. leaves in alloxan induced diabetic albino rats. P. Bharathajothi 1, S. Bhuvaneswari2 1Asst.

Professor, Dept. of Siddha Medicine, Tamil University, Thanjavur. Scholar, Dept. of Siddha Medicine, Tamil University, Thanjavur.


Diabetes mellitus is a group of metabolic disorders characterized by hyperglycemia. The characteristic symptoms of the disease are polyurea, polydipsia, pruritus and unexpected weight loss. Diabetes has become necessary to look for an economical as well as therapeutically effective treatment especially for usage in the developing and under developed countries. The synthetic hyperglycemic drugs can produce serious side effects like hypoglycemic coma and disturbances of liver and kidney. In addition, these drugs are not suitable for pregnancy women. There is an increasing demand by patients to use the natural products with anti diabetic effect. Plant drugs are frequently considered to be less toxic and side effects than synthetic drugs. The present paper was undertaken to investigate the preliminary qualitative phyto chemicals and evaluation of hypoglycemic effect of Luffa acutangula on experimentally alloxan induced diabetic albino rat model. The qualitative phytochemical analyses revealed that the plant was rich in alkaloid and protein and meager amount in saponin, tannin and phenol. The plant drug was found to be active in the albino rat model which decreased the level of glucose, cholesterol, triglycerides, creatinine and uric acid and increased the liver glycogen and tissue protein. Among the various concentrations tested, 200mg concentration of the test drug Luffa acutangula was found to be very effective. So, the plant drug can be used as a potential source of an effective anti diabetic agent in the formulations.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-034 Management of Lifestyle Disorder “Diabetes Mellitus” – A New Approach in Siddha G. Dhivya, G. Kowsalya Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre Background: India is one of the epicentres of the global diabetic mellitus pandemic. Management of this disease in India faces multiple challenges. As many of these challenges are common to most developing countries of the world. WHO predicted that diabetes will be 42% increase from 51 to 72 million in the developed countries and 70% increase from 84 to 228 million in the developing countries. The countries with the largest number of diabetic people are and will be in the year 2025, India, china and U.S. Aim: To prevent the diabetic complications by suppressing the levels of methylglyoxal. Methods: Methylglyoxal will be an essential therapeutic target for managing diabetes in the future. Methylglyoxal is a by-product of glucose metabolism and its levels are seen several fold higher in both type 1 and 2 diabetic people as compared to healthy humans. Methylglyoxal has a toxic effect on pancreatic beta cells. Thus, plays an important role in the development of diabetic complications. Discussion: This paper emphasize the prevention of diabetic complications by supressing the level of methylglyoxal in diabetic patients. So, polyphenols have the ability to suppress methylglyoxal level and boosts insulin sensitivity. Conclusion: Many herbs like Linum usitatissimum, Vitis vinifera, Cyperus rotundus, Sida cordifolia are the rich sources of polyphenols, which may be administered to suppress the levels of methylglyoxal, thereby preventing diabetic complications. Acknowledgement: S. Kollappa Pillai, V. Anitha, T. Subathra, S. Mathu Kumar


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-035 Application of Manjal Plaster in Diabetic Foot Ulcer-Case Report Geethadevi S1, Ujjeevanam G2, Kanagavalli K3 1Grade

II Lecturer,Department of Aruvai maruthuvam,Government Siddha Medical college,Chennai-106. 2Head of the Department,Aruvai maruthuvam,Government Siddha Medical college,Chennai-106. 3Principal, Government Siddha Medical college, Chennai-106.

Background: Diabetic foot ulcer is the major complication of Diabetes Mellitus.15% of Diabetic patients develop foot ulcer and Diabetes is the predominant aetiology for nontraumatic lower leg amputations. Aim and Objective: This case report aims at the effect of Manjal Plaster dressing in diabetic foot ulcers. Case Presentation: A 61 year old female with the history of type II diabetes mellitus for the past eight years developed an ulcer in her right foot big toe after an abrasion injury three months before and was treated in Out Patient Department of Aruvai Maruthuvam of Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai. The ulcer was dressed daily with Manjal Plaster and the ulcer healed completely. Clinical Assessment of ulcer was done with Wagner’s grade and VAS score. Result: The Diabetic foot ulcer completely resolved in 20 days(Wagner’s grade-Gr 2 to Gr 0). Conclusion: Manjal Plaster came with positive wound healing outcome for Diabetic foot ulcer. Manjal plaster preparation, diabetic ulcer assessment, Siddha diagnostic procedure results, before and after treatment slides will be discussed in the oral presentation. Keywords: Diabetic foot ulcer, Manjal Plaster, Wagner’s grade


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SDM-036 Multi-centric Clinical Trial Experiences in Diabetes Mellitus Kannan.M1, Sathiyarajeswaran.P2, Natarajan.S3, Shyamala Rajkumar4, Kanagarajan. A5 1, 3 and 4, Research officer (Siddha), SCRI, Chennai 2 and 5, Asst. director (Siddha) Scientist II, SCRI, Chennai

Introduction: Designing a clinical trial, getting it approved before IRB/IEC, following the regulatory guidelines mentioned with compliance to Ethics and completion of clinical trial is a process demanding dedication and promptness. The role of a clinician when compared to that of clinical research scientist is better as the later has to deviate and pick his patients as per the decided protocol. When it comes to a lifestyle based research the intervention bank on participant’s behavior. The experiences encountered in a phase III lifestyle trial is discussed. Prevalence of Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes is a chronic disorder of carbohydrate, fat and protein metabolism characterized by increased fasting and post prandial blood sugar levels. The global prevalence of diabetes is estimated to increase, from 4% in 1995 to 5.4% by the year 2025. WHO has predicted that the major burden will occur in developing countries. Studies conducted in India in the last decade have highlighted that not only is the prevalence of diabetes high but also that it is increasing rapidly in the urban population [4]. It is estimated that there are approximately 33 million adults with diabetes in India. This number is likely to increase to 57.2 million by the year 2025. Impact of Siddha medicine in Diabetes Mellitus: Several therapies are sought for treatment, as there are certain limitations such as huge cost, side effects such as development of hypoglycemia, weight gain, gastrointestinal disturbances, liver toxicity etc. Based on recent advances and involvement of oxidative stress in complicating diabetes mellitus, efforts are on to find suitable anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant therapy. Medicinal plants are being looked up once again for the treatment of diabetes. Over 400 traditional plant treatments for diabetes have been reported, although only a small number of these have received scientific and medical evaluation to assess their efficacy. The hypoglycemic effect of some herbal extracts has been confirmed in human and animal models of type 2 diabetes. The World Health Organization Expert Committee on diabetes has recommended that traditional medicinal herbs be further investigated. Indian Herbal Drugs for Diabetes Vol. 57

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40, No. 3, 2007 165 Major hindrance in amalgamation of herbal medicine in modern medical practices is lack of scientific and clinical data proving their efficacy and safety. There is a need for conducting clinical research in herbal drugs, developing simple bioassays for biological standardization, pharmacological and toxicological evaluation, and developing various animal models for toxicity and safety evaluation. Conventional modern medicine provides a number of drugs of choice for controlling the blood sugar level in the patients of diabetes mellitus type-2. However, with the prolonged treatment doses of the drugs often needs to be increased to control the blood sugar level and a time comes when patient has to be switched over to insulin. Such patients become cases of insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. With a view to help the suffering community there is a need to find a safer drug, which can be used to control the blood sugar level and such drug can be used safety for longer periods. Aim and Objective: The aim of the study is to assess the Clinical efficacy of Siddha formulation (Coded drug-D5 Chooranam) in controlling blood sugar level of the drug naïve patients suffering with Type-2 Diabetes mellitus. The primary objective is to study the Clinical efficacy of D5 Chooranam in Diabetes Mellitus and the secondary objective is to study the effect of Coded drug in lipid Metabolism. The Phase III study is designed in such way that multi-centres are involved with the sample size of 90 patients from three centres to be studied for a period of 90 days. The trial drug is a capsule of 500mg which is fixed in a dose of 4 capsules twice daily before food. Pretrial procedures: Standardization of the trial drug has been done as per the PLIM guidelines -- physico-chemical parameters, heavy metal analysis, pesticide residue, Aflatoxin, microbial load and HPTLC finger printing are carried out. The drug is safe in such way that all the trace elements are with in normal limits. The safety of the drug has been established in the preclinical studies with an IAEC approval (IAEC No: 05/Pharma/SCRI/2011). The drug is safe up to 5200 mg. The drug is safe in acute, sub-acute and chronic toxicity. In a dose of 5200 mg/kg, the trial drug proves to be anti-diabetic in nature. Adopting the IND template of ICMR, the study protocol has been developed. Proper care is taken in structuring the Informed Consent Form (ICF) and Patient Information Sheet (PIS) benefiting the study participant. The designed protocol has been submitted to the IEC and only after proper approval the study is initiated (IEC No: CCRS/SCRI-1/2011-12/04). The trial as per the regulation is registered under CTRI bearing No: CTRI/2013/12/004231. 58

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Criteria for inclusion: Subjects in their 3rd to 6th decade will be included in this study. Subjects falling in the any one of the following criteria, Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1C) > 6.5% and < 10%, Fasting Blood sugar > 110 and =< 200 mg/dl and Post prandial blood sugar PP > 160 mg/dl and50 years male sex is associated with high cholesterol, high triglycerides and concominent diabetes were independently associated with uncontrolled high blood pressure. Here we discuss about prevalence, control of hypertension and its management in siddha aspects. Keywords: Hypertension, lifestyle disorder, siddha aspect medicines, management.


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FSD-SHT-068 Review on Anti-hypertensive Activity of Siddha Formulation Mahaseerakadhi Chooranam Ponnaiya.V1*, Monika.T1, Ilavarasi.L1, Saravana devi.M.D2 1PG

Scholar, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai 106 Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai 106


Cardiovascular diseases have emerged as an important health problem in India. High blood pressure (BP) is a major risk factor and a better control can lead to prevention of 300,000 of the 1.5 million annual deaths from cardiovascular diseases in India. Poor adherence to medications is a major public health problem and remains one of the main unresolved issues in the management of hypertension. Hypertension or High blood pressure is dangerous because it can lead to Strokes, Heart attack, Heart failure or Kidney diseases. The World health organization estimates 80% of the populations living in the developing countries rely almost exclusively on traditional medicines for their primary health care needs. India has an ancient heritage of traditional medicine. Siddha system of medicine is an integrated part of Indian system, which is very potent and unique system when compared with other traditional systems. According to siddha system of Medicine Hypertension is represented as “Raththapitham”. There are many formulations prescribed by the ancient Siddhars for the management of Rathapitham. The most reliable Poly herbal formulation “Mahaseerakadhi chooranam” is used for the treatment of Hypertension from the literature evidence of “Theriyar”, Which containing important plant materials, such as Seeragam (Cuminum cyminum), Elam (Eletteria cardamomum), Athimathuram ( Glycerrhiza glabra), Elumichai- (Citrus limon). Each one of this drug are well known for its anti-hypertensive activity. The aim of this paper is to explore the literary evidence of its use in siddha system of medicine. Further studies needed to find out the active constituents, which is responsible for the anti- hypertensive activity. Keywords: Siddha, Hypertension, Mahaseerakadhi chooranam.


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FSD-SHT-069 Prevention and Management of Hypertension using Thirumoolar Pranayama and Jadamanji Ravinamani.R1, Kaavya.R1, Sankar Ananth.P2, Sushil.P.N.2, Balagurusamy.K3 1II

year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2Lecturer, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.

The traditional exemplary medicinal system is our Siddha system. It comprises of various unique methods such as internal medicine, external medicine and yogam. This exploratory study deals with deterrence of hypertension. Overall prevalence for hypertension in India was 29.8%. According to Siddha literature, hypertension is termed as “Kuruthi Azhal Noi”. The root causative factors, symptoms and medicinal remedies for hypertension have been explained in detail in Siddha literature. This ground work deals with treating hypertension through Thirumoolar pranayaama and certain Siddha medicines having anti - hypertensive activity such as Jadamanji Chooranam. This article would be a footstep for the scientific exploration and oversight of mode of administration, medicinal efficacy and scientific validation of Jadamanji chooranam. Keywords: Kuruthi azhal noi, Jadamanji, Thirumoolar pranayaama..


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FSD-SHT-070 Highlighting prioritized herbals based upon the modules of current trends of Hypertension K. Sabira sherin1, Chelva1, Shahin1, S. Merish2, Thomas M. Walter* 1UG


Scholars, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Scholar, *Asst. Prof, Department of Gunapadam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.

Background: Ratha pitham is referred to Hypertension in Siddha. It is considered as one of the most prevalent Non-communicable diseases next to diabetes mellitus. About 75 to 80% of the world population use herbal medicines mainly in developing countries for primary health care because of their better acceptability with the human body and lesser side effects. Hypertension is emerging as serious health issues among publics of urban than from rural. The long-term effect of this diseases makes the quality of life (QoL) becomes more worsen. Aim: To find out the safer alternative and prioritization of antihypertensive drugs from the herbal origin. Method: Because of urbanization and deforestation, there is a huge lack of raw drugs which motivates researchers to think of better and safe alternate herbs for the existing ones. Primarily the literary review was carried out on Siddha literatures and the plants indicated for Ratha pitham/Kuruthi Azhal noi were taken into the review. To find out the ideal antihypertensive drugs, Siddha principles on hypertension and ideal properties of their counterpart conventional antihypertensive agents including Diuretics, ACE inhibitors, calcium channel blockers, vasodilators and beta-blockers were reviewed. Conventional clinical evidence shows calcium channel blockers, diuretics and ACE inhibitors as the preferred first line of treatment. Here we addressed and listed out the herbs includes vengayam, Murungai, Milagu, Malli, Thandri, poondu etc which have the properties for the first line of treatment based on literature review. Conclusion: This work reveals that the herbs indicated for Ratha pitham has ACE inhibition, diuretic, calcium channel blocking and vasorelaxant properties. This is the right time for all of us, to do translational research; reverse pharmacological documentation, finding out the solution for combating the raw drug scarcities etc. Key words: Antihypertensive herbs, Medicinal plants, Siddha medicine, lifestyle diseases. 97

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FSD-SHT-071 Prevention and Management of Lifestyle Disorder – Hypertension (Athikuruthi Azhutham) S. Sakthikala1, S. Jeeva1, S.K. Sasi2 1P.G

Scholar, Noi naadal department, Govt, Siddha Medical College, Chennai. 2Head of the Noi naadal department, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai.

The Siddha medicine is an ancient system of medicine which gives equal importance in prevention and curing the disease. Hypertension, an elevated blood pressure is a chronic medical condition in which the pressure in the arteries is elevated. Screening programs reveals that 25% of persons in the general population are hypertensive due to stress, obesity and physical inactivity. Now-a-days several anti-hypertensive drugs are available which cause many side effects such as diarrhoea, Glucose intolerance, Elevated uric acid level, Hypo or Hyperkalemia and Impotence. In Siddha system of medicine hypertension is explained as Athikuruthi azhutham. “Vagaiyana pithathil vaayu koodil Thalaikirukku asathiya thathu nattam”- sathaga naadi That the primary cause of the disease Athikuruthi azhutham is pithavatham. Siddhars have mentioned daily and seasonal regimen and also some life style changes for prevention and curing the disease. This article reviews some herbs, diet, and lifestyle modifications for the prevention and management for hypertension. Keywords: Athikuruthi azhutham, Hypertension, Herbs, Diet, Life style modification


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FSD-SHT-072 Review on Antihypertensive Medicinal Plants Sandhiya.V1, Sowmiya Sree.R1, Saravana Kumaran.P2, Aaliya Parveen.M2, Balagurusamy.K3 1III

year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal of Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, Sriperumbudur


Hypertension is the lifestyle disorder. About 970 million people worldwide suffer from the disease resulting in significant mortality and financial burden globally. In siddha system it is also known as “Kuruthi azhal noi”, “Ratha pitham” due to increased pitham level in the body. The major cause for hypertension are stress, obesity, alcohol consumption, smoking. The hypertension leads to the complications of myocardial infarction, cerebral haemorrhage, renal failure. The medicinal plants such as Cuminum cyminum (Seerakam), Cynodan dactylon (Arugampul), Melothira maderaspatana(Musumusukai), Bacopa monnieri(Brahmi), Phyllanthus emblica(Nellikai), Saussurea lappa (Kostam),Taxus baccota (Thalisapathri), Allium sativum(Poondu) are mentioned in the siddha literature, Gunapadam mooligai vagupu to control hypertension. This poster deals with scientific validation of antihypertensive potential of medicinal plants used in the siddha classical text for the management of Ratha pitham. Keywords: Siddha medicine, Ratha pitham.


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FSD-SHT-073 Role of Varma in Managing Hypertension R. Sangeetha, Sri Sai Ram Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Background: Varma maruthuvam adipadai kalvi Aim: To manage hypertension through varma. Hypertension is the high blood pressure. It is a long term medical condition. Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of arteries as it flows through them. It is rarely accompanied by symptoms. The causes of hypertension is not known in 90 to 95 percent. Hypertension without a known cause is called primary or essential hypertension. And the other type is secondary hypertension caused by another medical condition. The elevated blood pressure can be managed by varma treatment. In varma, body’s pressure points are manipulated to heal or cure harm. It is the application of pressure-point striking. There are some of varma points effectively used to manage hypertension. Method: 1. Thivalaikalam 2. Ottuvarmam 3. Thatchanaikalam 4. Patchivarmam 5. Akkul thadaval 6. Sunnambukalam Conclusion: These varma points can be effectively used by the hypertension patient to improve their lifestyle.100 Acknowledgement: Dr.S.Mathukumar, Kanimozhi, Dr.latha rani






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FSD-SHT-074 Life Style Management of Yogam for Hypertension in Siddha System of Medicine P. Sugasini*, Lalitha sivasankaran *, N.J. Muthukumar**, V. Mahalakshmi***, M. Mahadevan***, D. Periyasamy***, P. Samundeswari*** PG Scholar*, Head of the Department**, Lecturer*** Sirappu Maruthuvam Department, National Institute of siddha, Tambaram Sanatorium Chennai -47 Siddha system of medicine one of the traditional method originated in south india. It promotes the physical and mental health. Siddhars are those who have attained longevity by Astangayogam. Hypertension may be correlated with ‘kuruthiazhal’ in siddha system of medicine. When the physiological change and pathological disorders occurred in the lumen of the artery the blood vessel becomes constrict, there increased the blood pressure in the artery. Hypertension is major public health problem and important risk factor for cerebrovascular accident, coronary heart disease and renal failure. The blood pressure not controlled with drug therapy in large number of individuals, one of main reason of hypertension is life style modification such as stress, physical activity, smoking, dietary modification. There is need for non pharmacological alternative methods to control the blood pressure. The 80 percentage of hypertension cases suffering from stress. Hypertension can be controlled and prevented by practice of yogam regularly (pranayamam, meditation, nadisuthi, yogasanam). Those who are practicing yogam regularly they are prevented from many diseases Like Obesity, Bronchial asthma, Hyperlipidemia and etc. yogam therapy in addition to standard medical therapy reduces blood pressure. Here I conclude yogam play the greater role in the reduction of stress induced hypertension. Keywords: Siddha System of Medicine, Hypertension, Yogam


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FSD-SHT-075 Preventive Aspects and Role of Siddha Medicines in the Management of Essential Hypertension 1K.

S. Uma, 1S. Geethalakshmi, 2K. Kanakavalli, 1N. Kabilan, 1T. Balasubramaniam The Tamil Nadu Dr. M. G. R. Medical University, Guindy, Chennai. Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai.

About 95% of adults with high blood pressure have essential hypertension. Vitiation of Pitham and Vyana Vayu are responsible for increase of blood pressure. Excess intake of salt, obesity, and perhaps sedentary lifestyle are the major cause for the development of essential Hypertension. Another common reason of hypertension is stiffening of the aorta with increasing age. The antihypertensive as well as diuretic property of the drug plays a major role for treating hypertension. In siddha system, the drug prescribed for hypertension has potency to pacify the excess pitham and excess vatham to normalise the blood pressure. In this article it is planned to discuss regarding preventive aspects and role of Siddha medicines like Sarpagandha chooranam, Kuridhiazhal Chooranam, Venthamarai chooranam, Jeerakathy chooranam, Asai chooranam and mahaelathi chooranam in the management of essential Hypertension. Types of hypertension, stages of hypertension, signs and symptoms, risk factors, complication of hypertension, Literature evidence supporting for the antihypertensive property for the above mentioned Siddha Medicines, food habits and exercise for preventing Hypertension are discussed in this article. Those who follow proper diet and the Siddha medicine for the management of essential hypertension since onset of disease can lead healthy life without facing the complication of hypertension. Key words: Essential Hypertension, Sarpagandha chooranam, Kuridhi azhal Chooranam, Venthamarai chooranam, Jeerakathy chooranam, Asai chooranam. Maha elathi chooranam.


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FSD-SHT-076 Review on Management of Hypertension through Siddha Medicine Annapavazha Chenthooram Visalee.N1, Saravana Priyaa.Ra1, Saravana Kumaran.P2, Balagurusamy.K3 1III

Year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3The Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Siddha system of medicine, one among the ancient traditional medical systems of India. Lifestyle has been changed nowadays where the people are busy thinking about their jobs and all which paved a way to some disorders like Hypertension, PCOS, Diabetes mellitus, Cancer etc. Hypertension or High Blood Pressure is defined as pressure exerted by blood on the arterial walls. In Siddha it is known as Narambirukkam, Ratha amukkam, Ratha pitham etc. It is asymptomatic in early stage. Due to some external factors pitham increases from its normal range and affects saram and senneer which leads to increase in the blood pressure and disturbing normal parameters of the blood. Later on, it increases the risk of Cardiac disorders, Stroke and finally leads to death.The major cause of hypertension is Chronic Renal Disease. Hypertension is significantly higher in those who consume alcohol and in subjects with rised total cholesterol in blood. Keywords: Hypertension, AnnaPavazha chenthooram, Adhikuruthi Azhutham


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FSD-SWH-077 Stress among Working Women and its Management by Siddha System of Medicine Abinaya.C, CRRI, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. A woman is known to be multi-faceted and plays some vital role in the economic and social development of the nations all over the world. Working women have a whole set of problems involving both family and professional lives. There is always a fight against time for working women. It becomes seemingly difficult for her to maintain a work life balance. Women who work outside the home are required to make many socio-familial adjustments that may contribute more stress and anxiety. This in turn, leads to stress of a person and affects mental health. Stress tops the charts of causation of many life style diseases like diabetes, hypertension, sleep disorders, etc… Hence there is a need to improve the mental health status of working women through stress management techniques. In this presentation I am going to explain about stress among working women and how it causes mental health illness and how to manage stress by siddha system of medicine. Key words: Working women, stress, mental health.


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FSD-SWH-078 Traditional Approach towards Siddha Polyherbal Formulation for Women’s Health a Review Adaikala Devi.A*, Semalatha.S, Hema.Y, Saravanadevi M.D PG Scholar, Post Graduate department of Gunapadam (pharmacology), Government Siddha medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Head of the Department Post Graduate Department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Women who are the wonderful gift to the world. She plays an important role in our society because of their abilities, aspirations and qualities in all walks of life. Now-a-days, our life style modifications like junk foods, inappropriate timing in diet and sleep, excessive stress, lack of exercises, lead to many gynaecological disorders. Younger generations were addicted to sedentary life style and the food they eat are contaminated with colour additives, preservatives, and pesticides may also prone to obesity, Irregular menstruation, dysmenorrhea, and Infertility. Siddha system is a unique ancient medical system. In this system lot of herbal, animal, metal and mineral medicinal formulations are available. Even in the modern medicine they are using active principle of medicinal plants. The aim of this presentation is to review the chemical constituents of Medicinal plants of ploy herbal formulation which is responsible for treating the gynaecological disorders in Siddha System of medicine. It comprises of Anethum graveolens, Coscinium fenestratum, Nigella sativa and jaggery. The above mentioned polyherbal formulation has no side effect and more potent. In future it will be one of the best medicine to treat the amenorrhea and gives a very good remedy in treating infertility. Keywords: Women health, Siddha, Infertility, Amenorrhea.


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FSD-SWH-079 Treatment of Menorrhagia (Perumbadu) with Thathu Vaguppu Marundhugal in Siddha System Dr. R. Antony Duraichi1, M. A.L.Rahmath Razeena2, R. Sukirtha3 1Lecturer,

Department of Gunapadam, 2-3PG Scholar, Department of Gunapadam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.

Background: This is a review of metals and minerals used in siddha medicine for women’s health. Siddha Medicine for common disorders among women’s problem such as urinary tract infection, puberbal changes, Post menopausal syndrome, PCOD, menorrhagia, bacterial vaginites, fibroid uterus, etc. Here I am discuss about review of metals and minerals having styptic activites used in siddha medicine for menorrhagia. Aim: To list out the various metals and minerals used in the treatment of Menorrhagia on siddha literature. Method: Siddha literature on medication for styptic activity was carried out. This review articles provides herbals used to cure Menorrhagia. Conclusion: It is concluded that metals and minerals are also having styptic activity especially acts on menorrhagia for women’s health. Keywords: Siddha Medicine, Styptic Activity, Menorrhagia.


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FSD-SWH-080 A Review of Effective Medicinal Herbs in Women's Health Archana.N1, Abinayaa.P2, Aruna.S3, Kanagavalli.K4 1,2Final


Year BSMS, GSMC, Chennai Varmam and Puramaruthuvam, GSMC, Chennai 4Principal, GSMC, Chennai

Background: Every human being is the author of his own health or diseases. A healthy lifestyle not only alters our body but also alters our mental health. In this rapidly developing world life style disorders also develop rapidly. Epidemiological study shows that one in every ten women are affected with polycystic ovarian syndrome.20-25% of women's population are suffer from galactorrhoea. Moreover 18 million people among 30-55 years suffer from menorrhagia. So it is necessary to formulate a framework of dietary and medicinal guidelines in women's health. Aim: A literature review on dietary and medicinal guidelines on menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, polycystic ovarian syndrome, galactorrhoea as the common developing disorders Methods: A review to measure the efficacy of siddha principles is being discussed in this presentation. Review has been done through treasure of siddha as literature in books Results: Results fetch out of review assure that there may be effective management of above disorders through siddha guidelines in women's health. Conclusion: This literature review will pave way for productive knowledge in the field of women’s health. Prevention and management is the key for the healthy life. Life style disorder may lead to chronic diseases. According to "Theraiyar pinni anugavithi" prevelance makes us for healthy life style. Keywords: Literature review, medicinal guidelines, women’s health


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FSD-SWH-081 Evaluation of a Folklore Herbal Regimen for Female Infertility Arthana.T1, Nivedha.M1, Balagurusamy.K2 1Final

year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College & Hospital, sriperumbudur. 2Principal, velumailu siddha medical college, sriperumbudur.

Siddha medicine has its own unique way of treating many chronic and challenging diseases. Despite of many diseases, Infertility is one of the major global health issues. It is a multidimensional problem which affects the women socially, economically, mentally. Infertility refers to an inability to conceive even after having regular unprotected coitus for one year. One out of every six couples (40-50%) is getting afflicted with Female infertility. The major causative factors for infertility are PCOD, Stress, Food habits and regimens. This article mainly deals about the management of infertility by Mahavilva chooranam and Keezhanelli chooranam, A Folklore practice at thiruvannamalai district for effective treatment of female infertility. This article evaluates the effectiveness of this folklore siddha regimen scientifically. Keywords: Mahavilva chooranam and Keezhanelli chooranam for female infertility.


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FSD-SWH-082 A Review on Silasathu for the Management of Azhal Neersurukku (Interstitial Cystitis) Atula.S1, Monikaa Shree.J.S1 Balagurusamy.K2 1III

year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Siruneerpai thabidham (cystitis) is the inflammation of bladder most commonly occurs in young to middle aged women. Cystitis is of two types - Acute and chronic (Interstitial) Cystitis. Interstitial Cystitis is otherwise known as “painful bladder syndrome” which is considered to have no known cause and cure in Modern Medicine. Interstitial Cystitis is comparable with Azhal Neersurukku in siddha. According to Siddha, Azhal Neersurukku is due to aggravation of pitham and vatham. More specifically Abana Vayu (Keezhnokku kaal) seems to be aggravated producing symptoms like frequent and painful micturition, other symptoms are pain in vulva, vagina and pain during intercourse, lower back pain, urethral pain. This article deals with the prevention and management of Azhal neersurukku using silasathu. Keywords: Siruneerpai thabidham, Cystitis, Silasathu.


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FSD-SWH-083 A Review on Folklore Methods Followed in Puerperal Care S.Boomathi1, K.Vishnu priya1, M.Aaliya parveen2, K.Balagurusamy3 1Final

Year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2Lecturer,

Siddha system of medicine is an ancient traditional medicine that have been practiced by Tamil people in their day to day life. Siddha system of medicine is a vast repository of internal and external medicines in the management of health and disease. Puerperal period relates to the period immediately after delivery extending up to 6 weeks. Puerperal care for women has traditionally focussed on routine examination of vaginal blood loss, uterine involution, blood pressure and temperature. Puerperal period is more prone to infections. In rural regions of Tamil Nadu ‘Pathiya murai’ was followed to manage the puerperal condition by means of their diet and medicine. Especially they prescribed a special medicine called ‘Arai marunthu’.This article reviews that all these methods are followed to remove the lochia completely, to promote lactation, to reduce the uterus to normal size and to prevent the postnatal sepsis. Keywords: Arai marunthu, Pathiya murai, Puerperal care, Rural method.


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FSD-SWH-084 Siddha Therapeutic Measures for the Management of Hypothyroidism Carolin.P1, Arthi.B1, Ramya2, Balagurusamy.K3 1UG

scholar, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


The complexity of the challenges faced by women throughout the life course needs high focus on health system. The health status women directly reflect the health of the nation. Hypothyroidism is more common in young age women, mostly under the age of 14-16. It is associated with obesity, depression, fatigue, dry skin, infertility etc., Siddha medicine is a combination of both herbal and metals for curing illness due to lifestyle changes in a simple way of treatment. In our system, numerous medicines are available, which enhances the hormonal and metabolic regulations that prevent the women from various health issues. This works deals with the validation of siddha therapeutic regime for the management of hypothyroidism. Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Siddha medicine, Women health, Hormonal imbalance.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-085 Karuncheeraga chooranam - Correction of Amenorrhea in PCOS Chitra.S.M. Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai Head of the Department: Anbu.N, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai PCOS is one of the most common reproductive health problems of women.In PCOS, Amenorrhea and Irregular menstrual cycle are the most common symptoms due to anovulation which lead to Infertility.The incidence appears to increase due to change in lifestyle and stress.Hence we suggest Karuncheeraga Chooranam - a Polyherbal siddha formulation for the correction of Amenorrhea in PCOS.This formulation is composed of three ingredients. According to the scientific review each ingredient of karuncheeraga chooranam possess Emmenagogue, Hypolipidemic, Hypoglycemic, Anti Inflammatory Activity which could have potent therapeutic role in the management of Amenorrhea in PCOS.Therefore we made a case study in patients between the age limit of 20 and 35 in department of Pothu Maruthuvam (OPD), Government Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Arumbakam, Chennai. After the regular follow up the patients were restored with menstruation.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-086 Review on Siddha Medicine-Prevention and Management of Bone Diseases in Women Deepika.R1, Sivaranjani.V1, Ramya.R2, Balagurusamy.K3 1UG

Scholar, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Health care access is important for women as their body changes throughout her life time from fetal development to post menopause. Women are responsible for the propagation of our generations. Hence, there is a need to maintain good health of women. They are generally prone to many diseases due to changes in dietary preferences. Also they have low bone density and weak, thinner, fragile bones when compared to men. 80% of people suffering from osteoporosis are women and 40-50% risk of having a fracture due to their low bone density. Good life style habit can helps to prevent our bones and reduces its chance of getting osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a medical condition which exert influence on women above 50 years but for the sake of lifestyle changes. It spots between the age of 20-40 nowadays. Prevention is better than cure, hence osteoporosis in women can be prevented by having healthy diet rich in calcium, vitamin D right from their younger age. This presentation is to recapitulate about the management of bone diseases in women through our siddha medications along with healthy food habits and yogasanas. Keywords: women’s health, siddha medicine, osteoporosis, yoga postures, bone health for women.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-087 Siddha Regimen in Haemorrhagic Ovarian Cyst without Peritoneal Bleeding (KarupasayaKatti) – A case report Dr. G. Dharshini Priya III year PG Scholar Ovarian cysts is a health condition becoming very common now a days.When internal haemorrhage occurs into functional cysts of the ovary it is called a haemorrhagic ovarian cyst. This occurs most commonly into a corpus luteal cyst, and less often in a follicular cyst. In India, the incidence is about 7% of women have a ovarian cyst at some point in their lives and out of all ovarian cysts 13.7 % are said to be haemorrhagic cyst. A 42 year old female patient with haemorrhagic ovarian cysts came for Siddha treatment. The patient is pitta prakriti and diagnosed as karupasayakatti as per Siddha. The base line hormone assays for LH, FHS, testosterone and fasting insulin were found within normal limits.The initial treatment with Agasthiyarkuzhambufor 1 day was administrated to regularize appetite and bowel movement.The main course of treatment included Sangadravagam and Sombutheeneer in the recommended dose as per Siddha pharmacopeia for 3 months. After the 3 months, an ultrasound study with tras-vaginal proof was found normal. Sangadravagam with sombutheeneer had the anti spasmodic activity in our siddha literature.Hence Sangadravagam along with Sombutheeneer may have a role in curing haemorrhagic ovarian cysts. Further study is recommended.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-088 Review on Menorrhagia in Siddha Medicine Dhasrina.R1, Anu Renjini R.L1, Ramya.R2, Balagurusamy.K3 1UG

scholar, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbudur. professor, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu siddha medical college and hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Siddha is derived from the root word ‘’Siddhi’’ which means an object to be attained (or) perfection or ’heavenly bliss’. Siddha system of medicine helps to prevent and manage bundle of diseases. Nowadays, women are facing struggle to get rid of uterine disorders. Among them menorrhagia is common among women in their life style. Menorrhagia (also known as heavy menstrual bleeding) is defined as excessive menstrual blood loss that interferes with the women physical, emotional, social and material quality of life and that can occur alone or in combination with other symptoms. In menorrhagia total menstrual flow is >80ml per cycle or soaking a napkin/tampon every two hours or less. This is due to imbalance of various hormones which have regulatory effect on menstrual cycle. Menorrhagia is common and affects many women life adversely. It is important to know which treatments are more effective. This overview has concentrated on various categories of treating menorrhagia through diet managing, Siddha medicines and indicating few folklore practices that are found hidden in our tradition. Hence, this presentation showed encouraging response in terms of clinical improvement/control of uterine bleeding. Keyword: Menorrhagia, Women health, Siddha medicine.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-089 Women’s Health in Postpartum Period Edwin Anandham L, Vignesh K Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem Even though women being a boon to mankind, they face lots of health issues in every phase of their life. So it is important to focus on her health care; The most important period in her life is being pregnant and postpartum period; Nowadays the care taken during pregnant period seems to be reduced after their delivery ; Postpartum maternal health care is a neglected aspect of women's health care; This neglect is evident in the limited national health objectives and data related to maternal health; Physical and psychological changes that take place during postpartum- cesarean and normal delivery ;Need of some kind of rituals in postpartum period; Diets during postpartum period; Do’s and don'ts; Postpartum maternal Health care policies introduced by government. Eventhough government allots various policies, awareness regarding proper health care during the postpartum period should be created.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-090 A Systematic Review on Herbs having Potent Galactogogue activity in Siddha System of Medicine Elakkiyaa. V1*, Sivakkumar. S2, Mariappan. A2, Visweswaran. S 3, Banumathi.V4 1 PG

Scholar, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, India. Lecturer, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, India. 3 Head of the Department i/c, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 4 The Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai, India. 2

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends that all infants should be exclusively breastfeed up to the age of six months. It is the normal infant feeding method and it is the only source of nutrition to the infants. Lactation insufficiency is the most common cause for the mother to stop breastfeeding early. Obesity, delayed childbearing age, cesarean section are the common reason for insufficient breast milk secretion. The use of breast milk substitutes increases the risk of mortality and malnutrition among infants. So Galactogogues are the only better way to overcome this problem. Galactagogues are medications or any substances which assist initiation, maintenance and augmentation of maternal milk production. Several medications such as Metoclopramide, Domperidone, Sulpiride, Chlorpromazine acts as galactogogues which may produce some adverse effects like restlessness, fatigue, dry mouth, breast discomfort, mental depression, anxiety, tremor and other dystonic reactions in long term usage. In Siddha system many more herbs and formulations are used for the purpose of breast milk production which can be administered to all postpartum mothers without any adverse effects. This study is aimed to review the galactogogue effect of herbs and medicines in Siddha medicine and create awareness among the postpartum mothers about the galactogogue herbs. The herb Thannervittan (Asparagus racemosus), Venthayam (Trigonella foenum-graecum), Nila poosani ( Ipomoea mauritiana), Aalivithai (Lepidium sativum ), Aamanakku (Ricinus communis), Ellu (Sesamum indicum) and Siddha proprietary medicines such as Thaneervittan Nei, Sowbagya Chundi Leygium are some of widely used Siddha galactogogues. This study is concluded that, the usage of herbs and herbal based Siddha galactogogue medicines are more effective and helps to improve the lactation in natural way. Further clinical studies are to be needed to confirm this effect. Keywords: Breastfeeding; Galactogogue; Siddha medicines.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-091 Role of Herbals Enhancing Lochia Discharge - A Literature Review Dr. G. Essakky Pandian1, G. Ragavi2, G. Sujitha3 1Lecture,


Department of Gunapadam Scholar, Dept. of Gunapadam, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.

Background: Lochia is the vaginal discharge after giving birth (puerperium) containing blood, mucus and uterine tissue. Lochia discharge typically continues for 4-6 weeks after child birth. Which is known as the postpartum period. The discharge consists of: 1. Discharge and blood from the area on the uterine wall to which the placenta was attached during the pregnancy. 2. The sloughed off endometrium which gets considerably thickened during pregnancy. 3. Blood and muscus from the healing cervic and necrotic tissue. Aim: To review the emmenogogues activity of herbs aids removal of retained tissues and uterine tonic assists with healing and regeneration of the uterine lining. Methods: Siddha literature on medication for emmenogogues and uterine tonic after child birth was carried out. This paper provides traditional plants used in postnatal care with effective lochia removal by the emmenogogue activity and expelling any retained placenta or membrane after delivery. Conclusion: The Knowledge about clinical practice of plants used as emmenogogues is reduced. In this review article quiet powerful herbs that have a specific stimulant action on womb for expulsion of lochia are reviewed. Keywords: Lochia, Siddha Literature, Emmenogogue activity.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-092 Prevention and Management of Post Menopausal Symptoms of Women Eswari.S1, Swetha.D2, S.Gandhimathi3, K.Kangavalli4 1S.Eswari,

Final Year BSMS, GSMC Chennai. Final Year BSMS, GSMC Chennai. 3S.Gandhimathi, Department of Sool and magalir maruthuvam, GSMC Chennai 4K.Kanagavalli, Principal, GSMC Chennai. 2D.Swetha,

Background: Siddha system of medicine which originated in south India derives its name from ‘Siddha’ Which means achievement.The practitioners of this medicine system are called siddhars. They need to attain the physical and spiritual excellence to be abled to treat people.Unique Issues of women include pregnancy, menopause and conditions related to female genital Organs.The prevalence of symptoms among the post menopausal women are as follows: Hot flashes – 65%,night sweat-44%,vaginal dryness48%,dyspareunia-26%,insomnia-44%, Feeling depressed-44%. Overall 31% of post menopausal women need oestrogen supplement depending upon the severity of symptoms. Aim: To reduce the complications of post menopausal symptoms which mainly involves osteoporosis, Increase in LDL level which leads to obesity, hot flash, psychological disturbance. Method: The plants which prevent these complications are chosen which can be taken as a single drug or a combined drug can be advised to take in the diet so that the effects of post menopausal symptoms can be controlled.Especially the diet which contains calcium, which lowers LDL level, which improve the mental health. Result: As a result the complications can be reduced and the women after their menopause can lead a healthy life which promote the longevity of life. Conclusion: Thus the life style disorders of women after menopause can be controlled and managed.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-093 Phytochemical Analysis of Atthi Manappagu – A Herbal Remedy for Anaemia in Adolescent Girls Ezhil Mangai K 1, Shameem Fathima2*, Dr K Kanakavalli3 1Third

Year BSMS, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai 600 106. of Physiology, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai 600 106. 3The principal, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai 600 106.


Anaemia is the condition in which our body does not have enough erythrocytes so as to deliver required amount of oxygen throughout the body tissues. The exact number of people suffering for anaemia is difficult to determine as this goes undiagnosed. The prevalence of anaemia was found to be 35.1%. A significant association of anaemia was found with socio-economic status and literacy status of parents. Anaemia rarely causes death, but the impact on human health is significant. In the developed world, this disease is easily identified and treated, but frequently overlooked by physicians. The prevention and successful treatment for anaemia remains woefully insufficient worldwide, especially among underprivileged women and children. Siddha, an ancient Indian medicinal approach and science makes use of natural herbs to formulate remedies. Various combinations of which helps us in improving the immunity and provide strength and endurance as well. There are plenty of herbs enlisted in Siddha literature to overcome Anaemia both of extrinsic and intrinsic origins by increasing our blood haemoglobin count and RBC production. Here the information about ATTHI MANAPPAGU, an herbal preparation by the folklore has been explained. The detailed article will explain about the phytochemicals present in atthi manappagu and its action towards the prevention of anaemia in adolescent girls, which is under process. Keywords: Atthi manappagu, phytochemicals, anaemia, siddha


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-094 Simple Home Remedies for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Ezhil Mangai K¹, Venkatesh S¹, Sankaranarayanan S²*, Kanagavalli K³ ¹Department of Medicinal Botany, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106. ²Dept. of Medicinal Botany, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106. ³The Principal, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106. Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a physiological disorder that causes many negative effects involving a variety of systems in the body, such as the endocrine, metabolic, psychological, and reproductive systems. This paper is a detailed study which was carried out in order to collect information on the medicinal plants to treat Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is a major threat to the teenaged women nowadays. In order to thoroughly understand these aspects of PCOS, the causes, symptoms, and treatments were explored. The diversity of causes and symptoms of the disease add to the difficulty in diagnosis and treatment of PCOS. The best treatment option varies among individuals, and the effectiveness of each treatment can vary according to an individual’s condition. The research on all of these aspects of PCOS will inform the public about how PCOS can affect them and their loved ones. From this newly gathered knowledge, individuals may be able to protect themselves from some of the negative consequences associated with PCOS. Keywords: Polycystic ovarian syndrome, endocrine, Metabolic, Psychological and reproductive system.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-095 Thaerayar’s Principle in PCOD - A Cystic Forum of Women’s Lifestyle Gomathi.P, Priyadharshini. M Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College & Research Centre Aim: To ensure and prevent women’s health by modifying her lifestyle especially in PCOD & by applying the lifestyles uttered by Siddhar Thaerayar. Background: Women’s health is the first line of defence in a family.Hence it is mandatory to maintain her health. PCOD-Polycystic ovarian Disease. 1 in 10 women affected by PCOD. This lifestyle disorder can be prevented by metamorphosing her lifestyle with management of Siddha medicine Methods: Collection of text from various siddha text, information from e-books, reference articles etc., Result: Metamorphosing the lifestyle is an important criteria for PCOD. The changes starts from our day to day activities. Food is the medicine for prevention and management. Hence a conscious must be created towards a food. Conclusion: The metamorphose in the lifestyle is the modem for women’s health.The principles of Thaerayar helps for this change. For treatment and management, our Siddha Pharma has the efficient to change Polycystic Ovary to healthy ovary. Keywords: PCOD, lifestyle, prevention, food, Siddha Acknowledgement: Dr.Mathu Kumr.S MD (S), Principal, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College & Research Centre, Chennai, Dr.Mary Princess Sulekha. S MD (S), Dr. Subathra. T MD (S)


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-096 Effects of Erythrina Variegate on Uterine Fibri Gowsalya.E, Rajrajaswari Sivaraj Siddha medical college salem, Tamil nadu Life style disorder is the main problematic condition of both developed and developing countries. Women’s health plays an important role in the society. In the current scenario uterine fibroid affects most of the population, Smooth muscles and connective tissues are the composition of uterine fibroid which is benign. In Siddha it is compared to Ratha Gunmam. Hormonal imbalance plays a due to life style changes plays a important role in pathogenesis. Erythrina variegate (fabaceae family, tamil name- kalyana murungai)) has been used as a traditional medicine in tropical and sub tropical Regions. A wide range of chemical compounds namely flavanoids, alkaloids, tetrepenoids are extracted from the different part of it. Leaves are used for fever and to cure inflammation. Barks and roots of this tree posses potent anti- angiogenic, anti - asthmatic, anti- helminthic, anti- bacterial antioxidant, anti- arthritic and astringent properties. This present study is going to explore the action of flower (Erythrina variegate) on uterine fibroids. Keywords: Uterine fibroid, Life style disorder, Erythrnia variegate flower


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-097 Life Rituals – A Root for Women’s Health from Womb to Tomb. Gugan.A1, Sai Dhivya.S1. 1UG Scholars, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu, India. We are well known that siddha system bonds with the life of Tamil people. It is believed that improving women’s life improves the society. Public have become increasingly aware of women’s health and its need. Health caution is important for women as women’s body changes throughout her life time, from fetal development to post menopause. By knowing the multitude of health issues faced by women our culture adapts several rituals since birth through every phase of life of a female child. This study deals with the reasoning of these practices followed by Tamil people which deals with core idea of “Prevention is better than cure”. These traditional practices include rituals like tonsure, ear piercing, manjal neeradal, nalangu, valai kaapu, etc. Hence it is worthy to follow these rituals which are proposed for the health benefit of women. These practices ensure a disease free lifestyle exclusively for the women community. Keywords: Fetal development, Traditional practices, Women’s health.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-098 Menopausal & Post Menopausal Disorders through Siddha System of Medicine Dr. S. Indhira.CMO-NFSG, Govt.of Puducherry Women are the basic unit of the family organization. Now, women are becoming not only a significant unit of the society but also influencing the course of social change in society. So her health is very important to the entire community. Each and every women came across her regular physiological changes such as Puberty, Menstruation, Pregnancy, Pre menopausal, Menopausal and Post menopausal. Other than this physiological happenings many pathological ailments like Pandunoi[Anaemia], Soothaga vali[Dysmenorrhoea], Irregularperiods, Sinapaineer kattigal [PCOS], Poopputhadai [Amenorrhoea], Karupaikattigal [Uterinefibroids], Obesity, Veethana noigal [Thyroidproblems], Mathumegam, [DM], Athikuruthiazhutham [Hypertension], Keelvayu [Arthritis] Mana azhutham [Stress] are occur. In this presentation I discuss about the ailments commonly in the age group of menopausal and post menopausal period such as Stress Osteoporosis, Cognitive difficulties, Hormonal changes, Depression, Sleeping disorders etc. In our Siddha system of medicine Siddhars dealt life style modifications, diet regimen and medicines are playing major role to manage and cure the diseases.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-099 Effect of Siddha Medicine in Treating Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome J. Jayapriya1, K.Jayaram2 1UG

Student, Sivaraj siddha medical college, Salem. 2 Siddha physician, Salem.

Changed Changes in lifestyle paves the way for many diseases all over the world. It is prevalent among both sec and of all age groups. Among these disorders, women’s are more prone to hormonal disturbance due to the changes in sedentary lifestyle. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is the most common problem for women’s under 18 to 45 years of age. PCOS is a disorder where the luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone levels are impaired. The aim of this study is to treat and manage the PCOS by our Siddha medicine along with varma points. Keynotes: PCOS, Siddha Treatment, Varmam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-100 Management of Uterine Leiomyoma using Siddha Medications – A Case Report Jeevanandhini R1* Tamizhinian M2 Rajasekar D3 Thiruthani M4 PG Scholar, Department of Nanju Noolum Maruthuva Neethi Noolum, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli. 2 Final year BSMS, Govt. Siddha medical college, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli. 3 Professor, Santhigiri Siddha medical college, Santhigiri, Tiruvandrum. 4Head Of the Department, Department of Nanju Noolum Maruthu Neethi Noolum, Govt. Siddha medical college, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli. 1

Background: Uterine Leiomyoma, commonly referred as myoma, fibromyoma or fibroid has its highest prevalence in age groups between 35 and 45 years. It affects about 77% women of reproductive age among which approximately 25% women bears clinically apparent tumors. Though conservative management of uterine leiomyoma in wetern biomedicine includes various range of treatments from hormonal therapy to periodical use of non-steroidal anti inflammatory drugs, most commonly practiced treatment in hysterectomy. However, in elderly patients and in patients who prefer to retain their fertility, hysterectomy cannot be performed and traditional medical approaches should be considered the intervention of choice. Siddha, a native medical system that flourished among the Tamil speaking community in southern part of Indian Subcontinent describes about leiomyoma under the ethnic name Karuppai vaṉ kaḻalai, / Karuppai nār tacai kaṭṭikaḷ. Though huge number of medication for management of Karuppai vaṉ kaḻalai is available in Siddha repertoire, here we report the effect of kāḷamēkanārāyaṉa centtūram and koṭivēli ney in managing uterine leiomyoma. Case Details: A multigravida women, aged 40 years was reported in out patient department with severe lower abdomen pain for the past for 3-4 days. Past history includes pain, dehydration, diarrhea, vomiting, loss of appetite during 2 days of luteal phase and first 2 days of bleeding phase in regular menstrual cycle. Ultrasonography of pelvis revealed the presence of in anterior wall of myometrium. Results and Discussion: A combined therapy of kāḷamēkanārāyaṉa centtūram and koṭivēli ney was advised for a period of 60 days. Pain, dehydration and vomiting were significantly reduced in next cycle and completely disappeared in consequent cycles. Ultrasonography after 12 cycles revealed the reduction in size of fibroid to a great extent. This clearly signifies the potency of kāḷamēkanārāyaṉa centtūram and koṭivēli ney in management of uterine fibroid. 128

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Keywords: Uterine leiomyoma, fibroids,myomas, siddha system, kāḷamēkanārāyaṉa centtūram and koṭivēli ney Note: All the ethnic terms are transliterated to English by using ISO – 15919 transliteration scheme


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-101 Siddha Pharmacons for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome Kathija beevi.A1, Priya.A1, Jinu.S.S1, Aaliya Parveen.M², Balagurusamy.K3. 1III

year B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. ²Assistant Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Siddha medicine is the oldest, a foremost of all other medical systems, originated in Tamilnadu. A healthy society depends on the health of women in it. The gradual change in their lifestyle leads to many nutritional, hormonal and psychological disorders. The polycystic ovarian syndrome (Sinaipai neer kattigal) is one of the recent threats involving women’s infertility. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a common reproductive and endocrinological disorder due to multi ovarian cysts, ovulatory dysfunction and hyperandrogenism. In siddha, it comes under yoni vatha diseases as it is caused by the disturbance of vatha dosha especially Abanan (keel nokum kaal). This article explains internal and external siddha medications to overcome polycystic ovarian syndrome by maintaining mental stability and calmness since the syndrome is mainly due to anxiety and depression. Keywords: Sinaipai neer kattigal, Internal and External Siddha medicines, Life style disorders.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-102 Literary Review on Siddha Contraceptive Methods with Special Reference to Vindhu Sthambanam B. R. Kaviyadevi1*, J. Suzed Frona1, Thomas M. Walter2 1Third

Year BSMS, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli. Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, Tirunelveli.


Background: Repeated pregnancies make a woman weak both mentally and physically. It depresses women’s health, thereby creating many problems like muscle wasting, weakening of the uterus, post-partum haemorrhage, gestational diabetes, neonatal group B streptococcus sepsis, foetal growth restriction, placental abruption, placenta praevia, foetal malpresentations, etc. Repeated pregnancies should be avoided for maintaining women’s health. Through the herbal and herbo- mineral contraceptives as mentioned in the Siddha literatures, the chance of repeated pregnancies without any surgical methods or chemical pills can be achieved. Apart from these, Vindhu Sthambanam can be promoted as contraceptives in males. Aim: To review the role of Vindhu Sthambanam and specific medicines as effective contraceptives thereby promoting women’s health. Method: Vindhu sthambanam prevents the outflow and the motility of semen for some hours through their male copulatory organs into female vagina during the sexual intercourse without affecting the sexual drive. So the chances of becoming pregnant are avoided. The retention of the semen is reversible. These methods are written by Siddhars in their literatures like Agasthiar Attavanai Vaagadam, Pulipaani jaala thirattu, Therayar gunavaagadam, Therayar vaithya kaaviyam 1500, Agasthiar paripooranam, Agasthiar 2000, Bogar veetu vaithyam, Veeramamunivar vaagada thirattu, etc., The preparations as mentioned in the above Siddha literatures facilitate Vindhu sthambanam as reliable method in the natural contraception preventing repeated pregnancies and help in developing women’s health. Result: Thus, Siddhar’s method of Vindhu sthambanam along with specified medicines promote the concept of family planning thereby enhancing Women’s Health. Conclusion: By using the method of Vindhu sthambanam and preparations, contraceptive pills and oils for males can be prepared, by which complications of taking chemical 131

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contraceptive pills by females can be reduced. This results in lowering the risk of complications of contraceptives in females. Much more studies are to be done in this vital area for successful implementation of this unique natural contraceptive method.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-103 Galactogogues Activity of Herbals in Siddha System A. Kingsly1, A. Gayathri2, M. Kalaimathi3 1Reader,


Department of Gunapadam Scholar, Department of Gunapadam, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai.

Background: Lactation insufficiency become more common in female due to lifestyle modification. Increased stress in working women, intake of junk foods have contributes to nutritional deficiencies and hormonal imbalances which ultimately leads to lactation failure. Nowaday herbal preparations are known to increase significantly milk production in women. Aim: The aim of this review article is to list out the various herbals having galactogogue activity which are traditionally used in siddha system. Method: The review articles is collected from various siddha literature and the herbals having galactogogue activity are listed out. Conclusion: It is concluded that by survey of literature herbals with galactogogue activity can be used to stimulate lactation after child birth are reviewed in this article. Keywords: Siddha Medicine, Herbs in Galactogogue Activity, Lacation Insufficiency.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-104 Women’s Health M. Kiruthika, J. Bhakyalakshmi Thirumular says in his “THIRUMANTHITAM” the body is a sacred instrument to contain the soul and therefore must be nurtured well to safeguard the Life. There is a siddha saying “Unavae marunthu, marunthae unavu” which means that “Food is medicine and medicine is food”. But in this expeditious, fretful world due to alterations in women’s routine activities such as food consumption, sleep wake cycle etc., they are subjected to immense health dilemma which on onset seems to be an uncomplicated thing, but on it’s recurrence it lead to many aggravation and ends with a group of diseases.women have unique health issues. Some of the health issues are common in men and women but affects women differently.A healthy woman has a regular menstrual cycle from her onset of menarche to menopause. Because of lifestyle modifications they are held up to some menstrual disorders like dysmenorrhea (painful bleeding), amenorrhea (missed periods), menorrhagia (heavy bleeding), PCOS (ovarian cyst). Women have hormonal changes in their body during the different stages of life like adolescents, pregnancy, lactation and menopause. During all these phases, demand for iron and calcium is increased. If this increased demand is not fulfilled, they tend to suffer from chronic iron deficiency anemia and softening of bones. Few problems like hair fall, acne due to imbalanced diet disturb their mental health. A review on medicinally important herbs, having potency to overcome their day to day modifications/ deficiencies and their usage in some formulations to control, manage and prevent such lifestyle complications in women. Keywords: Lifestyle modifications, Menstrual disorders, iron deficiency anemia, herbs.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-105 A Study to Evaluate the Effectiveness of Pranayamam for Premenstrual Syndrome Lalitha Sivasankaran*, V. Anavarathan*, N.J. Muthukumar**, V.Mahalakshmi***, M.Mahadevan***, D.Periyasamy***, P.Samundeswari*** PG Scholar*, Head of the Department**, Lecturer*** Sirappu Maruthuvam Department. National Institute of Siddha, Tambaram Sanatorium Chennai. Siddha system of medicine is a holistic approach to combat of lifestyle diseases and promotes the health in entire society. The life-style diseases could be corrected and prevented by fallowing life style management practices such as Ashtanga Yogam, which are mentioned in “Theraiyar Pini Anuga Vidhi and proper diet. Pranayamam is the one of the important practice mentioned in Ashtanga Yogam. Prana means breath or life force, Yama means control; Pranayama means control of the breath, or life force. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS) is one of the commonest anxiety related life style disorder which is generally disturbs almost all the women in their fertile period. PMS upsets the both physical and psychological states of the females. Usually the subsequent somatic and emotional symptoms are affects the women a weeks before their menstrual periods, such as acne, food cravings, tenderness in breast tenderness, bloating/weight gain, headache, mild depression, anger, irritability, social withdrawal, poor concentration, sleep disturbance, mood swings and etc. PMS is usually at its worst during the seven days before the menstrual period starts and disappears once it begins. This study is evaluate the effectiveness of Pranayamam for Pre Menstrual Syndrome and promotes the healthy life style management of women-health via siddha system of medicine. And also create the awareness of life style disorders and its management to promote the healthy life. This study had conducted with ten unmarried Post Graduate Students aged between 25 to 27 years old who has with regular menstrual cycle for the last 6 months. The data were collected by the tools mentioned in DSM-IV. They were advised to practice Pranayamam regularly at early morning with empty stomach for last 7 days of the menstrual cycle. This study shown that practice of Pranayamam during Premenstrual period is considerably decreased the severity of the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome. Keywords: Siddha system of Medicine, Pre Menstrual Disorder, Pranayamam, Life style management.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-106 Efficacy of Soothaga Thadai Kudineer, A Siddha Herbal Formulation in the Management of Soothaga Thadai (Secondary Amenorrhoea) - an open pilot study. Dr. M. Lavanya1, Dr. K. Suresh2, Dr. M. Meenakshi Sundaram3 Objective: To determine the efficacy of Soothaga thadai kudineer, a siddha herbal formulation in Soothaga thadai (Secondary Amenorrhoea) patients. Method: Pilot study was conducted at Ayothidoss Pandithar Hospital, National institute of siddha, Tambaram sanatorium, Chennai-47. Ten patients were recruited in this study in the age group of 20 -35 with the matching inclusion and exclusion criteria. All the patients were treated with 325 ml of Soothaga thadai kudineer once a day for 3 days and the results were analysed Result: Out of ten patients, seven (70%) patients have regular menstrual cycle for three consequetive cycle, Three (30 %) patients have not attained menstruation.During the study it was observed reduction in BMI for 2 (20%) patients. Conclusion: Soothaga thadai kudineer has shown good effectiveness in the treatment of Soothaga thadai (Secondary Amenorrhoea) and did not shown any adverse reaction to any patients. The study procedure employed by the investigator and implication of the treatment procedure in Soothaga thadai (Secondary Amenorrhoea) will be presented in the conference. Keywords: Soothaga thadai, Secondary Amenorrhoea, Soothaga thadai kudineer, Amenorrhoea, Siddha Medicine, Lifestyle disorder.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-107 WOMEN’S HEALTH Lavanya Manuneethi, Annish Gold Rathy A UG Students, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. Women's are the "natural magical gift". Today, women have unique health issues such as polycystic ovary syndrome, pelvic inflammatory disease, uterine fibroids, etc.., menstrual cycle is related with moon. Moon releases the radiation 'zeitgebers' which reaches women's body and it influence the hormones.In olden days, people must follow the procedures during the puberty like making a coconut leave hut and give food items like black gram, gingely oil, country hens egg, jaggery, sesamine seeds, etc., These food item contain vitamin E, iron which helpful at the time of pregnancy. During menses, women's secluded from the poojas, crowds, and they have separate things. Because, at this time they have superficial power to absorb all the energies including negative energies.Nowadays, we neglect these procedures in the name of 'modern' without knowing the, nowadays women have the complications in delivery, irregular menses, infertility.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-108 Review of Yoga for the Prevention and Management of Soothaga Vaayu (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) Madhunitha.U*1, Sivakkumar. S2, Mariappan.A2, Visweswaran.S3, Banumathi. V4 1P.G

Scholar, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 3Head of the Department, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 4Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 2Lecturer,

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome is one of the lifestyle modification disorders. It is a common endocrine disorder among women of reproductive age. PCOS is a major problem in our country. The prevalence of polycystic ovarian syndrome has been estimated from 5%- 10% worldwide. In Indian adolescents, the prevalence of PCOS appears to be higher from 37% to 90%.The symptoms of PCOS are amenorrhoea, oligomenorrhoea, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhoea, infertility, constipation, anxiety, excess hair growth etc. In our Siddha system clinically this condition is correlated to Soothaga vaayu. Siddha system is one of the most popular traditional medical system in India particularly in South India in ancient period. The aim of the siddha system is to make the body perfect, imperishable to promote longevity. This study is aimed to review the suitable Yoga for the management of PCOS. Yoga is one of the most extraordinary spiritual sciences. Yoga makes a complete balance of the body, union of mind and soul. Yogasanam like Sarvaangasanam, Pujangaasanam, Pathakonasannam, Paathahasthasana, Baddhakonaasana, Patchimothaasana are clinically advised to the PCOS patients and the result of this Yoga therapy is very effective. Finally this study concluded that the condition PCOS can be managed through Yoga therapy without any drugs and complication. Keywords: Siddha Medicine; Yoga Therapy; Soothaga vaayu; PCOS.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-109 An Over view of Herbs Used in Siddha System for Soothaka Noikal (Gynecological Disorders) Mahalakshmi. V*1, Sivakkumar. S2, Mariappan. A2, Visweswaran. S3, Banumathi. V4 1P.G

Scholar, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 3Head of the Department, Department of Gunapadam, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 4Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 2Lecturer,

Siddha system is one of the ancient traditional systems of medicine. Nowadays the usage of herbs in medical system is tremendously increased. In Siddha herbs are playing vital role in medicine preparation and treatment. In Siddha system gynecological disorders are mentioned as Soodhaga Noigal which are Soothaga thadai (Amenorrhoea), Soothagavali (Dysmenorrhoea), Makavinmai (Infertility), Perumbadu (Menorrhagia), Soothaka katti (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), etc. The medicinal plants are more powerful to treat the above said conditions. This review is an evidence-based evaluation of herbs and supplements for these conditions which have been used in Siddha system. The plant sirukurinchan (gymnema sylvestrae), vellilothiram (symplocos racemosa), nilakkadambu (asarum europaeum), perunkaayam (ferula asafoetida), uthamani (pergularia daemia), Vishnukirandhi (evolvulus alsinoides), othimaram (lannea coromandelica), pirandai (cissus quadrangularis), lavangapoo (syzygium aromaticum), malaivembu (melia azadirachta) are commonly used for women’s disorders. In Siddha, clearly described about the usage of above herbs for Soothaka Noikal which can be used as decoction, Legium, Mathirai, Nei, etc. This review study is concluded that these herbs are easily available, and the preparation also very simple. From these medicinal plants we can prevent the gynecological disease and retain our women’s health. Keywords: Siddha Medicine; Soothaga Noigal; Medicinal herbs.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-110 A Traditional Go-through of Anti-Natal Care V. Manikandan1, T.S.Harivignesh1, S.Pavithra1 1UG Scholar, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. Pregnancy, also known as gestation, is the time during the development of the foetus inside a women’s womb. It can occur by the fusion of male and female gametes during the sexual intercourse. The confirmatory signs of pregnancy are missed periods, tender breasts, nausea and vomiting, hunger and frequent urination due to the compression of urinary bladder by uterus. The duration of pregnancy is 9 months ± 16 days. During this time of pregnancy, the women can face certain normal health related problems like fainting, dehydration, hyperemesis gravidarum, anaemia, pregnant swelling (oedema), weight gain, gestational diabetes, UTI, mental health problems and high blood pressure. These problems are usual and can be rectified by certain siddha herbal plants such as Nelumbo nucifera (Lotus), Zingiber officinale (Ginger), Tinospora cordifolia (Seendhil), etc. which are given in a medicated manner from first month till delivery. These drugs are mentioned in the book named “Pararaasa Sekaram”. These medications suppress the normal complications of a pregnant woman and help to get rid from them. In this article, we had described about the siddha herbal medications that were given during the time of pregnancy and also we explained the mechanism of action of the drugs in the body of the pregnant woman. Keywords: Anti-natal care, Pararaasa Sekaram, Pregnant complications, herbal drugs.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-111 Prevention and Management of Gestational Anemia by Siddha System of Medicine – Review M.S. Meena1, C. Mary Sharmila2, S. Mutheeswaran1, M. Logamanian3, V. Banumathi4 1SRF,


National Institute Of Siddha, Chennai. JSA Siddha Medical College and Research Centre, Ulundurpet. 3PI, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai. 4Director, National Institute of Siddha, Chennai.

Anemia is a major public health problem worldwide. About 1.62 billion people are affected globally. Of these, 56 million anemia cases are recorded among the pregnant women. The incidence and the prevalence of anemia is high in developing countries like India. According to the WHO organisation report, ½ of the affected cases of anemia are due to iron deficiency. Iron deficiency during pregnancy is associated with maternal mortality, preterm labour, low birth weight and infant mortality. In siddha system of medicine numerous drugs are prescribed for anemia. This article reviews the various consequences of gestational anemia and valuable Siddha drugs described intelligibly. Keywords: Anemia, Gestational anemia, Iron deficiency, Siddha.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-112 Efficacy of Nilakadambu in Treatment and Management of Micromastia M. Naga Lakshmi, C. Selvalenin, Dr. Rajarajeshwari Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem, Tamilnadu Life style determines the health of human beings. Women health is adversely affected by changes in life style and it leads to hormonal imbalance. Breast is a vital reproductive organ in all stages of women life. Nowadays Micromastia (small size breast) is becoming a common problem among women. It is due to the hormonal changes, low body fat, malnutrition, and emotional obstruction. In Siddha text, Nilakadambu juice (Asarum europaeum, Acanthaeceae family, which is small shrub grows in shady dry places) is indicated for breast development and the root of Nilakadambu is used as kulisam. GC-MS analysis shows Nilakadambu has alkaloids, phyto estrogens, flavanoids, proteins, amino acids. Topical application of this herbal juice on breast ensures the necessary elements for the growth of breast. This article will also explain the Management for micromastia using internal medication as well as external therapies like diet, yoga, varmam. Keywords: Life style, micromastia, Nilakadambu, kulisam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-113 Prevention and Management of Postmenopausal Osteoporosis through Siddha System of Medication *Nilopher.L1, Archana.K2, Dr. N.J. Muthukumar M.D(s)3, Dr. V. Mahalakshmi M.D(s)4, Dr. M. V. Mahadevan M.D (S)5, Dr. D. Periyasami, M.D(s)6, Dr. S. Samundeswari, M.D(s)7, Dr. S. Raman M.D(s)8. In Siddha System of Medicine, the disease osteoporosis is known as EnbuUluthal Noi. Osteoporosis means- ‘porous bone’. The Enbu is one of the udal thathu which gives stability and protection to the body and also manages the movement of the entire body. The overall skeletal system is a part of Vatha dosham. In old age the Vatha dhosam is increased in Udal thathukal which cause degeneration of Udal thathukal and may produce age related disorders. The Enbu uluthal (Osteoporosis) is one among them. Postmenopausal osteoporosis is the most common type of osteoporosis resulting in women from estrogen deficiency after the reproductive period. Estrogen deficiency results in an increase in bone turnover owing to effects on all types of bone cells. The imbalance in bone formation and resorption has effects on trabecular bone (loss of connectivity) and cortical bone (cortical thinning and porosity). Osteoporosis is diagnosed using bone density measurements (BDM) of the lumbar spine and proximal femur. The incidence of osteoporosis induced fractures varies greatly by country, but on average up to 50% of women >50 years of age are at risk of fractures. The hormonal imbalance can be very well managed and prevented through Siddha system of medicine which includes Medicine, Siddhar Yogam, Kayakarpam therapy, dietary regimens Siddhars’ piniyanukavithi and Siddha way of life style. Keywords: Siddha system, Postmenopausal osteoporosis, Vatham, Yogam, Bone density measurements (BDM)


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-114 The review for the management of PCOS 1UG

Nivedha.S.B.1, Naveen.P.M.1 Schcolar, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem.

Polycystic ovarian syndrome,(pcos) a lifestyle –related disease in women of reproductive age the patients suffering from pcod have multiple small cysts these cysts are occur when the regular changes of a normal menstrual cycle are disrupted ovary enlarged and produces excessive amount of androgen and estrogenic hormones excess the absence of ovulation that cause infertility the patients suffer with obesity,irregular menstrual cycle,growth of hairs body and face,chest,stomach,toes,thumbs according to certain women are insulin resistance which leads to obesity in them results in hormonal imbalance and develops into pcos “we are seeing this problem among young girls which is a worrying factor”the effects of a low glycemic index,diet compared with a conventional low-fat,high fibre diet on women with pcos treatment of pcos depends partially on the women’s stage of life the medicine are curved as theener,kashayam,mathirai,to cure pcod. Keywords: PCOS, Management, Theener, Kashayam, Mathirai.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-115 A Review on Folklore Practice and Management for Dysmenorrhoea M.Padmashini1, R.Bakkialakshmi1, A.Aruna1, S.Suresh Selvaraj2, K.Balagurusamy3 1Final

year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2Reader,

Siddha system of medicine is evolved by the siddhars who were known for the attainment of supernatural siddhis occupies a significant historical background in the establishment of indigenous medical system. Women have unique health issues during puberty life. One such issue is Dysmenorrhoea. Dysmenorrhoea is painful menstural cramps of uterine during menstural cycle. In siddha literature, Soodhaga Vali is due to karpasoodu associated with other symptoms like nausea, vomit, headache, indigestion. The main cause of dysmenorrhoea is due to release of high levels of prostaglandins and contraction of uterus. Ancient folklore practice in rural region which comprises Ferula asafoetida (perungayam), Piper nigrum (milagu), Piper betle (vetrilai), Allium sativum (poondu) and common salt taken on the first day of dysmenorrhoea. This presentation reviews on the pharmacological activity of this herbal formulation and yoga for dysmenorrhoea. Keywords: Siddha system, Soodhaga vali, Folklore medicine, Prostaglandin.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-116 Barley Rice Water with Cumin for Urinary Retention in Pregnancy Pavithra.M, UG Scholar, Sivaraj siddha medical college, Salem. Siddha medicine is a traditional medicine which is preventive and a complete recovery from pathological condition. In India, 50% of the pregnant women are having a urinary retention. Urinary retention is an inability to empty the bladder completely. This retention is due to hypo-osmolarity in the medullary interstitial fluid of nephrons leads to the sodium and water retention results in edema in legs and ankle joint. In the Siddha Hygiene and Preventive Medicine, barley rice water is recommended to pregnancy women for urinary retention. Barley rice water has a composition of magnesium, phosphorus, copper, selenium, vitamin and dietary fiber. It has diuretic, demulcent and nutrient action. Due to the mild diuretic action it is very effective in pregnant women for urinary retention without side effect to womb. It also maintains cholesterol level and blood pressure within normal limits. Cuminum cyminum has astringent, diuretic and carminative action. Cuminum cyminum contain alkaloids hydroquinone, rutin, saponins, resins, tannins. It plays a role in the hepato protective, antioxidant, prevents blood platelet aggregation, anti-microbial activity and promotes healthy urinary micturition by relieving urinary tract infection. Based on this literature evidences, the combination of barley rice water with Cuminum cyminum (chiragam) are aiming to do further study on urinary retention in pregnant women. Keywords: Urinary retention, Barley rice water, Cuminum cyminum.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-117 A Novel Approach on Virus Caused Infertility by External Medications Pavithra.S1, Manikandan.V1, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. The prevalence of infertility varies worldwide ranging from 3% to 7%.The consequence of infertility are societal repercussions, clinical depression, personal sufferings, psycological effects, sexual dysfunction. Now, the recent study has found that the little known member of the Human Herpesvirus family called HHV-6A causes female infertility.It infects the lining of uterus in 43% of women with unexplained infertility. Earlier this virus is only known for causing respiratory distress in infants. The presence of HHV-6A DNA is also confirmed in those women but the virus was not detected in the blood. Thus, the aim of the present study was a systemic review about the infertility due to HHV-6A and to emerge the External treatment for virus caused female infertility. Podithimirthal which has an activity of the removal of viral debris deposit on the skin and to maintain the homeostasis require for the embryo formation and Fumigation has the effect of giving mental relaxation due to societal repercussions. Rizome of Curcuma longa (manjal), Leaves of Mangifera indica (mavilai), Un ripped fruit of Punica granatum (maathulai pinju) are used for the podithimirthal.Aquallaria agallocha (Agil) and Styrax benzoin (Sambrani) is used for fumigation. Curcuma longa has the anti-viral property which has been already proven as well as Mangifera indica and Punica granatum has the anti-microbial activity. These antiviral and anti-bacterial combination can give the best remedy for HHV-6A virus. Sambrani and Agil has a good aromatic odour to relieves the stress. Our study reveals that when the podithimirthal and Fumigation given along with regular internal medicine has the expected result for the virus caused infertility. Keywords: Infertility, Viral Infection, HHV-6A, Podithimirthal, Fumigation.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-118 Beneficial Effects of Rasagandhi Melugu on Fibroid Uterus Poonguzhali.S, Porkodi.S, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. Siddha system of prevalence in south India derives its name from the term Siddha which mean achievements. Siddha medicine works by rejunuvating the organ.In the developing world dueto the changes in food habit and reduced physical activities there is a number of disorder exits.The one among is very own fibroid uterus.Uterine fibroid is defined as a benign tumor derived from the smooth muscle tissue or a lump of muscle tissue that growth in the uterus. Nearly 15 -20 millions of Indian women of fibroid uterus.In Siddha literature, ”Karupai sathai kattigal or Karupai naar thasai kattigal or Thasai menkalalaigal” described as karppa vipuruthi by great review of “Yugimuni”. The clinical features of karppa vipuruthui are well associated with fibroid uterus.The clinical study was to analayse the efficacy of polyherbomineral preparation called “Rasaganthi melugu “which treats hormonal change in pre and post menopausal women.This beneficial preparation has clinical improvement in the management of uterine fibroid. Keywords: Fibroid uterus, Rasagandhi melugu.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-119 A Poly- Herbal Formution of Moosambara Mezhugu for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. S.Poonkuzhali1, L. Kavinilavu1, M.D. Saravana devi2, R.Karolin Daisy Rani3. 1Post

Graduate of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. 2Head of the Depatment, Post Graduate of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. 3Lecturer, Post Graduate of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is an endocrine disorder of an ovarian dysfunction and hyperandrogenism. It is characterized by irregular menstruation obesity, hirsutism and amenorrhoea. It is also called as “Stein Leventhal syndrome”. The prevalence of PCOS in Worldwide is about 6-10% and in India’s population 2.2% to 26% of females were affected. The Siddha system of medicine is based on the combination of ancient medicinal practices and spiritual disciplines as well as the alchemy and mysticism. Eventhough there were so many advanced treatments were available for PCOS but it has only a symptomatic solutions. We have herewith explore that, the Siddha poly-herbal formulation “Moosambara Mezhugu” for the indication of polycystic ovarian syndrome. In this current poster we would like to deliver the booning gift for PCOS through the poly-herbal formulation of Moosambara Mezhugu which comprises the ingredients such as Kariyabolam, Vaalenthiraboolam, Milagu, Karimanjal, Karunjeeragam, Kadugu, Panaivellam which was very effective in PCOS on the basis of standard operative procedure of “Kannusamy Parambarai Vaithiyam”. Keywords: Siddha, Poly-herbal formulation, Moosambara Mezhugu, PCOS.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-120 Stimulation of Swathishtanam by Yogam-Uterine Disorders Poorani. U1, Ramkumar R.S1, Jeeva Gladys.R2, Balagurusamy.K3 1UG

Scholar, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Siddhars attained holistic spiritual life by following vadham, vaithiyam, yogam, gyanam to bring out disease free society. Nowadays, women suffer from various different uterine disorders due to life style changes and food habits, resulting in weakening of abdominopelvic muscles and uterine disorders. According to Siddha philosophy, alternation in swathishtanam, [sacral chakra] can be a cause for hormonal imbalance and uterine disorders resulting in ovarion cysts and irregular menstrual cycle. This article deals with how to prevent and manage uterine disorders by balancing swathishtanam through yoga and muthirai. Keywords: Swathishtanam, Sacral chakram, Uterine disorders, yoga.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-122 Diets that Leads Natural Labour Priya sajana Venkatachalam, Madheshwaran Karunakaran UG Students, Sivaraj Siddha Medical College, Salem. The state of carrying the developing embryo or the foetus in the female body is called pregnancy. Delivery takes place by the end of gestational period of about 286 days approximately. In the wake of prevalent Caesarean sections, many women have forgotten that the natural delivery paves the way for quick healing and faster recovery and is actually beneficial for the mother. Moreover the women could feel the motherly contact with the babies as they are in conscious. Caesarean sections may lead to urinary tract infections, blood loss or injury to other organs. Statistically, about 1 in 5 pregnant women gives birth via Caesarean sections. In India, the Caesarean rates have risen of about 10 to 30percent. The change in food habits nowadays is one of the important reason for the increase in Caesarean sectional rates. So, there is in need to decrease this rate. Therefore, in my presentation I am going to explain the diet that induces the natural labour in the pregnant women.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-123 Stress vs Women’s Hormones Treatment Management-An Overview Dr.K.Rajeswari, Dr.E.Preetheekha, Dr.V.Karthick Kumar,Dr.P.Sasikumar,Dr.Vennila,Dr.Meenakshi sundaram,Prof.Dr.Banumathi. Women’s “Inner Balance”, stress related hormonal imbalance & health problems. The purpose of this descriptive study is to identify the reason for inner stress and to guide them for development of emotional and physical strength by siddha means. In the modern world stress is affecting each of us in surprising ways.It is a major culprit in hormonal imbalance and is at the root of most women's health concerns.The role of stress in the aetiology of several disease in well recognised in siddha science and modern medicine.The stress is known as “Manazhutham” in siddha. Everyone deals with stress and it’s related problems on a regular basis.Stress is always concerned with the mind.As per siddha,not only a healthy body but a healthy mind is also required to enjoy a healthy life.Its only in siddha,that the concept of a “healthy mind”, anxiety and stress relief is discussed. All branches of Indian philosophy believes in the existence of mind.Siddha also accepts that the presence of a mind is essential for perception.It is said that even in the presence of soul(Atma) senses(Indriyas) and objects placed before us,we cannot perceive objects,if the mind (mana)does not participate. Mechanism of stress and how it affects women’s hormone. Avoidance of stress is the best strategy for treatment and where it is not possible, the body should be well protected by taking appropriate care of the diet and sleep, sleep here indicates adequate rest required by the body. Further regular intake of some internal medicines and external therapy such as thapalam, tharai helps to reduce stress and balances the tridoshas. Management of stress through yoga.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-124 A Review on Action of Nava Uppu Mezhugu in Dysmenorrhoea Ravi kumar.G.A1, Senthil kumar.P2 Balagurusamy.K3 1UG

scholar, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Dysmenorrhoea is a cramping pain associated with menstruation. Nowadays dysmenorrhoea is common among women due to lifestyle changes. More than 50% of teenagers and about 30-50% of adult women suffer from dysmenorrhoea which is due to the increased release of PGF2 causing spasmodic pain with myometrial contraction. Siddha system provide a wide variety of medicines which help in regulating hormonal imbalances by adapting the function of aatharams. Nava uppu mezhugu is one of the best medicine with a combination of vallaiyaluppu, karriuppu, indhuppu, pottiluppu, amuriuppu, moongiluppu, kalluppu, paraiuppu, pooneeru, veeram, karpuram, thirikadugu which are effective in treating genital issue both in male and female. In this article, it is our aim to bring out the effectiveness of navauppu mezhugu in treating Dysmenorrhoea. Keywords: Dysmenorrhea, Navauppumelugu, Siddha medicine, Uterine pain.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-125 An overview of Pitha Paandu and its comparison with Pernicious Anemia S. Shalini1*, K. Ishwarya1, V. Bharathi1, Thomas M Walter2 1Third Year BSMS, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai, 2Assistant Professor, Government Siddha Medical College, Palayamkottai. Background: Anaemia is the most common disease entity found in Indian women because of the under nourishment and fast phased life style practices. The Siddha concept of “Pitha paandu” is found to be equal to Pernicious Anaemia as per our observations and comparison. The prevalence of Pernicious Anaemia is on the rise with 59% of Indian women suffering from anaemia including 39% with mild anaemia, 15% with moderate anaemia and 5% with severe anaemia. Aim: To give a complete picture of Pitha paandu as per the Siddha texts and its relevance with Pernicious Anaemia and also to identify the treatment modalities through internal and external medicines by both herbal and herbo-mineral formulations. Methods: In this work, we have compared the symptoms of Pitha paandu mentioned in the Siddha literature Noi naadal with those of Pernicious Anaemia. Medicines were collected from classical Siddha literatures which include internal medicines such as Karippanaadhi legiyam, Pitha paandu kudineer, Nellikaai legiyam, Arapodiyaathi vadagam etc. and the external medicine include Sandhanaathi thylam. Result: The internal and external Siddha medicines in the treatment of Pitha pandu are being compiled and evaluated. Similarities between the signs and symptoms of Pitha paandu and Pernicious Anaemia are also being documented. Conclusion: There are many exclusive and specific treatments for the different types of paandu as mentioned in the Siddha literatures. This work serves as a curtain raiser to document such specialty medicines exclusive for Pitha paandu. We have also compared the symptoms of Pitha paandu with Pernicious Anaemia. The documented preparations from the literary evidence for Pitha paandu are to be further evaluated through proper scientific parameters and research.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-126 Prevention and Management of Women Infertility- A Review Shamala gowri.P1, Dibesh D.R1, Ramya.S2, Balagurusamy K3 1Final

year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College AND Hospital, Sriperumbudur 2Lecturer,

Siddha medicines have concord with nature to cure many diseases. They have designed the line of treatment for female infertility with the valuable siddha principles i.e medicine, diet regimen and yoga of the people for their healthy life.Female infertility may be caused due to the blockages of fallopian tube, ovulation disorders, PCOD, thyroid dysfunction due to the consumption of pesticidal content food habit and life modification which leads to severe complication. There are also certain etiology for infertility like consumption of trans fat (deep fried food), caffeine (causes miscarriage) and low fat dairy products (soft cheese). This work deals with validation of Siddha medications to prevent and manage the major incidence of infertility in women’s life. Keywords: Womens health, Siddha medicine, infertility, yoga.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-127 Effective Management of Perumpaadu by Varmam Therapy 1S.Shamshalniha. 2S.Aruna 3K.Kanagavalli 1Final 2Head

year B.S.M.S, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106. of the Department, Department of Sirappu Maruthuvam, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106. 3The Principal, Government Siddha Medical College, Chennai-106.

Background: Varmam therapy is a treasure of Siddha medicine.Its function is based on vital energy circution (Saraotam) where (Pranan) life force is present.Any block in saraotam due to injury leads to a diseased condition.Stimulation of these varmam points relieves the blockage and healthy condition is acquired. Aim: To study the effective management of perumpaadu (Menorrhagia) by varmam therapy. Materials and Method: Study type: Case report. Study place: OP Department, Arignar Anna Government Hospital of Indian medicine, Arumbakkam, Chennai-106. Study period: 1siting/day for 3-7 days. Sample size: 5 Varmam therapy used: Pallavarmam, Annakaalam, Kudukkai varmam, Sakthikooradangal, Kondaikkolli, Udharakaalam Menorrhagia is defined as the abnormal blood loss >80 ml. Procedure is the stimulation of specific Varmam points. Results and Discussion: As a result of these Varmam therapy the symptoms of Perumpaadu(Menorrhagia) such as pain,bleeding are reduced.Thus,the varmam therapy serves as an approach for acute and quick relief from excessive bleeding and pain,this will be measured by VAS scale and Number of pads used by the patients per day. Conclusion: Varmam therapy is concluded as an effective therapy for Perumpaadu (Menorrhagia) without usage of Steroids and Analgesic medicines. Keywords: Varmam therapy, Menorrhagia. 156

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-128 The Role of Siddha System towards the Management of Osteoporosis in Women Shobanadevi S.1, Balagurusamy K.2 1III

year, B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur. Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur.


Siddha system is a traditional medicine which focuses equally on prevention as well as the treatment of diseases. Present day women suffer from various lifestyle disorders due to irrelevant diet and daily habits. Osteoporosis is a disease where increased bone weakness increases the risk of fracture. Demineralization of Bone increases after menopause due to lower levels of estrogen which favors calcium depletion. According to siddha system Elumbu uluthal is caused due to deranged vatham in where the Enbu thathu is affected. This article deals with various therapeutic measures and diet plan for the prevention and effective management of osteoporosis in women along with its scientific validation. Keywords: Traditional medicine, Elumbu uluthal, calcium depletion.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-129 Evidence based Siddha Medcical Management of Antenatal Care Sudha R*, Tamil selvan R, Saravanadevi M D 1. PG Scholar, Post Graduate department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. 2. PG Scholar, Post Graduate department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. 3. Head of the Department Post Graduate Department of Gunapadam (Pharmacology), Government Siddha Medical College, Arumbakkam, Chennai, Tamilnadu. Women are marvellous, splendid creation of god. The women with in her, have the power to create and nurture. Women of reproductive age have to recognize the significance of reviewing antenatal care in the community. Antenatal care is a preventive care during pregnancy. It will prevent still births, pregnancy complications, and leads to a healthy motherhood. Siddha system of medicine was one of our ethanomedical systems. In this ancient system, not only there is treatment for the diseases but also preventive measures were explained. Some of the techniques for antenatal care were available in “Agasthiyar Pindorpathy Vaithiya Sarasangiragam, Para Rasa Sekaram Part II. Apart from this some medicines such as Bavanapanchakula thylam, Yogic Asanas for pregnancy and dietary advices are also available in various Siddha literatures. This article will make a bright hope and faith to having a healthy motherhood. The main aim of this article is to bring an awareness of antenatal management in Siddha system of medicine. If it flourishes, there will be given a healthy pregnancy which is terminate in to positive labour and child birth, will appear every where. Keywords: Antenatal Care, Siddha, Motherhood, Pregnancy complications.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-130 Ayush Projects regarding Women’s Health for Iron Deficiency Anaemia - Review V.Sudha1, R.Sasi rekha 2, K.Kanakavalli3 1 PG

Scholar, Dept. of Medicine, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai. 2 Lecturer Grade II, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai. 3 Principal, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai.

Anaemia is defined as a haemoglobin concentration in blood below the lower limit of the normal range for the age and sex of the individual. One of the commonest nutritional deficiency disorder present throughout the world is iron deficiency but its prevalence is higher in the developing countries. In 1990’s anaemia placed a challenging role because anaemia is a common cause for Maternal Mortality Rate (MMR), Lower Birth Weight (LBW), Total Fertility Rate (TFR), etc.,. To eradicate the above problems, there are many national anaemia prevention and control programs which are implemented by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MHFW) under the Government of India like National Nutritional Anaemia Control Programme (NNACP), etc.,. In past two decades Department of AYUSH involved Reproductive and Child Health (RCH) projects in Women’s Health. The main goal of the AYUSH implemented projects is to treat the Iron Deficiency Anaemia in Indian population. In this article I want to review some AYUSH related anaemia correction projects like AYUSH – ISHA Organic Health System, AYUSH PUSHTI, ASHA Kit, etc.,. Keywords: Iron deficiency anaemia, MMR, National programme, AYUSH projects.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-131 A Review on Kariuppu Mezhugu for Women’s Health Swathi.T1, Abarna.B1, Senthil kumar.P2 Balagurusamy.K3 1. UG scholar, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbutur. 2. Assistant professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbutur. 3. Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbutur Women’s reproductive system is a delicate and complex system in the body. It has unique issues like menstrual disorders, pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases etc. In these days women are common in having gynecological issues due to their food and life style modifications. PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) is most common due to which they attain infertility. It is reported that about 20-40% of menstruating women suffer from one of the gynecological issue Our Siddha system of medicine uses herbs, metals and mineral products to treat various diseases. Our holistic medicine IS A divine gift to care for gynecological problems in women by using Kariuppu melugu which is a combination of kariuppu and yellow calotropis leaf to attain the goal which bear witness for treating gynecological problems. Keywords: Endometrioma, Kariuppu melugu, PCOD, Siddha medicine Women health.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-132 Clinical Study on Paandu (Anaemia) with a Siddha Formulation Theraiyar’s Kalappu Thool K.G. Tamil Oviya Arasi,1 S. Saindhavi1, S. Vendha Viyas1, M. Karthikeyan1, S. Mathu Kumar2, 1Internee,

Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre 2Principal, Sri Sairam Siddha Medical College and Research Centre Aim: The efficacy of Theriyars formulation “kalappu thool” in treating anaemia. Nutritional defiency anaemia is the most common cause of anaemia in India. The nearest correlation of iron defiency anaemia can be made with ‘Paandu’in siddha. There are number of preparations in siddha for treating Iron defiency anaemia. So this study was conducted to investigate the efficacy of siddha formulation theraiyar’s “Kalappu Thool” in anaemic patients. It was a randamised study. The study duration is 30 days. It was found significant response and claimed that to have Haemopoitic function although it was a preliminary work. Keywords: Iron defiency anaemia Paandu theraiyar, kalappu thool. Reference: Theriyar vagadam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-133 Management of PCOS through Foremost System of Medicine D.Thabashini1, Dr.P.Sadhasivam2 1UG

Student, Sivaraj siddha medical college, Salem. 2Lecturer, Sivaraj siddha medical college, Salem.

Siddha System is a miraculous System of medicine which has a root from out land. As the root penetrate deep into the soil and claims strength, this System of medicine deeply clears down the deep soil disorders (chronic diseases). This siddha System holds tremanderous information and wonders of medicines about gynaecological conditions. In siddha System of medicine, PCOS is denoted as sinaipai neerkattigal (Ovarian cyst) which affects a women’s menstrual cycle, ability to bear children, hormonal imbalance, appearance and mental state. Also it is one of the main causes for female infertility. Still modern medicine gives symptomatic relieve to this conditions. The clinical features of COPS are described in the siddha medical literature of Yugimuni vaidhya kaaviyam, Thirumoolar karukidai vaidhyamand Gnanavettiyan 1500 etc,.The medical system mainly concentrate on strengthening and revitalizing the female reproductive system and regularize the menstrual cycle. On basis of siddha philosophy, PCOS is diagnosed by Envagaithervu (Siddha diagnostic methods), determination of the natural physics of the individual by Theran Neikuri, comparing it with Panchamahaabhutas, Arusuvai (taste), Tridhosas and medicine is analysed. By mean of influence of Siddha line of treatment along with diet (based on siddha concept Suvaininaippu) and yogic management complete cure for PCOS is observed. Here by, I am going to detaily explored management of PCOS through our system Keynotes: Neikuri, Siddha line of treatment, Panchabutham, Arusuvai, Tridhosam.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-134 Emphasising peurperal complication management through traditional knowledge Umera.S1, Mugunthan L 2 1Assistant 2Research

medical officer, Jamuna mardhur PHC, Thiruvannamalai HUD. officer, central council of research in Siddha, Arumbakkam

Background: Peurperium is considered as fourth trimester and it’s the period to restore the wellbeing of the women after delivery. Maternal conditions dominate the burden of reproductive ill-health, accounting for 14.5% of the global burden of disease particularly in India. The complication such as, iron deficiency anemia, puerperal sepsis, deep vein thrombosis, Cerebro vascular accidents are encountered. Among all the complications now a day’s development of nuclear families raises the risk of post partum psychosis or depression. The prevalence of post partum psychosis is increased up to 23% in India during the year 2012- 2016. Aim: The aim of this presentation is to highlighting the importance of proper puerperal care which our grandparents insist decades before and to prove the scientific validation of such our traditional knowledge. To document the traditional knowledge which are practising in the rural grounds Methods: The data are collected exclusively by reviewing the Siddha literatures and the oral data collected from the aged females who are practising the home made measures in the families in the grounds of krishnagiri. Results and Conclusion: The traditions which we followed by the Indian families, some decades before to care the peurperium will be a solution for all the puerperal complications. The hand made preparations like perumarunthu, marunthu kulambu, poondu kolambu and some procedures they followed to overcome the peurperium and its complications. The raw drugs which they handled were deals and poses all most anti microbial, anti bacterial to overcome the puerperal sepsis. And most of the drugs are anti depressives to deals with the post partum psychosis. This is a first step to focus on women well being clinics through Siddha system of medicine. Keywords: Puerperal management, Siddha system, Post partum psychosis, Puerperal sepsis, Traditional knowledge. 163

Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-135 Role of Herbs in Female Reproductive Health Dr.S.M.Vahitha bi, M.D siddha Medicinal plants are used in female reproductive care for many years in India.Many herbs are noted for the impressive effects they have on the female reproductive system.A women’s reproductive system is a delicate and complex system in the body.It is important to take steps to protect it from infections and injury and prevent problems including some long term health problems.This article is discuss about the herbs sataveri, Alovera, Fennel, Ashoka, Licorice and Ashwagantha that have been used for hundreds of years to support reproductive health.Ofcourse, nutrition and diet play a crusial role in maintaining reproductive health as well ad the subtle, yet pronounced effects of herbs. Keywords: Medicinal plants, Reproductive health


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-136 Prevention of Life Style Diseases of Women by Yoga Vaishali.R1, Divya.D1, Pavithra.K1, Krishna prakash.G2, Balagurusamy.K3 1Final

year BSMS, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 2Lecturer, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and Hospital, Sriperumbudur

Life style diseases characterized by those diseases occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people. The main factors contributing to life style diseases include change in the food habits, physical inactivity, disturbed biological clock. The onset of lifestyle diseases is insidious, they take year to develop and once encountered do not lend themselves easily to cure. It may leads to stress, depression and hormonal imbalance. In women's health these main factors bring many problems such as menstrual disorders, infertility, other complications etc. This article reviews the prevention and management of Amenorrhea, Menorrhagia, thyroid problems through yoga (Aasanangal) which can produce an invigorating effects. Keywords: Lifestyle disease, menstrual disorders, women's health, yoga.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-137 To Illustrate the Management of Ante Natal Period Vasavi.V1, Rujitha.D2, Punitha.D3, Gandhimathi.S4, Kangavalli.K5 1,2,3Final

Year BSMS Students, GSMC, Chennai, 4Department of Sool and Magalir Maruthuvam, GSMC, Chennai, 5Principal, GSMC, Chennai.

Siddha system of medicine is not only unique in a way as its basic depends on three thathu (vadha, pitha, kabham),five basic elements (Panja Bhoodham)but also its varied execution on women. Caring the women and managing the signs and symptoms during pregnancy will turn the child’s life, a healthy majestic one.The antenatal care guidelines are about to have from literary tools.The mother may experience signs and symptoms like nausea, vomiting, hypertension, edema, urinating problems, constipation, heart burns, varicose vein and so on. There may be also nutritional requirements like folic acid, calcium, iron. They can be managed by providing diet and medication like Lotus flowers, Madhulai manappagu for sickness, Anabedhi chenduram, Muthuchippi parpam for calcium and some monthly medications given in the book pararaasa segaram during ten months. They may be helpful for normal delivery and reduce the frequency of maternal death miscarriage, birth defect, low birth weight and some neonatal infections. Keyword: Ante natal care, sickness.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-138 Management of Osteoarthiritis in Women using Siddha Medicine Vennila.U.S1, Aaliya Parveen.M2 Balagurusamy.K3 1III

year, B.S.M.S, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. Professor, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. 3Principal, Velumailu Siddha Medical College and hospital, Sriperumbudur. 2Asst.

Siddha medicine is unique in all aspects especially in the prevention of several lifestyle diseases. Lifestyle diseases characterize those diseases whose occurrence is primarily based on the daily habits of people.The main factors contributing to lifestyle diseases include bad food habits, physical inactivity, wrong body posture and disturbed biological clock. Present day diet and lifestyle seems to vary much from our ancestors. This article describes about the lifestyle disorder like osteoarthritis encountered by women in today's world. It is estimated that 18% of women suffer from osteoarthritis worldwide. Women's health should be given a special consideration. The cause for women's health may be due to physiological changes like pregnancy, menopause and condition of female organ. In past people used to follow a common and disciplined routine life from dawn to dark. But everything changed in current situation of life. In siddha the term osteoarthritis is known as "Azhal Keelvayu". Medically this condition is explained as degenerative joint disease or chronic disorder of synovial joint. It is very common in women than in men. In siddha ulmarunthu and puramarunthu like chooranam, thylam are used. This article reveals the management of azhal keelvayu by using the treatment of siddha. Keywords: Azhal keelvayu, lifestyle diseases, ulmarunthu, puramarunthu.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-139 The Prevention and Management of Hypothyroidism-Women Health L.Vidhya1, G.Ramana1, S.K.Sasi2 1P.G.Scholar 2Head

Noi naadal department, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai of the Noi naadal department, Govt. Siddha Medical College, Chennai

The siddha medicine is the most ancient medical system. This system is based on mukkutram. The noble siddhars not only concentrated on treating measures, they also focussed on prevention before its occurance. Any changes in these mukkutram leads a chance to occurrence disease. On this basis, Hypothyroidism is a common metabolic disorder due to an low endocrine secretion by a thyroid gland. Two most vital thyroid hormones are thyroxine and tri-iodothyronine (T3 and T4) which account found in the blood respectively. Sometime the Patients with mild hypothyroidism may have no significant signs and symptoms. It gets worsen and the majority of these are related to metabolic slowing of the body. Based on Siddha principles, Uyir thathu, such as vatha and kapha gets more disturbance. We conclude the preventive measures and management of hypothyroidism with a perfect diet and yogasana. Keywords: Hypothyroidism, Mantham, Management, Diet, Yogasana.


Souvenir of the first Siddha Day Chennai, 4th Jan. 2018

FSD-SWH-140 Evaluate the Effectiveness of Santalum Album L on the Management of Leucorrhoea Paheerathan.V1, Piratheepkumar.R2, 1Senior

Lecturer, Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka 2Lecturer, Unit of Siddha Medicine, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University of Sri Lanka

This is an open labeled observational single blind clinical trial study to determine the effectiveness of Santalum album root powder in the management of Leucorrhea. Excessive vaginal discharge from the female genital tract and is a frequent gynecological complaint of women. Santalum album L. (Santalaceae) commonly known as Indian Sandalwood is one of the oldest and precious sources of natural fragrance with immense medicinal and commercial significance. It is used to treat white discharge, has mentioned in the siddha text. The study was conducted in District Siddha Ayurveda hospital, Gopalapuram, Nilaveli. Thirty patients were selected randomly based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria in outpatient division with their concern. Chooranam of Santalum album root was administered at the dose of 2g twice daily orally with milk for forty days. Evaluations were made before administering trial drug and on 8th, 16th, 24th, 32nd and 40th day. The treatment was stopped when signs and symptoms were completely disappeared but patients were observed and monitored until 40th day. The patients were assessed by subjective and objective parameters at before and after treatment. The clinical parameters are amount, consistency and odor of discharge, Backache and Itching. Investigation al report was taken on pus cells, epithelial cells at before and after treatment. Results showed statistically highly significant (